The Secular Citizen Vol.22 No.28 dated 15 July 2013

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While A large percentage of India s elderly face abuse and neglect from their children, China is moving a step further by perpetuating their citizens to take care of their elderly parents.


According to state media, the new clause was added to existing legislation because China's growing elderly population is becoming increasingly China is adding a new revision to the neglected. With this law, it will give the Law on Protection of the Rights and elderly a framework to justify pursuInterests of the Elderly People, which ing legal action if they feel they have been disregarded by their children. was passed in December. The preemptive measures intended to scrub out levels of loneliness among the aging population won t mitigate the fact that the worker:pensioner ratio in China is clearly off-balance, mostly as a result of the one child The law says adults should care about policy implemented in the 70s. The their spiritual needs and only child becomes responsible for carJulyparents 15, 2013 never neglect or snub elderly ing for both parents and usually both It enforces frequent visits to the elderly and forbids any form of domestic violence, such as insulting or discriminatory language, physical torture and abandonment.

sets of grandparents, which is a great financial burden for a single person.

According to the Global Times, China had 185 million people at or above age of 60 by the end of 2011. Cases of abuse against elderly have increased manifold in past few years. This law stipulates that support to aged parents does not change with their marital status. Although, experts believe the current revision looks more like a reminder of traditional values rather than compulsory law. Under the law, parents are allowed 1 to sue their negligent children.

Foundation Stone Laid for New Catholic Housing Society

Bishop Agnello Gracias laying the foundation stone for the Jyoti Residency project.

Bishop Agnello Gracias blessed and laid the foundation stone for the Jyoti Residency - a Catholic Coop. Housing Society on 27th June 2013 at Vishwadeep Nagar, at Kamothe, Navi Mumbai.

The promoter of Jyoti Residency Mr. Jude Fernandes was responsible for completing the earlier Vishwadeep Housing Society also helping to raise funds for the Christ the Kind Church.

It takes about one and half hour journey from Mumbai to reach the site which is close to Christ the King Church, Vincent Palotti School, Old Age Home and Hiranandani Garden. Vishwadeep Housing Society for Catholics is also close by.

Jyoti Residency Society comprises 1BHK and 2 BHK flats covering area of 590 and 900 sq. ft. respectively. The cost of the flat will be Rs. 22 lakhs for 1BHK and 33 lakhs for 2BHK. There is a launching period special rate for those who are booking before 31st July 2013.


Jude Fernandes

July 15, 2013

Advt. Tariff


Vol.22 No.28 July 15, 2013


99, Perin Nariman Street, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001. Tel: 2269 35 78 / 2265 49 24 Fax.: 2264 0996 E-mail :, Website: Editor-in-chief : LAWRENCE COELHO


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Thought for the week

When you are in the light, everything follows. But when you are in the dark, even your shadow forsakes you.

Contents pg. 3 - Jewish Soul, Greek Mind, Roman Body pg. 5 - Views on News pg. 6 - Floods in Lourdes, France. pg. 7 - Reader's Views pg 8 - Film Review: Lootera pg 9 - Angel of Death pg 10 - Pope John Paul II Closer To Sainthood pg 14 - Come Hell Or High Water pg 16 - book review:Bloom, Shine, Be Happy! pg 18 - Tips To Save A Marriage From Falling Apart pg 19 - Inspiration pg 20 - What is common between Co-operative Societies & Domestic Households pg 21 - Matrimonials

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Cover : China passes law forcing kids to visit elderly parents

July 15, 2013

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Jewish Soul, Greek Mind, Roman Body Tokyo: Pope Francis has appointed eight cardinals to assist him in reorganizing the Vatican s administration. One of them is the archbishop of Sydney, Australia, George Pell. Many think he was chosen simply because he is the only cardinal in Oceania and it appears that the pope wanted one from each continental region. When asked in an interview published in the Italian daily La Stampa what might be two or three of the main reforms that the Vatican needs, Cardinal Pell responded that an increase in the number of typists in the Curia would be an example of that sort of change. The weekend following his Eminence s interview, international media carried news reports that a monsignor working at the Vatican bank had been arrested by Italian authorities for alleged involvement in money laundering. So, there may be bigger problems in Rome than a shortage of able typists. Be that as it may, if the pope is content merely to have an operations octet deal with in-house problems at the central office, he will have missed a chance to face some of the key issues that challenge the Catholic Church. Simply put, the Catholic Church is not catholic. As the scholar of religions Huston Smith once observed, A Church composed of a Jewish soul, a Greek mind and a Roman body is too culture-bound to be universal. Once upon a time, the Church was not so limited. In the first five or six centuries of the Church s life, various ways of being Christian arose in different cultures. Many of those ways survive to this day in the different rites of the Catholic Church (including the Latin Rite) and in the Orthodox and other Eastern Churches. An argument can also be made that other rites arose in that part of Christianity born of the Reformation. But, in the Catholic Church, except for what is known as the Zairean Usage (a modified Roman Rite Mass) in West Africa since the 1970 s, there have been no new significantly basic expressions of the worship and life of Catholics since the late Classical and Early Medieval periods. Did the only people who really knew how to worship and how to organize their communities all live 1,500 years ago or earlier? We have in fact if not intention declared that the Holy Spirit s work was completed long ago and God s enlivening guidance has been withdrawn as superfluous. Some elements of those ancient forms, like reliance upon synods to direct the Church s mission in the Orthodox Churches and Eastern Catholic Rites, are more congenial to many modern cultures than the centralized imperial model of the Roman Rite. But even those rites fail to speak to the

(Contd.. on p. 4)


(Contd.. from p. 3) hearts of the vast majority of humanity. Simply put, despite what fans of Rome, Constantinople, Kiev, Antioch, Alexandria or elsewhere might wish to be the case, the sixth century is over. The election of a pope from a continent that was unknown to the Old World in that century should make that fact obvious. Of the 10 countries with the highest population of Catholics, only three are in Europe; the rest are in Africa (Democratic Republic of the Congo), the Americas (Brazil, Mexico, United States, Colombia and Argentina) and Asia (Philippines). The largest, Brazil, has more Catholics than the three European countries (Italy, France and Spain) combined. However, though only 24 percent of the world s Catholics live in Europe, so far in the 21st century all are expected to worship, believe and meet Christ as sixth-century Europeans. Is it any wonder that the explosive growth of evangelicalism is taking place in largely Catholic regions? The Latinized mal-translations of the Roman liturgy inflicted over the past few years throughout the world are exactly the sort of failure of imagination, and even faith that must be overcome if the Catholic Church is to be truly catholic. (The English version, by the way, was perpetrated by a commission headed by Cardinal Pell.) The short-lived opening of doors to truly indigenous liturgies and a collegial organization of the Church that began at Vatican II but was aborted almost immediately must be resumed. In fact, it must become more radical in the literal sense of dealing with the roots. Though there are presently more than 20 rites in the Catholic Church, many Catholics if asked might say there are only two: organ and guitar, neither of which, of course, is an actual rite. Why is there no Church polity in the West that incarnates the (often imperfectly realized) Western ideal of rule by democratically enacted law? Why must theology in Asia rely upon pagan Greek philosophy rather than Hindu or Buddhist ways of thought? Why must


the celebration of the Eucharist everywhere consist of rituals arising from ancient European royal and imperial court usage? In other words, why do we not have 40, 50 or more rites that allow more than one billion Catholics to proclaim and praise God in ways that show the world that Jesus the Christ is truly Emmanuel, God with us here, today? There is reason to hope that such change is coming. In a homily the same weekend after Cardinal Pell called for an improved steno pool and Italian officials called for a priest s arrest, Pope Francis said, Let us go forward on the path of synodality, and grow in harmony with the service of the primacy. If local Churches throughout the world once get a real say in how the world Church moves, can new forms of life for those local Churches be far behind? Fr William Grimm MM, based in Tokyo, is the publisher of

Orientation 30th june 2013 orientation programme held in Infant Jesus Churc,Dombivli conducted by Fr.Patrick and Mrs.Sylvia from the FILMC team. Ninety animators attended. The topic was Principles of Communitarian spirituality. The speakers stressed on the impotance of growing together,caring for those who fall away, helping those in need and rotating rules for the smooth functioningof S.c.c.'sin reach every person in theparish. The second topic was self evaluation of the communities where the animators through aquestionaire which areas were good and which areasneededimprovement. Over all the programmewas very educating and enlightening. A big thanksto the FILMC team Prema Muralidharan

A talk for senior citizen in Infant Jesus Church Dombivli on positive Graceful Ageing On Saturday the 15th of June 2013, Infant Jesus Church, Dombivli had organized a talk for Senior Citizens on Positive/Graceful Ageing. Clara D Souza from Vikhroli was invited to give this talk. senior citizens of Infant Jesus Churchwere and senior citizens from Kalyan East participated this programme. The talk began with a prayer. Clara mentioned that today there was an absence of joint families and hence we are dependent on others. Positive Thinking was the main point in her talk. Very important to have a positive self image and also participate in social, religious and be involved in extra-curricular activities. This makes less dependent on children and age gracefully and joyfully. Senior citizens were very happy about her talk and they requested Fr. Peter D cunha to have this types of programme once again and suggested to call senior citizens of neighboring parishes. The talk ended with a prayer and Fr. Peter D Cunha thanked Clara D Souza and Helen D Cunha for organizing the programme. Prema Muralidharan

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July 15, 2013

A Courageless Community?

I just read the article Where has all our courage gone by one of the most outspoken Christian leaders George Menezes. A few years back, I wrote an article titled A LEADERLESS COMMUNITY and he was prompt in sending me an email in appreciation for hitting the nail on the head . He said later, on learning that my wife worked for the same organization that he was associated with as HR Director, that it was a small world and that we had met a couple of times socially. He said he wanted to have a seminar on the subject which unfortunately did not materialize. Though he did not say in so many words, our way of thinking is alike no mincing words. Be forthright. At his age he needs to be complimented for his hard hitting yet inspiring message. There was a time when the Church was too powerful. The Lateral Treaty changed its outlook and the silence of the Church during the Jews massacre was deafening. Today, the Church is extra cautious. We are scared and do not want to offend the establishment. If you are right, there is no reason why you should be on the back foot. If the Church authorities lack the will needed to address issues concerning the community, lay leaders cannot draw any inspiration and courage to carry forward the agenda. This makes the Government complacent. This back foot policy has percolated down the line in the religious hierarchy. There have been cases when certain dominant groups in the parishes create trouble, even when they are wrong; the authorities are not forceful in their response leaving the concerned Parish Priest in a vulnerable situation. Parish priests too have been doing the same thing. There are some Parish Priests who are willing to agree to everything, even if it is unreasonable, just to buy peace with such rebellious elements in parishes. Just say ok and avoid trouble. Even in parishes, there is no camaraderie between the Parish Priest and his as-

July 15, 2013

VIEWS on NEWS sistant. Trouble makers take advantage of such situations. We have to live with it I cannot see any change in future. *****

The Last Dice

The grand old man of the BJP is not relenting. Why should he? Does he have anything to lose? Certainly not! He has everything to gain, if at all. Time is running out for him. He knows it well and hence does not want to waste time. He is aware of the fact that he is being side-lined with the tacit approval of the remote control, RSS chief pacifying him lately, notwithstanding. His one resignation drama has done more harm to the party than any other single event as yet. The entire leadership was in a dizzy and clueless so much so that they had to invoke the almighty [ RSS boss ] to try and make him withdraw his resignation which he did rather reluctantly. They had distanced themselves first saying they will not get involved in BJP s internal matter and meet him twice. What did the RSS boss tell Advaniji on telephone that he actually withdrew his resignation? Was he given an ultimatum to resign from all other forums and perhaps from BJP itself? Was he told that his contribution to the party was over and that he may just continue as a defunct mentor to advise the party only when asked? They say they respect their elders. They also said that he is a tall leader, yet they took the decisions in Goa even without convincing him. Nice way of showing respect. For BJP, Advaniji is required till 2014 elections. They do not want any disharmony till then. If they win they will take credit for it saying it was a decisive move in Goa. If they lose they can always point fingers at the elder statesman saying he created dissensions. However, if with some deft maneuvering, Advani manages to get other parties to lend support to BJP, with himself at the helm, instead of Modi, his stock can go up.

by Marshall Sequeira *****

GOD-MAN made disaster No offence to the numerous Godmen in our country. The disaster in Uttarakhand is neither God-made nor man-made. It is a combination of both. The colossal destruction of life and property has literally reached Himalayan proportions. Thousands of pilgrims who had gone to those holy places literally had an encounter with the Lord. It is easy to blame the establishment but from what has been shown on the television, this must be the most horrific disaster the nation has witnessed. Compared to this, the cloud burst of Mumbai in 2005 pales into insignificance. It was in the city which has infrastructure in place. The whole nation is shocked, including of course, the politicians. Some saw it as a good photo-op and the media itself viewed this as TRPOp. As usual, Narendra Modi attracted maximum attention for his reported magical wand that rescued 15000 Gujaratis in just one day which is humanly impossible. Faced with severe criticism, the party was quick to say that the party did not claim it. Yet they lapped the publicity for the PMin-waiting. The Gujaratis viewed him as a Messiah [a la Moses of the Old Testament] to ferry them not through the Red sea but by luxury cars to the promised fairly land. Other stranded people felt left out. It is a bad precedent to rescue only your own people . A future PM should have thought of inclusiveness with elections not so far away. In all this, the real saviours the Service men, are forgotten. That is sad.


Floods in Lourdes, France

Heavy floods in LOURDES on Tuesday, June 18,2013, a little town with a population of 15000 people ,a popular Catholic pilgrim center located in SouthWest France, have left two dead and forced the closure of the Catholic pilgrimage site and evacuation of the pilgrims from nearby 400 hotels. Heavy rains around the region inunduted town centres and swelled the GAVE de PAN river, which flows through nearby LOURDES,burst its bank because of heavy snow melting down. Muddy floodwaters swirled in the grotto where nearly 6 million believers from around the world including India,many gravelly ill,come every year seeking miracles and healing. It has been a

major pilgrimage site since a French poor uneducated girl named BERNADETTE saw as many as 18 times the vision of the BLESSED VIRGIN MARY there in 1858. Thousands of miracles have taken place after visiting this holy site and drinking the Holy water. But only 67 cases are reported as true miracles by

the Church. The web site for the pilgrimge complex,which includes several buildings and a santuary nestled beneath a rocky hillside,carried a dramatic rundown of the rising waters. Rescue services evacuated hundreds of people from nearby hotels. Authorities were particularly concerned with bringing weak and sick pilgrims to safety. " A visionof the apocalyps in the Sainte Bernadette church, where the big movable partition is threathening to fall. The water has risen above the stairs of the choir" read one announcement.The water reached 1.5 metres ( above 5 feet) in the grotto. All lives were saved unlike in" (Uttarakand in India) ,says Jean Marie Attard, the head of the regional hoteliers association. by Herbert D. Barretto, Wadala


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July 15, 2013

Where has all the courage gone?

dent of the All India Catholic Union is the Salvation Church, Dadar case in 1993 or so). I am sure that several of your readers would like to know the stand and action taken on these issues by the "officially recognized" . Catholic organization, the Bombay Catholic Sabha (BCS). One gets to read precious little about eh BCS's activities in the Secular Citizen.

By George! Our courage has long gone with the wind, blown to smithereens! As individuals, we are too busy to even notice that! Busy with what? With fighting inanities, making mountains out of mole-hills and dragging on issues and non-issues alike into colossal, unending mountain ranges! Our associations - they are as bad as we individuals! Awards to toppers in board exams, organizing footcoms, sitcoms, dotcoms and all that we imagine ourselves to good at organizing like annual talent contests, none of whose participants or winners making it big in any significantsphere of life whatsoever! When the last elections to one of those associations was held, the Gensec of another sent out info to and through his mouth-piece: "In the recent elections of the Tick-tack-toe, John Johnson (names of individuals and associations in this letter changed for obvious reasons) lost the elections!" What cheeky garbage! Is that news? Is that what sensible journalism is all about? Would it not have been more prudent and proper to just say: "In the recent elections to the executive body of Tick-tack-toe, Justin Gomes was elected President, Marie Soza, Lizbet Illa and Arnie Moron were elected Vice Presidents and Rapael Cardoz was elected Secretary"? But how else would he have shown his glee at his cheapy delight? Education - As far as the state's education system goes, it sucks, while our reactive policy stinks, to say the least. The Constitution clearly guarantees us as a minority community the right to form our own University, and run our own educational institutions, which itself gives us the right to stand up against the uncanny rules and attitudes of the powers-that-be - but we won't! There's a lot more one can write alluding to Menezes' facts - much to fill all the pages of your esteemed periodical! But let's hold that for a while to see if

July 15, 2013

chhotebhai, Kanpur another secular citizen who is a believer has nerve to open his/her mouth or lift a pen or tap the keyboard of the computer. Kudos to George and his ilk who have the wisdom to do their spadework before they speak or right the truth that hurts and for then having the guts it takes to call a spade a spade without shovelling dirt on to someone innocent. Ladislaus L D'Souza, Malad West

Catholic Organisations in Mumbai

One must appreciate the effort of various Catholic organizations in Mumbai taking up different causes of the people, as highlighted in your issue dt 24th June. You have the cover story of a meeting organized with the Maharashtra State Minorities Commission by Dolphy D'souza of SOUL. They have raised several issues that effect the laity and which require Government intervention. There is another reporter a crusader Joseph Dias of the CSF protesting against a rosary worn on a seductive looking actress. There was also a report on the Association of Concerned Catholics raising the issue of sole trusteeship of Catholic Churches (an issue in which I, as the then National Presi-

Advice and Suggestion Everything is fair in love & war. To protect the religious property from being acquired by the Municipality for road expansion, it is worth & effective to shift and enlarge our grave yards in our religious premises towards the road. Muslims have done so and succeeded in saving their religious land. Let us do so and save our religious land. Malvani Church and Madh Church must do this to save the Church property which is being acquired by the BMC to expand & enlarge to 90 ft road. The Parishes and its institutions in Mumbai under the Archdiocese of Bombay will now be accountable to show the annual statement of accounts to its Catholics/ Parishioners under RTI. Alternatively, one can also apply and get the same through: Joint Charity Commissioner, Public Trusts Registration Office, Greater Mumbai Region, Mumbai, 2nd floor, 83, Dr. Annie Besant Road, Worli, Mumbai 400 018. Tel. No. 022 - 24929568. Similarly, if your Coop Housing Society does not give the information under RTI, than one can apply & get the same through the Dy. Registrar of the Co-op Housing Societies. Alphonso Tao



Director : Vikramaditya Motwane Producers : Shobha Kapoor, Ekta Kapoor, Anurag Kashyap and Vikas Bahl Starring : Ranveer Singh as Varun Srivastav and Sonakshi Sinha as Pakhi Cinematography : Mahendra Shetty FILM Music : Amit Trivedi Lyrics : Amitabh Bhattacharya REVIEW Costumes : Subama Ray Chaudhari


et in the early 1950 s, Lootera is a compelling love story with a difference. Pakhi is the only child of a Bengali Zamindar. Carefree and pampered, she is loved to distraction by a doting father who gently soothes her and watches over her when she is unwell. The Zamindar has a treasure trove of valuable artefacts which has drawn the attention of a group of con men. Their lives are never the same after Varun, an archaeologist, arrives at their doorstep with a letter from the Archaeological Society of India. He impresses the Zamindar with his expertise and knowledge. For the sheltered Pakhi, it is love at first sight! From the compelling chemistry of Pakhi and Varun unfolds a love story in which the stolen glances between the star-crossed lovers gradually but steadily capture the heart of the viewer. Subtle nuances of feelings are reflected on the faces of the two main characters, whose portrayal Ranveer and Sonakshi admirably excel at, holding the viewer enthralled. Ranveer has proved to be a versatile actor who can play totally different rolls with élan! If you expect to see elaborate sets, a song and dance extravaganza, then be forewarned! For there is no routine running around of trees to distract the viewer of this period romance! A serious film partly based on O. Henry s unforgettable story The Last Leaf, the movie does have its lighter interludes as when Pakhi gets behind the wheel of her father s car! On the eve of Varun s departure, Pakhi


By Monica Fernandes

Monica Fernandes is a freelance writer for whom writing is a satisfying hobby. She has written for several years for various magazines such as Woman s Era, Harmony, Alive, The Teenager, The Examiner and Together. She has authored a book for teenagers entitled Towards a Fuller Life published by Better Yourself Books. She lives in Mumbai and assists her husband, Nelson, in running an export business.

tells her father that she is in love with Varun. The Zamindar calls for Varun who readily agrees to marry Pakhi. The engagement is scheduled for the very next day. But alas! The happening of the engagement and the wedding were, as Pakhi and her father discover to their dismay, not to be.

guided loyalties. There is still a spark of love and tenderness in the soul of the most hardened criminal struggling to ind expression. Is there any way Varun can make up for the harm he has caused? To prove that there is, he makes a difficult choice but his good deeds bring him redemption and peace of mind. As for Pakhi, she realizes that where there is forgiveness there is hope for a brighter, happier tomorrow and life suddenly becomes worthwhile. How does the plot unfold? I d much rather the joy of discovery be yours in abundant measure!

Totally shattered by fate s cruel trick, the bubbly Pakhi is shattered and withdraws into a shell, and tries to forget that brief magical time when love filled the air. How her fortunes have changed in the twinkling of an eye! And as she tries to move on, Varun suddenly barges into her life.

The cinematography is excellent, the period costumes, all obviously carefully researched, a delight to the eye. The making of the film is said to have had its fair share of ups and downs, not unlike that of the lives of the two lovers in the film. Shooting began in December 2011 with the filming of a romantic song. Bad weather conditions destroyed the sets in Dalhousie causing a colossal loss. The second attempt at shooting the film in Dalhousie in March 2012 had to be abandoned when Ranveer injured his back. Part of the film was shot in Maoist territory with heavy police protection.

This movie clearly depicts the forces of good and evil in every person vying with each other, which force will win depending on the individual concerned. It shows how one can be swayed from the straight and narrow path by mis-

Viewing this thought-provoking movie, the making of which was finally wrapped up around end-August 2012 and released in July 2013, would be time well spent, an experience you d never regret!

July 15, 2013


Angel of Death

t s very good that we Catholics have the perspective of the Eternal City Rome with which to view our faith and our Church because to be quite frank, from an earthly perspective things aren t going to well. There are many who are troubled and deeply concerned; many in the Church and many leaders who to have lost the faith and the Catholic tradition. Stand firm, then, brothers, and keep the traditions that we taught you, whether by word of mouth or by letter. (2Thes2:15); are in all parts of the Catholic world. And here seems to be the root issue there are leaders in the Church today who seem to have simply traded out the authentic gospel for a fake gospel and on so doing have erected a kind of false Church one that many trappings of the Church of Rome but only a shadow of Her teachings. First the reality of sin and Hell are rarely mentioned in their homily. As a corollary the idea of saving souls is kind of ignored taken more or less as a given. Second this leads to the acceptance of a kind universalism the belief that nearly everyone goes to heaven if not in fact everyone. This neglect leads to a total ignoring of the Eschatology what is also known as the Four Last things Death, Judgment, Heaven, and Hell - the very things that the saints for nearly2,000 years have implored us to meditate on. Third all of this belief or better said LACK of belief has led to major abuses in the Holy Mass in catechesis in the devotional life and so forth. The entire Catholic life is dissolving and when you hear discussions like that in Rome you better believe it s troublesome. Paganism is growing very quickly and is embraced as a new popular culture, an alternative to the belief In the One True God. Thus says Israel s king and his redeemer, Yahweh Sabaoth: I am the first and the last; there is no other God besides

July 15, 2013

During the time of Jesus Christ on earth, there were the following religions: Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Zorasthan, and Judaism. Jesus Himself was a Jew, He would asked to follow them if there was salvation in them. Salvation is only in the name of Jesus. me. (Isa.44:7). It takes many forms. Most importantly, it will be presented as being harmless fun for those who dabble in new age practice and as being important part of personal development- a form of humanism and love of self. This global paganism was

- Capt. Mervin John Lobo foretold for the end times and for many people who cannot see it, for what it is. It is a love of self and of false gods in whom many place their faith, for the so called magical benefits they believe have to offer. Many, who look for diversions, in order to fill the emptiness in their souls, do this through the adulation of Buddha statues, which become central to their lives, their homes and place of work. Sidharth Gautam Buddha was an atheist, and was searching for the Truth. Among the 33 religions of the world, Jesus Christ is the only founder who died, resurrected, and ascended into heaven, He is the only founder who said I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. NO ONE can come to the Father except through ME . (Jn14:6). During the time of Jesus Christ on earth, there were the following religions: Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Zorasthan, and Judaism. Jesus Himself was a Jew, He would asked to follow them if there was salvation in them. Salvation is only in the name of

Jesus. An Atheist who may practice a good life, is kind and loving to others, helping the poor, should know that the Kingdom of Heaven is not yours. Scripture says: We were all like men unclean, all that integrity of ours like Filthy Clothing. (Isa.64:6). You must repent , Peter said, and every one of you must be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ ask for the forgiveness your sins and then you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit .Save yourselves from this perverse generation. (Acts 2:38- 40). For of all the names in the world given to men, this is the only one by which we can be saved (Jesus Christ) (Acts.4:12). Unless one has the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, and his sins are washed by the Precious Blood of Jesus, one can never enter the Kingdom of heaven. And the blood of Jesus, His Son purifies us from all sin. (1Jn.1:7). All of this has resulted in something greater than a crisis this may in fact be the most turbulent time the Church has ever experienced on a near global level. One Cardinal in fact was so concerned and disturbed recently that he went back to his home country and told some confidantes that there was no faith left even in Rome a slight exaggeration to be sure but an exaggeration pointing to a fearful reality Another glaring point that was freely expressed is that there are so many leaders who have given way and thrown their lot in with the worldly view of the Church, that the only solution at this point will be a visit from the Angel of Death. Be thankful that the truth is being given to you. The choice is yours, for God has given you the free will to choose between good and evil and He will never take this away from you, even when you choose the wrong path.


Pope Francis in Close-up

The first 100 days of a pope are not like the first 100 days of a president or prime minister or a CEO. A pope thinks long-term, and is under less pressure to put forward a series of short-term goals or programs. Most of the issues facing a pope transcend the pragmatic and the political. They require careful thought, prayer and consultation, not a string of policy statements. For journalists, though, 100 days is a marker that requires evaluation and commentary. It was certainly the hot topic at the Catholic Media Conference this week in Denver, where I gave a talk this morning to several hundred Catholic communicators. So what do we know about Pope Francis after 100 days in office? We ve had no important documents, few significant appointments and no earth-shaking reforms of the Roman Curia. But we do have a healthy dose of papal thinking and papal preaching on everything ranging from clerical careerism to sweatshop employment. And we have a number of papal gestures that speak volumes to people inside and outside the church. I don't want to recap Pope Francis 100-day greatest hits here. Instead, I d like to identify a few core characteristics and directions that seem to be emerging: 1. Francis has relocated the papacy outside the Roman Curia.

Roman Curia offices, deep inside the Apostolic Palace, and Francis would have been much more isolated there. He is a people person, after all. Second, the pope has named a group of eight cardinals now to be expanded to nine to advise him on matters of church governance and Roman Curia reform. Only one is a member of the Roman Curia. Nothing said more clearly that Francis intends to rely less on Vatican insiders and more on the world s bishops when it comes to governing. Third, much of the pope s preaching has come in morning Masses at the Vatican guesthouse, in off-the-cuff homilies that are brief, insightful and sharply worded. The Vatican bureaucracy doesn't even consider these homilies part of the pope s real Magisterium, and has yet to publish full texts. One reason, I think, is that unlike formal papal speeches, these extemporized talks don t go through the usual bureaucratic machinery. They are less controlled by the Curia.

First, choosing to live in the less formal V a t i c a n guesthouse instead of the papal apartments has Dr. Valerian Sequeira turned out to be a turns 75 on July 14 crucial decision, because geography counts at the He praises Vatican. The papal JHVH through apartments are surrounded by


Jesus Christ


Pope John Paul II Closer To Sainthood

Vatican City: Pope John Paul II has cleared the final obstacle before being made a saint, awaiting just the final approval from Pope Francis and a date for the ceremony that could come as soon as Dec. 8, a Vatican official and news reports said Tuesday. The ANSA news agency reported that a commission of cardinals and bishops met Tuesday to consider John Paul's case and signed off on it. A Vatican official confirmed that the decision had been taken some time back and that Tuesday's meeting was essentially a formality. One possible canonization date is Dec. 8, the feast of the Immaculate Conception, a major feast day for the Catholic Church. This year the feast coincidentally falls on a Sunday, which is when canonizations usually occur. The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he is not authorized by the church to discuss saint-making cases on the record, confirmed reports in La Stampa newspaper that John Paul could be canonized together with Pope John XXIII, who called the Second Vatican Council but died in 1963 before it was finished.

July 15, 2013

Well-known Konkani writer, poet and activist J. B. Moraes Celebrated his 80th birthday on 29th June 2013. The Celebration was organised by his four sons. He was also the Founder Editor of DIVO Konkani Weekly, a sister publication of The Secular Citizen. In the photo : J. B. Moraes with his wife (green sari) sons, daughtersin-law and grand children.


Thanks to Divine Mercy, Our Lady of Vailankani, Our Lady of perpectual Succor and St. Anthony —Ms Annie Maria Fernandes, Mahim

July 15, 2013


... Jude- O Holy St. Jude, Apostle and Martyr, Great in virtue and rich in miracles, near kinsmen of Jesus Christ, faithful intercessor of all who invoke your special patronage in time of need, to you I have recourse from the depth of my heart and humbly beg to whom God has given such great power to come to my assistance. Help me in my present urgent petition, in return I promise to make your name known and cause you to be invoked. Say three Our Fathers, three Hail Mary's and three Glory be's. St. Jude pray for us and all who invoke your aid. Amen. —Ms. Annie Maria Fernandes, Mahim



July 15, 2013

July 15, 2013


Come H el rH igh W a ter Hel elll O Or High Wa


ome hell or high water, we plan see his legacy. a family vacation every sum We stayed at the YMCA on the 17th mer. Our favourite hunting night, with Naresh Scott, the Secretary, ground is the Kumaon Hills, the eastern playing gracious host to us. We took part of Uttarakhand (UK); as it is within photographs of the brass plaque and easy driving distance of our hometown, marble tablet commemorating the event. Kanpur. Having exhausted all the I had with me photographs and press hotspots in Kumaon, my wife Meera cuttings of 1930, and felt rather proud of opted for Himanchal Pradesh (HP) this grandfather, who looked no less regal than the Viceroy or the Field Marshal! year. Grandfather made an inLittle did we know of the teresting endowment two hell cum high water that lay months later, on 1/9/1930. ahead? We hit the road from It was the Birdwood Gurgaon (my nephew Francis Sword of Honour, which generously loaned us his car) was to be presented to on the 16th June afternoon, when the rains had just bethe best cadet of the Ingun. The highway through dian Army at the Kitchner Delhi was already flooded. We College at Nowgong. had planned to tour the Could some army histo- chhotebhai rian please tell me what Kinnaur and Spiti regions of HP, as they have little or no happened to that sword? rain. Our son, Avinash, had cycled Other than the YMCA visit, Shimla through the region in the recent past, was horrible overcrowded and infested and got us hooked on to the windswept with monkeys. Parking is maddening. beauty of the Spiti valley. Infact, on the 17th afternoon, when we th actually hit Shimla, we decided to move All hell broke loose on the 16 night. Spiti, in eastern HP, adjoins the on to Mashobra for want of parking. At Garhwal Hills in western UK, the region Mashobra we were catching up with old devastated by nature that night. We friends from Kanpur, now in their eightwere still oblivious to what was unfold- ies. Seeing the beautiful cottages of Delhi s super rich in Mashobra reaffirmed my belief that if one has the money, there is no better place than India to live in! That is ofcourse a big if . When we actually left Shimla on the 18th morning we were headed for the Spiti Valley. But we got a rude shock.

ing ahead, as we spent the 16th night in Parwanoo, in the Shivalik foothills. The next morning we headed for Shimla, for a historic rendezvous. 83 years ago, on the 20th June 1930, Lord Irwin, the Viceroy, had inaugurated the YMCA building in Shimla. It was named the Birdwood Hall, after Field Marshal Sir William Birdwood, the then Commander-in-Chief of the Indian Army. My grandfather, W.C. de Noronha, who was then the Life President of the All India Cantonment Residents Association, had donated this hall. So I had to


The area had been hit by hell cum high water, as in adjoining UK. Even Virbhadra Singh, the Chief Minister, was stranded there, and was airlifted three days later. The tragedy in UK was still unfolding, as journalists and TV crews trickled in. Bereft of TV and newspapers we were still

oblivious to the natural catastrophe and human calamity. A seasoned mountaineer advised us to head north instead, into unknown territory. It was here that the GPS system on Mariam s phone gave us accurate directions to plan our future itinerary. That is how we came across Rewalsar, a quaint lake township in Mandi district. It was a pilgrim centre for both Buddhists and Sikhs, with a gurudwara at one end, and a Buddhist temple at the other. The latter was overshadowed by a colossal gold painted image of the Buddha. A naughty thought entered my mind. Had Mayawati visited Rewalsar she may have erected her own statue, bigger than the Buddha s! There was also a sobering thought. Why can t religions co-exist, as at Rewalsar, without stepping on each other s toes? On the 19th we drove 160 kms to Dharamshala, and were lucky to find a secluded hotel appropriately called the Pit Stop . The owner must have been a fan of Formula One racing. Next to this was the Pong View Hotel. The Pong mystery was yet to unfold. Since Mariam has been working in Mumbai for the last three years she longed for authentic north Indian food. Her desire was fulfilled at a roadside eatery serving authentic Punjabi Tandoori chicken and rotis. The next morning we turned the corner to McLeodganj, the home of the Dalai Lama. We tried visiting the Bhanunag Waterfall, which was even more crowded than Shimla. So we retraced our steps to McLeodganj where we had a sumptuous lunch at the Tibet Kitchen, including classic pork recipes of Tibet and Bhutan. We then visited the Dalai Lama s


July 15, 2013

temple. There was no entrance fee, and it was devoid of commercialism, so prevalent in most places of worship. Having visited Jerusalem in 1980, I recalled how even the place of the Lord Jesus crucifixion and resurrection are commercialized. Another interesting aspect of the temple was the near absence of security, even though the Dalai Lama is a marked man. Even the cash offerings were lying in open trays, unattended. People of different religious persuasions make different types of offerings like candles or agarbattis. Here, for the first time, I saw offerings of chocolates, biscuits, confectionery and juice packs. The most fascinating and intriguing experience at the temple was the tête-à-tête between the monks, which went on for almost two hours. They were all in pairs, with one sitting and the other standing. These pairs were engrossed in lively debates punctuated by the standing partner periodically lunging forward with a loud clap. There were hundreds of tourists, photographers, and curious onlookers.

But the monks went about their debates unperturbed. It reminded me of an observation of Pope John Paul I, whose papacy lasted just a month. He had said that a railway porter could sleep on a busy railway platform, unaffected by the sound of the trains thundering past. The lesson you can find God and peace even in the midst of your daily hustlebustle. On the way back from the temple we stopped at a Tibetan café. The coffee was as good as that of any of the big chains, at half the price and double the quantity. What caught my eye though was the grace of the lady attending to us. I presumed that she was the café owner. It turned out that she was the

July 15, 2013

waitress. She had fled her home in Tibet 10 years ago and was now fending for herself. Back in Tibet she was officially classified as dead , lest Chinese Govt officials harass her family. One wonders why we humans are so inhuman in our dealings with the weak and defenseless? From McLeodganj it was downhill again to the rock hewn temple of Masrur, in Kangra district. This again was off the

beaten track. According to the Archaeological Survey of India, which declared it a protected monument in 1912, there was a legend that the Pandavas had built it during their period of exile. However, it was discovered by the British only in 1875, and was devastated by the Kangra earthquake of 1905. There is so much of the rich heritage of our country that we don t know, and there is also much of it that the westerners made us aware of. Sadly, we Indians have a poor sense of history, which is why it keeps repeating itself. From Masrur s history we proceeded to unravel the Pong mystery. It is a 400 sq km artificial lake created by the Pong Dam, which has now been renamed the Rana Pratap Sagar. We were

fortunate to get accommodation at the Forest Rest House (FRH) at Nagrota Surian, as also permission to visit Rensar Island in the middle of the sagar, with the Forest Dept s motorboat. I have never seen such a vast expanse of boulderstrewn grassland, or inland water stretching beyond the horizon, as we did at Pong. In winter it is one of the biggest breeding grounds for waterfowl from

Siberia. Ironically, neither the Forest nor the Wildlife Depts know how to trap or track the migratory birds with rings or transmitters. For this they are dependent on the Bombay Natural History Society. Ever wondered what sarkari babus get paid for doing? The FRHs at Nagrota Surian and Rensar Island were all that they should not be ugly, hot, decrepit, cement structures; a far cry from the lovely wooden cottages that we have seen in Corbett National Park (UK), Dudhwa National Park (UP) and the Binsar Sanctuary (UK). Did anybody say that these were British legacies? Spot on. The last leg of our vacation was the (Contd.. on p. 16)


(Contd.. from p. 15) two days we spent at Dalhousie, again a motorist s nightmare. Tourist brochures refer to it as the Switzerland of India. Whoever made that claim has obviously not been to either Switzerland or Dalhousie! It was quite lousy. Since the 23rd was a Sunday we went for Mass at the St Francis Church; ministered by a frizzy haired (Sai Baba style), straggly bearded Capuchin, in his traditional brown habit and white cord. This is something rarely seen today in the extremely secularized and anonymous attire adopted by most religious and clergy. He conducted a maha aarti 3 times a day, in which several tourists participated, invoking God s blessings. In true Franciscan style the friar had a menagerie of geese, ducks, turkeys, pigeons etc in a large cage. Perhaps to augment the church funds, he had given out a small corner for a handicrafts shop. The shopkeeper was displaying his wares on some of the religious icons; seeing which I saw red, and had them removed. No wonder Jesus chased the merchants out of his father s house and upset their apple cart (cf Mat 21:12). The 600 km drive back to Gurgaon took us through the verdant Punjab and Haryana countryside. I must confess that I did not see any signs of poverty; so endemic in our country, in the 3 States and 2000 kms we traversed. We were cruising at 120 kmph on excellent roads, most of which were toll ones. We ended up paying about Rs 600/- in toll, a rupee a kilometer the price of development. Back in Gurgaon, weary travelers were welcomed by my sister Louise, with a repast of schezwan jumbo prawns, crabs and a peach n cream cake for Mariam s birthday. We returned refreshed and invigorated, hoping to hit the trail again next year, come hell or high water. Had we started two days earlier we could have been in deep trouble; had we planned our trip two days later we may never have embarked on it. We do also remember those who were not so lucky and lost their loved ones or livelihood. One must also salute those brave members of the Defence and paramilitary forces who risked life and limb to save others, come hell or high water.


Bloom, Shine, Be Happy! By William James BETTER YOURSELF BOOKS

58/23rd Road, Bandra West, Mumbai 400 050 - Tel: 26403312 - Email: Yr 2013 / Pp 115 / Rs 110/-

Bloom, shine and be happy! This is what life is for. But how do we bloom in order to shine and thus be happy? Here s the answer: No matter how bad or good you think life is, wake up each day and be thankful for life. Someone somewhere is fighting to survive (p 13).

phrases and narratives, either laced or linked with telling real-life stories, BLOOM, SHINE, BE HAPPY! symbolizes the audacity of hope , to borrow a phrase from US President, Barack Obama. The fallen and the failed will both be helped to gather the necessary courage to rise up. Are you hurting from the uncaring attitude of a friend or relative, or cheated by a trusted colleague? Do you feel let down in love or broken in marriage, or experience some setback in business? BLOOM, SHINE, BE HAPPY! exhorts you to neither worry nor give up even as it goes on to show you how you can always start again.

Life is essentially about connectivity. And what better way of fostering connectivity BOOK REVIEW None of us is born for a but by means of a story life of emptiness and By Ladislaus L D Souza whereby the reality of none of us can cause human life awakens in that to happen to anyone else. Consid- us a deeper understanding of what it ering that life is the most precious gift really means to bloom, shine and be one can ever give or receive, we need to happy! The author tells the story of a learn to appreciate it - every aspect of it. man with a brood of three travelling on This book emphasizes that the best a bus. The kids were constantly edgy, way to do so is to live life constantly in now crying, now screeching and genera state of gratefulness to the very giver ally making a nuisance of themselves, of life, viz. our Creator-God. It helps the running around wildly, the father himreader to master the art of both living self doing nothing to control them. While and giving, thus experiencing the most other commuters grumbled, he just sat fulfilling way to cherish life every pass- silent, all forlorn until, finally, a guy ing moment. walked up to him and told him off, Frankly, the topics dealt with in this demanding to know why he wasn t book are not entirely new, attests the disciplining his horribly behaved chilauthor, most of them re-visited pre- dren . He meekly apologized for the cisely in order to trigger fresh thinking ruckus, saying that his children were all just in case we ve lost touch with their tired, hungry and upset they had been significance, caught up as we all are in at the hospital with him all day hungry our own little, selfish world of individual- and that my wife died today [pp 72ism and parochialism [p 14]. However, 73]. The emotions this story has the the kind of negativity we experience in potential to stir within the reader should life can be considerable and varied. As be enough to convince one to stay has been famously said: He who has connected with reality in all its human faith has hope. He who has hope has aspects. The good news therefore is everything. It is towards that every- that each of the twenty-four chapters thing that William James would have includes a story! the gaze of the reader, whether adoles- Remember, you ve just one life to live. cent, young adult or grown-up, diverted And the world out there is waiting for through the contents of his book which you to bloom gloriously, shine brightly offers due guidance for facing life boldly and be ever so happy! So why wait? and living it successfully. Rush! Pick a copy of BLOOM, SHINE, An interesting collection of idioms,

BE HAPPY! Read! Rise up and live it up!

July 15, 2013

July 15, 2013


Tips To Save A Marriage From Falling Apart When marriage is falling apart...

Start talking to each other! And let go of your pride!

When a marriage is on the rocks, couples typically seek advice from friends, family and marriage counsellors. However according to relationship expert Mort Fertel, that's precisely the wrong thing to do. He suggests six unconventional steps that run counter to traditional relationship advice. Firstly go it along. One person's effort can change the momentum of a marriage, and very often, it's that effort that motivates the spouse to join in the process of saving the relationship. Secondly, stop asking yourself the wrong question. The key to succeeding in marriage is not finding the right person, it's learning to love the person you found. Know that absence does not make the heart grow fonder. In marriage, particularly in a broken marriage, absence separates people. It creates distance, and that's the opposite of what we're trying to achieve, which is closeness. Next is don't talk about your problems. Talking about the problems in a marriage doesn't resolve them. It leads to arguments and bad will. Besides, you'll never talk yourself out of a problem that you behaved yourself into. Marriages change because people change. Speak in the vocabulary of your actions. Marriage counselling does not work in most situations.


Most couples report being worse off after marriage counseling. Don't talk to family or friends about your situation. One of the most important values in a marriage is privacy: therefore, it's a mistake to talk about your marriage or your spouse to family or friends. It's a violation of your spouse's privacy and it's wrong.

Start being honest to each other and communicate the correct way as all couples should. Tell each other how you feel about each other whether it is that you have been unhappy with the way your spouse has been behaving or how he/she has been treating you. If you are the one receiving the honest feedback, please donÂ’t view it as criticism. Why would your partner criticize you anyway? It is also important that when you have this open communication, let go of your pride, let go of your need to be right. In this way, you can then really start understanding how your spouse thinks and be on your way of rebuilding your marriage! Learn how to communicate with your partner effectively. Next, resolve your issues. And be very truthful and work towards a solution together. After that, remember the solution and never re-visit the issues again! Bringing up old issues will never do any good for marriages. When cheating is involved, decide if you can forgive your partner or if you can let go of that affair. If so, remember the promises you have made to either forgive or let go.


The first thing to remind yourself of, when it comes to relationships, is that you cannot control or change someone else. With that being said, matters of the heart are probably the most difficult challenges we can have, because they involve another person—someone who has his own opinions, wants, and needs, and who will make his own choices, regardless of what you may want him to do or believe he should do.

Warning Signs of a Failing Marriage? 1. You fight and argue much more often than before and do so unfairly. 2. One or both of you show increasing disrespect for each other. 3. You and your spouse are no longer capable of communicating with each other in meaningful and productive ways. 4. Financial disagreements dominate your discussions and conversations. 5. You do not trust your spouse anymore.

July 15, 2013



Learn to apologise to others We may associate it with ego or pride, which is the reason why most people will never say sorry easily. Mistakes are a part of life and can be improved upon. However, some people prefer to stay in denial. The first step is accepting that you are wrong which is tghe hardest part. Apologies should be done as quickly as possible. They are supposed to be soulbaring. That's why, when done right, they are so powerful and rehabilitative. The best way to begin an apology is to express regret and empathy. Words alone do not make an apology. There's one more step to apologising that most people forgtet or don't even know about. You apology must include responsibility, and remedy.

A student was asked to write a signboard for the traffic rules near the college campus. He wrote: "Drive carefully! Don't kill the student, wait for the teacfhers." l


Not accepting your fault is the first indication of lack of personal growth.


In personal relationships an apology holds the key to coming closer.

Message for the week

God uses broken things beautifully. Broken clouds pour rain; brken soil sets as field; broken seed gives life to a new plant. If you feel you are broken, understand that God is planning to utilise you for some great cause...

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July 15, 2013

Not taking responsibility for wrongdoings makes us seem unsafe or untrustworthy.

Smart Study Tips Keep aside enough time to revise so that you don't get into a situation of last minute stuffing. As soon as you notice you are losing concentration, take a short break. l Experiment with alternative revision techniques so that revising is more fun and your motivation to study is high. l Eat healthy food. That will help you to improve your concentration level. l having beautiful notes and a perfectly highlighted textbook doesn't matter if you don't understand the information in it. l

l l l

One day Santa drinks too much. He said: Everything appears double to me. I can see two moons. Banta took out Rs. 1000 from his pickets and said: Santa, take these 2000 Rs that I had taken from you yestarday." l l l

A boy was asked to write the passive voice of I made a mistake Guess what he wrote..? I was made by a mistake

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What is common between Co-operative Societies & Domestic Households CAUTION Any resemblance to an existing society is purely coincidental

You join the Managing Committee of a co-operative society bubbling with confidence that with your management expertise, education, experience, the positions you have held you can make a difference. You soon realize that co-operative societies don t follow any Management Principles. Those sitting around the table remind you that they are simple folk they don t understand this Management stuff. They are on the committee to make up the numbers. They were assured that they would not have to do any heavy lifting work & attendance at meetings would not upset their rummy & rum sessions. Running a society is one of the toughest jobs in the country. It is like running a house-hold those who have to satisfy a wife & children know how tough this is everyone has a mind of their own, going in different directions. But in a society it isn t just one household but over a hundred. The M.C. Meetings are like football matches, where the ball gets kicked around on issues like the color of the peon s uniform or who actually wrote the minutes, dates when things happened or didn t happen, feeding of strays & dogs pooh. What is not said is more important than what is said. Every member is a free agent & expects to have her uniqueness respected. She expects to be treated differently, her views must be heard. Those who try to satisfy everyone are not appreciated by those who feel they were discriminated against. What is right about being on a committee is that as far as the members are concerned you are always wrong. You can please all the people some of the time, & some people all the time, but you can t please all the people all the time.


A member goes to the society office at 9.30 a.m. to sort out some matter only to be told that the Secretary comes after 11.00. But the earlier Secretary was here at 9.00? He worked to a different cycle. He had work to do in town after 11.00. The present Secretary starts his day after 11.00, after completing his walk, yoga, prayers,

Silivilization Part XIV - Francis Lobo

ablutions, etc. etc. After all this is honorary & free service to the members & they shouldn t grumble. The lawyer rings up that her bill has not been paid for months. The humor is lost on her when you say that the bill was lost with the case. The society office is like your home. You don t have to keep a file index or a location index telling you where everything is, you know exactly where to find stuff. You know it is under the bed, in the top right hand drawer, in the meat-safe, etc. A society with a perfect filing system

would qualify for a place in the Guinness Book. There is a statutory requirement of handing over & taking over of documents & files from one committee to the next. This is religiously attempted. But after one shelf is gone through the two committees decide that after all we are like one big family & should go on trust. We have the next five years to sort things out & we can always call on the old members for help. So they decide to adjourn for the joint drinks & dinner session to celebrate the installation of the new committee. Like in any family there is impulse buying. A new steel collapsible ladder is picked up at a sale the wooden one is too unsafe. Or potted plants are bought at the flower show for more effective landscaping of the society. Red nylon rope is bought to tie up the green netting around the badminton court. Working on the M.C. of a co-operative society is like being a mother in the home selfless service without any appreciation or hope of reward. You are only remembered when you are gone & there is no one to do the onerous tasks.

July 15, 2013

GROOMS GOA : Goan Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 29 years, Ht. 5 9 , Wt. 73 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn.B.B.A., working as a HR. Executive, working Abroad. Contact email : OR 9890656294 (Regd. No. 5936) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 31 years, Ht. 6 2 , Wt. 87 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. MBA, Banker, well settled. Seeks a bride below 29 years, tall, prefereably Mangalorean. Contact Email: anthony.eternity@ OR Mob.: 9820863381. (Regd. No. 5842) MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 38 years, Ht. 5 2 , Wt. 59 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn.HSC, Dip. in Hospitality Management in Hotel Operation, Management & Catering Technology Goa. Working as a Supervisor in Dubai Seeks a suitable match age between 28 to 34 years. Contact Email: / OR 9323189989 / 00971508460630 (Regd. No. 5839) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 28 years, Ht. 6 1 , Wt. 80 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. HSC + Diploma in HM, working on the Ship as a Steward. Seeks a suitable match. Email : OR 9821540938 (Regd. No. 5838) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 35 years, Ht. 175 cms, Wt. 75 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. B.Com., M.B.A., working as a Manager Bank. Seeks a suitable match. Contact : OR Tel.: 28628102 (Regd. No. 5837) MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 31 years, Ht. 5 6 , Wt. 75 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. Masters in Engineering, worked for American and Canadian Company, currently working in Pune, he is coming from simple background, intelligent and hightly qualified person Seeks a well educated girl with simple

July 15, 2013

MATRIMONIALS living and high thinking to match him preferably Goan. Contact email : OR Mob.: 9820660048 (Regd. No. 5827) MUMBAI : RC Mangalorean Groom innocent Divorcee with Catholic Church annulment and Legally Dissolved, No. issues from previous marriage, age 36 years, Ht. 5 7 , Wt. 70 kgs, Fair Complexion, B.E. (const) working as a Senior Software Consultant in a MNC in Mumbai, well settled having own accommodation looking for a suitable match from Mumbai based RC girls only. Contact : ashlym OR Mob: 9930244302. (Regd. No. 5824) VADODARA : RC 29 years, Handsome Bachelor, 5 7 , B.E. (Computers), India, M.S. (Computer Science), USA, working in USA as Software Engineer seek alliances from Fair, Good Looking, Well Educated Spinsters having decent, God-fearing family. Contact : 9727718280 Email : (Regd. No. 5821) MUMBAI: Goan Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 45 years, Ht. 5' 2 , Wt. 60 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. 10th Std., working as a A.C. Technician. Seeks a suitable match. (Regd. No. 5817) MUMBAI: Goan Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 35 years, Ht. 5' 6 , Wt. 70 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Undergraduate, Self-employed, having own bungalow type accommodation financially sound. Seeks a suitable Roman Catholic Spinster, simple, homely and having good family background age upto 32 years. Contact Tel.: 26480771 / 9223394713 (Regd. No. 5809) MUMBAI: Goan Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 36 years, Ht. 5. 6 ,

Royal Christian Family Helps In Choosing The Right Life-Partner

Serving Since 32 Years

Wt. 64 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. Chartered Accountant, C.A. by profession. Seeks a well educated, good looking girl with good family background, Simple and Godfearing. Email: OR Mob: 9833131001 (Regd. No. 5808) MUMBAI: Mangalorean Roman Catholic Divorcee, having one son 13 years and daughter 9 years, aged 38 years, looks much younger to his age, No Drinking, No Smoking, Ht. 168 cms, Wt. 70kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.Sc. (Navtical Science), woking as a Captain in Merchant Navy. Seeks a goodlooking, decent match. Email: OR Mob.: 9930012909 (Regd. No. 5807) BELGAUM: Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 48 years, Ht. 5. 10 , Wt. 62 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. 12th Std., Self employed. Seeks a simple, humble, godfearing homily girl preferable teacher or nurse. Contact Mob.: 9869222094 (Regd. No. 5806) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Divorcee, aged 36 years, Ht. 5. 7 , Wt. 70 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. HSC., well settled. Seeks a simple, humble, godfearing girl. Contact email : kennethmenezes OR 9619089645 (Regd. No. 5805) MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 29 years, Ht. 5. 11 , Wt. 70 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. 1st class Dip. Auto Engg., working as a Sales Asst., Contact Tel.: 02502348711 (Regd. No. 5799)

Address your replies to :

Regd. No. ROYAL CHRISTIAN FAMILY, 99, Perin Nariman Street, 1st Floor, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001.

To Place Your Matrimonial Advertisement Call: 2269 3578 OR 2265 4924 21

BRIDES MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Spinster aged 29 years, Ht. 5 5 , Wt. 68 kgs, Wheatsish Complexion, Edn. MBA (Finance) working as a Research Assistant in Pvt. Sector. Contact email : roshan.gomendes OR 9167140184 (Regd. No. 5938) MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Spinster aged 35 years, Ht. 154 cms, Wt. 62 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. B.Com., working in Flight Cabin Crew. Seeks a well settled graduate bachelor. Contact email : OR 9819041830 (Regd. No. 5937) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Spinster aged 30 years, Ht. 5 2 , Wt. 50 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. B.Com., CAIIB., working as a Officer in Private Bank. Only Child. Contact : OR 9869316408 (Regd. No. 5930) POONA : Tamilian Roman Catholic Divorcee, 1st marriage is annulled less then one year, good looking, aged 41 years, Ht. 5 4 , slim, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. M.Com., working as a Asst. Executive in Dubai. Seeks a sincere, genuine, trustworthy person below 47 years. Contact Mob.: 9423003578 (Regd. No. 5905) MUMBAI : Anglo Indian Roman Catholic Spinster aged 38 years, Ht. 5 3 , Wt. 68 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. B.Sc., MBA (HR) working as a AGM (HR) Contact email : OR 26771992 (Regd. No. 5929) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Spinster aged 29 years, Ht. 5 2 , Wheatish Complexion, Edn. MBA (Marketing) working as a Manager. Contact email: OR 25923985 (Regd. No. 5927) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Spinster aged 31 years, Ht. 5 , Wt. 50 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn.

Royal Christian Family Helps In Choosing The Right Life-Partner

Serving Since 32 Years 22

MATRIMONIALS M.A. B.Ed., Teacher by profession. Contact email : OR 9769775073 / 9819442577 (Regd. No. 5926) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Divorcee, aged 43 years, Ht. 5 , Wt. 42 kgs, Wheatsih Complexion, Edn. B.Com., working as a Office Assistant. Seeks a suitable match. Contact : 25948048 (Regd. No. 5899) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Jacobite Syrian Catholic Spinster, aged 31 years, Ht. 5 4 , Wt. 62 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. B.Com., MBA (Fin) working as a Customers Service. Seeks a suitable match. Contact email : OR 28954976 (Regd. No. 5891) MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Spinster, aged 26 years, Ht. 5 , Wt. 46 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.Com., working as a Customers Service. Seeks a suitable match. Contact : 9820251612 (Regd. No. 5890) MUMBAI : Keralite Divorcee (Marriage null & void) aged 30 years, Ht. 155 cms, slim, fair, good looking, Edn. M.S.W. working as a Sociel Worker. Seeks a suitable match. Contact Mob: 9819316338 (Regd. No. 5889) MUMBAI : Goan R. C. Spinster, 26 yrs., 5 2 , Wt. 55 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.Com., working as a EA to Director. Contact email : OR 28963423 (Regd. No. 5888) U.K : Goan R. C. Spinster, 30 yrs., 5 4 , Wt. 50 kgs, Fair and goodlooking, Edn. B.Sc., M.Sc., M.B.A., studied in U.K. and working as a IT Analasist. Contact email : / OR 9096690309 / 91-95-27261969 (Regd. No. 5887) MUMBAI : Goan R. C. Spinster, 25 yrs., 4 11 , Wt. 53 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.Com., LL.B., Advocate by profession. Contact email : OR 98205 07447 (Regd. No. 5886)

MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic parents staying at Vasai invite alliance for their spinster daughter, 26 yrs, 53 kg, 5 3 tall, simple, slim and good looking, holding a double post graduate degree in chemistry and working as a lecturer in an Engineering College. Alliance is sought from suitably qualified Mangalorean RC bachelors upto 30 yrs, with good family background kindly reply with details and a recent full size photograph to or Contact 9421428286 between 4 - 9 pm. (Regd. No. 5885) MUMBAI : Mangalorean R. C. Spinster, 32 yrs., 5 4 , Wheatish Complexion, Edn. HSC., working with MNC has an Executive Assistant to MD, Seeks a suitable well settled match. Contact : Email : OR 9820661181 (Regd. No. 5884) NASIK : Goan R. C. Spinster, 25 yrs., 5 6 , Wt. 55 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. B.Com., MBA, working as a Marketing Executive. Contact email : OR 9860082311 (Regd. No. 5883) MUMBAI : Goan R. C. Spinster, 37 yrs., 5 , 3 , Wt. 55 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.Com., working as a Crew Logistic. Contact Email : OR 9820059399 (Regd. No. 5882) MUMBAI : Goan R. C. Spinster, 36 yrs., 5 , Wt. 53 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. HSC, working as a Crew Logistic Contact : email : OR 9819220429 (Regd. No. 5881) Address your replies to :

Regd. No. ROYAL CHRISTIAN FAMILY, 99, Perin Nariman Street, 1st Floor, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001.

To Place Your Matrimonial Advertisement Call: 2269 3578 OR 2265 4924 July 15, 2013

CORREA CAR COOL Malad: Chincholi Road & Link Road Junction, Near Evershine Mall, Malad (West), Mumbai - 400 064 Tel.: 2878 3399 / 32233199 Fax: 2872 4635

Borivali: Opp. Olive Apartment & Tilak Complex, Borivali Link Road & Devidas Road Junction, Near Eskay Resorts, Borivali (W), Mumbai 400103. Tel.: 32183399

Email :


93212 41111 / 98694 41111

July 15, 2013



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July 15, 2013 Published on every Monday & Posted on Monday & Tuesday of every week Registered No. MH/MR/South-139/2012-14 Posted at Mumbai Patrika Channel Sorting Office, Mumbai - 400001.

Printed and Published by Lawrence Coelho at The Secular Citizen, 99, Perin Nariman Street, 1st Floor, Harihar Nivas, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001. Tel.: 2269 3578, 2265 4924 July 15, 2013 Printers: The Secular Citizen, Fort, Mumbai 400001. Editor : Philip Myaboo


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