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June 17, 2013


Learn, Earn & Pay: New Scheme For Skilling Nepali Youth

Anusha Monteiro Scores 99.56% in B.Sc.

Anusha Monteiro Anusha Monteiro of Milagres College, Kallianpur, scored 99.56% (896 out of 900) marks in B.Sc., Sixth Sem-2013.

THECHO, Kathmandu, (Robin John Chettri) Don Bosco Technical Institute Thecho in Kathmandu started off the second session of the year (5th June 2013) with a totally new and innovative scheme to empower rural and marginalized Nepali youth. One hundred boys and girls from various parts of Nepal have signed up for the totally free course with the motto learn free, earn, and pay back. Youth from distant parts are accommodated in hostels run by Don Bosco and Saleisan Sisters. This session has attracted twice the number of young people who joined the previous session, says Director of the Institute Fr Jijo John stating that 159 young people began their skill training program in various trades. Trainees for the new session which commenced on 5th June 2013 are enrolled for six months training in Computer, Electrical, Fashion Design, Tailoring, Beautician and Mobile Repairing. In his keynote address the Rector of Nepal Don Bosco School Lubhu, Kathmandu Fr. Benjamin stressed the need for everyone to make use of the opportunity effectively and achieve the purpose for which the program is offered. Immediately after the inaugural session, the students went to their respective departments for the introductory lesson. I am very happy to get this opportunity to be trained in my favorite subject free of charge in such a wonderful setting, says a grateful trainee. DB Tech Thecho was established in 2009 and runs two six month sessions a year. Students awaiting the inaugural at DB Tech Thecho, 6 June


The college got in B.Sc., Second class 2, and First class 2 out of 45 appeared. 16 got above 90%.

Sharal V. Fernandes Scored 89.27% In SSC With Distinction

Sharal V. Fernandes Sharal V. Fernandes scored 89.27% marks with distinction in the 2012-13 S.S.C. examination in Maharashtra State. She is a student of Holy Cross Convent High School, K-Villa, Thane and daughter of Vincent Fernandes (Allipade, Bantwal, Mangalore) now in Kalwa, Thane and Mrs. Apoline V. Fernandes.

June 17, 2013

Advt. Tariff


Vol.22 No.24 June 17, 2013


99, Perin Nariman Street, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001. Tel: 2269 35 78 / 2265 49 24 Fax.: 2264 0996 E-mail :, Website: Editor-in-chief : LAWRENCE COELHO

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Thought for the week

True achievers are people who take advantage of adverse situations.

Contents pg 3 - In Karnataka, It Is More Peaceful For Christians pg. 4 - Knowledge Management & Innovation The Leap We Need For Progress pg. 5 - VIEWS on NEWS pg. 6 - Narendra Modi Must Be Caged pg. 7 - From Gentleman s Game to Conman s Den pg 8 - Together We Soar pg 9 - Debate, Dialogue Or Diatribe? pg 10 - Popular Devotions How they Sustain and Promote the Faith pg 11 - "I need to live with other people," Pope says pg 14 - A Hub Of Mysticism In Catholic Brazil pg 16 - Touchstone To The Pursuit Of Devotion pg 18 - The Golden Triangle of the MSCJ pg 19 - Inspirations pg 20 - GOODBYE LAVY pg 21 - Matrimonials

Cover : Debate, Dialogue Or Diatribe?

June 17, 2013

Over all size 21.5 cms x 27cms l Print area 18 cms x 25.5 cms Full pg. back Colour (19 cms x 24 cms) Rs. 15,000 Center spread colour(39 cms x 23.5 cms Rs. 15,000 Full pg. inside Cover colour(18 cms x 24 cms) Rs. 10,000 Full pg. inner colour (18 cms x 24 cms) Rs. 8,000 Half pg. Colour (18 cms x 12 cms) Rs. 5,000

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In Karnataka, It Is More Peaceful For Christians The Global Council of Indian Christians (GCIC) is calling on the new government of Karnataka led by the Indian National Congress to protect the small Christian community and other religious minorities, after being targeted for years by Hindu extremists. "The new government should provide justice to Christians who have been the victims of a campaign of hatred and violence since 2008," said GCIC president Sajan George. In 2008, when anti-Christian pogroms broke out in Orissa, Karnataka also became the scene of attacks against local Christian churches and communities. For many years, the state was one of the most "dangerous" places for India's Christian minority. A GCIC report found that last year Karnataka had the highest number of rapes, 41 out of 135, in all of India. The election in May of Siddaramaiah, the local leader of the Indian National Congress (a secular party headed by Sonia Gandhi), as the new chief minister of Karnataka has given Christians new hope after eight years of persecution under the government of the Bharatiya Janata Party ( BJP), a Hindu nationalist party. "After being hounded on false accusations of proselytising in secular India, the Christian community of Karnataka can now pray without fear", the GCIC president said. However, the new government must take concrete steps to bring to justice organisations and leaders responsible for violence. In view of this, George wants the government to make an official apology to the Christian minority for the injustice it suffered in the past eight years. "Even if it is not directly responsible," George explained, "the machinery of government has for years been an accomplice of Hindu extremists, denying Christians the right to religious freedom guaranteed by the constitution." For Sajan George, the new chief minister must also move away from the Somsekhara Commission's "specious and false" report on the violence of recent years, which cleared Hindu movements from responsibility for attacks on churches in Karnataka in 2008. Nirmala Carvalho, AsiaNews


Knowledge Management & Innovation The Leap We Need For Progress Don t jump to conclusions . This is an advice, an admonition we have received from childhood. It is valuable; it cautions us to cross check & validate information, the sources, the evidence, facts, the logic & ensure that conclusions are correct & the judgments are fair & impartial. However, like all the other restrictions we receive while developing it could prove restrictive & prevent innovation & creativity. The other day as I watched two squirrels on a tree outside my balcony I discovered that they progressed much faster by a series of leaps than by crawling up the trunk & branches. The benefit of a leap, other than in a long jump competition, comes when there is a Gap. The gaps occur in the following ways; 1. The actual & the expected outcomes differ. These may be both bad & good. The extraordinary unexplained good results are often termed miracles. The bad ones are disasters. The scientific, rational mind looks for reasons for both. The Good & the Bad. The search for extraordinary results has led to revolutionary, path breaking discoveries & inventions like the X-Ray, TV tubes, micro-wave ovens & other Black Swans, unexpected phenomenon, which have changed the course of History. 2. The gap may be man made. The magician camouflages his trick so that the audience can t make out how it happened. So also the politician & the bureaucrat. The Right To Information Act has attempted to correct this Position Advantage by asking those in authority to prove that they have not taken unfair advantage. Transparency is the Hallmark of the Knowledge Era. The gap may be a moat of objections resisting


change. 3. The third gap is the intuitive feeling that there is a Gap. There is an explored territory; there are discoveries to be made. The best example of this is Columbus believing that he could reach India by crossing the Atlantic. 4. There is also the challenge people take to prove that Impossible is What we have not yet learned to do . Riding a bike & flying come

- Francis Lobo in this category. Once the laws are discovered the application snowballs into myriad different directions aero planes for war & peace, transport of people & material, surveying & patrolling, etc. etc. 5. For a Ph. D. research project the first step is to show that a gap in knowledge exists & the research aims at identifying the knowledge that will bridge the gap. Today the deficiency preventing progress is that there is no interest in doing research. Those who graduate seek immediate employment, they would like to put an end to their years of study. As a result the institutions of higher learning are under-staffed as far as doctorates are concerned there are not enough research papers & new discoveries emerging from these places. The answer appeared to be to

incentivise research through patents. The flaw here is that patents give the major benefits to those who commercialize the idea on an on-going basis by diversifying and dispersing the application. The one who developed the idea is either bought off with a one time payment or the product & processes are modified to show that the idea already existed & there is no patent infringement. The concept of funding of new ideas & their commercialization has worked in some pockets through Venture Capital. But this has to be by individuals and institutions with their own funds. Funding of individual initiatives with public funds is not acceptable. Public funding of research is only acceptable in Defense. The logic here is that if we don t do it, the enemy will, our safety is at stake. No doubt some of the defense discoveries & inventions have benefited Society immensely like the Internet. The manifestations of a Knowledge based approach appropriate to the 21st Century are 1. A passion for Discovery, a search for new things, hidden secrets, answers to unanswered questions. 2. On-going improvements based on findings from quality control, industrial engineering studies, inter & intra firm comparisons. 3. Maintaining an inventory of areas to be explored. Sometimes the answers emerge unexpectedly but knowing what you are looking for helps you to identify it as a solution. 4. Building a Knowledge Base through reading, discussion, experimentation, tests, search & exploration. 5. Capital investment in R. & D. on fundamental & product & process research in-house or by sponsoring projects in research establishments.

June 17, 2013

Toss Ka Boss

Eyebrows were raised when a newspaper carried a news item with the caption Srinivasan is my favourite only to read further that it was Obama referring to S. Srinivasan whom he wants to see as a Judge of the highest court in USA. In Chennai, our own N. Srinivasan, not so favourite, won the toss and came in fully geared to face his detractors, who surprisingly, came with a rubber ball to bowl to him. No bouncers! He said he is stepping [a little] aside till the probe is over. Now he talks about a conspiracy against the South Indians. Not many are impressed but are reminded of Mohd Azzaruddin who took a similar line [minority card] when he was named in match-fixing only to retract his words amid protests. Both are linked to cricket . The working committee has four types of members one lot has skeletons in their cupboards [what with investigation reports gathering dust] which can tumble out should push come to a shove. The second type comprises those who try to ingratiate themselves to the powers that be for pecuniary benefits and have a 7 Star life at the cost of the board. This group is beholden to the board officials for their indulgencies and therefore will not like to offend them. The third lot gets lucrative contracts for commentary and to promote the interests of BCCI. Naturally, it is too much to expect them speak out. The fourth lot of fence sitters was not sure which way the wind was to blow. As things unfolded, they wanted to test the waters before throwing their weight with the winning side. Seeing no challenge to the Big Boss, they decided to follow the tide. The whole thing was a fiasco. The new dispensation is headed by Jagmohan Dalmiya, whose own credentials are not above board. He could have reconstituted the probe panel to give it some credibility. Retired judges, somehow, do not inspire as much confidence as the sitting judges. It is not enough to suspend a

June 17, 2013

VIEWS on NEWS few here and there. The mess has already turned Royal . The very concept of IPL is under cloud not just parties and cheer-girls. *****

Political Transparency?

Our parliamentarians gave us one of the best pieces of legislation in RTI Act. Everybody hailed this though some of the shortcomings are still being addressed. Politicians have been vocal in demanding transparency even where it is strictly not applicable. They even demanded that BCCI be brought under the Act though the politicians who double as cricket administrators were visibly uncomfortable with the idea. The motive was good. Now that the CIC has ruled that all national parties be brought under the RTI Act, suddenly there is vociferous opposition across the board. The fund collection is suspect and they declare to the Income Tax Department and the Election Commission only what they want to show. The IT department cannot raise uncomfortable questions because the ruling combine would be displeased. The benefit of such an approach has been reaped by the opposition parties as well. They are all jittery because it can open the Pandora s Box with all types of queries which could cause discomfiture. They claim that they may be asked to disclose their strategies etc and to that extent their apprehensions are understandable. The CIC can exclude such information. What should be available is information on source of funds etc. This is something all the political parties must agree to. Public opinion should compel them to spell out their stand on this issue in their manifestos before the next general elections. *****

A New Hope

The elections in Pakistan which

by Marshall Sequeira were conducted well have given a new government to that country. Nawab Sharrif who has taken over as PM after a 14 year vanvas, somehow exudes an element of confidence something that was missing earlier. The people of Pakistan too must be hoping that the new regime provides good governance. The new dispensation should grab this opportunity to bring some sanity within the country. This will take time but every mission starts with a beginning. Even small steps can make a difference. Roping in rogue elements in a gradual manner will pay dividends. India will be watching the developments as they unfold with great interest. A beginning can be made by putting the 26/11 court cases on fast track and if they do this, it will open a new window of hope for better bilateral relations between India and Pakistan. India needs to be receptive to any positive proposal that comes from across the border. Such opportunities should be grabbed with both hands, of course, with due caution. The message should be loud and clear. No infiltration and no anti-India campaign from Pak soil. Firing across the border under the new regime is not a positive sign. No two neighours can live in perpetual enmity. History is replete with examples of how hostile countries have come together in the interest of their people. Both countries must show maturity and statesmanship. We should not be found wanting. The opposition parties must look at the larger picture, on foreign policy issues, since they hope to be on the other side of the fence in 2014.


Narendra Modi Must Be Caged

L.K.Advani may be very right in flagging the red card to Narendra Modi leading the BJP at the 2014 Lok Sabha elections. The very senior, mature and experienced Advani may have correctly gauged that the people of India would not accept Narendra Modi due to his Gujarat carnage taint, for which no sensible Indian would also ever forgive him. Narendra Modi?s hindtuva agenda and his fanatic dream of making India a Hindu nation is out of place. Today our Hindu brethren have a broader outlook and would definitely strive to maintain our country secular. Power in the hands of the wrong people can be disastrous. Over the last 15 months we have been witness to the total reckless abuse of that power and authority by Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar who has a lot in common with Narendra Modi. They are both a one man show. No doubt they have now ganged together. Advani at 85 is young enough and not rancid as Goa?s Narendra Modi, Mr. Manohar Parrikar tries to paint him. Advani who did his early schooling at St. Patrick?s High School in Karachi, may have his connections with the RSS but definitely does not have the traits of spreading the com-


munal venom and would definitely be much more acceptable across the country. I had the occasion to address various public meetings when the very gentle and well mannered Advaniji visited Goa way back in 1977 after that State of Emergency. I also recall the presence of Vishwanath Arlekar (father of current Speaker Rajendra Arlekar) and Vasant Sabnis. They were all earlier in the Bharatiya Jana Sangh and later merged along with 11 other parties and formed the Janata Party whose government in 1977 at the centre was headed by Morarji Desai. That experiment did not last for long. The rest is history. The current wave of Opposition to Narendra Modi is obvious. Even some of the NDA partners themselves have put their foot down while opposing him tooth and nail. Would the absence of other proAdvani leaders at the current BJP conclave in Goa, indicate the growing schism within the BJP? If the BJP does not heed Advaniji?s advice they may courtesy Narendra Modi see the Lotus wilt to the hilt.

—Aires Rodrigues

An Appeal

Sir, My Son, Allan Almeida, 26 years old (a parishioner of St John the Evangelist Church, Marol, Andheri (E),) met with a road accident on March 19, 2010. Since then, we have been visiting various hospitals such as Riddhi Vinayak Critical Care & Cardiac Center-Malad, Nanavati Hospital-Vile Parle, Saifee Hospital-Charni Road, Jaslok Hospital-Grant Road etc. For some time we had admitted him in a private nursing home, as my wife Olga and I are senior citizens. We have spent over Rs 35 lakhs to date. My son Allan is diagnosed with severe Traumatic Brain Injury (Diffuse Axonal Injury). He is not fully conscious and he is dependent for his daily needs, as he is completely bedridden. We have two physiotherapists to give him regular exercise. The monthly expenses are almost Rs 45,000/- and that is beyond our means. Kindly draw a cheque favouring Mr. Cyril Almeida A/c - 1206937952 Central Bank of India, Andheri (E) and send it to Mr. Cyril Almeida, resident of C-9, Ankur Hsg. Soc., Kadamwadi, Marol, Andheri (E), Mumbai - 400 059. Cyril Almeida, Andheri(E).

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June 17, 2013

From Gentleman s Game to Conman s Den

The Fans have been fooled and robbed


hree second rate cricketers, two high profile franchise executives, one substandard Bollywood actor cum socialite and one dishonorable and despicable boss, monstrous andpowerful are all standing in queue seeking entrance behind the iron bars of a dark cell. It should have come early, but better late than never, it has finally come and some more heads will lately that all the six editions of IPL had roll as the guillotine stands waiting. After the infamous episode of been fixed oratleast planted. The rogue match fixing that swept the cricketing BCCI has had murky past, and had world with shame, thirteen years ago, managed to escape each time with the when several high profile players and blessings from scornful Political Feudalists and largely due to the naivety top BCCI officials were of mad cricket fans. But, convicted for Match fixthis time, the wind was ing and massive corrupflapping in different direction, the ghost has once tion, suddenly all doors again returned to the were left open, leaving the cash rich and overtly anigoons without a place to mated Indian premier hide. The Electronic MeLeague. dia played a pivotal role in After India emerged questioning the mighty champions of the 2007 - Chris Emmanuel officials and in exposing World Cup T-Twenty, Dsouza scams and scandals with their bosses the illusive their sting operations. BCCI (Board of Control Even after several cricketers, acof Cricket it India) were busy dishing out innovative ideas inorder to appeal tors, bookies and top franchise officials the mad cricket crazy Indian fans and were taken to task and put behind bars, amass billions of dollarswith the cricket crazy indian public barged in atreacherous intent. In came, the mes- thousands to watch the knock out stages siah LalitModi, a reckless forty-some- of the Indian Premier League. At a time, thing, spoilt brat, money chaser, with when people had a golden opportunity zero ethics, and the new Religion of to resist against the deceitful BCCI by Cricket by the name Indian Premier not turning up at the stadiums, thereby League was baptized. As is the case of sending a statement, they fumbled, they every organized religion that is prac- lost it to their emotiveness attached to ticed today, exploitation, commercial- cricket and the once in a blue moon day ization and gimmick overshadows its performing million dollar cricket stars.The ultimate looser in this orchestrated madoriginal facets. They pumped millions of dollars, ness is the crazy fan, Who has spent his made mediocre cricketers look formi- precious time and energy either watchdable, flashed colorful ads, splurged ing IPL at home on television and at cheerleaders, donated wine and night clubs. The most embarrassing move in women, and left no one unsatisfied. Amidst all the glitz and glamour the this shoddy episode was the silence of cricket crazyfans were fooled and present and former cricketers, including robbed in the height of masochism. A the over hyped skipper Mahindra Singh considerable suspicion has grown

June 17, 2013

Dhoni. No former cricketer or the present greats have the guts to clench into a fist against the fraudulent BCCI and its goons. Many reports accuse two top former cricketers and commentators Ravi Shastri and Sunil Gavaskar as the stooge and a PR to the BCCI. Just goes to show how the powerful spider s web controls cricketing world. Who are the BCCI? They are a gang of greed filled and inexplicitly corrupt politicians and business men. It is a vicious circle that makes decisions based on their financial interest, and cares nothing about the development of cricket in india. The sardonic control board claims to be the richest sporting body in the world! And when people like Sunil Gavaskar, Ravi Shastri and Faruk Abdullah refer this body as honest and clean, everybody can sense the filth and nonsense they are talking about. In addition the attitude of the people who want to oust Mr. Srinivasan, the dishonorable BCCI Chief sounds dubious at best. Why they want his head to be chopped off?What are their motives and ambitions? The whole episode that has hit headlines over the last twenty odd days has turned out to be evermore enigmatic. What leaves us with perplexity is the question of International matches, that have been played in the past with thrill and pomp. What about the 2011 World Cup? Was it fixed or Planted? The game of cricket one s known as the Gentleman s Game for its curtsy and sportsmanship, has fallen into the abyss, making it hard to reshape and revert back.Sadly, The Gentleman s Game of the yesteryear has degraded as the Conman s Den today.


Together We Soar

The Western Region Laity Consultation held in Mumbai


he historic Vatican Council II induced much reflection and deliberations during the jubilee year on how much we have been successful in implementing its recommendation. The All India Catholic Union a federation of Diocesan Lay Associations thought it prudent to begin a reflection on whether the laity has been sufficiently empowered in the course of these years by organizing a series of Consultations across the country. One such Consultation was organized at St. Pius X College, Goregoan on June 1 and 2, 2013 with the theme Together we Soar to support the strategies and teachings of Vatical II. Cardinal Oswald Gracias, in his keynote address, emphasised the importance of Vatican II in the life of the Church, and how the 16 documents were Spirit-inspired and pathbreaking, and which have relevance even today. He said the Church in Mumbai has still a long way to go, and the Year of Faith calls us all to re-visit the documents and complete the unfinished business. This year, the conferences of the CBCI, CCBI, CCI will be reflecting on Vatican II, which is slated on the agenda of the coming Synod of Bishops. He then briefly touched on Lumen Gentium and Gaudium et Spes. Two Constitutions changed the model of the Church from a pyramidal structure to a concentric structure, redefined the call to holiness as a universal call for all baptised Christians, and placed the Church in the centre of the world to bring about its sanctification. The Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation, Christifidelis Laici, has emphasised that the laity are the main workers in the mission of the Church, and are called to permeate secular


society with spiritual values. The document also mentioned two great dangers the laity faced firstly, the temptation to get over-involved in Church activities, thus neglecting family and society, and secondly, the temptation to keep professional life separate from our personal life, explained the Cardinal. Calling the Church to transform society, he advised the laypeople to permeate, reform and revitalise it through active participation at the grassroots level. The lay faithful need to be generous with their time and be ready for training. He urged the Laity to stop being inward-looking, but to be outward-looking, enriching Creation and society at large. Mr Eugene Gonsalves, President of AICU, lamented that the Council s goal to have a Participatory Church has not yet been realised. He said that a majority of the laity have a pre-Vatican II mindset, of being uninterested and lacking commitment which affects the life of the Church. We need the clergy to motivate our lay people. He touched upon some of the issues of the 10-point memorandum that was submitted to the CBCI Dialogue Committee, like appointment of paid lay administrators for parish institutions, setting up of Parish Pastoral Councils, appointment of permanent lay deacons, adequate funds for formation of laity, greater participation of women and youth in Church

bodies, and equal dignity and representation of laity on all levels of diocesan Boards/Committees/Commissions with religious and clergy. This event, organised by the All India Catholic Union and the Bombay Catholic Sabha, had around 150 delegates from Catholic Associations from Goa, Gujarat and Maharashtra. Four archbishops - Oswald Cardinal Gracias of Bombay, V Abraham of Nagpur, Stanislaus Fernandes of Gandhinagar and Felix Machado of Vasai - were present, besides Bishop Agnelo Gracias and Bishop-elect Fr Dominic Savio Fernandes. Former DGP, Mr Julio Ribeiro was the Guest of Honour. The Consultation included presentations and discussions on Participation of Laity in the Church, Laity and Clergy Collaboration, Social Action Perspective, Mainstream Politics, Civic and Political Empowerment, Economic Empowerment, Focus on Higher and Professional Education, Women Gender sensitivity, equality and empowerment, Women in the light of Vatican II, Youth Empowerment, Church s response to the Poor and the Marginalised and Media for Empowerment.

Anand Castelino, Vice President - BCS and APC

June 17, 2013


Debate, Dialogue Or Diatribe?

he print media is called the Fourth Estate. During World War II spies were known as the Fifth Columnists. What of the electronic media (EM)? Should we call them the Sixth State of modern society? I would certainly not call them the sixth sense, for reasons that I shall elaborate. Actually, I don t see much sense in the EM, and would side with Justice Markanday Katju, Chairperson of the Press Council of India; that they too require some form of monitoring or control. They have no doubt created awareness about corruption and criminality. But on the whole I find them much too prone to sensationalism, rather than making sense of what is happening. For them TRPs mean everything. In the mad scramble for breaking news they often trip over the truth.

... In the print media one is obliged to think, reflect and even evaluate what one reads. Writers have also to be careful about their claims. This does not apply to TV, as there are no easy recording or rewind buttons ... legislator. It became increasingly obvious to me that this was not a discussion or a debate, but a one-sided diatribe against the Central Govt. Though I do not belong to any political party I felt that the entire programme was heavily biased, and a few neutral civic activists like me were called in to just legitimize the show.

When I was asked to speak A case in point was the 4th I categorically stated that anniversary of the UPA Chhotebhai the programme was prejuGovt on 22nd May. I was diced. If indeed we wanted requested to participate in a panel discussion by a leading to fairly assess the report card of the Hindi TV channel of U.P., based in my UPA 2, then a more balanced view hometown, Kanpur. Since I knew the should have been projected. Even inowners and staff of the channel I ac- flation was often seasonal. For example, cepted their last minute invitation. two years ago sugar was Rs 50/- per There were two MLAs, one from the kg; today it is down to 37/-. Besides, my BJP and the other from the Samajwadi son, who is a post-grad in Economics, Party. There was also a senior Con- tells me that inflation is the natural gressman in the studio, and a video consequence of development. I venuplink with some more politicians in tured to say that incomes have also Lucknow, the State capital. A couple gone up. The lowly rickshaw puller of us were representing civil society. now charges a minimum fare of Rs 20/ The anchor was about 30 years of -, a skilled worker like a mason or a age, and his lady assistant was just carpenter charges Rs 400/-, and young graduates are earning more than their about 20. parents ever did. The show began on a pre-determined line of scams, corruption and infla- The anchor and his assistant did not tion. There was only passing refer- like my observations and never asked ence to the achievements of the UPA me to speak again! They may even 2 Govt. In this one-hour show the have got a prompt from their backroom anchor did most of the talking, from boys. My consolation was that some his given script, followed by the BJP viewers phoned in to tell me that they

June 17, 2013

liked what I had said. The moot point, however, is that today the idiot box has a far greater impact than the Fourth Estate. In the print media one is obliged to think, reflect and even evaluate what one reads. Writers have also to be careful about their claims. This does not apply to TV, as there are no easy recording or rewind buttons. There was an old saying that pictures never lie. But any media person will tell us today how easy it is to distort or morph an image. Visuals always have greater impact. I recall December 1992, when the BBC kept showing images of the Babri Masjid being demolished. It contributed in no small measure to the communal flare up that ensued. With greater power the EM definitely requires more responsibility. Coming back to channels and anchors, I will limit myself to the four major English language channels CNN-IBN, Times Now (TNN), NDTV and Headlines Today (HT). By the time I get home from work and have my dinner it is usually past 10 pm, the time when all these channels have their lively debates. I have time and again noticed that an issue that is sensationalized in the nighttime debates is usually relegated to a small column in the inside pages of the next day s newspaper. A case in point was the stand off between India and China over oil exploration rights in the South China Sea about a year ago. Going by the debates one expected India and China to be at war any moment. Nothing happened. In the recent past several panelists have been berating anchors for putting words in their mouths, or not allowing them to speak. Some of the shriller anchors, who have now mellowed are Karan Thapar (CNN) and Barkha Dutt (NDTV). Among those who encourage the panelists to speak and don t impose themselves are Kirti (Contd.. on p. 10)


(Contd.. from p. 9) Razdan, Sonia Singh, Bhuvan Shome and Sreeniwasan Jain, all of NDTV. Borderline cases are Rajdeep Sardesai (CNN) and Rahul Kanwar (HT). Among the shrill voices are Sagarika Ghose (CNN) and, the worst of the lot you guessed right Arnab Goswami of TNN. I find this man obnoxious. He never allows panelists to express themselves freely, prods them into error, and asks simple questions that have to be answered as Yes or No. I would like to ask Goswami a simple question . Have you stopped beating your wife, just say yes or no? If he says Yes it implies that he had been beating his wife earlier, and if he says No it means that he is still beating his wife! Goswami, and anchors like him, do not believe in fifty shades of grey. For them everything is either black or white. Truth is the ultimate casualty.

Such obnoxious anchors are debasing debate. Why can t TV anchors be like the Speaker of the Lok Sabha, who actually speaks the least, and gives everybody an opportunity to be heard? From anchors, let me move to the panelists. Other than the official spokespersons of the recognized political parties, each channel seems to have its favourites. I often wonder how ad gurus like Suhel Seth and Alyque Padamsee, or Lord Meghnad Desai of Britain, can pontificate on any topic under the sun? Chandan Mitra, Swapan Dasgupta and D. Raja have such fixed views that if you have heard them once you don t need a repeat performance. Let me touch also on the familiar Christian faces on TV John Dayal, Rev Dominic Emmanuel, Maxwell Pereira and Flavia Agnes. The first three are Delhi based, and the fourth is from Mumbai. One wonders if TV channels cannot look beyond these two metros?

Dayal and Emmanuel are the usual public face of the Christian community, of whom I find Dayal the more balanced and forthright in his views. During the infamous Ireland abortion case one channel picked up a Brother from Mumbai who was so desperate to toe the official church line that he did more harm than good. As for Pereira and Agnes, they are called to speak on their respective areas of competence the police and women s rights, and they do a good job. I don t envy Pereira the hopeless task of defending the indefensible, the cops. So the next time that you are watching TV, especially a volatile panel discussion, do a reality check to see if it is a debate, a dialogue or a diatribe. Also do check the next day s newspaper to see if the Breaking News of the previous night has broken into the headlines.


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June 17, 2013

ASI, Church Lock Horns In Goa

Panaji: The Archaeological survey of India (ASI) and the authorities of the Basilica of Bom Jesus are locking horns over the latter asked the tourists wearing scanty clothes to cover up. The church administrators are opposed to worshipers coming to church in bikinis a sight rare in other churches of the world. The ASI, however, says it cannot ban the bikini. The friction came to the fore last month after the authorities of the Basilica banned entry of tourists wearing the beachwear. Visitors coming to see the church are now screened and if a bikini-clad tourist appears keen on entering the 16th century baroquestyle monument, they are asked to cover up with a shawl, provided by the church authorities. The rules of exposure apply to both men and women. We are not stopping anyone from visiting the church. We are only saying that they will have to dress appropriately. One should not forget the fact that they are on holy premises, said Fr. Savio Barreto, Rector of the world famous basilica. According to him, the church authorities were forced to take a stand following numerous complaints from believers about bikini-clad merrymakers ruining the sanctity and decorum of the religious place. It is our duty to maintain the sanctity of this place of worship, he said, insisting that no tourist had so far protested against the stricture. The ASI, however, is worried that the church ruling could hurt the

June 17, 2013

"I need to live with other people," Pope says

Casa Santa Marta residence Rome: Pope Francis says that he does not live in the papal house inhabited by previous pontiffs "for psychiatric reasons". "Why don't I go to live in the Apostolic Palace? For psychiatric reasons!" the pope told students from

people. I don't think it would be good for me to live alone," the 76-year-old Pope said. Despite security concerns, the pope has been living at the Vatican's hotel since the conclave that elected him Pope in March, mingling at meals with other guests and celebrating daily masses there. The pontiff lives in a suite of rooms in the Casa Santa Marta residence, which sits in the shadow of St. Peter's Basilica. When he was archbishop of Buenos Aires, Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio lived in a small apartment in the Argentine capital,

Jesuit schools at the Vatican. "I need to live with other

cooked his own meals and regularly ate in a canteen with ordinary priests.

image of Goa as a tourist destination. We are not denying the fact that the Basilica is a place of worship. But the church authorities should not forget the fact that it is being protected by ASI and is also one of the major tourist attractions of Goa, an ASI official said. He added that the ASI had sought the help of the political leadership to solve the matter as the issue was quite sensitive." Goa now has a inflow of 2.6 million tourists every year. The government has already announced its plan to increase it to 6 million in the next five years by projecting it as a destination which has more than just beaches and pubs . Last year, revenue from foreign tourists was around 600 mil-


This is not the first time that the ASI and the Goan church authorities have locked horns on the same issue. Two years ago, the church authorities had threatened to ban the entry of bikini-clad tourists altogether. Then the matter was sorted out after ASI and church bodies reached an agreement allowing churches to put up signboards on dress code for visitors. However, the move did not work, as tourists continued to come to cathedrals in their beachwear, ignoring the advice on the boards to be appropriately dressed.



June 17, 2013

June 17, 2013


A Hub Of Mysticism In Catholic Brazil

Brazil: Brazil's capital is well known for the modern architecture of its designer, the late Oscar Niemeyer. But mystic types come for a different kind of thrill, like communicating with the spirits. The greater Brasilia area has about 1,000 worship sites for every possible faith in the country with, at least nominally, the world's largest Catholic population, and esoteric rites and mediums are part of the mix. In Vale do Amanhecer (Valley of Dawn), a town 40 kilometers outside Brasilia, people dress up in the garb of civilizations past, like the Maya, beyond. As chants hum, incense fills or as wizards and nymphs as they the air. trudge through the streets in rapturPaulo Roberto, a 50-year-old meous contact with the spirits. Tourists dium and lawyer wears brown and black positively lap it up. garb that looks like it comes right out of What on earth is going on? Ac- a space-based sci-fi flick. tually, it is going on underground. "Catholics wear cassocks, Jews Mystics say Brasilia, inaugu- have skullcaps, and we also wear sperated in 1960, was built atop an area cial clothes, in order to represent a with great cosmic energy a plateau reincarnation or our mission in Vale," 1,100 meters above sea level, resting he said. on a subsoil of crystals. But the mystic tourism industry Koraly Aredes, an 86-year-old has much, much more to offer. former Catholic missionary who spent more than half her life in Africa, says she found her faith here. "I saw so much misery in my life that I stopped believing in God, and I found my answer in Spiritism," she said, alluding to the belief that inside human bodies are spirits that leave the body after death and can resurface in another body. The cult surrounding the mystic buzz in Vale do Amanhecer is said to have 100,000 mediums. It was founded in the 1960s by a clairvoyant The hottest draw, at 100,000 viswidow named Neiva Chaves Zelaya, its a month, is Brasilia's Temple of who died in 1985 and is known as Tia Good Will, a pyramid that is open 24 (Aunt) Neiva. hours a day and belongs to no particuThe main mystical site looks lar religion, where people walk through like a spaceship, and inside it bright a spiral-like space to recharge and tidy colors and mirrors divide up spaces up their energies. dedicated to things or people like the The mystic and religious experimoon, the sun, Jesus Christ and the ences on offer are so popular that the Queen of Sheba all part of Tia Neiva's local government is working with vision. UNESCO to fashion a full-blown reliLong lines form as people wait gious tour out of it, said Meire France, for spiritual cures for what ails them, a a tourism official. cleansing of their souls or hook-ups A bit further from the capital is the with somebody out there in the great town of Abadiania, where thousands of


people from around the world arrive every week to be treated by Brazil's most famous medium, a man named Joao de Deus, and undergo what he calls spiritual surgery," complete with scalpel, needles, no anesthesia and no pain. And in the town of Gama, an illiterate medium named Valentim Ribeiro Souza has been treating patients for the past 55 years, three times a week. His faithful are people suffering from cancer or who have not found answers in traditional medicine. Valentim, 73, works a pair of small scissors adroitly, tapping people on the head with them or snapping them open and shut as if he actually were cutting open skin, and wriggling with a spasm or abruptly screaming. "Today, I am completely cured," says a happy Leonice Silva Rocha, 70, who says he cured her only remaining kidney of cancer. Ribeiro Souza churns out health at a furious pace: In four hours, he has treated 900 sick people. Helping him, he says, are 60 spirits. He says he himself spent 14 years in a wheelchair until a spontaneous cure turned him into a "spiritual doctor." "We see everything there is inside people," Ribeiro Souza said, referring to himself and the spirits. AFP

June 17, 2013



-),-4 5


Pot(-ato)-holed Roads There is no doubt that the citizens of this city of Mumbai are disgusted with the B.M.C. because of the potholes on various roads in the city – even the newly built fly-overs are breaking up within a few weeks. A frustrating situation, but take heart folks, we are not alone. The Mumbai Mirror (dated 4.6.2013) have reported a bizarre piece of information. It seems the situation in Russia is no different – in the city of of Yaroslavl, a group of activists have planted POTATOES in the potholes across the city “to see if these potatoes will grow sooner than the city authorities repair the roads”. What an Idea, sir ji !! People of this city of Mumbai could take a cue from the Russians – they could plant vegetables in the potholes, which at present is being done beside the Railway Tracks ! —Melville X. D’Souza

About Language l In English there is no plural word for "Mr." l In French there is; and the French word is abbreviated as

"Messrs". This abbreviation should not be shortened again as "M/s" l The word "Messrs." should not be used while addressing legal bodies (Incorporation with limited or unlimited liabilities). l The word "Dear" is merely a formality; and it has nothing to do with love and affection. l "Sir" includes highest respect. It is wrong to say "Respected Sir" l If you want to use the word "Respect" you may do so while ending your communication. For example: "Respectfully". l Remember, communication reflect one's personality.

Class of Errors

1. Errors of Language 2. Errors of Thought 3. Errors of Grammar

—Prof. Valerian Sequeira

The four skills of learning a language are: Listening, speaking, reading and writing. We can't bar speaking if we read silently. It is better to read loudly when others are not disturbed.

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June 17, 2013

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Touchstone To The Pursuit Of Devotion Faith. Formation. Dedication.

On the basis of these three hallmarks of devotion, thousands of people world-wide have changed and even reinvented their lives in this Year of Faith ,inspiring and challenging millions of others through their own personal vocations. What is devotion ?

forgetting Holy Mass, Communion, and the will to have a devotional life. For many others devotion is a vague , elusive and discouraging thing to comprehend. The word devotion, said St. Thomas, comes from devovere ,to vow. In this act of devotion to do God s will a person is prepared to give service to the almighty. Devotion is also used in other ways : the devotion of a mother for her child. The devotion of a husband for his sick wife., or the For example : teacher s devotion to his Melvyn Brown Taking vows at the students - or, the writers time of marriage . Promisdevotion towards research ing to be there at good and planning for the subject he has to times and bad times. Vowing to be preserve . loyal , loving and reliable till death The touchstone in the pursuit of do them part . Devotion is to have the devotion are women. Women who will to accept God s will, as the Virgin help to build mind-images which assoMary did : Behold the handmaid of ciate themselves to devotion. Devote the Lord, be it done unto me accordwomen are genuine devotees . Many ing to thy word, Mary replied to the form regular habits to go for morning archangel . Once again, Mary acMass , Communion , evening devocepted the word in her bethrothal to tions ; make novenas and often attend Joseph. Holy Hour. They perform private devoSeminarians listen to the word of tions say the rosary (at home) and God , and instinctively are motivated attend seasonal feasts. All these events by the love of God to give service the Lord. The act of devotion to do God s and acts influence the children and the will draws the priestly and religious men in their circles all this helps to seminarians to Him, and provides the foster and spread devotion . In other mileage to the pursuit of true devo- words devotion can be equated to tion. The touchstone here is in the prayers , the Church and women in all letter of St. Paul to the Hebrews when fields of endeavor. On the international scene we he wrote to them about Christ doing come across people who are most the will of His Father. Behold, I come influential . They are artists , reformers to do thy will , O God . Heb. 10 : 5 . , activists, researchers, heads of state Challenges taken to sustain and and captains of industry. Their ideas , nourish the life of devotion is in the visions and even dissent often spark annual Retreats , monthly recollecdialogue leading to cultural, ethnic and tions and daily mental prayer ; not It s a big question , designed to surge into the racing bloodstream ; yet, cracking down when trying to be understood. Devotion is having a love or dedication for the things you do or feel. In faith it is worship. Shown in religious observances or in prayer. The power behind devotion is caring , being faithful, staunch and steadfast at all times actually, being constant and true.


worldwide challenges. They all have one common agenda devotion, which, as I mentioned earlier is another word for dedication and commitment. Angela Merkel, the German de facto President of Europe. The first woman leader of a major continental European power. Colin Firth , the actor , who won world applause for his film The Kings Speech , as George VI. The freedom fighter Aung San Suu Kyi, Burma s flame of pride and winner of the 1991 Nobel Peace Prize. One time U.S. Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, a diplomat and a smart woman. Oprah Winfrey, television pioneer and queen of the daytime talk shows. She has been a real devotee to devotion in a cause to inspire, improve and change people s lives. Many others on the wave like David Cameron, Mukesh Ambani, V.S. Ramachandran ( once known as the Marco Polo of neuroscience), the singer called Sting and a host of others : people who have been ardent in their pursuits with firm devotion in making choices.

June 17, 2013

It's murder of the english language ... See how people write leave applications. It's murder of the english language... The leave Applications infosys, Bangalore: An employee applied for leave as follows: "Since I have to go to my village to sell my land along with my wife. please sanction me one-week leave." _____________________________ This is from Oracle Bangalore: From an employee who was performing the "mundan" ceremony of his 10 year old son.: "As I want to shave my son's head, please leave me for two days." _____________________________ Another gem from CDAC. Leaveletter from an employee who was performing his daughter's wedding:

A leave letter to the headmaster: "As I am stydying in this school I am suffering from headache. I request you to leave me day" _____________________________ "As I am marryiong my daugher, please grant a week's leave." _____________________________ From H.A.L. Administration Dept: "As my mother-in-law has expired and I am only one responsible for it please grant me 10 days leave." _____________________________ Another employee applied for half day leave as follows: "Since I've to go to the cremation ground at 10 o-clock and I may not return, please grant me half day casual leave" ___________________________ An incident of a leave letter: " I am suffering from fever, please Tiny Parties or Lavish Weddings we take care of them all

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June 17, 2013

declare one-day holiday." _____________________________

Another leave letter written to the headmaster: "As my headache is paining, please grant me leave for the day. ____________________________ Covering note: "I am enclosed herewith..." _____________________________ Another one: Dear Sir: with reference to the above, please refer to my below..." ____________________________ Actual letter written for application of leave: "My wife is suffering from sickness and as I am her only husband at home. I may be granted leave"

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The Golden Triangle of the MSCJ A few days ago, I had the unexpected opportunity of glancing through a copy of the now defunct Illustrated Weekly of India. It was the December 24, 1972 edition with a special topical feature on Christianity in very loose portrayals on the various sects covered by Christianity. So, factual or otherwise, it mentioned the various religious orders that were open to men and women in then Bombay. At that time there seemed to be about 122 religious orders or congregations of nuns. There would surely be more now involved as they are in various aspects of religious functioning. - Irwin

to the Jubilarian. This service included the renewal of the vows in the presence of a few relatives and friends, followed by a little fellowship and felicitation. It may be mentioned here, Monteville was gifted to the Surat Sisters in 1970 by its original owner, Dr. Cecilia D Monte, some years after Joan had joined the Missionaries in 1958, and later took the name Sr. Devkripa.

The third angle of the Golden Triangle occurred in 2011, when the Congregation of the Missionary Society of the Sacred Heart itself completed 50 years of its existence in India, reaching out to the Almeida tribals and Coming back to the marginalized sections present, my interest in the congrega- in the unfamiliar areas of their Mission tion of religious nuns stems from the stations in Gujarat. completion of 50 years, on 2nd June 2013, of Sr. Bridgid D Mello, of Sa- This international missionary society cred Heart Parish, Santa Cruz, was founded in 1942, by Mother Pilar Mumbai joining the congregation of Navarro Garrido of Spain, faithful to the the Missionary Society of the Sacred charism she had received from God, Heart, little known in the 1960s. Just and with the assistance of a group of a year earlier, on 6th June 2012, Sr. dedicated young persons imbued with Mary DePenha, of St. Andrew s Par- the same spirit. Initially, Spanish-based ish, Bandra, also celebrated 50 years the Missionary Society of the Sacred of service with the same congrega- Heart of Jesus later set up bases in tion. other desired destinations globally. Today, the MSCJ presence is witnessed The Golden Jubilee celebrations last in all the Continents and through their weekend, commenced with a Thanks- Missions carry God s love and service giving Eucharist at the congregation s to the peoples of Colombia, Peru, Mumbai residence at Monteville, St. Haiti, the Congo, Chad, Morocco, CamLeo s Road, Bandra. The Mass was bodia, Spain and India. celebrated by Fr. Jude Pereira, now of Clergy Home, and a spiritual adviser The Congregation first set foot in India in 1961, in response to the appeal of the late Fr. Cortadellas SJ, the then Parish Priest of Surat, who envisaged the possibility of spreading the good (Trained at Vidal Sasson UK) news in the villages of south Gujarat. Hair cuts, Colouring, Perm, Accordingly, three pioneering Sisters Olga Henning, Esperanza Arbos and Straightening hair spa: Ana Leganes dared to go where even (Beauty Packages for just Rs. 800/angels feared to tread regardless of Includes Facial Waxing hands & legs, language, logistics and socio-political Manicure, Pedicure & Bleach) pressures. Contact:

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They unfolded their obvious zeal in the villages of Vyara, nestled among hills

and forests and inhabited by primitive tribes, ignorant but warm and welcoming. Their enthusiasm overcame the discomfort of travel hardships by train and bullock cart by which they reached Jhankri, and then onward to Vadpada, Mirpur and Chichbordi, They fully integrated with the locals sharing their meals, joys and sorrows and in return sowing the seeds of faith in Jesus Christ. Their gradual acceptance ensured the establishment of the Church to spread the good news and gradually make these tribals, called Gamits aware of their social responsibilities as well as their entitlements, much to the dismay of present day politicians and their methods of functioning! Recounting the progress of the Missionary Society of the Sacred Heart, in the Jesuit Parivar of November 2011, Sr. Helen Menezes MSCJ says: The harvest was truly great even though the labourers were few today we have three flourishing missions Unai, Mandal and Vyara and are celebrating the Golden Jubilee of Vyara and Mandal. Now, with two of the earliest aspirants, Sr. Mary DePenha and Sr. Bridgid D Mello, reaching the Golden milestone, the clock has come full circle their caring presence has been gratefully appreciated by the inhabitants of their various Mission outposts, and their healing touch has also eased the suffering of the inmates at the Parvatibai Leprosy Hospital, Surat. May the good Lord bless the Missionary Society of the Sacred Heart with more vocations so as to render service wherever needed.

June 17, 2013


Did You Know This ?

How To Get Better At Entrepreneurial Opportunities

1. The Albertosaurus was discovered in Alberta in 1884 by J. B. Tyrrel.

* Write down several goals you have for your venture (or for your career). For each goal, make a list of gain something if you are successful. Read through these goals and potential gains on a daily basis, or before undertaking any important task.

To be a successful entrepreneur you need to be able to recognise an opportunity when you see one. Specifically, you need to be able to identify a problem or gap, and come up with an innovative solution

Promotion Focus Focus, when you see your entrepreneurial venture as being about the potential for advancement achievement and rewards, you have a promotion focus. You are promotion focused when you think about what you might gain, if you are successful how you might end up better off. Alternatively, if you approach your venture focused on not losing everything you've worked so hard for, on avoiding danger and keeping things running smoothly, you have a prevention focus. Prevention focus is good for many things like careful planning, accuracy, reliability, and thoroughness, just to name a few. If you don't have enough of it at the moment, there are many researchbased techniques you can use to strengthen your focus. Here are a few that work well:

June 17, 2013

* Picture yourself five or ten years down the road as you would ideally like to be. What are your aspirations? Your dreams? What do you hope to accomplish? Thinking about your ideal future self will put you in a promotion focus. * Reflect on your past. Think about a recent big win or accomplishment, a time when you felt really pumped up about what you were able to achieve. A time when you felt on top of the world. Thinking about our past gains puts us in a promotion focus. The more often you use any or all of these techniques, the more automatic the shift to promotion focus will become.

2. Osoyoos is the only desert in Canada. 3. Oak trees do not have acorns until they are 50 years old or older. 4. Total weight of Eiffel Tower (Paris) is 10,100 tons. 5. 32 years are equal to 1 billion seconds. 6. St. Paul, Alberta is the home to the worldÂ’s first UFO landing pad. 7. Hotel de Glace or Ice Hotel is built every year from 15,000 tons of snow and 500 tons of ice. 8. James Naismith was the Canadian credited with inventing the sport of basketball in 1891. 9. Any month that starts on a Sunday will have a Friday the 13th. 10. Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is surrounded by 8 countries; they are Jordan, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, U.A.E., Oman and Yemen. Compiled by : Celine DÂ’Souza

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Lavy A. D Costa

We regret to announce the demise of Lavy A. D Costa former Secretary General of the Bombay Catholic Sabha on 10th June 2013 morning. His Funeral Mss, last rites and burial took place at Shalini Bhavan (Chapel), Sion. Lavy was known for his enthusiasm for Social Service and quickly rose to become the Secretary General (SG) of the Bombay Catholic Sabha where he served for two terms (2000-2004). His tenure as SG was known for innovation as he tried to decentralize power by formation of FORA for various thrust activities of the Sabha and give importance to the functioning at Deanery levels. He was the man behind the scene for many Sabha Projects during his time and pioneered the BCS Footcom Inter parish football tournament which is popular even today. Lavy had a passion for writing and edited many a journal including the Sabha Notes with much verve and enthusiasm. He was very fond of youth and worked among them especially for career placement and was popular as a lecturer at many colleges. Lavy served many other Church organizations such as the Justice and Peace Commission, Church in the City and was Secretary for the Archdiocesan Catholic Christian Minority Institutes. He was a bundle of energy and was always on the move. He had an ability

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for spotting talent and mentored many Sabhaites who are now leading the organization at various levels. The undersigned owes him much as Lavy was responsible for inducting him into the BCS Executive Committee and later elevating him to the post of one of the Joint General Secretaries of the Sabha in 2002. Lavy had a passion for life and was ever so ready to help anybody who approached him. We pray for his wife Lynette and the rest of his family who have to bear his loss. Lavy. The Bombay Catholic Sabha wishes you goodbye. We will miss you but will always remember you for the service you have given for the growth of this organization. May God give you eternal rest

Gordon D Souza

President The Bombay Catholic Sabha

Lavy D'Costa was a contribtor to the Secular Citizen, served as a Secretary of The Christian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. He was a lecturer in Several Colleges in Mumbai.

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June 17, 2013

GROOMS MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 35 years, Ht. 5 6 , Wt. 80 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. 10th + Diploma in Hotel Management, working as a Supervisor in Muscat. Seeks a sutiable match. Contact Email: OR 9029263886 / 9757411125 (Regd. No. 5857) GOA : Goan Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 40 years, Ht. 5 7 , Ht. 68 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. 1st Year B.Com., Having own Resort Well settled. Seeks a Girl willing to settle in Goa. (Regd. No. 5856) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 45 years, Ht. 5 11 , Healthy, Fair Complexion, Edn. MS Engineering, workaing as a Deputy Manager, Well settled Seeks a Mangalorean RC graduate working or non working girl. Contact Email: (Regd. No. 5855) MUMBAI : A loving caring, jovial Mangalorean Catholic Bachelor with sober habbits, aged 37 years, Ht. 5 7 , Wt. 62 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. Graduate, Working in MNC BPO as a Senior Executive, seeks a suitable match. Contact Email : OR 9820821961 / 9892569050 (Regd. No. 5853) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 40 years, Ht. 5 6 , Wt. 79 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn.HSC, Having own business of Catering. Seeks a suitable match. Working or Non working, simple, Godfearing girl. Contact Email: OR Mob.: 9987226243 (Regd. No. 5843) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 31 years, Ht. 6 2 , Wt. 87 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn.MBA, Banker, well settled. Seeks a bride below 29 years, tall, prefereably Mangalorean. Contact Email: OR Mob.: 9820863381. (Regd. No. 5842) MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 38 years, Ht. 5 2 , Wt. 59 kgs, Wheatish Complexion,

June 17, 2013

MATRIMONIALS Edn.HSC, Dip. in Hospitality Management in Hotel Operation, Management & Catering Technology Goa. Working as a Supervisor in Dubai Seeks a suitable match age between 28 to 34 years. Contact Email: / OR 9323189989 / 00971508460630 (Regd. No. 5839) MUMBAI : Mangalorean RC Bachelor, aged 28 years, Ht. 6 1 , Wt. 80 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn.HSC + Diploma in HM, working on the Ship as a Steward. Seeks a suitable match. Email : OR 9821540938 (Regd. No. 5838) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 35 years, Ht. 175 cms, Wt. 75 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. B.Com., M.B.A., working as a Manager Bank. Seeks a suitable match. Contact : OR Tel.: 28628102 (Regd. No. 5837) MUMBAI : Goan RC Bachelor, aged 31 years, Ht. 5 6 , Wt. 75 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. Masters in Engineering, worked for American and Canadian Company, currently working in Pune, he is coming from simple background, intelligent and hightly qualified person Seeks a well educated girl with simple living and high thinking to match him preferably Goan. Contact email : OR Mob.: 9820660048 (Regd. No. 5827) MUMBAI : RC Mangalorean Groom innocent Divorcee with Catholic Church annulment and Legally Dissolved, No. issues from previous marriage, age 36 years, Ht. 5 7 , Wt. 70 kgs, Fair Complexion, B.E. (const) working as a Senior Software Consult-

Royal Christian Family Helps In Choosing The Right Life-Partner

Serving Since 32 Years

ant in a MNC in Mumbai, well settled having own accommodation looking for a suitable match from Mumbai based RC girls only. Contact : ashlym OR Mob: 9930244302. (Regd. No. 5824) VADODARA : RC 29 years, Handsome Bachelor, 5 7 , B.E. (Computers), India, M.S. (Computer Science), USA, working in USA as Software Engineer seek alliances from Fair, Good Looking, Well Educated Spinsters having decent, God-fearing family. Contact : 9727718280 Email : (Regd. No. 5821) MUMBAI: Goan RC Bachelor, aged 45 years, Ht. 5' 2 , Wt. 60 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. 10th Std., working as a A.C. Technician. Seeks a suitable match. (Regd. No. 5817) MUMBAI: Keralite RC Bachelor, aged 35 years, Ht. 5' 7 , Wt. 79 kgs, Tan Complexion, Edn. SSC., employed as an Executive. Seeks a suitable match.Contact email: / OR Mob: 9768471227 (Regd. No. 5816) MUMBAI: Suitable match invited for 26 years old spinster daughter fair, goodlooking Ht. 5 2 , Wt. 50 kgs, Software Engineer. B.E. (I.T.), working for reputed IT Company from professionally qualified bachelors. Please reply with profile and photo to email ID : Contact : 9769286582 Address your replies to :

Regd. No. ROYAL CHRISTIAN FAMILY, 99, Perin Nariman Street, 1st Floor, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001.

To Place Your Matrimonial Advertisement Call: 2269 3578 OR 2265 4924 21

BRIDES MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Spinster aged 30 years, Ht. 5 2 , Wt. 50 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. B.Com., CAIIB., working as a Officer in Private Bank. Only Child. Contact : OR 9869316408 (Regd. No. 5930) MUMBAI : Mangalorean RC Spinster, aged 27 years, Ht. 5 5 , Wt. 68 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.Engg. Doing MBA, working as an Asst. Manager. Contact Email : OR 9869403306 (Regd. No. 5823) MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Spinster, aged 26 years, Ht. 5 , Wt. 46 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.Com., working as a Customers Service. Seeks a suitable match. Contact : 9820251612 (Regd. No. 5890) MUMBAI : Methodist Christian Spinster, aged 36 years, Ht. 5 6 , Wt. 64 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. Chartered Accountant, working as a Senior Manager in MNC. Contact email : OR 9820 743883 (Regd. No. 5822) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Spinster, aged 29 years, Ht. 5 1 , Wt. 45 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.A., IATA, working as a Manager in MNC. Contact email: OR Mob.: 9920104373 (Regd. No. 5820) MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Spinster, aged 29 years, Ht. 5 2 , slim, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. MBA., working as a Manager. Contact email : OR Mob: 9820924796 / 9820721845 (Regd. No. 5819) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Spinster, aged 29 years, Ht. 5 6 , Wt. 68 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. MBA., working as a Man-

Royal Christian Family Helps In Choosing The Right Life-Partner

Serving Since 32 Years 22

MATRIMONIALS ager. Contact : email: / OR Mob: 9167079898 (Regd. No. 5818) MUMBAI : R.C. parents Mangalorean seek alliance for daughter 34 years, 5.3, post graduate working in senior position. Looking out for a qualified and professionally well settled bachelor with good family background. Reply with details to OR 9619549005 (Regd. No. 5815) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Spinster, aged 27 years, Ht. 5 3 , Wt. 48 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, smart, good natured, Edn. Graduate BMS, working as an Associate, Seeks only Mangalorean boy graduate and above, Ht. 5 6 to 5 9 and non smoker, well settled. Contact email : OR Mob: 9403644066 (Regd. No. 5814) KERALA : Anglo Indian Keralite Roman Catholic Spinster, aged 34 years, Ht. 5 8 , Wt. 65 kgs, Fair Complexion, goodlooking, Edn. Double Post Graduate working as a Consultant in USA. Seeks a well educated, good family, working in USA or willing to go to USA. Contact email: OR Mob: 09495904589 / 04712592182 (Regd. No. 5813) MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Spinster, aged 30 years, Ht. 5 3 , Wt. 56 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, goodlooking and beautiful, Edn. B.A., IATA, working as a Resv. Executive in Airways. Seeks a suitable match preferably Goan. Contact email : OR 9821475898 (Regd. No. 5812) MUMBAI : Tribal Roman Catholic Spinster, aged 31 years, Ht. 5 1 , Wt. 50 kgs, Fair Complexion, goodlooking and beautiful, coming from a religious and decent family, Edn. B. Pharmacy, working as an Exeucitve. Seeks a educated and well settled bachelor. Email: OR 9867650961. (Regd. No. 5810) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Mother &

Keralite Father Roman Catholic Divorcee, aged 32 years, Ht. 5 3 , Wt. 50 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, good looking, Edn. MBA., (Finance), working as a Jr. manager in Bank. Contact email: OR 09966843108 (Regd. No. 5804) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Spinster, aged 26 years, Ht. 5 4 , Wt. 60 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. B.E. Computer Software, working as a Sr. Software Computer Engineer. Seeks a suitable match. Contact Email : OR 25906917 (Regd. No. 5803) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Spinster, aged 28 years, Ht. 5 3 , Wt. 50 kgs, Wheatish complexion, smart and beautiful, graduate, working as a Manager in Bank. Contact email: OR 9769757033 / 28800015 (Regd. No. 5802) MUMBAI : Mangalorean RC parents seek alliance from professional qualified bachelor below 31 years in India for their spinster daughter 28 years. Ht. 5 3 , wheatish complexion, 50 kgs, MBA., employed in Nationalised Bank as Manager. Reply with photograph to OR Contact No.: 9773800400 (Regd. No. 5801)

Address your replies to :

Regd. No. ROYAL CHRISTIAN FAMILY, 99, Perin Nariman Street, 1st Floor, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001.

To Place Your Matrimonial Advertisement Call: 2269 3578 OR 2265 4924 June 17, 2013

50th Golden Wedding Anniversary

Joseph and Angeline D'Souza Wishing all the best to our Mummy and Daddy on the occasion of their Thanksgiving Eucharistic Celebration of Golden Wedding Anniversary on 16 June 2013 at the St. Dominic Savio School Chapel at Mahakali, Andheri East. Your Loving

Children and Grand Children

May Gold turn into Diamond


Shri Joseph D'Souza Chairman, Osworld Scientific Equipments Pvt. Ltd. receiving the Award from the Governor of Maharashtra on 26th June 2010 June 17, 2013



RNI No. 56987/92

June 17, 2013 Published on every Monday & Posted on Monday & Tuesday of every week Registered No. MH/MR/South-139/2012-14 Posted at Mumbai Patrika Channel Sorting Office, Mumbai - 400001.

Printed and Published by Lawrence Coelho at The Secular Citizen, 99, Perin Nariman Street, 1st Floor, Harihar Nivas, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001. Tel.: 2269 3578, 2265 4924 June 17, 2013 24 Printers: The Secular Citizen, Fort, Mumbai 400001. Editor : Philip Myaboo

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