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Fenruary 25, 2013

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Mumbai, February 25, 2013

New Pope Must Save Church From Waning Influence: Cardinal

The new Pope must save the Catholic Church from waning influence amid the evils of modern society and may well be an Italian - says Cardinal George Pell, one of the 117 men who will elect a new pontiff next month, reports The Sunday Telegraph. In an exclusive interview, Cardinal Pell said the vote was "enormously important for the Church". "If we go under, we surrender to the tides that are breaking up families, decreasing the birth rate, the challenges of alcoholism and drugs and pornography. If we collapse or we wobble disastrously, it won't be for the good of the western world at all," he said. Cardinal Pell will meet other cardinals before being secluded inside the Vatican's Sistine Chapel to choose a replacement for the retiring Pope Benedict.

There are factions Cardinal Pell describes it as "different schools of thought" - and this will be evident in the discussions among cardinals, although he says the lobbying has not yet begun. When it comes time

of votes names are culled until a decision is reached. This will be Cardinal Pell's second conclave vote. Last time, he wasn't nervous as he cast his vote in an urn atop the altar, beneath Michelangelo's Last Judgment.

Asked again why Benedict had chosen to live out his retirement within the walls of the Vatican, alongside his successor, Father Lombardi said that the move was only natural and absolutely normal , adding that he doubted if Benedict had ever considered any other solution. For a start, he said, as an 86 year old, it makes no sense to move into a different home and environment. for the votes, the cardinals gather in the Sistine Chapel for as long as it takes to reach a two-thirds-plus-one majority. It's considered bad form for a cardinal to put forward his own name, and there is no short list when voting starts - over a series

"It wasn't as though I was making the decision by myself. The cardinals have experience and leadership. They are seriously religious people - overwhelmingly a wise group, and a group that's lived through a lot," said Cardinal Pell, who will cast Australia's only vote.

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Latin American or African Pope?

Cardinals around the world have already begun informal consultations by phone and email to construct a profile of the man they think would be best suited to lead the church in a period of continuing crisis. While some hope Africa or Asia could yield the next pontiff, others have tipped high-flying European or north American cardinals.

Vatican City: Cardinal Kurt Koch, a close aide of Pope

Benedict who will cast his vote for the next leader of the Roman Catholic Church, says there is no reason why the new pontiff cannot be African or Latin American. Koch, head of the Vatican department that deals with Christian unity and relations with Jews, also said he had had no doubt that Pope Benedict would resign rather than rule for life, and said that future popes would be free to do the same. "The challenges of the Church in the world are very different on different continents: in Africa, in Asia, in Latin America. The question is 'where will the challenges be greater, on which continent, should it be a pope for, above all, Latin America, for Africa ," Koch told sources in an interview. There are several leading candidates from outside the Old Continent. Latin Americans include Brazilian Odilo Scherer, archbishop of the huge diocese of Sao Paulo and Argentine Leonardo Sandri, who works in the Vatican and whose parents are of Italian origin.

Model Co-operative Bank Ltd. inaugurates its 12th Branch at Thane (W) situated at 128, Saket, Dr. Lazarus Road, Charai, Thane (West) Model Co-op. Bank Ltd. opened its on 10th February, 2013. His Lordship Bishop Bosco Penha, Auxiliary Bishop, Archdiocese of Bombay inaugurated the

Branch premises and Rev. Fr. AllwynD Silva, Parish Priest, St. John the Baptist Church, Thane (W) blessed the premises. The Chairman of the bank Mr. Albert W. D Souza along with other officials were present on the occasion. The new Branch of

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Peter Turkson from Ghana, head of the Vatican's justice and peace department, is often tipped as Africa's front runner. There is a thriving Church in the Philippines, the largest Catholic country in Asia, birthplace of one cardinal who is often mentioned as a candidate, Luis Antonio Tagle. Asked to provide a job description for the next pope, Koch paused for few seconds and said: "I think each pope has to have four qualities: First of all, deep faith, then, sound doctrine, charisma and a capacity to govern." Koch said.

February 25, February 25,2013 2013

22 Manila: In the Philippines,

Asia s first predominantly Christian country, the line between church and state is oftentimes thin. Thus when the pope abdicates and elections loom for his successor, parallels are quickly drawn. With inimitable Filipino humor, a columnist has asked his readers to imagine a papal election, Philippine style, a parody based on the irregularities of Philippine polls from the illegal display of campaign posters to faulty smoke machines that programmed out the wrong colored smoke. Excitement heightens as it is touted that Antonio Luis Cardinal Tagle counts among the forerunners to succeed Benedict. Tagle would be a new JP II though an Asian version and a Filipino version, says Catholic priest Eliseo Mercado. His preference for Tagle is founded on the hope the new cardinal would communicate that we Filipinos have a great mission for the entire planet earth! Many doubt the youthful Tagle will make it, considering the byzantine Vatican structures and politics that led to the rise and resignation of the current

Not Just A New Pope, A New Church pope. To them it is clear that it is more than just having a new pope, a heroic figure to lead the Church to glory. Embedded in the meron (spectator) culture, however, many Filipinos will be observing how the papabili weigh in on issues of gender and personal ethics such as contraception, sexual abuse, same gender marriage, women s ordination and celibacy. The cohort that grew up during Vatican II are now in influential positions to authoritatively advocate for the fresh winds that blew through the Church. They will want to see a new agenda. Theologian Percy Bacani calls for a new and determined focus on the social traditions of the Church, if need be the mainstreaming of all the social encyclicals over rubrics and rituals and over the restoration of the bygone days of medieval liturgy and theology and thinking. Aware of the changing demographic within Catholicism around the world, Bacani says it is high time to open to the spirit and truly discern

by Sophia Lizares Bodegon new ministries." He also makes the point that" the call to become ministers beyond the traditional and pledging clerical class is NOT sustainable anymore. Flushed with the success of the One Billion Rising campaign, protesting over violence against women, Lilith Usog says it is high time women's full participation and leadership in the church be recognized. By full participation, I mean the recognition of women's gifts as ministers, in education, pastoral work and rituals. The call for decentralization and participation resonates with a movement of 150 Catholic scholars across the

globe, who stress that that the role of the papacy needs to be clearly redefined in line with Christ's intentions. In a declaration issued on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Vatican II, the scholars said that while the pope is supreme pastor, unifier and prime witness to faith, this authority must "never obscure, diminish or suppress the authentic authority directly given by Christ to all members of the people of God. It is more than just high time." For those seeking renewal in the Church, it is kairos, a turning point that must be seized if anything is to happen. Simmering be-

neath the surface is a call for Vatican III. Bacani says we need the incisive reflections from the local churches to contribute and enhance the participation of all, in searching for creative ways of being Church in the 21st century. We need to move away from a eurocentric church to a world church. These are the same people of God who were honed in the struggle against repression during the Philippines' martial law years, when Basic Christian Communities were targeted in counter-insurgency campaigns. These are women whose words have fallen on deaf ears but nevertheless go on resolutely. These are people who use the word glocal, reflecting how global and local realities entwine. The Church must seize the moment, remember who it is and whose it is. If it forgets, it can always refer back to its name - Catholic, Universal, Inclusive the way God envisioned it to be, God s reconciled people. (UCAN) Sophia Lizares Bodegon is a member of the Ecumenical Association of Third World Theologians (EATWOT) and currently works in lay and continuing education

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Fenruary 25, 2013



Vol.22 No.8 February 25, 2013


99, Perin Nariman Street, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001. Tel: 2269 35 78 / 2265 49 24 Fax.: 2264 0996 E-mail :, Website: Editor-in-chief : LAWRENCE COELHO

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One s feet must be planted in his country, but his eyes should survey the world.

A Just Society Needs Fair Financing by John Dayal

New Delhi: The Indian government has notably failed to disburse public funds meant for non-government organizations in the social sector, especially those working on issues of justice and equal opportunity. Yet it offers no explanation on why it restricts foreign assistance to civil society, The result is that there is almost no public funding available for encouraging and consolidating social action including struggles against nuclear proliferation, forced migration, disempowerment of tribal people and the continuing fight for religious freedom. The Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA), conceived at the height of the 1975-77 emergency, when Prime Minister Indira Gandhi suspended the constitution, has by now become a major instrument to tame civil society in general and Christian NGOs and churches in particular. Control and punishment are its basic instruments of implementation with the government as the sole arbiter of what will pass muster and what will be damned and banned. Any infringement of the rules entails immediate cancellation of a license and severe penalties. An NGO can be starved to death if it errs, and the organizers punished. NGOs, especially those run by the Church, are timid and some of the largest ones will have nothing to do with social and justice issues, confining their funding to merely construction or training projects with no thought of confrontation with the power structure or the bureaucracy. Challenging illegal actions of the police and military is, of course, entirely taboo. The government also stigmatizes Christian NGOs, flaunting their finances in the media to insinuate that foreign money is pouring in for conversions to Christianity. Hindu groups are not named by the media, though they are listed on the Home Ministry s website. The publishing of this annual list is almost immediately followed by a cacophony in the pro-Hindutva media and from political parties accusing the Church of secret religious conversion activities and anti-national work especially in Orissa and the eight northeastern states. Church groups have been coerced by right-wing and terrorist groups to give out large amounts of protection money. It is not, however, commonly known that a pretty impressive amount from the national exchequer earmarked for civil society never reaches the intended recipients. A study report by the Asian Centre for Human Rights (AHRC ) in New Delhi found that some 9,500 million rupees (US$173 million) a year in public funds is squandered. Even this figure is only indicative because many states are yet to part with information. AHRC director Suhas Chakma, who carried out the three-year study, confirms something Church groups have known for a long time, that the selection procedure for NGOs lacks transparency. All the ministries claim that applications are selected on the basis of merit. But how that merit is determined is unclear. In reality, merit matters little and corruption rules. In the overwhelming majority of cases, only voluntary organizations who are close to government officials or political leaders get selected. Selection is often determined not on ability or technical expertise but rather on the applicant s ability to pay a bribe amounting to 15 percent to (Contd.. on p. 4) RNI No. 56987/92 Registered No. MH/MR/South-139/2012-14

Misplaced Formula

Vijay Mallya, until recently was appropriately hailed as King of [real] good times but with his pet airlines running in deep trouble, it looks like he is in a mess. With a situation he is in, at present, it is near impossible to retrieve lost ground. The patience of the employees has run out completely. Pilots and engineers are known to draw handsome salaries which could help them sustain for the past 9 months long time for anyone to live comfortably. There is a limit to things and it appears that the management of the beleaguered airline has stretched things too far. After the engineers, the other staff has decided to desert the sinking ship and seek winding of the airline through the court. In these difficult days, the brunt of the no pay regime must have been felt by the lower cadres the ground staff and the office staff. They are a disposable commodity because without some of them the show can still go on. It is reported that one of such staff members on board complained to the big boss when he was on flight but was curtly told that he could quit and nobody has coerced him into continuing. The guy was flabbergasted with the arrogance with which he was snubbed. For him the Formula 1 is everything. Last time around, when the Formula races were to begin he had bought peace with striking pilots etc promising them back pay in a structured time frame. He was apprehensive about being humiliated with black flags etc. He failed to keep his word. With the next season starting on 17th March, he has actually met the staff and making them believe that the operations could start in the foreseeable future despite being rejected. The crew and the staff are desperate and could follow him spoiling his [formula] party. There he has right people in the cockpit but has no workable formula for this airline. His priorities are misplaced. He can donate gold in kgs to Gods [who don t need them anyway] but it is doubtful if he sent a few thousand rupees to the family of the employee who committed suicide. That would have raised his stock.

The man at the helm inherited the empire following the death of his illustrious father. The platform was ready. Following the success of his liquor business, he thought he could take off from there to new heights only to find turbulence which he failed to foresee. On the other hand, another young man, Kumarmangalam Birla also inherited a vast empire at a very tender age. He chose to remain grounded and took full control of things and the result is there for all to see. He did not enjoy his youth, he once said. That says it all. *****

Intolerable Intolerence

It has become a fashion in this country to oppose everything. Starting from the Parliament, the opposition parties oppose anything and everything that the Government proposes. Quite often the interests of the common man are affected but more often than not, they overplay. Even where you want to register your protest, you make your point and leave it to the Presiding officer to take the decision. Stalling Parliament is no way to prove your point. This is happening almost everywhere. The latest case of the opposition to the Kamal Hassan movie Vishwaroop is a glaring example of a handful of people deciding on what is good and what is bad. They incite and instigate people using the religious card and the end result is violence. Destruction of property has become the in thing where rioters take pride in doing so. They feel they have achieved something substantial. In the past, we had Shiv Sena coming down heavily on the Valentine Day celebrations, misbehaving with couples and destroying outlets which sold items for the day. The same political party has the dubious distinction of blackening faces of people who do not toe their line or diktat. This might is right attitude has vitiated the atmosphere of this country to such an extent that the general public is scared. Sanity seems to have taken the back seat. Most political parties have begun to realize this and are correcting themselves. By the way, the controversy surrounding Vishwaroop is not understandable. They stalled the movie in Tamil Nadu when it was being freely show in all the other parts of the country. If there was something really offensive, the protests should

by Marshall Sequeira have been nationwide and not restricted to one State alone. Just a handful of people decided that it is offensive and derogatory and the producer succumbed to pressure for financial reasons. *****

Pavements For Pedistrians?

The latest BMC budget promised animal friendly city and people wondered whether the citizens were actually forgotten. It appears though that the authorities are hell bent on providing a walking space to the people. Initially the authorities had started demolishing shanties and actually succeeded in clearing P.Dmello and Tulsi Pipe roads and now they are embarking on a bigger project of actually clearing another 125 roads. That is good news. This will not only ensure some space for the pedestrian, the roads will not be littered. Hopefully, we could see cleaner pavements. They seem to have taken the task seriously. The new Commissioner is a nononsense man and he showed it time and again. The same thing is being done on the hawkers front. Some of the highly congested roads like the Hill Road and Link Road have been cleared. In the past too they had launched such a drive but even with a van standing by, you could see hawkers carrying out their business with impunity. Sometimes people wondered whether such vans were actually protecting the hawkers for a consideration. All this tells us one thing. If the authorities are committed and focused, they can achieve anything. The men in charge have to be above board so that they can instill the fear of God in their subordinates. This was missing in their earlier drives. Hawkers openly complained that despite paying the officials they keep hounding them. This time around, the officials are serious and hopefully, the hawkers will not have to complain. Yet they need some space to do their business. Citizens need them too otherwise the organized businessmen will fleece the public with no competition.

February 25, 2013




-),-4 5

Untimely Exit Of Pope Benedict XVI

The sudden resignation of Pope Benedict XVI has come as a surprise to most Catholics , but nevertheless is a wonderful example of humility, dedication and self-sacrifice to safeguard the church against the present challenges and attacks which the Holy Father found increasingly difficult to handle due to his failing

health of “mind and body”. I wish some of our politicians could emulate his example. Known to be a hardliner and the last word on orthodoxy during his stint as Prefect for the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith , it is sad that the Holy Father was misunderstood and criticized on his handling of many sensitive issues that created a flutter in church circles and strained inter-faith relations. The future of the Catholic church will depend much on the choice of the new incumbent

A Just Society Needs Fair Financing (Contd.. from p. 3) 30 percent of the grant. The Comptroller and Auditor General of India also conclude that fraud cannot be ruled out. The AHRC has suggested the creation of a “National Grants-in-Aid Commission” through which all grants to the voluntary sector by all ministries shall be routed. Common sense would dictate that with the current national outrage against

corruption, the government would take urgent steps to make it easy for honest NGOs to get finance for their voluntary work in development and social justice sectors. But so far there is little indication that the government is serious about this. John Dayal is the general secretary of the All India Christian Council and a member of the Indian governmentÂ’s National Integration Council.

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candidate. Priestly celibacy, ordination of women, samesex marriages, abortion, use of contraceptives for AIDS prevention, women’s rights, paedophilia, are some of the issues plaguing the church today and will require to be handled with great care. So, as the stage is being set to elect the new Pope and it is the Holy Spirit who will be at work during the elections, the human element cannot be ruled out in selecting the right candidate. It is therefore the earnest prayer of all Catholics that the new successor to the seat of Peter will continue to guide the destiny of the church in the coming years, so that the “ gates of hell will not prevail against it”. —A.F. Nazareth, Alto Porvorim.

Just the Opposite

In Deuteronomy, chapter 22, verse 5 of the Holy Bible, we read, “A woman shall not wear man’s cloth-

ing, nor shall a man put on woman’s clothing; for whoever does these things, is an abomination to the Lord your God.” But today we see men wearing women’s clothing and women wearing men’s clothing. Isn’t it strange? Some men even wear earrings and put on bangles. They think its fashion. What they do not know is that they are committing a mortal sin — a sin which will never be forgiven unless and until you repent for it from the bottom of your heart. —Jubel D’Cruz, Dombivili

Legacy of Pope Benedict XVI

On 28th February, Pope Benedict XVI will abdicate his position as Bishop of Rome and Successor of St. Peter. At the end of his 8-year tenure at the helm of the Roman Catholic Church, he has given ample proof, that in spite of vicious attacks, hostile pulls and pressures from powerful forces in the modern world, he has remained steadfast in defending the Faith and being faithful to the mandate given to St. Peter: “Feed my lambs….. Feed my sheep”. Through his profound theo-

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logical writings and discerning liturgical reforms, he has nourished the flock entrusted to him with the Bread of the ‘Word of God’ and the ‘Bread of the Eucharist’. By giving the Church ‘The Year of Priests’ and ‘The Year of Faith’, he has again fulfilled the command that the Lord gave to Peter at the Last Supper: “Strengthen your Brethren” in the faith. His extraordinary courage in speaking the unadulterated truth, his spirit of faith and deep humility are qualities which have endeared him to many silent millions across the globe. Despite much negative criticism, he has stood “firm as a rock”, faithful to his Divine Master, and proved himself a true shepherd, defending his flock from the fierce attacks of a host of misguided foes. As they look back on his pontificate, the People of God will surely remember him with deep gratitude for his sterling example of humble and selfless service in faith, to the very end of his powers -- which will surely guide the Church towards the New Evangelization in the years to come. —Joseph M. Dias,S.J., Meghalaya. Complexion, Edn. HSC + Dip. in Catering, working as a Dinning Room Supervisor. Contact: Email: / OR 9209205774. (Regd.No. 5742) MUMBAI : RC Goan, Non smoker; non drinker, good natured Bachelor, 30 years, 5’ 6”, B.Com., Working in a back office for a multinational company. Seeks aliance from suitable girl, Roman Catholic, God Fearing; simple, educated, working, having good family values. Please Contact with photo : (Regd. No. 5719) MUMBAI : Goan RC Bachelor, 33 years, 5’ 11”, Wt. 70 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Education 10th std., working as a Office Assistant. Seeks a suitable match. Contact : Email : OR Mob.: 9920023085 (Regd. No. 5717)

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Fenruary 25, 2013

This title is in Latin, meaning Where are you going, Mother Church? I have never studied Latin, so if my grammar is incorrect I hope to be pardoned. Quo Vadis is the name of a famous book and movie, based on an encounter between St Peter, the first pope, and the risen Christ. Peter asks Christ where he is going; to which Christ famously replies Roam Vado Iterum Crucifigi I am going to Rome to be crucified again . Peter who was trying to avoid walking the path to Calvary now repents and proceeds to Rome, where he is crucified upside down. This exchange is recorded in the apocryphal Acts of St Peter (Vercelli Acts XXXV). But the query itself is not apocryphal. Peter actually asks Jesus this during the latter s farewell discourse, when he says Lord where are you going? (Jn 13:36). To this Jesus replies, Now you cannot follow me where I am going, but later you shall follow me (Jn 13:37). In the context of the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI my question is not who will be the next pope, but Quo Vadis Mater Ecclesia? If the second question can be answered then the first one will be easy. To find an answer one needs to delve deep into church history in the light of modern reality. If not, we are bound to repeat the blunders of history. I begin with the resignation. The media has used three words to express peoples reactions SHOCK or SURPRISE at the act, or SPECULATION at the consequences. Just one word expresses my feeling RELIEF. This may sound cowardly now that the incumbent is on his way out. But I have consistently and publicly held this position. Before the last Papal Conclave in 2005 I had written to all the Indian cardinals pleading with them not to choose the panzer cardinal , as Benedict was then known; and to opt for Cardinal Francis Arinze of Nigeria or the one in Sao Paolo, Brazil. On the occasion of 50 years of Vatican II in November 2012, I had again written that the present pope lacked the virtues of his three predecessors - the simplicity of John XXIII, the sagacity of Paul VI and the dynamism (in his earlier years) of John Paul II. I also expressed these thoughts in the chapter If I


Quo Vadis Mater Ecclesia?

Were Pope in my book An Unfinished Symphony published in 2011. So I have been clear with my own Quo Vadis. If readers are still wondering at my sense of relief, this is why. I do not find anything said or done by the incumbent to commend him for posterity. On the contrary, he raked up enough controversies to set half the world against the Catholic Church the Muslims, Jews and non-Christians by his insensitive utterances. Nor did he gain friends in Africa or South America with his observations on AIDS, condoms or excommunication for abortion. While towing a hard-line on women s ordination and clerical celibacy, he was allegedly much too soft on clerical paedophilia, even resulting in the recall of his Nuncio (ambassador) to staunchly Catholic Ireland. He went to the extent of labelling dissenters as betrayers like Judas . So why should I not be relieved? Church history is replete with the misdemeanours of various popes. I will leave that for another article. For now all that I am averring is that a pope is not an indispensable commodity. He is infact disposable. The second reason for being relieved is a more practical one; what I saw of the latter half of John Paul II s pontificate. I was a great admirer of the first half. His pink catechism touched the world. His social doctrine was loud and clear. He supported the Solidarity Movement in his native Poland that ultimately saw the collapse of the authoritarian Eastern Bloc and the Soviet Union. He had a world presence and impact. I was privileged to receive

- chhotebhai communion from his hands during his first visit to New Delhi in 1986, and even kissed his feet. But I was dismayed at his second visit where, as a State guest, he proclaimed that the third millennium should see the conversion of Asia. What horrified me was to see a mumbling and fumbling old man at the beatification of Mother Teresa. What message did millions of TV viewers get? So I am relieved that, like Nebuchanezar, Benedict saw the writing on the wall and quit while there was still daylight. So we are back to Quo Vadis. Where does the Catholic Church want to go, if at all? Would it prefer to be an ostrich burying its head in the sand? Is it ready to engage with the reality of an information explosion, or an increasing religious redundancy? How will it relate to, or reach out to, other religions, the natural and behavioural sciences, sexual ethics, the aspirations of women and youth? Will it shirk its duty, or, like Peter, walk the path of the crucifixion? The Catholic Church is the single largest entity in the world. Its impact, as we have seen in the case of John Paul II, is not limited to itself. Hence the choice of the next pope cannot be left to the deliberations of a handful of cardinals who will be in the Sistine Chapel. Each and every one of us Catholics,


Thanks to Sacred Heart of Jesus and St. Jude for the favours granted.

Flavia D'Silva, Bandra

Christians and citizens of the world has a role to play and a voice to express in the election of the next pope. It is encumbent on us to immediately mobilise public opinion and debate. Just a thought. In Sunday sermons I have often heard enthusiastic clergymen extol the virtues of modern martyrs like Abp Romero and Dom Helder Camarra. These Latin Americans had boldly stood for the rights of the poor and oppressed, and paid with their lives. Had they been alive in 2005 would the then cardinal electors have chosen one of them instead of Joseph Ratzinger? A sobering thought. Quo Vadis? Having studied something of the history of the papacy I can unhesitatingly state that for almost 15 centuries it was mired in controversy, palace intrigues, invading armies, imperial intervention, nepotism, hedonism and simony. It struggled against heresies and schisms, while simultaneously fortifying itself from the buffeting storms outside. The papacy and hierarchy cocooned itself against its own inadequacy. In the process it became corpulent and opulent; a far cry from the carpenter of Nazareth who had no place to lay his head. Then in the 13th century God called a young man, Francis of Assisi, with the message, Go and repair my church . He never became a priest, but he had the courage to confront the pope and the cardinals. His absolute poverty and simplicity shook the conscience of the cocooned church. He once took a companion on a preaching mission. They travelled the whole day without saying a word. At the end the puzzled companion said that they had not preached anything. To that Francis replied, Our life and presence have spoken more than a multitude of words . The companion no longer needed to ask Francis Quo Vadis ? Francis was followed by a galaxy of great saints, many of who were founders of religious orders; like Sts Dominic, Alphonsus Ligouri, Ignatius of Loyola, Francis Xavier, Teresa of Avila, John of the Cross etc. Their presence was a much needed course correction for the

church. There were other factors that also forced the Catholic Church out of its shell. The printing press was the first knowledge revolution, even making the Bible accessible to the common man. This was followed by the Protestant Reformation, the exposure to other religions through colonial expansion, the French and Industrial Revolutions, the challenges of Karl Marx and Charles Darwin, Women s Suffragacy etc. All this culminated in the refreshing renewal of the Second Vatican Council. This ushered in interreligious dialogue, ecumenism, interaction with the sciences, a destructuring of an institutionalised church, de-latinisation through inculturation, as also liberation theology and the Charismatic Renewal. Unfortunately, over the last 25 years there has been a gradual regression into the old cocoon; being satisfied with pious devotions like novenas, rosaries, pilgrimages etc. It was afraid to answer the question that the world posed to it Quo Vadis ? Today we are in the midst of an IT/ ITES revolution, a knowledge explosion and an unbridled social media. The tweets on Pope Benedict s resignation are far from flattering. Church leaders, both cleric and lay, must stand up and be counted. Do we need another Francis of Assisi? Do we need John the Baptist, the voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare a way for the Lord, make his paths straight (Lk 3:4). Do we need the Prophet Jeremiah to whom the Lord said, Look, today I have set you over the nations and kingdoms, to uproot and to knock down, to destroy and to overthrow, to build and to plant (Jer 1:10). Will we see any of such true Christians elected as the 266th pope? The answer my friend is blowing in the wind that reiterates Quo Vadis Mater Ecclesia? Each one of us must find the answer in both prayer and enlightened debate. Only then can we proclaim that we are Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice. * The writer is a former National President of the All India Catholic Union, and former Director of the International Council of Catholic Men.

February 25, 2013


Priest Starts New Tv Channel Series

KOZHIKODE, (C.M. Paul) A Salesian priest dubbed maverick journalist is starting a new morning television series on the country s latest television channel in the southern Indian state of Kerala. Fr Francis Karackat s regular programme entitled ATMA on Mediaone channel begins tomorrow on Ash Wednesday, 13 February 6.30 am. The programme has three segments: the first segment for eight minutes is

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done by some of the known literary figures in Malayalam like C. Radhakrishnan, George Onakkoor, Seihuddin Poithumkadavu and Kalpetta Narayanan. Fr Karackat comes in the second segment giving an inspirational peptalk on a current life issue. The third segment is on pure spirituality. The second episode is at 6.30 am on 16th Saturday. The third episode is at 6.30 am on 19th Tuesday . and will continue on a regular basis. Mediaone TV is an Indian television channel broadcasting in Malayalam, operated by Madhyamam Broadcasting Limited. The company is owned by the Madhyamam family and is officially launched on 10th February 2013. Licensed in September 2011, the main Studio is located at Velliparamba, Kozhikode. Mini news studios of the channel will soon be available in all the major cities of India.

Dr. Abdussalam Ahmad is the CEO and Babu Bharadwaj is the program editor. The channel claims, we are here to promote an alternative media culture that strengthens human values. Fr Francis Karackat is a popular author of the mostwanted book by the Keralites: Spoken English, which has already run into four editions. With six bestseller book titles Fr Karackat has proved his proficiency in Malayalam too. Currently, he is the Head of the Department of Communication and Journalism at Don BoscoCollege, Angadikadavu, Kerala. He is also chief editor of Don Bosco Bulletin in Malayalam one of the leading religious magazines in Kerala for its content, presentation and universal appeal. Fr Karackat is a member of the Kannur University Board of Studies for Journalism and Chairman of the Kannur University Valuation Camp for Journalism. He is also examiner for the Master s Degree course in Communication and Journalism for the Calicut University. Earlier he had a weekly telecast program consisting of his musings on fulfillment and success on Shalom TV, another popular global channel from south India.

New Velankanni Church Can Seat 10,000

Thiruvananthapuram: The new church opened at the Velankanni Marian pilgrim center in Tamil Nadu last week can accommodate some 10,000 people inside it, making it the largest church in India. Authorities said some 40,000 people can also participate in the services by standing outside the newly built Morning Star Church. The church expected to solve the space constraints of the Old Matha Church. On feast days, Christmas, Holy Week, the crowd used to spill over to the compound. The 60,000 square feet church is 120 ft wide and 500 feet long and 40 feet high. It also has 150 feet tall towers. The church, built without inside columns, was blessed and opened on Feb. 10 by Fernando Cardinal Filoni, the Prefect of the Sacred Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples. The cardinal came to Velankanni also to participate in the silver jubilee plenary of Conference of Catholic Bishops of India, the Latin rite

forum of Indian bishops. The Marian shrine celebrating the Golden Jubilee of the declaration of the Marian Shrine as a Minor Basilica (1962) hosted the bishops. Thousands of devotees from all across the world would visit the pilgrim center especially on Marian feast days. Its altar area has three separate portions: on the left side is the Bible stand, on the right side is the space for reading the Bible, and the central portion of alter. Javan Chacko, an artist from Kerala prepared the artwork of the alter at the cost of some one million rupees using woods like mahogany, rose wood and teak. The paintings and carvings on the 20-feet long and 3.5 feet wide altar include images of Last Supper , the Host and Wine , Virgin Mary of Velankanni , Five Bread and Two Fish , wheat kernels and grapes and finally the alpha and omega symbols.

Goans should not sell their ancestral Property

Everyone advises Goans not to sell their ancestral properties in Goa. I surely wish we had that choice of not selling our ancestral property to a squatter who call himself our mundcar. We have been traipsing to courts and back and visiting mamaladar and panchayat offices to try and stop this rogue from robbing our property for the last twenty years. We were in Goa in January this year 2013 for over a month as soon as we landed we had two court summons to attend court and the mamlader's engineer to measure the three hundred sq. metres for the squatter.

We are forced by the Goa Government to sell our ancestral land to him for a paltry sum of I believe 20rupees per sq. metre. What really saddens me is that my ancestors saved enough money to buy through hard work and went without a lot of essential luxuries to leave land for their progeny to carry out their wishes, and these people just walk in and lay claims to our land. Our wives and children refuse to come to Goa knowing fully well that we would be embroiled in court cases and we would not have the time to show them our beautiful Goa. Ignatius Fernandes.

Fenruary 25, 2013


East Indian Community Demands

A meeting between Mr. Manikrao Thakarey and 20 strong representatives (from different parts of mumbai ) of Maharashtra East Indian Christian Federation was held in his office at Tilak Bhavan, Dadar. On 14Th Feb. Mr Crompton Texeira, Mr.Abel Rodrigues, Mrs Nancy Serrao, Mr Alphonso Tao, Mr Jos D'Souza, Mr Louis Barretto And Mr.M axie Tixeira were present the President of the federation brought to his perusal the obstacles faced by his 5 lac strong community members-the East Indian Christian. The local indigenous , aboriginal inhabitants and the real sons of the soil of Mumbai and the northern Konkan region of Maharashtra , in obtaining the O.B.C. certificates which The Government Of Maharashtra had passed Vide G.r No.341 Dated 1st March 2006.


Thanks to St. Jude for favour granted G. Menezes, Churchgate

Mr.Herbert D. Barretto the President said , that one of the criteria/clause in obtaining the obc certificate was to get a school leaving certificate of the parents or grandparents where in it is written East Indian Christian/ East Indian Catholic in the caste column . This was not possible as those days our parents did nt go to schools as they were self sufficient in their own occupations. and some who went to school the church that time never use to write caste system in the caste column but they used to write only Roman Catholic or Indian Christian.with the result it is difficult to get the obc certificates. Inspite of the above clause ,he requested that the Church Baptism certificate where it is written in the remark column East Indian Christian/East Indian Catholic should be accepted as one of the valid document in getting the OBC Certificates. Mr.Thakarey, agreed to the suggestion and immeditely called Mr.Arif N. Khan,the Minister of Minority Devl. and Mr Shivajirao Moghe,the Minister of Social Justice,Govt.of Maharashtra to immediately called a joint meeting to solve the genuine problem of the East Indian Community of Mumbai. Mr.Thakare also said that atleast one MLA s ticket should be given to the community and some representation be given in the government bodies. Herbert D. Barretto,President Maharashtrian East Indian Christian Federation

Communication In The 21st Century

The 21st Century has been predicted as being the Age of Enlightenment, the Knowledge Era, the Information Age. I have discovered that I have to Change to survive. Every moment everything is changing, nothing remains the same with the Internet working faster than the Speed of Thought. The first change I have made is to stop reading the newspaper. Whereas I would spend a quiet hour each morning, in the years gone by, studying 3-4 papers, today I buy just one. I finish it in the time it takes to walk from my gate, where it has been left, to my door. The newspapers are making huge revenues and profits by the ads that occupy tens of pages they now consist of. But, there is no news, no information, no worthwhile articles except pictures of celebrities and stories of their juicy escapades. The second thing I have learnt is that there is selective seeing. Why didn t you tell me? I did. I sent you an e-mail. You know that I don t read e-mails. I get dozens every day. Then how does one communicate? The answer is to get together for a drink and talk it over. After you have gone through half a bottle you forget what you got together for in the first place. So how does one get attention, decision, action? You apply the third lesson. Do the opposite of what is assumed. Why didn t you show me the letter before it was sent out? The last time you said that you were not interested, you didn t want to be bothered. That was different. In future I want to see all correspondence inward and outward, hard copies and soft copies. Another requirement of

... Another requirement of the modern age is that you cannot move without your mobile phone You got to take it with you even to the toilet. It is not that you want to be always available and on call. On the contrary you avoid inconvenient calls...

Silivilization Part IX

- Francis Lobo the modern age is that you cannot move without your mobile phone You got to take it with you even to the toilet. It is not that you want to be always available and on call. On the contrary you avoid inconvenient calls. The inventory of replies to not responding to calls runs into volumes. Here are some extracts I was traveling. I was in a conference. I had left the phone at home. I dropped it in water and it wasn t functioning. Simultaneously, one has to learn how to cut off unwanted calls I shall call you back which you don t do. I have to disconnect, there is someone at the door. My stew is on the stove. But the greatest challenge to Modern Man is What to do when calls go unanswered especially when you have to collect a lot of money? Other challenges of the Hi-Tech Era are gadget operation saving, pass-word protecting, unlocking, recovering, transferring from one device to another, simultaneous translation, capturing pictures and music, sending SMSs, etc. etc. With all the tools at our

disposal the biggest victim of Modern Times is TRUTH. We still continue the behavior of the past and judge, ostracize, condemn, cling to wrong beliefs, refuse to change and move with the times. When Pontius Pilot asked Jesus What is Truth? Jesus did not answer, thereby preserving the secret and forcing each one of us to make the unique discovery ourselves. The searchers after Truth are of three types The Believers They search for those who tell them what they want to hear. They don t question because they know it is the Truth right from the start. The Unbelievers They also know the Truth and know what they are being told is wrong. Hence, they look for errors, omissions, motives, contradictions in whatever is being said. You can t confuse them with facts their minds are already made up The Rational Thinkers They can extract the nuggets of Truth from the chaff that is put before them. They use evidence, facts, results, documents, experiments, application of mind. The challenge of the Information Age is to learn how to discover Truth. The process is continuously evolving. If we don t keep on improving and change, the result is decay, aging and death. Truth is a perishable commodity. What is right and wrong today or in a given situation changes with time and the situation. The Knowledge and Information available to us today and what will be there tomorrow are beyond comprehension. We must learn to continuously use these for the benefit of Mankind and the universe.

February 25, 2013


God Lo ves And Forgi ves W hen We Bear F r uit Christians can never move away from the conservative peak of their faith. They know that God is always loving and forgiving when they bear fruit and turn to Him. The differences may be deep , the diversity many ; what they share is a common faith with trust in the Lord Jesus. At this time of lent the Lord says, Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. (Mt.4:17). With a deepening crises of faith worsening across the world , there is now given a potential moment in our life to take the words of God seriously. St. Benedict of Nursia (c.480 c.547) placed a thought for us today to consider : Let us listen carefully to the Word of the Lord, and attend to it with the ear of our hearts. Let us welcome it, and faithfully put it into practice. In the gospel of Luke

BRIDES MUMBAI : Goan R. C. Spinster, 26 yrs., 5 2 , Wt. 55 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.Com., working as a EA to Director. Contact email : madonnamanickam7@ OR 28963423 (Regd. No. 5888) U.K : Goan R. C. Spinster, 30 yrs., 5 4 , Wt. 50 kgs, Fair and goodlooking, Edn. B.Sc., M.Sc., M.B.A., studied in U.K. and working as a IT Analasist. Contact email : / / OR 9096690309 / 91-9527261969 / 00447525078369. (Regd. No. 5887) MUMBAI : Goan R. C. Spinster, 25 yrs., 4 11 , Wt. 43 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.Com., LL.B., Advocate by profession. Contact email : OR 98205 07447 (Regd. No. 5886) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic parents staying at Vasai invite alliance for their spinster daughter, 26 yrs, 53 kg, 5 3 tall, simple, slim and good looking, holding a double post graduate degree in chemistry and working as a lecturer in an Engineering College. Alliance is sought from suitably qualified Mangalorean RC bachelors

Jesus says, Unless you repent you will all likewise perish . (Lk. 13:5). Then Jesus narrated the parable of the fig tree : A man planted a fig tree in his vineyard. He visited the garden every year and the fig tree had not produced fruit for three years. The man told the gardener to cut it down . But the gardener pleaded, saying that he would water and change the soil around the fig tree giving it a chance to bear fruit the coming year. The owner agreed. Yet another chance was given. Ignoring the word of God emboldens satan to take control of your life. There is no doubt that we are here to serve God s design. We are not here by chance or accident. We must , especially during the season of lent try to be worthy of our Christian responsibility. We can learn to bear fruit . The holy sea-

Third Week of Lent

- Melvyn Brown son of lent asks us to meditate on the suffering and passion of Jesus. Here we are reminded of what Augustine of Hippo (354-430) once said : God had one Son on earth without sin, but never one without suffering. Jesus is the promised Son of God, sinless but, having taken human form he also bore the burden of suffering. The fruit he bore was to suffer for our sins to redeem us : he was the scriptural inspiration of God ; the

prophetic inspiration, and the prophetic revelation for God s communication of a new order and truth. The Lord Jesus loves and forgives us. The Confessions of Jeremiah , brought together in fragments , has the essence of the prophets torment and suffering. His expressions come close to the Confessions of St. Augustine , outpourings from his dialogues with almighty God in prayer and intimate moments. The saint and the prophet suffered and were forgiven to bear fruit . For both men of God moral disorder was a kind of disruption which went into the body of the human being, wiping away the image of the almighty from the human person. Bearing fruit we are informed is a theme in the Bible. We ask God to forgive us if we have spent good time to bear fruit in unwanted ways.

MATRIMONIALS upto 30 yrs, with good family background kindly reply with details and a recent full size photograph to or Contact 9421428286 between 4 - 9 pm. (Regd. No. 5885) MUMBAI : Mangalorean R. C. Spinster, 32 yrs., 5 4 , Wt. 64 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. HSC., working with MNC has an Secretary to CEO, Seeks a suitable well settled match. Contact : Email : OR 9930121624 (Regd. No. 5884) VALSAD : Goan + Mangalorean RC Spinster, Godfearing, faithful and understanding, aged 27 years, Ht. 5 5 , Fair Complexion, Edn. D Ed., BA, B.Ed., Teacher by profession. Contact Mob.: 09377099024 (12 a.m. to 2 p.m. & 6 p.m. to 10 p.m.) (Regd. No. 5830) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Divocee, aged 56 years, Ht. 5 2 , Wt. 80 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. 5th Std., housewife, seeks a suitable match. Mob.: 9892951305 (Regd. N o. 5828) MUMBAI : Mangalorean RC Spinster, aged 31 years, Ht. 5 1 , Wt. 80 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.Com., woking as a Customer Ser-

vice. Contact email : OR 9819099817 (Regd. No. 5826) MUMBAI : Goan RC Spinster, aged 37 years, Ht. 5 2 , Wt. 77 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.Sc., B.Ed., M.A. (Edu) Asst. Teacher. Contact Email : OR 9892165299 (Regd. No. 5825) MUMBAI : Mangalorean RC Spinster, aged 27 years, Ht. 5 5 , Wt. 68 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.Engg. Doing MBA, working as an Asst. Manager. Contact Email : OR 9869403306 (Regd. N o. 5823) MUMBAI : Methodist Christian Spinster, aged 36 years, Ht. 5 6 , Wt. 64 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. Chartered Accountant, working as a Senior Manager in MNC. Contact email : OR 9820 743883 (Regd. No. 5822) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Spinster, aged 28 years, Ht. 5 1 , Wt. 45 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn.

Grooms on page 4

B.A., IATA, working as a Manager in MNC. Contact email: gonsalves.julie@ OR Mob.: 9920104373 (Regd. No. 5820) MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Spinster, aged 29 years, Ht. 5 2 , slim, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. MBA., working as a Manager. Contact email : OR Mob: 9820924796 / 9820721845 (Regd. No. 5819) MUMBAI : Mangalorean RC Spinster, aged 29 years, Ht. 5 6 , Wt. 68 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. MBA., working as a Manager. Contact : email: / OR Mob: 9167079898 (Regd. No. 5818) MUMBAI : R.C. parents Mangalorean seek alliance for daughter 34 years, 5.3, post graduate working in senior position. Looking out for

We are like grains of seed and tall trees put here on earth to grow and bring fruit in abundance. We can prove ourselves as faithful Christians by doing the work assigned to us, thus bearing fruit and finding God s love. It is obviously a difficult task to avoid sin and temptation when one is alone. The psalmist says, My eyes are always on the Lord, for he rescues my feet from the snare. Turn to me and have mercy on me, for I am alone and poor. (Ps.24:15-16). In our spiritual discernment we know that God is ever by our side : no one is alone. He loves us as a Father. The spirit of intelligence reveals His deep concern for us. God needs you to trust in Him. Jesus can help you to bear fruit, to unite with you in the spirit for an active life in your vocation. a qualified and professionally well settled bachelor with good family background. Reply with details to OR 9619549005 (Regd. No. 5815) MUMBAI : Mangalorean RC Spinster, aged 27 years, Ht. 5 3 , Wt. 48 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, smart, good natured, Edn. Graduate BMS, working as an Associate, Seeks only Mangalorean boy graduate and above, Ht. 5 6 to 5 9 and non smoker, well settled. Contact email : OR Mob: 9403644066 (Regd. No. 5814) KERALA : Anglo Indian Keralite RC Spinster, aged 34 years, Ht. 5 8 , Wt. 65 kgs, Fair Complexion, goodlooking, Edn. Double Post Graduate working as a Consultant in USA. Seeks a well educated, good family, working in USA or willing to go to USA. Contact email: OR Mob: 09495904589 / 04712592182 (Regd. No. 5813)

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Fenruary 25, 2013


The Prophecy of Pope Benedict XVI Has Been Fulfilled

The Catholic church was thrown into turmoil after Pope Benedict XVI made the shocking decision to quit the papacy because of his deteriorating health. In a decision that has surprised even his closest aides, the 85year-old Pontiff said his strength was 'no longer adequate to continue in office due to his advanced age'. He announced his resignation in Latin to a meeting of Vatican cardinals this morning, saying he did not have the 'strength of mind and body' to continue leading more than a billion Roman Catholics worldwide. "Pray for me, that I may not flee for fear of the wolves," the Pope said in his homily on April 24, 2005, at the Mass and imposition of the pallium at the start of his papacy.

Pope Benedict's Resignation Statement In Full Dear Brothers, I have convoked you to this Consistory, not only for the three canonizations, but also to communicate to you a decision of great importance for the life of the Church. After having repeatedly examined my conscience before God, I have come to the certainty that my strengths, due to an advanced age, are no longer suited to an adequate exercise of the Petrine ministry. I am well aware that this ministry, due to its essential spiritual nature, must be carried out not only with words and deeds, but no less with prayer and suffering. However, in today s world, subject to so many rapid changes and shaken by questions of deep relevance for the life of faith, in order to govern the bark of Saint Peter and proclaim the Gospel, both strength of mind and body are necessary, strength which in the last few months, has deteriorated in me to the extent that I have had to recognize my incapacity to adequately fulfill the ministry entrusted to me. For this reason, and well aware of the seriousness of this act, with full freedom I declare that I renounce

Capt. Mervin & Margaret Lobo with Pope Benedict XVI the ministry of Bishop of Rome, Successor of Saint Peter, entrusted to me by the Cardinals on 19 April 2005, in such a way, that as from 28 February 2013, at 20:00 hours, the See of Rome, the See of Saint Peter, will be vacant and a Conclave to elect the new Supreme Pontiff will have to be convoked by those whose competence it is. Dear Brothers, I thank you most sincerely for all the love and work with which you have supported me in my ministry and I ask pardon for all my defects. And now, let us entrust the Holy Church to the care of Our Supreme Pastor, Our Lord Jesus Christ, and implore his holy Mother Mary, so that she may assist the Cardinal Fathers with her maternal solicitude, in electing a new Supreme Pontiff. With regard to myself, I wish to also devotedly serve the Holy Church of God in the future through a life dedicated to prayer.

Prophecies of Malachy

Tradition has it that when he visited Rome in 1139, Saint Malachy O'Morgair, the 12century archbishop of Armagh, Ireland, was granted a vision of all the popes of the future, each of whom he described in symbolic Latin. He was said to have given this list to Pope Innocent II, and little more was heard until 1590, Next and last would be Petrus Romano, or Peter the

Roman, if the prophecy is valid. Benedict XVI was the 111th Pope. Says Malachy's 112th prophecy: "In the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church there will reign Petrus Romanus, who will feed his flock amid many

vicar, Pope Benedict XVI, will be ousted from the Holy See in Rome. A plan to destroy My Holy Vicar was devised in secret on the l7th March 2011 and this will come to fruition for it has been foretold. A sign from God? Lighting strikes twice the basilica St.Peter's dome earlier this - Capt. Mervin John Lobo of evening during a storm that tribulations; after which the struck Rome on the same day seven-hilled city will be de- Pope Benedict XVI anstroyed and the dreadful nounced his resignation. Pope Gregory XII was Judge will judge the people. The End." All his prophecies the last pope to resign, standing down in 1415. were accurate. His resignation ended After Vatican II the Catholic Church has drifted the Western Schism - a split from its traditional course to within the Catholic Church the modern trend of Protes- from 1378 to 1417 which saw tant liturgy and the Holy Spirit two rival popes claiming to elected Pope Benedict XVI to be in office: one based in steer the Church back to its Avignon, France; the other in traditional way of its past Rome. The dilemma of papal glory. The Catholic Church allegiance arose following the has lost one of the most bril- death of Gregory XI, an liant Theologian, simple and Avignon Pope, in 1378. When the College of Cardinals met humble. The enemies of the to vote for a new pope, a Catholic Church are within the Roman mob broke into the Vatican. The Pope s secre- voting chamber and forced tary Fr. Fredico Lombardi the election of an Italian pope mentioned in his interview that - Urban VI. Unhappy with being corour Holy Father was not suffering from any physical ill- nered, some cardinals reness but he appeared to be turned to Avignon where they tortured mentally. Pope elected Clement VII as the Benedict XVI was shocked to pope. This forced followers in see that many cardinals opposed him in bringing the Europe to choose loyalty toLatin Mass back into the wards either Avignon or Church. Latin is the Language Rome. Until 1409, there were of the Catholic Church. Further bringing the words of two popes simultaneously, Jesus Many in the Eucha- although the Avignon Popes (Clement VII and then ristic prayer Matt 26:28 On February 11, 2012 Benedict XIII) were seen as one of the messages from the antipopes - in other words, Lord stated that My poor Holy those in opposition to the one

generally viewed as the legitimate pope. The Roman popes were Urban VI, Boniface IX, Innocent VII and Gregory XII. Cardinals allied to Gregory XII and Benedict XIII decided to try and resolve the situation by getting the pope and antipope to meet and make an agreement. However, at the last minute they pulled out and it was decided at a church council in Pisa that they would elect another pope Alexander V. He died in 1410 shortly after being elected and was succeeded by John XXIII. To resolve the situation the Council of Constance managed to get Pope Gregory and Antipope John to resign so a new election could take place. As he refused to step down, Avignon Pope Benedict XIII was excommunicated and his successor, Antipope Clement VIII resigned in 1429 in recognition of the Roman Pope Martin V's legitimacy to the papal throne. The only others to resign are Marcellinus, who abdicated or was deposed in 304 after complying with the Roman emperor's order to offer sacrifice to the pagan gods; Benedict IX, who sold the papacy to his godfather Gregory VI and resigned in 1045; and Celestine V, who stepped down after five months as pope in 1294. The decision is unprecedented. He is the first Pope to resign since Gregory XII in 1415 and no Pontiff in history has stepped down on health grounds. But there is no doubt too that the announcement comes at a dynamic and dramatic moment in the history of the Church and the entire world, with everything making news from storms to what may be a major coming comet. And indeed, whether or not it's related, something is coming. The time is coming when princes and peoples will reject the authority of the Pope. Some countries will prefer their own Church rulers to the Pope. We thank God Almighty and the Holy Spirit for giving to us a Shepherd Pope Benedict XVI to guide His Church through the ranks of evil men who make evil decisions.

February 25, 2013

10 Searching people who take a stand. Einstein once said that we owe our gratitude to those who came before us, and should continue to work for those who will come after us . Such a person is to be found in the life of Socrates, a life that left prints not only on Greece but also for all mankind., that will be resurrected by many moralist, to guide our lives. Socrates, a son of a stone cutter was destined to continue the trade of his father. But being a restless and sincere thinker he decided to become a scientist

- Livy Fernandes philosopher. One day taking his friend along, as was the custom in those days, approached the Delphi oracle for consultation . The priestess questioned his presence. Replying in all humility he said I am Socrates of Athens and I know nothing . The oracle was again questioned as to who was the wisest by his

Why Socrates ! friend. After a eeriesilence the voice resounded Socrates is the wisest . These words haunted him in later years,till he realised only the wise understood how little they knew. From then on it became his mission in his life to intensify his search for the discovery of truth through learning. Dissatisfied with the

privately taught ,for which he had to pay a stipend, but Socrates failed to charge his students fees. He questioned and challenged the philosophers and people faulty assumptions and their conclusions, for which he paid for it dearly. 5th century B.C., saw the Greek democracy collapsing,

flawed teaching of popular philosophers of his time, it became his mission to modernise these old thoughts and their gods . He stood for justice, ethics and moral principles, Material prosperity did not appeal to him, and often he was seen walking along without shoes. Education at the time was an individual s private concern, an individual s therefore needed to get himself

and he made all efforts to cure themalaise which the country was going through with the voice of reason. But strikingly these same people whom he assisted, where the persons who betrayed him. He was put on trial for his life, like earlier prophets before him .He was charged with not worshiping the approved and accepted gods ,and corrupting the minds of the youth . For these crimes a death penalty was imposed on him. He was 70years old when he was



1. Which fruit wears a crown and has eyes all over it? A. A pineapple 2 .Which river has four eyes (i s) and runs over than 2,000 miles? A. Mississippi

Jubel D'Cruz, Dombivili

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executed. While waiting for the fatal hemlock to act, he said to his family and friends when you lay me down in my grave say that you are burying my body only, and not my soul . He knew that death was not the end. His friends tried to console him at this time that the hemlock was acting ,to which he replied Be quiet, that I my die in peace. He died a martyr to the cause of freedom of thought and expression (speech). Plato one his most devoted students said of all the men of his time whom I have known,he was the wisest, the gentlest and the best He left us many exhortations which are still relevant today. I give you one of them the gossip . One day an acquaintance met this great philosopher and said Do you know what I just heard about your friend? Hold a minute Socrates replied Before tell-

ing me anything I d like you to pass a little test. The Triple Filter Test. Before you talk to me about my friend, it might be a good idea to take a moment and filter what you are going to say. The first filter is Truth: are you absolutely sure that what you are about to tell me is true? No said the acquaintance actually I just heard about it and All right said Socrates so you don t really know if it true or not. The second filter is in Goodness: Is what you are about to tell me about my friend something good No on the contrary So Socrates continued you want to tell me something bad about him, but you ve not certain its true . Last filter left, the filter is Usefulness: : is what you want to tell me about my friend going to be useful to me? . No, not really . Well concluded Socrates if what you want to tell me is neither true, nor good nor even useful, why tell it to me at all? . Take this 4th Century Philosopher s advice ,to add to your wellness.

Black and White

(This poem was nominated by the UN as the best poem of 2008, written by an African Child)

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Can You Hear Me

A man feared his wife wasn't hearing as well as she used to and he thought she might need a hearing aid. Not quite sure how to approach her, he called the family Doctor to discuss the problem. The Doctor told him there is a simple informal test the husband could perform to give the Doctor a better idea about her hearing loss. Here's what you do,' said the Doctor, 'stand about 40 feet away from her, and in a normal conversational speaking tone see if she hears you. If not, go to 30 feet, then 20 feet, and s o on until you get a response.' That evening, the wife is in the kitchen cooking dinner, and he was in the den. He says to himself, 'I'm about 40 feet away, let's see what happens.' Then in a normal tone he asks, 'Honey, what's for dinner?' No response. So the husband

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moves to closer to the kitchen, about 30 feet from his wife and repeats, 'Honey, what's for dinner?' Still no response. Next he moves into the dining room where he is about 20 feet from his wife and asks, Honey, what's for dinner?' Again he gets no response so, He walks up to the kitchen door, about 10 feet away. 'Honey, what's for dinner?' Again there is no response. So he walks right up behind her. 'Honey, what's for dinner?' 'James, for the FIFTH time I've said, CHICKEN!' Moral of the story: The problem may not be with the other one as we always think, could be very much within us..! Celine Fernandes, Andheri

Tel.: 22693578, 22654924 Fax 22658685 Email:

Did You Know?

Fenugreek, which is commonly used, is a curative for diahorrea. Powdered fenugreek is a perfect remedy for burns and wounds caused by fire. Alcoholics can also come out of their addiction by taking fenugreek continuously. Fenugreek paste can also be applied on boils for a quick healing. Fenugreek paste when applied on the face, removes acne. Diabetes can also be controlled by taking the soaked water (only the water) of fenugreek that has been kept overnight on an empty stomach. Jubel D'Cruz, Dombivili

When I born, I black When I grow up, I black When I go in Sun, I black When I scared, I black When I sick, I black And when I die, I still black And you white fellow When you born, you pink When you grow up, you white When you go in sun, you red When you cold, you blue When you scared, you yellow When you sick, you green And when you die, you gray And you calling me colored? Contributed by: Celine Fernandes, Andheri

Fenruary 2013 February 25,25, 2013


The Top Candidates For Papacy


he announcement of the planned resigna tion of Pope Benedict XVI on February 28 sparked immediate worldwide interest in the impending conclave to choose his successor. The gathering of the world s cardinal electors those members of the College of Cardinals under the age of 80 in the Sistine Chapel is reportedly scheduled to commence around March 15. Attention has naturally focused on the so-called papabili, those cardinals seen to be the strongest candidates to become pope.

Cardinal electors

As of a likely conclave in the middle of March, there will be 117 Cardinal from 50 countries who will be eligible to vote, the so-called cardinal electors. The largest voting groups are from Italy, with 28 electors, the United States with 11, Brazil and Germany with six each and Spain with five. In all, Europe will have 61 electors, or more than half of the total, and North and South America have another 33. The remaining cardinals from Africa, Asia and Oceania will bring only 23 votes combined. The cardinals from a region or country, of course, do not necessarily vote as a bloc. This is especially true of the Italians, who are often divided among their preferred candidates. Perhaps even more important than the numbers is the new membership since the last conclave. After seven

years, Pope Benedict has appointed the majority of cardinal electors (67 in all), which represents a very significant change in the composition of the College of Cardinals since 2005. Among the largest group of electors, the Italians, 21 of the 28 electors have been appointed since 2006. Likewise, among the Americans eight of the 11 electors are new. The votes in any conclave reflect two major concerns on the part of the cardinals. First, there are the pressing issues facing the Church, and second, there is the task of finding the candidate who is the most qualified to deal with them. Current favorites So, who are the current favorites? Three names are most prominent: Cardinal Angelo Scola, the archbishop of Milan; Cardinal Marc Ouellet, prefect of the Congregation for Bishops; and Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco, archbishop of Genoa. Cardinal Scola, 71, is highly esteemed by the pontiff, who moved him from the Patriarchate of Venice to Milan, one of the largest and most important sees in Europe. He is a brilliant, if at times recondite, theologian, a major supporter of the New Evangelization and a leader in Catholic-Islamic dialogue. His election could be hampered by internal divisions among the Italian cardinals. Cardinal Ouellet, 68, is a Sulpician and served as archbishop of Quebec from 2002

to 2010 before taking over as head of the powerful Vatican office that oversees the appointment of the world s bishops. Critics point to the lamentable state of the Church in Quebec during his tenure and wonder if he would be able to reinvigorate the faith in the West. Cardinal Bagnasco, 70, is very well known among the Italian and European Cardinals and has a reputation for intellectual heft. He is also president of the influential Italian Bishops Conference.

Other players The remaining papabili include: Cardinal Dominik Duka, archbishop of Prague; Cardinal Peter Erdo", archbishop of Budapest; Cardinal Odilo Pedro Scherer, archbishop of São Paulo, Brazil; Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi, president of the Pontifical Council for Culture; Cardinal Antonio Cañizares Llovera, prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments; Cardinal Peter Kodwo Appiah Turkson, president of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace and former archbishop of Cape Coast in Ghana; and two Americans, Cardinal Donald Wuerl, archbishop of Washington and Cardinal Timothy Dolan, archbishop of New York. Cardinal Duka, 69, endured persecution under the communists in the one-time Czechoslovakia and is an ardent supporter of the New Evangelization.


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Key to deliberations Finally, there is Cardinal Dolan, 63, who is well-regarded in Rome and is recognized across the world as head of the New York archdiocese and as one of the most dynamic voices for the Church in today s mediadriven world.

Cardinal Ravasi, 70, is ranked among the great minds in the contemporary Church and is an advocate of dialogue with modernity, but he may be too intellectual and may not be the kind of reformer that the Roman Curia needs.

Cardinal Dolan is also someone who will be a figure in the deliberations, especially as a consensus builder. In 1978, Cardinal John Krol of Philadelphia and Cardinal Franz König of Vienna were instrumental in helping the cardinals to envision the first nonItalian cardinal in 455 years: Cardinal Karol Wojtyla of Poland, John Paul II. Similarly, in 2005, the cardinal vicar of Rome, Camillo Ruini, was a strong advocate for the election of Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger.

A Spaniard, Cardinal Cañizares Llovera, 67, has considerable academic credentials and both pastoral and Vatican experience as he was archbishop of Toledo and primate of Spain from 2002 to 2008 before moving to the Vatican to oversee the Church s liturgical life. Cardinal Peter Kodwo Appiah Turkson, 64, president of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, is a biblical scholar and former archbishop in Ghana, speaks six languages and also knows Latin and Greek. He has also caused controversies in the past few years with some of his comments, especially about the growth of Islam and the need for a central world bank.

In the end, there is a factor more profound than any of the papabili or influential cardinals. That is the role of the Holy Spirit in guiding and safeguarding the Church. The 2,000-year history of the Church, not to mention papal elections, provides ample testimony to that.

Cardinal Wuerl, 72, suffers from the deficit of being an

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May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, loved, glorified & praised throughout the world now and forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us. Sacred Heart of Jesus, Thy kingdom come. St. Jude worker of miracles pray for us. St. Jude helper of the hopeless pray for us. Amen, Say this prayer nine times


a day for nine days.

Heart of Jesus for the favours granted

Cardinal Scherer, 63, would be the first pope from the New World, but like Canada, Brazil s Catholic community faces many challenges, and his record in São Paulo is mixed.


Thanks to Sacred Heart of Jesus & St. Jude for the favours granted

Thanks to Our Lady of Imaculate Conception, St. Jude, and Sacred

American and hence a cardinal from the world s only superpower, but he has the skill in languages and the long experience of being a superb teacher and pastor; he also has a sterling record in dealing with the sexual abuse crisis.

A Hungarian, Cardinal Erdo", 60, is familiar to the European cardinals as he has been elected twice the president of the European Bishops Conference.

Thomas George, Bangalore

Heartful thanks to

The Holy Spirit for the favours granted

Thomas G. M., Ghatkoper

Thanks to Divine Mercy, Infant Jesus, Sacred Heart of Jesus, St. Jude Thaddeus and O.L. Of Perpetual Succor for the favours granted Mrs Leena G. Fernandes, Bandra (W)


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Posted on Friday, Saturday and Monday of every week Posted at Mumbai Patrika Channel Sorting Office, Mumbai - 400001.

February 25, 2013 Registered No. MH/MR/South-139/2012-14 February 25, 2013

Printed and Published by Lawrence Coelho at The Secular Citizen, 99, Perin Nariman Street, 1st Floor, Harihar Nivas, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001. Tel.: 2269 3578, 2265 4924, Fax 2264 0996 Printers: The Secular Citizen, Fort, Mumbai 400001. Editor : Philip Myaboo

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