Secular Citizen

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May 13, 2013


Former Pope Is Welcomed Back To The Vatican City

For the first time in history, the Vatican is home to a pope and a retired pope. Pope Francis welcomed his predecessor, retired Pope Benedict XVI, to the Vatican May 2 outside the convent remodeled for the 86-year-old retired pontiff and five aides. Pope Francis and Pope Benedict entered the convent's chapel together "for a brief moment of prayer," said Jesuit Father Federico Lombardi, Vatican spokesman. The retired pope will live in the Mater Ecclesiae Monastery with Archbishop Georg Ganswein, his secretary, who also serves Pope Francis as prefect of the papal household; and with four consecrated laywomen from Memores Domini, Father Lombardi said. The building also has a guestroom designed particularly for visits from Pope Benedict's older brother, Msgr. Georg Ratzinger. While the Vatican is now home to a pope and his predecessor, neither lives in the papal apartments of the Apostolic Palace. Pope Francis continues to live in the Domus Sanctae Marthae, the Vatican guesthouse just south of St. Peter's Basilica where the cardinals stayed during the conclave; the Mater Ecclesiae Monastery where Pope Benedict is living is just to the north of the basilica.


Inauguration Of The Renovated Chapel Of Divine Mercy

By A Correspondent A bright blue sky and shimmering sunlight greeted devotees on Sunday morning , 2 April 2013 as they came down from distant places to attend the inauguration of the renovated chapel of Divine Mercy at 3 Elliott Road, Calcutta. Melvyn Brown, Founder of the Ambassadors For Jesus, a lay Catholic movement welcomed the people. Fr. Basil, asst. parish priest, St. Mary s Church , Ripon Street blessed the Chapel s altar (see pic). He read a passage from the gospel, and involved those present in prayers to Mother Mary and Jesus. Fr. Basil blessed the people, and the inner rooms of the Chapel, the home of Mr. Brown. Melvyn Brown was asked to narrate his experience of the miracle light. He was emotionally moved by the gravity of the event. Melvyn said, with his charismatic flair, that this was truly a welcome Message for this Holy Year of Faith. It was said AFJ Founder , a seed cast for the sharing of our Catholic faith among all people. Indeed, the social dynamic of the miracle had already, in a few days, lit and uplifted the faith in many hearts in the city, and elsewhere around the country. The Secular Citizen (Mumbai), a Catholic weekly, splashed the miracle news in colour in their issue of 15 April , 2013. A Catholic priest, Fr. Mervyn Carapiet (Calcutta), stated that there was a message from Jesus: YES, the message is clear, Jesus Divine Mercy wants people in the city to know of His Presence here. On the internet, Fr. Carapiet wrote : Friends, Please download and see for yourselves. You may go to Elliott Road, Kolkatta and see the place where it happened. Blessings, Fr. Mervyn Carapiet . Indeed, the social impact of this miracle is, perhaps, the Lord s way to bring His people together in the Holy Year of Faith.

May 13, 2013

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Vol.22 No.19 May 13, 2013


99, Perin Nariman Street, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001. Tel: 2269 35 78 / 2265 49 24 Fax.: 2264 0996 E-mail :, Website: Editor-in-chief : LAWRENCE COELHO


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Contents pg. 4 - The Joy Of Minute Vacations pg. 5 - A Glance At The Catholic Directory pg. 7 - A Priest and his Crop pg. 8 - Technology Ruling World pg. 9 - It's the laptop of the future ... pg. 10 - Reader's Views pg 11 - The 5 Most Socially ... pg 14 - What It's Like To Be A Catholic In The Arabian Gulf pg 11 - Facing Problems While Travling In Railways? Just send an SMS pg 16 - Every Interview Is A Learning Experience pg 17 - Christians Need To Safeguard The Holy Crosses pg 17 - Inspirations pg 20 - Women Are More Prone ... pg 21 - Matrimonials

Cover : Technology Ruling the World - design view


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May 13, 2013

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Emergence Of Third Front For The Next General Election 2014

One thing that is sure as of now is no single party will get a majority in the Lok Sabha, comprising 543 members. And which parties will join hands is difficult to say at this juncture. It all depends on whether the parties carry the credentials of being anti-communal and how far they are convincing. It is apparent that the BJP, known for its Hindutva thesis, may be on one side and the rest on the other side. There is, however, a possibility that a third group may emerge. The Congress and the BJP are the two groups and their alternative will be the combination of the others. Outside support of the Congress or the BJP is necessary to make the majority, which will be 273. Debunking the idea of a third front government after the 2014 Lok Sabha elections, the BJP asked Mr Mulayam Singh Yadav why his party had not withdrawn support to the UPA even though he had many complaints against the Congress. But he has his compulsions. Nevertheless, his son and UP Chief Minister, Mr Akhilesh Yadav has very much kept a third front alive after meeting with his Tamil Nadu counterpart, Ms J Jayalalithaa. That an alternative to both the Congress and the BJP is needed is generally accepted. Ruling out the possibility of a third front emerging, CPI-M General Secretary Prakash Karat said it was not an easy task as regional parties were "opportunists" and would either side with Congress or BJP. The regional parties like AIADMK, SP, BJD, JDU are also opportunists. The third front in India, if and when formed, has a lot of work to do to clear the mess the Congress and the BJP have piled up over the years. The biggest crime the two parties have committed is to politicise the ills in the society to stay in power. With musclemen and money bags, they have destroyed the values, brick by brick. However, the biggest problem that parties which constitute the third front suffer from is that each one of them has, at one time or the other, been part of the alliance which the Congress or the BJP had forged. Against this background, it is understandable why both the Congress and the BJP have pooh-poohed at the idea of a third front when Mr Mulayam Singh Yadav touched on the revival of the subject. Looking at the current currupt Congress and communal BJP a third force is needed in the country. But my worry is how can parties with regional outlooks govern and upkeep the diverse Indian population?


The Joy Of Minute Vacations Computer-run projectors rain down pandemonium, in a swirling technological spread. Click on the Television, and the world is paraded through homes: terror strikes, man s inhumanity to man , and incredible cruelties flask before our eyes. The assault of the digital world, the mall culture, an insatiable, hedonistic craving for extravagant, so-called exotic five-star trips abroad; the voracious break-neck speed of life and hectic lifestyle have made people bored sick that, they are sometimes consigned to lives of quiet desperation. The persistently pathetic attitude is: What is this life is full of care/We have no time to stand and stare (William Henry Davies). We are too programmed and mechanical, and need to pause and de-automatize ourselves. Our children are dragged from dance, to singing, to acting, to music, to drawing classes and sports coaching camps, one after another, frequently, almost daily. One youngster remarked, not with a little helplessness and dismay: My parents and teachers wantme to be a maestro, a champion and prizewinner. All I want is to sing,and express and enjoy myself! The burden and grind of tuitions completes the circle of misery. One needs to experience wave after wave of surprise, one knew as a little child, amidst this crazy, utilitarian world. The reverence and awe that have died out of our contemporary culture can be brought back if one sits in silence on a sand dune, on a lonely beach, and hears the back-and-forth calls of seagulls, smells the lingering scent of the day s catch of fish, and hears the gentle swish of the sea against sturdy rocks. One can also listen attentively as a glorious God thunders over the ocean. Gerard Manley Hopkins said famously: The world is charged with the grandeur of God. Our post-modern times are blissfully ignorant of the fact that, the best things in life are simple and free, and


... My parents and teachers wantme to be a maestro, a champion and prize-winner. All I want is to sing,and express and enjoy myself! ... come in small doses. It is the ultimate experience, to see the world in a Grain of Sand/And Heaven in a Wild Flower (William Blake). In the midst of the still sad music of humanity (Wordsworth), we must hold fast to dreams/For if dreams die/Life is a broken-winged bird/That cannot fly (Langston Hughes). Fantasy and intuition are the richest sources of human creativity -

- Leon Bent the image of the Creator God, in man and woman. Through fantasy, we become our ideal selves; totally different people. We soar! Sam Keen, in To A Dancing God, says, Tension is ecstasy in chains. It is being hard, tight, controlled; closed to tenderness and softness; tired of directing one s world making, doing, shaping. God, give me madness that does not destroy wisdom, responsibility and love. Every morning, after having worked for a long stretch, I come to my garden to look at the artichokes, and watch the play of light and shade on the leaves, said the great artist Matisse. Though I have painted over 2000 canvases, I always find here new combinations of colors and fantastic patterns. No one is allowed to disturb this ritual of discovery. The exercise gives me fresh inspiration, necessary relaxation, and a new perspective on my work! Yes,everyday should have its moments of silence and contemplation! Set the mood this summer, by effective concentration, repose and meditation. For the next five minutes, wherever you are whatever the time, close your eyes and try to establish a pattern of slow, deep breathing. It is the first step towards changing the body, from a more or less, passively and unconsciously functioning physical organ, into a perfectly

developed and enlightened mind. Bob Dylan puts it succinctly: The one who is not busy being born, is busy dying. I pray with Richard Cardinal Cushing: Slow me down, Lord. Give me, amid the confusion of the day, the calmness of the everlasting hills. Break the tensions of my nerves and muscles with the soothing music of the singing streams that live in my memory. Teach me the art of taking minute vacations of slowing down to look at a flower, to chat with a friend, to pat a dog, to read a few lines from a good book. And, finally, this gold nugget: Seemingly simple explorations can lead to total conversion, to mysticism, to union with God. Thomas Merton after searching desperately, found the One, True God, when he had his feet planted unsuspectingly in wet soil, in an ordinary rice field in Sri Lanka, even while he looked at the serenely smiling faces of the Buddha. St. Ignatius of Loyola, after a life of excess and debauchery, attained awakening and enlightenment, as he sat quietly, pensively, by the river Cardonner. Lorraine and I, after the disorder and confusion of Mumbai, experienced a greater clarity and a fresh and holy understanding of reality, as we soaked in the ancient wisdom and perennially sacred flow of the Ganges, at Varanasi, in November, 1992. Our interior eye was sharpened remarkably! Walt Whitman words are an apt conclusion: O what a glad, exulting, culminating song; a great vigor more than earth s is in thy notes. A re-born race appears a perfect world; all joy! Enough to merely be! Enough to breathe! Joy! Joy! All over the world, joy!

May 13, 2013


A Glance At The Catholic Directory

t is finally out The Catholic Directory of India 2013 (CDI 13). I have always been an ardent collector of the CDIs, because I believe that they contain a wealth of information on the state (or status) of the church in India. The oldest CDI that I have is of 1902, and the latest one I have is of 1998. So as soon as the 2013 issue was out I made a grab for it. I was surprised to read therein that the CDI was also published in 2000 and 2005/06. Despite my vigilance, I seem to have missed them. I believe that every serious writer, commentator or thinker in the church should be armed with a copy of the CDI, as it is the most authentic statistical yearbook of the church. Besides what is obviously stated, one also needs to read between the lines, and study the fine print, to determine the actual health, or wealth, of the church!

planning or decision making. Both roll out statistical achievements, which do not necessarily depict the quality of life of the intended beneficiaries. A preliminary (superficial) glance at the statistical data of the CDI 13 would have the bishops thumping each other s backs in selfadulation.

The CDI 13 has been published by Claretian Publications, Bangalore, on behalf of the CBCI. It has over 2500 pages, and though it states that it is Look at the raw data: for Private Circulation l 166 dioceses, 166 only , it costs a whopping - Chhotebhai bishops, 10 auxiliaries, 3 Rs 1650/-. It is value for particular bishops, and 56 money though, if we value knowledge retired ones altogether 223. Of and information. Surprisingly, though these 5 were among the 115 published in March itself, it already cardinal electors for the new pope. has the photograph of Pope Francis. And one of them has already been One must therefore conclude that every attempt has been made to be spot on. That is a sign of good scholarship and sincere research. One must express unreserved appreciation for the Editor-in-Chief, Rev Benny Kanjirakatt CMF and his editorial team. We owe them a debt of gratitude.




included in his panel of 8 advisors. 296 religious institutes for priests, 29 for brothers, 343 for sisters, 41 pious associations, and 36 secular institutes. A total of 17,535,429 Catholics, covered by 10,715 parishes, 22,451 priests and 5764 religious houses. Institutionally, there are a phenomenal 12,781 educational institutions, 6603 for social welfare, 2692 for health, 668 for the media, and just 360 for spiritual services! They add up to 23,104 institutions. If just 360 of these (less than 2%) are (Contd.. on p. 6)

I am often tempted, for good reason, to compare the Catholic Church with the Govt of India. Both have an established hierarchy, with the aam aadmi at the bottom of the pyramid; with little or no say in governance,

May 13, 2013


The Catholic Directory of India (Contd.. from p. 5)


categorised as spiritual ones, one must draw the odd conclusion that the Catholic Church in India is already so spiritual that it does not need much help; or that spiritual ministry is very low on its list of priorities. So why are we talking about a year of faith or a new evangelisation ? The priest to Catholics ratio is a healthy 1:781, and the institution to Catholics ratio is a similar 1:759.

A detailed analysis of major data will follow in my next article. Among the interesting features of the CDI 13 is an article by Rev George Gispert-Sauch SJ on what he calls the Provisional History of the Catholic Directory of India . He uses the qualifying term provisional , because the history of the CDI is not clear. The first one was published in 1851; long before the Catholic hierarchy of India was erected in 1886. The earlier editions were called The Madras Catholic Directory and Annual Register . This CDI is probably the 106th edition. I might here add that there seem to be many more things in the CDI 13 that could be categorised as provisional , not very factual. The CDI 13 has three distinct sections. The first section on general information has a grey border. The second section, which is the main body of the directory, has a pink border. This gives diocese wise information (pgs 145 2232). The third section, again with a grey border, has details of religious orders and congregations (pgs 2233 24438), followed by an alphabetical index of parishes (pgs 2439 2491). As an amateur statistician I look for figures that tell a story. Here is where the CDI 13 fails miserably. For example, the number of priests is given, but not the number of religious sisters and brothers, who are actually the bulwark of the church s apostolate. Do they not count?


in the Catholic Church experiences is that which is dispensed during eucharistic services. Perhaps our worthy bishops feel that is sufficient for the church as communion . A cruel joke. The CDI 13 has interesting information on the Catholic population in 2003/ 2005/2013 (pg 86 ff), world religions (pg 91 ff), the Catholic population of various countries (pg 96), a chronology of key events in the church from 52 AD (pg 135 ff), and Census of India statistics (pg 84 ff).

The most glaring omission is the total black out of the laity. Earlier editions had atleast some information about national Catholic organisations recognised by the CBCI. This edition draws a blank on the laity. There is only one reference to a CBCI-AICU Dialogue Committee. Ironically, it gives the names of the 5 bishop members, but not of the AICU lay members! So is this a dialogue or a monologue committee? On scanning the CDI 13 I find only one layperson s name mentioned. I shall call him the venerable Edward A Edezhath, the Joint Secretary of the CBCI Laity Commission. As an active lay leader I have never heard of this venerable gentleman. Perhaps his only claim to fame is his address Bishop Edezhath Road, Cochin . I leave readers to draw their own conclusions. Another oddity is that the section on general information begins with the Catholic Council of India (pg 43). It even precedes the CBCI. It talks of it as being The Church as Communion . This communion is restricted to just half a page! There is no mention of the office-bearers of this august body, or of what it has achieved since it was established on 12/1/1993. At that time I was the National President of the All India Catholic Union (AICU). I cannot recall being invited to this communion , or being made an exofficio member of the same, by virtue of being the head of the largest and most representative democratically elected lay organisation in the country. The only communion that the aam aadmi

But the biggest drawback, as compared to earlier editions is the Recapitulation of Statistics . Earlier each diocese had a detailed recap, including how many Catholic children were in our own schools. However, in this edition they are all clubbed together in one table (pg 77 ff), minus the data on Catholic students. A pity. A detailed analysis of the available data, including how scientific or credible it is, is the subject matter of my next article on this topic. As already stated, the CDI 13 has over 2500 pages. It is so heavy that it must be placed on a study table to be read. Earlier directories were much slimmer. This issue could divest itself of some superfluous information. For example, each parish (over 10,000 of them), mention their mass timings; and each institution (again over 20,000 of them) mentions the number of professed and junior sisters. Of what use is such information to the general public? It should be dropped from future editions, thereby reducing the number of pages, as also the cost of the directory. Despite its shortcomings, and some long hauls, I would recommend the CDI 13 to all serious scholars of ecclesiology. Copies may be ordered from or by calling 080 23446977. Happy reading. * The reviewer is a former National President of the All India Catholic Union.

May 13, 2013

Around one and half kg of Sahbhagi Dhan seeds were provided by ICAR, Goa. The seeds were sown in Zogati Nature Farm at Birondem, keeping an eye on hilly paddy fields of Satari and Canacona, under the guidance of Fr. Inacio. The area which was barren for more than twenty years was brought under cultivation by the Pilar Fathers at Birondem, Satari. Fr. Inacio Almeida SFX at his Alter at - Birondem Satari With efforts of Fr Inacio

A Priest and his Crop

If Christ would come into the world today he would come in the form of food for the hungry these were the words of the great Mahatma Gandhi, and I would dare to add and in the form of medicine to the sick . Putting the above in practice is Fr. Inacio Almeida (well known as the Krishi Samrat of Goa), the Pilar Fathers have begun cultivation of the drought tolerant rice variety 'Sahbhagi Dhan' at the Zogati Nature Farm in Birondem-Valpoi. The area brought under cultivation was left barren for almost 20 years. The Pilar Fathers said that the 'Sahbhagi Dhan' was released by Central Rainfed Upland Rice Research Station (Central Rice Research Institute, Hazaribag) and is a drought tolerant rice variety. The Sahbhagi Dhan variety for drought prone shallow lowlands of Jharkand and Orissa made possible to reduce losses from intermittent drought, while ensuring stable rice yields in a drought year. We place your Matrimonial Profile in our website for one full year Rs. 400/- (only) for ladies & Rs. 500/- (only) for gents

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May 13, 2013

Almeida and Fr Dominic Alvares of the Pilar Fathers, the land is brought under paddy cultivation much to awe of the people passing along the road. Sahbhagi Dhan matures in 105-110 days in plains and 110-115 days in the plateau. It can be direct sown or transplanted. Direct seeding in dry soil saves about 30% water. Grain yield of Sahbhagi Dhan range from 4-5 tonnes per hectare in direct seeded/transplanted condition, when the crop establish in timely and the crop is moderately fertilized. Sahbhagi Dhan tolerates intermittent dry spells better. Fr. Inacio who is also well known in Goa for his forays into Jatropha cultivation has recently found a new love Laxmi Taru . Laxmi Taru (Simarouba glauca), is a medium-sized tree species that grows in Central and South American forests. The National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources introduced it in India in the 1960s. The University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore conducted research and development activities on the plant s

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potential for commercial exploitation in the 1990s and what caught Fr Inacio s eye was not its usefulness in producing bio-diesel or its medicinal value but its potential to transform lives of farmers in Goa. Laxmi Taru can grow in hostile conditions, erratic rainfall and still offer returns, says Fr Inacio. Father Inacio says that a farmer can earn up to Rs.65,000/- per hectare per year. After the 10th year, an additional Rs. 26,000/- per hectare per year, regardless of rainfall pattern is assured. Fr Inacio, who has been managing the Pilar Society s farm at Bhirondemin Valpoi for several years now, has used barren patches of land at the farm s 55acre spread to cultivate Laxmi Taru. He has taken care not to disturb other crops like papaya, cashew and pineapple there. All parts of the plant?the seed, shell, fruit pulp, leaf, leaf litter, stem, bark and root generate products useful in the production of food, fuel, manure, timber, medicine and other products. But its oil producing capacity is indeed most lucrative, says Fr Almeida. The seeds have 60-75% oil which can be refined bleached, fractionated and deodorised and used for both edible as well as non-edible purposes. The oil can be used to manufacture bio-diesel, a 100% substitute for diesel. Additionally the oil cakes, unwanted wood and leaf litter can go into bio-gas manufacturing. The plant also has medicinal value and is useful in treating several tropical diseases, including malaria and cancer of the alimentary canal. Further it can also be used in treatment of fibroids without any operation. Besides being much cheaper than conventional fuels, it s also environmentfriendly. There s no carbon-monoxide emission, says Fr Inacio, who is now considered an authority on Laxmi Taru in this region. Fr Inacio Almeida has also initiated 'Youth for Mother Earth Mission', "There is a need to tap young talent. Each school should start to maintain a kitchen garden with their students." he says. Fr. Almeida is leaving for Japan shortly to present a paper on his research.


Technology Ruling World


echnology is the fast growing industry as of right now and it has no signs of slowing down anytime soon. In fact everything will be run by technology in the near future. Technology is around us all the time, lately with computers, smart phones and televisions. So much has changed within this particular field over the years, it has come a long way since the days of the printing press and the first cellular phones. Computers and cellular phones are used everyday all over the world, in many different ways. Computers and cell phones help with businesses and work from home opportunities. Social networking and games are also a big part of everyday life of people all over the world within the technology aspect. Technology is big business in Asia and also in the southern parts of the United States. There are a lot of schools with a specific focus on technology and it is definitely a great field to be a part of. Within this field you could have a distinct passion for engineering or the information technology aspect. Communication is also another very big part of this largely growing industry as well as medical technology. But whichever aspect you have a passion for will definitely be a

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rewarding and insightful career. Seeing as technology is around us all the time, young kids have access to such complex items. Recent surveys have found that nearly 18% of elementary school age kids have cell phones. In a time where technology is king, computers and typing are learned from a very young age. Preparing them with such knowledge is honestly helping them out in the long run. Technology isn\ t going anywhere anytime soon, it will quickly keep advancing and improving everyday. With children obtaining such knowledge with such little age, they will likely be the ones able to advance this already amazing technology.

There are a lot of big technology businesses especially located in the Southern United States. The Research Triangle Park in the RaleighDurham area of North Carolina is one of the most well known technology parks in the Southern United States, as well as The Virginia BioTechnology Research Park Most graduates within the technology field will find themselves relocating to states such as North Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee and Florida. These states will be more beneficial in the long run for technology majors. Technology is a very broad field and whichever aspect of it anyone decides to major in would definitely be an amazing choice. It\ s not a field that will ever become obsolete, there will always be more information to research and more programs and software to test. Robots and Artificial Intelligence will become even more widespread and well known as technology grows. Technology is rapidly advancing and improving everyday, no matter what type it is, manufacturing or medical or engineering or even domestic. There\ s no way to escape it, it\ s here to stay so you must embrace it or risk losing a ton of lucrative opportunities for the future.

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ne of the many things I love about old media such as magazines and newspapers is their flexibility. You can roll em up, stick em in your back pocket, bang em around and even use em to swat house flies. New media tablets, on the other hand, require almost a custodial reverence when it comes to ownership. Cases and sleeves are a must for transport and safe keeping, lest it get scratched or shattered. And you can forget about rolling one up in your back pocket or swatting house flies. Unless you want gashes in your drywall. Potentially bridging this gap is a team from Canada s Queen s University. They re collaborating with Intel Labs and Plastic Logic to redefine the tablet s form as a flexible, paper-like touchscreen computer called PaperTab. But PaperTab s flexible form isn t its only innovation. Unlike tablets, which switch between apps on a single display, multiple PaperTabs are designed to be used together. Each tab acts as a window for separate applications, but they still interact with each other. For example, when a PaperTab is placed beyond reaching distance, it reverts to a thumbnail overview of the document, like icons on a desktop computer. When the tab is picked

It's the laptop of the future and it's flexible

back up or touched, it switches back to a full screen view, like opening a new window. Additionally, PaperTab s interface allows functions simply by tapping tabs together. For example, a photo can be sent via email simply by tapping a tab of a draft email together with a tab of a photo. Even cooler, when that email is ready to go, it can be sent by bending the top corner of the display. Also, placing tabs side by side can create a larger display surface.

Modern Technology

The word technology refers to the making, modification, usage, and knowledge of tools, machines, techniques, crafts, systems, and methods of organization, in order to solve a problem, improve a preexisting solution to a problem, achieve a goal, handle an applied input/output relation or perform a specific function. It can also refer to the collection of such tools, including machinery, modifications, arrangements and procedures. Technologies significantly affect human as well as other animal species' ability to control and adapt to their natural environments. The human species' use of technology began with the conversion of natural resources into simple tools.Technology has affected society and its surroundings in a number of ways. In many societies, technology has helped develop more advanced economies. Many technological processes produce unwanted by-products, known as pollution, and deplete natural resources, to the detriment of the Earth and its environment.

May 13, 2013

Designers say these functions emulate the natural handling of multiple sheets of paper. This may sound like a cluttered step back, but think how long it takes to back track through a tablet to close out or switch apps as opposed to picking up a piece of paper that s right in front of you. Using several PaperTabs makes it much easier to work with multiple documents, Roel Vertegaal, Director of Queen s University s Human Media Lab said on the university s website. Within five to ten years, most computers, from ultra-notebooks to tablets, will look and feel just like these sheets of printed color paper. Source: Discovery News

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-),-4 5

New Abortion Law In Ireland

While India required a ‘Nirbhaya’ to amend the anti- rape laws of the country after the gangrape in the Delhi bus, Ireland needed a Savita to change the archaic abortion laws of this predominantly Catholic country. The historic bill when passed by both houses of the Irish parliament will allow limited legal termination of pregnancy where there is danger to the mother’s life. Kudos to the Irish cabinet and thanks to international pressure mounted after the tragic death of Savita, the new law will hopefully save the precious lives of thousands of mothers who at present are forced to cross over to England for an abortion due to the stringent anti- abortion laws in Ireland. The Catholic church has always made an exception to abortion whenever the mother’s life is in danger even though it mandates that every effort should be made to save both the mother and the child. The problem lies with the die-hards and the pro-life lobby in the Catholic church who oppose medical termination of pregnancy in any form and under any circumstances. —A.F. Nazareth, Alto Porvorim.

A Man Of God

As a Parishioner of Our Lady of


Salvation Church, Dadar, I was deeply saddened at the news of the demise of Rev. Fr. Salvador Rodrigues, Parish Priest of St. Micheal’s Church, Mahim. And spent 39 years of his Priestly Ministry in various parishes. His funeral at St. Micheal’s Church, was attended by a number of Parishioners from various Parishes. His memory will be cherished by all those who called on him for help and guidance. Rev. Fr. Salvador as I affectionately called him, was a loving priest to reach out to help the poor as well as the needy inspite of being in pain with cancer. His mission truly made him a caring Shepherd to his flock. His motto was “Truth and the love of God and neighbour.” He did full justice to his vocation as a Priest till the end. Under that stern exterior was a Heart of Gold. Many will carry vivid memories of his dynamism. His gentle and calm nature came out when he celebrated the Eucharist. His homilies were reassuring and touching. Many were moved whenever he preached on big occasions. Rev. Fr. Salvador was a true of Man of God. His hardwork his self sacrifice, his generous help to the poor and needy during his ministry in the Archdiocese and various parishes will not go unrewarded. The Archdiocese has truly lost a “GEM”. To fill his place will be truly

difficult and it will take a long time to do so “Oh Happy Soul be thankful now and rest Heaven is a godly land. And God is love, and those he loves are Blest.” May God grant him every Heavenly Blessings which he richly deserves and grant him eternal Peace and Joy —John A. Lobo, Parishioner of Our Lady of Salvation

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May 13, 2013

The 5 Most Socially Advanced Countries In The World 5) Germany is a well-oiled machine

3) The Swiss have freedom but lack opportunities

It also ranks 1st in Health And Wellness as well as Personal Rights while being 5th in Equity and Inclusion. It could improve in the other Opportunity categories, where it ranks 9th in Personal Freedom and Choice and 12th in Access to Higher Education.

1) Sweden is the most socially advanced country in the world

Social Progress Index: 5th Germany performed well in Basic Human Needs, with rankings of 1st in Nutrition and Basic Medical Care, 2nd in Air, Water, and Sanitation, and 3rd in Shelter. But the economic giant ranked 39th in Ecosystem Sustainability. The country underperformed in Opportunity, where it ranked 10th overall, 13th in Personal Rights, 17th in Access to Higher Education, and 11th in Equity and Inclusion. However it ranks 6th in Personal Freedom and Choice.

4) Canada is a safe bet Social Progress Index: 4th

Social Progress Index: 3rd Switzerland did relatively well in Basic Human Needs, ranking 1st in Personal Safety and 3rd in Nutrition/Medical Care, but lagging in Shelter, where it ranked 10th. However, the country has mediocre ranks in Opportunity, where it's 1st in Personal Rights but 12th in Equity and Inclusion and 16th in Access to Higher Education. Notably, it struggles with Access to Basic Knowledge, ranked 16th, compared to its 1st place ranking in Access to Info and Communications and 3rd place ranking in Health and Wellness.

2) The United Kingdom is clean and healthy

Social Progress Index: 1st Sweden is ranked 1st in Personal Safety, 3rd in Air, Water, and Sanitation, and 4th in Nutrition and Basic Medical Care. However, it ranked 37th in Ecosystem Sustainability. In terms of Opportunity, the Scandinavian country has stellar rankings — 2nd overall, 1st in Personal Freedom and Choice and Personal Rights, and 5th in Access to Higher Education. Its lowest score in this category is Equity and Inclusion, with a ranking of 7th.

Our other periodicals:

Canada ranked 1st in Personal Safety but 8th in Nutrition and Medical Care and 15th in Air, Water, and Sanitation. And it ranked at 47th for Ecosystem Sustainability (remember the Alberta oil sands?). The country excelled in Opportunity, where it was 4th overall, and 1st in Equity and Inclusion and Personal Rights, but 9th in Access to Higher Education.

May 13, 2013

Social Progress Index: 2nd The U.K. shines in Air Water and Sanitation, where it's ranked 1st, but it's 9th in Shelter, 10th in Personal Safety, and 11th in Nutrition and Basic Medical Care.

The Secular Citizen ePaper DIVO - Illulstrated Konkani Weekly DIVO - ePaper website web portal 11


May 13, 2013

May 13, 2013


What It's Like To Be A Catholic In The Arabian Gulf

United Arab Emirates: Most Christians living in Dubai - one of the seven emirates that form part of the United Arab Emirates who attend mass, work in the hotels, luxury villas and giant skyscrapers and apartments owned by rich local families. These faithful are mostly Filipinos and Asians. They are joined by European and American citizens who have temporary contracts with large companies or working on big events. One Italian worker who organises sporting events tells Vatican Insider about her experience of how Christians practice their faith in a predominantly Islamic country. On the only day they have off work each week, aside from spending time with their families, playing sports and going for other types of entertainment (the few that are actually available to foreigners), Christians also attend mass, but a type of celebration that is quite unique.

faithful have entered the church punctuality is essential the doors are closed and the mass begins. Those outside can watch the celebration on two big screens in the square enclosed inside the church walls. It is essential that the celebration does not disturb anyone in the surrounding area.

The popular neighbourhood of Bur Dubai is home to Saint Mary s Church. Faithful arrive just before 19:00. One would expect them to receive a sober welcome. But they would be wrong. Mass celebrations in this church are the fruit of meticulous and painstaking organisation. All services follow the Roman Rite, respecting its doctrine, but are enriched with special effects and technology plays an important part in the ritual. When all

This huge temple of worship is always filled to the brim: It s always packed says the young Italian woman, who is helping organise an international sporting event in Dubai. The priest usually celebrates mass in English but the mass is shown live on two screens, along with the texts from the various passages read out: readings and hymns. It s almost karaoke-like, but very respectful and well-organised. Showing the texts on big screens is a great idea;


it makes it possible for everyone, elderly, young people and people of different nationalities and cultures to follow the mass and participate. The vast majority of the congregation is Asian, with some local Christians and very few white people. The celebrant s homily is very rich and engaging, with him explaining the Gospel, trying to bring Jesus message into the real lives of faithful. There are many references to modernity. The parish priest explains how important it is to use technology as an instrument for evangelisation. The priest has even made references to an application for smartphones (which includes a game) which children are familiar with. The congregation actively participates and one can really witness a genuine faith. For many, mass is is the only moment of freedom they experience during the whole week. At the end of the mass, people greet one another and the whole community finds itself immersed in fraternity through the Word of God and in the presence of the Eucharist. Then everyone goes home and to their jobs, in peace. Source: Vatican Insider

May 13, 2013

Did you know

Facing Problems While Travling In Railways? Just send an SMS An Experience of M.V.Ramana Murthy,

Umbrella Story? The word umbrella comes from the Latin word, umbra , meaning shade . Umbrellas were first used as sunshades. They were used by the Chinese as early as the 11th century B.C. The Chinese umbrellas had frames made of cane or sandalwood with a covering of leaves or feathers. In ancient India and in China, the umbrella was a symbol of royalty and power. Indian kings always had an umbrella over their heads when seated on the throne, or when moving about. Until the year 1750, only women carried umbrellas. Then a man called Jonas Hanway created a sensation by walking down the streets of London with an umbrella. From then on, the British started using the umbrella for protection against the rain. In the year 1874, Samuel Fox of England patented the first curved, steel-ribbed umbrella. Today, umbrellas are available in a variety of colours and sizes. They are used by both men and women as protection against rain and sun. Jubel D'Cruz, Dombivili

Readymade Wedding Gowns, Christening Sets, First Holy Communion Dresses & All other Wedding Accessories and Thermocole Decoration, also Available at

White Rose Sharaf Manzil, 1st Floor, 650, J.S.S. Rd, 2nd Dhobitalao Lane, Mumbai 400002

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May 13, 2013

Incident 1

It happened few months back. We were traveling and me & family were waiting in the A/C waiting room at Secunderabad Station. The attached bathroom was not clean and was giving bad smell. Added to this discomfiture, the bathroom door was not closing tight, and I also observed that shutter was not closing tight because of faulty door closer. I complained to the attendant . I also sent an SMS " The bathroom of A/C waiting room on platform No 1 of Secunderbad Station is dirty and stinking. Pl arrange cleaning . Also the door is not closing properly". After few minutes we left the waiting room as our train arrival was announced. Within few minutes I received text reply from Railways, giving an Id No and that action will be taken . After few hours I received a message that the bathroom has been cleaned . After ten days I received another message that the faulty door has been repaired and thanking me.

Incident 2

Recently on 24 th October I and my wife were traveling by Hyderabd Ajmeer Express on our Rajasthan trip. Next day morning, I noticed there was no water in the bathroom and the taps are all dry, whereas our journey will continue and we will be reaching our destination ( Bhilwara near Ajmeer) after another 18 hours. I was worried that it is going to be a miserable time to travel without water. Water or No water, people will continue to use the bathrooms and the stink will become unbearable. I complained to the Conductor. I also sent a SMS "Traveling in

the A1 compartment of Hyderabad Ajmeer express train No 12720. No water in the bathrooms . Pl arrange. Also replace leaking valves else problem repeats." Pat came the reply" Your reference id is 1110250019. For status visit or SMS as STATUS<SPACE><id> TO 8121281212 . Thanks for registering complaint " . After about 20 minutes I received message that water will be filled at the nearest Railway station having water filling facility. At Itarsi station, water was filled and we had no problem . After about a week I received another message that the faulty valves have been replaced . It was amazing. I am thankful to the Railway authorities for introducing a system where one can complain from a running train even and doubly grateful that they have acknowledged the complaint and attended. I collected this help line number from the Railway waiting room ! Many times while traveling by train we are put to unexpected inconvenience, we react by cursing and criticizing. No other response. Of course once we reach our destination we just forget. There is no use in cursing the darkness around you, do light a candle however small it be, it gives an inspiration and ten more candles will be lit . The process continues reducing the darkness. The Railway Number to which you can SMS is 8121281212 . Please pass on this message to your friends and it may help some one in need including you (contribution: B.Sabha)


Every Interview Is A Learning Experience While planning a career, the search for the first job is the most tedious one. Everywhere you will be asked, What experience do you have? Without having experience, you won t be hired and without a job you won t gain any experience. This issue can be resolved to certain extent by performing a part-time job. Although, it may hardly fetch you an income, the experience and certificate you will receive will be beneficial for your career. Now the question which arises: Where should I apply for a job? The first instinct is to apply to all big companies. It is worth trying if you can join one of them. However you can also join a small or medium-sized company. Your chances of getting hired are greater; moreover you will get an allround experience in such an organization. Subsequently, you can switch to a bigger company and make your mark. The manner in which you apply for a job is of utmost importance too. Do not write your bio-data on a shabby paper. Your personality counts. If possible, get letterheads printed. If this cannot be done, then use a good quality paper and write or type out your biodata legibly. Your name - Jubel and address should be written or typed at the top. Do not forget to write the date on the application. A letter or application sans only gives the impression to the employer that the applicant is careless. Address the letter to the concerned person. His/her name, designation and the name and address of the Company or firm should be written correctly. An application should not read like a railway timetable. Rather, it should tell the prospective employer briefly what you can do and how you will contribute towards his/her enterprise. A couple of good references always help but it should be provided only after obtaining the person s permission. Conclude the letter by offering to appear for the interview, if de-


sired. This act displays your self-confidence and creates an opening for you to be considered as a prospective employee. Before posting your application, ensure that you have signed it and all enclosures have been properly inserted in the envelope and it has been fully addressed and stamped. Any negligence from your part will on result into the rejection of the application. When you are asked to appear for the interview, always go neatly dressed. Avoid picnic and party dresses and funny hairstyles. Although, dress and grooming are matters of individual taste, it is prudent to be dressed neatly in a D'Cruz well-ironed pant and a shirt, if you are a male or a salwarkameez or a saree, if you are a female. Avoid wearing T-shirts and jeans. Enter the boss s cabin only when called for. If there is no system of calling out names, tap the door of the cabin gently and enter only after getting a reply to the question, May I come in, Sir? or May I come in, Ma am? Greet the boss with a good morning or a good afternoon, depending on what time of the day you enter. Take a seat when asked to, and sit in a confident relaxed manner. These preliminaries make the first and lasting impression on interviewers. Do not reply in monosyllables. Give full and accurate replies. Do not try to bluff or give incorrect or false information. You will soon be termi-

nated if not immediately then at a subsequent stage. If you are unable to answer any question, be frank about it. A question which is frequently asked by interviewers is, What can you do? Avoid replying, I can do anything. You must understand that you can t perform several tasks. Just highlight the skills you have and promise to learn quickly whatever else is required, and do your best. Ask questions about the job profile. It is not necessary to possess an encyclopedia of knowledge because the interview is not a demonstration of your awareness. However, it is important to read the day s newspaper before you appear for the interview. This will enable you to answer questions without hesitation as you can impress the interviewer. Lastly, depart with a pleasant greeting. Never ask when you will receive a letter of appointment. Be prepared for a negative reply, but take every interview as an experience, which will enhance your self-confidence.

Subscriptions Rate:

One year (anywerein India) Rs. 250 Three years (anywere in India) Rs. 700 Five years (anywere in India) Rs. 1000 One year (outside India) Rs. 2200 Send your Subscription to :

The Secular Citizen,

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Tel.: 22693578, 22654924 Email:

May 13, 2013

Christians Need To Safeguard The Holy Crosses There are several Holy Crosses spread all over the city. Many of them are several centuries old. These crosses serve as Christian identity in this city of Mumbai and has a heritage value. Many of them have been already demolished by Municipal authorities and others. However Christians in this city need to safeguard remaining ones. In the year 2003, Notices were issued by the Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai (MCGM) for demolition of several religious structures including Holy Crosses all over Mumbai. At that time, our people ignored the seriousness behind the said Notice and did not make any attempt to gather proof by way of requisite documents and old records of the existence of our Holy Crosses. After a period of almost 7 years, the MCGM had issued Notices under

Kindly try looking out for the divisions as per the old records, as due to developments in the respective areas, the said divisions have changed. For example Wadala Area is known as Dadar Naigaum Division and Govari Village is known as Matunga Division . In order to search for the old records, plans and extracts please approach the following Offices: (i)

Section 314 of the Mumbai Municipal Corporation Act, 1888, to several of our Holy Crosses in the City of Mumbai to prove the legality of the said Holy Crosses. The Individual owners/caretakers of all our Holy Crosses to approach the Office of the Collector of Mumbai, City Survey Department/Office of the Talathi/ Office of MCGM, Mahapalika Marg, within their jurisdiction and search for Plans/Extracts and old records from the Survey Sheets available at the said Offices in respect of Survey done by them in the years 1918 and 1954 respectively.

May 13, 2013

Areas from Mahim to Colaba and Sion to Colaba - the Development Plan Department on the 5th Floor of Municipal Head Office at Mahapalika Marg, Opp. CST Station, or the City Survey Department on the 1st Floor of the Office of the Collector of Mumbai, Old Custom House, Fort; (ii) Areas from Bandra to Andheri - the City Survey Office at Santacruz (West); (iii) Areas from Andheri to Kandivli - the City Survey Office at Goregaon; (iv) Areas after Kandivli onwards - the City Survey Office at Borivali; (v) Areas in R Ward - the City Survey Office at Borivali; (vi) Areas from Kurla to Mulund - the City Survey Office at Mulund; and (vii) Areas ahead of Thane the Office of the Collector at Thane. Please give emphasis to the records available at the Office of the Collector of Mumbai as their Plans clearly mention the years 1918 or 1954 at the top of Survey Sheets. One can also get the plans from the Municipal Corporation of

Greater Mumbai, Mahapalika Marg, Head Office, Development Plan Department on the 5th Floor by asking for Tikka Sheets. Kindly fill the Setu Suvidha Kendra Form at the Office of the Collector of Mumbai by mentioning the Cadastral Survey Numbers and Sheet Numbers (one form for each Holy Cross) and affix a Court Fee Stamp of ` 5/- and submit the form by paying nominal charges for the Survey Plans/Extract. Please collect photographs (i.e. close up and long distance photographs of the Holy Crosses) of the old Holy Crosses as well as those taken after the Holy Crosses were renovated and handover one set of documents and photographs to (i) your Parish Priest, (ii) your local friends or relatives in your vicinity, and (iii) His Eminence, the Archbishop, so that in future, in your absence, if a similar situation arises the said documents can be immediately submitted to the Municipality or any other Authorities, as an onus has been put on us to prove the legality of the Holy Crosses exist. The owners/caretakers of the Holy Crosses should not to allow the Municipal Officers/MMRDA/other Government Bodies to shift the Holy Crosses without these Officials sending official letters, as it has been noted that the said officials had not sent any letters to the owners/caretakers of the Holy Crosses but conveniently shifted the Holy Crosses on the footpath or any other places for road widening or any other development schemes without updating their records accordingly. Adv. Sulendra Farro

Wedding Invitation, Christening, First Holy Communion, Mortuary Cards & Religious Goods Contact:

David & Company

Sharaf Manzil, 1st Floor, 650, J.S.S. Road, 2nd Dhobitalao Lane, Mumbai 400002

Tel.: 22019010 / 2205 7394 Fax: 2206 0344 Email:


A Letter From Jesus

If you never felt pain, then how would you know that I am a healer? If you never had to pray, then how would you know that I am a deliverer? If you never had a trial, then how could you call yourself an overcomer? If you never felt sadness, then how would you know that I am a comforter? If you never made a mistake, then how would you know that I am a forgiver? If you knew all, then how would you know that I will answer your questions? If you were in trouble, then how would you know that I will come to your rescue? If you were never broken, then how would you know that I can make you whole? If you never had a problem, then how would you know that I can solve them? If you never had any sufferings, then how would you know what I went through? If you never went through fire, then how would you become pure? If I gave you all things, how would you appreciate them? If I never corrected you, then how would you know that I love you? If you had all the power, then how would you learn to depend on me? If your life was perfect, then what would you need me for? --- Jubel D'Cruz, Dombivili


Thanksgiving Ads & Anouncements: -

They Prayed and Favours Granted

Colour Rs. 600

B/W Rs. 400

each additional block Holy Spirit Prayer Other small prayers (upto 100 words)

Rs. 400 Rs. 800 Rs. 800

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i.e. 15 words + 1 block(1 photo of saint)

All your family problems, financial needs, purity, dangers, job, housing, happy death and other needs, pray to your favourite Saints from the bottom of your heart. Announce the favours granted.


Favours granted minimum

Contact: Tel.: 22693578, 22654924 THE SECULAR CITIZEN, 99, Perin Nariman Street, Fort, Mumbai - 400001

Thanksgiving Thanks to St. Anthony, Sacred Heart of Jesus & St. Jude for the special favour granted Thomas D'Souza, Powai

Thanks to Our Lady Of Perpetual Succor and St. Francis Xavier for the favours granted Robert Sequeira, Santacruz (E)

Thanksgiving Thanks to Holy Spirit, Sacred Heart of Jesus, Mother Mary and St. Jude for favours granted. M. Fernandes, Malad


May 13, 2013


Choose Your Friends Wisely Your friends say a lot about you as a person. If you surround yourself with dishonest, unkind people, then their traits will eventually rub off on you somewhat. While no one is perfect, you shouldn't spent lots of time with negative people who will only bring you down. Instead, choose friends that you admire. If your friends have solid character traits like intelligence, loyalty, kindness and dedication, you'll see that they have a positive effect on your life. It's perfectly fine for you to take your time in the beginning stages of a relationship in order to really choose your friends wisely.


1. Learn from your past friendships. If you've had some bad experiences with friends, assess those relationships and determine what went wrong in them. Pinpoint a few traits about those friends that weren't positive. If you spot several of those traits in an acquaintance, he is likely not a good choice for a friend. 2. Socialize at solid places rather than bars and nightclubs. Join a local class or group that matches your interests, such as a book club or a biking group. If you are religious, many churches host social events regularly. 3 Go slowly. When you meet someone, it's all right to hold back initially until you gauge if the person is the type of friend you'd like to have. Don't share too many personal details about yourself until you have

May 13, 2013

Want to Live A Happy Married Life?

According to a social engineer the following are the steps for happy married life

Stabilizing factors: determined that the person is trustworthy. 4. Observe how the person treats others. Notice how she acts toward service people such as janitors, waiters and valet attendants. A truly nice person will treat everyone with respect. 5. Inquire about the person's family. Even if someone is not close with his family, you can learn a lot about him by the way he talks about them. If he comes across as bitter or mean, it's a signal that he may have issues in relationships. 6. Be honest. As you grow closer with someone, it's important to set an honest foundation for the friendship. If your new friend seems dishonest at any point or if you catch her in a lie, it may be best to scale back on the friendship. 7. Respect your own time. If you feel like a new friend is displaying poor character traits, it's perfectly acceptable for you to decide against furthering the friendship. Don't feel guilty. Your time is valuable so only invest it in those that are worthy of it.

1. Gratitude 2. Mutual Trust 3. Loyalty 4. Mutual Respect 5. Chastity and Purity 6. Priority to Martial Ties 7. Mutual Service 8. Selflessness towards relations

Factors the Disrupt

1. Jealousy 2. Bigamy 3. Vanity 4. Revenge 5. Selflessness 6. Crudality 7. Illicit Passions 8. Discontent 9. Pretension (False Praise)

Important Resolutions:

1. I shall never break my Home 2. I shall never fail to Apologise 3. I shall never fair to Appreciate 4. I shall never fail to Compliment 5. I shall never fail to Respect 6. I shall never Compare 7. I shall never fail to show Affection 8. I shall never indulge in Corrupt Practices.

—Prof. Valerian Sequeira


A Walk Through The Park Can Put Your Mind At Ease

Brain enters a meditative state when going through green spaces as per new research on mobile brain electrical activity testing conducted by scientists in U.K. The finding have implications for promoting urban green space as a mood enhancing environment for walking or for other forms of physical or reflective activity. The study included 12 healthy adults who walked through three kinds of environments in Edinburg while being hooked up to mobile electroencephalography device (which tracked their emotions). They took a 25 minutes walk through a city shopping street, through a green space, and on the street in a busy business area. The mobile electroencephalography tracked emotions including frustration, meditation, short term and long term excitement and engagement. Researchers found that feelings of meditation were the highest when the study participants were going through the green space, as well as less frustration, long term excitement and engagement. The findings don t mean the green space triggered spacing out rather, the engagement required to walk through a green space is more effortless .


Women Are More Prone To Health Issues

It is true that the male and female bodies are prone to illness, disease and general maintenance. Women health issues can be far more distinct than those faced by men. Such problem occurs starts early in life and continues lifelong.

1. Reproductive issues:

Girls initially face the difficulties if being a woman when the menstrual cycle begins. Chemical imbalances in the body can result in infections, and also affects their mental health.

2. Common illness:

Every woman soon discovers that there are some diseases that tend to influence females more than men. For instance, men are three times less likely to suffer from stones than women, and are also less likely to experience usual migraine headaches. Females

are as well more prone to bowel issues than men. Their immune system is also not as strong as men.

3. Autoimmune problems:

Multiple sclerosis and lupus are also seen more in women than men. Both are autoimmune conditions in which the immunity of the body responds negatively to the body s tissue and causes degenerative symptoms that affect women s health. Nine out of ten patients with these conditions are female.

4. Calcium deficiencies:

As a woman grows old, the density of her bones progressively declines. Often times, woman can lose as much as one half of their whole bone mass. It also makes them more injury to their bones.

Buying & Selling of Flats in Christian locality I.C. Colony, Mira Road & Vasai

Ready/Under Construction (Possesion in August 2013) 1/2/3 BHK Flats in Mira Road near Mc Donalds. Commercial place is available (Under Construction - Possesion December 2013) on main road Vasai for Business/Investment. Area - 3875/875/1270/3865 sq.ft. Budget Flats (1 RK resale) cost approximately 20 Lacs in Vasai. *1 BHK, 2 BHK Flats at Vasai under construction/possesion on Dussera (No registration, stamp duty, vat and service tax*) Many exciting offers ....

Frank D'Souza : 9322976141 May 13, 2013

GROOMS MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Bachelore aged 31 years. Ht. 5 10 , Wt. 64 kgs., Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.Com., working as a Accounts Officer in MNC. Seeks a simple working graduate Mangalorean girl. Contacat Email: OR 9892386686 / 9403644066 (Regd. No. 5913) MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Widower, aged 42 years, Ht. 5 6 , Wt. 65 kgs, Wheatish Complexion , Edn. Diploma in Mechanical Engineering, working aborad as a Mechanic. Seeks a simple, loving, well mannered below 38 years preferably working girl. Contact Email : OR 9702148869 (Regd. No. 5861) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 35 years, Ht. 5 6 , Wt. 80 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. 10th + Diploma in Hotel Management, working as a Supervisor in Muscat. Seeks a sutiable match. Contact Email: OR 9029263886 / 9757411125 (Regd. No. 5857) GOA : Goan Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 40 years, Ht. 5 7 , Ht. 68 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. 1st Year B.Com., Having own Resort Well settled. Seeks a Girl willing to settle in Goa. (Regd. No. 5856) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 45 years, Ht. 5 11 , Healthy, Fair Complexion, Edn. MS Engineering, workaing as a Deputy Manager, Well settled Seeks a Mangalorean RC graduate working or non working girl. Contact Email: (Regd. No. 5855) MUMBAI : A loving caring, jovial Mangalorean Catholic Bachelor with sober habbits, aged 37 years, Ht. 5 7 , Wt. 62 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. Graduate, Working in MNC BPO as a Senior Executive, seeks a suitable match. Contact Email : OR 9820821961 / 9892569050 (Regd. No. 5853)

May 13, 2013

MATRIMONIALS MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 40 years, Ht. 5 6 , Wt. 79 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn.HSC, Having own business of Catering. Seeks a suitable match. Working or Non working, simple, Godfearing girl. Contact Email: OR Mob.: 9987226243 (Regd. No. 5843) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 31 years, Ht. 6 2 , Wt. 87 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn.MBA, Banker, well settled. Seeks a bride below 29 years, tall, prefereably Mangalorean. Contact Email: OR Mob.: 9820863381. (Regd. No. 5842) MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 38 years, Ht. 5 2 , Wt. 59 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn.HSC, Dip. in Hospitality Management in Hotel Operation, Management & Catering Technology Goa. Working as a Supervisor in Dubai Seeks a suitable match age between 28 to 34 years. Contact Email: / OR 9323189989 / 00971508460630 (Regd. No. 5839) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 28 years, Ht. 6 1 , Wt. 80 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn.HSC + Diploma in HM, working on the Ship as a Steward. Seeks a suitable match. Email : OR 9821540938 (Regd. No. 5838) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 35 years, Ht. 175 cms, Wt. 75 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. B.Com., M.B.A., working as a Manager Bank. Seeks a suitable

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match. Contact : OR Tel.: 28628102 (Regd. No. 5837) MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 31 years, Ht. 5 6 , Wt. 75 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. Masters in Engineering, worked for American and Canadian Company, currently working in Pune, he is coming from simple background, intelligent and hightly qualified person Seeks a well educated girl with simple living and high thinking to match him preferably Goan. Contact email : OR Mob.: 9820660048 (Regd. No. 5827) MUMBAI : RC Mangalorean Groom innocent Divorcee with Catholic Church annulment and Legally Dissolved, No. issues from previous marriage, age 36 years, Ht. 5 7 , Wt. 70 kgs, Fair Complexion, B.E. (const) working as a Senior Software Consultant in a MNC in Mumbai, well settled having own accommodation looking for a suitable match from Mumbai based RC girls only. Contact : ashlym OR Mob: 9930244302. (Regd. No. 5824) VADODARA : RC 29 years, Handsome Bachelor, 5 7 , B.E. (Computers), India, M.S. (Computer Science), USA, working in USA as Software Engineer seek alliances from Fair, Good Looking, Well Educated Spinsters having decent, God-fearing family. Contact : 9727718280 Email : (Regd. No. 5821) Address your replies to :

Regd. No. ROYAL CHRISTIAN FAMILY, 99, Perin Nariman Street, 1st Floor, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001.

To Place Your Matrimonial Advertisement Call: 2269 3578 OR 2265 4924 21

BRIDES KUWAIT : Goan Roman Catholic Spinster, 26 years, Ht. 155 cms, Wt. 68 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.Com., working as a Office Assistant. Seeks a Goan RC Bachelor. Contact Email : OR +965971379900 (Regd. No. 5912) NASIK : Goan R. C. Spinster, 25 yrs., 5 6 , Wt. 55 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. B.Com., MBA, working as a Marketing Executive. Contact email : OR 9860082311 (Regd. No. 5883) MUMBAI : Goan R. C. Spinster, 37 yrs., 5 , 3 , Wt. 55 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.Com., working as a Crew Logistic. Contact Email : OR 9820059399 (Regd. No. 5882) MUMBAI : Goan R. C. Spinster, 36 yrs., 5 , Wt. 53 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. HSC, working as a Crew Logistic Contact : email : OR 9819220429 (Regd. No. 5881) MUMBAI : Mangalorean R.C. Spinster, 35 yrs., 5 6 , Fair Complexion, Edn. Post Graduate, working for a Foreign Bank Seeks a suitable match. Contact Email : (Regd. No. 5879) MUMBAI : Mangalorean R. C. Spinster, 26 yrs., 5 4 , Wheatish Complexion, Edn. M.Sc., Micro, working as a Officer in Nationalised Bank. Seeks a suitable match. Contact Email : OR 9769485550 (Regd. No. 5878) UDUPI : Mangalorean R. C. Spinster, 26 yrs., 5 4 , Fair Complexion, Edn. BDS, Lecturer by profession. Seeks a suitable match. Contact Email : or 9448480469 (Regd. No. 5876)

Royal Christian Family Helps In Choosing The Right Life-Partner

Serving Since 32 Years 22

MATRIMONIALS MUMBAI : Mangalorean R. C. Spinster, 30 yrs., 5 6 , withan average build and fair complexioned, Edn. PG and MBA (HR) working as a Manager in an MNC in Mumbai, seeks a suitable match who is well educated, tall and a cheerful disposition. We are open to grooms from other denomination (East Indian, Goan, South Indian etc.,) Contact : 9892191359 / 65721172 and send details to (Regd. No. 5873) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Spinster, 26 years, Ht. 5 7 , Wheatish Complexion, Edn. March Environmental Architecture, Architect by profession. Seeks a well settled Mangalorean bachelor preferable from Mumbai. (Regd. No. 5872) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Spinster, 30 years, Ht. 5 4 , Wt. 52 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn.B.E., (Computer Engg.,) working as a Senior Consultant. Contact : / (Regd. No/ 5871) MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Spinster, 23 years, Ht. 5 5 , Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B. Pharm., working as a Trainee, Seeks a suitable match. Contact Email : OR 8097033180 (Regd. No. 5870) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Spinster, 48 years, Ht. 5 3 , Wt. 42 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. HSC, employed as a Office Executive. Contact Email : OR 9870356752 / 9773466716 (Regd. No. 5868) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Spinster, 27 years, Ht. 5 4 , Wt. 54 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. B.E., M.B.A., working as a Marketing Professioanl, Well settled, Seeks a suitable Mangalorean boy, below 30 years, Well qualified. Contact Email : OR

8452870455 (Regd. No. 5867) MUMBAI : Roman Catholic Spinster, 25 years, Ht. 5 6 , Fair Complexion, good looking, Edn. B.A., CPL., working as a Pilot, Seeks a well qualified preferably Doctors/Civil Services/ Businessman below 30 years. Contact Email: OR 9820092831 (Regd. No. 5866) UDUPI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Spinster, 27 years, Ht. 5 6 , Wt. 68 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. MBBS, MS., Doctor by profession. Seeks a suitable match. Contact : OR 9880702121 (Regd. No. 5865) UDUPI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Spinster, 24 years, Ht. 5 4 , Wt. 65 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.E. (Tele com) Working in BANGALORE. Seeks a suitable match. Contact Email: OR 0820-2546093 (Regd. No. 5864) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic parents of spinster daughter 1973 born, 5 4 1/2 , fair complexion, well educated and employed in a good position in Mumbai, invite matrimonial alliance of Mangalorean Catholic Bachelor, with graduate or post graduate qualification employed in Mumbai or abroad, with sober habits, good family values, age upto 45 years. Kindly reply with full details with recent photograph to email bellwether Or Call mobile No. 9892700617 (Regd. No. 5441) Address your replies to :

Regd. No. ROYAL CHRISTIAN FAMILY, 99, Perin Nariman Street, 1st Floor, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001.

To Place Your Matrimonial Advertisement Call: 2269 3578 OR 2265 4924 May 13, 2013

Smt Celine D'Silva Marg inaugurated at Ghatkopar by CM of Maharashtra

Smt. Celine D'Silva Marg inaugurated on 4th May 2013 by Shri. Prithviraj Chavan. Chief Minister of Maharashtra in the presence of a large dignitaries and audience. The late Smt. Celine D'Silva was a politician, educationist and a social activist in Kurla Ghatkopar area. She was the only Mangalorean Catholic in the Maharashtra Cabinet so far that too in the Vasant Dada Patil Cabinet and served as a Minister of State for Finance, Culture and Tourism in the Government of Maharashtra.

Her illustrious political career spanned over 30 years giving her the opportunity to work and interact with tall leaders and stalwarts. She founded the Little Flower English High School with a handful of students in Ghatkopar, today imparts affordable and quality education to over 3000 students. Her good work is continued by her daughter Mrs. Janet D'Souza who is the principal of the school and president of Mumbai Region Mahila Congress.

CORREA CAR COOL Malad: Chincholi Road & Link Road Junction, Near Evershine Mall, Malad (West), Mumbai - 400 064 Tel.: 2878 3399 / 32233199 Fax: 2872 4635

Borivali: Opp. Olive Apartment & Tilak Complex, Borivali Link Road & Devidas Road Junction, Near Eskay Resorts, Borivali (W), Mumbai 400103. Tel.: 32183399

Email :


93212 41111 / 98694 41111 May 13, 2013


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Printed and Published by Lawrence Coelho at The Secular Citizen, 99, Perin Nariman Street, 1st Floor, Harihar Nivas, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001. Tel.: 2269 3578, 2265 4924 Printers: The Secular Citizen, Fort, Mumbai 400001. Editor : Philip Myaboo

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May May 13, 13, 2013 2013

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