Secular Citizen Vol.22 No.26 dated 1st July 2013

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July 1, 2013



July 1, 2013

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Vol.22 No.26 July 1, 2013


99, Perin Nariman Street, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001. Tel: 2269 35 78 / 2265 49 24 Fax.: 2264 0996 E-mail :, Website: Editor-in-chief : LAWRENCE COELHO

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Thought for the week

Concentration and dedication are the intangibles, the deciding factors between who won and who lost.

Contents pg. 3 - Communal Politics On Its Way Out? pg. 4 - Restoration Work Of ... pg. 5 - Views on News pg. 6 - Income Generation ... pg. 7 - Reader's Views pg 8 - My Parents Try To Resolve Conflict Like ... pg 10 - The Eucharist : Adoration And Worship In Holiness

pg 11 - Dr. Smartphone: 5 Ways Your Phone Can Diagnose You pg 15 - Can Having Sex Makes One Husband? pg 16 - Managing Conflicts At Work pg 17 - Kitchen Cleaning pg 18 - Humour pg 19 - Inspiration pg 20 - Humour pg 21 - Matrimonials A WEEKLY FAMILY FAVOURITE

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Cover : My Parents Try To Resolve Conflict Like ... Articles on pg. 8 & 9

July 1, 2013

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Communal Politics On Its Way Out?

Over the years, democracy has both strengthened and widened in its scope as people have come to accept this form of governance in its contribution in establishing a moral, just, equal and liberal society. In India, the democratic system of governance has evolved over the years and continues to be influenced by its rich cultural, social and regional diversities. Class, gender, etc., are some factors that allow people to identify themselves and relate to each other. While it is often believed that political expression of such social differences, divisions or inequalities is detrimental for the society and leads to conflicts among people of different communities, religion, class, etc.; it is not true always. In a democracy, political expression of such divisions is normal and can prove to be healthy. It allows various social groups or communities to express themselves and get the government to resolve their grievances. Another important factor that has influenced democratic process is religious composition of India. Various political parties have been formed to promote and safeguard the interests of various communities formed on religious lines. Though such communal politics is not dangerous for the country and ideas, ideals and values drawn from different religions can and perhaps should play a role in politics. The problem becomes acute when religion is expressed in exclusive and partisan terms in politics or when one religion and its followers are pitted against each other as witnessed during the communal rights between Muslims and Hindus at the time of partition. The idea of religion as the principal basis of a community is hollow and non-inclusive. The Bhartiya Janta Party for instance, has been unable to form a government at the Centre post the Babri masjid demolition and the Godhra riots, largely due to its Hindutva politics. On the other hand, BJP s model of governance has been successful in states like Gujarat among others primarily because of the support of a large Hindu vote base. The promotion of communal identities and beliefs is constructive and not bad unless and until it does not encroach upon the religious beliefs or demands of another community for their own vested interests. An Indian must be able to exhibit his respect for various communities and different religions. Also, the belief in communalism is fundamentally flawed. Aspirations and interests of people of one religion are not the same in every context. Each and every person has their own identities, positions and different positions of responsibilities. Various opinions inside a community give a collective voice (Contd.. on p. 4)


Restoration Work Of Mysore Cathedral To Begin Soon Mysore: With the Karnataka government releasing funds, planning for restoration of the St Philomena's Cathedral in Mysore, counted among the biggest churches in Asia, is on and groundwork is expected to be taken up shortly. After state chief minister Jagadish Shettar allocated 2o million rupees for the renovation of the Cathedral, the funds are released for the project even as experts have visited the site and studied the challenges facing the monument. There are leakages in the roof and some portions are mossy. We've taken temporary measures to attend to them, the cathedral's parish priest Fr. K A William said. He said the funds by the government will be utilized for preservation of the monument, which has been taken up in consultation with the experts. Some parts of the structure are damaged due to leakages in the roof. There are some electrical works too. We've consulted experts and have set up a technical committee to focus on the work on hand, he explained adding they estimate it to cost 60 million rupees to put it back into shape, he added. This comes after three years of struggle by the Mysore diocese seeking funds to fix problems at the architectural wonder, which is both religious and tourist site. Mysore Maharaja Nalwadi Krishnaraja Wadiyar laid the foundation for the Gothic structure on October 28, 1933 and it took over a year for the monument to be completed, which is also among the grandest churches


in India. It has richly crafted exterior with the nave designed to accommodate some 1,000 devotees, has multiplemoulded columns, bisected by Corinthian capitals and topped with twin spires that rise above 175 feet in height. The richness of design employed to construct the monument is now posing a challenge ahead of its restoration. Ravindra Gundurao, who studied the monument in detail and visited it recently, said: "The monument architectural merit has been devalued due to wrong intervention over a period of time. Like, cement is used to fix some repair. It is a technically challenging job given the volume of works and the area." While its interior is composed of lime mortar, some part, mainly its exterior is build using composite mortar, which is a mix of lime mortar and small quantity of cement. The expert conservationist said structural stability of the monument is okay but some parts have started to decay, which needs to be addressed to preserve it for decades. Heritage experts said restoration of the cathedral is a highly skilled job and not many are aware of its nittygritty.

(Contd.. from p. 3)

to the community and all these voices have a right to be heard. Therefore, any attempt to bring all followers of one religion together in context other than religion would lead to the suppression of voices within that community. This is perhaps why political parties based on religion are finding it extremely difficult to garner enough votes to form government by their own and thus have to enter into coalition with other political parties. Also, with more and more Indians migrating to towns and cities and adopting modern lifestyles, people have slowly started shedding their prejudices against different communities and religions. However, this attitudinal change is restricted to only a small fraction of the population and the majority of the population is still involved in bickering about religious and lifestyle differences of different communities. Communalism should not been seen as a threat to some people in India but it threatens the very idea of India. That is why communalism needs to be combatted. People should be able to express in politics their needs, demands and interests as a member of a religious community. Those in authority should sometimes be able to regulate the practise of religion so as to prevent discrimination and oppression. These political acts are not wrong as long as they treat every religion and community equally. Communal prejudices and propaganda need to be countered in everyday life and religionbased mobilisation needs to be countered in the arena of politics.

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July 1, 2013

On The Front Foot

The TMC headed by the diminutive Mamata Banerji has burnt her fingers with the UPA and therefore cannot be seen with it. While she had aligned with the NDA in the past, the ground realities today are different. Firstly, Vajpaiji was at the helm of affairs then and he was perceived as a moderate and the TMC was not in power at the local level during the NDA regime. Secondly, today with Narendra Modi being camouflaged as the virtual BJP face for 2014; it is hard for TMC to be showing any tilt towards the BJP. She, like Nitish Kumar in Bihar, has her own constituency. These compulsions keep her away from both the dominant national parties but for entirely different reasons. She, therefore, has taken the lead to forge a non-Congress and non-BJP Federal Front to fight them. In doing so, she has out-witted Mulayam Singh of SP who is known for his ambitions. He will not want to play the second fiddle. The Left would be averse to it simply because TMC is the driving force. With known animosity between the two main parties in Tamil Nadu, any one can join not both. Same thing applies to UP. Nitish Kumar cannot be taken for granted. He can swing towards UPA on a reciprocal basis. The PM has certified him secular . The only die-hard supporter of the front will be BJD with Navin Patnaik seeing himself as a compromise prime ministerial candidate. With lukewarm response, Mamata will soon be on the back foot. Of course, the iron lady from Bengal will not give up [remember Presidential elections?]. She will keep the issue alive till the end. If her mission fails, she will blame the CPM, as usual. *****

Diluted Alliance

With Nitish Kumar [read JD-U] pulling the rug by sacking 11 BJP ministers, the much talked about time tested rock solid alliance has come to

July 1, 2013

VIEWS on NEWS an abrupt and acrimonious end. The BJP was playing with time. It did not want to name Modi for the PM-ship, yet declared him the face of 2014 to lead the campaign saying it is their prerogative. They are not prepared to concede the right to JD-U to decide on the continuance with the NDA or otherwise. Both sides have gambled and only time decide the winner. The BJP should have worked towards saving the alliance. They could have called the NDA meeting to discuss the issue and allay the apprehensions of its major ally. But the BJP had to first convince the anti-Modi lobby within the party. That is a tough job. Perhaps, the BJP found itself in a catch22 situation. If they had pandered to the demands of its ally, the larger constituency would have got upset. The Sangh Pariwar may have cautioned the BJP leaders about the need to consolidate Hindutwa forces. Any concession to the JD-U would have diluted BJP s core ideology which has become sore. The depleted alliance will have to find new allies and the only one which they can depend on today, is AIDMK led by Jayalalithaa whose proximity to Modi is well known. NDA without Modi may have attracted more allies. A leader must be able to attract people and parties towards him but unfortunately, his name is synonymous with divisiveness . Regional parties have their own agendas. While share of the central pie [power] is tempting, no party will like to ignore its own regional compulsions. Smaller parties can get a berth or two but success at home is more important. There you control the entire state which is more paying. *****

The Demise Of A Telegram

The authorities could have announced its demise in a telegram form instead of a press release. That would

by Marshall Sequeira have been more appropriate because this mode of communication at a time when everything took days / weeks to reach, served the public well. In villages, a telegram was synonymous with the unpleasant news death or serious illness. There was no other news that could have come by telegram especially if the telegram was received in a white envelope. Within minutes the whole village would assemble there and the news would spread far and wide across villages. Of course, at times it also brought greetings on occasions of weddings. Such telegrams had distinct colour envelopes and were received on the day of the wedding itself. People would count the number of telegrams that were received which showed the popularity and / or status of the family. It was something to talk about. Telegrams were misused as well. Employees would simply send telegrams saying Unwell, advised rest or grandmother expired . Employers never took such messages seriously and yet they could not do anything about it. The good old telegram served the public well for a century and half. Those days people wondered what would happen if there was no such facility. Today people are talking about what would have happened if there was no cell phone. Soon we will have something still better as years pass by. With the advent of more sophisticated and instant means of communication, the telegram era has to come to an end. Soon it will be the turn of the humble post card and inland letter. By the way, will the authorities rename the good old CTO?


Income Generation And Charities (Church Restoration Series XVI)

The income generation and charity are the two words that are central to all religions and voluntary organizations. The concept of charity is found in the Jewish teachings "Tzedakah" is the Hebrew word used for "charity" in English. The word charity is giving aid, assistance and money to the poor and needy or to other worthy causes. However, the nature of tzedakah is very different from the idea of charity. The word "tzedakah" is derived from the Hebrew root Tzadei-Dalet-Qof, meaning righteousness, justice or fairness. In Judaism, giving to the poor is not viewed as a generous, magnanimous act; it is simply an act of justice and righteousness, the performance of a duty, giving the poor their due. This concept charity is the nucleus of the religions of Jewish origin and now it is slowly pervading into peoples of all nations and religions. The charity was understood that people contribute a portion of their wealth for the supportive works done for the economically poor class. Catholic Church in India carried out charity in this fashion till 1970s. The Catholic Church as a whole turned the contributions from people across the globe to establish educational institutions across the Country. For most educational institutions the objective was purely people s welfare till last a few decades. In the present times the including a good number of Church educational institutions have become more profit making than charity oriented. This fact is a matter of concern for the people and Governments as well. It is almost readable from the facts that within a matter of a decade the Governments will revive the policy regarding education. It will no more be easy to wear the garb of charity and do business in Education. The Catholic Church has to rethink the concept of income generation and charity apart from its elite educational institutions. It would be a good case to study, the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Melbourne received


... The Church will have to set up income generation projects following all business norms but apart from the priests and nuns. Church can take up two most pressing needs of India. The first is employment generation or service sector businesses; the second is the low cost housing. ... a gift to establish a Catholic news paper which was considered a non-charitable purpose. The Church put up the logic that profit will be used for charitable purposes. The Court agreed the views said charities are required to be not-for-profit, but that does not mean that they cannot make a profit. Quoting

- Fr. Anand Muttungal this case the Melbourne High Court permitted the activity that was not part of the Statutes of Elizabeth Society. The Court said, operating a commercial enterprise to generate funds for a charitable purpose is not in itself considered a charitable purpose while the motive for establishing a commercial activity was `no doubt religious and its profits were no doubt used exclusively in aid of the teachings, activities and purposes of a religious body'. It is a model that can be thought of for Indian Catholic Church. The above mentioned idea is in

line with the emerging principles of charity, do charity from income generated from business. Today almost all the corporate houses have their own charity organizations as a requirement to carry out the social responsibility. The Church will have to set up income generation projects following all business norms but apart from the priests and nuns. Church can take up two most pressing needs of India. The first is employment generation or service sector businesses; the second is the low cost housing. The income generation projects have to be in the hands of professional laity assisted by a few clergy or nuns. If this method works then a major chunk of priests and nuns will be back to mission. We can imagine, if ninety percentage of priests and nuns turns to active mission works, then, who can stop the spread of Gospel? It may sound crazy but why not we dream of a bright mission future.

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July 1, 2013

church s guidelines. A. F. Nazareth, Alto Porvorim

Safety Tips

The cover page caption Why we can t talk to our children of your June 10th issue was captivating. I eagerly looked for the reasons. Physical abuse, lying to children, not asking for forgiveness was just not satisfying. The most important reason is that parents, Goan or otherwise, lack listening skills. Put negatively, it is the ability to respond without judgment, or advice, or correction, or trying to improve the other. Put positively, it is the art of empathizing, i.e. showing understanding by responding to feeling and content. Alas, it is extremely rare to find a parent who has learnt this. Fortunately, today more and more parents are picking up this extremely important skill through training programmes in human relation skills and counseling programmes. I was amazed to learn through You Tube that, in North America, 3-year-olds are being taught empathy behaviour. Hopefully, there will be a much higher percentage of next-generation parents skilled in the art of listening and talking to their children. Fr. Patrick D Mello

"why we can't talk to our children"

Yes, there seems to be a chain reaction over generations. Corporal punishment is a thing of the past.

July 1, 2013

Reprimads are done gently these days. To gain the confidence of the child.

Nileema Pereira

Dangers of Inculturation The inculturation movement in the church has sparked yet another controversy , but this time in Jharkhand , with a section of a tribal group up in arms, protesting against the draping of a statue of Mother Mary as a tribal woman in a red-bordered sari, ostensibly to convert people to Christianity. While there seems to be little justification for such wild allegations and protests , there is also no reason for portraying Mother Mary in a tribal light ,knowing very well that Mary was a Jewish woman with a totally different dress attire. This brings back unpleasant memories of the 1954 Marian Congress held in Mumbai, when the late Cardinal Valerian Gracias decided to Indianise Christian religious figures by having Mother Mary draped in a sari. This triggered a wave of discontent among the Catholics in Mumbai, some of whom ganged up and sent a dhoti to the beleagured Cardinal, to express their displeasure and protest. Unfortunately, we haven t learnt from past mistakes, because we are too brainwashed into believing that inculturation is the need of the hour, even at the cost of appropriating non- Christian symbols, rituals, and forms of worship that are often idolatrous and go against God s commandments and the

When travelling in an auto rickshaw or a taxi, one must be careful, especially if you are alone. Be alert to the possibility of danger whenever the auto rickshaw driver suddenly appears to be having an engine problem or tries to stop his vehicle in a deserted or isolated area. Immediately get out of the vehicle and stand somewhere where you are visible to the passersby. Do not remain seated in the auto rickshaw. Always store an emergency contact number in your cell in such a manner that it can be easily dialled. Women are advised that if they happen to be travelling in even a slightly lonely area, they should make it a point to call at home or anybody, informing the other person that they are travelling by an auto rickshaw or a taxi. Jubel D'Cruz, Dombivili All taxis and autorickshaws in India are required to register as commercial vehicles and a yellow number plate signifies this.

Two friends are driving a car and they passed by a boys' school where there was a warning board, "boys school drive slow" as they went forward they passed by a convent girls' school, where there was no board, surprised one asks the other the reason for this, his friend replies do not worry, as the driver sees the girls he will automatically drive slow. Victor M. Fernandes Andheri East


How to Cope with Family Conflict


f you are a parent, you surely know that your children or teens need more than a house where to live and eat. They need a lot of attention and support and since you are the parent, you probably know that you have to be very caring and even sacrifice your own time for your kids or teens problems. A family is very important, not only because it offers a shelter, but also as it gives people inside the family the chance to build a strong bond between them. People have a lot of worries and problems which affect them from outside world, which is why families should be the main support and places where people should voice their sorrowful thoughts and worries. Sadly, these days, many parents choose to enforce severe punishments on their children or teens who don t want to obey their rules. The consequence is that their children come to hate them and have poor self-esteem. Moreover, most teenagers who were abused in childhood come to isolate from other people, experience drug and alcohol abuse and even teenage pregnancy. The conflicts within such dysfunctional families are quite frequent and teens treat their parents in a way to return their favor for beating them and bad parenting them, when they were little. However, many contradictory discussions, inside the family, can be blamed on generation gap. Parents should know that the rules they want

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to establish and set within family should also consider the needs teens have. Teens need to have friends, go out and attend parties once in while. As a parent you should permit your teens to be independent and avoid treating them like they were still kids. Moreover, you should encourage them to visit museums and other related cultural institutions, but also go along with friends to stadiums, in order to watch games like soccer, tennis or basketball games. Doing so, you will become a friend and confident of your teens, which is the perfect way to avoid family conflict. However, if there still are dissensions on various issues inside your family, you should make sure to always separate the problem from the person and listen to what your teens have to say, without interrupting them. You should adopt a calm attitude, while discussing with your teens, regardless of the issue and respecting your teens point of view. Your purpose should be resolving the conflict, not winning the argument. They might be right in what they want to transmit you, so it is recommended to learn how to be a goodlistener and find points of common ground. Nonetheless, you need to know that communication is crucial when resolving conflicts inside the family.

The Ten Commandments for Fair Fighting 1. Never argue in front of the children, it harms and scares them. 2. Don t ever hit your spouse. 3. Don t call your spouse names or use insulting or demeaning language to them, it is abusive. 4. Don t attempt to get your way by bullying your spouse. 5. Don t withhold sex to get your way. 6. Do not scream at your spouse. 7. Do not interrupt, it is disrespectful, listen until they are done. 8. Do not take revenge for perceived hurts. 9. Develop a peacemaking attitude with questions like: How can we resolve this? 10. Don t give people the silent treatment . It is revenge and it is emotionally abusive.

l One friend tells the other, whatever you want to do,always consult your wife, she will give you sound advice, his friend replies, Yes, 99 % sound, 1 % advice l Husband and wife took up a fight, and the wife started packing her bag, and the husband asks "where the hell are you, going ? Wife tells "yes, I am going to hell", okay then, the husband says, convey my regards to my In-laws. l Marriage is a three ring circus, engagement ring, wedding ring and sufferring. Victor M. Fernandes Andheri East

July 1, 2013

How to Fight Fair in Family Arguments Arguing with your spouse or children does not mean your family is in trouble. It is a trait that every family engages in occasionally. However, arguing in the family is a problem when it is not done productively and with respect. It s fine to disagree, but it s not OK to belittle, scream or become verbally abusive when fighting.

Step 1 Fight constructively and not because you want to be right, advises Laura Berman, a therapist and assistant clinical professor at Northwestern University's Feinberg School of Medicine. Fighting to win is not productive. It provides you with a momentary feeling of satisfaction and success and it provides your family member, whether it is your husband or your teen, with a feeling of defeat and frustration. When your words and actions cause a family member to feel defeat, no one wins. For example, if you want your husband to understand why it frustrates you when he hangs your clothes in the wrong place in your closet, explain it to him. Don't look at it as an opportunity to be right and win the argument.

Step 2 Avoid using names or derogatory language when you argue with your family members, advises registered marriage and family therapist Nathan Cobb. Using name-calling and inappropriate language tells your loved

July 1, 2013

ones that you are not concerned with their feelings and that you are only looking out for yourself. Additionally, these names are not something you can take back. For example, if you call your husband a stupid moron in the midst of a fight, you cannot take those words back. They will stick with him and even if he is capable of understanding you were only speaking out of anger and frustration, your children

Resolving Conflict Nothing kills your sex life and hurts your relationship like fighting. It is imperative for the health and continuation of your relationship to learn to resolve conflict peacefully. Now there is no such thing as a couple who are going to agree on everything. The key to a good relationship is being able to resolve those differences without hurting each other and inflicting damage on the relationship. Learning to resolve differences peacefully is one of the keys to having a good relationship and great sex life. might not understand that.

Step 3 Take a few minutes to regain your composure, advises Berman. When you feel angry or upset, your heart rate quickens and your body tem-

perature rises. These physical reactions can leave you feeling even angrier than you were at the beginning of this argument. This can lead you to say words you don t mean or are unfair. When you feel this happening to your body, tell your spouse or child that you are happy to finish this conversation, but you need five minutes alone to calm down. When you come back, you will feel a lot calmer and more reasonable, which is what makes fights fair.

Step 4 Take turns talking through your beliefs and feelings regarding the issue at hand, advises Berman. This means you need to listen when it s not your turn to speak. When you really take the time to listen to what your partner or child has to say, it gives you a better understanding and it can help make an argument more productive. For example, if you are upset that your teen did not do the dishes again and you simply start telling him how angry you are and not letting him speak, you might make him angry enough to walk away and you won t hear him out. He might need to tell you that he didn t get to the dishes because he s been struggling in school and using that extra time after school to study. l Before marriage respect, after marriage suspect and after death respect.


T he Euc har ist : Euchar harist Ador a t ion A nd W or ship In H o liness Adora And Wor orship Ho The Year of Faith puts emphasis on the Eucharist and the liturgy. The Eucharistic community is the Church ; and the Pauline doctrine of the sacrament-sacrifice of Christ will remain with us for all time. The two Bread of Life discourses of Jesus enriches the devotion of the Eucharist : the foremost being after the multiplication of the loaves and the other from the discourse at the Last Supper.

Blessed Pope John Paul 11 once said at the General Audience : The Eucharist is, in a certain way , the culminating point and answer to the verse in the Gospel : Lord, You know that I love you Lord , You know that I love you. (Jn.21:15-17). I wish to repeat it together with the whole Church to Him who manifested His love by means of the Sacrament of His Body and Blood , remaining with us to the close of the age .

But First : What is Eucharistic Adoration ? Eucharistic adoration is the act of worshipping God as He is present in the consecrated Eucharist . Spending time before the Blessed Sacrament in prayer and devotion is exactly the same as spending time before the living God. Jesus Christ had instructed St. Margaret Mary Alacoque on how to make the HOLY HOUR . This revelation took place on the Feast of All Saints in 1673. The Eucharistic Holy Hour received the approval of several popes and is enriched with indulgences. Jesus made it clear to St. Margaret Mary that through this devotion He wishes His faithful friends to become partakers of that sorrow unto death which He willed to suffer in the Garden of Olives. He also wished the faithful to appease His Father s anger and to ask Him to forgive all sinners . The Holy Hour made in the presence of Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament is a devotion in which we call to mind the life , passion, death and resurrection of our Lord. During this Hour we must seek through prayer and meditation the mercy if God , the conversion of souls , the sanctification of sinners and the mitigation of the terrible punishment foretold at Fatima in the year 1917.


Adoration occurs whenever someone kneels in front of a tablernacle that contains the Blessed Sacrament at Mass or, in a more focused way when the Blessed Sacrament is exposed for

- Melvyn Brown adoration. In researching the aspects of Eucharistic adoration and worship in Eastern churches , it provided the believers with a thorough description of the Sacrament and its liturgy. The history of the Eastern rites , first outlines the liturgy in Eucharistic worship . The guidelines were close to all twelve rites : the Syrian , Ethiopic ,Coptic , Maronite , Malankarese ,Greek , Melkite , Russian , Ruthenian , Malabarese, Chaldean and Armenian . All the rites are closely linked and achieve full unity in Christ. The mystery of the Church is made manifest from its beginnings. We should always respect the ample liturgical legacy our Eastern followers in Christ have shown us. Together we have a profound spiritual collection in the fold for the celebration of the sacred and holy Eucharist.

In Latin, Lumen gentium, is Christ ,the light of the world. In the gift of the Eucharist we celebrate and worship the Lord in a spiritual communion ; also in physical adoration, for He is unceasingly with us as the light to guide , protect and sustain. Acknowledge God , believe in Him and live in holiness. The work of redemption was achieved by Christ in poverty and persecution. The people of God , the Church, is also called upon to walk the path and teach men the effects of salvation. Jesus , though he was God by nature . Stripped himself to take on the nature of a slave (Phil.2:6) and for the love He had for humankind became poor, though he was rich (2 COR.8:9) Meditate on this at Holy Hour in adoration and worship in the presence of our Eucharistic Lord.

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July 1, 2013

Dr. Smartphone: 5 Ways Your Phone Can Diagnose You The smartphones in our pockets are now packed with so much computing power and such impressive cameras and displays that sometimes, they can take over for the diagnostic equipment in the doctor s office. It s more than just cool in countries where it s not easy to get to a hospital, mobile health technologies could extend the reach of quality healthcare.


Hailing from MIT s Media Lab, the Near Eye Tool for Refractive Assessment, or NETRA, transforms smartphones into low-cost, portable diagnostic devices that can detect a host of vision disorders, including nearsightedness and farsightedness. The $2 clip-on eyepiece exploits the increasing resolution of smartphone screens to deliver a prescription for the appropriate corrective lenses in a few minutes. More than a half-billion people live with undiagnosed eye disorders, 90 percent of whom in the developing world, and NETRA is a promising alternative to the costly diagnostics that have dominated the field for decades.



Researchers at Oxford University and South Africa s University of Cape Town tapped into cellphones existing microphones to develop this mobile stethoscope. The app allows patients to record their own heartbeats, and then forward along the audio to doctors who can track the development of conditions, such as tuberculosis pericarditis. A small clinical trial of 150 patients showed that a Nokia 3100 Classic could estimate patients' heart rates more accurately than a pricey electronic stethoscope, though the quality of the audio needs improvement. The team is now developing an Android application and refining its algorithm to better process the recordings. NETRA

costly and fragile microscope lenses, LUCAS, or the Lensless Ultra-widefield Cell monitoring Array platform, is based on Shadow imaging system and uses the phone s camera sensor to create digital holograms of cell samples that can be quickly be analyzed with custom software. The system can help to diagnose malaria by picking up on misshaped red blood cells that are a hallmark of the disease, and it could aid in tracking Tcell levels of HIV patients.



There are now more people in the world who are overweight than underweight, and obesity rates have been climbing steadily for years in the U.S. HealtheMe, the brainchild of Harvardtrained biomedical engineer Guy Rachmuth and obesity expert Sloan Rachmuth, delivers customized food and exercise plans, as well as real-time advice, over smartphones to help users shed some pounds. The system can track sleep patterns, stress levels, blood pressure, and other metrics, and share this information with users doctors.


Aydogan Ozcan, winner of the 2011 Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers and a PM Breakthrough Award honoree, is turning camera phones into diagnostic imaging systems. Doing away with

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FDA-approved MobiUS is the first ultrasound imaging system to work on smartphones. The software, made by MobiSante, could be used for a slew of clinical applications, including confirming and tracking pregnancies and assessing kidney disorders. The images and video can be shared over email, or through a standard USB connection.



July 1, 2013

July 1, 2013


Pope Approves New Change In Mass

John Paul II's Second Miracle Approved

Vatican City: Pope Francis approved a change in the Catholic Mass to include prayers referencing St. Joseph, the Vatican announced Wednesday. The additions, which in English amount to five words inserted after the Eucharistic prayer, were issued by the VaticanÂ’s Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments. The new words, "with blessed Joseph, her spouse," follow a mention of Mary and are included in three different versions of the prayer. The change, in the works under former Pope Benedict XVI before his retirement, reflect the church's growing interest in "fatherly care," said the Rev. Dan Merz, associate director of the Secretariat of Divine Worship for the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. "It's emphasizing that St. Joseph was someone who protected the Blessed Virgin and who cared for Jesus. We call him the foster father of Jesus, but we have to think of that word in the sense that he fostered the humanity of Jesus," said Merz. "He nurtured and helped Christ grow into an adult." Merz said priests can immediately start using the new prayer, which is said near the end of Mass before the Lord's Prayer and communion. In addition to English and Latin, the Vatican released text for the new prayers in Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, French, German and Polish.

Vatican City: The process of declaring former pope John Paul II a saint took a major step forward Tuesday, when the board of theologians of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints approved his second miracle. Now, the proclamation of his sainthood needs only the approval of the commission of cardinals and bishops and the final signature of Pope Francis, Vatican sources have told ANSA. It seems likely that John Paul II - who was beatified on May 1, 2011 - will be proclaimed a saint on October 20, approximately the 35th anniversary of his election as pope. The first miracle attribute to John Paul was an "inexplicable cure" - the first of two steps on the path to sainthood. The pontiff's successor Pope Benedict XVI, who abdicated earlier this year, sanctioned the beatification after a Vatican commission officially attributed as a miracle the inexplicable recovery of a French nun, Sister Marie Simon-Pierre, from Parkinson's Disease. The Vatican ruled that that came through the intervention of John Paul II. The second miracle that will be attributed to him remains a closely guarded secret but sources say it will "amaze the world".

Udupi Bishop Appoints First-ever Nun Treasurer

Udupi: Bishop Gerald Isaac Lobo of Udupi created history by appointing a Catholic nun as the


treasurer of the diocese. Sr. Lydia Mendonca, who is appointed to the post, belongs to the Congregation of Sisters of Bethany. This is the first instance in the Karnataka Church where a woman religious has been appointed for the job. Like the other services in the Church, the service of financial administrator too was held by priests of the diocese till now. To help the diocesan administration and to advise the diocesan bishop on various matters, a College of Consultors was also constituted. The oath-taking ceremony was held in the BishopÂ’s chapel today.

July 1, 2013

Can Having Sex Makes One Husband? Kochi: An Indian state court ruled this week that having sex, not a religious ceremony, is what makes a marriage valid. The ruling did not meet with universal agreement, with some saying it actually undermines marriage and religions. The Madras High Court, the highest court in Tamil Nadu, said on Monday that if an unmarried man and woman of legal age have consensual sex, they become husband and wife, even if no formal marriage has taken place according to any religious ritual or civil registration. The ruling "fails to understand the purpose of marriage and life," commented Swami Sudarshan Das of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, a noted Hindu group that works around the world idealizing moral living. According to Indian law the legal age at which a couple can marry is 21 years old for a man and 18 for a woman. In that case, if such a "couple chooses to consummate their sexual cravings, then the act becomes a total commitment with adherence to all consequences that may follow," the court said. Das questions this. If society has to accept a couple as being married just because they had sex, "then there will be chaos," he said. To him, the ruling demeans the value of marriage. "The purpose of marriage is not just sex; it is where a couple help each other for a better life in all aspects of life, until death. It is wrong to see sex as the basis of marriage," Das said. The High Court judgment this week overturned a lower court s ruling made in April 2006. In this case a woman went to court after her partner deserted her and their two children and the lower court ordered the man to pay monthly maintenance for the couple s two children. It also ruled that the woman s so-called wedding to the man had not been backed up by documentary evidence. Hence she was not entitled to

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maintenance. During her appeal in the High Court the man's lawyer argued that the children were born out of wedlock so his client was not her legally married husband. But the High Court said the man had signed her medical records during

the birth of their second child, and the consent form for caesarian surgery as her husband. Hence he accepted responsibility as a husband, the court said. "Both led a marital life under the same roof and had two children. Therefore, the petitioner s status has been elevated as the wife of the respondent," the court said. The core of the judgment was that "one cannot enter into irresponsible sexual relations" and the sex life of the couple can be "construed to be legal status of marriage," said Father Paul Thelakat, spokesperson of the socially powerful Syro-Malabar Church based in Kerala. The judgment cannot be taken as "a rethinking of the whole concept of marriage and abolishing the religious and ritual nature of marriage," he said. However, he does not think "this judgment is one of such comprehensive nature and extension." All the same, one point is unclear to him. Can a casual sex act be construed as marriage? Father Thelekat does not think so. "Marriage is also a social contract where there must be some social ritual" to ratify it as well as "having explicit and clear consent" given to it by parties

getting married, he said. One of India s leading Muslim clerics also rejected the ruling. "This is not acceptable in Islam," said Shahi Imam Ahmad Bukhari of Jama Masjid in New Delhi. "Sexual relations in our religion are only acceptable after marriage, otherwise they are illegal," he told He said the ruling would only increase "shameful and disgraceful acts in society" and will encourage young people to cohabit and have sex while claiming to be husband and wife. "No parent would want their children to have such a relationship," he said. Whatever the views, the judgment should not be mixed with religions and rituals, said lawyer George K. Jose. The associate professor of law at Christ University in Bangalore said the court's priority was only to provide justice for an aggrieved party, not target religion. However, "it becomes a dangerous ruling when it equates sex with marriage." Sex is only one aspect of marriage along with emotional bonds, children, co-habitation, financial sharing and so on," said Jose, an expert in Indian family law. In this case, the court could have said they were husband and wife because they had lived as such in all respects, except for registering their marriage through a ritual or civil court, he said. "Besides, laws are not against consenting couples having sex outside of marriage, neither does society see all couples having sex as husband and wife," he said. Jose said the verdict is applicable only in this particular case and similar cases in Tamil Nadu but could be referred to if similar cases come up in other states. This ruling, however, can be overturned on appeal by India's Supreme Court, he added.


Managing Conflicts At Work Conflict at work takes many forms. It may be that two workers simply don't get on; or that an individual has a grievance against their manager. Conflict may take the form of rivalry between teams; or it may be apparent by the lack of trust and cooperation between large groups of employees and management. Handling conflict is not interfering; it's part of your job. You are sesponsible for the output of your team and infighti8ng uses up time and enerty which should be channelled into sales. Make a start by talking to each individual or group separately. Stress that the infighting is hindering the performance.

What is the first step to managing conflict? In many disputes the informal stage is the first stage as many conflicts can be sorted by simply talking and listening to employees. Giving people the time and space to express their feelings and concerns can often help to clear the air.

When should help from outside the organisation be sought?

What are the typical responses to conflict? Fight - you react in a challenging way. At work this may mean shouting or losing your temper. Flight - you turn your back on what's going on. This is a common reaction - by ignoring a problem you hope it will go away. Freeze - you are not sure how to react and become very passive. You might begin to deal with the issue but things drift or become drawn out through indecision. Face - Approach a problem in a calm and rational way with a planned approach.

Degeneration of Manners

Perhaps the main object of manners is to oil and smoothen the mutual relations between people in order to avoid friction. That is why there are accepted standards of behaviour between young and old, male and female and so on. The fall in moral standards is very much responsible for the degeneration. The elders are considered to be old fashioned. Because of the commercialization of culture, the good manners and sweet tongue is suspected. The shopkeepers show no courtesy to customers because demands exceeds supply. Therefore they can afford to insult the customer with good excuse. The workers have been unionized. The disrespect superiors. Another reason for deterioration of morals is excessive sexualization of culture. These days crook, decoit and scoundrel are made hero in film stories. Too much display of female body has degraded womanhood. The deterioration of morals is so steep that it is considered to be an enlightened attitude to discuss sex matters openly and crudely. A well mannered person in these days is therefore liable to considered too formal. —Prof. Valerian Sequeira

Outside help is probably of most benefit between the informal and the formal stages of conflict but there are no hard and fast rules and it partly depends on the kind of help you want. Mediation is the most common form of dispute resolution. It involves an independent, impartial person helping two individuals or groups reach a solution that is acceptable to everyone.


July 1, 2013

Kitchen Cleaning Cleaning up the kitchen is part of cooking. Not only is it easier to cook and bake in a clean kitchen, but clean surfaces and storage containers will keep your family healthier and safer. Take some time to learn these easy tips and preventative measures and before you know it your kitchen will be automatically cleaner and less cluttered. Make cleaning second nature and you'll save time and money. Have a place for everything. It's much easier to use a utensil or appliance, clean it and put it away when it has a home. I use foil as an example in my kitchen. I have a special drawer that is used just for foil, plastic wrap and parchment paper. Those items are always easy to find, and are put away after each use because they have a special home. l Don't mix ammonia and bleach because it will create toxic fumes. l Identify spots in your kitchen that accumulate clutter and take a few minutes every day to clear those spots and place objects in their correct homes. l Try to end each day with a clean, empty kitchen sink. Run the dishwasher before you go to bed and unload it first thing in the morning. l A sponge is actually a great way to spread germs. I prefer using paper towels, discarding them after cleaning each surface, to totally prevent cross-contamination. l

Quick Fixes

To quickly clean burned food on a pan, add some dish soap and 1/2" of water. Bring to a boil, then let the liquid cool in the pan. The burned food will be easy to remove. u When food spills over and burns on the oven floor, sprinkle a handful of salt on the mess. The smoke will be reduced and the spill easier to clean after the oven cools. You can add some cinnamon to the salt to help reduce odors. u To clean your microwave oven, mix together 2 Tbsp. of lemon juice or vinegar and 2 cups of water in a 4 cup glass microwave safe bowl. u

July 1, 2013

Microwave on HIGH for two to three minutes. Carefully remove the bowl and wipe the microwave with paper towels. Repeat as necessary. u To clean sluggish drains, pour 1/2 cup baking soda down the drain. Add 1/2 cup white vinegar and cover the drain. Let this mixture foam for a few minutes, then pour 8 cups of boiling water down the drain. to flush it. Do not use this combination after using any commercial drain opener or cleaner. u I like to put lemon or lime pieces through the garbage disposal every few days for a clean fresh smell. To freshen the garbage disposal, sprinkle a couple of tablespoons of baking soda down the drain, drop in two ice cubes and turn it on. Then run the hot water for a few minutes while the disposal is working. u If plastic from the bread wrapper melts onto your toaster, use a little nail polish remover to get it off. Let the toaster cool before you try this. u Clean your coffee maker every few weeks by filling the water reservoir with equal parts white vinegar and water and putting it through the brew cycle. Then use clean fresh water and repeat the brew cycle to rinse the machine. Repeat with fresh water two more times. u If you don't have a self-cleaning oven, scrape up any large spills, then spray cleaner inside the oven, close the door and let it sit overnight so the cleaner has time to work. u For glass cooktops, there are special commercial cleaners that work well. Use them with a hard plastic scraper to remove burned-on food. Clean your glass cooktop as soon as it cools to avoid having to scrub burned food.




To clean a blender, squirt a few drops of liquid soap into it, fill halfway with warm water, cover and blend away the mess. Rinse and repeat if necessary. You can also use this method for food processors. For lime and mineral deposits on your kitchen sink faucet, wrap vinegar-soaked paper towels around faucets for about an hour. This breaks down the mineral scale, and the chrome will be clean and shiny after buffing with a dry paper towel. If you don't have a self-cleaning oven, place racks in the bathtub with about 1/2 cup dishwasher detergent and cover them with several inches of warm water. Let the racks soak for 45 minutes, then rinse and dry.

Make Your Own Cleaning Solutions

For your own window washing solution, mix 1/3 cup vinegar and 1/4 cup rubbing alcohol in a 1 quart spray bottle. Fill up with water. o Dry baking soda cleans chrome perfectly. o Cream of tartar and water mixed to a paste will clean porcelain. o A paste of baking soda and water will clean coffee stains. o Plain liquid Ivory soap mixed with water is one of the best all-purpose cleaners. You can keep this solution in a spray bottle, but only use a bit of soap or the mixture may become too foamy to spray. o Use a cut lemon half sprinkled with salt to clean copper. o Dissolve 1/4 cup baking soda in 1 quart of warm water for a good general cleaner. o


When and How to Pray

No matter how you pray or who you pray to, it can be difficult to find time for prayer during busy times. One way to deal with this is to make prayer part of your daily routine, such as praying as soon as you wake up in the morning, right before you go to sleep in the night, or before every

meal. There is no wrong time to pray. Many people pray during emotional times, like when they feel sad, scared, or happy. You can pray at any time of day or night, and as much or as little as you feel is sufficient for your spiritual life. Some people make it their goal to maintain a state of prayer all the time by remaining conscious of their spiritual connection throughout the day. For some religions, like Buddhism, meditation is a standard form of prayer (or, sometimes, prayer is a standard form of meditation). Finding a place where you can quiet yourself and feel connected to your spirituality is an equally respectable form of prayer.

- Jubel D'Cruz How to clean copper with just lemon and salt

Cleaning your copper kitchen tools naturally is easy. No need for harsh chemicals or special solutions, simply take half a lemon, dip it in kosher salt and give the copper a good rub. Stains lift almost immediately. Afterwards, wash off the salt and lemon mixture with warm water and wipe dry.

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Husband and wife went to check their blood group and found both have A+ve. Wife asks the husband how come we have the same blood group, Husband answers, why not? you have been sucking my blood since 10 years. *** As a bachelor life is not complete without marriage,but after marriage the life is gone completely. ***


Friendship is the silken tie of love and esteem which binds two persons, usually related by blood. Friendship gives fragrance to oneÂ’s life. It makes life worth living and teaches us many things. It emanates from mutual love and understanding. The world looks gloomy in the absence of a true friend. Friends are those who halve our sorrows and double our joys. The value of friendship cannot be measured; it can only be treasured. God wove the web of loveliness of the clouds and the stars in the sky, but they are not as delightful as friendship.


Prop. B. D'Souza

Men hear from one ear and leave it from the other, women hear from both ears and send it through the mouth. *** Marraige is a blunder, committed by the bachelor to face the thunder. *** If a woman shouts from the front door and a dog barks from the back door whom you will allow first? The dog, 'cause after allowing in, the dog will stop barking, if you allow woman she will continue to shout. *** Two friends are driving a car and they passed by a boys' school where there was a warning board, "boys school drive slow" as they went forward they passed by a convent girls' school, where there was no board, surprised one asks the other the reason for this, his friend replies do not worry, as the driver sees the girls he will automatically drive slow. —Victor M. Fernandes Andheri East

July 1, 2013


Ten Easy Ways To Succeed

Are You Driven by Willpower or Inspiration? What lies at the source of your day to day actions? Is it willpower or inspiration that moves you forward? I've felt that the most flow and momentum is cultivated when we tap into the deep desire that resides at the core of who we are. When we connect to what we truly feel called to do or be. For many years in my career and life I ignored that desire at the expense of my wellbeing. It was arduous to continue living in a way that didn't inspire me, however, I wasn't sure of an alternative at the time. Then I started listening more closely to glimpses of inspiration from within me, which propelled me forwardÂ….(somewhere deep down, I've always had the desire to live passionately and fully, even though I wasn't clear how to bring it to fruition). And eventually, I willingly and courageously opened myself to the possibility of what I could create in my life. I discovered the distinctions between living my life based on willpower, and living from a place of inspiration. From I've learned, when we act based on willpower we get the sense of 'pushing on', it's difficult to progress without constant stopping and starting, and our actions often feel out of alignment with what we truly want for

July 1, 2013

ourselves. On the other hand, here's what I've found about living from a place from inspiration. It is: 1. Sourced deeper than our intellect. It's an energy that stems from the very essence of who we are. 2. Effortless to carry out. We feel compelled to act or be this way, because we feel pulled by a greater vision. 3. Feels intrinsically good. It stirs up a deep-felt joy and excitement at the possibility of creation. 4. Creates natural momentum. One action flows to another, making it easy to identify the next step and move forward with ease. Have you found this to be true for you also? Do you feel you are living from a place of inspiration (or willpower), and how can you cultivate more inspired moments in your life?

1. If you fail an attempt, do not blame your destiny, instead focus on your goals and prepare a plan. 2. Get rid of any complexes you may have, feelings of loneliness, fear, hesitation, sentiments should be kept at a distance. Don't let them affect you when you take practical decisions. 3. Failure and fear should not stop you from trying harder. Be dedicated to your work and focus without getting distracted. 4. Give maximum importance to time. Being lazy will relax you for a minute but will snatch an opportunity from you for ever. 5. Recognise opportunities and strive to achieve your goals. Strike when the iron is hot, which means that do right things at the right time. 6. Do what you like and keep making your work interesting. This will help you enjoy and reach your goal faster. 7. It is okay to have more than one goals. However make a list of them and write them in accordance to their priority. 8. Always make new friends, maintain contact and relations. You never know when who might step in and help you or teach you something new. It is also a talent to earn trustworthy friends. 9. Keep updating, analyzing your knowledge and capabilities. You can be your best critic and motivator. 10. Learn to appreciate others and take their positive points. Similarly, when someone gives a feedback listen to the criticism and feel happy when they praise you.


This is what Indian advertisements taught me... 1. Kareena has dandruff problem, Katrina has dry hair problem, Shilpa has hair fall problem and priyanka has chip-chip 2. If you've a hot wife make sure your neighbour doesn't use a deodorant in your absence. 4. Your complexion is more imporant than your qualifications. 5. Every second oral care brand is Number 1 and recommended by every dentist in India! 6. If your daughter is not ready to get married, take her to a jewellery or textile shop.

bias. You will be close to a Superman, if you drink these regularly! 9. All superstarts are so poor that they prefer to risk life for a cold drink than to purchase it for Rs. 10 10. The special effects in shampoo ads are greater than special effects in Avatar. 11. Fruit content in shampoo, soap is more than fruit content in 99 percent of juices people drink. 12. Amul has better satirical cartoonists than people who make better milk products.

19. You mother would really feel great if you come home after taking a mud-bath because, Stain is good. 20. The only time mothers and daughterstalk to each other, it's usually about hair oil. 21. Swapping your cellphones with your Mom or Wife can create a sense of mutual understanding. 22. Every other car is No.1 according to their satisfied customers. 23. No. matter what kind of expert one is, he'll always wear a white laboratory coat. 24. The worst thing happen to a hu-

7. Only reason when men use deodorant is to get girls. 8. Most colas cure all kinds of pho-

13. Most people buy vehicles to travel in bad roads but complain about roads in India. 14. You can't eat Diary Milk Silk without spreading it all over your face. This is the only right way. 15. Nobody uses motorbikes for commuting it's only to pic up girls. 16. All soaps kill 99.9 per cent of germs. 17. People believe that bacardi makes music CD's and Directors Special/ Kingfisher make mineral water. 18. If you have got an insurance policy, your wife and children would be happy after you die.


man being is to have dark complexioned skin. 25. A girl can become the Miss World or the next Indian Idol only if she uses a particular fairness cream. 26, You only need a deodorant with a good fragrance to approach a girl, and not the guts. 27. You will have clear skin forever only by splashing the water on your face dramatically. 28. Having Rajnigandha Pan Masala can make you buy countries. 29. We can change a nation's problems by just drinking a cup of tea. Thanks to the jaago Re.

July 1, 2013

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July 1, 2013

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MATRIMONIALS Wt. 55 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.Com., employed as an Administrator. Seeks a suitable match. Contact email : OR 9920623791 / 7738745831 (Regd. No. 5847) MUMBAI : Goan R.C. Parents of spinster, Only Child, 28 / 5 4 , Wt. 50 kgs, B.A. M.S., Pyschotherapy seeks a suitable match hardworking, honest, godfearing, bachelor. Contact Email: / (Regd. No. 5844) MUMBAI : R.C. Goan Parents of spinster 26/ 5 2 , MCA, working as Programmer for an MNC seeks alliance from Graduate or Post-graduate Goan RC Bachelor with sober babits, mother tongue English and good family background upto 31 years, Reply with details and fulsize photograph toEmail : OR 09601406660 (Regd. No. 5841) MUMBAI : RC Spinster, aged 27 years, Ht. 5 2 , Wt. 54 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. M.C.A., working as a Software Engineer, Seeks Goan / Mangaloren suitable match. Contact Email : OR Mob.: 9892901915 (Regd. No. 5840) MUMBAI : Mangalorean RC Spinster, aged 27 years, Ht. 5 2 , Wt. 60 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. CA, MBA Fin., working as a Dy. Manager (Accounts & Tax R) Seeks a suitable match. Contact : email: OR Tel: 28779797 (Regd. No. 5836) MUMBAI : Mangalorean RC parents seek alliance for their spinster daughter, 28 years/5 2 , Graduate, with good family values, loving and understanding, smart, fair, NZ resident, from qualified RC bachelors upto 32 years with good character and family background, preferably willing to settle in NZ. Kindly send details and photo to Email : (Regd. No. 5835) MUMBAI : Mangalorean RC Spinster, aged 24 years, Ht. 5 7 , Wt. 85 kgs,

Fair Complexion, Edn. CA, CS, working for a Private Equity Firm. Seeks a suitable match. Contact email: OR 9819910947 / 65243656 (Regd. No. 5834) MUMBAI : Goan RC Spinster, aged 30 years, Ht. 5 2 , Wt. 55 kgs, wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.Com, employed as a Operational Analtst. Contact Tel.: 28262988 (Regd. No. 5833) MUMBAI : Mangalorean RC Spinster, aged 26 years, Ht. 5 4 , Wt. 58 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Educated working for MNC. Seeks a well settled educated Mangalorean boy. Contact : 28261504 (Regd. No. 5832) MUMBAI : Alliance invited for smart Mangalorean RC girl from cultured family, 1985 born 5 5 , MBA from premier B-school in Mumbai working as a Manager with India ss leading brand from postgraduate RC grooms. (Age upto 31 yrs, only). Reply with photographs & details to (Regd. No. 5831) VALSAD : Goan + Mangalorean RC Spinster, Godfearing, faithful and understanding, aged 27 years, Ht. 5 5 , Fair Complexion, Edn. D Ed., BA, B.Ed., Teacher by profession. Contact Mob.: 09377099024 (12 a.m. to 2 p.m. & 6 p.m. to 10 p.m.) (Regd. No. 5830) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Divocee, aged 56 years, Ht. 5 2 , Wt. 80 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. 5th Std., housewife, seeks a suitable match. Mob.: 9892951305 (Regd. No. 5828) Address your replies to :

Regd. No. ROYAL CHRISTIAN FAMILY, 99, Perin Nariman Street, 1st Floor, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001.

To Place Your Matrimonial Advertisement Call: 2269 3578 OR 2265 4924 July 1, 2013

Joseph and Angeline D'Souza celebrated their 50th Happy Wedding Anniversary on 16th June 2013. The above photograph covers besides Joseph and Angeline, their three sons with daughters-in-law and daughter with son-in-law and grand children. Joseph D'Souza is Chairman of Osworld Scientific Equipments Pvt. Ltd.. and is recipient of 'Pharmaceuticals Leadership Award 2010' from the Governor of Maharashtra on 26th of June 2010.

CORR-A CAR COOL Borivali: Malad: Opp. Olive Apartment & Tilak Complex, Chincholi Road & Link Road Junction, Borivali Link Road & Devidas Road Junction, Near Evershine Mall, Near Eskay Resorts, Borivali (W), Malad (West), Mumbai - 400 064 Mumbai 400103. Tel.: 32183399 Tel.: 2878 3399 / 32233199 Fax: 2872 4635 Email :


93212 41111 / 98694 41111 July 1, 2013



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July 1, 2013 Published on every Monday & Posted on Monday & Tuesday of every week Registered No. MH/MR/South-139/2012-14 Posted at Mumbai Patrika Channel Sorting Office, Mumbai - 400001.

Printed and Published by Lawrence Coelho at The Secular Citizen, 99, Perin Nariman Street, 1st Floor, Harihar Nivas, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001. Tel.: 2269 3578, 2265 4924 July10, 1, 2013 June 2013 24 24 Printers: The Secular Citizen, Fort, Mumbai 400001. Editor : Philip Myaboo

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