Secular Citizen Vol.22 No.30 dated 29 July 2013

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29 July 2013



29 July 2013

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Vol.22 No.30 Monday July 29, 2013


99, Perin Nariman Street, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001. Tel: 2269 35 78 / 2265 49 24 Fax.: 2264 0996 E-mail :, Website: Editor-in-chief : LAWRENCE COELHO 1234567890123456 1234567890123456 1234567890123456 1234567890123456


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‘Thought for the week’

The measure of success is not whether you have a tough problem to deal with, but whether it is the same problem you had last year.

Contents pg. 3 - Judicial Activism Could Debilitate Indian Democracy, ... pg. 5 - Views on News pg. 6 - Parents Day – Appreciation Day ! pg. 7 - Reader's Views pg 10 - Celebrations pg 11 - Rest In Peace Cardinal Simon Pimenta pg 14 - A day in the life of Pope Francis pg 15 - Comedians Who Never Made Us Laugh pg 16 - Catholic Wedding Rituals pg 17 - The Spiritual Exercises... pg 19 - Inspiration pg 20 - Matrimonials

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Cover : Parents Day – Appreciation Day ! (Article on pg. 6)

29 July 2013

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Judicial Activism Could Debilitate Indian Democracy, Impact Social And Religious Minorities


ed up with massive corruption in the political and bureaucratic system and gross social in equity, the people of India have in the last ten years or so put all their faith in the country’s judicial system, specially the Supreme Court. So deep runs the faith in the Supreme Court that hapless plaintiffs approach it for just about everything – from issues of identity to definitions of religion, the right to food, life and livelihood. The court is seen as the sole scourge John Dayal of social ills, and targetted crimes, including gang rapes, custodial deaths and profiling by a deeply bigoted police apparatus. But with so many eggs in just one basket, it is inevitable a few will crack, and that a few will elicit a rotten judgment. And with a total judicial backlog of about 30 million cases, many will have to wait an eternity before justice is done. It becomes positively touch and go when decisions can impact tens of millions of people in core areas of identity and rights. The additional risk is the implied threat that unbridled judicial activism can do to democratic and republic institutions and processes, and how they can exacerbate the people’s growing distrust. Two recent controversial judgments by the Allahabad High court and the Supreme Court have shaken the political and social edifice. The Allahabad High court judgement seems to appeal to “people like us” and the apolitical and non ideological middle class by outlawing “caste-based” public demonstrations, meetings and rallies, so common during election time but not unusual on other occasions including birthdays of patron saints and political leaders. The middle class sees it as a blow to identity politics, specially the sort practiced by the Dalit leader Miss Mayawati, or the Backward community icon Mulayam Singh Yadav and their counterparts in other states of the country. But this is a body blow to marginalised and victimized people who for millennia have been disenfranchised and silenced by the social system, and now seek cohesion and articulation in such public meetings. Among those adversely impacted would be Christians, particularly Dalit Christians, for whom a public demonstration seems the only way to focus attention on persecution after meeting with failure in approaching the police or the courts. (Contd.. on p. 4)


(Contd.. from p. 3) The government and the courts do not suggest any alternate forums for such voices to be heard by those who exercise power, evolve policies and dispense both resources and justice. At the end of the day, the judgments kill democratic freedoms. Another Supreme Court judgement apparently strikes at democratic processes in the guise of cleaning up the electoral system of criminals. The Supreme Court affirms that people who do not have the right of vote – and those whose right to caste a vote is suspended because they are in jail – cannot also seek elections. Then it goes several steps forward and says that everybody who is in jail, whether as a suspect in a crime or any other violation of the law or after a conviction by a court, will be barred from election to Parliament or the State legislatures and local self governance institutions. There is no surprise in the middle class once again welcoming this as a historic judgment that will clean up the system. The ground reality in India is very

different. Not every lawbreaker and criminal is in jail. It is equally true that not everyone who is in jail is a criminal. Thousands of Muslim youth – those who have not been liquidated in extrajudicial killings called “fake encounters” – are in jail on mere suspicion of being terrorists. Most of them are eventually released, but by then they have spent the best years of their life behind bars. Also in jail are student protesting social ills, trade union leaders, and political and social activists, specially those working with Tribals and Dalits. There are also fears that Indian political parties who are in government at the federal level or in the states would in vindictive action put their political opponent in jail on trumped up charges to get them out of the election process. The courts have not said anything on how these abuses of the law will be prevented. For the small Christian community in India, the courts have dealt a very mixed clutch of judgements in the decades since Independence. Every time the community has gone to the Supreme Court seeking a protection of its

Constitutional rights to run educational and other institutions threatened by governments, the courts have found occasion to circumscribe them to an extent. The courts have also upheld the socalled Freedom of Religion Acts of various state governments which interfere with the people’s rights to a faith of their choice. A poignant example is the Dalit Christians’ request for statutory benefits as “scheduled castes” to compensate them for their historic marginalization in the obnoxious caste system. The courts many years ago said such benefits to Hindu Dalits [later to Buddhist and Sikhs Dalits, too], could not be given to Muslims and Christian converts from the same former untouchable castes. Ironically, Dalit Christians and Muslims are in court again seeking help in regaining those rights. Almost eight years on, there is no progress in the court. If anything, the so far false hope from the legal appeal has apparently impeded a more vigorous assertion of their rights by the Dalit Christians through democratic mass movements.


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29 July 2013

Mouring For The Dead In the decades gone by, it was customary for the mourners to cry aloud bordering on hysteria. There used to be screaming and howling. One started it and the other members of the family joined in. With every close relative or a friend of the deceased entering the house, the same thing was repeated. So much so that prayers were recited at regular intervals primarily to ensure that the mourners calmed down. When the coffin finally was shifted from the house for the Church / cemetery, there was real chaos with the mourners actually falling over the body and preventing it from being taken away. All this was understandable in the context of the situations and customs prevailing then. If the scenes were less dramatic, tongues would wag with some exceptions. It was also incumbent for the family members to wear full black or at least avoid bright colours in their attire. For widows it was more stringent. Any disregard to this accepted norm was taken as ‘no love for the dead’. What the society felt was more important than the mourning itself. Public opinion mattered as it shaped societal behaviour. Things have changed drastically since then and that too at a very fast pace. Mourners are more mature in their approach to death. There is no drama anymore. People have come to accept death as a natural process unless of course, if the loss of someone is premature or unnatural. Family members are more composed and accept condolences with a lot of grace. Today nobody wears black or even blue. Mournful attire is no longer considered important even for a widow. This is the result of women empowerment which unfortunately has not yet reached the villages. Mourning lasts for one year though after the month’s mind, it is on the wane and tapers gradually. Once the first anniversary is over, generally it is almost the end of the chapter. With society no longer dominating people’s actions, soon,

29 July 2013

VIEWS on NEWS like the shorter version of cricket, the mourning period will be limited to one month. *****

Food For Thought Come election season and it is bonanza time for the electorate especially for the poor and the marginalized. While politicians only talk about the poor during the off season, it is during the election time that they actually translate their concern into promises. A lot of freebies are announced by parties – from laptops to gold. The era of TV sets is over. There is competition among political parties to woo the poor. There are promises galore; of course, all at the cost of the public exchequer and that too only if they win. Parties not expecting to win can promise the sky but in doing so put the other parties in a fix. This has prompted the UPA government to go for the ‘kill’. Blaming the opposition parties for not allowing the parliament to function through disruptive politics, they decided to promulgate the Food Security Ordinance. This has infuriated the opposition parties. The Congress Party has made it a prestige issue and they are prepared to any length to bring the proposal to fruition. With JD[U] support, Congress can breathe easy. Mulayam [SP] is managed by dropping the DA case. On the other hand, the opposition is hell bent on creating a ruckus over the issue because otherwise the UPA will take full credit for it. Forget the economics; this shrewd move by the ruling combine has left the opposition worried. If that was not enough, now the UPA is trying to introduce cash subsidy for LPG in Modi’s backyard to blunt the latter’s move to provide piped gas which is in anyway costlier in Gujarat. The battle lines are drawn. *****

Puppy Love Narendra Modi appears to be

by Marshall Sequeira confused not knowing whom to impress. On the one hand he wants to woo the minorities and on the other he does not want to send wrong signals to the bigger constituency which he has nurtured post 2002. His actions / utterances of late do not project him as a mature politician. First it was the ‘rescue fiasco’ in Jharkhand and then a series of comments, though not derogatory yet unpleasant for the highly sensitive minority community. Modi baiters were quick to pounce on him. The puppy comment was uncalled for. He should have simply said ‘any human being’. There is a lot of difference between a puppy and a human being. Puppies are expendable – not humans. His assertion of being a Hindu Nationalist was deliberate. While telling the minority community that he was only joining two innocuous words - Hindu and Nationalist, he assured the larger constituency that he remains a hard core Hindu Nationalist with a distinct ideology. Those two words are harmless if taken individually but when put together they mean something different and explosive. The message that is conveyed, in the process, is certainly not going to help him win minority votes. Here is a man who is aspiring to be a PM, yet antagonizes people with irresponsible comments. It is time he shows statesmanship and inspires the electorate that if he dons the mantle of PM-ship, his will be an ‘inclusive’ approach. He wants people to forget 2002 but steadfastly refuses to apologize. Puppy love will not garner votes. Unfortunately, he himself is hiding his real persona under a burkha.


Parents Day – Appreciation Day ! E veryone likes Appreciation, whether it is from colleagues at the work place, from members in our co-op. society, from people in the neighbourhood, members of associations we belong to, from members of the family. Appreciation sure is a good thing, and when that appreciation does not come our way, we feel sort of disappointed. As parents, we too would like to see some appreciation from our children. But, many a time, we find that does not happen. I think with parents it is a little different though; they take it all in their stride. They are able to do this probably, because of their ‘unconditional’ Love for their children and that is what keeps them going, enables them to give their best.

Is it easy being parents ? Certainly Not ! Nicholas Sparks, an author, writes Melville X. “What it’s like to be a parent: It’s one of the hardest things you’ll ever do but in exchange it teaches you the meaning of unconditional love.” We need to ask to ourselves, what do WE give our own parents for the Love they shower upon us, for all that they do for us – instead, we take them for granted? As we celebrate Parents Day on the 26th of July, we could take a closer look at Mary & Joseph, the parents of Jesus. Did they also struggle in life as other parents do ? Yes, they must have. Were they educated ? – they were ordinary people. Mary was a peasant woman and Joseph was a carpenter.


They too had difficulty understanding Jesus like any other parents. They also must have felt let down, like for instance, when Mary and Joseph went searching for Jesus from their way back from the pilgrimage at Jerusalem. And, when they had found Jesus, they said to Him, ‘why have you done this to us, don’t you know your father & I have been worried and searching for you ?’ And what does Jesus have to say, ‘why were you looking for me, don’t you know I must be about my Father’s business’? Certainly, this was too much for Mary and Joseph to understand, but they kept all this in their heart. What about our children ? Do we understand them ? Do they understand us ? Perhaps Mary & Joseph could serve as a model for us parents.


Recently, I was at the Felicitation function of Bishop Savio. At the end of his Thanksgiving speech in which he thanked a host of people – priests, nuns, relatives, friends, Cardinal Oswald Gracious who was present at the function, and others who have had an impact on his life, there was a thunderous applause. That seemed to be end of his talk, but then he moved from the centre of the hall to the sides where his mother was seated on a wheel chair, and he said, it is those who are closest to us whom we tend to take for granted. And then he went on to praise his mother, about how she had managed to bring up the family after his father had passed away, in those difficult times. The point is, we tend to

take for granted, those who have been responsible for our upbringing, especially the mother – how true!. Parents Day is approaching and once again there will be a celebration, the focus will be on parents. After that, what ? they are forgotten ! For those of us who have our parents around, it would be fitting to pay tribute to our parents now in their lifetime. Tomorrow it may be too late. After they are no more, we go back in time and wish we would have done things differently, maybe, we would have shown them a little more concern. As I look back today, I can feel the loss, especially the loss of mummy. Could I have visited her a little more often ? I think of all the struggles she went through to ensure that our needs were met – sufficient food, clothing, education, etc., besides shielding us from outside forces. I can see her sitting there at the table, going down memory lane – about her struggles in her earlier days, the twists and turns life had taken over the years, and so many other things. I look at that picture on the wall

“W hatt is home Wha without a MOTHER MOTHER”. which says,

How true, what IS a home WITHOUT A MOTHER ? I remember what papa would say, ‘what a home, what a mother !’ And I say to myself, yes, “What a Home” – such a nice ‘home’ you have created for us, and “What a Mother” – what a caring mother you have been to us, a large family of eight sons, we couldn’t ask for more! Happy Feast to All Parents !

29 July 2013

Relief Material For Uttarakhand Victims

Recently, a leading national news channel displayed shocking pictures of relief material despatched by the Uttarakhand govt. for the residents of some of the villages in the state, who were rendered homeless and without food and water for days after the devastating flash floods. While the grain unloaded from the trucks was insect-infested and unfit for human consumption, the clothing sent was also torn, full of holes, and unusable. Earlier it was reported that small hotels in the vicinity, also made a fast buck , capitalising on the plight and misery of the victims by selling eatables and foodstuff at unbelievably high rates. It is a shame and a crime that such things keep happening every time the nation is plagued with a national calamity and the beneficiaries of the national relief funds are the middlemen involved in their distribution. Is it not the moral obligation of the people of our country to reach out to their people in times of distress and suffering ? Or, is it that we have become too self centred to be concerned about others. It is now hoped that the proposed monetary relief of Rs 5 lakh / by the Uttarakhand govt to the kin of the deceased and the missing, reaches the correct persons , given that the number of missing people is still to be ascertained and in the region of 6000/. —A. F.Nazareth, Alto Porvorim

Receiving of Holy Communion This has reference to Deniz Khan"s letter ( S.C.july 8/2013)On account of the introduction of the change ( option ..on tongue or on hand) confusion and diminution of devotion have been present.Even some cases of theft and abuse of the sacred host has been reported in many parts of the world. Though the option was given,Pope John Paul and Pope Benedict XVI said on few occasions that they prefer the way of receiving on

29 July 2013

the tongue. In some countries many people receive on tongue by kneeling down. This is the practice in few places in the U.S.A and Australia The fact that we are receiving the body and blood (in some countries the sacred blood is given to the communicants) of our Lord Jesus Christ and so we must receive it most humbly and devotedly must be announced often for the benefit of all. I am sad to say that I had the experience of being refused " to receive on tongue" by a priest in India.I had to go to another priest to receive the Eucharist on my tongue .........may be priest,s ignorance of the rules or his stubborness and ego. Let us have more devotion —K.C. Thomas

Make Rules Equal To All Very loud music till late in the night during Hindu festivals has made life miserable for Mumbai residents. Complaining to the police does not help, as they themselves are hand in glove with the organisers. When it comes to Catholic weddings, the music has to be stopped at 10 p.m. sharp. Is this fair? Catholics too should also be allowed to play their music till 12.00 midnight during weddings. —Jubel D’Cruz, Dombivili

Security Gurds – Fitness Levels In light of the recent spate of

crimes, I have some worthy points to share which, if implemented could help lead safer lives in Mumbai. The concept of employing security guards is nothing less than a joke today. Regardless of their fitness levels, ability to combat with criminals or judge strangers – many security agencies employ every Tom, Dick and Harry as security guards. What is worse is that 90% of the guards employed in society buildings, ATM kiosks and even shopping malls are paid a pittance and do not enjoy even the most basic benefits. This matter should be brought to the notice, so skilled guards can be employed with decent salaries and logical working hours. With all that is said, it is time Mumbaikars take all possible precautionary measures, work hand-in-hand with law enforcement agencies and assist them in any way they can. —Oliver Peter D’ Souza, Vasai.

Communalism Vs Secularism I have read with interest your Editorial dated July 1, 2013 and the earlier article about Modi by Mr. John Dayal. At the same time I have been daily watching on the T. V. the rise of Mr. Narendra Modi on the National scene as face of BJP. I am a little surprised in what both your articles are conveying with regard to the impact of Modi is having in polarizing the Indian Society. It is plain from the beginning, as soon as Modi was officially appointed as the one who will take charge of planning for the coming Parliamentary elections, he has carefully planed to use both the Economic Growth and Hindutva to polarize the voters. Modi will use the RSS to spread the Hindutva to overcome the Caste divide which goes against BJP. For all practical purpose Modi has given up trying to get the votes of Muslims and Christians. He will do his best to ensure to get the Buddhists,Jains & Sikhs to side with the Hindutva brigade. The danger is that if all secular forces are not awake to this danger and take


required safe guards it will be too late to stop this rapidly building communalism taking over our governance. We in India will land to be to be to a situation similar to what is happening in Egypt these days. So what we should do as Christians. I think the Christians in South Kanara have given a clue. They got rid of BJP by trying to ensuring every eligible Christian had a voting card and on the date of voting actually voted. They also took part in debates in the press and Internet to defend Secularism. Our Christian youngsters should be encouraged after some training to take on Modi brigade on Face Book and Twitter to take up the cause of Secularism. It is time for Christians specially in Mumbai to wake up to the danger we face in the coming two elections. —Eric D'Sa

We Need Fearless Leaders My wife and I are sad to know that our dear Norbert D’Souza is no longer with us in this world but certainly he deserves the rich reward promised by our Saviour as I will mention a case below. It is because of fearless leaders like Norbert, Mr. Anthony Vellara, chhotebhai and our great, revered leader, Mr. George Menezes who always fought for the deprived and powerless that I took up the case, in a prestigious school in Kolkata, of a sweeper, whose son was not given admission because he was a sweeper’s

son. Even our entreaty to the Principal and the hierarchy that the small boy be given admission as he was a Catholic and his father was a member of the staff, fell on deaf ears. With the encouragement of the AICU leaders mentioned above and Fr. Horace Rozario, S.J, the Editor of The Herald, Calcutta, we had a dharna in the school premises but it was of no use because hardly anyone, including the school staff and the hierarchy, supported us. I was a member of the staff. The hierarchy said that they could not interfere in the school affairs while preaching that our first preference was always for the Catholics and the weaker sections. We failed the case but the memory of what we did for the good of a sweeper’s son and the backing we got from Norbert and the AICU officebearers including the Bombay Catholic Sabha, led by Mr. Dolphy D’Souza, cannot be forgotten! May Norbert’s Soul Rest in Peace! In the same issue (Secular Citizen July 8, 2013), my wife and I were happy to read George Menezes’ article. It is true that today we have a young and dynamic leader in Mr. Eugene Gonsalves from Kolkata as President of the AICU but we need more fearless leaders like George, Vellara, chhotebhai and Norbert to support him. Thank you George for your inspirational article and for truly pointing out the great leaders we had. I was happy to hear too that you gave a word of praise to Mr. John Dayal (though you did not mention his name). He is truly putting himself out of the way to help the community. —Dominic J. Azavedo

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Marriage Preparation Course At Infant Jesus Church, Dombivli/Thakurli Sahaya Parish Family Service Centre of Infant Jesus Church,Dombivli/ Thakurli conducted its 17th successfulmarriage preparation course for Thane Deanery on 13th and 14th July 2013. The total participants who attended were 71 in number, Out of which 33 were couples and 6 Twere singles from all over Bombay and neighbouring Dioceses. The resource persons for this marriage preparation course are from Thane (north) Deanery and are trained by Snehalaya Family Welfare Centre,Bombay. Sriranjini one of the participant thanked the Parish Priest Fr. Peter D'Cunha for organizing this marriage preparation course on behalf of Thane (North) deanery. The next marriage preparation course will be held on 5th and 6th October 2013. For registration contact Infant Jesus Church Dombivli/Thakurli.. (Breakfast, lunch and tea will be provided). Prema Sequeira, Lay contact for cells & organization. 9820171788

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29 July 2013

New Direction, New Begining Gujarat Mahila Arthik Vikas Nigam Ltd. Gandhinagar and Kaira social service society, Ahmadabad joining together “One New Disha, New Beginning” means Umeed general internal training of Computer class, Beauty parlor class, and sewing classes started on 1st June 2013, at KSSSSaradarnagar, Amansetu-Gomtipur, Anandvihar-Vatava, Malai Vikas Centre-Thaltej, Bhalrashmi-Vataman, Matruchaya-Balasinor, St. Ann’s Convent-Mehmdabad, S.M.I. sistersKathlal, Jesus and Mary ConventKhambhat, St.Ursula Centre-Amod, Xavier Vihar-Karamsad and in Mirzapur. In 12 centers in districts of Ahmadabad, Anand and Kheda, where 120 classes are held for six months where 3000 Women from different religion and caste would be strengthen. To strengthen and make capable economically to grow by themselves and live respectful life and therefore for minority Women who 18-35 years of age, the training program arranged to

bring them up. The duration of this course is three month and four hours of everyday they are prepared by experienced instructor where they are provided with theory and course materials. After completion of the course there will be examination and then Government certificate with 250 Rs. /- stipend will be given to the participants. In today’s literate world, those who want to join in the training, must studied minimum fifth class so that they can write and read and can do own work in the bank. Preferences would be given to the B.P.L., Handicapped, and widow and abandoned so that they can join in main stream. At the end of this Scheme, according to need based of Women those who can earn independently, for them by filling the Ghardivada Yojana form and provide the subsidiaries loan so that they can do their business and do maintain the family. —Shailesh J. Khambhaliya KSSS –Ahmedabad.

Fr. John Mohandas At The Launch Of Melvyn’s Book

In a simple ceremony at Saint Mary’s Church, Calcutta, Fr. John Mohandas, Parish Priest, released the book, Theology of the Catholic Faith written by Melvyn Brown, founder of the Ambassadors For Jesus, a lay Catholic movement. (See pic). The event coincided with the Year of Faith which will end in November 2013. Melvyn has designed, published and circulated colourful posters promoting the Year in the Archdiocese of Calcutta, for the propagation of the Catholic Faith ever since January 2013. by a Correspondent

What is a 'Circulating Capital'

Mumbai contact:

Cyprian Albuquerque Tel. 9821589600 / 28899609 29 July 2013

The portion of an organizations investment that is continually used and refilled in on-going operations. Circulating capital can consist of operating expenses, raw material stock, inventories of finished goods or physical capital on hand. Circulating capital is the opposite of constant capital. By circulating capital you will get a better understanding of how much capital is tied up to generate profit.


Celebrations G

oans know how to give you the best where dinner, dancing & drinks are concerned. They have excelled as chefs & musicians. As for drinks, from their early years they have learnt to distil & consume feni, the Nectar of the Ghats. World-wide this talent with liquor has been recognized to the extent that the world’s largest liquor company, Diageo, has now appointed a Goan, Ivan Menezes, to head its operations. The Goans show off these talents through celebrations — A true Goan will celebrate for any or no reason. She will celebrate a birth, a christening, an engagement, which must be followed by a bigger celebration at the wedding, a death and the month’s mind 30 days later. She celebrates the miraculous graduation of the good for nothing son, his going away to the Gulf & his unexpected visit several years later when everyone had given him up as lost. I was invited for a birthday party recently and was pleasantly surprised to hear the toast being raised to celebrate my talents and virtues, most of which I was unaware of. Then suddenly the eulogy switched to my wife and children — the names mentioned brought me to my senses — the Francis that was being toasted was not me but the one whose birthday was being celebrated. Birthday celebrations start with the first birthday, when the kid knows nothing about what went on to bring her into this world. I remember the first birthday of a girl down the road. The party was brought suddenly to an end. The news was on the radio. Mahatma Gandhi had been shot. I remembered this because the birthday girl, now a senior citizen, was at the party I attended. Though a Goan, I have never been able to master any musical instrument. The guys strumming the guitars always told me “It is so easy”. It is like the IT folk who tell you mastering the iPad is so easy. But you fail to understand how


The Goans show off ..... talents through celebrations — A true Goan will celebrate for any or no reason. ..... will celebrate a birth, a christening, an engagement, which must be followed by a bigger celebration at the wedding, a death and the month’s mind 30 days later. they managed to retrieve the message you wanted from the archives or to restart the system which mysteriously broke down. Recently I saw on the Internet Vladimir Putin singing “On Blueberry Hill”. I realized the Power of Music to have its appeal irrespective of age or

Francis Lobo position. It makes one acceptable, loved & respected. It brings happiness. Those who join in want to be part of the Happiness of the Occasion. As the guitars strummed I saw happiness written on

the faces of the seniors, who though they couldn’t utter a note, participated in spirit. The only one with a serious face was a guitarist. My analysis was that he was trying to keep up with the other musicians & straining his ears to play a tune he was not familiar with. At my age I have many reasons to celebrate starting with being able to get up in the morning with going to bed at night. I celebrate the ability to enjoy a good meal & the noise and laughter of children. There is so much to do that I have no time to feel sad. And when everything seems quiet and peaceful there are enough folks around to create turmoil and trouble. THIS IS THE LIFE! CHEERS!!

29 July 2013

Rest In Peace Cardinal Simon Pimenta


ardinal Emeritus Simon Pimenta, the second cardinal of the Archdiocese of Bombay, passed away on Friday night 19th July 2013 at the age of 93 at the clergy home in Bandra. He passed away at 8.30pm on Friday. The clergy said that the cardinal was not suffering from any ailments at the time. "The news came as a shock to us. I used to meet the cardinal regularly at his Bandra home and met him last before my ordination as the Bishop in June," said auxiliary bishop Savio Fernandes. "In fact, I was in Bandra yesterday to meet a priest who had a heart attack, and the priest told me after his recovery that the cardinal was doing fine and was happy." Cardinal Simon Ignatius Pimenta, Archbishop emeritus of Bombay (India), was born on March 1, 1920 in Marol, a suburb of Bombay. He did his studies

in philosophy and theology at the seminary of Bombay, and obtained a baccalaureate in pedagogy and mathematics from the State University. He was ordained a priest on December 21, 1949. In 1954 he obtained a doctorate in canon law from the Pontifical Urban University in Rome. Upon returning to Bombay, he served as assistant pastor, secretary to Cardinal

Valerian Gracias, vice-chancellor, and defender of the bond. From 1959 to 1960 he was parish priest of the Cathedral, professor of liturgy at the seminary, episcopal vicar for the formation of young priests and for the liturgy, and rector of the major seminary St. Pius X. At the same time, he also published some works. On June 5, 1971, he was appointed titular Bishop of Bocconia and Auxiliary of Bombay, receiving episcopal ordination on June29 of the same year. On February 26, 1977, Paul VI nominated him Coadjutor Archbishop of Bombay and on September 11, 1978 he became Archbishop. As Archbishop, he called for a diocesan synod and was very active in pastoral and charitable activities especially in managing 12 hospitals and 44 dispensaries, and has dedicated much to catholic education. He served as president of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of India for three consecutive terms until 1988. Created and proclaimed Cardinal by John Paul II in the consistory of June 28, 1988, of the Title of S. Maria Regina Mundi a Torre Spaccata. He became Archbishop Emeritus of Bombay on 8 November 1996 with the appointment of Ivan Dias as his successor in that see. He died on 19 July 2013.

25th Birthday Remembr emembrance 25th Birthda Birthdayy R Remembr emembrance ance Your life on earth was innocently pure Each moment with you we still treasure, We miss you sorely that is true But we know you are happy in the great wide blue.

A tribute of love from: Loren Rasquinha Born: 5-8-1988 O Died: 23-12-1995

29 29July July2013 2013

Father: Isidore (Babu) Rasquinha (Joyce Caterers, Kamani - Kurla) Mother: Leena Rasquinha Sisters: Haisintha and Liyandra Brother: Aarain and entire family

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29 July 2013

29 29July July2013 2013

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A day in the life of Pope Francis Francis’ alarm clock goes off at 4:45 every morning in room 201 in St. Martha’s House, when everything is still pitch black. Such an early start to the day means Francis has to have a siesta after lunch. Juan Perón called this time of rest an “almost liturgical must” which made it possible for him to fit “two mornings” into his day. The first few hours of Francis’ day are dedicated to prayer and meditation on the Readings which the Pope comments on, in the brief homilies he gives in his morning masses in the chapel of the place he likes to call the “boarding school”, commonly known as St. Martha’s House: a simple and modern building decorated with lightcoloured marble and stained glass. The Bishop of Rome sits in the pews at the back of the chapel to pray. These spontaneous but not completely improvised morning

preachings are one of the most important changes of the new pontificate. And this is where the third leg of our journey begins. The Pope is assisted by cardinals, bishops or visiting priests and the masses are attended mostly by Vatican staff – from IOR staff to rubbish collectors - and their families. Francis greets all of them one by one and then has breakfast in the St. Martha’s House “common room”. For Francis, being with people and hugging them one by one is in no way a chore or a waste of time: in Argentina he would spend whole nights listening


They Prayed and Favours Granted

All your family problems, financial needs, purity, dangers, job, housing, happy death and other needs, pray to your favourite Saints from the bottom of your heart. Announce the favours granted.


Thanks to Divine Mercy, Sacred Heart of Jesus, O.L. Of Perpetual Succor and Infant Jesus for the kind favours granted — T. J. F. Rodrigues, Navi Mumbai


to confessions without wearing his cardinal’s insignia, so anonymously, when big pilgrimages to Our Lady of Luján would take place. The man who deals with requests to participate in the Pope’s morning masses and sends out invitations is a priest from the northern Italian city of Bergamo, Fr. Tino Scotti. The Pope/ parish priest breaks the Gospel down for and with the faithful who attend the mass, in such a way that Vatican Radio is able to provide a summary of what Francis said, just two hours later.

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Heartful thanks to

The Holy Spirit for the favours granted —Mrs. Lorna A. D'Souza, Pune

29 July 2013

There were good actors, bad actors and very good bad actors


he leading men and the ladies in bollywood are sons and daugh ters of the leading men and the ladies of the super seventies! Only the times have changed, but stars remain the same. And don’t be surprised, during award ceremonies that they refer eachother as ‘aunty’, ‘Uncle’, Beta’, Beti!!! They literary mean it, all are somehow related to one & other. But here we take a look at some of the actors drubbed as ‘comedians’, and hence were in a mission to make us breathlessy-laugh, but never able to succeed. These actors ( call themselves actors) insulted our common sense, tested our patience, increased our blood pressure, made us bang our head against the wall, robbed our precious time and money and made us hate bollywood and everything associated with that.

Comedians Who Never Made Us Laugh

movies with similar sequel and theme. Whenever his movies are played on television today, one feels like pelting the remote at it. Govinda’s comedy sounded like brass brand played in a funeral possession.

Khader Khan: In the turbulent decades of bollywood, there ruled a turbulent actor, who amplified the turbulent times (the 80’s and the 90’s) that bollywood was going through. Khader Khan can Shakthi Kapoor: The man whose role be safely called as the ‘Father of Bad supported another embarrassing actor Govinda, that together Comedy’. Khan mostly earned them the title as played supporting roles, ‘Disaster Duo’. Shakti as a ‘brain frying’ father or Kapoor played roles that a brainless grandfather or more often resembled his simply a retarded old bufoff-screen mind-set. foon. Khader Khan’s deKapoor portrayed himself livery was loose, his comic as a shameless timings was offbeat and womaniser, a louddidn’t even bother to immouthed jerk and an eleChris Emmanuel Dsouza prove it. Neverthless, he ment in the movie that was a regular pick up by torments the audience, each time his directors and the disastrous scripts jammed well with Khan’s shady perfor- face appears onscreen. Even to the extent where, people used to hate mance. SkaktiKapoor look alikes! Govinda: Following Khader Khan’s footsteps was an overweight, shapeless Tushar Kapoor: with his sisters grace, bodied, loud noisemaker, who could the junior jithendra was rammed into dance. Govinda never attempted to the silver screen in early 2000’s. improve his physique or his acting skills. TusharKapoor’s facial expressions, his Govinda relied heavily on creepy dia- peculiar voice, his confused looks and logues that were annoyingly unpleas- vast inability became the object of ridiant and were largely un-laughable. He cule. Tushar started as a boy next door created a record of twenty consecutive romantic lead, and saw his films being

29 July 2013

bombarded at the box office, so this brave gentleman decided to turn to comedy! And what followed was filth and garbage, TusharKapoor made films that shouldn’t have been made by professional filmmakers and certainly not for the well educated 21st century audience. His dialogues forces one to leave the seat and run out of the theatre in frustration. Johny Lever: As a talented stand up comedian and mimicry artist, Johny Lever burst into the stage and screen world in the mid eighties. He often imitated and parodied Politicians, actors and famous personalities. But eventually when he got into bollywood, due to the substandard scripts, Johny Lever lost his midas touch, with once he used to make his audience laugh. By the late nineties Johny Lever era began to fade away, as he failed to innovate his comic skills and delivery. And with the emergence of comic power lords like Rajpalyadav, Suresh Menon and the enigmatic BomanIrani, the filmmakers began to ignore Johny Lever, and was never considered as the first choice comedian. Akshay Kumar: Akshaykumar’s roles were composed of abusive-humour, foul language, hyperbolic action sequence, unsuitable dialogues and over estimatedself image. Akshay Kumar’s egoistic attitude has made him demand abnormal pay price and profit sharing ratio, undue to his credit. Akshay’s movies makes you to tear down your sofa with rage, as he pinpoints his female co-star in ‘Rowdy Rathore’ as ‘Maal’ atleast five times and breaks all moral codes in ‘KambakhthIshq’ using worst kind of foul slang’s, never used in Indian cinema. However, traditionally bollywood has been blessed with majestic supporting actors with genuine class and elegance.But eighties and nineties of Bollywood were the most disappointing. Where Mafia overtook bollywood and influence replaced merit. The Stars of the yesteryears had begun introducing their spoilt brat good for nothing children into the industry, whereby creating a vicious cartel system. That has ruined the magic of creative humour and haunts every form of art to this day.



Catholic Wedding Rituals

n Christianity, marriages are con sidered to be a union between man and woman, predestined by God. Christian wedding rituals are conducted in church, amidst all friends and family members. Wedding banns (or notices) are read at each other’s parish church during Mass for three consecutive Sundays, calling for any objections to the union from any of the parishioners. This is done to safe guard the interests hood/spinsterhood. With the ceremony of both the parties, so that neither of of 'roce', the wedding celebrations begins. Both, the bride-to-be and the them may get cheated in the end. A week after the last banns is groom-to-be have to undergo this ritual read, the priest from the girl’s church in their respective homes. This cersends a no objection letter to the boy’s emony also signifies the mother's love parish priest and the priest from the towards her son or daughter. The boy’s church, sends a no objection guests, who are invited for the ‘roce’ letter to the girl’s parish priest. Then the ceremony, are warmly welcomed by the hosts. wedding preparations begin. East Indians (Maharashtrian After this, there is the formal hen party known as the bridal shower. All Catholics) conduct a ceremony called the unmarried girls gather at the bride’s- ‘umbracha pani’ and all those attendto-be place and rejoice by singing and ing the ceremony go in a procession around their area singing and dancing dancing. Food and hot to draw water from the drinks are also served. The well, which is used by the girls shower gifts on the bride-to-be or groom-tobride-to-be and she in rebe to bathe. East Indian turn, offers them a pink Marathi songs are played coloured cake with a hidand people, irrespective den thimble in it. Whoever of whether they are Goans, gets the piece of cake with Mangaloreans or East Inthe thimble, is supposed to get married next, as the Jubel D'Cruz dians, enjoy them. Since there are no wells in tradition goes. In a similar manner, the groom-to-be celebrates Mumbai, people go to one of their the bachelor’s party with his unmarried relative or friend’s house to bring water male friends. This is considered a wild in a huge vessel. The water is then party bash, wherein he celebrates his poured on the bride-to-be or the groomto-be in his or her respective home. last night as a bachelor, Goans and Mangaloreans have a This is a ritual that has been taking special bangle-wearing ceremony for place since centuries among the East girls called ‘chuddo’, which consists of Indian Catholic community of Mumbai a set of fifteen bangles of green, brown (Readers, please take note of this: East and yellow colours on each wrist. The Indians are the original inhabitants of boy or the girl getting married is also Mumbai. They speak Marathi, as well drenched in milk. Coconut juice and a as English). After all these rituals, finally the paste of turmeric are also applied on the boy’s or the girl’s hands and face. wedding day arrives. On the day of the wedding, the Goans and Mangaloreans call this ceremony, ‘roce’. This signifies the last groom-to-be sends a car to pick up the bath that the bride-to-be or the groom- bride-to-be and waits for her outside to-be will be taking in their bachelor- the church. After she arrives, the best


man of the groom-to-be welcomes her with a bouquet of flowers. Then the couple walks down the aisle along with the bridesmaids, flower girls, best man, page boy and family members to reach the altar, where they are given a special place to sit. There, the priest shakes hands with them and offers them his best wishes. The Mass is then celebrated and the priest reads psalms from the Holy Bible, which is followed by a sermon called the ‘homily’ on the sacredness of their wedding. Following this, the priest asks questions to the bride-to-be and groomto-be regarding their consent for the marriage. The couple makes promises to stay with each other, in good times and in bad, and in sickness and in health, all through their married life. Rings are then exchanged and blessed by the priest. The nuptials concludes by signing in a register and then the newly married couple walks down the aisle holding hands, as the choir sings the song, “You by my side, that’s how I see us…”. After this, a grand reception is held in a hall. Outside the reception hall, the bride’s family assembles at one end and the groom and his family, at the other end. Wine is spilt in the centre to make a partition. Then the father of the bride, hands over his daughter to his son-in-law, and the couple departs in a well decorated wedding car. Friends, relatives and all those who have attended the wedding, shower confetti on the couple, as their leave for their honeymoon, thus concluding the festivities and celebrations of the wedding.

29 July 2013

The Spir itual Exercises –


uring the great religious up heaval of the sixteenth century in Europe, when a grave crisis of faith engulfed the Church and thousands abandoned it on account of the Reformation, God gave to his Church the timely gift of the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola, to revive the faith and rebuild his Church. This exceptional little book, based on the spiritual experiences of St. Ignatius (the founder of the Society of Jesus), during the period of his conversion, has been instrumental in transforming the lives of millions over the past almost five hundred years. Ignatius gave these exercises to each of his first companions, Francis Xavier, Peter Faber and six others, over a period of 30 days. This profound experience led them to change their lives completely and to offer themselves, wholeheartedly, to the service of the Eternal King, Jesus Christ, beneath the banner of the Cross, in the Church militant, under the Roman Pontiff or Vicar of Christ on earth. The entire 30-day retreat (or spiritual exercises) is made by every fully formed Jesuit at least twice during the course of his formation – once during the novitiate and again during his final year of training or tertianship. Today, shorter versions of this retreat (of 3 to 8 days) are made by Jesuits, most religious and many lay people, every year, all over the world. The Spiritual Exercises begin with an Act of faith in God, the Creator of all that exists, with the words of the First Principle and Foundation: “Man is created to praise, reverence and serve God our Lord, and by this means to save his soul. The other things on the face of the earth are created for man to help him in attaining the end for which he is created. Hence, man is to make use of them in as far as they help him in the attainment of his end, and he must rid himself of them in as far as they prove a hindrance to him.” With these solemn words, the person making the exercises is invited to believe firmly in the one God and to seek Him above all

29 July 2013

A Pr actical Practical Manual tto o Exper ience Experience the F ait h Fait aith

Joseph M. Dias, S.J. things, since He is the one sole Absolute for whom man is made. Thus, there is no place for secularism, relativism or atheism – ideologies which today are threatening to make the faith irrelevant, and which Pope Benedict XVI, during his pontificate, strove relentlessly to combat through his brilliant teachings. The purpose of all other things – living creatures and the goods of the earth – is to serve all human beings, rich and poor, male and female, and to enable each individual to attain his or her ultimate destiny, viz., God. Therefore, the things that God has made, including all our material and spiritual possessions (talents, honours, graces) are not idols to be worshipped, but precious gifts of the Creator -- to be valued and used judiciously in order to attain the purpose for which we have been made and sent into this world. They are sacred signs and symbols pointing out to us the Mystery of God. It is, therefore, the privilege and duty of man to preserve and protect all these creatures, upon which his life depends and which were made to help him fulfil his mission in this world. By considering these basic truths, the retreatant cannot escape the conclusion that man has the obligation to protect his human and natural environment, and not to abuse or de-

stroy God’s architecture of the world, such as family-life and peaceful coexistence, merely to satisfy his petty and passing whims and fancies. Next, the retreatant goes through the exercises of the First Week -- a time of purification of the soul, preparing it to experience the mercy and forgiving love of God. He is taught to confront the reality of sin in his own life and in the world. By reflecting upon various biblical passages describing sin, he is led to the realization that sin is basically self-assertion, a turning away from God for whom he has been made, an act of rejecting Him and His plan for human beings and the created world, a weakening of faith. Like the Prodigal Son, he is moved to sorrow and repentance for his sins and to turn back to God with a renewed act of faith and hope in Him. During the Second, Third and Fourth Weeks of the Exercises, the retreatant is led, step-by-step, to know, love, imitate and serve the Lord Jesus Christ. In the Second Week, there are meditations on the great mystery of the Incarnation of the Word of God and on his Kingdom. These are followed by contemplations on the infancy, childhood and hidden life of the Saviour. Various events in his life – his preaching, miracles and other mysteries, like the Transfiguration and the Eucharist -- are then pondered, with a view to seeking a personal encounter with the Divine Master. The exercises of the Third Week present, vividly, details of the suffering and death of Jesus -- from the Agony in the Garden to the Crucifixion on Mount Calvary -- to assist the retreatant in understanding and accepting the mystery of suffering and the cross in his own life and in the world. He begins to realize that there is no authentic Christian life without the Cross of Christ, as Pope Francis has been repeatedly reminding people from the day he assumed his august office. Finally, in the Fourth Week, the mysteries of the glorification of the Lord Jesus: the discov(Contd.. on p. 18)


(Contd.. from p. 17) ery of the empty tomb, the apparitions of the Risen Lord to Mary Magdalene, the disciples of Emmaus, the eleven apostles and the Ascension are contemplated so as to experience the realities that lie beyond this material world and the ‘new life’ that the Redeemer came to give us. The month of the Spiritual Exercises concludes with the Contemplation to attain the Love of God. It consists of four points, ordered to help the retreatant to see and find God in all things and to be so overwhelmed with gratitude to God for all the graces and blessings personally received, that he spontaneously exclaims: “Take, Lord and receive all my liberty, my memory, my understanding and my entire will, all I have and possess…..” In addition, the Book of the Exercises contains a whole series of practical directions on how to pray, on different methods of prayer, on the examination of conscience; Rules for Thinking with the Church, and aids to know oneself bet-


ter: like reflections on the Three Classes of Men, The Three Kinds of Humility and notes on scruples. In the Spiritual Exercises, every Christian can find a powerful and practical means to make great progress in the spiritual life, even in the midst of our highly secularized world with its distractions, snares and pitfalls. The consideration of the Two Standards (of Satan and Christ) and the two sets of Rules for the Discernment of Spirits offer profound insights into the workings of the good and evil spirits in our lives. There are also rules which give trustworthy guidance in making the right choices in daily life, in the choice of the right state or way of life and in finding the will of God at all times. Undoubtedly, the Book of the Spiritual Exercises is a concise, yet fairly comprehensive Compendium of the Faith - a God-given instrument which has, over almost five hundred years, demonstrated how the faith can transform lives and revolutionize the world in accordance with the plan of God revealed in Jesus Christ.


Santa joined new job. First day he worked till late evening on the computer. Boss was happy and asked what you did till evening. Santa Keyboard alphabets were not in order, so I made it alright. ***** Santa: What is the name of your car? Lady: I forgot the name, but is starts with 'T'. Santa: Oh, What a strange car, strts with tea. All cars that i know strt with petrol! *****

29 July 2013


Learn To Be Creative And Authentic Some decisions will not always be so clear-cut. you may be forced at times to deviate from your set course and make an on the fly decision. This is where your creativity will prove to be vital. It is during these critical situations that your team will look to you for guidance and you may be forced to make a quick decision. As a leader, it's important to learn to think outside the box and to choose which of two bad choices the best option is. Don't immediately choose the first or easiest possibility; sometimes it's best to give these issues some thought, and even turn to your team for guidence. By utilizing all possible options before making a rash decision, you can typically reach the end conclusion

you were aiming for. If you're not a suit, don't try to be one. Empoloyees and others dealing with your company will be able to tell if you're just pretending to be some one you're not. That could make them question what else about you might be inauthentic . Have a passion for funky shoes? wear them. Are you an inauthentic and hilarious presenter? Get them laughing. Use your strengths and personility traits to develop your personal leadership style.

The Key to Family Happiness Family problems are easier to cope with when Bible counsel is applied. In fact, applying such counsel is the key to family happiness. So husbands, have your wife, and treat her as Jesus treats his congregation. Wives , submit to the headship of your husband, and follow the example of the capable wife described at proverbs 31:10-31 parents, train your children (proverbs 22:6) Fathers, 'preside over your household in a five manners.' (1 Timothy 3:4, 5; 5:8) And children, obey your parents. (col3:20) None in the family are perfect, for all make mistakes. So be humble, asking one another for forgiveness.

29 July 2013

Religion, Mother Tongue Must On School Certificate The Maharashtrian east Indian Christian federation is happy to announce that due to our efforts, the Government of Maharashtra early this week has sent a notification informing the school education department to incorporate the details of a student’s religion and mother tongue in the school leaving certificate. “This is to make it easy for a student to prove his/her identity as a minority while seeking admission to a minority run institution,” said a minority department official. “However, unlike caste which is because of birth, religion is a matter of belief The Government feels it cannot issue a minority certificate on the lines of a caste certificate,” said the official. Parents are requested to see that while filling the school admission forms of their wards, they fill in their religion as well as the caste. Even while seeking admissions in colleges the should do the same. This will Help your ward in future. The undersigned along with the committee members had apprised about the caste to be incorporated in the school leaving certificates ,first to Mr.Manikrao Thakare,President of Maharashtra Pradesh Congress Committee on 21st April 2013 in his office at Tilak Bhavan ,Dadar and then to Mr.Munaf Hakim ,Chairman of Maharashtra State Minorities Commission at a State minority commission meeting at Sahyadri State Guest House,Malabar Hill, Mumbai held on 15th July 2013. —Herbert D. Barretto, President Maharashtrian East Indian Fedration


GROOMS MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Bachelor, age 29 years, Ht. 5’ 9”, Wt. 72 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.Com., MBA, LLB., working with I.T. Co., in HR Legal. Loving, caring, sober with good manners seeks suitable match. Mangalorean, simple working in Mumbai / Navi Mumbai. Contact : 98205 45508 OR email : (Regd. No. 5943) BANGALORE : Mangalorean Catholic parents settled in Bangalore, seek alliance for son 31/5’8”, slim, B.E. Bangalore, double Masters USA, working in USA, from God fearing, good looking, slim, Mangalorean Catholic spinster, preferably working in USA, age below 29. Contact email : Or Mob.: 9845417838. (Regd. No. 5940) GOA : Goan Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 29 years, Ht. 5’ 9”, Wt. 73 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn.B.B.A., working as a HR. Executive, working in Kuwait. Contact email : OR 9890656294 (Regd. No. 5936) MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 38 years, Ht. 5’ 5”, Wt. 80 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. MBA, Having own Business. Contact email : OR 28928350 (Regd. No. 5931) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 33 years, Ht. 5’ 8”, Wt. 60 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. Diploma in Hotel Management, working on the ship. Contact email : OR 9769775073 / 9819442577. (Regd. No. 5928) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 29 years, Ht. 5’ 5”, Wt. 64 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. MBA., M.Com., working as a Sr. Associate. Contact email : OR 9833687379 (Regd. No. 5924) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 32 years, Ht. 183 cms, Wt. 80 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. B. Com., working as a Manager in MNC. Seeks a graduate work-


MATRIMONIALS ing Mangalore Girl. Contact email : OR 9967873644 (Regd. No. 5922) MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 29 years, Ht. 5’ 9”, Wt. 75 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.Sc., working as a Manager. Contact email : OR 9850044561 (Regd. No. 5921) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 33 years, Ht. 6’, fair complexion, Edn. B.Com., working as a Sr. Officer. Seeks a good catholic family background girl. Contact Email : OR 9819420120 (Regd. No. 5920) MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 27 years. Ht. 5’ 10”, Wt. 55 kgs., Fair Complexion, Edn. T.Y. B.Com., Working as a Sr. Collection Advisor. Contact Email : OR 9821302840 (Regd. No. 5919) MUMBAI : Tamilian Roman Catholic Divorcee, aged 47 years. Ht. 5’ 4”, Wt. 66 kgs., Fair Complexion, Edn. B.Com., BBA., MBA (Finance), working as a Finance Manager. Seeks a suitable Match. Contact Email : OR 9819939479 / 9930559783 (Regd. No. 5914) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Bachelore aged 31 years. Ht. 5’ 10”, Wt. 64 kgs., Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.Com., working as a Accounts Officer in MNC. Seeks a simple working graduate Mangalorean girl. Contact Email: IR 9892386686 / 9403644066 (Regd. No. 5913) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Bachelor aged 40 years. Ht. 5’ 8”, Wt. 65 kgs., Wheatish Complex-

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ion, Edn. S.S.C. A/C Tech. Course, working as a A/C. Technician in U.A.E. Contact Email : OR 8976361324 / 24460855 (Regd. No. 5911) 5909. MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Bachelor aged 31 years. Ht. 5’ 3”, Wt. 58 kgs., Wheatish Complexion, Edn. L L B . , B.Com., working in Indian Railways. Seeks a Mangalorean educated girl. Contact Email : OR Tel.: 26787431 (Date of Birth 911-1981) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Bachelor aged 33 years. Ht. 5’ 4”, Wheatish Complexion, Edn.B.E. Mech. working as a Manager. Seeks a suitable match. Contact Email : OR Tel.: 26787431 (Regd. No. 5908) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Bachelor aged 32 years. Ht. 5’ 5”, Wt. 65 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. PGDB (Marketing), Working as a Marketing research, Seeks a Simple, honest, Mangalorean girl. Contact : OR 9821607121 (Regd. No. 5903) MUMBAI : Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 30 years, Ht. 5’ 10”, Wt. 85 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. B.Com., + Post Graduate, well settled in Mumbai, Seeks a suitable good looking, working girl. Contact email : OR 8390022313 (Regd. No. 5898) Address your replies to :

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To Place Your Matrimonial Advertisement Call: 2269 3578 OR 2265 4924 29 July 2013

BRIDES MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Spinster aged 31 years, Ht. 5’ 1”, Wt. 60 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.Com., working as an Executive Admin & Finance. Seeks a well settled bachelor. Contact email : OR 23826915 (Regd. No. 5946) MUMBAI : East Indian Roman Catholic Spinster aged 31 years, Ht. 5’ 4”, Wt. 45 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, good looking, Edn. B.Com., working ad as Deputy Manager, Seeks a suitable match. Contact email: or 28950832 (Regd. No. 5945) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic parents seek alliance for their daughter 28 years, 5’ 4’, fair good looking smart Chartered Accountant working for a reputed company in Mumbai from well settled Professionally Qualified CA or MBA or Engineers RC bachelors below 33 years good family background and values preferably from Mumbai. We would appreciate if your response includes a fulllength latest photo, contact number, relevant personal and family details. Email : (Regd. No. 5944) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Spinster aged 30 years, Ht. 5’ 2”, Fair Complexion, beautiful, Edn. MBA Finance working in Private Limited Company. Seeks a suitable match. Contact email : OR 9930936622 (Regd. No. 5942) MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Spinster aged 23 years, Ht. 5’ 5”, Wt. 55 kgs, Wheatsish Complexion, Edn. M.Sc., good looking and smart, working as a Maths Analyst. Contact email : (Regd. No. 5941) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Spinster aged 26 years, Ht. 5’ 6”, Wt. 69 kgs, Wheatsish Complex-

Royal Christian Family Helps In Choosing The Right Life-Partner

Serving Since 32 Years 29 July 2013

MATRIMONIALS ion, Edn. MBA in Marketing, working as a F & B Executive. Seeks a suitable match. Contact email : OR 28816294 (Regd. No. 5939) MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Spinster aged 29 years, Ht. 5’ 5”, Wt. 68 kgs, Wheatsish Complexion, Edn. MBA (Finance) working as a Research Assistant in Pvt. Sector. Contact email : roshan.gomendes@ OR 9167140184 (Regd. No. 5938) MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Spinster aged 35 years, Ht. 154 cms, Wt. 62 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. B.Com., working in Flight Cabin Crew. Seeks a well settled graduate bachelor. Contact email : OR 9819041830 (Regd. No. 5937) MUMBAI : Roman Catholic Spinster aged 27 years, Ht. 5’ 8”, Wt. 57 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. Electronic Engg. working as a Key Account Manager in Bank. Contact email : OR 9820247177 (Regd. No. 5935) MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Spinster aged 28 years, Ht. 5’ 3”, Fair Complexion, Edn. B.E. (Mumbai) MBA (USA), working in Reputed IT Company as Business Analyst in USA. Contact email : OR 9833099037 / 9821373880 / 9222380052 (Regd. No. 5934) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Spinster aged 24 years, Ht. 5’ 8”, Wt. 60 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. BMS in Marketing, MBA in Retail Management, Working in Retail Sector. Contact email : OR 9930672317 (Regd. No. 5933) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Spinster aged 33 years, Ht. 5’, Wt. 62 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. B.A., PGDBM, Working as a HR Manager. Contact email: OR 9819352481 (Regd. No. 5932) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Spinster aged 30 years, Ht. 5’

2”, Wt. 50 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. B.Com., CAIIB., working as a Officer in Private Bank. Only Child. Contact : OR 9869316408 (Regd. No. 5930) MUMBAI : Anglo Indian Roman Catholic Spinster aged 38 years, Ht. 5’ 3”, Wt. 68 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. B.Sc., MBA (HR) working as a AGM (HR) Contact email : OR 26771992 (Regd. No. 5929) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Spinster aged 29 years, Ht. 5’ 2”, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. MBA (Marketing) working as a Manager. Contact email: OR 25923985 (Regd. No. 5927) MUMBAI : Mangalorean RC Spinster aged 31 years, Ht. 5’, Wt. 50 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. M.A. B.Ed., Teacher by profession. Contact email “ OR 9769775073 / 9819442577 (Regd. No. 5926) MUMBAI : Mangalorean RC Spinster aged 29 years, Ht. 5’ 4”, Wt. 50 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. Master’s, Lecturer by profession. Contact email : OR 7738805305 (Regd. No. 5923) VALSAD : Goan + Mangalorean RC Spinster, Godfearing, faithful and understanding, aged 27 years, Ht. 5’ 5”, Fair Complexion, Edn. D’Ed., BA, B.Ed., Teacher by profession. Contact Mob.: 09377099024 (12 a.m. to 2 p.m. & 6 p.m. to 10 p.m.) (Regd. No. 5830) Address your replies to :

Regd. No. ROYAL CHRISTIAN FAMILY, 99, Perin Nariman Street, 1st Floor, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001.

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29 July 2013

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29 July 2013

Registered No. MH/MR/South-139/2012-14

Printed and Published by Lawrence Coelho at The Secular Citizen, 99, Perin Nariman Street, 1st Floor, Harihar Nivas, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001. Tel.: 2269 3578, 2265 4924 29 July 2013 Printers: The Secular Citizen, Fort, Mumbai 400001. Editor : Philip Myaboo


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