The Secular Citizen Vol.22 No.27 dated 8th July 2013

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July 8, 2013


CATHERINE Nee Murzello Relict of Diago John D'Souza!! Mummy beloved! Grandma dearest!! You lived life to the fullest: Competent seamstress and embroiderer, Fine East-Indian cook and singer scrap-book artist par excellence! Creative to the core. you challenged our creativity to the fore! Dedicated WIFE, wonderful MOTHER, Finest GRANDMA & GREAT-GRANDMA! WOMAN OF FORTITUDE WOMAN OF SUBSTANCE! O! They don't make Mums & Grandmas like YOU anymore! Your silent answer to Jesus' whisper calling you to your reward on 3 April 2013, just 3 months short of 90 years, broke our hearts. And that night a thousand angels cried!

May the warmth of your smile from above keep bathing us with your love until one day in Heaven we all meet you again!

At home, the picture on the wall says it all: "What is home without a mother?" How true! What indeed is home without YOU, Mother!?!

We love you, Mummy! We miss you So! Your Sons/Daughters-in-law: Ronnie/betsie, Glennie/Florence, Bertrand/Gladys, Ladislaus/Daphne, Melville/Sciana, Arnold/Blanche, Lambert/Myrtle, Stalin/Audrey Your Grandchildren: Sharon/Ashley, Crimson/Lavina, Sheldon, Dwayne, Gwendolyn, Carabelle, Rebecca, Weldon, Sherwyn, Brucelyn Your Great-grandchildren: Leynelle, Shanaida, Criselle, Caleb


July 8, 2013

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Vol.22 No.27 July 8, 2013


99, Perin Nariman Street, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001. Tel: 2269 35 78 / 2265 49 24 Fax.: 2264 0996 E-mail :, Website: Editor-in-chief : LAWRENCE COELHO

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Thought for the week

Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.

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Challenge Of Being Goan Christian Discussed

pg. 3 - Challenge Of Being Goan Christian Discussed pg. 4 - Where Has All Our Courage Gone ? pg. 6 - Fidelity Wins God s ... pg. 7 - Reader's Views pg 8 - Honour Killings pg 10 - The Eucharist .... pg 11 - Honour Darryl Castelino with Ashoka Chakra pg 14 - Meet Mother Tekla: ... pg 15 - Build Bridges Not Walls pg 16 - Pope Francis is poised to make history pg 17 - A Mother's Secret pg 18 - Reaching For The Sky pg 19 - Inspiration pg 20 - Remembering Norbert pg 21 - Matrimonials

Panaji: The challenges of being a Goan and Christian were the subject of a seminar that Jesuit priests organized in Goa last weekend in Rachol seminary The seminar organized by Jesuit Fathers at Pedro Arrupe Institute was part of their regular program for the Laity, Deepen your faith . Father Victor Ferrao of Rachol Seminary, the resource person of the seminar titled "The Challenge to be a Goan Christian" told some 80 participants that Goan Society "suffers from a double amnesia." He helped the participants to theologize in the socio-politico-economic context of Goa. The seminar attempted to blend the Goan and Christian identities. Father Ferrao said Goans both Christians and Hindu--have a discomfort to deal with their history, especially the colonial dimension of their past, which afflicts them. While Christians do not exhibit any memory of their conversion, the Hindus have forgotten that they have evolved and transformed over time. The priest demonstrated that the term Hinduism did not exist in the 15 and 16 century Goa, when Portuguese came and established colonial rule in the region. Goan Christians have their ancestry in the fragmentary religions like Vaishnavism, Shaivism, Nathism, Shaktism, Betal and the Santeri Cult that today have evolved into what we know as Hinduism . He declared that Goan historiography suffers from Hindu-ology or reduction of everything into Hinduism and has to be freed from it in order to heal the wounded memories of the society. He called for a serious research in the exact origins of the Goan Christians. Scholars have demonstrated Hinduism as a monolithic religion unified only in the 19th century under the British colonization. The Viashnavism and Shaivism merged in Goa only in the 1920s. He called for a "therapeutic dialogue" knowing the truth of history can heal the relations between both the communities. A theology that deals with the colonial past will not only benefit Goa but would also become an antidote to theology in Asia, which somehow has forgotten the colonial side of its history. Goa has a great opportunity to develop a new theology that will respond adequately to the de-historicized condition of our theology both in Asia and India, the priest argued. The issues of concern to Goan Catholics are discussed on every third week-end at the Pedro Arrupe Institute. The next seminar will be organized on a Catholic response to Pentecostal-Charismatic Christianity in Goa" in July 20 and 21.


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Cover : Challenge Of Being Goan Christian

July 8, 2013


Where Has All Our Courage Gone ? ( From a recent speech at the Laity Consultation Mumbai) Pope Francis says the Church is sick because it lives within intend to share with you some things that are bothering me as I put one foot in the Departure Lounge of my life. 1 Nobody in the Church is listening 2 A Church that reaches out is needed 3 The Church and Community have no courage 4 Church and Development 5 Poor Lay Leadership Let me tell you a story I heard recently Some priests were walking aimlessly, window shopping on a major street when they were accosted by a beggar. He started to sob and whine in a very professional way begging for alms. The priests told him they had no money. But you are fortunate they said Do you see that stout man with a red band round his waist? He is our Bishop. He controls our Diocesan funds and he is known for his generosity and kindness, just cross the road and talk to him So the beggar joyfully crossed the road and accosted the Bishop. The priests watched while the beggar talked and talked and talked and the Bishop quietly kept his mouth shut.


closed doors he urges us to be a Church without frontiers to go out to the extremities even to experience accidents.

At the end of 15 minutes the Beggar walked back to the priests, Did the Bishop give you some money? they asked. Your Bishop is a great communicator said the beggar at the end of

- George Menezes the conversation he convinced me to contribute to the Diocesan Fund We need a listening Church !! Pope Francis says the Church is sick because it lives within closed doors he urges us to be a Church without frontiers to go out to the extremities even to experience accidents.

How can we if, we are afraid? If we have no guts ? Let me give you a few examples When a local leader of a political party took over a building at the end of my road he forcibly vacated all the flats.

Except for one 60 year old woman on the 6th floor. The politician called the woman and asked her to bring all her stuff down by 11 in the morning to be transported out of Mumbai. They threatened to break her legs if she did not comply. Phil Fernandes an activist informed the Parish priest, the Parish Council, the Small Christian Community who all regretted they would not join her in filing an FIR. They said she would be beaten up. They promised to storm heaven with their prayers. I bumped into a distraught Phil at morning Mass and I agreed to accompany her to the Police Station. We went. Inspector George who knew me in Chembur heard our story and sent a couple of constables to pick up the politician and his goons and locked them up for the night. The next morning the contrite

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July 8, 2013

politician met Phil and gave a signed assurance that the woman would be rehabilitated in Bandra in a nice flat. If both of us walk with a limp today it is nothing to do with the goons but due to sheer old age. The incident is 15 years old Take another case. In the thick of Narendra Modi s ethnic cleansing, a very brave Jude D Souza , President of the Baroda Catholic Association invited me to visit him. I took the first flight and I went. In the evening we visited the Best Bakery that had been fully burnt with all the families locked inside. I squatted on the floor amongst the dying embers from where I had picked up a half burnt doll. We were meeting local Muslim leaders and a young group of gallant Hindus who were concerned with nothing but a quick return to peace and speedy compensation for victims We spoke about Testa Setalvad and mostly about the extraordinarily courageous Jesuit priest Fr Cedric Prakash who waded into dangerous situations preaching love, peace and justice. He has been my role model. Typically, frightened lay people criticized him fearing he would endanger the lives of lay families hiding behind locked doors Fear comes from two things: Inability to take Risks and poor faith Fear and courage are not two different things. They are two sides of the same coin There is no such thing as a fearless person. We all experience fear at some moments of our lives. But those persons who can stay a little longer with their fear can convert fear into courage One thing is to understand fear behaviorally but more importantly is to question the depth of our faith. What kind of Christians are we ? Do not be afraid said Jesus I will be with you till the end of time Jesus gave us a blank cheque. Are we afraid even to cash it ? Oh yee of little faith, you come to pray for rain but have not brought your umbrellas.

July 8, 2013

... our... Associations that are led by people who are busy fighting for the spoils of office. When I last heard there were at least three Associations claiming to represent the half a million Christians of Mumbai. ... the officially recognized one which is busy containing groupism, infighting and scheming to win the next elections due soon. The next point I want to make is The Church s flirtation with mindless development. Pope Francis tells the story of the Tower of Babel. Bricks were expensive and laborious to make as well time consuming when the Tower of Babel was being constructed If a worker mistakenly let a brick fall there was hell to pay but if worker fell and died there was not even a wimper The church and community has to be alert where human beings are expendable and we support an economy that takes from the poor to enrich the already wealthy. Since Independence we have blindly supported the Government in power including some of its most obnoxious policies. Because we are dependent on the Government for Permissions and Aid for our institutions this might be necessary but when it involves denial of Constitutional rights to people we need to question our own leaders Where are the voices of Church leaders and lay leaders Where is their presence in Odissa, in the north East where the Army has powers that are not available even to their counterparts in Banana Republics, where is our presence when the State creates private armies to deal with Liberation movements by calling them terrorists WE are too much part of the Government in power to support movements like the Naxalites which began as movements of liberation and are today so driven to the wall that they have taken up arms. I remember the time I had a 5 year term with Pontifical Council for the Laity. A young delegation from Chile were visiting .Their movement which had the support of millions of Chileans was struggling to overthrow the ruthless dictator Augusto Pinochet.

Millions of innocent citizens had been brutally killed, whole families had disappeared. I heard the leader of 11 milion Chilean catholics , 63 % of their population, say to Pope John Paul. Holy Father we need to take up arms . The Holy Father put his face between his hands and wept silently. There may be some choices we do not have as Christians. But in India have we exhausted all the other choices ?

Finally I must say something about our Laity leadership.

Take Mumbai. Our impotence is visible. We are the laughing stock of every community Our land is being looted on excuses that roads are being broadened Our Schools are being harassed not only by politicians and Bureaucrats but also lately by the entire Ministry of Education We have a Minorities Commission which has vacancies. One is filled by a Muslim another by a Parsi. The vacancy for a Christian member is being stubbornly denied to us. Even a small thing like appointment to Government bodies is not forth coming. Why is this happening? Simply because the community, or I must say, the Organizations that represent the community do not have a fearless, faith driven, skilled, formed and informed, united and uniting leadership that can deal with an incompetent communal and corrupt Government . And sadly, despite the fact that in Mumbai and around Maharashtra we are overflowing with some of the most respected and renowned individuals in the country, whose contribution to society is inspiring, we cannot attract them to be part of our Associations. They prefer to work outside them

(Contd.. on p. 6)


Fidelity Wins God s Pardon And Promise Fidelity to Christ Jesus is a reinforced promise by the Lord to save offenders when they repent and ask forgiveness . God will honour them with eternal life. In the gospel of St. Luke we are told of a man who asked Jesus for permission to follow Him , if he would first be allowed to bury his father. Jesus said to the man: Let the dead bury their own dead ; but as for you , go and proclaim the kingdom of God. (Lk. 9:59-60). This was confirmation which showed the Lord expected total loy-

alty, integrity and faithfulness. In an- and forgiveness arises. other encounter, Jesus said to the perChrist forgave the sinful woman son : No one who puts a hand to the who washed and kissed His feet , poured oil and with her plow and looks back is fit for hair and tears wiped the the kingdom of God. feet. (Lk.9:62). St. Paul, in his letter There is a cliché used in to the Galatians had put it certain circles that sin does in terms of simple grace. not pay and yet, God forgives . To some people in our - Melvyn Brown For freedom Christ has set us free. (5:1). If you are existing times this seems indistinguishable. The forgiving nature led by the spirit , you are not subject of God must be understood. After sin to the law. (5:18). It is proper to say when one has a feeling of guilt and that if a person is sorry for sin and remorse, the condition for justification turns to the Lord the person will be forgiven. In our present day came a big moment. Love and fidelity had won pardon. It was a radical case of crime for the law to evaluate and pass judgenized and esteemed in society. ment. Two are no more. One a GM of The pendulum swing started on the Western Railway, another Member a cold winter night when two criminals of Parliament from the North East. forced their way into the Ghosh Of those still around one is a family s home. The four members of Biblical scholar and authority on the the family were: the father, the mother, teachings of the Church, an entreprea seventeen year old daughter, and a neur, respected writer and orator in boy , twenty years old. What the two both English and Hindi. A fearless criminals did not anticipate was the activist if I ever saw one. devotion the son had for his parents. Another was Editor and journalThe intruders flashed a butchers ist in Delhi who resigned from the chopper, a country-made gun and a newspaper rather than compromise long razor-sharp sword calling for inhis beliefs, who did life threatening tensive fear from their victims. Instead work in Odissa, was appointed to the , the son stood up and confronted the Prime Ministers National Integration villians. Council and while he was President of I love my parents and you will AICU was also a senior office bearer of not touch them. The two men laughed the All India Christian Council. And In that split second the youth Another, a woman of erudition, snatched the long sword and sliced owner-Director of a large pharmaceuoff the heads of both men. tical corporation helped the AICU to The case closed on the grounds understand Business and financial of self-defence and the young man management, to become financially received an award for bravery. His stable and acquire its own office space love and fidelity for his parents had in Goa. won the day. The judicial system Today the AICU is led by a young, agreed. dynamic Senior Manager from a CorFidelity to Jesus brings pardon poration in Calcutta and everlasting life. My sheep hear As President Emeritus I salute my voice. I know them , and they them all and hope and pray that our follow me. I give them eternal life, and Catholic Associations would emulate they will never perish. (Jn.10:27-28). the AICU methodology of Leadership Devotion to Christ promises life training and leadership identification. forever. For the wages of sin is death , but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Rom.6:23).

Where Has All Our Courage Gone ? (Contd.. from p. 5) because they perceive our Associations as being more Event Managing than result producing. Associations that are led by people who are busy fighting for the spoils of office. When I last heard there were at least three Associations claiming to represent the half a million Christians of Mumbai. Apparently bogus. Except the officially recognized one which is busy containing groupism, infighting and scheming to win the next elections due soon. In the meanwhile our list of impotence increases. And the AICU seems to be not sufficiently equipped to be able to deal with its Associations who want short cuts to Leadership Training. What I am going to say now will make me distinctly unpopular. So be it. I challenge the Bombay Association to identify just a few members who have stature and recognition outside the Association. Mumbai has some of the most eminent Catholics in the country. Why have they never joined the Association? On the other hand AICU leadership emerged from our intensive annual, three day, professionally designed Training programmes where leaders were identified and were put up for election, None of them needed the AICU. They were already recog-


July 8, 2013

Receiving Holy Communion - Hindustan Times - (26/06/2013) Pursuant to Vatican II s directives, receiving Holy Communion while kneeling was modified, and the Holy Communion pews were removed. There are two related incidents in the related incidents in the Holy Bible re touching the Holy Ark of the Covenant / touching the hem of the Garment of Jesus. In the Old Testament, Uzzah touched the Ark of the tottering Ark of the Covenant, and was struck down by an angry Jehovah God. (2 Samuel 3:6- 7).In the New Testament, the woman touched the hem of Jesus Garment in faith, and was healed. (Mark 5: 25 -34). There are four methods of receiving Holy Communion.: 1. Receiving in the hand while standing/ kneeling, 2. Receiving on the tongue while standing kneeling. This has been going on for about 1500 years to show our intimacy with Jesus Who Sustains us with the Bread and Water of Eternal Life. I It is confusing for the Priest/ Extraordinary Minister to assess the

communicant s choice of receiving the Holy Communion. It is suggested that a separate line be formed for those desirous of receiving the Holy Communion kneeling down to preempt delays and confusion.

Denis Khan

Flood Ravaged Minds !

In my earlier days, I have learnt that we are Indians First and then goans, mangaloreans, gujaratis, maharashtrians, etc. And that, all Indians are our brothers and sisters. I m sure that anybody who has attended school would be aware of this teaching. If that be so, then how is it that a

chief minister of a neighbouring (Gujarat) state flies into the flood ravaged state (Uttarakhand) in the north and rescues around 15000 people of his community ? What about the other brothers and sisters should they be left to die in the floods ? So much for the nationalism of a person aspiring to be a National leader and the Prime Minister of the country ! So, what are we heading for ? Sadly, our country has been divided not just physically but in mind and spirit as well. Mera Bharat Mahaan kabhi, kabhi ! Need we say more ?

Melville X. D Souza Orlem

Useful Weekly

Congratulations - your magazine, The Secular Citizen is indeed very good and useful and informative. The articles (June 17-2013) "In Karnataka, it is more peaceful for Christians" is very encouraging. I hope and pray that leaders like 'Siddaramaiah' will come up for the all India next Elections; so that our people and all other people can enjoy religious freedom and all castes and creeds will lbe tolerant and accept each other God bless you!

Sr. Shalini Kamath, Andheri

A Talk For Senior Citizen In Infant Jesus Church Dombivli On Positive Graceful Ageing On Saturday the 15th of June 2013, Infant Jesus Church, Dombivli had organized a talk for Senior Citizens on Positive/Graceful Ageing. Clara D Souza from Vikhroli was invited to give this talk. senior citizens of Infant Jesus Churchwere and senior citizens from Kalyan East participated this programme. The talk began with a prayer. Clara mentioned that today there was an

July 8, 2013

absence of joint families and hence we are dependent on others. Positive Thinking was the main point in her talk. Very important to have a positive self image and also participate in social, religious and be involved in extra-curricular activities. This makes less dependent on children and age gracefully and joyfully.

her talk and they requested Fr. Peter D cunha to have this types of programme once again and suggested to call senior citizens of neighboring parishes. The talk ended with a prayer and Fr. Peter D Cunha thanked Clara D Souza and Helen D Cunha for organizing the programme.

Senior citizens were very happy about


Honour Killings A Growing Social Evil Thou shall not kill, warns the Holy Bible [Exodus 20:13]. At the very outset it may be said that no religion whatsoever either orders or permits killing another human being, regardless of the reasons and circumstances. It is indeed ironical that while India is in the news for being one of the fastest growing economies in the world, honour killings are steadily increasing. This barbaric practice has prevailed for hundreds of years in the northern States of Bihar, UP and Haryana. These heinous crimes, until not very long ago, highlighted by the media, are today being relegated to the back pages of newspapers, the sad truth being that such crimes are no more news, going as they do unpunished. Young lives full of potential are sacrificed because of the medieval notion of honour when they have dared to marry outside the accepted norms of the rural society they live in. Wikipedia s definition: An honour killing is the murder of a family or clan member by one or more fellow family members, where the murderers (and potentially the wider community) believe the victim to have brought dishonour upon the family, clan or community. Manoj Banwala and Babli, 23 and 19 years of age respectively, were members of the same gotra who eloped and married in June 2007. However, despite police protection on court orders, they were kidnapped and brutally killed and their mutilated bodies were found a week later. What

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emotional turmoil these hapless youngsters must have gone through in their final moments to find their families turning against them! All one can say is that they were brave martyrs on the altar of social change who dared to take on the khap or caste panchayat at the cost of their own lives.

Why this heinous crime was committed

Social pressures due to a medieval mindset that refuses to change with the times - Caste still remains one of the most important factors governing the lives of a largely patriarchal

By Monica Fernandes

Monica Fernandes is a freelance writer for whom writing is a satisfying hobby. She has written for several years for various magazines such as Woman s Era, Harmony, Alive, The Teenager, The Examiner and Together. She has authored a book for teenagers entitled Towards a Fuller Life published by Better Yourself Books. She lives in Mumbai and assists her husband, Nelson, in running an export business.

society and inter-caste marriages are frowned upon. Marriages within the same gotra or sub-caste are perceived to be incestuous, and hence there is a fear that future generations may turn out to be mentally or physically challenged if such marriages do occur. Ignorance - Are such same gotra marriages really incestuous? Not at all. However, the villagers are ignorant of this fact. The word gotra is a Sanskrit term initially used centuries ago by the people during Vedic times and means Cow pen. Tribes who cared for one herd were considered to be of one gotra. Each of these gotras had a Guru or eminent person who they consid-

ered their progenitor and the gotras were named after these sages and rishis (Brahmins), warriors and administrators (Kshatriyas) and ancestral tradesmen Vaisyas. Hence the members were bound by location and profession, not by blood relations. It is thought that same gotra marriages were prohibited during Vedic times in order to promote amity with other tribes and gotra through marriage. Strangely there is a way of eluding the ban on sagotra marriages. A bride is formally adopted by a family of another gotra, often the maternal uncle. The father then gives away the bride as if she belonged to his gotra. Since northern Indian society is strictly patrilineal, this type of union is not considered to be incestuous. Such murders take place ostensibly in order to save the honour of the caste, community or family. In this feudal society, the upper castes are usually members of the khap panchayat and as such, their word is law. Non-adherence to the diktats of the khap panchayats is considered a family and community issue. Women have no status - As individuals, women are considered to be chattels owned by their husbands and sons after marriage and by their father and brothers before marriage. This viewpoint is being challenged by the younger generation who are educated and have access to the media, especially TV. They believe that men and women have equal rights including

July 8, 2013

the right to choose their future life partners. The legalization of property rights for women in 1956 upset the status quo. According to sociologist Prem Chowdhry, the elite castes felt threatened as daughters living close to home could in theory claim a part of the family land. In many villages, the leader of the self-appointed court has so much power that the police are kept away from village politics, many deaths thus going unrecorded. Also, since the police are themselves part and parcel of the social structure, they often turn a blind eye to such happenings. Lack of political will - The khap panchayats dictate to their subjects whom to vote for. According to Professor Javeed Alam, politicians do not renounce the practice because if they did, they would not win elections . This was evident when the MP, Naveen Jindal, who was educated abroad, was interviewed on TV. Using typical political doublespeak, he gave every indication that he supported the gotra system (after all the upper castes voted for him!) though not the death sentence meted out by the khap panchayats.

Why honour killing is wrong

Sin - All religions agree that murder is a grievous sin. Christians believe that every human being is specially crafted by God in His own image and likeness. Each individual is unique. Only God has the right to create life and take it. Who are we, mere mortals with feet of clay, to try to play God and indulge in what the police call moral vigilantism ? Father Prax Pereira of Mumbaii once wrote a very thoughtprovoking article on stewardship, the contents of which set me thinking. A steward is a person entrusted with the management of another s property. God has entrusted us with the awesome responsibility and privilege of looking after His property comprising of members of the weaker sections of society. The family is a microcosm of society and hence this responsibility

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extends to the family as well. Parents per se have the duty to protect their children, not kill them for non-adherence to societal norms. Forgiveness is an integral part of most religions. However, if the parents and family members find it hard to forgive their adult children for making their own decisions, they are free to disown them, but not kill them! Social angle - Once individuals are permitted to take the law into their own hands, there is no end to exterminating weaker sections or those who are in disagreement with the power mongers. There would be chaos and society would cease to function. Fascism would prevail like it did under Hitler s regime. Constitutional rights - Our constitution is very progressive. It enshrines the rights of each individual to live his/ her own life in the way he/she would like to, provided he/she does not impinge on the rights of others. It has abolished castes and regards men and women as equal.

Appropriate action to tackle this menace

Both UNICEF and the UN Development Fund for Women have programmes in place to address the issue. Amnesty International launched a worldwide campaign to halt violence against women in 2003. Nearer home, a leading Indian women s group, the All India Democratic Women s Association (AIDWA) has called for a ban on all decisions of caste panchayats that violate the Indian Constitution. It has also called for changing the law to allow courts to intervene in all crimes where violence is committed in the name of so-called honour . In 1990, the National Commission

for Women set up a statutory body in order to address the issues of honour killings among some ethnic groups in northern India. This body reviewed the constitutional, legal and other provisions as well as challenges faced by women. Further, its activism contributed significantly towards the reduction of honour killings in rural areas of northern India. A lot, however, remains to be done at the local level. Police officers and prosecutors need to be convinced even prevailed upon - to treat these crimes seriously. In a landmark judgement, in March 2010, the Karnal district court ordered the execution of the five perpetrators and gave the life sentence to the khap head who ordered the killings of Manoj and Babli. Educating people - There have been no honour killings in West Bengal in over 100 years, thanks to the influence and activism of reformists, viz. Swami Vivekananda, Sri Ramakrishna and Raja Ram Mohan Roy. Rigid mindsets are difficult but not impossible to change. Reform can and will occur when education spreads to every nook and cranny of the country. Spreading the message - Last but not least the aam aadmi of the country, i.e. you and me, need to write at length (and repeatedly so) as regards the repeated enactment of such tragedies. Street plays on the theme are the need of the hour, ensuring the spread of the message that honour killings are absolutely wrong and will always be. Perhaps a mass movement would be an effective way to create proper awareness and change society.

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15 Great Thoughts By Chanakya 1) "Learn from the mistakes of others... you can't live long enough to make them all yourselves!!" 2) "A person should not be too honest. Straight trees are cut first and Honest people are screwed first." 3) "Even if a snake is not poisonous, it should pretend to be venomous." 4) "There is some self-interest behind every friendship. There is no friendship without self-interests. This is a bitter truth." 5) " Before you start some work, always ask yourself three questions - Why am I doing it, What the results might be and Will I be successful. Only when you think deeply and find satisfactory answers to these questions, go ahead." 6) "As soon as the fear approaches

near, attack and destroy it." 7) "The world's biggest power is the youth and beauty of a woman." 8) "Once you start a working on something, don't be afraid of failure and don't abandon it. People who work sincerely are the happiest." 9) "The fragrance of flowers spreads only in the direction of the wind. But the goodness of a person spreads in all direction." 10)"God is not present in idols. Your feelings are your god. The soul is your temple." 11) "A man is great by deeds, not by birth." 12) "Never make friends with people who are above or below you in status. Such friendships will never give you any happiness." 13) "Treat your kid like a darling for the first five years. For the next five

years, scold them. By the time they turn sixteen, treat them like a friend. Your grown up children are your best friends." 14) "Books are as useful to a stupid person as a mirror is useful to a blind person." 15) Education is the Best Friend. An Educated Person is Respected Everywhere. Education beats the Beauty and the Youth


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July 8, 2013

Honour Darryl Castelino with Ashoka Chakra award. Others with Kirti Chakra - Catholic forum The Catholic Secular Forum (CSF), India's activist NGO has in a communication to the country's defence minister, A K Anthony called for posthumous military and civilian honours to be conferred on those who died in the Uttrakhand rescue mission. Speaking before the funeral of Wing Commander, Darryl Castelino, who piloted the ill-fated Russian-made Mi-17 helicopter that crashed due to incessant weather, The CSF general secretary, Joseph Dias urged the union government to consider the Ashoka Chakra award for him. The CSF has also called upon the defence minister to consider the others in the rescue mission for awards like the Kirti Chakra and other such honours. According to Joseph Dias, " Wing Commander Darryl Castelino had displayed rare and distinguished service, calling for such a recognition. The Ashok Chakra is awarded for valor, courageous action or self-sacrifice away from the battlefield. It is the peace time equivalent of the Param Vir Chakra, and is awarded for the "most conspicuous bravery or some

daring or pre-eminent valour or selfsacrifice" other than in the face of the enemy. Wing Commander Darryl Castelino is eminently eligible for it ". The CSF will follow-up with the defence minister and Indian Air Force authorities to secure the gallantry recognition for Darryl Castelino and oth-

ers who sacrificed their lives in the line of duty. It will serve as an inspiration not just for the armed forces, but also civilians. It has been reported that five of those killed were from the Indian Air Force; nine from the National Disaster Relief Force and six men from the Indo-Tibetan Border Police.


Today on July 14th, 2013 Dr. Valerian Sequeira (Docval Lawman) turns 75 The Secular Citizen & Divo wish him well July 8, 2013



July 8, 2013

July 8, 2013


Meet Mother Tekla: 'the most powerful woman in Rome'

Vatican City: If the leadership of American nuns is the vanguard of a progressive spirit up against the Vatican, Mother Tekla Famiglietti is a throwback to the past: an orthodox leader who learned the rules of the game and wields power in the all-male world of the Roman Curia. The 75-year-old head of an international order and a staunch traditionalist, the Italian-born Mother Tekla

has, for more than three decades, built a power base with considerable financial prowess. She established a long relationship with Pope John Paul II and was among the small group in vigil at the papal apartment in the Apostolic Palace the night he died. Her relationship with Pope Benedict XVI was not as warm, and she was kept at a distance from the small circle Benedict called La


They Prayed and Favours Granted

All your family problems, financial needs, purity, dangers, job, housing, happy death and other needs, pray to your favourite Saints from the bottom of your heart. Announce the favours granted.

Thanksgiving Thanks to Divine Mercy, Sacred Heart of Jesus, O.L. Of Perpetual Succor and Infant Jesus for the kind favours granted —Mrs Inacine M. Fernandes, New Delhi


Famiglia that was central to his daily life. It remains to be seen whether her connections in the Curia will yield access to Pope Francis. But few would disagree that she has already left a distinctive imprint at the Vatican and on the Catholic church. As the abbess general of the Order of the Most Holy Savior of St. Bridget since 1979, she has cultivated global relationships with everyone from Fidel Castro to casino owners to further the goals of her order. She oversees a small empire of hotels, guesthouses and restaurants from Israel to India and from Darien, Conn., to Assisi, Italy, that bring in big revenue for her order. The media has taken Mother Tekla to task for exploiting nuns who clean, make beds and cook, but her order has also been widely praised for a bold, worldwide initiative against the trafficking of women. She is a unique and complex player in the global Catholic church, often referred to as "the most powerful woman in Rome."

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Thanks to Fr. Agnel for the favours granted — Benjamin Pinto, Andheri

July 8, 2013

Build Bridges Not Walls Luke 4 :18 The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me to preach the good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressedÂ… Jesus Christ had as his community friends the prostitutes, sinners and the outcasts of the society and as a consequence the scribes and Pharisees found fault with him and condemned him as a friend of the sinners and prostitutes. We have Jesus of Nazareth as our Lord and model in our mission with the prisoners. History repeats the same even today. Thus, we have everywhere the innocent and the voiceless condemned wrongly and ostracized from the society. So we who have set out on the footsteps of the Lord should stand up and raise our voice against such injustice and bring some comfort and understanding to those condemned wrongly and those who indeed have committed crimes as well. So here comes the urgent need to reach out to

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July 8, 2013

the prisoners and also to many of them who do not deserve to be there.

state into a healthy attitude of mind and body.

Jesus Christ came to teach us to set the prisoners free. Those of us who minister to the prisoners should open the door of our hearts to receive the prisoner friends of Jesus, to build once again broken bridges of relationships with family, friends and society, and to each other who are fellow prisoners as well.

Empowerment of women and children is another area where we help so that once they are out of the prisons they can live healthy and dignified lives and stand shoulder to shoulder with others both in and outside the family.

- Sr.Dhanam

Secretary (Maharastra state) Holy cross Hospital, Kalyan Those prisoners who are wrongly convicted and so live depressed lives and nurture hatred for the Law and Law givers who fail to administer just Laws need an understanding heart and listening ears so that they are helped once again to have new faith in God and in humanity. Then, families and those who are concerned with them need also to be counseled and prepared to accept the released prisoners whole heartedly. This is only one of the ways of building bridges. Then, there is every need to rehabilitate and educate the children of prisoners which we at Prison Ministry (India) take up and continue to support them. Medical camps are conducted both for the sick in the prisons and those released from prisons. We also enable them to come out of their depressed

To bring some sunshine into gloomy and lonely lives of the prisoners we organize different kind of celebrations so that they are encouraged to love life and regain a hope to live in love and harmony in the future. Children are given education and skills are taught to the adults so that when they are released they are able to stand on their own feet provide for themselves and their families instead of taking up robbery, dacoity, burglary, and other unlawful means to earn an easy livelihood. These are some of the ways of building bridges in the lives of the prisoners and their families and to get integrated into the mainstream of society and to live like gentlemen and ladies in our ministry as we help to build bridges. We enable them to have new dreams and shape their future on the values of justice, peace, love and forgiveness. Eg. Pope Francis I washing the feet of the prisoners at the celebration of the installation of the Eucharist. We too are invited to do the same.

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Pope Francis is poised to make history


hree months have passed since Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio became the first Latin American to assume the papacy. In March, the papal conclave astonished the world by entrusting the future of the Catholic Church to the "least Vaticanistic" man from Argentina. The series of processes that took place before and after the ascension of Pope Francis, the 266th head of the Roman Catholic Church, defied conventions, and has already set off a chain reaction that may eventually turn the tide in the Catholic world. The Catholic Church is said to have two cultures the "culture of splendor" as exemplified by the Vatican and the "frontier culture" of clergy and religious who have taken vows of poverty, humility and devotion. It is largely thanks to the latter

The Vatican is predominantly Euro-centric, giving little say to non-European regions such as the Americas and Asia, which account for three quarters of the world s Catholic population. The full voice of each continent does not reach the Vatican. does not reach the Vatican. Will the new pope from Latin America seek a break from the past to create a pluralistic Catholic Church that

The next important step will be the appointment of a secretary of state, the number two man in the Roman Curia. that the Church has retained people s respect over the centuries. As a Jesuit, Pope Francis embodies this latter culture, a polar opposite to the Vatican culture. Francis, who for decades stood by the poor and lived a life of simplicity and humility, has started to introduce "frontier culture" to the Vatican by simplifying official functions and the papal environment. Together with a preference for direct conversations with people, Francis is generating sympathy within the Catholic world and could change the very culture of the Vatican. The Vatican is predominantly Euro-centric, giving little say to nonEuropean regions such as the Americas and Asia, which account for three quarters of the world s Catholic population. The full voice of each continent


- Kagefumi Ueno, Tokyo better reflects the realities of each continent by attempting to decentralize the existing structure that is yet centralized around Rome? How will he counter those who resist the "de-Europeanizing" process? We should watch closely. The previous pope, Benedict XVI, never visited Asia during his reign. In addition, Japan has been bereft of a cardinal for the past three years. I hope that Pope Francis, who once volunteered to work in Japan, will give proper weight to Japan and Asia. I also expect the Catholic Church of Japan to make an effort to realize a papal visit here. Sexual abuse by clergy is just one of a number of institutional maladies that plague the Vatican and which are characterized by a cover-up mentality and lack of self-corrective capability that are rather common among giant

organizations. But, these maladies have unnecessarily discredited Catholic believers. The fact that a "Vatican outsider" was deliberately chosen to steer the Church is an indication of the severity of the situation in which Catholics find themselves. Francis has moved swiftly, appointing eight cardinals to an "Advisory Council" whose members include only one from the Vatican bureaucracy, while three were chosen from English- and Germanspeaking countries where the Churches is deemed to be more reform-minded. The next important step will be the appointment of a secretary of state, the number two man in the Roman Curia. In addition, Francis is expected to make vigorous appeals to the entire world. He will impress the world by his presence through the Church s expanded dialogues with Jews and Muslims, and through extending papal messages on such themes as poverty, the environment and human rights. Pope Francis has thus brought with him winds of change. We will watch with endless interest whether he will transform the cultures and traits of the entire Catholic world as his reform of the Vatican gathers full momentum. Francis will inevitably encounter resistance from the Vatican bureaucracy and the Europeans. However, propelled by reforming zeal, Pope Francis is, as an "autocrat" with both authority and absolute power, in a position to make history. Professor Kagefumi Ueno of Kyorin University in Tokyo is a civilizational essayist and former Ambassador to the Holy See. This article first appeared in Japanese in the Mainichi Shimbun newspaper, May 16, 2013

July 8, 2013

Wife's Supportive Role

A Mother's Secret She was a beautiful young woman, just into her twenties. Happy, outgoing and extremely friendly, Kelly had no trouble making friends. She was little more than a year from completing college and her dream job would be awaiting when she finished. But now, for the first time in her life, things were in total disarray. Her boyfriend of several years had just broken off the relationship as he chose to take a job offer half way across the country. What he didn't know was that he would not only be leaving Kelly behind, but he would be leaving a daughter behind too. Weeks before her boyfriend moved away, Kelly suspected she was pregnant, but didn't want to further disrupt things by saying anything. She knew that while she had loved her boyfriend, they would both be able to move on to independently forge happy and successful lives. After having confirmed her suspicions about being pregnant she took some time to contemplate. She had met with several doctors and finally decided it would be best to quietly end the pregnancy. A few weeks later, after having researched her options, she went in for an abortion and came out assured that she had made the right choice. Kelly eventually got married and did in fact build a happy family. No one ever knew her secret, but it was best that way. At times she did think about the past and the daughter she almost had, but for the most part, life was good to Kelly. This afternoon, things changed. Kelly was on her way to pick up her two teenagers from school when her

July 8, 2013

I am going to make a helper for him Gen. 2:18

car was side-swiped by a semi-trailer. No seatbelt or airbag was a match for the blunt force that likely killed her instantly. Kelly's story doesn't end here. You see, 7 years ago Kelly had told friends and family that she had experienced something different during another mundane Sunday church service. She said for the first time she accepted what the Christian religion calls the "Gospel of Truth". Her acceptance of Jesus as her Savior and following repentance assured her that she would find herself in heaven when death came to her. Today, death found Kelly and she indeed stands before God in heaven. It is her judgment day - a day in which we all must face God and answer to Him for our life on earth. For the first time, Kelly will look up and see the face of God the Father, with Jesus Christ sitting at his right hand side. At that moment, she will notice the face of an innocent young child who is sitting on Christ's knee. Kelly's secret was never truly hidden, and now her own daughter asks - "Why did you kill me mommy? Why didn't you choose to love and accept me the way God loves and accepts you?" I don't know how Kelly responded to that piercing question. I can only imagine the surprise that baby girls' father will have when he dies and meets the daughter he never knew he had...!! (Relationships are not a game its Gods Gift - Value Relations, Live a Good and Satisfactory Life)

Actively supporting her husband with words and actions will surely involves sacrifices on the part of wife. But she is aware that her husband's involvement in theocratic activities helps the entire family to keep awake spiritually. Being an exemplary in a supportive role may be a challenge for a wife when her husband makes a decision she disagrees with. Even then, she manifests a "quiet and mild spirit" and cooperates with him to make his decision work. A good examples of godly women of former times such as Sarah, Ruth, Abigail, and Jesus' mother, Mary. She also initiates present-day older women, who are "reverent in behaviour." By showing love and respect for her husband, an exemplary wife contributes much to the well-being of the entire family. Her home is a place of comfort and safety. To a spiritual man, a supportive wife is priceless

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Reaching For The Sky


Compilation : Celine D Souza Imagine standing on a mountain that is as high as airplanes fly. Temperatures are far beow zero. You need layers of clothes to stay warm. The air is thin. You can hardly breathe.

Some places on earth have extreme elevations. Some spots tower more than 19,000 feet (5,800 meters) above sea level. Let s explore eight of the world s highest places.

ANGEL FALLS, Venezuela : Angel falls in Venezuela is the

highest waterfall. It is 3,212 feet (979 meters) above the sea level. The water falls more than a halfmaile (0.8 milometer). Wind turns much of the water into mist before it can hit the ground.

HEADVILLE, Colorado:Clouds sometimes

surround Leadvillle, Colorado. This small city s nickname is cloudcity . Leadville sits high in the rocky mountains. The city is 10,430 feet (3,179 meters) above sea level. Leadville is the highest city in the United States of America.

WENQUAN, China : Travel to Wenquan and you will feel like you are top of the world. This village is located in the Tibet region of China. Wenquan sits at 16,730 feet (5,099 meters) abve sea level. It is the highest place where people live.

MOUNT KILIMANJARO, Tanzania: Africa s highest spot is

in Tanzania. Mount Kilimanjaro stands 19,340 feet (5,895 meters) above sea level. Uhuru Peak is the highest part. The peak is so high that it s always covered with snow and ice.


LICANCABUR VOLCANO, South America: On the border

between Chile and Bolivia stands Licancabur Volcano. Inside the volcano is the world s highest lake. The lake is 19,409 feet (5,916 meters) above sea level. Thousands of years ago, rain water collected inside the volcano to form the lake.

MOUNT McKINLEY, Alaska, North America :

Mount McKinley is 20,320 feet (6,194 meters) above sea level. Norh America s highest point is part of the Alaska Mountain Range. The weather is very cold on McKinley. Temperatures often drop to 50 degrees Fahrenheit (- 46 degrees Celsius).

K-2, Pakistan-China :

The world s second highest place is K2. This peak rises out of of the Karakoram Mountain Range between Pakistan and China. It is 28,250 feet (8,611 meters) above sea level. K2 is steep and rocky. It s always covered The with ice and snow.


The world s highest place is in Asia s Himalaya Mountains. Mount Everest is 29,035 feet (8,850 meters) above sea level. About 4,000 people have climbed the towering mountain. The world is full of high places. Which one you would like to visit ?

Where is the Mail!

A man was in his front yard mowing grass when his attractive neighbor came out of the house and went straight to the mail box. She opened it, and stormed back in the house. A little later she came out of her house and again went to the mail box and again opened it, then slammed it shut again. Puzzled by her actions the man asked her, "Is something wrong?" To which she replied, "My stupid computer keeps giving me a message saying "You have got a mail!"

Intelligent Banta:

Banta was going to Disneyland by his car. On the way he saw a signboard which said 'disneyland left'. Banta took a U-turn and came home. _____________________________ Q: A:

What did the fish say when it hit a concrete wall Dam!

Cooking Tips Remember to smear a few drops of cooking oil on your palms before you cut the elephant foot yam (suran) as skin protection. This will not cause itching when cutting the vegetable into pieces. Jubel D Cruz, Dombivili

July 8, 2013


Management Lessons From Ants Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise! It has no commander, no overseer or ruler, yet it stores its provisions in summer and gathers its food at harvest. A swarm of ants can be an excellent example of the army of any country. After examining ants, the army of Spain is trying to apply similar methods to improve their military system. Ants are very good at finding the shortest way possible to reach their food. Similarly, the army too requires to find shortest routes while warfare operations.


Our heartfelt thanks to St. Anthony for whispering our prayers into the ears of the Infant Jesus. It was on your request oh dearest St. Anthony that our prayers were heard and favours granted one after another. When hopes were bleak and everything seemed impossible your intercession bought a smile and a cheer in our lives Thank you our dearest St. Anthony.

Cheung, Julie, Balbina & Cajetan. July 8, 2013

Researchers in the University of Grenada have concluded that the discipline with which each ant in the swarm functions can be imitated and used in

the army. Another important factor about ants is that they are always in a hurry and they never collide or no ants injures itself in this process. This kind of synchronisation is absolutely necessary in the army. Ants leave pheromone trail behind them wherever they go, so that other ants can follow it. While reaching food, ants leave this train to make the work easier. This hormone is let out in the air so that the smell helps the other ants to follow suit. This can help soldiers to locate shortcuts and leave trails. Besides if there is an obstacle on the way, ants quickly find other shorter routes to reach their goals. Ants can become guides for any army in the world.

Inter Faith Dialogue at Shivanand Ashram Clean the mind, Green the Environment With the initiative of Rt. Rev. Thomas Macwan, Bishop of Ahmadabad, An Inter Faith Dialogue was held at Shivanand Ashram, Ahmadabad on May 4th, 2013. The religious leaders who participated, include Rt. Rev. Thomas Macwan, Bishop of Ahmadabad, Swami Adhyatmanandaji from Shivanand Ashram, Shri Ushadidi from Brahmakumari, and Dr.Jyotikare from Buddhist Community. Fr.Joseph Appavo, director of Kaira Social Service Society, in his brief introduction, highlighted the purpose of the dialogue which was the continues event of this religious solidarity group. The dialogue highlighted that our Country faces very difficult and challenging problems like polarization of the communities based on bias and prejudices, female foeticide, environmental degradation, HIV/AIDS, T.B., and so on. Rt. Rev. Thomas Macwan and Swami Adhyatmanandaji expressed their deep concern, feeling of oneness and solidarity to continue to commit themselves to address these life threatening issues. The people living with HIV/AIDS need our compassion and selfless service so that they can live with dignity.

Dr.Jyotikare, in his sharing expressed that the poor and marginalized especially the T.B. infected, slum dwellers need our special attention and care to address their root problems of hunger and disease. Shri Ushadidi told that change is possible only through the change of one s own dhrusti (attitude):

Clean the Mind and Green the Environment

All agreed in one voice that Global Warming and environment degradation is one of the biggest challenges today. So we need to sensitize the communities through all our functions, special events, and religious ceremonies. Plant more trees, even welcome the people with a gift of plant and protect the environment which will protect and save the lives of every human person and our Mother Earth back. It was suggested that the International Peace Day can be celebrated by all the religious leaders unitedly on this issue. It was also felt that this fellowship dialogue must continue. At the end Swami Adhyatmanandaji shared his fellowship meal with the religious leaders present. Shailesh Khambhalia


Remembering Norbert All India Catholic Union (AICU) President 1996 - 2000

# chhotebhai

tory language against the AICU and the laity in general.

Shortly after Sri George Menezes was elected National President of the All India Catholic Union (AICU) in 1986, we had organized the first ever “Northern India Laity Training Programme” at Noronha Bhawan, Kanpur in 1987. Lay leaders and delegates from all over north India participated. Among them was Norbert D’souza, then a senior officer in the Central Railway, posted at Jhansi. He had come at the behest of the then bishop of Jhansi, Bp Fredrick D’souza. Being a senior officer he preferred to stay in his own railway accommodation, and seemed rather aloof from the rest of the participants. By the third day of the programme, Norbert was radically “converted”. He broke down in tears. It was his Saul to Paul moment, meeting the Lord on the road to Damascus. Thereafter Norbert was a transformed person, touched by the Holy Spirit. I can confidently say that he was one of the first-fruits of the intensive “Effective Christian Leadership” programmes organized by George Menezes. Norbert went back to establish the Jhansi Catholic Association, and used his influence in the railways to help many poor Catholics. Subsequently, he also played a key role in establishing the Catholic Association of Lucknow, which was his hometown. There is another important instance worth recording. It was sometime in 1993/94 (I cannot now recall the exact year), during my tenure as AICU National President. At that time a very important case pertaining to the Salvation Church, Dadar, Mumbai, was before the Charity Commissioner. A crucial issue at stake was the ownership and management of the church that had been built by the local populace; but the parish priest was now claiming Sole Trusteeship of the same.


I had strongly supported the laity in the case that could have had widespread ramifications. A little before midnight I received a phone call from a journalist/ activist in Mumbai saying that the case was coming up for hearing the next day. What was AICU doing about it? At that time Norbert had been posted to Mumbai, and was the AICU Vice President for the then Western Region. I immediately

OBITUARY contacted Norbert and asked him to implead AICU in the case, as a concerned party. An hour later, I phoned the journalist who confirmed that Norbert had already got in touch with him! The AICU did get itself impleaded the very next day, much to the chagrin of the then archbishop of Mumbai, who filed a counter affidavit using highly deroga-

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Prop. B. D'Souza

The point to be borne in mind here is that Norbert was indeed a “hands on and no nonsense” type of guy, who had imbibed George Menezes’ vision of “Effective Christian Leadership”. Remember that back in 1993 we had no mobile phones or email, and even making STD calls was not easy. Norbert was affirming the adage, “Where there is a will there is a way”. In 1996 Norbert himself was elected the National President of the AICU, and was re-elected in 1998. His two terms saw steady growth in the AICU. During his tenure Norbert also laid great emphasis on systematic training in lay leadership. Another aspect of the man was his choice of the hymn “Make me a Servant”, that he invariably chose to sing at AICU meetings. He would say that he drew inspiration from the Gospel incident wherein a disciple, after doing all that was required of him, matter-offactly stated, “I am but a servant doing my duty”. Truly it may be said of Norbert that he was indeed a faithful servant and loyal soldier of the Lord, working for the uplift of the people, especially through the AICU and its affiliated Catholic Associations, with inspired and empowered leadership. May Norbert now enjoy his eternal reward. Surely he will be hearing those words of welcome, “Well done good and faithful servant; now enter into the home of your Father”. (At the time of his death on 23rd May, Norbert was living in Ahmednagar, where his son, an officer in the Indian Army, was posted) * The testator was AICU National President from 1990 to 1994.

July 8, 2013

GROOMS MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 29 years, Ht. 5 7 , Wt. 65 kgs, light Wheatish Complexion, Edn. M.M.S. in H.R. working as a Sr. H.R. Officer. Email : OR 9819985128 (Regd. No. 5893) MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 42 years looks much younger to his age, Ht. 5 2 , Wt. 59 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. XIIth std., having own business. Contact : 9767630415 / 9175186730 (Regd. No. 5892) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 32 years, Ht. 5 8 , Wt. 70 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.Com., working as a Microsoft Engineer in Bangalore. Well settled, having own house in Bangalore. Seeks a educated Mangalorean girl from good family background. Contact Email : OR 9323949129 / 9867848489 (Regd. No. 5880) MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 27 years, Ht. 5 4 , Wt. 58 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.Com., working for Multinational Bank. Seeks a Goan Roman Catholic graduate working girl. Contact Email: OR 0251-2680461 (Regd. No. 5877) MUMBAI : Maharashtrian Roman Catholic Divorcee, aged 33 years, Ht. 5 11 , Wt. 76 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn.MBA (Marketing & HR), woking as a Marketing Head. Seeks a understanding, simple match. Contact Email : OR 8655002289 (Regd. No. 5875) MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 35 years, Ht. 5 11 , Wt. 90 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. HSC, having own business. Seeks a tall, simple, homely good looking girl. Contact Email : OR 40263038 (Regd. No. 5874) MUMBAI : Tamilian Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 52 years, Ht. 5 3 , Wt. 75 kgs, Tan Complexion, Edn. Elect. Engg., Self Employed. Contact :

July 8, 2013

MATRIMONIALS 9619784992 / 9833560643 (Regd. No. 5869) MUMBAI : Marathi Converted Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 44 years Ht. 6 , Wt. 76 kgs, Wheatsih Complexion, Edn. H.S.C., working in Kuwait as a Public Relation. Contact Email: OR 9619344291 (Regd. No. 5863) MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Widower, aged 42 years, Ht. 5 6 , Wt. 65 kgs, Wheatish Complexion , Edn. Diploma in Mechanical Engineering, working aborad as a Mechanic. Seeks a simple, loving, well mannered below 38 years preferably working girl. Contact Email : OR 9702148869 (Regd. No. 5861) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 35 years, Ht. 5 6 , Wt. 80 kgs, Fair Complexion , Edn. 10th + Diploma in Hotel Management, working as a Supervisor in Muscat. Seeks a sutiable match. Contact Email: martis. OR 9029263886 / 9757411125 (Regd. No. 5857) GOA : Goan Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 40 years, Ht. 5 7 , Ht. 68 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. 1st Year B.Com., Having own Resort Well settled. Seeks a Girl willing to settle in Goa. Contact : 9890706784 (Regd. No. 5856) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 45 years, Ht. 5 11 , Healthy, Fair Complexion, Edn. MS Engineering, workaing as a Deputy Manager, Well settled Seeks a Mangalorean RC graduate working or non working girl. Contact Email: (Regd. No. 5855)

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Regd. No. ROYAL CHRISTIAN FAMILY, 99, Perin Nariman Street, 1st Floor, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001.

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BRIDES MUMBAI : Roman Catholic Spinster aged 27 years, Ht. 5 8 , Wt. 57 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. Electronic Engg. working as a Key Account Manager in Bank. Contact email : OR 9820247177 (Regd. No. 5935) MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Spinster aged 28 years, Ht. 5 3 , Fair Complexion, Edn. B.E. (Mumbai) MBA (USA), working in Reputed IT Company as Business Analyst in USA. Contact email : OR 9833099037 / 9821373880 / 9222380052 (Regd. No. 5934) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Spinster aged 30 years, Ht. 5 2 , Wt. 50 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. B.Com., CAIIB., working as a Officer in Private Bank. Only Child. Contact : OR 9869316408 (Regd. No. 5930) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Spinster, 48 years, Ht. 5 3 , Wt. 42 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. HSC, employed as a Office Executive. Religion No Bar. Contact Email : OR 9870356752 / 9773466716 (Regd. No. 5868) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Spinster aged 29 years, Ht. 5 4 , Wt. 50 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. Master s, Lecturer by profession. Contact email : OR 7738805305 (Regd. No. 5923) MUMBAI : Mangalorean R.C. parents, invite alliance for their daughter 26 years, 5 4 , fair, good looking, B.Com., working as an H.R. marriage annulled, from qualified settled bachelor age upto 34 years, Contact email : (Regd. No. 5918) MUMBAI : Tamilian Roman Catholic Spinster, 26 years, Toll, slim, Fair, Edn. EMBR HR, working as a Sr. Ex-

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MATRIMONIALS ecutive. Contact Email : / floryjanardhan@rediffmail.Com OR 9820076082 (Regd. No. 5917) MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Spinster, 28 years, Ht. 5 , Wt. 56 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.Com., MBA (Finance) working as a Jr. Manager in Bank. Seeks a suitable match. Contact Email : OR 9869765169 (Regd. No. 5916) MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Spinster, 33 years, Ht. 5 4 , Edn. B. Com., Dip. in Business Management, Working as an Admin Inchagre for a reputed Pharmaceutical Company. Seeks a Goan educated Bachelor upto 38 years. Contact Email : OR 9820724100 (Regd. No. 5915) KUWAIT : Goan Roman Catholic Spinster, 26 years, Ht. 155 cms, Wt. 68 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.Com., working as a Office Assistant. Seeks a Goan RC Bachelor. Contact Email : OR +965-971379900 (Regd. No. 5912) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Spinster, 25 years, Ht. 5 6 , Wt. 65 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. Chartered A/C., M.Com., Working as a C.A., Only Child. Seeks a suitable match. Contact Email (Regd. No. 5910) MUMBAI : RC Spinster, 31 years, 5 4 , Post Graduate, Professional Therapist, has established personal Clinic and Hospital attachements, seeks alliance from well qualified RC bachelors from Mumbai. Kindly reply to (Regd. No. 5907) MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Spinster, 23 years, Ht. 150 cms, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. Diploma (Prod.) working as a Jr. Engg., Seeks a Bombay based well settled bachelor. Contact Email : OR 26600774 (Regd. No. 5906)

POONA : Tamilian Roman Catholic Divorcee, 1st marriage is annulled less then one year, good looking, aged 41 years, Ht. 5 4 , slim, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. M.Com., working as a Asst. Executive in Dubai. Seeks a sincere, genuine, trustworthy person below 47 years. Contact Mob.: 9423003578 (Regd. No. 5905) MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Spinster, 27 years, Ht. 5 3 , Wt. 60 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. MBA working for MNC. Seeks a well eduated and well settled match. Contact email: / OR 9819121184 (Regd. No. 5904) BANGALORE : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Spinster, 23 years, beautiful, 5 3 , 55 kgs, Wheatish, Edn. MBA (HR) working as a HR Consultant. Seeks a suitable match. Contact : OR 9900413499 (Regd. No. 5902) MUMBAI : Mangalorean RC parents invite alliance for their daughter 25 years, 5 4 , B.Tech (Computer Engineer) Working for MNC. Seeks well qualified and well settled bachelor with good family values. Kindly reply with profile and recent photograph to email : OR 9969285680 (Regd. No. 5901) MUMBAI : Maharashtrian Roman Catholic Spinster, aged 32 years, Ht. 5 1 , Wt. 65 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. B.Com., working as a Sr. Executive. Seeks a suitable match. Contact : email: OR 28682053 (Regd. No. 5900) Address your replies to :

Regd. No. ROYAL CHRISTIAN FAMILY, 99, Perin Nariman Street, 1st Floor, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001.

To Place Your Matrimonial Advertisement Call: 2269 3578 OR 2265 4924 July 8, 2013

Five Personal Finance Tips from Warren Buffett

1. Spend wisely

All of us suffer from the urge to splurge and we justify our spending using the pretext of special occasions, peer pressure, lifestyle, family, emotions and even smart decisions. What you should do: Always ask these questions: Do I really need this?

2. Saving: Save for the unexpected

All of us know that saving is important for a better future. But it is alarming to observe that most of us do not even save enough for emergencies. What you should do: Follow "pay yourself first" principle. Set aside money for your future goals (and risk) as soon as you receive your monthly paycheck.

3. Think long-term and be patient

Money is part of nature, it doesn't grow overnight. However, we overestimate money we can make in a year and underestimate what we can make in 10 years. People make money by staying invested for the long-term and without doing much "dancing in and dancing out" i.e. changing portfolios frequently. What you should do: Pick right financial instruments recommended by your financial advisor and invest regularly and persistently for the long term (8-10 years).

July 8, 2013

4. Limit what you borrow

Borrowing should never be done without an objective assessment of future cash flow and other financial needs. One needs to have a solid plan to pay the debt back and not become its lifetime slave. What you should do: Start with thinking that borrowing money is not an option. Shift to using debit card from credit card. Negotiate your interest rates with the banks and re-finance if necessary.

5. Risk

Everyone wants to make money and we all want it quick. We go for investments which promise high returns. But we fail to objectively analyze the associated higher rate of risk. Trying to hit a six on every ball with your hard-earned money is nothing short of gambling. This happens because we are greedy, don't read fine prints of financial instruments and don't understand their investment objective. Our financial planning is vague and is done in a random fashion which leaves us susceptible to risk. What you should do: Consult professional advisors to understand the investment pyramid, develop an investment strategy, review regularly and diversify.



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July 8, 2013 Published on every Monday & Posted on Monday & Tuesday of every week Registered No. MH/MR/South-139/2012-14 Posted at Mumbai Patrika Channel Sorting Office, Mumbai - 400001.

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Printed and Published by Lawrence Coelho at The Secular Citizen, 99, Perin Nariman Street, 1st Floor, Harihar Nivas, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001. Tel.: 2269 3578, 2265 4924 July 8, 2013 Printers: The Secular Citizen, Fort, Mumbai 400001. Editor : Philip Myaboo


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