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Southeast CTA | Region 5 | D28E | CNH Bees



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A Word From Our President

Robert Taylor Garden Build

Jack Dailey





Miracle Minute

Social Media

A Word From Our President As the year is winding down, it is a bittersweet feeling saying goodbye to our seniors and watching the induction of our new officers come for the new term. We have accomplished a lot of hours with LVL Up Expo, planning our banquet and overall reliving those memories we had with each other. Next year I hope we can get the same Ohana bond that we’ve grown and continue to be the keys to opening up doors for our community’s future.

Robert Taylor Garden Build

“For the Garden Build at Robert Taylor Elementary we planted trees, leveled out rocks, and also mixed soil. We learned how to plant trees correctly by mixing the gravel and soil, We also learned about making sure the roots weren’t damaged. It took about an hour and it was a good way to learn how to garden for beginners and was also a great way to get outside and help an elementary school with nature.”

-Alexis Holbrook

Robert Taylor’s Garden Build Event was a community service project that our club participated in. We helped plant trees for Robert Taylor Elementary School so there school could have another garden for kids to learn about the environment. Our club enjoyed working this event a lot because of the warm greeting and fun memories we experienced.

Jack Dailey Carnival

“At Jack Dailey we got to spend our time volunteering with the kids who attended the school. We all had to start by setting up each activity and then we each got separated into individual stations to run the carnival games. We would switch games occasionally. We went there because it was fun way to volunteer and talk to the kids. It was on the 27th.”

-Alicia Anguiano

Jack Dailey is our K-Kids school so we enjoy giving a helping hand in which our club volunteered at their Spring Carnival. We help set up and run the games that were at Jack Dailey. Carnivals bring many joyful memories, and we wanted to give back to the students to make their own memories just like we have when we were all in elementary school. Our club enjoyed helping Jack Dailey because they are very compassionate towards us, and it is a way for our students to enjoy time giving back to the community.

LVL UP EXPO “During my volunteer hours I met many friendly people. Even on the days where I wasn’t volunteering just being at the event was really really fun. The side quests were a great idea. Most of the side quests were really fun, silly, and unique. One of the quests was to be a human Voltron and make someone levitate so we carried him around the side quest booth. Overall I had a great time with my friends.” -Calvin Bondoc

LVL UP Expo was an entertaining event for our Key Club to participate in. There was many different jobs that we were assigned and while volunteering we managed to have fun too without it interfering.

Miracle Minute

Iverson Elementary School contacted our key club to raise money for their library. They needed books for their students due to recent flood damage to their library. Our club decided to do a miracle minute on April 26th during 3rd period. The class who donated the most money got a prize so we could encourage participation with our school. We raised $280 dollars and donated the funds to the Iverson Library.

Follow Us


Follow us on Instagram @sectakeyclub for more updates about club events! During the summer we will be posting service opportunities so be sure to follow and check for our posts.

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