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March 4, 2013

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Mumbai, March 4, 2013

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Church Loses Millions On Scandalous Investment

Mumbai: His Eminence Oswald Cardinal Gracias, Archbishop of Bombay blessed and inaugurated the School Building and Presbytery of St. Louis Church, Dahisar on 24th February 2013. Rev. Fr. Leo D Souza CSC, Provincial Superior of the Fathers of Holy Cross graced the occasion as Chief Guest.

Rev. Fr. Lawrence D Almeida, Former Parish Priest, Rev. Fr. Vinod D Souza and Rev. Ronson D Souza CSC, were present on the occasion. A large number of parishioners, invites, teachers, students attended the event. Procession, Holy Eucharist, cultural items formed part of the celebration. Ronida

Five Cardinals From India For Papal Conclave

Cardinal Ivan Dias

Cardinal Telesphore Toppo

Cardinal Oswald Gracias

Cardinal George Alencherry

Mumbai: Five Cardinals from India are a part of Papal Conclave for electing the new Pope. The number of cardinals eligible to vote in the upcoming conclave stands at 117, but could decrease for health reasons. Already Jakarta Cardinal Julius Darmaatmadja said he would not be traveling to Cardinal Baselios Cleemis Rome due to ill health. Here is a list of five Indian participating cardinals: Cardinal Ivan Dias, 76 (Mumbai, India) Cardinal Telesphore Toppo, 73 (Ranchi, India) Cardinal Oswald Gracias, 68 (Mumbai, India) Cardinal Mar George Alencherry, 67 (Ernakulam, India) Cardinal Baselios Cleemis, 53 (Trivandrum, India)

United States: A California megachurch that serves as the founding congregation of a global Pentecostal denomination may have lost $2 million due to investing in a musical that flopped last winter. The Foursquare Church of Echo Park, a neighborhood of Los Angeles, has been rumored to have lost the sum when it invested in a musical about its founder, Aimee Semple McPherson. According to David Ng and Mike Boehm of the Los Angeles Times, two anonymous sources within Foursquare confirmed the financial loss for the church's Foursquare Foundation charitable arm. "Foursquare representatives declined to say how much the church foundation lost when the show closed Dec. 9, but two Foursquare clergy members with knowledge of the situation placed it at $2 million," wrote Hg and Boehm. "The foundation's executive director, Greg Campbell, left the church within days of the show's closure, said the people. In addition, the church replaced all but one of the foundation

board members in part because of dissatisfaction with the decision to invest in a Broadway musical." The Foursquare Church is a Pentecostal denomination that began with the establishment of Angelus Temple at the beginning of 1923. Considered a global denomination, Foursquare boasts of having over 66,000 churches and meeting places in over 130 nations, including 1,700 congregations in the United States. To commemorate its founder, the charitable arm of Foursquare invested in a musical about the controversial life of McPherson. "Set in 1920s Los Angeles, holiness collides with Hollywood in the extraordinary tale of one woman's charismatic rise to fame," reads the about section on the website for the Broadway production.

"But as her popularity grows, so do her enemies, until her sermons, her celebrity and her past combine to put everything she believes in on trial." Written by television personality Kathie Lee Gifford and with music composed by David Friedman and David Pomeranz, the production opened last November only to close the following month after 31 preview performances and 29 regular performances. Gifford, who had regularly plugged "Scandalous" during the NBC Today show, attributed the failure of the Broadway production to issues surrounding Hurricane Sandy. Gifford pointed to other productions like "Chaplin" and "The Performers" which were impacted in a similar manner.

Catholic Social Teaching for Priests and Nuns Held

New Delhi (CBCI News): The workshop on Catholic Social Teaching for a Just Odisha was organized by CBCI Office for Justice, Peace and Development, New Delhi and Odisha Forum for Social Action (OROSA), Bhubaneswar 14-15 February at Red Cross Bhawan, Bhubaneswar, Odisha. The objective of this workshop

was to educate the priests and nuns on Catholic social teaching to join hands with other civil society groups for promoting justice and peace in Odisha for a better and just Odisha. Around 85 participants both priest and nuns from 5 dioceses took part effectively and involved in the process and discussion till the end. The facilitators of the

workshop were namely Fr. Charles Irudayam, Secretary, CBCI-JPDO, New Delhi; Mrs. Lalita Mishal, NAOW, Bhubaneswar; Sr. Justine, SJM, Bhuabaneswar; Mr. Dhirendra Panda, Secretery, CSNR, Bhubaneswar; Mr. Jugal Kishore Ranjit, Human Rights Activist; and Fr. Ajay, the director of OROSA.

Read :

An Insight Into The Papal Conclave 2013

on page 7

22 March 4,4,2013 March 2013

March 4, 2013



Vol.22 No.9 March 4, 2013


99, Perin Nariman Street, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001. Tel: 2269 35 78 / 2265 49 24 Fax.: 2264 0996 E-mail :, Website: Editor-in-chief : LAWRENCE COELHO

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Thought for the week

If you want to take your mission in life to the next level, do not look outside yourself. look inside.

How Would Business Experts Advise A New Pope?

Catholicism, first and foremost, is a faith. But looking at it as a business that needs some changes offers an interesting perspective. Behold a global business in distress incoherently managed, resistant to the modernizing forces of the Internet age, tainted by scandal and corruption. It needs to tweak its marketing, straighten out its finances, up its recruiting game and repair its battered brand. Ecce Catholicism Inc. Yes, the business of the church is saving souls, but it is nevertheless a business: a closely held conglomerate with a work force of more than a million, 1.2 billion more-orless regular customers, 10 times as many outlets as Starbucks, more real estate than Donald Trump dreams of and lobbying clout to rival that of any secular industry. Now its C.E.O., physically and mentally depleted at age 85, is stepping down, creating an opportunity for a serious relaunch. Catholicism is mostly a service industry Canyon Ranch for the spirit, if you will and its deliverables have stood the test of millenniums: instruction in how to live a good life, sacraments to consecrate major milestones, comfort in times of distress, the cleansing therapy of confession, penance and absolution, a sense of place in the universal order and the promise of a celestial payoff. The fundamental problems are not in the catalog. There is still a robust market for the faith. The problem evident in the waning confidence of the customers as well as the rising market share of evangelical start-ups and none of the above is with the management. As we wait for the ecclesiastical board of directors to fill the Chair of St. Peter, I ve been asking professional consultants, including some who work with the church, what Catholicism Inc. might learn from the temporal business world. After all, while the church adapts at a glacial pace, it does adapt. The church s teachings have evolved not just on the liturgy but also on issues as fraught as priestly celibacy, slavery, money-lending, war and peace, wealth and poverty, divorce and the role of women; even that most divisive of issues, abortion, was not always defined as strictly as it is now. For starters, my experts generally agree, it would help to have a pope with the drive and charisma to reboot the mission, someone with the gift of persuasion, a bit of media savvy and enough years ahead of him to follow through. I don t want to make it all about age, but wouldn t it be nice to have somebody who was closer to 60 than to 80? said a consultant who has helped reverse the fortunes of a major airline and a global fast-food chain. (Like some of my experts, he preferred to speak on background.) Pope John Paul II became pope at age 58, and before his papacy sank into scandal and Parkinson s, he was a beloved, globetrotting dynamo. Benedict XVI was 78 at the start, and he felt a bit like a caretaker. The first major task facing Benedict s successor will be to get past the lingering horror story of predatory priests, to restore the trust of the faithful and the respect of the general public. The business world has much to teach about surviving scandal. Michael Useem, director of the Center for Leadership and Change Management at the Wharton School, told me the church might learn from the way Warren Buffett cleaned up Salomon Brothers after a bond-trading (Contd.. on p. 4) RNI No. 56987/92 Registered No. MH/MR/South-139/2012-14

Long Live The Pope !

By the time this piece appears in print, Benedict VI would have relinquished St Peter s Chair for a retired life in prayer within the Vatican complex. The outgoing Head of the Church has served his papacy fairly well for almost eight years though some of the decisions or positions taken on certain crucial issues did not go well with the faithful. Perhaps even some of the Religious may not have agreed with his views all the time. All in all, he had the courage to admit that at 85, he is no longer capable of shouldering the responsibilities to ably serve almost one fifth of humanity. The Pontiff of today is far more active than his putative predecessors who generally remained cloistered within the confines of the Vatican whose current population is just over 900. Today s Pope travels extensively across continents which is a strenuous exercise if you take the age of the incumbents. It is not easy to travel despite all the comforts. You have to deal with stress, jet lag etc. Perhaps the coming years will be still more demanding to meet the challenges of this millennium. The Church is going through trying times and therefore it is necessary to have a capable man in place. Those Cardinals eligible to vote must be below the age of 80 which is unfair. May be it is felt that those over 80 years of age may not have the mental agility to focus on the issue. Surprisingly, once elected, one can continue well beyond the age of 80 and shoulder more onerous responsibilities. Perhaps the youngest Cardinal to vote will be an Indian Mar Baselios Cleemis of Syro Malankara Church. The oldest surviving Cardinal [but not eligible to vote] is 96 year old Tonini Ersilio of Italy. Our own Cardinal Simon Pimenta is 92. For the first time four Indian Cardinals will be voting. Though there are 221 Cardinals only 117 of them [53%] vote virtually on behalf of 1.2 billion Catholics. A time has come to consider if the Electoral College can be expanded to include all the Cardinals irrespective of age and even all Bishops of the universal Church. That would make the exercise more representative and broad-based. I am not sure how many Bishops are there in the world today. The number of Bishops in a country must also have a bearing

on the strength of Catholics there. The upper limit could be 70 for a Cardinal to take over as Pope so that he can continue till at least 80. Thereafter, if not by law, at least as a matter of convention, he should step down and make way for the next incumbent. There could be a debate on this issue and the Vatican should decide based on the inputs. The 1.2 billion Catholics should have some say in such matters or at least their views should guide the decisions by those who are empowered to do so. *****

Foot In The Mouth?

Ministers are increasingly making comments to gain political mileage but in the process embarrass the Government as well as the party. In the recent case, none other than the Home Minister of India, Sushil Kumar Shinde made some disparaging remarks concerning the BJP and the RSS. No doubt their ideology is suspect but to accuse them of operating camps to train potential terrorists is going too far. The comment was outrageous and understandably the main opposition party took umbrage at those remarks and rightly sought suitable apology. The vaguely worded regrets were surprisingly accepted by the BJP and decided to treat the matter as closed. The aggression vanished within 15 minutes and they assured the people that the Parliament would function normally. What really prompted this change of heart? The main opposition party has been facing flak for its disruptive tendencies and this was abhorred even by other parties which are inimical to the UPA. The whole of 2012 was virtually wasted and any further disruption would have been counter productive for a party that is seeking to occupy the treasury benches in 2014. To gloss over this fiasco, the RSS has been voicing its displeasure at the halfhearted regrets expressed by the Home Minister. Perhaps they will keep the issue alive for some time and let it die a natural death. The Government should learn a lesson from this episode and ensure that their Ministers speak responsibly. Pakistan is almost certain to capitalize on this ill advised comment. For the sake of some votes let political parties not go overboard and show other parties in poor light. *****

by Marshall Sequeira

Return Of Terrorism

After a reasonable gap, terrorism has returned to haunt this country which has seen many such attacks. This time it was Hyderabad where a similar attack did occur a few years back. Unfortunately we all get worked up once we face such a situation. People demand drastic steps to curb such activities and the Governments [Centre and State] are generous in their assurances. They promise everything under the sun including the famous lines like The guilty will not go unpunished and Such acts of cowardice will not deter us from taking the terrorists head-on etc etc. Sanctioning a few lakhs for the families of the victims is not enough. While it does offer relief to the aggrieved families, the larger issue of ensuring safety of all citizens has been either forgotten or not adequately addressed. We have had more dastardly attacks in the past like the one on Parliament and more recently the 26/11. Nothing could have been worse and considering the gravity of the attack a lot of things were promised. The commando hub was established in Mumbai but for months they had no place to stay and operate. Even other measures like the bombproof suits, surveillance cameras are still not in place to the extent that they should have been. The bureaucratic process is hampering this all important remedial action. There is blame game especially in Maharashtra where coalition partners are blaming each other. The same story goes on elsewhere. We will never learn which means that we are destined to live in eternal fear and anxiety. Politicians, no matter to which party they belong offer lip service. How many of them are prepared to give up their security to make policemen available for public safety. More than sophisticated gadgets what is required is a policeman at every street corner with good communication system. Patrolling is welcome but they must be seen on every street and if they are alert enough, it will instill fear in the minds of prospective terrorists and give a sense of assurance to the common man who always suffers the most.

March 4, 2013


How Would Business Experts Advise A New Pope? (Contd.. from p. 3) scandal and Ed Breen revived Tyco International after its chief executive went to prison for theft. The remedies were bold and effective. First, a purge of those responsible for the abuses and the cover-up. ( Managing out, as it is called in the corporate vernacular, has been a major weakness in the church, so it was heartening to hear the Vatican spokesman say that Benedict s retirement could open the door for a potential wave of resignations. ) Second, unstinting disclosure to investigators, waiving any privileges. Third, appointment of a compliance officer with impeccable credentials, ethical tenacity and conspicuous support at the top. At Tyco, the new leadership went on a high-profile road show of the company s outposts to drive home the reforms. Can you imagine, Useem said, if the new pope went on a tour, and at every stop he met with the local clergy and said: It s a new church. We ve been at it for a couple thousand years, and at this point we need to uphold the principles we all hold dear, and here are my 10 steps for making that happen. Once the new pope has dealt with the legacy of past disgrace, it will be time to look ahead. Ted Stenger, a corporate turnaround expert at the consulting firm AlixPartners and a devoted Catholic, pointed out that most big companies assemble their executives every few years for an intensive strategic review. The last time the church took stock was the Second Vatican Council, half a century ago. The mission of the church is not going to change, Stenger said. But how you set objectives and tactics to deliver on the mission may in fact change. One question on the agenda might be, to borrow a Michael Useem analogy, does the Vatican want to be Nokia or Apple? Nokia s strategy is to sell everyone on the planet a $20 phone. Apple s is to market a much pricier product to a more elite, high-income market. Does the Catholic Church change its standards to be more inclusive, or does it hold its dogmatic line and appeal to a smaller but loyal base? Or can it strike a balance? Either way, it s time for a reckoning. A second big question might be how much latitude to give to the more than 220,000 parishes. McDonald s has a basic menu that is consistent around the globe, but it gives local franchises license to adapt to local preferences wine with your Big Mac in France, vegetarian dishes in India. You will find Catholic parishes in cities like New York and San Francisco where gay couples are warmly welcomed, women participate in the liturgy, and the sermons and music are joyously unconventional. You will find others


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that favor the Latin mass, incense and everything by the book. Rome could encourage the parishes to be laboratories of worship. Useem notes that in business (and in the military, by the way), giving field officers freedom to execute the mission produces creative solutions and it s also just a tremendous energizer. Another headache the new pope will inherit is recruiting, especially in North America and Europe. In the United States the Catholic work force is shrinking by 50 priests and 175 nuns every month. One parish in five has no pastor. An obvious solution is to ordain women and let priests marry. The monopoly of celibate males, after all, is a long-established custom, but it is not core Catholic doctrine. Then again, if the church decides to be smaller (the Apple model), it won t need so much ministering. As you might expect of an institution that measures time in centuries, the church has been slow to join the digital world. Pope Benedict, tweeting as @Pontifex, has 1.5 million followers, which is pretty good, but he has tweeted exactly 35 times and the messages read like boilerplate composed by a dutiful intern. Bill Derrough, a specialist in corporate restructuring and a fundraiser for Catholic charities, said that if parishes simply got the names of their members into the computer, they could organize meet-ups, share best practices, spread news. If the pope wanted to send a message to all parishioners, I don t know how he d do it, Derrough said. Learning from product marketers and political campaigns, I think you could drive an increase in attendance. I think you could drive an increase in collections. My wife s church has hired an online collection service, called ParishPay, to put the Sunday offering on digital autopilot, but most churches still pass a basket. Finally, and obviously, the church could use some public relations help. Its stock response to criticism from without or dissent from within has been to drop into a defensive crouch, stonewall or go negative. That can come across as bullying and arrogant in other words, not very Christian. One of the costliest examples of dumb messaging is the tendency of church defenders to treat nuns, and women in general, with condescension. (Did the Vatican really expel an order of nuns from their cloister so the place could be refurbished as a suite for the retiring Benedict? Whose idea was that?) I realize that many devout Catholics recoil from suggestions of change, especially if the suggestions come from deserters like me. But troubled enterprises often benefit from a little outside counsel. And in the unlikely event that a new pope wants to bring the church closer to the 21st century, he will need all the help he can get. This is a far tougher turnaround than the ones I have led, said an executive who has helped save more than one foundering Fortune 500 company. You might need to tap the guy that turned water into wine! Bill Keller, New York Times

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March 4, 2013


What Makes Us

Chocolate Facts

Who We Are?

Mumbai: Two questions agitate civil society today to which there seems no clear and acceptable answer: governance and identity. Of the two, identity is the more problematic. In an earlier age, the age of empires, one was the colonial subject of say, French, British or Soviet rule. One s political identity was to be a subject, and that took precedence over whatever else one might also be. But independent nations aspire to be different and are usually ruled by a native dominant class. That is, they have majorities and minorities. And in most nations today, their internal problems are almost always related to the identities of minorities. So today s minorities cry: We re part of the nation! Accept our differences! Respect us! Give us our legal and civil rights! Minorities also assert that their space in society is continually being encroached upon. These minorities may be religious, ethnic (tribal and aboriginal) linguistic or based on sexual orientation (gay, lesbian and transgender). Demands for autonomy and the threats of secession are everywhere. For people have not just one identity but many. Which is the most important? Let s ask the question in the context of the Christian community in India. Are they Indian Christians or Christian Indians? In the first, the term Christian is the substance, while Indian is only a descriptor. The key identity is religious. Both Muslims and Christians, for example, see themselves as belonging to a universal umma, or an international ecclesia, whose borders are transnational and demand allegiance in spiritual as well as civic issues. Artificial contraception and same-sex identity, for instance, have not only spiritual connotations but dictate social behavior as well. If religious values dominate the public discourse of Christians in India, then most of them are Indian Christians. But if one calls oneself a Christian Indian, the terms are exchanged the substantive description is national and political; the reli-

gious description is accidental. Thus one may be a Muslim Indian, a Hindu Indian or a non-resident Indian, but the key identity is civic-political. This influences one s thinking and behavior. Is such a description more "secular"? Possibly. The Constitution declares that India is a sover-

- Myron Pereira eign socialist secular democratic republic", an ideal far from being practiced in reality. For most Indians, identity is feudal, and allegiance is owed primarily to caste and jati (kinship). Thus today, most majoritarian right-wing parties re-interpret patriotism as cultural nationalism , meaning a primary allegiance to the Hindu nation, because in this land the Hindu religion and culture predominate. Thus Hinduism a religion becomes Hindutva a political ideology. When this happens, the "democratic space of all minorities is encroached upon and suppressed, be these religious minorities, like Muslims and Christians, socioeconomic minorities, like dalits and tribals, or gender minorities, like women, lesbians and gays. "Democratic space means the freedom to express one s thoughts and aspirations without the fear of being attacked or suppressed, either by the state or by rival groups. When the democratic space is crushed, there is no alternative but violent protest. This is why what the state calls terrorism is the last recourse of groups that feel they have no other option. Aggressive political identities feed off each other. Political identity has become a substitute for good gover-

nance in the bitter competition for scarce resources, for wealth and power. The challenge is to rise beyond caste affiliations and work for the good of the whole community, not just of one s own sub-group. Perhaps here the market has more to teach us than the nation . For while rival caste and religious groups fight each other about who is to rule the nation, men have learned to cooperate in selling goods and services, and make money there from, no matter what they believe. We see this taking place today across the globe. The market, not the nation, today shapes identity. Will this lead to a major shift in decades to come? It s worth considering. Myron Pereira is a Jesuit priest and media consultant based in Mumbai.

1. Chocolate is one of the most popular foods and is unlikely to go out of fashion. 2. The word chocolate comes from the Aztec word cacahuatl or xocolatl , meaning bitter water . 3. Chocolate is derived from cocoa beans. It was cacao originally, but became cocoa as a result of misspelling. 4. Cocoa trees require warm and moist climate and are largely found in West Africa (Ghana, Ivory Coast and Nigeria). 5. The scientific term for the cocoa tree is theobroma cacao . This is the Greek term for food for the gods . 6. Cocoa trees produce pods and each pod contains about 20 to 50 cocoa beans. 7. There are different varieties of cocoa beans with different flavours and just like grapes are used to make different varieties of wine, different kinds of cocoa beans are used to make different kinds of chocolates. 8. The Mayans and the Aztecs believed that the cocoa beans originated from Paradise and brings wisdom and power to anyone consuming them. 9. Even though chocolate is rich in fat, it does not raise blood cholesterol. 10. Chocolates are not responsible for causing headaches. 11. Allergies to chocolate are very uncommon. 12. Cocoa butter, which is the fat extract from roasted crushed cocoa beans, is often used as a massage cream. It is also used to make white caffeine-less chocolate. Jubel D'Cruz, Dombivili

March 4, 2013


Cardinal O brien Gives His Backing To Idea Of Married Priests

Cardinal Keith O Brien, Archbishop of St Andrews and Edinburgh, has told the BBC that he would be very happy if married men had the option of entering the priesthood. The cardinal, the only churchman from Great Britain eligible to attend the conclave, said: There was a time when priests got married, and of course we know at the present time in some branches of the Church in some branches of the Catho-

lic Church priests can get married, so that is obviously not of divine origin and it could get discussed again. In my time there was no choice and you didn t really consider it too much, it was part of being a priest. When I was a young boy, the priest didn t get married and that was it. I would be very happy if others had the opportunity of considering whether or not they could or should get married.

Sad Demise

Rev. Fr John Joseph Martis (mostly known as Fr J. J. Martis) who is a priest of the Diocese of Mangalore passed away on Wednesday February 20th 2012 at 5 p.m. in a private hospital in Mangalore because of vertigo, stone deafness and related ailments. He was 73 years old and a priest for the last 47 years.

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Make Inquiry Into Catholic Priest s Raid Public

Margao: Parishioners from Velim constituency in Goa have demanded that the inquiry into the incident where a Catholic priest was raided before the assembly elections be made public. They submitted a memorandum to the governor, state chief minister, archbishop and the council for social justice and peace in this regard. "One year has passed and there is no clue if the investigation is in process or has been completed, its status and who was behind it, was it real or was it a hoax or just to defame a priest," said the memorandum. Fr. Roman Gonsalves, parish priest of St Francis Xavier Church, Velim, was raided on Feb 6 last year. Parishioners claimed that the priest was targeted for making a pronouncement about how to vote in an upcoming election. The priest had at that time said he suspected political vendetta for asking the parishioners not to fall for allurements of any kind while exercising their franchise. The memorandum further stated that the purpose of writing this letter is to find out the facts. The memorandum listed four questions which included whether or not the basis on which the raid was conducted was a real complaint or a false one. The other questions were to know the status of the inquiry and how many people were called in by the investigating authority. (TOI)

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Former CRI secretary Brother John Dies

New Delhi: Conference of Religious of India (CRI) mourned the death of Brother John, a former National Secretary of the organization, who laid its foundations in many ways. Brother John, 86, of the Montfort Brothers of Delhi Province died of old age related illness. He was instrumental in establishing the National Secretariat in Okhla, Delhi, with all the facilities of residence, office and conference facilities, said Bro. Mani Mekkunnel, the current CRI national Secretary in press statement. He was appointed as the National Secretary in 1983 and made a substantial contribution to the functioning of the CRI in his ten

years of tenure, Brother Mani said in his statement. He said the Major Superiors of the time remember him as a very caring and affectionate person, efficient in his mission and available to all. He was appreciated and respected by the Bishops of India for his great quality of relationship and commitment to the work On his completion of his mission to CRI the Apostolic Nuncio honored him with Papal recognition, the statement said. During the last 15 years he was in Madhya Pradesh, Bangalore and Delhi actively involved in various ministries in the welfare of CRI.

Indians Commit Less Credit Card Frauds Our country witnesses the lowest number of fraud cases in credit cards space. " Visa Group Country Manager for India and South Asia Uttam Nayak said. He was replying to questions on the recent cases of fraud reported in the credit card space. "There may be some element of skimming (cheating) in the recent fraud cases. Also the indication is that there may be e-commerce misuse." Nayak said. Skimming has been witnessed in the country of late, wherein the card data is copies illegally in an otherwise legitimate transaction, only to be used fraudulently later. HDFC Bank, the largest credit card issuer in the country, is changing points of sale terminals at some of its merchant locations due to instances of skimming' fraud. Nayak, however, added that the banking sys-

tem had one of the robust checks and balances to avoid such instances. There were a second factor authentication, real time fraud control toils, and better authorization tolls among other, to check such instances,' Nayak said. Use of Aadhar Card Referring to the use of Aadhar cards in boosting the payment ecosystem, Nayak said this has the potential to include people from the rural areas into the banking fold, which would give a boose to the overall payment system environment. Visa has already tied up with five banks through its payment gateway, using the Aadhar unique ID number to open up bank accounts in unbanked areas.

March 4, 2013


An Insight Into The Papal Conclave 2013 The Pope election rules of the Roman Catholic Church regulate the Conclave to the smallest detail including the nature of the ballot. Although black or white smoke are not mentioned. The ballots must be rectangular and must contain if possible in the upper half of the printed form the words: Eligo in Summum Pontificem, while the lower half must remain free to write the name of the selected here. So it is written in section 65 of the Apostolic Constitution Universi Dominici Gregis of Pope John Paul II, the Pope s election regulations currently in effect for the Conclave. But not only the nature of the ballot is regulated in detail. The Pope election rules dating back to 1996, which were changed in one point by Benedict XVI in 2007, contain some strict provisions, which go far beyond the election process itself. The Dean of the College of Cardinals shall preside at the election, unless he is over 80 and thus no longer eligible to vote. In this case, he will be replaced by the Vice-Dean. If he is also over 80, the oldest of the highest ranking Cardinals takes over. This scenario will occur in the current conclave. Dean Angelo Sodano and Subdean Roger Etchegaray are over 80, so the 79-year-old retired Prefect of the Congregation of Bishops Giovanni Battista Re will take over the presidency of the conclave.

Room distribution by lot

During the conclave, the cardinals will reside in the premises of the Domus Sanctae Marthae, the guest house of the Vatican. The rooms are mandatory by the electoral law allocated by lottery. In addition to the Cardinals a few more people are involved, who need to swear under oath their obligation to secrecy . These include, among others, two doctors for emergencies , some religious priests of different languages for confession and an appropriate number of people for service and cleaning. What happens behind the doors of the Sistine Chapel, is to stay there. The Electoral Code provides a number of

Papal Voting Card Cardinals formerly used these intricate ballot papers, one of which is shown folded above. Currently, the ballots are simple cards, folded once (like a note card), with the words "I elect as Supreme Pontiff ....." printed on them. steps to prevent eavesdropping. To prevent any information about the proceedings to get out of the Sistine Chapel, the electoral code foresees multiple mechanisms to foreclosure. Throughout the conclave, the cardinals are encouraged to refrain from any correspondence by letter and telephone or any other way of communication . Newspapers, magazines, radio and television broadcasts are strictly prohibited during the Conclave. The Internet is not specifically mentioned, but the Cardinals may neither receive any messages of any kind nor send any outside the Vatican. Moreover, John Paul II goes into details several times in the Apostolic Constitution, regarding defense mechanisms against eavesdropping. In a special way, careful and stringent checks must be made, with the help of trustworthy individuals of proven technical ability, in order to ensure that no audiovisual equipment has been secretly installed in these areas for recording and transmission to the outside. it says in item 51.

New daily oath twice a day

The regulations for the actual election process begin only with chapter 62 of Universi Dominici Gregis . The process is accurately set. With the exception of the day on which the conclave begins, and where only one ballot is conducted, there are two ballots every other day mornings and afternoons. For every morning and afternoon. there will be apointed three election workers, three officers to collect the votes of sick Cardinals, and three Scrutineers, by lot. Additionally, every individuall eligible voter must swear the oath on

the combustion is to be performed. Because John Paul II. did not mention the black (or white) smoke, it was not clear whether there would be black smoke from the Sistine Chapel until the first round of voting in the conclave 2005, from which Pope Benedict XVI emerged. However, it may take quite a while, before the redeeming smoke signal appears. After the first three days, the Electoral Code foresees a break of maximum a day in which, among other things a spiritual address

The 1492 conclave was the first to be held in the Sistine Chapel, the site of all conclaves since 1878. each half-day. The vote itself is planned down to the smallest detail. So the Cardinals may write the name possibly in disguised, but clear writing and then fold the paper exactly twice. One by one, they then cast their vote individually and having reached the altar, the Cardinal elector says aloud the words of the following oath: I call as my witness Christ the Lord who will be my judge, that my vote is given to the one who before God I think should be elected. He then places the ballot on the plate, with which he drops it into the receptacle. Having done this, he bows to the altar and returns to his place.

No smoke in the Electoral Code

After the votes were counted, the slips will be strung on a string . The last Scrutineer, as he reads out the individual ballots, pierces each one with a needle through the word Eligo and places it on a thread, so that the ballots can be more securely preserved. If both ballots are completed in a half day, the list will be burned along with the records of all those present. Surprisingly, the electoral rules do not state how

by the most senior of the Cardinals in the order of Deacons, is on the agenda. After another seven unsuccessful ballots, there follows another break with admonitory words by the highest of the order of Priests and finally, after another seven, an encouragement by the senior Cardinal of the order of Bishops.

Agreements prohibited

Given the speculation about the successor to Pope

Benedict XVI, especially in connection with the distribution of the College of Cardinals on the continents and on individual states, finally chapter 81 of John Paul II s electoral code gets interesting: The Cardinal electors shall further abstain from any form of pact, agreement, promise or other commitment of any kind which could oblige them to give or deny their vote to a person or persons. If this were in fact done, even under oath, I decree that such a commitment shall be null and void and that no one shall be bound to observe it; and I hereby impose the penalty of excommunication latae sententiae upon those who violate this prohibition. It is not my intention however to forbid, during the period in which the See is vacant, the exchange of views concerning the election. The Cardinal electors shall further abstain from any form of pact, agreement, promise or other commitment of any kind which could oblige them to give or deny their vote to a person or persons. To really leave nothing to chance, the electoral rules not only regulates what the Cardinals have to do or not to do, but it also contains a clear statement to the congregation. During the Conclave, the entire Church spiritually united with Mary, the Mother of Jesus, should persevere with one heart in prayer; thus the election of the new Pope will not be something unconnected with the People of God and concerning the College of electors alone, but will be in a certain sense an act of the whole Church.

Unfailing Prayer to St. Anthony

O holy St. Anthony, gentlest of Saints, your love for God and Charity for his creatures, made you worthy, when on earth, to possess miraculous powers. Miracles waited on your word, which you were ever ready to speak for those in trouble or anxiety. Encouraged by this thought, I implore of you to obtain for me (request). The answer to my prayer may require a miracle, even so, you are the Saint of Miracles. O gentle and loving St. Anthony, whose heart was ever full of human sympathy, whisper my petition into the ears of the Sweet Infant Jesus, who loved to be folded in your arms; and the gratitude of my heart will ever be yours. John C. Fernandes, Mangalore

March 4, 2013



aint Paul stood tall and burly , radiating the aura of one who was chosen by God. The Philippians were in awe of the Apostle and crowded the square near the open market place. Most of them in their midst were the persecuted followers of the Jewish Messianic movement.(Acts 8:3). To St. Paul they were all his brethren when he addressed them : he preached on the true faith, asking those present to be devout and strong in the Lord Jesus. (Around AD 30-34). For many, of whom I have told you and now tell you even with tears, live as enemies of the cross. (Phil. 3:18). The moments silence split with Paul s booming voice as he added : Our commonwealth is in heaven, and from it we await a Saviour , the Lord Jesus Christ (Phil. 3:20). The divine mission of St. Paul was to spread the Word of the Lord which enabled early Christians to encounter a reality in meeting with disciples and Apostles

BRIDES MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Spinster, aged 26 years, Ht. 5 , Wt. 46 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B. Com., working as a Customers Service. Seeks a suitable match. Contact email : OR 9820251612 (Regd. No. 5890) MUMBAI : Keralite Divorcee (Marriage null & void) aged 30 years, Ht. 155 cms, slim, fair, good looking, Edn. M.S.W. working as a Social Worker. Seeks a suitable match. Contact Mob: 9819316338 (Regd. No. 5889) MUMBAI : Tamilian Roman Catholic Spinster, 25 years, Ht. 5 2 , Wt. 52 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B. Com., (MBA), working as a International Sales coordinator. Contact : 9819715377 (Regd. No. 5858) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic parents invite alliance for their daughter 27 years, 5 2 , Edn. MBA., working as a Asst., Analyst., in MNC., Seeks a well educated and well settled Mangaloren Boy. Contact E m a i l : (Regd. No. 5758) MUMBAI : Mangalorean RC Spinster aged 30 years, Ht. 5 5 , Fair Complex, Edn. Doctor, working as an Asst. Manager in Pharmaceutical

Persevere In Propagating Your True Faith who knew Jesus. Paul , the Apostle was known for his advocating of the new faith with authority : promising his listeners and followers that some day they will share in His glory. The Apostle had made himself an enforcer of the faith. Paul was always attuned to the Spirit of the Lord and would ever remain essentially a man of faith with the highest qualities of leadership. He told his Christ-followers to , do nothing from selfishness or conceit , but in humility count others better than yourselves. (Phil.2:3). St. Paul s vision was that the kingdom of God can be realized by the power of social action. St. Paul had been appointed by God to be the Apostle to the Gentiles. In terms of progress and growth of the faith ; his knowledge of the Christ, his Christian belief and influence silenced the Roman opposition for time enough to wet the roots of sympathizers and effectively

Fourth Week of Lent

- Melvyn Brown win over the crippled and wounded in spirit. Paul was born in Tarsus , the present day Turkey. After his conversion , the Apostle took upon himself the task to build up the body of Christ and that, two thousand years ago. He moved beyond the regions of the Jewish people, being himself a Jew. Eventually, St. Paul was martyred. Our faith and witness must also be like Paul s , warm, strong and vibrant. In this second week of lent we turn to the Gospel

reading : The passage from St. Luke tells us about the Transfiguration of Jesus on Mount Tabor. Jesus had taken Peter, James and John to the top of the mountain while the others slept a distance away . They went up to pray when suddenly, the figure of Jesus changed and his clothes turned into a dazzling flash of white light. Two men appeared and spoke to Jesus. One was Moses and the other Elijah. A voice spoke to them from above, saying : This is my Son , my Chosen ; listen to Him! The message is profoundly clear, that we too, should listen to Him . As lent opens we turn inwards in prayer and devotion imbibing into the Scriptures on Jesus s suffering, passion, death and resurrection. Christians are always focused on the presence of our Lord in our home , work and worship. His being with us is for always. He is the eternal Christ and Messiah with whom we

MATRIMONIALS company. Only Child. Contact: email: OR 9930550318 (Regd. No. 5786) MUMBAI : RC Spinster, East Indian, Fair Complexion, Sincere, Homely, Edn. B.A., aged 46 years, Ht. 5 2 , working for a Mumbai Reputed MNC - mfg - household products. Hobbies/Occupn/Profsn in Creative Art work. Seeks a suitable life Partner-Reliable, Sincere, Homely, Working, Sacrificing & Supportive. If interested Contact 8-30 p.m. to 10 p.m. Dial 25372060 (Regd. No. 5662) PANVEL: Mangalorean Roman Catholic Spinster, aged 27 years Ht. 5 3 , Wt. 50 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. Graduate, working for HSBC Bank, coming from a well establish business family. Seeks a boy with good family background, he should be a businessman or a service should earn good. A good person by nature. Contact : 9821594729 OR Email: (Regd. No. 5643) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Spinster, aged 26 years. Ht. 5 3 , Wt. 45 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. B.E. Computer, working as a I.T. Consultant. Seeks an edu-

cated Mangalorean boy from good family background. Contact : 8879179796 or Email : (Regd. No. 5621) MANGALORE : Mangalorean R.C. Spinster, aged 30 years, Ht. 5 5 , Wt. 58 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. MBBS, MD., Doctor by profession. Seeks a eduated well settled boy from Decent family. Email : lovely_lavender2012@ (Regd. No. 5619) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic parents of spinster daughter 1973 born, 5 4 1 /2 , fair complexion, well educated and employed in a good position in Mumbai, invite matrimonial alliance of Mangalorean Catholic Bachelor, with graduate or post graduate qualification employed in Mumbai or abroad, with sober habits, good family values, age upto 45 years. Kindly reply with full details with recent photograph to email bellwether Or Call mobile No. 9892700617 (Regd. No. 5441) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic parents invite alliance for their daughter 25

Grooms on page 4

years, 5 4 , Doctor by profession, consultant Homoepath (B.H.M.S.) having own practice in Mumbai, from Mangalorean Bachelors aged upto 30 years, professionally qualified Engineer/MBA/Doctor/CA preferably based in Mumbai or abroad, well settled with good family values. If interested reply with detailed profile and full size recent photograph to : Email: (Regd. No. 5756) MUMBAI : Mangalorean R.C. Parents invite alliance for their daughter 35/5 4 , Wheatish complexion, working in a reputed MNC. Seeks a suitable R.C. Bachelor upto 40 years with sober habits with latest photograph. Apply P.O. Box 853, Mumbai 400001 withfull details. (Regd. No. 5755) MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Spinster, aged 29 years, Ht. 5 3 , Wt. 55 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.Com., working, seeks a Goan Bachelor upto 34 years,

will be in heaven. He will change our lowly body to conform with his glorified body by the power that enables him also to bring all things into subjection to himself. (Phil.3:21). St. Paul, in his letter to the Romans had encouraged his believers to Rejoice in hope, be patient in suffering, persevere in prayer. (Phil.12:12). Meditate on your faith and persevere in prayer as a mandate for the promise of God s kingdom. In St.Augustine s writing, The City of God , he tells us that Holy Mother the Church is essentially alien in spirit to its earthbound environment. The Christian Church is one a mission to persevere in spreading the Word of God and the divine truth of eternity. Listen , Children of the Lord : throughout this season of lent you will make sacrifices ; missing a meal , giving alms to the destitute , spending more time with the family, and forgiving those who bully or silently hurt your feelings. Persevere in the true faith of Jesus Christ. above 5 6 , well settled. Contact Email : OR 7738923623 (Regd. No. 5754) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Spinster, aged 26 years, Ht. 5 6 , Wt. 75 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Beautiful, from decent family, Edn. B.Com., M.Com., MBA., working as a Sales and Marketing Incharge in large company. Contact Email : OR 9867097312 (Regd. No. 5752) MUMBAI : Roman Catholic Spinster, aged 27 years, Ht. 5 1 , Wt. 56 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. B.Com., Diploma in Financial Mgt., working as a Manager in Private Bank. Contact : Email: OR 28102394 (Regd. No. 5751) MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Spinster, aged 30 years, Ht. 5 4 , Wt. 65 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. P.G. Diploma, working as a Sr. Manager in Private Bank. Contact 9833710833 (Regd. No. 5750)

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March 4, 2013


Put Your Best Foot

Safe Driving Guidelines

For ward Nowadays, pedicure, which involves pampering the feet and toenails, has become an important part of beauty rituals for many. The term pedicure comes from the Latin words 'pedis', meaning 'of the foot', and 'cura', which means 'care.' Besides soothing your senses, this treatment also keeps your feet clean and healthy. Scrubbing your foot is also very necessary if you want to keep your feet clean and glowing. Scrubbing the feet with a gentle brush not only removes the dead skin cells and other microorganisms but also keeps nail infections and foot odors at bay. Fresh foot scrubs can be easily prepared at home using household ingredients.

Feet Grooming And Foot Scrub Ideas Brown Sugar And Oats Foot Scrub

Ingredients: 2 tbsp Aloe Vera Gel 1 tbsp Honey 1 tbsp Lemon Juice 1 tbsp Almond or Olive Oil 2 tbsp Brown Sugar 2 tbsp Oats (finely ground) Instructions: In a large bowl mix all the ingredients thoroughly until they become a gooey paste. Take a portion of this paste and start massaging your feet in a circular motion for few minutes. Then rinse your feet in warm water and pat dry.

Salt Foot Scrub

Ingredients: 1 cup Sea or Epsom Salt 2 drops Lavender Essential Oil 1/2 cup cold Water Instructions: In a bowl, add a cup of salt and two drops of lavender essential oil and combine well. Now, slowly add water till the entire mixture becomes a semi-liquid paste. But, don't add too much water or the mixture will become too watery. Rub your feet and soles with the salt scrub in a circular motion. Rinse the feet with warm water and pat dry.

Ground Coffee Foot Scrub

Ingredients: 3 tbsp Corn Meal or finely ground Oatmeal 3 tbsp Olive or Almond Oil 2 drops Lavender oil 3 tbsp Sea Salt Or Epsom Salt 4 tbsp Coffee (ground) Instructions: In a glass jar, take all the ingredients and mix well. Now apply this mixture on your feet and scrub gently in a circular motion. Then, rinse the feet with warm water and pat dry. Apply this at least once a week to get the desired results.

How To Do Pedicure At Home Things Required: l Nail polish remover l Cotton balls l Soap l Epsom salt l Cuticle stick l Cuticle cream l Pumice stone or foot file l Nail clipper and polish l Moisturizing lotion l Exfoliating foot scrub Instructions: The first step involves getting rid of your old nail polish with the help of a good

nail polish remover. To do this, take a cotton swab and soak it in few drops of polish remover and rub it over the nails to wipe them clean. Fill a bucket with warm water and mix a tablespoon of salt in it. Soak your feet in the bucket for about ten minutes. The warm water and salt will soften the skin and help in removing the dead skin cells. Now, gently wipe and pat dry your feet with the help of a clean towel. Once the foot is dry, apply a cuticle cream on the cuticle of every nail. Wait for about three to five minutes to allow the cream to soften the cuticles.

Take a cuticle stick and push back the cuticle of the each toenail. Be careful not to exert too much pressure when pushing the cuticle back. By using a good quality pumice stone, scrub the heels and side of the feet. Brush the feet gently with the stone to remove dirt and dead skin cells. Cut the nails with the help of a clipper and later file them to get the desired shape. Wet your feet once again and dab a small amount of exfoliating foot scrub. Scrub thoroughly and then rinse. Dry your feet and apply a moisturizing lotion. You can also use an electric massager to massage your foot to feel more relaxed. Finally, apply nail polish on the toes.

Drive carefully and safely, with full mental alertness. Speed is not the only thing that kills; even negligence kills When driving alone, do not indulge much on music, mobile phone conversations When driving with another or a group, do not chat while driving Concentrate on the Road and do the anticipated driving Physically or mentally uncomfortable, if you personally feel, park the vehicle on the roadside and try to relax for a while

Every Drive is an adventure if you so think; Years of driving does not proportionately improve your skills but sometimes gives you over confidence directly disproportional to the skills As a driver, think of other road users and their well being than your task and speed or time frame Never Drive, if you are Drunk Whatever the power you have, it is not the power/licence to kill! Respect Road Signals and Mandatory signs.

PRAYER TO THE HOLY SPIRIT Holy Spirit, thou who makes me see everything and shows me the way to reach the ideal. You who gives me the divine gift to forgive and forget the wrong that is done to me and are in all instances in my life with me. I, in this short dialogue want to thank you and confirm from you once more that never want to be separated from you, no matter how great the material desire may be. I want to be with you and my loved ones in your perpetual glory. Amen . A Devotee

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March 4, 2013

Discover the happiness in You might happen in future. Just be happy and half of

Healthy Life

Stay Young N Happy Always

1. Throw out nonessential numbers. This includes age, weight, and height. Let the doctors worry about them. That is why you pay them. 2. Keep only cheerful friends. The grouches pull you down. (Keep this in mind if you are one of those grouches!) 3. Keep learning: Learn more about the computer, crafts, gardening, whatever. Never let the brain get idle. 'An idle mind is the devil's workshop.' And the devil's name is Alzheimer's! 4. Enjoy the simple things 5. Laugh often, long and loud. Laugh until you gasp for breath. And if you have a friend who makes you laugh, spend lots and lots of time with him or her! 6. The tears happen: Endure, grieve, and move on. The only person who is with us our entire life, is ourself. LIVE while you are alive. 7 Surround yourself with what you love: Whether it's family, pets, keepsakes, music, plants, hobbies, whatever. Your home is your refuge. 8. Cherish your health: If it is good, preserve it. If it is unstable, improve it. If it is beyond what you can improve, get help. 9. Don't take guilt trips. Take a trip to the mall, even to a foreign country, but NOT to where the guilt is 10. Tell the people you love that you love them, at every opportunity.

Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.

Happiness is a mental or emotional state of wellbeing characterised by positive or pleasant emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy. It is basically living a good life, or flourishing, rather than simply as an emotion. Happiness is your innermost desire coming true. Creat the life you want and feel truly happy about it. There are many ways in which happiness can bring about a change in every area of your life. Stop living a normal life, you never know what

There are 7 things that the Lord Jesus hates and cannot tolerate.

They are: 1. A proud look. 2. A lying tongue. 3. Hands that kill innocent people. 4. A mind that thinks up wicked plans. 5. Feet that hurry off to do evil. 6. A witness that tells one lie after another. 7. A man who stirs up trouble among his friends. Jubel D Cruz, Dombivili

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Albert Schweitzer

Happiness is not in the mere possession of money; it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort. Franklin D. Roosevelt

your worries will be solved! A special recipe to help you achieve your gaols of happiness is:

Recip of happiness

*One large smile *2 cups sweetness *A large helping positivity *Agood sense of humour *One cup of self esteem *2 spoons full of true faith *2 pinches of easy going *One heartful of love mix togeather and enjoy the happiness.

There is always a hope and an en d. It depends on us how we deal with them. We can loo k at it as a hopeles s end or an endle ss hope

7 Golden Rules Of Life 1st: Don t let someone become a priority in your life, when you are just an option in their life Relationships work best when they are balanced. 2nd: Never explain yourself to anyone. Because the person who likes you doesn t need it, and the person who dislikes you won t believe it. 3rd: When you keep saying you are busy, then you are never free. When you keep saying you have no time, then you will never have time. When you keep saying that you will do it tomorrow, then your tomorrow will never come. 4th: When we wake up in the morning, we have two simple choices. Go back to sleep and dream, or wake up and chase those dreams. Choice is yours 5th: We make them cry who care for us.

We cry for those who never care for us. And we care for those who will never cry for us. This is the truth of life, it s strange but true. Once you realize this, it s never too late to change. 6th: Don t make promise when you are in joy. Don t reply when you are sad. Don t take decision when you are angry. Think twice, act twice. 7th: Time is like river. You can t touch the same water twice, because the flow that has passed will never pass again. Enjoy every moment of life

March4, 2013 4, 2013 March

11 11


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Posted on Friday, Saturday and Monday of every week Posted at Mumbai Patrika Channel Sorting Office, Mumbai - 400001.

March 4, 2013

Registered No. MH/MR/South-139/2012-14 March 4, 2013

Printed and Published by Lawrence Coelho at The Secular Citizen, 99, Perin Nariman Street, 1st Floor, Harihar Nivas, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001. Tel.: 2269 3578, 2265 4924, Fax 2264 0996 Printers: The Secular Citizen, Fort, Mumbai 400001. Editor : Philip Myaboo

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