Secular Citizen

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April 29, 2013


CANA 2013

"Our first objective is to bring down the cost of wedding and the second to encourage community participation." Fr. Donald

Setting up an example to the community at large, 30 couples from Mumbai took marital vows in CANA 2013 -the first ever Christian mass wedding organized by the Bombay Catholic Sabha at St. Xavier s School ground in Vile Parle, on Sunday evening. Organising Committee included young event entrepreneurs from the community Akshay Bhoir described the event as an amazing concept. His cousin sister Shiny Gaikwad was one of the 30 brides. Describing her enthusiasm about the mass wedding, Shiny said, "The reason we have panned to participate in CANA 2013 is because it is a community event. We would like the whole congregation to be a part of our important day." Explaining the motive behind the mass wedding, Fr. Donald Rodrigues said, "Our first objective is to bring down the cost of wedding and the second to encourage community participation." He shared that many couples who otherwise take enormous loans for their marriage can benefit from the event, which will be conducted annually. The mass wedding was planned for over a year during which each Parish spread the word about the community wedding. A scrutiny of the documents submitted by the applicants was carried out, said Fr. Rodrigues. "We wanted to verify their age and background to avoid cases where either of the couple is in involved in divorce proceedings etc." The mass wedding has brought down the cost for each couple as the wedding gowns and suits were arranged for at subsidized cost. "Many couples from the community came forward to donate their wedding gowns and dresses to the new couples." Each couple was given a kitchen set as a marriage gift. A dinner and cultural event was organized after the mass wedding for family and relatives. More than 3,000 guests attended the event.


Tallest ever statue of John Paul II unveiled in Poland

Vatican City: The world's tallest statue of Pope John Paul II was inaugurated today in Czestochowa, southern Poland. The city of Czestochowa is a popular destination for Catholic pilgrims who go there to pray before the black Madonna painting. The statue weighs 10 tons and is 13,8 metres tall. It's bigger than the one in Chine which is 12 metres tall, Leszek Lyson, the man who funded the project and owns a fun park on the outskirts of Czestochowa. During the inauguration ceremony, the statue was blessed by the Archbishop of Czestochowa, Monsignor Waclaw Depo. Paradoxically, the tallest statue of John Paul II has been erected in a park which is also home to some sacred architecture miniatures, including a miniature of the Lourdes and Fatima shrines.

A Brainstorming Seminar on the Problems of East Indians held on 21st April 2013 at Vile Parle under the leadership of Mr. Herbert Barretto, President of Maharashtra East Indian Christian Federation.

April 29, 2013

Advt. Tariff


Vol.22 No.17 April 29, 2013


99, Perin Nariman Street, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001. Tel: 2269 35 78 / 2265 49 24 Fax.: 2264 0996 E-mail :, Website: Editor-in-chief : LAWRENCE COELHO

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Thought for the week

The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a person s determination.

Contents pg. 2 - Cana - 2013 pg. 3 - East Indians Need to Unite Now pg. 4 - Rabboni pg. 5 - Catholic Congress Targets Human Trafficking In Asia pg. 6 - Mobile Apps Bring Youngsters Closer To God pg. 7 - Vatican Holds Major Conference On Faith In Asia pg. 7 - Jesuits To Open First University Next Year pg 8 - Actions Will Speak Louder Than Gestures pg 10 - The Six Basic Types Of Prayer In Christian Life pg 11 - Sweetest Way To Say Goodbye - Resignation Letter Written On A Cakethe Faith pg 14 - The Church Is Not A Babysitter pg 17 - Brainstorming Seminar On The Problems Faced By East Indians pg 19 - Inspirations pg 21 - Matrimonials

Cover : Mass Wedding of Catholics Brainstorming Seminar on the problems faced by East Indians

April 29, 2013

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East Indians Need to Unite Now

East-Indians of this part of the country are the original inhabitians of Mumbai, Sons of the soil, once upon a time they were the major land owners of Mumbai are now an up-rooted community facing several problems today. Their demands with the Government are gathering dust. Several religious properties in Mumbai are gifted by East-Indians. Gaotans of East Indians are spread all over Mumbai. Many of them have disappeared replacing new structures. Government and landsharks are eyeing over the remaining Gaotans and Koliwadas. Govt brings out various notifications from time to time and plans to grab their remaining land through acquisitions. Other Communities living in the Bombay region have their strong associations and some even have their political fronts. A century back there were around 300 Gaothans & 100 Koliwadas in the Bombay ( salsette island plus seven islands ) region that number has been reduced to 189 Gaothans & 43 Koliwadas some time ago. The Gaothans & Koliwadas are spread across Bombay city & suburbs. The lakhs & lakhs of acres of former eastindian & koli lands surrounding the gaothans & koliwadas have been utilized by Government & Others for setting residential complexes, co-op housing societies, Industrial complexes, govt. housing colonies, skyscrapers, mhada buildings, mmrda projects, public sector undertakings, central/state govt. undertakings, shopping malls, banks, seepz, sports stadiums, midc, hotels, slums, textile mills, airports, roads, railways, universities, iit, shops, cinema halls, etc. East Indians have beautiful culture, traditions and customs. They are of loving nature and are ready to offer their services when needed. But today due to infighting in the community as well as in families and lack of unity, this community is not able to come together to put a united fight for their rights and demands. The acute shortage of housing within the goathans resulted in infighting among eastindian families and neighbors. There are about over 50 East Indian Associations spread all over Mumbai but no coordination among them to politically agitate with the authorities for their demands. The initiatives of Mr. Herbert Barretto of Maharashtrian East Indian Christian Federation in bringing all East Indians together is commendable. To continue his mission young generation is required to lead to achieve the dreams and goals of the Community. All East Indians need to realise that only a united efforts can bring about these changes.



hat night I found myself in Jerusalem! There was talk in the assembly of people that the Lord would come and we would accompany him on his entry into his abode of joy and peace. As dusk descended on the city, darkness cloaked the surroundings, muting the sounds and even the colours that had radiated warmth during the day. I was among the many that waited in that little oasis of light, with eager upturned faces, expecting the Lord to begin his journey any time. The fervour was palpable, the zeal radiating in every person. Filled with joy that we had heeded the call and accepted the invitation, we now stood as a little band of devotees impatient to lay our cloaks on the floor for the Lord to walk on! The congregation carried palms to greet the Lord and also candles that flickered in the breeze, casting tiny circles of light around them. Then the Divine Teacher appeared in the form of the Holy Species borne high by holy hands, embarking on a journey that would culminate in the accomplishment of his mission on earth. The people, waiting for this moment of sanctity fell into place, lighting the Lord s path with their lights, waving their palms and chanting to his honour and glory. As the procession wound its way in the dark of the night around this tiny Jerusalem, there was not a soul that had not been touched with the light of the Lord, his Word driving away the darkness in their lives!


lem? So now, as Mary Magdalene, I share that part of my life s journey with you

- Vera Alvares Where was this Jerusalem? This symbolic entry into Jerusalem was conducted on the evening of Saturday before the Passion Sunday, at Vinayalaya in the outskirts of Mumbai! Picking up the threads of my life, I ask myself How did I find myself in Jerusa-

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Mary stood crying outside the tomb. While she was still crying, she bent over and looked in the tomb and saw two angels there dressed in white, sitting where the body of Jesus had been, one at the head and the other at the feet. Woman, why are you crying? they asked her. She answered they have taken my Lord away and I do not know where they have put him! Then she turned around and saw Jesus standing there; but she did not know that it was Jesus. Woman, why are you crying? Jesus asked her. Who is it that you are looking for? She thought he was the gardener; so she said to him, if you took him away, tell me where you have put him, and I will go and get him. Jesus said to her, Mary! She turned towards him and said in Hebrew, Rabboni! Gospel of St. John 20:11-16 Life as a Christian calls one to follow the Lord closely on the narrow path. Eucharist and Sacraments serve to strengthen the spirit and the Word becomes a light to show the way. But

April 29, 2013

Rabboni! there are devastating times of death and sorrow which make us weak and empty. In the engulfing darkness the mind becomes numb with fear and doubts, creating questions that have no answers. We weep outside the empty shell of our lives, waiting for the Risen Lord to appear so that we can fall at his feet and cry out, Rabboni! When all seems lost, there comes a call from the Tabernacle, God shall wipe away all tears from the eyes of His people; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain for the former things are passed away. But after He paid the price for us, nothing can be lost. The number of his followers seeking Jesus in the empty tomb of their life is great and relentless. They will not give up till they discover the Lord in the gardener. There were many like me, who had heeded the call and flocked to Vinayalaya, that abode of serene humility, during the Holy Week this year! Jesus had been standing there and now he called, Mary! and all the other scores of names of people seeking to follow him from Jerusalem to Calvary to the empty tomb in the Sepulchre of Joseph of Arimathea. Like Mary Magdalene we were searching for the Lord in the fragments of our spirituality knowing that our lives were empty without him. The three days retreat organised by the CCR over the weekend enriched lives, mending the

April 29, 2013

spirit and reviving the spirit. It culminated in a journey from Fear to Faith through the infilling of the Holy Spirit! In the quietness of the surroundings of this Retreat House, every word uttered by the scores of speakers was magnified in content and conviction. They, who led us in prayer, worship and the Word of God had been called and converted into a life of passionate beliefs. It was evident in each case we heard, that the Divine Teacher waits for us, though we are the ones failing to recognise and embrace him. Through them the Master knocked on the doors of our hearts. The abovedescribed candle-lit procession bearing the Blessed Sacrament was the crowning glory for a people that had not encountered the Lord in Jerusalem. And we were touched! Not many of us in the Archdiocese of Bombay attend the gatherings of parish prayer groups. One has a choiceif you do not wish to join David in his vigorous song and dance before the Ark of the Covenant, you can fall on your knees before the Blessed Sacrament in the dark, quiet parish chapel and have a private word with the Lord and Master. However, this retreat succeeded in rejuvenating body, spirit and soul and a periodic rejuvenation of this kind clears the vision to see Jesus in the gardener! The distance or the reputation of the venue matters little if you go in repentance ready to accept HIM! Are you willing to fall at his feet and cry out, Rabboni!

Catholic Congress Targets Human Trafficking In Asia

Singapore: The leaders of 24 religious congregations in Southeast Asia have announced a more focused effort to combat human trafficking across the region, following a meeting in Singapore that ended last week. The 15th Southeast Asia Major Superiors Congress (SEAMS), which included 33 delegates from nine Asian countries, meets every three years to encourage greater collaboration among Religious in the region on social issues. Through the Congress, participants emerged with a strong conviction that we cannot continue to address human trafficking in our present piecemeal way. There is an urgent need for greater networking and collaboration, the SEAMS congress said in a press statement issued on Monday. The decision to focus on human trafficking in this year s Congress was unanimous as it has become a growing concern of the Church s social mission, said Fr Colin Tan SJ, regional superior of the Jesuit region of MalaysiaSingapore, who also served as chairman for this year s Congress. Human trafficking is the fastest growing crime in the world, according to regional and international rights organizations, affecting an estimated 27 million men, women and children. In its second global estimate of forced labor released in June last year, the International Labour Organization said there are 20.9 million victims of modern-day slavery at any given time, with the Asia-Pacific region accounting for the largest number at about 11.7 million.


Mobile Apps Bring Youngsters Closer To God

Chennai: Technology has brought spirituality to the fingertips of today's generation, who are discovering ancient religious texts and mythology with the help of mobile spiritual apps. For young and educated Indians, smartphones and tablets are a way to keep in touch with their spiritual side. They offer virtual prayers to their favourite deity before going to bed and keep track of their good and bad deeds with the help of SinTracker. Many Christians rely on their smartphones to remain connected with their church and get Bible alerts and gospel readings for the day. "In church, a certain passage is read out every day. I have an app that sends me passages and a prayer every day," says Smitha Thomas, who takes her iPhone instead of Bible to church every Sunday. Religious institutions have been creating apps. Jegan Selvaraj is creating one for a Protestant church in Tuticorin. "The pastor has more than two lakh followers all over the world and wanted to send daily Bible verses," says Selvaraj. While the app will be free, users


will have to pay 50 to 100 to download albums and videos of hymns. While many of the apps are free, users don't mind shelling out a bit. "You have to pay only once and most are cheap," says Thomas. "I can remain in touch with my church without having to step into the physical space."Every day, Mohammed Iqbal T V goes to the mosque during his lunch break. After offering prayers, he whips out his smartphone and goes to the iQuran app he has downloaded to read portions of the holy text. Pocket-sized versions of the Quran are available. "But I don't feel like carrying it around every day. It is more convenient to have it on my phone since I carry it with me all the time," says Iqbal, who uses two Quran apps. Sudhakar Kanakaraj, who works with a software company in Bangalore, developed the Lord Muruga Pooja app three months ago. "I wanted to do something that was spiritual," he says. "People lead busy lives and travel a lot. The one thing they always have is their mobile phone." His free app, which works on android phones, has multiple features. You can offer flowers, ring a bell or do

aarti with just a touch while a mantra plays in the background. "I wanted to give users the feel of actually doing a puja," says Kanakaraj. The app got 5,000 downloads and prompted him to create similar ones — Shiva pooja, Ganesh Pooja, Hanuman Chalisa, Gayatri Mantra and Satya Sri Sai Baba pooja. The last is the most popular with 30,000 downloads. In India, where people of multiple faiths coexist, there is a huge market for all things spiritual. Chandigarh-based Gautam Chaudhary, whose company specializes in mobile apps, tested the market by launching a Hanuman Chalisa app last year. "I launched a few more and each of them has got more than 5,000 downloads," he says. "This is just for the apps I have created. There are innumerable apps available." Features are tailor-made to suit user requirements. The iQuran app has the verses with English translations. It also allows you to bookmark pages. "The Quran is about recitation, so the app gives you a list of famous Imams. You can choose the Imam you want, listen to his recitation, and try to recite that way," says Iqbal, who also used Quaran Android, which has the full Quran in Arabic, without translations.

April 29, 2013

Vatican Holds Major Conference On Faith In Asia

Vatican City: Asia s rapid growth and increasing inequality as a result are weakening spiritual life and posing a challenge which Asia s many faiths could and should face together, Cardinal Fernando Filoni said at the end of a major Vatican conference this week. Held at the Pontifical Urbaniana University which trains priests from mission areas, the conference on the Asian Church and its future ended on Wednesday with a call for all religions to face these challenges together with a common sense of authenticity and purpose. Cardinal Filoni said while economic growth had increased the material means available to Asians, this progress has not been followed with an equal distribution of goods. Inhuman and scandalous forms of poverty and exclusion [still exist], he said. Affluence has also meant problems for spirituality including immorality, lack of attention to human life and suicides, added the cardinal. In a strong statement on interfaith collaboration, Cardinal Filoni said that dialogue between different religions in Asia had a social and political color since it is aimed to develop policies and strategies for the common good promoting a culture of empathy and compassion. The conference was aimed at drawing up a blueprint for Catholic missionary action in Asia and included representatives of faiths including Hinduism, Islam and Buddhism as well as experts from Italy, the Vatican and 10 different countries in the Asian region. Source:

April 29, 2013

Jesuits To Open First University Next Year Bhubaneswar: India's first Jesuit university will be operational in Odisha state by next year, says Jesuit educationist Father Paul Fernandes, who works on the project. Four years after the idea was proposed for Xavier University, the Odisha state assembly recently passed the Xavier University Bill, 2013, paving way for the establishment of the country's first Jesuit university, Father Fernandes told Business Standard news paper. "We expect the campus to be ready by this December and operational by July 2014. We are hopeful to move the rural management program by July next year," he said. The priest, director, Xavier Institute of Management in Bhubaneswar said it will be a full-fledged university based in Odisha but they may later expand it to other states too. The university will not affect the Jesuit's highly successful management school in the state capital. "It will remain as it is and Xavier University will be a separate entity, he said. Four years since the idea was proposed, the cost of the project has escalated from 330 million to 400 million rupees. In the first phase, the cost of developing 200,000 square foot built up area will be around 400 million rupees, he said. The priest said they plans for the university's second, third and fourth phase with each phase plan to add one or two schools to the University. The vision is "an innovative and of

great quality" university and they expect financial support from alumni, friends, donors and "anyone whoever wants to support our venture." The university will focus on subjects of science and humanities. "Looking at the state's needs, we need to strengthen arts, science, cultural and media education. This, however, would be at a later stage," the priest said. The university has reserved 50 percent of its seats to students from Odisha because of "our commitment to the state," the priest said adding that this "is a unique feature" which "no other private university in the country has." Source: Business Standard

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Ac t ion sW k Act ions Wii l l Spea Speak Louder T han Gest ur es Gestur ures How Pope Francis may tackle the core issues for the Church. Bangkok: The early days and weeks of the new Pope s work as Bishop of Rome have been full of symbolic gestures and clear messages about the approach he takes to following Jesus. But it will be the actions of this pontificate that will have the lasting effect. That effect will be felt in the appointments he makes and the way he handles the list of outstanding issues that confront him, which include the nature of ministry, the role of women, the sex abuse scandal, the male dominated governance of the Church at most levels in most places, the stalling on ecumenism, the failure of the Church in dealing internally with natural rights and due process, and how Catholics are to share the Good News in the sometimes secular and always religiously pluralistic contexts. From what we know of his views and practice as a Jesuit priest and bishop in Argentina, here are five things I wouldn t be surprised to see. These are of course pure, if also informed, hunches. But I wouldn t think it extraordinary for the following to occur: It would appear from the accounts of his personality offered by those who know him well that when Pope Francis makes up his mind about something, nothing will deflect him. The reform of the Curia, making it serve rather than dominate local churches, rendering its processes coordinated but also transparent, having other than predominantly Italian voices heard in it, are all things that have been often repeated as necessary changes. They have wide support among bishops and cardinals and as a speaker at meetings prior to the conclave, Pope Francis was most outspoken about the need for Curia reform. His concerns will only be in-


tensified when he absorbs whatever is in the 300-page report on the Curia delivered by the three elderly cardinals in December that was said to have triggered Benedict XVI s retirement. Reform of the Curia will be his major legacy. Plainly from the evidence of his actions and words so far, he will focus on dark places and dark times where he can see the suffering Christ as the

- Fr. Mick Kelly places where the Spirit can grow if allowed. Plainly Pope Francis is with St Paul in believing that the only boast of Christians is in the Cross of Jesus Christ and the Good News is to be preached to the poor. I think this will issue in a simpler account of Catholic identity, free of the elaborate philosophical and theological frameworks, the negative warnings and forbidding utterances that have been so substantial a feature of Catholicism since the Vatican Council.

There will be a distinct change in the tone and content of messages from Rome. Expect Francis to counter the image of the Catholic Church as sexobsessed rather than as the servant body of Christ. Since so far he has used gestures rather than pronouncements to make points, this will take the form of friendly encounters with some who have been subject to admonitions and condemnations in the past. He will be acutely sensitive to the movement of the Spirit in the Church. There are many issues in need of consideration, decision and action in the Church right now the place of women, the collapse of confidence among Catholics in the moral teaching of the Vatican, the obvious incapacity of the Church s present ministerial structures to adequately provide sacramental ministry, the gross over-centralization of Church governance in the Vatican Curia as an extension of the Pope s supreme authority. In this regard, and while he shows no sign of being a theological liberal, expect him to initiate discussion, perhaps even convene a major gathering of Church leadership, to address the central challenge facing

April 29, 2013

the Church: the nature and structure of ministry, including sacramental ministry. Rather than an outright repudiation of current procedures and practices, though, he will commence a process that will create a differently shaped Church over the next decade. The focus and mood in word and deed of Pope Francis s approach is already evidently more evangelical and direct than the moral and pedagogical focus of the last two pontificates. He is plainly traditional, even devotional, in the expression of his Catholic faith. He will use these actions and events rather than encyclicals on moral issues or fine theological points. He will know that few are listening to what comes from the Vatican and rather than issue any motu proprio, he will rely upon the local churches to find their own ways to live the Gospel. Related to that, I expect there will be a reduction in the influence of the spy network, the so-called Temple Police throughout the Church that has harassed thinkers and authors almost without restraint for some decades. He will see himself as part of something much larger to which he has a contribution to make, but only a contribution and for a particular length of time. At 76, he gave himself no chance of being elected pope, and I think that unless death suddenly takes him, he will follow his predecessor s example and follow the usual Jesuit practice where all but the Superior in the Order the Superior General whose length of term is indefinite retire from an appointment after six years in the job. That will allow him to do what he wants to do and, at 82, I d consider retiring too. But overall, one thing is certain: if things don t change it will be because as Francis, Jorge Maria Bergoglio hasn t tried his hardest to change them. Fr Michael Kelly SJ is executive director of and is based in Bangkok Source:

April 29, 2013

Bishop Demands Speedy Probe Into Rector s Killing Bangalore: Archbishop of Bangalore has urged the Karnataka government for a speedy investigation into the killing of St. Peter's seminary rector Father K J Thomas. Archbishop Bernard Moras of Bangalore said that though the police are doing their best, they have still not been able to identify the culprits and the motive behind murder that happened three weeks ago. The body of Fr. Thomas, 62, was found lying in a pool of blood in a corridor near his room at St. Peter's Seminary in Bangalore on April 1. Preliminary investigations suggest that Fr Thomas was attacked after answering a knock on his door. The archbishop in the Saturday press release said that the culprits chose the day when there were very few inmates in the seminary. All the students of the seminary had gone on leave for summer holidays. Many of the staff members had gone out for their annual leave and even those who stayed back had gone out for Holy Weeks celebrations, he said. The archbishop added that out of the total teaching staff of 23, only 7 of them, including Fr. Thomas, were present in the seminary that night. The prelate said that there has

been a lot of talk and rumors after the murder of Fr. Thomas. His room was ransacked while the doors were not damaged. Nothing valuable was missing from his room The room next to his is procurator s room. Attempt was made to break open and damage it. Few other rooms such as reception, students computer room, two students rooms, Bible museum etc were also opened and ransacked. Nothing valuable was missing from his room or anywhere from the seminary. As far as it is known at present no documents are missing. However, we will come to know if any documents are missing only when we really want them. Ownership of th seminary cannot be the cause for the murder, he said and clarified that a society registered in Karnataka state in 1976 manages the seminary. The seminary was started at Pondicherry in 1778 and transferred to Bangalore in 1934 and is standing in the name of the Bishop of Mysore. Recently some organizations wanted Karnataka bishops to take over the seminary, a demand studied by a Vatican-appointed Commission of three Bishops. The commission has submitted its report and the directives from The Vatican are awaited, he said.

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The Six Basic Types Of Prayer In Christian Life Ask, and it will be given to you ; seek and you will find ; knock and it shall be opened to you.


rayer if the lifeline to mental and also in our Christian life we often pray in spiritual peace. Prayer can gen private. In this context prayer is a conerate love, forgiveness, happi- versation. The meaning of prayer is a ness and much more. It is virtually request, or expression of gratitude impossible to imagine life without made to God. A Christian goes one prayer. We should restore prayer to a step forward and adds to his request : larger tapestry of sacredness in the Be it according to your will. faith. It is remarkable , in a way, to Prayer is a tremendous force to know that basically there are six types empower a person or persons to reach of prayers. Indeed, although we pray, out and find comfort, encouragement many do not stop to think in which and hope. In Christian life prayer is category they are placing their prayers. deep-rooted and connected to tradi Ask, and it will be given to you tions based in faith over the centuries. ; seek and you will find ; To discover prayer as fulfillknock and it shall be ment, is to pray. In the Book opened to you. ( Mat.7:7). of Job, we hear the prophet Further, the Gospel of say : You will make your Mathew draws our attenprayer to him, and he will tion to General Prayer : hear you ; and you will pay for Peace , for an end to your vows. (Job.22:27). Violence , for survivors of Social and Family a disaster, or for those - Melvyn Brown Prayer is the third category who lost their lives in a of Prayer. In Acts of the cause. General Prayer may be made Apostles we are told of how the apostles by an individual or with a group to : the women, and Mary the Mother of prayer for others, regardless of not Jesus when they returned to Jerusaeven knowing them, unfolds a true lem from the mount called Olivet. All Christian charisma. The Second type these with one accord devoted themof prayer is Private Prayer. And after selves to prayer (Acts. 1:14) when they he had dismissed the crowds he went went to the Upper Room where they up into the hills by himself to pray. were staying. (Mat.14:23). Jesus stayed there alone Public Prayer is the fourth group. till evening came. Private prayer is It is wrong sometimes to imagine that personal. It goes beyond the conflicts civilizations do not decline but collapse. and stress in every day life. It is a Most civilizations did collapse due to moment in time when a person cuts natural disasters. Many others declined himself off from his surroundings and because of their pagan worship and turns to private prayer. disregard of God. The prophet Isaiah In the Gospel of Luke, Chapter 9, had spoken the words of almighty God Verse 18 : Now it happened that as he when he said, these I will bring to my was praying alone We find another holy mountain, and make them joyful in example of Jesus in private prayer. So


my house of prayer ; their burnt offerings and their sacrifices will be accepted on my altar ; for my house shall be called a house of prayer for all peoples. (Is.56:7). Public prayer is sedately spoken of in the Holy Bible. Intercessory Prayer falls in the fifth bracket. Earlier I wrote on intercessory prayer (PRCP-14) and on the Lord s Prayer (PRCP- 9). Today, the meaning of prayer and intercessory prayer will help show you how to comfort, how to confront, heal and to help others through the seasons of events and emotions in our Christian and Catholic life. Answers to Prayers is the sixth form of prayer. Jesus answered her, if you knew the gift of God, and who it is that is saying to you, Give me a drink , you would have asked him , and he would have given you living water (John 4:10). but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst ; the water that I shall give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life. (Jn. 4:14).


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April 29, 2013

Sweetest Way To Say Goodbye -

Resignation Letter Written On A Cake


s resignations go, it takes the biscuit. Chris Holmes, an im migration officer for Border Force at Stansted Airport, handed in his resignation yesterday on a cake, beautifully piped in neat black letters on a flawless page of white royal icing. "The writing was quite fiddly," he says (he had practised on a sheet of paper). "I would have done it a bit neater if I'd known it was going to go viral." Addressing his letter "To The Management", Holmes writes in upright and looping script: "Having recently become a father I now realise how precious life is and how important it is to spend my time doing something that makes me, and other people, happy. For that reason, I hereby give notice of my resignation, in order that I may devote my time and energy to my family, and my cake business." Holmes, 31, who lives in Sawston, Cambridgeshire, is otherwise known as Mr Cake, in the baking business that he has been building up in his spare time over the past two or three years. He arrived for his day job at Stansted on Monday with his large rectangular passion cake in a box – "a spiced carrot cake with pecans and sultanas and coconut" – and a resignation letter, and handed over both at once to the duty manager sitting on the podium behind the immigration desks. The manager and his colleagues "were surprised and amazed", Holmes says. "But they took it very well. It was a huge cake. Ten by 12 inches, with about 18 eggs in it." He made it in two parts, splicing them together with orange icing. "The people who tasted it say it was very nice," said Toby Allanson, a spokesman for Border Force. Holmes, who became a father five weeks ago when his son, Benjamin, was born, came up with the plan to bake a resignation cake six months ago, when his wife was still

April 29, 2013

A Cambridgeshire man recently gave notice with a message piped on top of a passion cake. A halfbaked idea, or a generous parting gift for the office?

pregnant. He told no one about his idea, but kept it in his head, quietly thinking it over, cooking it through, until it too had reached its full term. "Timing-wise, it's quite a risk [to launch a business] with the economy as it is at the moment. But I have looked at the books time and again and every way I look at it, it is viable as a sole employment." He chose a passion cake, he says, because "it was quite an appropriate choice, given I was following my passion. If it all goes to plan, Ben is to

thank for giving me that kick to get on and do something I have a passion for." He will be repaid with a wonderful first birthday cake, already in the planning. Holmes's phone has been ringing and emails pinging all day, he says. But so far there have been no requests for resignation cakes. At his former employer's office, meanwhile, there is still some cake left. "He leaves with our very best wishes," says the assistant director of Border Force at Stansted.



April 29, 2013

April 29, 2013


The Church Is Not A Babysitter Let us ask the Lord, he concluded, for the grace to become baptized persons who are brave and sure that the Holy Spirit who is in us, received at baptism, always moves us to proclaim Jesus Christ with our life, our testimony and even with our words . L Osservatore Romano The Church cannot be merely a babysitter who takes care of the child just to get him to sleep . If she were this, hers would be a slumbering church . Whoever knows Jesus has the strength and the courage to proclaim him. And whoever has received baptism has the strength to walk, to go forward, to evangelize and when we do this the Church becomes a mother who generates children capable of bring Christ to the world. This, in sum, was the reflection proposed by Pope Francis this morning, Wednesday 17 April, during the celebration of Mass in the Chapel of the


Thanksgiving Domus Sanctaeeee Marthae, at which many employees of the Institute for Religious Works were present, accompanies by Ernst von Freyberg and Paolo Cipriani, respectively President of the supervisory board and the general director of IOR. Among the concelebrants were Bishops Vicenzo Pisanello of Oria, and Giacinto Boulos Marcuzzo, Vicar of the Patriarch of Jerusalem for Latins in Israel.

Thanks to Fr. Agnel for the favours granted N. P. Toscano, Vasai

April 29, 2013



Alarming Rise In Child Rape Cases


Which is the oldest animal in the world? Give up? Well, itÂ’s Zebra, because it is still black and white and not in color.


Hotel Management gave advertisement for a good cook to recruit. One cook has sent one application as follows:“Dear Sir, I am a good cooker. If you appoint me, I am sure I will be able to cook you. When I was working earlier in a hotel I cooked them all.”


A man went to his doctor with an unusual problem. “Doctor,” the man began, “I have a strange problem that I’m hoping that you can help me with. Whenever I drink coffee, I experience a sharp, excruciating pain.”The doctor replied, “Try to remember to remove the spoon from the cup before you drink.”

JACK OF ALL STALL Reliable House for Religious Goods

Gloria Church Bldg., 263, Dr. Ambedkar Rd., Byculla, Mumbai - 400027 Tel.: 23725963, 23749358 Estd: 1951

April 29, 2013

Prop. B. D'Souza


-),-4 5

Not a day passes in our country without a rape being reported in the print media.The situation is indeed alarming as the national statistics have reported a 336% spurt in child rape cases, over the past 10 years. The world now laughs at us, even as a bewildered nation watches helplessly its women folk and children being subjected to horrendous acts of gang-rape , brutality and torture, and later dumped at some remote corner without a hope in sight. While our police force has failed miserably to nab the culprits and protect the victims , our newly amended criminal laws on rape have also failed to act as a deterrent. In fact we have witnessed more of such cases in the past few months. We boast of having empowered our women in every strata of society, and even have eminent women in positions of power. But what use is it if we are unable to protect our women and children from the clutches of voluptuous beasts? If we can provide security to our ministers and VIPs why can’t we do the same for our women and children? Public demonstrations and street protest are inevitable and spontaneous acts of solidarity , but unfortunately have neither motivated nor mobilized the Govt at the centre to take preventive measures for women safety. So, what next? —A. F. Nazareth, Alto Porvorim.

Our Insentivie Policitians !

It is a well-known that our politicians – MLAs, MPs, Corporators, the Bureaucrats are all above the Law. They enjoy the liberty of speaking anything, anywhere and anytime without fear of the consequences. Moreover, they have become so insensitive to the feelings of the people; it seems they don’t have a conscience at all ! The latest is, the uncaring, irrespon-


sible comments of the Deputy Chief Minister of Maharashtra – making crude statements like “ urinating in dams that have done dry “. Here we have a large number of districts comprising of thousands of villages reeling under one the worst drought conditions in the state, while on the other hand, we have the Deputy Chief Minister of the state rubbing salt into the wounds of the poor village folk. The least that is expected of our politicians is, if they cannot offer any consolation, we would expect them to keep their mouth shut !

—Melville X. D’Souza

Which Oil Do You Prefer For Cooking?

Scientist in America has found Oleocanthal which is a compound that gives peppery ‘biteÂ’ to olive oil. This compound helps to destroy the toxic proteins that are thought to cause Dementia- a loss of mental ability severe enough to interfere with normal activities of daily living, lasting more than six months, not present since birth, and not associated with a loss or alteration of consciousness. The naturally occurring antioxidant could become a key ingredient in powerful new drugs to fight AlzheimerÂ’s- a common form of dementia of unknown cause, usually beginning in late middle age, characterized by memory lapses, confusion, emotional instability, and progressive loss of mental ability. They also suggested that a Meditterranean diet could help people cut their risk of developing AlzheimerÂ’s. They noted rates of the disease and other forms of Demenia are far lower in Mediterranean countries, where extra virgin olive oil is a staple part of the diet. So to keep yourself away from such diseases better have Meditterranean diet made of olive oil.


Soon, Civic Body Will Help Train Citizens To Get Jobs Those between 18 and 35 years are eligible; need to pay only 5% of the course cost CBD BELAPUR: With the launch of 18 new vocational courses, the Navi Mumbai Municipal Corporation (NMMC) will now be giving citizens new opportunities for employment. On Thursday, the standing committee of the civic body approved the proposal for rates for the courses that will be paid for by the civic body. Following a tender process, NMMC has also shortlisted private agencies to provide training to those who will be selected by civic officials. Students with a family income lesser than Rs1.80 lakh a year, will be given a preference for the training. The only criteria are that applicants should be Navi Mumbai residents for at least three years and in the age group of 18 -35. Further, while NMMC will bear most of the cost of the training, trainees will only have to pay 5% of the cost to the civic body. We will soon be inviting applications from residents across all sections of society. Those found to be eligible, will be sent to institutes that have been shortlisted for the training, said NN Alhat, deputy municipal commissioner (schemes). For students who live in a node where the agency does not have an office, arrangements will be made

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to ensure that the student does not lose out. If it is a driving course, the institute will send the vehicle to the node where the applicant resides, said Alhat. Although the civic body has currently targeted 5,000 applicants, Alhat said they would accept more if they were found to be eligible. Earlier, only the Nasik municipal corporation had started a similar scheme. Following our initiative, Thane and Mumbai municipal corporations may also soon follow suit, said Alhat. Agnelo Rodrigues

The Wise Old Man

A wealthy man requested an old scholar to wean his son away from his bad habits. The scholar took the youth for a stroll through a garden when suddenly he asked the boy to pull out a small plant growing there. The boy held the plant in between his thumb and his forefinger and pulled it out in a matter of a second. The old man then asked the boy to pull out a slightly bigger plant. The boy pulled it out with a little difficulty. Now pull that one, said the man pointing to a guava tree. The boy grasped the trunk of the tree and tried to pull it out with all his might. But he could not. It s impossible, said the boy to the scholar. So it is with bad habits, said the scholar. When they are young, it is easy to erase them from our lives. But when they take hold of us, they cannot be erased. The session with the old man changed the boy s life completely. --- Jubel D'Cruz, Dombivili

Get the right guidance with the Hindustan Times Campus counselling sessions: Time Table: Bhaidas Auditorium, VILE PARLE 3rd May 3-6 pm Devadiga Bhavan Hall, NERUL 4th May 11am-2pm Tathal Bhatia Auditorium, KANDIVILIi 10th May 5-8 pm Vishnudas Bhave Auditorium, VASHI 18th May 11am-2pm Rangsharda Auditorium, BANDRA 19th May 10am- 1pm Fine Arts Auditorium, CHEMBUR 25th May 10am-1pm Prabodhan Thackeray, BORIVILI 24th May 11am-2pm, 3-6pm Kalidas Auditorium, MULUND, 11th May 11am-2pm Ravindra Natya Mandir, PRABHADEVI, 10th May 10am1pm Gadkari Rangayatan Auditorium, THANE 8th June 10am-1pm B N Vaidya Hall, DADAR 26th May 5:30-8:30 pm TO register for FREE campus calling SMS CC to 54242 B Sabha

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April 29, 2013

Brainstorming Seminar On The Problems Faced By East Indians Maharashtrian East Indian Christian Federation had organized a Brainstorming Seminar on the problems of East Indians under the leadership of its President Mr. Herbert Barretto on Sunday, 21st April 2013 at St. Francis Xavier Church Parish hall, Vile Parle. The Seminar was attended by a large number of East Indians and invities. Mrs Lilla D Souza, President of B.E.I.A graced the occasion as a Chief Guest and inaugurated the Seminar followed by welcome speech of Mr. Herbert Barretto. Some of the issues faced by East Indians that were discussed at the Seminar include : People affected by acquisiPhoto- Mrs. Lilla D'souza, President of Bombay East Indian Association of land by Govt.- PAP (Project Aftion inaugurating full day seminar on the problems of East Indians the fected People); Redevelopment of East original inhabitants of Mumbai and Northern Regions of Maharashtra Indian properties, SRA, Problems of ,organised by the Maharashtrian East Indian Christian Federation at safeguarding Gaothans, new BMC taxes, St. Francis Xavier Church Parish Hall, Vile Parle (W),on Sunday the FSI, etc. Experts on the topics were 21st April 2013. Seen on her left is Mr. Herbert D. Barretto, President invited to speak. of the Federation.on her right is Mr.Gordan Dsouza, President of Among those who spoke include Bombay Catholic Sabha, Advocate Godfrey Pimenta, Adv.Vivian Adv. Godfrey Pimenta, Adv. Vivian D'souza, and Lawrence Coelho, Chief Editor of The Secular Citizen. D Souza, Mr. Gordan D Souza, President of Bombay Catholic Sabha, Mr. Below: Raymond D Souza, Mr. Joseph Mathews, Passion Preneur Chairman of coach, Mr. Freddy Dimentions addressMendonca, of Diing the gathering mensions, Mr. Joseph Mathews, Chairman of Dimentions and Rev .Fr. Allwyn D'silva, Parish priest of St. John the Baptist Church ,Thane, Mr. Alphonso Tao, General Secretary of Maharashtrian East Indian Christian Federation, also spoke on the occasion. Mr. Herbert Barretto welcomed the gathering and conducted the proceedings, Mr. Alphonso Tao proposed the Vote of Thanks. The Seminar lasted for the entire day from 10.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.

April 29, 2013



They Prayed and Favours Granted

Thanksgiving Ads & Anouncements: Favours granted minimum

Colour Rs. 600

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each additional block Holy Spirit Prayer Other small prayers (upto 100 words)

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All your family problems, financial needs, purity, dangers, job, housing, happy death and other needs, pray to your favourite Saints from the bottom of your heart. Announce the favours granted.

Contact: Tel.: 22693578, 22654924 THE SECULAR CITIZEN, 99, Perin Nariman Street, Fort, Mumbai - 400001


Thanks to

Thanks to Holy Spirit, Sacred Heart of Jesus, Mother Mary and St. Jude for favours granted. Terance Crasto, Mulund

St. Francis Xavier for the favours granted

Mrs. S. Carvalho, Pune


Thanksgiving Thanks to St. Anthony, Sacred Heart of Jesus & St. Jude for the special favour granted T. A. D'Souza, Ghatkopar

Thanks to

St. Joseph & Risen Jesus for the favours granted Mrs. Shirley N. Mascarenhas Santacruz West


Thanks St. Anthony and Our Lady of Perpectual Succor for the favours granted Y. A. C.

April 29, 2013



"If you want to be rich, ..." A testimony This reporter was exploring Colaba Causeway last week when she ran into a man who proclaimed, If you want to be rich, be rich in faith . Named Sunil Solanki, he was getting photocopies of a pamphlet for the local church called Three Hours Agony . Curious, as it was well past Easter, she started talking with the man. He told his story. I am not a Christian. I am a Gujarati.. But I follow Christianity since the age of two. My parents threw me out at the age of two. God knows what had been their condition. I was living on the streets when this pastor found me. He took me to the nearby church. Since then I lived with the nuns and fathers. They gave me food and clothes. At the age of nine, I told them that I want to go and make a living for myself. They asked me, what will you do? I replied that I don t know. But I have faith in Jesus. That is enough for me. So I came to Mumbai without even a fifty paise at hand which

was the cost of a glass of tea at that time. I worked hard. Now I am the owner of this shop Anupam Chappals- Kohlapuri Chappals at the Colaba Causeway. I go to church everyday. Because of His grace, I got a job, a wonderful family. My wife also has a job. I have two beautiful girls. Both study in St. Anne s High School. I don t consider them as my daughters but God s gifts to me. I don t behave like a father to them but as a friend. Children don t say everything to their father but they share everything with their friend. He ended with a smile. freepressjournal / b sabha

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April 29, 2013

Organic evolution is the theory that the first living organism developed from lifeless matter. Then, as it reproduced, it is said, it changed into different kinds of living things, ultimately producing all forms of plant and animal life that have ever existed on this earth. All this is said to have been accomplished without the spiritual intervention of the Creator. Some persons endeavor to blend belief in God with evolution, saying that God created by means of evolution that He brought into existence the first primitive life forms and that then higher life forms, including man, were produced by means of evolution not Bible teaching

Prof. Valerian Sequeira

Wedding Invitation, Christening, First Holy Communion, Mortuary Cards & Religious Goods Contact:

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Top 10 Beauty Foods

1. Wild salmon: A primo source for omega-3 fatty acids, which reduce skin inflammation, preventing redness, wrinkles, and loss of firmness. ItÂ’s also potent in antioxidants and vitamins B and D. 2. Low-fat yogurt: in one word, calcium. Good for strong bones, nails, and teeth. One cup of plain, low-fat yogurt has more calcium than a glass of skim milk. 3. Oysters. The best source of zinc, period. Zinc helps build collagen, which support the structure of skin and speeds up repair and renewal. 4. Blueberries: Full of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory that prevent long-term cell damage. 5. Kiwifruit: Another good source of antioxidants, kiwis are also a great source of vitamin C and potassium, all which help prevent wrinkles. 6. Sweet potatoes: Chock full of beta-carotene, something the


body converts to vitamin A, which keeps skin smooth and is thought to prevent against sun damage. 7. Spinach: This nutrient-dense leafy green is a great source of beta-carotene and lutein, which protects the eyes. 8. Tomatoes: Perhaps the only vegetable best eaten processed. Tomatoes are a major source of lycopene, a potent antioxidant also thought to protect against sunburn. 9. Walnuts: A key source of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E. The omega-3s found in walnuts also help fight against skin ailments like psoriasis and eczema. 10. Dark chocolate: Full of antioxidants and nutrients, cocoa (choose chocolate with at least 60 percent cocoa) increases blood flow to the skin, which in turn boosts hydration, smoothness, and protection against sun exposure.

Easy Garlic Aioli

Serves: 4 Ingredients: 1/2 cup mayonnaise 1 to 2 cloves garlic, grated or pressed 2 tsp lemon juice Kosher salt and freshly ground pepper Procedure: Mix the mayonnaise, garlic, and lemon juice in a small bowl. Season with salt and pepper. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate until ready to serve.

Did you know ? 1. Grapes are a good source of Vitamin A, Vitamin C and BComplex. 2. Under the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Acts 1960, the accused can get 10 years to a life-term in jail. It is a nonbailable offence. 3. Unripe mangoes are an excellent option for kidney stones and patients suffering from chronic renal failure. --- Jubel D'Cruz, Dombivili

April 29, 2013

GROOMS MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Bachelor aged 31 years. Ht. 5 5 , Wt. 65 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. PGDB (Marketing), Working as a Marketing research, Seeks a Simple, honest, Mangalorean girl. Contact : dsouza_dyson@ OR 9821607121 (Regd. No. 5903) VADODARA : RC 29 years, Handsome Bachelor, 5 7 , B.E. (Computers), India, M.S. (Computer Science), USA, working in USA as Software Engineer seek alliances from Fair, Good Looking, Well Educated Spinsters having decent, Godfearing family. Contact : 9727718280 Email : (Eegd. No. 5821) BELGAUM: Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 48 years, Ht. 5. 10 , Wt. 62 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. 12th Std., Self employed. Seeks a simple, humble, godfearing homily girl preferable teacher or nurse. Contact Mob.: 9869222094 (Regd. No. 5806) MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 29 years, Ht. 5. 11 , Wt. 70 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. 1st class Dip. Auto Engg., working as a Sales Asst., Contact Tel.: 02502348711 (Regd. No. 5799) MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 37 years, Ht. 5. 9 , Wt. 85 kgs, Fair Complexion, Handsome, Edn. B.Sc., Hotel Mgmt., working as a Chef. Seeks a sutiable match. Contact Email: OR 9819524121 (Regd. No. 5798) MUMBAI : Mangaloren Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 43 years, Ht. 5. 10 , Fair Complexion, Handsome, Edn. SYB.Com., + Mgmt., working as a Shipping Manager. Contact : Email: OR 9819379975 (Regd. No. 5795) U.S.A. : Goan Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 41 years, Ht. 5. 5 , Wt. 65 kgs, Fair Complexion, Handsome, Edn. Engineering, working as a Computer Engineer, Well settled and coming from a good and decent family. U.S.Citizen. Contact : email: OR

April 29, 2013

MATRIMONIALS 9930430938 (Regd. No. 5794) MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 29 years, Ht. 165 cms, Wt. 65 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. PGDBM, IATA, Event Management, working as a Project Manager in MNC. Contact : email: OR 7208090844 (Regd. No. 5790) MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 41 years, Ht. 5 9 , Wt. 95 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. SSC., working as a Seamen. Seeks a suitable match. Contact email : OR 9821405106 (Regd. No. 5798) POONA : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Divorcee, aged 36 years, Ht. 5 9 , Wt. 73 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. M.Com., MBA (Finance), working as a Sr. A/c. Executive, Seeks a simple. homely, graduate Mangalorean girl. Contact Emnail : (Regd. No. 5782) MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 42 years, Ht. 5 5 , slim, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. SY B.Com., diploma in Graphic Desiging, worming as an EA to MD, in Pharma company. Seeks a like minded, simple and understanding person. Contact Email: OR 9821080906 / 9004501884 (Regd. No. 5780) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 35 years, Ht. 5 3 , Wt. 64 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.Sc. (Geology), working as a GIS Analyst. Seeks a simple, honest, Mangalorean girl. Contact : Email : OR 9821253675 (Regd. No. 5779) MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 40 years, Ht. 5 5 , slim, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. HSC, Di-

Royal Christian Family Helps In Choosing The Right Life-Partner

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ploma in Electrician. Seeks a simple, homely, godfearing girl. Contact Email: OR 8805921284 (Regd. No. 5777) MANGALORE : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 44 years, handsome, looks much younger to his age, Ht. 5 , 6 , Wt. 58 kgs, Wheatish Complexion,Edn. Degree Computer Science, having Partnership business, Well settled, Seeks a girl who is ready to settled in Mangalore. Contact : Email: OR 9880882248 (Regd. No. 5770) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 44 years, handsome, looks much younger to his age, Ht. 5 , 6 , Wt. 69 kgs, Fair Complexion,Edn. HSC, having own business in SPAIN, having resident permit, Email: OR 9769584532. (Regd. No. 5767) MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 31 years, Ht. 5 , 4 , Wt. 58 kgs, Fair Complexion,Edn. MBA, working as a Manager. Seeks a suitable girl. Contact : Email: (Regd. No. 5763) MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 29 years, Ht. 5 , 4 , Wt. 60 kgs, Wheatish Complexion,Edn. PGDBM working as a Sr. Manager in MNC Seeks a suitable match. Contact email : OR 9820467452 (Regd. No. 5759) Address your replies to :

Regd. No. ROYAL CHRISTIAN FAMILY, 99, Perin Nariman Street, 1st Floor, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001.

To Place Your Matrimonial Advertisement Call: 2269 3578 OR 2265 4924 21

BRIDES MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Spinster, 27 years, Ht. 5 3 , Wt. 60 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. MBA working for MNC. Seeks a well eduated and well settled match. Contact email: / OR 9819121184 (Regd. No. 5904) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Jacobite Syrian Catholic Spinster, aged 31 years, Ht. 5 4 , Wt. 62 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. B.Com., MBA (Fin) working as a Customers Service. Seeks a suitable match. Contact email : OR 28954976 (Regd. No. 5891) MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Spinster, aged 26 years, Ht. 5 , Wt. 46 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.Com., working as a Customers Service. Seeks a suitable match. (Regd. No. 5890) MUMBAI : Keralite Divorcee (Marriage null & void) aged 30 years, Ht. 155 cms, slim, fair, good looking, Edn. M.S.W. working as a Sociel Worker. Seeks a suitable match. Contact Mob: 9819316338 (Regd. No. 5889) MUMBAI : Goan R. C. Spinster, 26 yrs., 5 2 , Wt. 55 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.Com., working as a EA to Director. Contact email : OR 28963423 (Regd. No. 5888) U.K : Goan R. C. Spinster, 30 yrs., 5 4 , Wt. 50 kgs, Fair and goodlooking, Edn. B.Sc., M.Sc., M.B.A., studied in U.K. and working as a IT Analasist. Contact email : / OR 9096690309 / 91-95-27261969 (Regd. No. 5887) MUMBAI : Goan R. C. Spinster, 25 yrs., 4 11 , Wt. 53 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.Com., LL.B.,

Royal Christian Family Helps In Choosing The Right Life-Partner

Serving Since 32 Years 22

MATRIMONIALS Advocate by profession. Contact email : OR 98205 07447 (Regd. No. 5886) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic parents staying at Vasai invite alliance for their spinster daughter, 26 yrs, 53 kg, 5 3 tall, simple, slim and good looking, holding a double post graduate degree in chemistry and working as a lecturer in an Engineering College. Alliance is sought from suitably qualified Mangalorean RC bachelors upto 30 yrs, with good family background kindly reply with details and a recent full size photograph to or Contact 9421428286 between 4 - 9 pm. (Regd. No. 5885) MUMBAI : Mangalorean R. C. Spinster, 32 yrs., 5 4 , Wheatish Complexion, Edn. HSC., working with MNC has an Executive Assistant to MD, Seeks a suitable well settled match. Contact : Email : OR 9820661181 (Regd. No. 5884) MUMBAI : Goan R. C. Spinster, 37 yrs., 5 , 3 , Wt. 55 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.Com., working as a Crew Logistic. Contact Email : OR 9820059399 (Regd. No. 5882) MUMBAI : Mangalorean R. C. Spinster, 35 yrs., 5 6 , Fair Complexion, Edn. Post Graduate, working for a Foreign Bank Seeks a suitable match. Contact Email : (Regd. No. 5879) MUMBAI : Mangalorean R. C. Spinster, 26 yrs., 5 4 , Wheatish Complexion, Edn. M.Sc., Micro, working as a Officer in Nationalised Bank. Seeks a suitable match. Contact Email : OR 9769485550 (Regd. No. 5878) UDUPI : Mangalorean R. C. Spinster, 26 yrs., 5 4 , Fair Complexion, Edn. BDS, Lecturer by profes-

sion. Seeks a suitable match. Contact Email : or 9448480469 (Regd. No. 5876) MUMBAI : Mangalorean R. C. Spinster, 30 yrs., 5 6 , withan average build and fair complexioned, Edn. PG and MBA (HR) working as a Manager in an MNC in Mumbai, seeks a suitable match who is well educated, tall and a cheerful disposition. We are open to grooms from other denomination (East Indian, Goan, South Indian etc.,) Contact : 9892191359 / 65721172 and send details to (Regd. No. 5873) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Spinster, 26 years, Ht. 5 7 , Wheatish Complexion, Edn. March Environmental Architecture, Architect by profession. Seeks a well settled Mangalorean bachelor preferable from Mumbai. (Regd. No. 5872) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Spinster, 30 years, Ht. 5 4 , Wt. 52 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn.B.E., (Computer Engg.,) working as a Senior Consultant. Contact : / (Regd. No. 5871) MUMBAI : Mangalorean RC Spinster aged 32 years, Ht. 5 2 , Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.A., working in creative field, seeks matrimonial alliancae from working bachelors upto 35 years. Contact email : OR 28470421 (Regd. No. 5792)

Address your replies to :

Regd. No. ROYAL CHRISTIAN FAMILY, 99, Perin Nariman Street, 1st Floor, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001.

To Place Your Matrimonial Advertisement Call: 2269 3578 OR 2265 4924 April 29, 2013

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Tel.: 6693 6411 Fax : 2889 2510 Mobile : 98202 37706 / 98201 31913 E-mail : April 29, 2013


RNI No. 56987/92

Posted on Friday, Saturday and Monday of every week Posted at Mumbai Patrika Channel Sorting Office, Mumbai - 400001.

Registered No. MH/MR/South-139/2012-14

Printed and Published by Lawrence Coelho at The Secular Citizen, 99, Perin Nariman Street, 1st Floor, Harihar Nivas, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001. Tel.: 2269 3578, 2265 4924 Printers: The Secular Citizen, Fort, Mumbai 400001. Editor : Philip Myaboo

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