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February 18, 2013

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Mumbai, February 18, 2013

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Who Will Be The Next Pope?

Kenny s New Audio Album Released

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Clockwise from top left: Cardinals Cristoph Schonborn of Austria; Angelo Scola of Italy; Marc Ouellet of Canada; Francis Arinze of Nigeria; Peter Appiah Turkson of Ghana; Timothy Dolan of the United States.

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February 18,18, 2013 February 2013


Pope Resigns - Shock In The Catholic World! Pope Benedict XVI has resigned and will step down on February 28th, the Vatican has announced. He is the first pontif in 600 years to resign. The last pope to resign was Gregory XII, who left the papacy in 1415 to end what was known as the Western Schism among numerous competitors for the papacy. Pope, The former Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger who took office in 2005 following the death of his predecessor, Regarded as a doctrinal conservative, the pope, 85, said that after examining his conscience before God, I have come to the certainty that my strengths, due to an

advanced age, are longer suited to an adequate exercise of his position as head of the world s Roman Catholics. The sudden announcement sets the stage for the Vatican to hold a conclave to elect a

Cardinal Oswald Gracias To Head Latin Rite Bishops Vailankanni: The Latin rite bishops of India elected Cardinal Oswald Gracias of Mumbai as their new president on Friday, replacing Cardinal Telesphore Toppo of Ranchi who completed his term in the office. The annual plenary assembly gathered here at the Retreat House in the Marian pilgrim town of Vailankanni also re-elected archbishop Filipe Neri Ferrao of Goa and Bishop Varghese Chakkalakkal of Calicut as vice-president and secretary respectively for the consecutive second term.

bilee of their forum and the golden jubilee of the Vailankanni Basilica. Cardinal Fernando Filoni, Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples and papal del-

new pope by mid-March, since the traditional mourning time that would follow the death of a pope doesn't have to be observed. There are several papal contenders in the wings, but no obvious front-runner, according to Vatican watchers.

Catholics Shocked Over Pope s Resignation Mumbai: The news of the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI has shocked Indians with some terming it a right decision keeping in mind his health. "I am surprised to hear the news, he should not resign and continue in office until his death," said one of the parishioners at Bandra, Mumbai. The news took all priests

and nuns of Mumbai by surprise. Cardinal Gracias expressed "surprise and sadness" on the development. The papacy is not the easiest job in the world. There is a variety of problems to be addressed given that the Catholic Church is such a vast organization. Controversial issues like abortion, women priests, gay marriage, and child abuse within the Church is a big burden

today. Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger was declared Pope Benedict XVI in 2005. At 78, he was one of the oldest to be elected to office. One school of thought believes that the cumulative effect of sickness and several controversies that have plagued the Church in recent times brought this decision.


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Cardinal Gracias, elected for a second time as the leader of the Conference of Catholic Bishops of India (CCBI), is also the current president of the national forum of bishops of all three rites. Cardinal Gracias also heads the Asian level bishops' forum as the secretary general Federation Asian Bishops' Conferences (FABC). The 126 bishops' meeting also marks the silver ju-

egate to the meeting, attended valedictory meeting of the CCBI silver jubilee and the Golden Jubilee of the declaration of the Marian Shrine as a Minor Basilica (1962). He joined cardinals, archbishops and bishops on Sunday morning to inaugurate and dedicate the newly constructed Morning Star Church as the culmination of the Golden Jubilee of the Basilica and of the Silver Jubilee of the CCBI.

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NOVENA PRAYER TO ST. JUDE Thanks to Divine Mercy, Infant Jesus, O.L. Of Perpetual Succor and Sacred Heart of Jesus for the favours granted Mrs Judith F. Pereira, Bandra West

... Jude- O Holy St. Jude, Apostle and Martyr, Great in virtue and rich in miracles, near kinsmen of Jesus Christ, faithful intercessor of all who invoke your special patronage in time of need, to you I have recourse from the depth of my heart and humbly beg to whom God has given such great power to come to my assistance. Help me in my present

Thanksgiving to Holy Family and Our Lady of Velankanni Preeti Mary, Bangalore

urgent petition, in return I promise to make your name known and cause you to be invoked. Say three Our Fathers, three Hail Mary's and three Glory be's. St. Jude pray for us and all who invoke your aid. Amen. Raymond Gomes

February 18, 2013




Vol.22 No.7 February 18, 2013


99, Perin Nariman Street, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001. Tel: 2269 35 78 / 2265 49 24 Fax.: 2264 0996 E-mail :, Website: Editor-in-chief : LAWRENCE COELHO

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1234567890123456 Thought for the week 1234567890123456 1234567890123456

Patriotism is not enough; one must have no hatred or bitterness towards anyone.

For Pope Benedict, Dreams Did Not Come True by Fr Bill Grimm

Tokyo: Pope Benedict XVI has tried to make his mark on history by repeated and varied attempts to draw the Catholic Church back to its past. So, it is ironic that Benedict s place in the history books will probably be ensured not by those attempts, but by his going back in history to do what no pope has done since Gregory XII abdicated in 1415. Pope Benedict s announcement that he will retire at dinner time on February 28 was not a total surprise. During the pontificate of Pope John Paul II, Cardinal Ratzinger spoke about the possibility, even the necessity, of papal resignations. As pope, he also spoke about the possibility of retirement in a 2010 interview. Observers of recent events had speculated that the pope might soon step aside. Clearly, one of the dreams that Benedict brought to his papacy was the welcoming back to the fold of the schismatic Society of St Pius X that had rejected the most recent ecumenical council, Vatican II. Toward that end, he had lifted excommunications on four bishops of the group, only to have the move turn into an international scandal when almost immediately it became known that one of the four is a Holocaust denier. The fact that Joseph Ratzinger is a German, was a member of the Hitler Youth and was drafted into the German military in World War II made the embarrassment especially painful. Not only did the pope give the SSPX and its ilk permission to use the form of the Mass that had been superseded by the liturgical reform after Vatican II, but he mandated that bishops and priests cooperate with such groups to an unprecedented degree. At the same time, he oversaw a uniform re-Latinization of liturgical translations throughout the world that has been especially unpopular among English-speaking clergy. The archbishop that the pope appointed to deal with the SSPX said that Pope Benedict had "bent over backwards" to accommodate the group. And the result? Continued rejection of his overtures that in the past few months made it clear that none of the pope s efforts would ever succeed in drawing the ultra-traditionalists back. Pope Benedict s dream that a return to elements of "the good old days" might lead to a restoration of European Catholicism backfired. Former bastions of Catholicism such as Austria, Ireland and Poland have experienced mass defections during his papacy. Outside Europe but still in the West, "former Catholic" has become one of the largest religious identifications in the United States. Even the diocese that Cardinal Ratzinger once led has become a leading locus of departures in Germany. Benedict s big hope has shattered, and at 85 it is too late to find a new dream. Months ago, observers began to speculate that saddened by the realization that his project was a failure the pope might step aside. Speculation increased when last December Benedict RNI No. 56987/92 Registered No. MH/MR/South-139/2012-14

What Will Pope Benedict Do After He Leaves? Vatican City: Pope Benedict XVI will continue living inside the Vatican once his retirement becomes official on Feb. 28, but observers say he will probably keep a low profile both before and after the election to choose his successor. The 85-year old German will officially step down from the papacy at 8 p.m. local time on Feb. 28. As the Roman Catholic Church prepares for the

Castel Gandolfo, located 15 miles south of Rome, has been a papal summer retreat since 1624.

election of a new pope, Benedict will move to the papal summer residence in

suddenly created new cardinals outside the usual schedule for such appointments. He seemed anxious to bring the number of cardinals eligible to vote in a conclave up to the full number without waiting a few extra months. Had his doctors told him something that made filling the electors seats something that could not wait? Was he planning to resign? Or both? It is still early to know what Benedict XVI s legacy will be, but already it is clear that several elements will be part of it. Most likely the first will be the fact that the scandal of sexual abuse and cover-up that festered during the papacy of John Paul II blew up under Benedict. He made laudable attempts to respond pastorally, as when he met with victims in several countries. But by then, the world and the Church wanted and needed more. People wanted to see bishops who had covered up abuse or who had themselves been abusers made to suffer the consequences of their sins of omission and commission. It did not happen. Anger, disillusion and defection followed. In an age where ecumenism and interreligious dialogue have assumed great importance, Benedict did a service in outlining at least part of the Catholic position on various issues, since dialogue is only possible between parties who know what they really believe and who know where their differences lie. But his assertions that often ignored the breadth and nuances of Catholic teaching and thought alienated wouldbe dialogue partners instead of inviting them into deeper exploration of points of agreement and disagreement. Benedict s academic style of presentation did not always work in the marketplace. Lacking pastoral experience (his only parish assignment was for six months following his ordination in 1951), the pope never seemed able to speak in ways that could get his ideas across to the masses, even though he was the first pope in history to include a joke in an encyclical. Even before Vatican II, there had been calls for a lessening of the concentration of power in the Vatican curia. No pope since the council has been successful at responding to those calls. In fact, under John Paul II and Benedict XVI the centralization increased. Then, "Vatileaks" paraded before the world the corruption, infighting and pettiness in the Vatican that are the inevitable accompaniment of non-accountability. Benedict s seeming intransigence on matters of reproduction, sex, gender and women in the Church alienated more and more people rather than inviting them into dialogue. There is tragedy in the papacy of Benedict XVI. He hoped to restore a style of being Church for the world. Whatever one thinks of the adequacy of his vision, it is sad for someone to reach the end of his career with the realization that he did not achieve what he set out to do. And so, it is likely that in a century, when papal retirement may be the norm, the papacy of Benedict XVI will be remembered not for any long-lasting achievements, but for its innovative end. Fr Bill Grimm MM is the publisher of based in Tokyo

Castel Gandolfo, just outside of Rome. But this will only be a temporary abode. According to the Vatican s chief spokesman, the Rev. Federico Lombardi, after the election Benedict will settle in a former cloistered convent inside the Vatican walls, which is currently being renovated. During a press conference on Monday (Feb. 11), Lombardi said Benedict will lead a life of prayer, and will be free to move and communicate to the public as he pleases. But Benedict will probably keep a low profile after his resignation, without running any risk of overshadowing the work of his successor. He s going to live in a monastery, and life in a monastery is very quiet, Gregory Burke, a former Fox News correspondent who is now the Vatican s senior adviser for communications, told Religion News Service. According to Burke, in the coming years Benedict will spend his time in retirement mostly to read, study and pray. While the pope had hinted in 2010 that he could resign if he felt no longer physically, psychologically, and spiritually capable of handling the duties of his office, few expected him to actually step down now. Just recently, the Vatican had announced the schedule for Easter celebrations presided by Benedict. And the Catholic Church is in the middle of a Year of Faith proclaimed by the pope himself that s scheduled to end in November 2013. The Archdiocese of Philadelphia even had plans to host him in 2015.

February 18, 2013


Trust In Jesus : He Suf f er ed F or U s Suff ered For Us


he current focus is on lent. On Jesus as one of us ; a human being, open to human ills , apropos to the temptations of Satan. Jesus trusted the Father, and was faithful in his mission not to yield to evil. It comes down to us : Jesus s greatest strength was in his trust and protection from God. Our relationship should be no less. We trust in the Lord and with the beginning of lent we are reminded of the proverb from Solomon , son of David, King of Israel : Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own insight . (Pr.3:5). The gospel of St. Luke draws our attention on how the devil, on three occasions tried relentle-ssly to tempt Christ at the start of his public ministry . (Lk.4:1-13). Jesus turned to satan and said firmly, you shall not tempt the Lord your God. Hearing those words the evil

one fled. Jesus had asserted his divinity and rejected the tempter. When we lie , cheat and commit crimes, we support the devil. Satan controls his own even here on earth . His might will drown in his own lust for world domination. His evil sons who rape the world in hate and violence are sitting at the edge of an abyss ever more entwined to the destruction of self in the worship of sin and damnation. Lent is a time for Christians to meditate on the passion of Jesus ; to do penance , fast and reflect on the faith. The sacrifice of Calvary is to be remembered for all time. This season is a moment in our life to celebrate His sacrifice, passion, death and resurrection. The Sorrowful Mysteries of the most Holy Rosary can help us : We meditate on Jesus s Agony in the Garden. At this point we recall how Jesus along with his disciples


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First Week of Lent

- Melvyn Brown went to Gethsemani to the Mount of Olives. The prophet Isaiah had predicted , He has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows. (Is.3:4). In the Garden Jesus turned to his followers saying : My soul is sorrowful even unto death Moving away from them he went ahead , fell on his knees and prayed to his Father. Jesus was in deep emotional and spiritual pain. Because of his agony drops of blood streamed down his face. Suddenly an angel

came and spoke to him words of comfort and consoled him. In the following six weeks we will touch upon each sorrowful mystery leading up to Palm Sunday and Easter. This will help us to renew our faith and trust in Jesus. From this week on let us also reflect and prayerfully say the Anima Christi : Soul of Christ sanctify me Body of Christ save me Blood of Christ inebriate me Water flowing from the side of Christ wash me Passion of Christ strengthen me O good Jesus hear me Within thy wounds hide me Suffer me not to be separated from thee From the malignant enemy defend me At the hour of my death call me And bid me come to thee That with thy saints I may praise thee Forever and ever . Amen.

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The Passion , Death and Resurrection of Christ is crystallised in His victory over death. When Jesus rose from the tomb he became immortal. His immense suffering and sorrow has bestowed upon us the divine gift of redemption and salvation. Our trust in Jesus , in His divine gift of heaven will always be the pride of our Christian faith.

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February 18, 2013


Successor to Benedict Will Lead a Church at a Crossroads


he resignation of Pope Benedict XVI sets up a struggle between the staunchest conservatives, in Benedict s mold, who advocated a smaller church of more fervent believers, and those who feel the church can broaden its appeal in small but significant ways, like allowing divorced Catholics who remarry without an annulment to receive communion or loosening restrictions on condom use in an effort to prevent AIDS. There are no plausible candidates who would move on issues like ending celibacy for priests, or the ordination of women. Many Vatican watchers suspect the cardinals will choose someone with better management skills and a more personal touch than the bookish Benedict, someone who can extend the church s reach to new constituencies, particularly to the young people of Europe, for whom the church is now largely irrelevant, and to Latin America and Africa, where evangelical movements are fast encroaching. They want somebody who can carry this idea of new evangelization, relighting the missionary fires of the church and actually make it work, not just lay it out in theory, said John L. Allen, a Vatican expert at the National Catholic Reporter and author of many books on the papacy. Someone who will be the church s missionary in chief, a showman and salesman for the Catholic faith, who can take the reins of government more personally into his own hands, he added. The other big battle in the church is over the demographic distribution of Catholics, which has shifted decisively to the developing world. Today, 42 percent of adherents come from Latin America, and about 15 percent from Africa, versus only 25 percent from Europe. That has led many in the church to say that the new pope should represent a part of the world where membership is growing quickly, while others say that spiritual vision should be paramount.

But while most of the world s Catholics live outside Europe, most of the cardinals come from Europe, pointing to a central tension: while the Vatican is a global organization, it is often run like an Italian village. Under normal circumstances, the cardinals would descend on Rome after the death of the reigning pope. In this case, said the Vatican spokesman, the Rev. Federico Lombardi, the pope will carry out his duties until Feb. 28 at 8 p.m., with a successor probably elected by Easter, which this year falls on March 31. But he said the timing for an election of a new pope was not an announcement, it s a hypothesis. Already, speculation is rife about who best fills the perceived needs of the church. Cardinal Angelo Scola, the powerful archbishop of Milan, is seen as the strongest Italian contender. A conservative theologian with an interest in bioethics and Catholic-Muslim relations, he is known for his intellect, his background in the same theological tradition as Benedict, his media savvy and his strong ties with the Italian political establishment. Vatican experts laud his popular touch, even if his writings are often opaque. Cardinal Marc Ouellet, a dogmatic theologian and a Canadian, is widely seen as a favorite of Benedict, who named him head of the Vatican s influential Congre-

gation for Bishops to help select bishops around the world. Critics in his native Quebec said that he was out of step with the province s more progressive bishops, but that is not necessarily a drawback in today s church. Cardinal Peter Appiah Turkson of Ghana, the head of the Vatican s Pontifical Council for Social Justice, is seen as the most likely African contender for the papacy. Educated in Rome and New York, he is known for his semiorthodox views on the use of condoms, saying that married couples could possibly use them to prevent infection when one partner is H.I.V.-positive, although he has also defended Pope Benedict s remark that condom use increases the risk of AIDS spreading. Cardinal Leonardo Sandri, the prefect for the Congregation for Eastern Churches, is an Argentine, who would excite the Latin American wing of the church. He is also a skillful Vatican insider who served in the Secretariat of State under John Paul II and knows how to navigate the Vatican s complex bureaucracy, which might make him effective, Vatican experts say. During the cold war it would have been a long shot, but for the first time there is talk that an American, Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan of New York, could be a contender for pope. His deep conservatism combined with a folksy charisma make him popular with the faithful, at a time when

the church is focused on new evangelization. Benedict was seen as a weak manager, and his papacy was troubled by debilitating scandals, most recently one in which his butler was convicted by a Vatican court in October of aggravated theft after he admitted stealing confidential documents, many of which wound up in a tell-all book that showed behind-the-scenes Vatican intrigue. His successor will have to contend with a range of staggering practical challenges, including a perennial shortage of priests and nuns worldwide, as well as a sexual abuse crisis that has undermined the church s moral authority, especially in Germany and the English-speaking countries where it has been most aggressively discovered. I d say the biggest challenge was the collapse of Catholic numbers across Europe, where Christianity is in such free-fall in former Catholic countries, that the prognosis is not good, said Philip Jenkins, distinguished professor of history at the Institute for Studies of Religion at Baylor University, in Waco, Tex., citing Ireland as a particularly telling case. In much of the developing world, especially Latin America which accounts for half of the world s Catholics and parts of Africa, evangelical churches are moving in on territory once dominated by the Catholic

Church, drawing in new faithful with services that offer upbeat music and an emphasis on self-improvement. If I were investing the church s efforts, I would put Latin American high, to avoid a second Europe, Mr. Jenkins said. But the church s concern about the developing world will not necessarily lead to the selection of a pope from that part of the world, Vatican experts said. Pope Benedict has appointed 67 cardinals and of these, 37 are from Europe, which remains the most substantial voting block, and potentially the most influential. Nearly all of the 117 cardinals who will vote for the new pope were appointed by Benedict and his predecessor, John Paul II, both strong traditionalists, and it is likely that the next pope will share their vision and doctrine. With more than 150 million Catholics and a rapidly growing population, Africa represents one of the church s few avenues for expansion, and church leaders have assiduously promoted charismatic bishops and cardinals in nations with substantial Catholic populations, like Nigeria and Ghana. In 2002, Benedict, then Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, spoke of the merits of electing an African pope. For all its condemnation of racism, the Western world still has reservations about the third world, he said then. Yet, in Africa for example, we have truly great figures whom we can only admire. They are fully up to the job. But most Vatican experts said that was not likely. There s a very strong likelihood that it will be someone from Europe, said the Rev. Thomas J. Reese, senior fellow at the Woodstock Theological Center, at Georgetown University. The Vatican spokesman, Father Lombardi, said Monday that after Feb. 28, the pope would retire from public view and would not participate in the appointment of his successor. But many wondered whether his presence would have an impact. The fact is that he s alive, and it s obvious that his opinion, his perception will be felt, said Paolo Rodari, a Vatican reporter for the daily Il Foglio.

February 18, 2013


German Cardinal Okays Morning-after Pill

Germany: Germany s Catholic Church may approve some so-called morning-after pills for rape victims after a leading cardinal unexpectedly announced they did not induce abortions and could be used in Catholic hospitals. Cardinal Joachim Meisner of Cologne, an ally of German-born Pope Benedict, changed his policy after two Catholic hospitals refused to treat a rape victim because they could not prescribe the pill, which is taken after sex to avoid pregnancy. The Catholic Church firmly opposes abortion and artificial birth control. Many Catholics see all emergency contraceptives as abortioninducing drugs banned by this policy, but Meisner said some prevent fertilization and could be used in rape cases. The German Bishops Conference is holding a regular meeting in two weeks, and the issue will certainly be on the agenda, Cologne archdiocese spokeswoman Nele Harbeke said Monday. The bishops conference must in principle agree on a common line. Meisner, 79, has in the past rejected emergency contraceptives as producing a just-in-case abortion. The pills have become a hot issue in the United States as many Catholics oppose President Barack

Obama s health reform in part because it mandates Catholic hospitals to provide birth control for female employees. One pill, marketed as Plan B in the United States and based on the synthetic hormone levonorgestrel, is rejected by these critics as an abortifacient but might meet Meisner s criteria. The Cologne incident sparked uproar in Germany last month, and the cardinal apologized publicly, saying it shames us deeply because it contradicts our Christian mission and our purpose . The German Catholic Hospitals Association hailed Meisner s statement for spelling out what they can do for rape victims. We are still against the abortion pill, association official Thomas Vortkamp told Cologne s Catholic broadcaster Domradio. But it helps to know we can give a morning-after pill in cases of raped women who must be helped urgently. Source: Reuters

Cardinal Urges Pakistan To Release Asia Bibi

Vatican City: A high-ranking Vatican prelate has written to Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari asking for the release of Asia Bibi, a Christian woman sentenced to death under the country s controversial blasphemy law. Cardinal Roger Etchegaray, vice dean of the College of Cardinals, called for a gesture of clemency for Bibi, 42, who was sentenced in 2009 and has been jailed ever since. He said Zardari s pardon of Bibi would have an enormous significance and would greatly promote dialogue and reconciliation between Muslims and Christians. He added: In my long life, I have always worked to help Christians and Muslims live together as brothers, ever since Blessed John Paul asked me to organize the historical meeting for peace in

Assisi on October 27, 1986. On that occasion, leaders from the world's religions met for the first time in St. Francis' hometown at the invitation of a pope. We can t continue ignoring each other or, worse, fighting each other, he concluded in the letter. Cardinal Etchegaray s is the latest appeal from the international community on behalf of Bibi, whose story has captured headlines since her detention and brought further scrutiny on Pakistan s blasphemy legislation, which rights groups say is often used unjustly to settle political scores or target religious minorities. In January, Italian Foreign Minister Giulio Terzi appealed to the Pakistan government through the Italian embassy in Islamabad to release Bibi. Source:

Rape-accused Priest Gets Bail Pune: An Indian court granted bail on Thursday to a Catholic priest detained for more than a week on accusations that he molested and attempted to rape a female student in Pune. The court granted bail to Salesian Father Igidius Falcao, 61, but imposed strict conditions on his release, which was effected with a personal bond of 50,000 rupees (about US$1,000) and one solvent surety of the same amount. The priest was ordered to visit a local police station between 10am and 12 noon every Sunday to facilitate the police investigation, according to the ruling by Special Judge Vinay Joshi, who presided over the hearing. Fr Falcao, who serves as vice-principal of the National Institute of Open Schooling s study center at Don Bosco high school, was arrested on January 21 after

a 14-year-old student complained that he had attempted to rape her in his office earlier in the month. The court further ordered Fr Falcao not to enter or teach in classes where the victim and witnesses were studying and prohibited him from any administrative work related to victims or witnesses. He shall not directly or indirectly make any inducement, threat or promise to any person acquainted with the facts of the case, the court ruling stated, adding that he was also prohibited from leaving the country without the court s permission and changing his place of residence and mobile contact number without the court s prior consent. Fr Falcao denied all accusations against him during his bail plea. His lawyer, Harshad Nimbalkar, argued that the alleged victim had

lodged a police complaint only after an inordinate delay. Nimbalkar also told the court that Fr Falcao was a renowned teacher and that allegations against him could have been the result of professional jealousy on the part of colleagues. However police sub-inspector Reshma Mulani, who is investigating the case, opposed the bail request in court, saying that the priest s release would put pressure on witnesses. She added that this was not the first time accusations of sexual abuse were made against him. Father Falcao had resigned from a school in Thane, near Mumbai, following allegations of indecent behavior with a minor girl in 1996, she told the court. Source:

Asia s Biggest Christian Convention Underway Maramon: A record three million believers from various Christian denominations are expected to attend Asia's biggest Christian convention underway in Maramon, Kerala. Philipose Mar Chrysostum, senior metropolitan of the Mar Thoma Church, led the opening worship of the week-long congregation, which began on Feb. 10. The event, known as the Maramon Convention, is held under the aegis of the Syrian Mar Thoma Church, headquartered at Thiruvalla, 130 km from state capital Thiruvananthapuram. This is the 118th edition of the convention, which got underway here on the river bed of Pampa. Maramon is on the banks of the Pampa river, about 20 km from Thiruvalla.

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The convention takes place on the river bed under a temporary covered shed made out of coconut leaves, which will seat hundreds and thousands of people. The biggest attraction of the event is that the event is managed without any police deployment or volunteers. Each day will have three separate sessions for women and men and a series of prayer and devotional music sessions. Prominent leaders like

Reverend Philip Mounstephen from Britain, Reverend Walter Altman from Brazil and Reverend Andile M. Mbete from South Africa would deliver special messages at the convention. The Mar Thoma community has nearly a million believers and for any devout Mar Thomaite, a visit to the convention is a must. The convention would also see Kerala politicians cutting across political parties in attendance.

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February 18, 2013


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Effects of Failed Marriage Failed Marriage

Failed marriage has many strange consequence. It is very easy to say that you should not cry over spiled milk and move on. However, effect of divorce is apparent only to those who go through it. To make sure that you don't lose yourself in self-pity and apathy, read about thease traumatic effects of divorce.

Loss of confidence:

Marriage is an act of joining a man and a woman together in a holy matrimony as husband and a wife. It often calls for fun fares, weddings, celebrations and conviviality. People spend a lot of money in planning for these big occasions and sometimes end it up cruising around the world on honeymoon. The couples had, without doubt, in church and in presence of a Priest, vowed to be faithful and to love one another until death do them apart. To most people who had partaken in this vow, it must be upheld with respect and dignity at all times. They sees marriage as a sacrament while to many, there is absolutely nothing wrong with saying "I do" today and within the next 4 months, it is all over. This school of thoughts viewed the entire institution of marriage as "free-entryfree exit" kind of a contact. It doesn t matter if their well publicised and celebrated marriage would come to a halt within months of its inception. On the other hand, divorce or dissolution of marriage is the ending of marriage or marital vow before the death of either spouse. It can be contrasted with annulment, which is a declaration that marriage is void, though the effect maybe recognised in such unions such as spousal supports, child custody and distribution of property. The problem of failed marriages and divorce around the world particularly Europe and America is so enormous and inexplicable especially when there is no basis to determine necessary or sufficient causation. It is, indeed, a social problem with a hereditary attachment of which many are completely ignorant of and never believe in existence of the following concept which I am going to outline here. When one decides to put an end to

his/her marriage on a mere provocation and on issues that ought to be resolved amicably, you have no moral justification to tell your children in future that there is anything wrong with divorce or having children with different parents. Recent research has shown that the evolution of marriage has taken place despite an increased life expectancy that has theoretically made a longer and healthier life together as a couple possible. Although in the past, the death of one of the two spouses was the typical end of marriage, divorce is now the most frequently observed cause. Today, one of the primary reasons why most celebrities cannot marry is that they are not ready to let what they have laboured all their entire life to be given to a nitwit in the name of divorce settlement .It is quite obvious that people go into marriage for number of reasons while some people, most especially women, go into marriage for the financial gains not really because they needed a family. What are responsible for most ignominious exit in most marriages particularly from most women are sheer greed, drink and drugs, insatiable lust and lack of tolerance, which unavoidably, is contributing immensely to the drastic decadence in family and societal values. The devastating effects of divorce on children and families are enormous. Research made by Dr.Todd.E Linaman on families noted the following:

Future effects of divorce

Children deal with the effects of divorce not only as children, but into adulthood. The effects of divorce will impact the next generation of children as well. The child's suffering from

A failed marriage can make you lose confidence in yourself. You might blame yourself for the breakup and feel incompetent to handle a realationship as serious as marriage.

Career low:

When you have a divorce, initially your colleagues might treat you with pity. But as you keep going into the shell of gloom, they will start ignoring you. In fact, your bad performance or even minorerrors at work will be traced back to the catastrophe in your personal life.


The exact opposite of the previous point is also possible. You might also submerge yourself in work because you don't want to think about your failed marriage at all.This is also not a healthy approach to deal with the trauma of divorce.

Trust me not:

Once you lose faith in the concept of mqrrige, you will have rrouble in brining trust back into your realationship. Your mistrust will include everybody; you're friends and sibling. quent by age 15, regardless of when the divorce took place, than are children not dealing with the effects of divorce. The single best predictor of teen suicide is parental divorce and living in a single-parent household. Comparing all family structures, drug use in children is lowest among children not facing the effects of divorce. the effects of divorce does not reach its peak at the time of the divorce and then level off. Rather, the emotional effects of divorce can be played and replayed throughout a child's life.

Academic effects of divorce

Children from divorced families drop out of school at twice the rate of children from intact families, and they have lower rates of graduation from high school and college. Children from divorced homes performed more poorly in reading, spelling, and math and repeated a grade more frequently than did children not facing the effects of divorce.

Social effects of divorce

Children of divorced parents are significantly more likely to become delin-

Emotional effects of divorce

Divorce has been found to be associated with a higher incidence of depression; withdrawal from friends and family; aggressive, impulsive, or hy-

peractive behavior; and either withdrawing from participation in the classroom or becoming disruptive. Adult children of divorced parents experience mental health problems significantly more often than do the adult children who didn't witness the effects of divorce as children.

Relational effects of divorce

After divorce, children tend to become more emotionally distant from both parents. As adults, children of divorced parents are half as likely to be close to their parents as are children not dealing with the effects of divorce. In their own marriages, children of divorced parents are more likely to be unhappy, to escalate conflicts, and to reduce communication with their spouses. Some studies concerning the probability of divorce for children of divorced parents have found the risk to be more than twice the risk for children who haven't personally experienced the effects of divorce. This is just one of the numerous factors affecting divorce on families and the list is endless. People do not realize the impact of the mistake they must have made in terms of making a decision that would ultimately shape their life until such mistake begin to hit them. It is, however important amidst these factors that we should think very carefully before considering divorce.

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February 18, 2013


One Of These Men Will Be The New Pope This is a distressing and to some degree unprecedented move. There are only three examples of Popes resigning in the history of the Church and they all came under extraordinary circumstances, none have done it for reasons of health, which appear to be at the forefront . In 1045, Pope Benedict IX was pressured to resign but was eventually re-installed on the Papal throne because his resignation appeared to be selling his office. Pope Celestine V, a reclusive monk, resigned in 1294. He had months earlier declared it permissible for a Pope to resign, establishing the tiny legal precedent that Benedict appears to be exercising now. Finally Pope Gregory XII abdicated the papal throne in 1415 to end the great Western Schism. Benedict s own pontificate appears incomplete. His project of re-ordering the

BRIDES NASIK : Goan R. C. Spinster, 25 yrs., 5 6 , Wt. 55 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. B.Com., MBA, working as a Marketing Executive. Contact email : shawn.fernandes23@ OR 9860082311 (Regd. No. 5883) MUMBAI : Goan R. C. Spinster, 37 yrs., 5 , 3 , Wt. 55 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.Com., working as a Crew Logistic. Contact Email : OR 9820059399 (Regd. No. 5882) MUMBAI : Goan R. C. Spinster, 36 yrs., 5 , Wt. 53 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. HSC, working as a Crew Logistic Contact : email : OR 9819220429 (Regd. No. 5881) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Spinster, 28, 5 2 , Wt. 62 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.D.S., (Dentist), Doctor by profession. Having own Dispensary. Seeks a Professionaly qualified bachelor. Contact : email : OR Tel.: 9920283957 (Regd. No. 5850) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Spinster, 30, 5 2 , Wt. 56 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. M.Pharm, Ph.D., Seeks a well settled qualified bachelor. Contact : email :

Curia Offices (the machinery of the Vatican) seems only half-complete. He has said that one of the missions of his papacy was to heal the schism with a group of Traditionalists, the Society of St. Pius X. That task remains unfinished and seems unlikely to be taken up by his successors. His efforts at reforming the post-Vatican II worship of the Catholic Church seem tenuous and even timid, though he may have provided momentum to the cause.

Cardinal Peter Kodwo Appiah Turkson

Of course the next question is who will succeed Pope Benedict XVI? Whoever is chosen by the College of Cardinals at the forthcoming conclave will have the delicate task of governing the Church while his predecessor still lives.

Cardinal Albert Malcolm Ranjith

We've gone through the likely names, weighed the odds

Cardinal Mauro Piacenza

Cardinal Marc Ouellet

Save Your Eyes From Computer's Radiation

Cardinal Leonardo Sandri Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi Cardinal Angelo Scola Cardinal Tarsicio Bertone Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco Cardinal Christoph Schönborn Cardinal Timothy Dolan

Cardinal Antonio Cañizares Llovera Cardinal Norberto Rivera Carrera Cardinal George Pell

Cardinal Angelo Amato Cardinal Crescenzio Sepe

Computer screen keep us glued to them in case of social networks, office work or our college assignments. No matter where we go we are surrounded with computers, TV, laptop and now even tablets in offices, home, colleges. In a day almost 18 hours we spend before the computer screens. This includes working on the gadgets, entertainment and studying. In return what we gain for sure is problems in the eye sight. To protect your delicate eyes from the harmful radiation here are a few tips: *While studying read the text in sufficient light. Also keep the books at the right distance from your eyes, not too far and not too close. *Watching TV for a long time or exposing yourself to the computer screen for a long time can cause problems in the eyes sight. While watching TV make sure that you sit at least six feet away from the television screen. *An excellent solution to protect your eyes is to stick the screen filter sheet on the screen. *The harmful radiations that come out of a computer screen can be tackled with some

MATRIMONIALS OR Tel.: 9920283957 (Regd. No. 5849) MUMBAI : Parents of Goan Roman Catholic Spinster, 32, 5 6 , Slim, Fair, goodlooking, smart, B.Sc., Assisant Manager in Tatas. Seeks a suitable well settled Goan Bachelor. Contact : email : OR Tel.: 24461697 (Regd. No. 5848) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Spinster, Aged 24, Ht. 5 4 , Wt. 55 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.Com., employed as an Administrator. Seeks a suitable match. Contact email : OR 9920623791 / 7738745831 (Regd. No. 5847) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Spinster, 26, 5 4 , Slim, Fair, B.E. (Biomedical), working as an Associate Consultant. Seeks a educated, well settled from decent family. Contact email OR 9930788292 (Regd. No. 5846) MUMBAI : Goan R.C. Parents of spinster, Only Child, 28 / 5 4 , Wt. 50 kgs, B.A. M.S., Pyschotherapy seeks a suitable match hardworking, honest, godfearing, bachelor. Contact Email: / (Regd. No. 5844) MUMBAI : R.C. Goan Parents of spinster 26/ 5 2 , MCA, working as Programmer for an MNC seeks alliance from Graduate or Postgraduate Goan RC Bachelor with sober babits, mother tongue English and good family background upto 31 years, Reply with details and fulsize photograph toEmail : OR 09601406660 (Regd. No. 5841) MUMBAI : RC Spinster, aged 27 years, Ht. 5 2 , Wt. 54 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. M.C.A., working as a Software Engineer, Seeks Goan / Mangaloren suitable match. Contact Email : OR Mob.: 9892901915 (Regd. No. 5840) MUMBAI : Mangalorean RC Spinster, aged 27 years, Ht. 5 2 , Wt. 60 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. CA, MBA Fin., working as a Dy. Manager (Accounts & Tax R) Seeks a suitable match. Contact : email: OR Tel: 28779797 (Regd. No. 5836)

Grooms on page 4

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February 18, 2013


German Firm Creates Hi-tech Pen That Vibrates On Error A German firm has created a new hitech pen that vibrates when the user makes a grammatical error or a spelling mistake while writing. Lernstift has developed the smart pen for younger users to help them learn to write but the product might be accepted by users of all ages. The product is still at the prototype stage and will need some time before it is launched to the public. The pen will be able to detect errors in spelling or letter formation in real-time and will warn the user by vibration. The pen will have two modes; Calligraphy Mode that will point out mistakes in form and legibility or Orthography Mode that will identify orthographic and grammatical mistakes and

alert the users. Developers say that the sensors in the pen are capable of identifying different ways of writing letters but vibrate immediately after it detects mistakes in writing. Creators Falk and Mandy Wolsky were inspired to create the hi-tech pen after observing their son's attempts to write at an early age. The company said that it believes that the new pen will allow the children to learn to write more accurately and quickly.

A Woody Joke......

What wood happen if you had a wooden car, with wooden seat wooden tyres...... and a wooden engine??? It Wooden't start ....!!!

World's Most Crooked Road (Lombard St San Francisco)

Lombard Street is the most crooked road in the world and can be found in San Francisco. This strange street is only part of the long Lombard Street and the crooked part can be found on Russian Hill between Hyde and Leavenworth streets. It only measures a quarter or a mile long between these points and the speed limit is only five mph and you can only drive one way in the downward direction. On either side of the

street are San Francisco's most expensive houses mansions, town houses and condominiums which are very much sought after. It was built originally because vehicles could not cope with the 27% gradient so it was suggested that switchbacks of hair pin bends were built thereby making the ascent or descent more manageable. It was also quite difficult for pedestrians to climb as 16% gradient was more manageable.

Crawling To Teach The Sound Of Music

Agostinho at a home tuition session; (Inset) He leaves a pupil s house

MARGAO: This is no ordinary music teacher who gives home tuitions. Agostinho Fernandes, 31, lost the use of both his legs after his first birthday, but, it hasn't stopped him from travelling across Salcetelargely on his hands-to earn a living and feed a family of five back home in Ambaulim-Quepem. Last Thursday evening, Agostinho was at the Ghotge residence at Gogol in Margao, teaching Siya to play the keyboard. It was not his foot-tapping which missed a step, but the clicking of his fingers that told the 12-year-old she'd hit a wrong note. After gently reprimanding her for the mistake, he keenly observed as she went on to play a nearperfect rendition of Lorna's 'Pisso'. "I want to take you along with a few of my other students to participate in the Mand Sobhann Konkani festival in Mangalore in 2014," he encouraged the Vidya Vikas Academy student. The lesson over, Agostinho wished Siya goodbye, got off his chair and crawled to the door. Slipping his hands into a pair of slippers, he then crawled down a flight of 60 steps-four floors to be precise-and onto his modified scooter, to get to his next class in Navelim. Agostinho's twist of fate started when he was just a year old. "I got an infection after being given an injection and I developed polio," he says. This did not deter the lad, who lost two years of primary education as there was nobody to take him to school. "From Class V, I started riding a tricycle to school. I cleared my ma-

triculation from the government high school, Quepem." Following that up with a diploma in garment technology from the Government Polytechnic, Panaji, Agostinho held his first fashion show at the Kala Academy in Panaji in 2006. But music beckoned. "I started learning the keyboard at the age of 23. I could not pursue it earlier due to financial constraints. I bought my keyboard after taking a loan," he says. A fan of A R Rehman, Chris Perry and Alfred Rose, Agostinho has produced a music CD 'Baby, you're my love', to which he has also rendered his voice along with some big names in Goan musicSudesh Bhonsle,Sadhana Sargam, O'luv, and Menino Mario. "I also have 40 students. I teach them at their homes and they answer exams conducted by the Trinity College, London," he says. Siya says of her teacher, "I had two years of keyboard training before I began training under Sir (Agostinho). I used to be nervous. But under his guidance, I got a lot of confidence. I played my first concert and I'm now a member of my school band." Agostinho teaches music seven days a week and

travels to Utorda, Margao, Gogol, Cuncolim, Assolna, Ambelim, Benaulim, Carmona, Navelim and Quepem to give home tuitions. "I am a learner and a teacher. I love to learn new things and better myself," he says. Ask him about his relationship with God, and he replies: "When people treat me badly because of my disability, I ask Him, 'Why me?', but, I thank God for all the graces He has given me. He has helped me get and achieve whatever I wanted." Agostinho lost his father in 1997, and supports his mother, sister, a brother in Class XII and a brother who recently started work as a trainee in a hotel. "God has given me whatever I wanted. I ask him only one more thing now," the bachelor blushes. "Today, I drive a scooter and a car which have been modified. My car has an accelerator, clutch, brake-all operated by hand. I can do anything, even climb the roof of my house to replace broken tiles. I can climb trees. Well, except for the coconut tree," he laughs. b sabha, kalina We place your Matrimonial Profile in our website for one full year Rs. 400/- (only) for ladies & Rs. 500/- (only) for gents No payments when you find that wonderful partner of your dreams!

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February 18, 2013


Vivek Learns To Eat Vegetables And Fruits Little Vivek sat at the dining table eating donuts and cakes. His mother stood at the sink washing plates. Vivek, if you keep on eating all that stuff, you are going to get fat. Why don t you eat carrots and apples and other fruits instead, she said. Mama, I don t like carrots and apples. I love cakes covered with icing with a cherry on top of it, he said. Vivek ignored his mother s warnings and kept on eating food that wasn t good for him. One day his mother went to the laundry to get back the clothes she had given for washing. When she got back home, she gave Vivek his pants. Change into something nice, she told him. We re going to Aunt Veronica s wedding tonight. Vivek pulled out his nicest pants. He put in his legs and tried to pull them up. But it just wouldn t go past his stomach. He couldn t pull them over his tummy. Oh, no! My pants don t fit me, he told his mother. Mama, what did you do to my pants? They ve shrunk. His mother came rushing into the room. She

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picked up the pants and said, The pants haven t shrunk, Vivek. You have become too fat eating all that food. Now they don t fit you. I ll have to run to the mall and buy you another pair that s bigger. Vivek stood at the window watching his mother drive away the family car. I m not too fat, am I? he said to himself. He looked at the table. There he saw a halfeaten cake and some French fries. Maybe I do eat the wrong things. Maybe I m too fat. Instead of eating another piece of cake or some French fries, he picked up a banana and ate it. When his mother brought home his pants, they fitted him perfectly. But Vivek didn t like that. He didn t want to be fat anymore. That evening at the wedding, he only ate spinach and fruit salad. A week later when his mother went to the market,

Everyone needs encouragement. The Bible provides the finest basis for such encouragement. At times much good is done by simply displaying a sympathetic attitude.

For persons disheartened because of Injustice Ps. 37: 10,11 Isa. 9:6, 7 Dan. 2:44 Isa. 32:1,2 2 pet 3: 13

For those experiencing trials because of Illness: Rev. 21:4,5 Matt. 9: 35 2 Cor. 4:13, 16 Luke 7:20-23

For those hard pressed by Economic Problems Isa 65: 21, 22 Ps. 72: 8, 16 Matt. 6: 33 Rom. 8: 35, 38, 39 Hebrews 13: 5, 6

For persons facing persecution because of doing God's will Ps. 27:10 1 Pet 4:16 Prov. 27:11 Matt 5:10-12 Acts 5:41, 42 Phil 1:27-29

Lucky Draw Lucky Draw will be held on 10th of every month

Biblical Counselling

For persons who have lost loved ones in DeathIsa. 25:8, 9 John 5:28, 29, 11:25, 26 Ps. 146: 5, 8 Luke 7:11-16, 8: 49-56


For individuals who are discouraged because of their own shortcomings Ps 34: 18 Ps 103: 13, 14 Neh. 9: 17 2 Pet. 3: 9, 15

Compiled by Docval Lawman

he told her to buy only vegetables and fruits, instead of plum cakes, coconut toffees and cream biscuits. A month later, Vivek saw his pants folded up in the cupboard. I wonder if they will fit me now, he said. He put them on and pulled them up. They fit me! I m not fat anymore, he said. He ran into the living room and showed them to his mother. Look mama, my pants fit perfectly well. I m glad I ve started eating vegetables and fruits now. I m also glad that I haven t grown too fat.

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--- Jubel D Cruz, Dombivili

The Pronunciation Of 22 is Twenty Two, 33 is Thirty Three,

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44 is Forty Four, 55 as Fifty Five, Then why not ... 11 as Tenty one

Cool Facts 1. Dolphins have saved many people from drowning. 2. Crabs live in water. But some crabs can even climb trees. 3. The arm of a starfish can grow again if it is cut off. 4. The national flag of Nepal is the only flag in the world in the shape of two triangles. 5. There are huge sundial clocks at the Jantar Mantar in New Delhi and Jaipur (Rajasthan). Jubel D'Cruz, Dombivili

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Posted on Friday, Saturday and Monday of every week Posted at Mumbai Patrika Channel Sorting Office, Mumbai - 400001.

February 18, 2013

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