Secular Citizen Vol.22 No.32 dated 12th August 2013

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August 12, 2013


Ro le Of C hr ist ian s In ole Chr hrist istian ians Independen t India Independent ne of the favourite patriotic one liners quoted often is


the famous oft repeated quote of John .F. Kennedy, a vital role in alleviating the pain of the sick and suffering, the legendary American President some five de- especially of those who are poor and cannot afford adequate cades back – “Ask not what the country can do for you, ask treatment. The Catholic Church has 746 hospitals, 2,574 what you can do for the country.” On the occasion of the 66th dispensaries, 70 rehabilitation centres, 107 mental health anniversary of the Independence of our great secular social- centres, 61 alternative medicine centres, 162 non-formal ist democratic country, let us analyse the role of our miniscule health facilities and 115 medical training centres, including 2% Indian Christian community from this Kennedian per- six medical colleges. Along with this, there are 165 leprosy centres, 416 healthcare centres for the aged, 62 centres for spective – what we have contributed so far, tuberculosis (TB) and the terminally ill, 67 and what we need to do to enhance our community Care Centres (CCC) for the immense valuable contribution in the future PLHAs x 60 counselling centres. ,as well the need to focus on certain issues According to available data (Examiner July that need urgent attention and action, so as 2011),The health mission of the Catholic to ensure that we are not only an effective Church in India plays a vital role in alleviating part of the national mainstream but that our the pain of the sick and suffering, especially community interests are not neglected by of those who are poor and cannot afford the politico – administrative hierarchy as in adequate treatment. The Catholic Church present times has 746 hospitals, 2,574 dispensaries, 70 For decades, even prior to Independence of our country in 1947, the Catholic by Steven Lawrence D’Souza rehabilitation centres, 107 mental health Church has been empowering people (Former IRS –RETD (VRS-2008)- centres, 61 alternative medicine centres, 162 Customs, Central Excise and Service non-formal health facilities and 115 medical through education throughout the country, tax, Officer, presently a corporate training centres, including six medical colfrom cities, towns and even in the most management and tax consultant . unreached areas, in rural areas, and spread- On Advisory Panel of various state leges. Along with this, there are 165 leprosy ing the light as ordained by Christ In the and central govt. committees, promi- centres, 416 healthcare centres for the aged, Gospel even to the marginalised, The Dalits, nent NGOs and deemed universities 62 centres for tuberculosis (TB) and the Tribals and especially girls, As per data and senior high court/supreme court terminally ill, 67 community Care Centres available on July 2011,(Examiner ), The legal counsel on tax, administrative (CCC) for the PLHAs x 60 counselling Catholic Church runs about 25,000 educa- and finance matters .Besides, Visit- centres.There are some private health care tional institutions: schools (15,000), colleges ing faculty business mgt., and course hospitals and health centres run by some (300), nursing schools (115), hospitals and coordinator for UPSC –IAS and other private Christian institutions but essentially bluk of the health care institutions are run by health clinics (5,000), rehabilitation centres competitive exams) the Church, the religiuos priests and nuns (2,000), technical schools (1,500), medical and others affliated to the church. colleges (6), two universities , apart from engineering colWe should be reasonable proud of our Church and leges and other social and welfare institutions This month Christian community role in the field of Education and Health, even as we celebrate Independence Day on August 15th, We far in excess of out population.We remain the most educated are proud of the fact that a patriotic law abiding community of Christians in India who constitute only 2% of the nation’s and literate community in the country as per recent NSS data, population contributes nearly 30% of total educational insti- and even on health parameters –Human development Indextutions, many of them as old as 150 years .Considerable UNICEF data-We are the community with greatest access to number of private educational institutes in Independent health care facilities in India and even in girl child ratio, the India numbering between 7000 to 8000 as per recent statis- only community in India other the fast diminishing Parsis to tics have been set up also by lay Christian entrepreneurs and have a favourable girl child ratio. Except our 4 South Asian educationists, and today they too are known to be bench- countries and few sub saharan countries, all over the world marks of good quality education. Nelson Mandela the 95 year the girls exceed the boys in number, and so is the case with old South African who brought freedom to the blacks in South our community, a sign that we abhor female infanticide and Africa and ultimately broke down the repulsive Apartheid we do not neglect the girl child as is prevalent in rest of India. In the field of enterprise and per capita income and system says it so well- “Education is the most powerful business and enterprise, contrary to Bollywood stereotypes, weapon which you can use to change the world.”. Well we just don’t have fun, dance and parties with flowing feni Mandela has changed the world by dismantling racism and and spirits but are doing quite well economically , especially Apartheid. Similarly our miniscule Christian community with its educational institutes have helped change the destiny of in the konkan belt.our sussegad Goa till recently before Independent India through its quality education imparted, closure of mines and setback tourism had the highest per and helped India in its progress from a developing country to capita income in Indiaamong all states (still in top 5 now),and an emerging political, economic and military Superpower in so do all Christian communities along the West coast of India from Daman to Kerala.The situationof Christians, especially the world today The health mission of the Catholic Church in India plays


(Contd.. on p. 14)

August 12, 2013

Advt. T ariff Tariff


Vol.22 No.32 August 12, 2013


99, Perin Nariman Street, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001. Tel: 2269 35 78 / 2265 49 24 Fax.: 2264 0996 E-mail :, Website: Editor-in-chief : LAWRENCE COELHO


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‘Thought for the week’

When you don’t get everything you want, think of the things you didn’t get that you did not want.


pg. 2 - Role Of Christians In Independent India pg. 3 - Between the Dalai Lama ... pg. 4 - Mother India Defiled pg. 5 - Views on News pg. 6 - Paradise Lost – ... pg. 7 - Reader's Views pg 8 - Waking Up To A New Nation - Independent India ! pg 9 - A Nation of Ahimsa pg 10 - News pg 11 - Top Achievers in Education pg 15 - book review Water Can Keep You Healthy pg 16 - Christ The King ... pg 18 - Why We Need to Oppose Organ Donation pg 19 - Inspiration pg 20 - Matrimonials

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Cover : Role Of Christians In Independent India (Article on pg.2)

August 12, 2013

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Between the Dalai Lama and McKinsey's

Bangkok: Characterizations of Pope Francis abound. In something that hasn’t happened since 1979, when John Paul II did it, Pope Francis this week made the Time magazine cover story everywhere in the world except the United States – which went with a story about the ‘not guilty’ verdict in a case against a white man who shot and killed an African-American teenager that has polarized public opinion. The accounts of Papa Francesco are varied. Sometimes he’s portrayed as a Catholic Dalai Lama – all sweetness and serenity in the face of the world’s horrors and all the complexity that cultures and institutions create for innocent individuals. He visits jailed refugees; he says Mass in prisons; as Bishop of Rome (which he prefers as his title to pope) he says parish Masses and hears confessions; he has announced his respectful and non-judgmental attitude to gays; he embraces the disabled and hugs babies. His reactions are warm, humane and tug at your heartstrings. At other times he’s expected to be a senior executive of a global agency that specializes in refitting and refocusing extensive and well resourced enterprises that have lost direction. He has inherited a Vatican in tumult over alleged corruption, inefficiency, arrogance and the influence of a “gay lobby” that has adversely affected good governance. Francis has declared his hand on the sort of people who should be in leadership positions in the Church – simple, humble, poor, engaged and respectful people who are pastors rather than authoritarian rulers, and leaders who understand their own and their flock’s frailty, and who are listeners first. But he has also brought in McKinsey’s, a consultancy firm that is a world leader in advising companies, even nations, on managing organizational and cultural change. Pope Francis has engaged the services of the chief executive of McKinsey’s in Germany to advise him on how best to refit the Vatican to deliver on its mission. In what may be the first sign of the German’s work, the pope has appointed a committee of seven lay experts with a cleric as their secretary to advise on all matters financial and operational in the Vatican. Even if someone inside the Vatican came up with the idea, it is the first time that the Vatican itself has looked outside its own processes and resources for guidance about how to do its job. The recurrent resort of dioceses and religious congregations is to invoke canon law as the guide on how to do things, to search out the way people in the institution have done it before, to appeal to the constitutions or the memory of the founder as a guide to the next step. What this betrays is the limited experience, lack of training for management (Contd.. on p. 23)



Mother Indi a Defiled India

Mother India! You feed and this year the downclothe us. All you ask is to be pour gathered morespected, loved and nurtured mentum, speeding not for yourself but for your children of down deforested valevery age and generation. leys at the foothill of You had beauty that sustained the Himalayas. With our souls. The snow clad Himalayas no trees to serve as formed a mountainous diadem that impediments, the adorned your brow that glistened surging waters raged agelessly. You were draped in a sari on, their relentless lush with the green of the fields and the journey towards deforests, the zari like sparkle of your struction claiming silvery rivers adding to your finery. lives and livelihoods Alas! Your crown is fast losing its across 2375 villages, lustre with the depletion of your snow uprooting 1500 roads melting off huge chunks yanked off and washing away your raiment, even as deep forests in 150 bridges no less! Kedarnath was Uttarakhand and the rest of the country perhaps the worst affected, its pilgrims, are robbed of their virginity, unabash- probably praying for longevity, prosedly baring your brown skin. And to perity and happiness, losing their lives what purpose but for selfish gain! How instead. A pre-event satellite image could children outrage the modesty of shows the presence of settlements their own Mother? We around the holy have defiled Mother shrine, while post-diIndia, reducing our saster imaging indionce beautiful mothcates the disappearerland to the status of ance of the town, the ragged beggar. tribals of Kinnaur renExactly two dered homeless, years before the rewhat remained of their cent Uttarakhand cacrops rotting away tastrophe, i.e. on 13 with access roads By Monica Fernandes June 2011, Swami washed away. The Monica Fernandes is a freelance writer Nigamanand, one of for whom writing is a satisfying hobby. number of lives lost the most ardent cruremains incalculable She has written for several years for saders against the while the voluminous various magazines such as Woman’s wanton destruction of Era, Harmony, Alive, The Teenager, The loss has been estiforests in mated in excess of Examiner and Together. She has Uttarakhand along authored a book for teenagers entitled INR 3000 crore! Towards a Fuller Life published by the banks of the Thanks to the myopic Better Yourself Books. She lives in Ganges, passed into vision of the powers Mumbai and assists her husband, eternity. He died while that be, what was on an indefinite fast, Nelson, in running an export business. once the picturesque, protesting the mindpeaceful abode of less destruction taking place, with no Mother Nature has vanished into one paying heed to his lone voice cry- oblivion. ing in the wilderness to save his state Common sense was suppressed from the rapacious stone crushers and and structures were built on river beds, strip miners. on flood plains and along river banks. A disaster waiting to happen, the In February 2013, the Uttarakhand High tragedy in Uttarakhand is evidence of Court had ordered the State Governour insatiable greed. True, we had no ment to demolish all structures that fell control over nature’s wrath that struck within 200 metres of the river bed. But, with vehemence, its fury evident in the with caution thrown to the winds, no torrential rains and cloudbursts that action was forthcoming, resulting in the gave vent to thier spleen. On 14 June loss of innocent lives.


God bless our armed forces who, along with the ITBP, braved all odds to rescue the lives of no less than 1.05 lakh people, a helicopter crash snatching the lives of 20 young bravehearts! Despite this heartwrenching loss, the rescue missions continued unabated. We salute the brave men and women who have risked their own lives to save those of others. The rivers of Mother India are her arteries and veins that don’t just provide us with precious water to drink, bathe and wash but carry life-giving sustenance that irrigates the fields where our farmers grow life sustaining food. Their rapids can be harnessed for producing electricity. But when they are misused, all hell breaks lose. Oh! O Mother India! We have dug out your innards in an indiscriminate search for metals to fuel our unending desire for greater luxuries. In our insatiable greed, we have misused your generosity, bringing about the depletion of fossil fuels and the release of pollutants in the atmosphere. Why should future generations pay the price of our profligacy when Mother India is being bled dry before our very eyes? Sixty-six years after having wrenched the reigns of our country from foreign rule, are we going to break our silence and speak out when we see the rampant destruction of the bounteous gifts God has blessed our motherland with? Or are we indifferently going to continue looking the other way, waiting for another disaster to wrench the heart of our once beautiful motherland?

August 12, 2013

A Pope With A Hope For the first time we have a Pontiff - Pope Francis, who identifies himself with everything simple and has therefore endeared himself to his flock around the world. When he says something to the religious or the laity, he is taken seriously. Unlike in the past, now the communication is direct with the laity. His humility is genuine. The Pope in his latest advisory to priests exhorted them to opt for the humble bicycle – poor man’s Ferrari, which can ferry you from one place to another. The Holy Father, in giving this significant advice, has sent a powerful message across the world that he would like ALL religious to be humble and not be ostentatious. Not all religious will be pleased with this. They are used to a certain lifestyle which they may find it hard to abjure. His call stems from his strong belief. He had said “Oh, I would like a poor Church, and for the poor”. To begin with he shunned all pomp after assuming office. Obviously, the luxurious lives led by very few priests around the world, project a bad image of the Church. Surely some of them can afford luxury by virtue of coming from affluent families or having rich friends – certainly not from the meagre allowance that is paid to them. Yet, when you dedicate your life to religious cause, you must practise austerity. Never mind if you have not taken a ‘vow’ to that effect. We, in Mumbai, have seen both sides – simple living and ostentatious lifestyles among the religious. We have a Bishop who uses one of the smallest cars for years and a Parish Priest who cycles his way in the city. No pomp, no show. I am fortunate to know both of them. There must be many such simple souls – no doubt about that. On the other hand we have some priests who like to go about in swanky cars. May be they have to interact with the high and mighty for their charitable work but all the more you should be humble and avoid pomp. Otherwise you are sending a wrong message to those philanthropist donors. The Pope is determined to

August 12, 2013

VIEWS on NEWS cleanse the Church and he has started with the Vatican itself. He has also changed laws for the purpose. He wants probity in financial matters just as he has taken a tough stance on moral transgressions by the religious. It is hoped that the Papal exhortation is viewed as a diktat, yet you cannot expect a Priest in the United States to go on a bicycle but you don’t have to buy Mercedes. Priests in poor countries must identify themselves with the community they serve. *****

A Day To Remember Soon we will be celebrating Independence Day with all the pomp. As usual the Prime Minister will deliver his historic speech and tell us the country is passing through a difficult phase and the need to tighten our belts. Unfortunately, most people cannot even afford that belt – it costs a fortune today. They have to do with a piece of string. He will have to admit that the available money is eroded through scams and other corruption where mid-day meals to children have cockroaches, lizards and snakes for dessert. As if that is not enough, someone goes and adds pesticides instead of condiments. On this Independence Day let us rechristen our nation as “Scamistan” because that is what we are good at. First to have a series of scams and then to shield those who are involved, we make them prosecution witnesses to save them from harm. Political parties want to remain outside the purview of RTI and now they want to challenge the ruling of the Supreme Court on convicts and ensure that they are insulated. It is reported that the travel bills of RSS pointsman in the BJP were paid by a Business Group, as per Income Tax authorities. Did the party declare this to the Election Commission? They said we declare everything and that is why they want to remain outside the scope of the RTI. It is precisely for this reason that the

by Marshall Sequeira CIC and activists want political parties to be brought under the RTI. *****

A Hearty Meal There is a heated debate on how much one needs to have a meal. A meal has to fill ones belly and sustain him. Some leaders say you can get a meal in Delhi for Rs 5. May be but the seller must be using pilfered electricity, the wheat and dal must be robbed from the mid-day meals scheme. Other rations must be diverted from Public Distribution system with active support from the political class. Otherwise how on earth you can have a meal for that amount. It may not be available, if at all, at every nook and corner. One needs at least Rs 10 for a two way bus ticket. So you spend Rs 10 to get a meal for Rs 5. Since such leaders are adamant that the meal actually costs that much [unless they are comparing with the highly subsidized food they get in Parliament canteen] they should be asked to live on such food for a week every month. It will also do them some good – health-wise. They should buy and eat such meals in public to identify themselves with the poor. They will rather preach. It is time these politicians who have lost all credibility in the eyes of the masses are exposed and perhaps in the next general elections, people’s frustration will show ‘results’. Classroom is like a train. 1st 2 benches are for VIP executies Middle 2 bences are general compartments and last 2 benches are sleeper coaches.


Par adise Los ar adise R eg ained! aradise Lostt – P Par aradise Reg egained!


arl Jung once remarked that, “the serious problems of life are never solved, and, if they seem to be sorted out, something important has been lost.� Our world is crowded with hatred, violence, terrorism, torture, vandalism, destruction, vengeance, trauma, depression and greed. Here are samples from the Times of India: The United States scurries to save Taliban ire. Bangladesh’s supreme Islamist leader to hang for war crimes: ruthless militia unleashed on unarmed intellectuals. Turkey on edge: Molotov cocktails, tear gas, acrid smoke used to douse the anger of millions of protesters, ditto Syria, earlier Libya. Modi(Gujarat’s CM): creating a threatening Hindutvasaffron order. The BJP’s agenda reads: “Hindi, Leon Hindu, Hindustan.� Criminalization of politics in India! Minor boy (13) hurls acid on 4-year-old girl in Hyderabad. Islamic Brotherhood cause turmoil, bloodbath in Egypt. U.S counterculture magazine glamorizes terror: Boston Bomber, DzhokharTsarnev on Front Cover. Nirbhaya: the Delhi gang-rapedmurder victim. Women stabs boy-friend to death with stiletto heels in U.S. India rated one of world’s most violent nations. Maoists/Naxalites shoot man 74 times and stab him 75 times. Indian Mujahideen behind Bodh Gaya (Buddha’s seat of enlightenment/ peace) terrorist blasts. Online abuse of woman, a growing monster! Taliban, would-be murderers of 15-year-old MalalaYousugzai “education-for-girlsactivist,� urge her to join Madrassa; use pen for Islam. New Security to guard Cyberspace: U.S. snooping and spying. Wiki Leaks founder, Julian Assange, U.S.(IT) espionage whistleblower and Edward Snowden on the run, with nowhere to hide from the




biggest villain – U.S.A. Michael Jackson paid $23 million to buy silence of 24 boys, sexually abused and molested over 15 years. Pope Francis’ ‘zero tolerance’: money-laundering, sexual violence, child pornography in Vatican City State! Bent The world is rumbling and erupting in ever-widening circles all around us. We cannot avoid these vibrations. Can we? Here are some random straws in the wind. Catch them if your can! O Simplify life. Choose a simple shell you can carry easily, effortlessly, like a hermit crab. O The essence of Tantric practice: Transcend the senses. The key is detachment. Where there is “no ego,� there is “no others.� All is calm-collectedness, one-pointedness, oneness, bliss, rapture! O Thomas Merton (Catholic monk) loved the Zen spirit of Taoist Chuang Tzu: “Minds free, thoughts gone/ Brows clear, faces serene/ All that came out of them/Came quiet, like the four seasons.� O Find some joy in the now, some peace in the here, some love in you and I, which can establish the kingdom of heaven. O Krishnamurti suggests, “Choose







choice-less awareness: live in the eternal present in pure lucidity and free-flowing spontaneity. The Jewish Kabbalah teaches, “Enter the Paradise within: the land flowing with milk and honey.� When we open our hearts, we are part of the oneness of the universe. We feel ourselves part of the eternal cosmic heartbeat: inter-relatedness, inter-dependence. We are in the “original blessing� of Eden, when “all creation� is seamlessly, inseparably one. Let no one rob you of your hidden power and inner peace. Your power is deep inside you. Peace, harmony, tranquility and serenity are options for everyone. Allow the “Light of the World� to enter the places of treachery, terrorism, violence, so that, they become “deep places,� “sacred spaces,� “quiet sanctuaries,� “sedate havens.� Faith is not clinging to a shrine, but an endless pilgrimage of the heart. God rings our hearts, like a bell. It is as if He were waiting to enter our empty, perishing lives. Without the holy, goodness turns chaotic. We undertake to build a paradise with our own might, and we drive God from His Paradise. Religion creates intolerance, divisiveness. Spirituality: Contemplative, mystical union with the “One God� reconciles, heals, unites! If you have been awakened, that is spirituality (Meister Eckhart). Eastern thought promises, “I see the tree and the tree sees me. I am not a separate object, and so is the tree.� Crises are times of great grace. Awe is an intuition for the dignity of all things. It is a yearning, a sense

August 12, 2013

Adam And Eve Not Our First Parents? Recent research work and analysis of human genomes by scientists at the Stanford University school of medicine have dealt another blow to the biblical beliefs of creation by debunking scriptural teachings that the whole human race has descended from a single pair, Adam and Eve. According to scientists of the university, Adam and Eve were not contemporaries, since We place your Matrimonial Profile in our website for one full year Rs. 400/- (only) for ladies & Rs. 500/- (only) for gents

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looks as if the church will have to develop a new set of apologetics to counter these scientific findings, if it hopes to keep the faith alive. —A. F. Nazareth, Alto porvorim

New Appointment

man descended from a single man, thousands of years before the appearance of woman, who also descended from a single woman. In the light of these findings, how do we reconcile the biblical account of creation in the opening chapters of Genesis where Adam was the first-created human, and his partner Eve, formed from one of his ribs. Successive generations down the line have also stood in unbroken genetic relation with the first pair, sharing the same human nature as well as genetic and genealogical unity. So, it

Smt. Janet Lawrence D'Souza has been appointed as Vice Chairperson of State Minority Commission, Govt. of Maharashtra on 5th August 2013. She is also President of Mumbai Pradesh Mahila Congress. The Secular Citizen Congratulates on her new appointment and wishes success in her new endeavors


Par adise Los aradise Lostt – adise R eg ained! Par aradise Reg egained! for the transcendent. It helps us touch the Mystery beyond all things; to feel, in the rush of the passing, the stillness of the eternal. What we cannot understand by analysis, we become aware of in awe and wonder. O Divinity is at the center of brokenness, of destruction, and pain. We constantly dance in Heavenlyglory! O The best way of living, is by being surrounded, held, cherished, caressed, touched, and bathed in the Light of the Mystery of God. Conclusion: May the ‘waters of Fire’ bear you up into the embrace of the One who is the Living Stream of Eternal Bliss!

August 12, 2013

Mumbai contact:

Cyprian Albuquerque Tel. 9821589600 / 28899609 7


Waking Up T o A New Nation To Independent India !

ome time back, I met a person from the locality who told me that he had read my article (in one of the news weeklies) on the ‘environment’ (on the occasion of World Environment Day June 5th) and it was good, very good. And then he went on to say, you know the problem is, our people do not care ! The point he was trying to make is, if I love my country, if I love my neighbourhood, if I love my society, if I love my family, I will take care of the environment as well. Then he went on to say, actually, they do not feel that they belong to this country; they are not proud to be Indians. Further, he goes on to tell me about his trip to Singapore where everything is clean – the roads, neighbourhood, everything ! They feel proud to belong to their country ! He went on to tell me also about other countries like Australia where the people are proud to belong to their country. I ask myself, ‘Am I proud to belong to my country ?’ I would like to Melville put this question before all of us, the adults, senior citizens, the youth, the children - what would be our response ? Can we say with pride, I Love my India ? How much do we respect our National Anthem ? Some of us may be walking by the side of a school and we can hear clearly, the National Anthem being sung, what do we do ? Do we stop till the National Anthem is over, or do we just pass by ? Can we say with pride, Mera Bharat Mahaan ? What do the adults have to say, oh, we are heading towards total disaster. The senior citizens, especially those who must have taken part in our Freedom struggle, must certainly be the most disappointed lot, ‘our dreams are shattered’ they would say, ‘is this what we gained freedom for ? Were we not better off under the British ? What about the youth – what is their response? Oh


... recent floods in Uttarakhand where widespread damage ... everything seems to have been destroyed. And in a situation like that, we find that a chief minister of a neighbouring state flying down into a ‘flood ravaged’ state (Uttarakhand) ... and rescuing around 15000 people of his community ? this is a wretched place to live, let’s quit the country, and so, they flee to greener pastures like New Zealand, Australia, Canada. And what about the children, supposed to be the leaders of tomorrow – they are too small to understand. So, where is our country headed for ? Does anybody care for the common man today ? Our Members of Parliament, Members of the Legislative Assemblies, our Municipal Corporators elected by the citizens of this country are today ‘ruling’ over them. They seem to forget that they have X. D'Souza been elected to serve the interests of the citizens; they have been elected to govern the country - not to rule or ruin the country! Instead, what are witnessing today is ‘complete misuse’ of power and authority. Their demands for facilities go on increasing, they have given themselves a Three-fold rise in salaries. They do not have to pay any bills – water tax, electricity, telephone bills, no income tax. Their everyday needs are taken care of. In short, they have become the new ‘colonial’ powers, installed there at the Top by none other than the ordinary citizens of this country. Looking at the situation today, we find that our country has been divided not only physically but also in mind and spirit. Our politicians are out to make capital even out of tragedies like a terrorist attack, or natural calamities like earthquakes, floods, etc. Take for in-

stance the recent floods in Uttarakhand where widespread damage has taken place – people, livestock, houses, everything seems to have been destroyed. And in a situation like that, we find that a chief minister of a neighbouring state flying down into a ‘flood ravaged’ state (Uttarakhand) in the north and rescuing around 15000 people of his community ? What about the others – should they be left to die in the floods ? In my earlier days, I have learnt that we are Indians First and then goans, mangaloreans, gujaratis, maharashtrians, etc. And that, all Indians are our brothers and sisters. I’m sure that anybody who has attended school would be aware of this teaching. Then, why such narrow minded approach to such situations ? So much for the ‘nationalism’ of our leaders ! We have municipal corporations in the country which are expected to provide and improve infrastructure in the city and make life good for their citizens. Yet, what do we find ? Our corporators spend time and energy in getting the government to re-name/ name places, structures, fly-overs, etc., after some personality of their choice. Needless to ask, how is this going to help the common man ? How does this help in the progress of the city, the state, the country ? So, who cares for the common man, the middle class ? One begins to wonder, is it a failure of Democracy in our country ? What does democracy mean to each one of us ? Does democracy mean that one can do whatever he wants to do ? Does Democracy mean making money and more money and accruing wealth at whatever cost even at the cost of others ? Does democracy mean trampling over the Rights of others in society ? Does Democracy mean looking after only oneself and the family ? “Every Day, We Wake up to A New Nation” reads a campaign run by The Times of India on the completion of 175 years of their existence. It goes further, “So who is India ? On this day ? (Contd.. on p. 10)

August 12, 2013

A Nation of Ahimsa


oing by Cardinal Newman’s in the 9/11 New York attack and the 26/ definition, “A gentleman is one 11 Mumbai attack are symptomatic of who never inflicts pain”. the growth of iniquity, rather the Apparently, our families, our nation and flourishing of the mystery of iniquity. our world are each anything but We don’t rejoice at the death or gentlemanly! Daily newspapers speak rather killing of any human person. of matricide, patricide, fratricide, Rather, we are formed by a different infanticide, female foeticide story: the story goes and even suicide by 12-year back to the man who olds. Looking at the way was betrayed, you some people rejoiced over could say on the night the killing of Osama bin - when men were Laden, even countries ‘mean-spirited’, when supposedly Christian, one men were very cannot help but wonder spiteful, jealous, whether we are moving envious, greedy towards a more gentler, (Judas), when the Joyprakash OFM kindlier, friendlier world or high priests out of what. The greed with which jealousy desired the worst for a human our nation is ridden, embroiled as it is being, Jesus was at his best. He does in money-amassing and money- not respond to the mean-spiritedness, laundering scams, wealth lining the pettiness; his response is one of pockets of a few while the poor languish enormous generosity. We, who have for want of a meal..... - aren’t we moving celebrated the Eucharist and swallowed into a more chaotic and wicked (is that the story..., absorb the nuances of the the opposite of gentleman?!) world story of a non-violent man. order? Jacques Maritain offers an interA TIME magazine cover had the pretation for humanity’s path through face of Bin Laden crossed out with the history: “The advance of history is a caption, “The end of Bin Laden”. The twofold simultaneous progress in good editorial page had the pictures of past and evil”. There is, in fact, something Time covers with the faces of Adolf true about this insight, because it is Hitler (in 1945), Saddam Hussein (in rather difficult to find in the centuries 2003), and Abu Mousab al-Zarquawi preceding ours a force as evil, for ex(in 2006) similarly crossed out. We give ample, as the one that was manifested ourselves to the belief that by wiping at Auschwitz. The power of evil on out one iniquity, it does not show itself earth, therefore, is growing, but at the in another form elsewhere. But the same time the power of the Lord Jesus mystery of iniquity grows! The lives lost is also growing, and Jesus will one day

Infant Jesus,

Mother Mary

Bishop William L. D’mello

We give all Praise and Honour to Infant Jesus for blessing our family and children through the intercession of Mother Mary and Bishop William L. D’mello. —Patrick/Juliet, Honavar.

August 12, 2013

... The greed with which our nation is ridden, embroiled as it is in money-amassing and money-laundering scams, wealth lining the pockets of a few while the poor languish for want of a meal..... destroy the mystery of evil with the breath of his mouth. Man’s inhumanity to man not only in the area of physical violation of life but in the inordinate amassing of wealth to the depravation of others continues unabated. In an interview the great spiritual writer of our century, Henri J. Nouwen, said, “If you see evil as something out there, something outside yourself, clearly defined and ‘irreversible’, then the only way to deal with it is in the same way you deal with a sharply defined tumour: ‘cut it out, take it out, eradicate it, burn it away, kill it’ – which means that you immediately become violent.” Commenting on Thomas Merton he says, “He (Merton) had discovered that the roots of all problems were in his own soul, too, that will was not something outside of himself that could be identified, but part of the human condition of which he was a part... You are part of the evil in the world and cannot point your finger at the evil world.” If roots of evil are in one’s own heart, then the only place to start is with the conversion of our own individual hearts. Owing a debt of spiritual gratitude to the Sermon on the Mount, to the Bhagavadgita, to the writings of John Ruskin and to Leo Tolstoy, Gandhi formulated and lived by the law of ahimsa. Gandhi, the father of ahimsa says, “Literally speaking ahimsa means non-killing. But to me it has a world of meaning and takes me into realms much higher, infinitely higher than the realm to which I would go, if I merely (Contd.. on p. 10)


Benedict XVI’s Resignation Was Not Long Thought: Catholic Priest Kochi: The resignation of emeritus Pope Benedict XVI early this year was not long thought and he had to step down after being confronted by a group of top Vatican functionaries whom he could not control, says a Catholic priest. Fr. Paul Thelakkat, spokesperson of the Syro-Malabar Catholic Church in Kerala, in his article in a Malayalam daily said the pope was preparing an encyclical (a letter from the Pope on aspects of Catholic doctrine) for the Year of Faith (October 2012 to November 2013). He resigned even before he sent out the encyclical. The press in Europe, particularly Italy, had linked the resignation of the Pope to what the media accounts described as a top secret report that detailed the misdeeds of prelates and corruption in the Holy See. The report was the result of an inquiry into what has come to be known in the media as ‘Vatileaks’, involving the Pope’s butler Paolo Gabriele, who stole and leaked Vatican documents. The priest said the leak of the papers by the butler was the result of power struggles in the corridors of power in the Vatican and cold wars among its top functionaries. Reference to the pope’s resignation came in an article titled ‘Fraudsters in God’s Own Country’ which was in the context of state Chief Minister Oommen Chandy being taken for a ride by his personal staff, some of whom are now in jail for misusing their position.

Is There A Hell? A young lady came home very sad from a date. She told her mother "Anthony proposed to me an hour ago." "Then why are you so sad>" her mother asked. "Because he also told me he is an atheist. Mom, he does'nt even believe there's a Hell." Her motherreplied "Marry him anyway. Between the two of us, we'll show him how wrong he is."


Pope Says Asia Trip Is Top Priority

Vatican City: Pope Francis could travel to Asia in 2014, after receiving invitations from the Philippines and Sri Lanka. The Argentine pontiff confided his plans to journalists who were flying with him back to Italy with him after his trip to Brazil. In this widely reported encounter, he touched upon controversial subjects such as homosexuality, women priests and reforming the scandal-ridden Vatican Bank. But he also disclosed his plans for international travel in coming months, saying a trip to the Middle East and one to East Asia are his top priorities. “A trip to Asia must be made, because Pope Benedict didn't have time to go to Asia and it is important,” he told the reporters. “I think it is possible to go to Asia, even if everything is still up in the air,” he added. “I have received invitations to go to Sri Lanka and to the Philippines.” Vatican sources speaking on condition of anonymity cautioned that no decision have been taken yet. An official announcement of a papal trip is usually made by the local bishops' conference of the country where the pope is traveling. The Philippines officially invited Pope Francis immediately after his inauguration Mass last March. Pope Francis also said he wants

Waking Up To A New Nation - Independent India ! (Contd.. from p. 8) This hour? This moment ?” it ends thus - ‘as the country changes to a New India each day, we play our part in her transformation. As we have done every day. For 175 years”. We ask ourselves, do we wake up every morning and want to see a New Nation ? Can we change the destiny of our country ? Can we transform this country from a corrupt, torn, divided, vulnerable nation into a formidable force to reckon with ? Can we do it ? That is a Big Question Mark !

to visit Israel and the Palestinian territories with Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I, to commemorate the first historical meeting of Pope Paul VI with his Orthodox counterpart Athenagoras. But no final decision has been taken, he added. The pontiff did rule out a visit to his native Argentina in the near future. “I think we'll have to wait for a while,” he said. Source: ucanews

A Nation of Ahimsa

(Contd.. from p. 9) understood ahimsa as non-killing. Ahimsa means that you may not offend anybody, you may not harbour an uncharitable thought even in connection with one who may consider himself to be your enemy.” Let us with Rabindranath Tagore pray for at least a faint realization of Gandhiji’s philosophy: “Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high....where the mind is led forward by Thee into everwidening thought and action...Into that heaven of freedom, my Father, let my country awake.” Can we say ‘Amen’ to that, conscious that the need of the very hour when we celebrate the 66th anniversary of our country’s independence, is the prevalence of ahimsa?

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August 12, 2013

Top Achievers in Education Delna Clarissa SSC 85.64% Daughter of Dominic and Cecilia Pinto, Kurla Student of: Holy Cross High School, Kurla

Gabroila Reema Lewis JOYLINE D'SA has completed her M.Tech from IIIT-ALLAHABAD with 96.5%. She will be continuing her Ph.D. in the same institution. She is known as 'NIRKANCHE NEKETR' in her native place Nirkan, Mangalore. She has written articles for The Secular Citizen and Divo as well. Joyline got inspiration from The Secular Citizen - Divo seminar - 'Leaders in the Making and Reaching to the Top' The Secular Citizen Congratulates and extends best wishes in her future endeavors.

Nikhita D'Souza SSC 89.64% Daughter of Derick and Perpetual D'Souza, Jerimeri Student of: St. Anthony High School, Jerimeri

August 12, 2013

Princita Alisha, Nallasopara SSC 89.45% Daughter of Anthony and Pramila Mendonca, Nalasopara

Std. Xth 97% Daughter of Godfree and Leena Lewis, Kallianpur Student of: Milagris High School, Kallianpur

Jessica Carol SSC 92.82% Daughter of Joseph and Gretta Lobo,Kurla Student of: Holy Cross High School, Kurla



August 12, 2013

August 12, 2013


(Contd.. from p. 2) Dalit Christians and Christian tribals in hilly regions as well as Christians in some rural areas in rest of India not that good, but the reasons can be discussed separately due to constraint of brevity of this article. In the field of politics , administration and national mainstream participation, barring a few notable individual exceptions and few compact states and regions in the country, our track record is rather unsatisfactory given that most of the stalwarts in this arena come from Christian educational Institutions, but hardly any Christian students from these institutions are in the list which is surprising and reflects poorly on the policy , vision and mission of the management of these Institutions. Let us rid ourselves of delusions and hallucinations. We must actively take part in the political and administrative hierarchy ,if we desire that our community interests are highlighted, given priority and effective action the height of world war II, Thomas Mann said that the history of mankind is written not in economic , social or religiousfactors but largely determined by uncertain political events and factors. If politics and administration is dirty and corrupt, it should not stop us and the umpteen moralists and sermonisers from cleansing it. We must enter the system and cleanse it as much as we can.Running away from it and simply adopting high moral grounds is living in a fool’s paradise. Politics and administration affects our lives in every possible way, from our homes, our roads, water, food,religions freedom, and now even our churches and schools through land acquisitions of church land for road expansions on discriminatory basis,, interference and harassment in religious freedom ,digging up dead issues like expired government leases given for education, health and charitable purposes etc. The church should actively encourage our youth to join civil services and administration at all levels and not just confine to mass production of over qualified and under employed graduates. Half hearted efforts and mere lip service will not bring results, and lack of representation harms our community and church as we now are beginning to realiseThere is a strong tradition of Christians entering civil services and administration in Kerala, Tamil Nadu, the North Eastern States, Andhra Pradesh, Jharkhad and even Chattisgarh. Other well off Christians in rest of the states, especially Goa, Maharashtra , Gujarat and Karnataka are under represented. Similar is the fate of political representation and participation. The states strong in Christian representation in administration are also strong in political participation and in these states ,despite these Christians having lesser per capita income levels, the vital interests of Christians in these states are fiercely protected. The educational monoliths of Christian Educational Higher Institutes have sadly become more commercialised and concentrate on other money paying streams and neglect this vital area crucial for community interests. The church in certain states should build up an alternative forum comprising only of the laity (Church should not interfere in politics and administrative matters – not their field of expertise –so far they have bungled it badly-they should stick to Christ mandate of rendering unto Caesar what is Caesar’s and rendering unto God what is God”s) and actively encourage it and if possible partially help out in organizing and meet part of costs. This is a vital step towards more effective clout in national and state and local political and administrative mainstream, a crying


need of our harassed, neglected community. Another area that needs reform and change is our core strength- the education sector especially the higher education colleges and professional educational institutes and colleges including Christian Educational institutes which are going through a phase of turmoil, uncertainty, and many are even closing down. More than 30,000 seats lying vacant in MBA Colleges in Maharashtra alone. : 50% Engineering seats remain vacant in our state of Maharashtra , which is more than total capacity of engineering colleges in kerala. India churns out 1.5 million Engineers every year compared to 1.1 million in China, and just 10 lakhs in USA. .47% graduates in India are unemployable for any job or do not possess the basic skills necessary for any industry role, said a report, claimed to be first ever national audit of employability by Aspiring Minds, an employability solutions firm. Many qualified and employable youth have the best of degrees, but no job., I shall briefly summarise what reforms / changes are needed to solve the acute problem of over qualified students and unemployed youth in our country. As usual our Christian Educational Institutions will have to be the pioneers in the process of transforming and reforming the education system in our country. 1) Faced with the task of skilling 500 million youth, over next ten years there should be efforts to implement the US concept of community colleges to make sure that its workforce was trained to meet newer challenges. This concept stresses more on job oriented vocational training than pure theoretical knowledge. 2) Make skill development an integral part of the education 3) Broaden college admission criteria to test multiple intelligences by assessing for analytical, creative, practical and wisdom-based skills as well as memory which will make the educated youth employable as well as able to be self employed as entrepreneurs. 4) We must create apprenticeship pathways blended with self-study. 40% of Class 12 students in Germany and Austria start their careers this way. 5) Change over to virtual education system is desirable. Knowledge is freely available in the electronic media and the internet. India next only to America in imparting education through the virtual media. The students should be taught to apply knowledge in real life rather than just memorise knowledge and forget the same after passage of time. I end with the memorable words of Edgar Dale (1969). “We tend to remember 10% of what we read, 20% of what we hear ,30% of what we see. 50% of what we see & hear, 70% of what we say, 90% of WHAT WE SAY & DO”. This then is the challenge facing the education system and especially the pioneering Christian Educational Institutions today – To make the education system practical and action oriented, skilled and adaptable to needs of the Industry and economy since Education is nothing but Simulating the Real Experience Doing the Real Thing. Only then we can see the memorable dream of Rabindranath Tagore come true –Into that Heaven of Freedom Let my country Awake. Happy Independence Day !! Jai Hind!!

August 12, 2013

Success Is Yours 100 Thoughts to Motivate and Inspire

By Shammi Sukh

Water Can Keep You Healthy

BETTER YOURSELF BOOKS 58/23rd Road, TPS III, Bandra West, Mumbai 400 050 - Tel: 2640 3312 - E-mail: Yr 2013 / Pp 214 / Rs 170.00

One of our most natural human urges is to rise and succeed in life. However, experience shows that not all actually attain their goal. Why? According to Thomas Alva Edison, “Many of life’s failures are people who simply didn’t realize just how close they were to SUCCESS when they gave up”! Success is not about obtaining the right situations in life. Rather, it is about handling those situations dexterously by means of the right mental approach. Analytically, one will find that there exist clear and subtle differences between the thought process BOOK REVIEW and behaviour of losers and that of by Ladislaus L D’Souza winners. Such subtleties make a big difference in the way the lives of individuals shape up. William James [1842-1910], American philosopher and psychologist trained as a physician and the first educator to offer a psychology course in the USA, says, “Human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitude of mind” (p 13). This book is about facing life squarely by altering one’s attitude. Success in its true sense involves every facet of human life: health and relationships, improved prospects of a rise in one’s career or business graph, constant happiness and steady financial security. Often, it is a single, powerful and inspiring thought that opens up a world of new possibilities leading to the fulfilment of one’s dreams. SUCCESS IS YOURS is a treasure trove of such inspiring and motivating thoughts. No lengthy, complex theories, just some easy-to-follow tips that apply to all facets of life, each duly accentuated with a stimulating illustration or thought-provoking picture, every page having the potential to commence a new chapter in one’s life. That, of course, is a distinguishing feature of all Sukh literature! Adolescents and adults alike can benefit much by putting each of the interesting and inspiring steps suggested in this book into practice. After all, one learns to drive a vehicle by actually practicing behind the steering wheel rather than by avidly watching others drive one. In keeping with the sentiments expressed in this volume, the author, an erudite motivational speaker, with the number of his listeners crossing the 30,000 mark, sets an example in optimism: he suggests that if this book inspires you to live life profitably, you could consider presenting a copy of it to someone you love and care for—a noble gesture that would change another’s life for the better, thus helping restore Paradise on earth! (cfr p 214)

August 12, 2013

How many folks do you know who say they don't want to drink anything before going to bed because they'll have to get up during the night!! Heart Attack and Water - I never knew all of this ! Interesting....... Something else I didn't know ... I asked my Doctor why do people need to urinate so much at night time. Answer from my Cardiac Doctor - Gravity holds water in the lower part of your body when you are upright (legs swell). When you lie down and the lower body (legs and etc) seeks level with the kidneys, it is then that the kidneys remove the water because it is easier. This then ties in with the last statement! I knew you need your minimum water to help flush the toxins out of your body, but this was news to me. Correct time to drink water... Very Important. From A Cardiac Specialist! Drinking water at a certain time maximizes its effectiveness on the body: 2 glasses of water after waking up - helps activate internal organs 1 glass of water 30 minutes before a meal - helps digestion 1 glass of water before taking a bath - helps lower blood pressure 1 glass of water before going to bed - avoids stroke or heart attack I can also add to this... My Physician told me that water at bed time will also help prevent night time leg cramps. Your leg muscles are seeking hydration when they cramp and wake you up with a Charlie Horse.


Christ The King : World Without End


by Melvyn Brown

he concepts of Christ’s suffering and redemption is used effec tively by the faithful in prayer, sacrifice and meditation. In its true perspective of our Christian faith Christ is the King, High Priest and Father of the People of God. Priest, religious, bishop and the lay faithful have a sacred ministry to be apostles of the Word, to work as shepherds and to be “the missionary Saint Paul” ,to overwhelm the world with the message of salvation in Jesus Christ, King and High Priest. The village of Bethphage was known as a place of priests, and close to it was Bethany. In the gospel of Matthew 21:1-3 it is written : “And when they drew near to Jerusalem and came to Bethany, to the Mount of Olives, then Jesus sent two disciples, saying to them, “ Go into the village opposite you, and immediately you will find an ass tied, and a colt with her ; untie them and bring them to

me. If anyone says anything to you, you shall say,’ the Lord has need of them’ and he will send them immediately.” This act of Jesus was made to begin his entrance into Jerusalem. By Jesus coming from Bethphage, was a statement of His priesthood and declared Him as King and Father of all believers. It is interesting to note that in Eastern tradition at the time, the donkey was a noble beast, and when King’s came to a city they rode on a horse with the intention to make war ; the donkey meant he came in peace. The intention of Jesus was to enter the city as its King of Peace. “A king is not saved by his great army ; a warrior is not delivered by his great strength. The war horse is a vain hope for victory”. (Ps.33:16-17). Jesus had arrived as the High Priest. The old priesthood we are told had failed to serve in “exemplary leadership” in the service of almighty God. The sacred priesthood was not living up to

its calling. Prelates and priests had need to act worthily with modesty, discretion and devotion. The priesthood has many special graces, and yet, most priests do not end being human, with tendencies and inducements. Christ came as Founder of Christianity and to be the new High Priest. Christ’s Church relys on their sacred ministry. ‘Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people whom He has chosen as His heritage.’(Ps.33:12). Let us meditate on Psalm 28:8-9. It was said, ‘Blessed is he who has the king for his friend…’ The friendship of the Lord is for those who fear Him, and He makes known to them His covenant. (Ps.25). Let us make the Lord penitentially our king of Peace, the High Priest and the beloved Father in our hearts and spiritual life . Let us pray for priests to shine in their mission , to radiate Christ in their thoughts and actions , to gain strength in the knowledge that we love and respect them for their dedication to Christ, the living God, and to His Church.


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August 12, 2013

Governor Sends “M.P Freedom of Religion Amendment Bill 2013” to President of India Bhopal: 01/08/2013 According to the trusted sources in Raj Bhavan and one of the media reports Madhya Pradesh Governor Ram Naresh Yadav has sent the “M.P Freedom of Religion Amendment Bill 2013” to the President of India for approval. The decision of the Governor comes following state wide protests by faith based organizations, secular organizations and different political parties. Isai Maha Sangh (IMS) which spearheaded the protests in Madhya Pradesh has welcomed the move by the Governor. IMS President Sujit William said, “The decision of the Governor is a welcome step to safeguard the constitution of India.” Meanwhile IMS General Secretary Jerry Paul has called on district presidents of IMS to send memorandum to President of India. In 2006 also the Bhartiya Janata Party lead Government in Madhya Pradesh had passed the same Bill but then Governor Balram Jakhar asked Government to submit the status of five years religious conversions took place in Madhya Pradesh, the report proved that no illegal conversion has taken place, then he also asked the legal opinion of the Solicitor General of India on the Bill. The then Solicitor General G E Vahanvati termed the Bill as unconstitutional. Then he forwarded the Bill to President of India for approval and it was returned to Madhya Pradesh gov-

ernment from the President’s office in 2009. The present M.P Freedom of Religion Amendment Bill 2013 section 5 (1), (2) AND (3) mandates priests to get permission from the District Magistrate to administrate or take part in any religious ceremony. It makes mandatory for persons who convert to another religion to inform the DM. Anyone who breaks the law will have to face jail term up to four years and one lakh rupees fine. The similar provisions were termed as unconstitutional by the then Solicitor General of India in 2007. Fr. Anand Muttungal said, “IMS in coordination with secular organizations, political parties and faith based organizations will continue advocacy against the Bill, which will also include post card and memorandum campaign to call the attention of the President of India against the violation of Constitutional provis in the proposed Bill.” The organizations that lead the protests are Isai Maha Sangh, Catholic Church, Rashtriya Secular Manch, Buddhist Society of ionsIndia, Muslim Educational Society, Katholic Kalyan Parishat, Catholic Secular Forum, M.P (Unit), political parties and many faith based organizations. —Father Anand Muttungal, Coordinator , IMS, Bhopal, M.P

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August 12, 2013

Weird Wedding Traditions

We have lots of culture and religion in our world everyone has its own customs. In every country in the world you can see different wedding traditions. We offer you the most unusual wedding customs: 1. In Kenya it is the custom by which the first month after the wedding the goom should wear women's clothes to fully enjoy and understand how hard it is being a soman. 2. In Namibia the bride wears a veil instead of a special hat called a 'Ecora' and which is made of goat skin, rubbed with tar, grease and red order. 3. In the Surma tribe of Ethiopia, there is a custom in which a girl for some time before the wedding remove the lower teeth, pierced lip and insert the clay disk in it. Form time to time the disc is replaced by a similar one, but by a larger diameter. And then the wedding? The fact is though the larger diameter of the disc, the more bride's dowry, because it symbolises the level of wealth of the bride's family. 4. On the island of java, as in most countries prior to the registration of marriage the couple must pay the fee in lthe budget. But it is not money, its rat tails. 25 tails, the couple must submit to the local administration as a wedding fee.


Why We Need to Oppose Organ Donation Dr. Leo Rebello Here goes why I am now vehemently against Organ Donation or Cadaver Donation: 1.. It is an International racket of the worst kind. 2.. Organ donation leads to medical murders, organ thefts (from poor) to benefit only the rich. 3.. It is costly and makes the person dependent on doctors and keeps the patients sick. 4.. 95% surgery is unnecessary. After major surgery the life of the cut patient is reduced by 5 to 10 years apart from the patient being decapacitated in many ways. 5.. The organ recipient either dies shortly or if s/he survives, it is maximum another 1 to 5 years. If you do NOT tinker with your body, you can live to be healthy hundred without Ills, Pills and Hospital Bills. 6.. Also note that the Multi-Organ failure (on the rise) is due largely to dangerous drugs and treatments which are worse than the disease. 7.. If you are a famous person, chip can be implanted into you during surgery and you can be controlled or killed. 666 -- the Devil at work. 8.. When you get some one else's


blood or organ, not only you get that person's diseases, but the karma, personality traits and the body mutates. Example: when you put some one's SIM/memory cards into your cell phone, you get entire data of someone on your mobile phone and you can be arrested by the police if from that phone some criminal calls were made by the earlier holder. 9.. Finally, I come to the MOST important teaching of Jesus Christ. He taught us not only Brotherhood, Love, but also how corruption corrodes, and most importantly the body being the Holy Abode of God (tabernacle). All the miracles that Jesus performed indicate that he practiced and taught Natural Healing. Today, however, the Church has adopted the killer agenda of population control pogrom of destroying, incapacitating, killing by drugs. Today's Church-run Hospitals are rackets where mercenary doctors are killing the human beings - right from childhood through vaccinations, abortions and deadly drugs which lead to subtle genetic engineering. Next step being Bionic Man (half man, half machine).

10. Like Monsanto's terminator seed will create food shortage by destroying our Agriculture leading to food wars and water wars, this organ donation madness will annihilate the human race. Today, due to mercury and other lethal ingredients in Vaccines, about 5 million children are suffering in India alone, from Autism. So, many that die or are killed due to vaccines and abortions are not taken into account. Families are also destroyed under the debt burden of heavy medical expenses. Infact, more people die in the Hospitals in normal times, than all the war casualties put together.

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August 12, 2013


Stand Up!! Be Counted Stand up and be counted. Why should you forever be living on wishes and regrets? Admiring those in the lime light, cursing the day you were born and your family. Wishing you had another pair for your parents. This life has a lot to offer to everyone – if only you are willing and obedient to your inner voice. To some this voice is a still small voice that it has taken them this long to come to a realisation; while others it’s loud enough to be ignored. Yet most people still ignore it. START OFF Those people you admire are ordinary people like you and me. They are Indians just like you and me. Meaning we are all subjected to similar laws and forces of nature. The only difference is that they decided to stand up and be counted by starting off to pursue their inner convictions with a mixture of fear of failure and courage to face their tomorrow no matter the outcome. But at least they started off. They took calculated risks. It just didn’t happen. There is something about starting off. It tells you that you should have started off earlier, because as you gain momentum and increase your mileage, you want to keep moving just like a baby who is learning to walk. So they decided on what they wanted to do. Thank God their decision paid off as fear was brushed aside along the way thus courage and a burning desire to finish well and win became their breath of life. Come on put on your shoes and go for a walk.

Decide To Play We are all products of a decision made in one way or the other. A decision made either by us or other people on our behalf; for example your exist-

August 12, 2013

Conclusion Come on stand up and be counted. Get onto the field of play. This field of play is so vast that it waits for you to enlist yourself for the game: be it a Singer, Soccer star, Accountant, Designer, Florist, Tailor, Sales man, name them. No talent, Career or Gift is inferior. Find your footing and be in control of the ball which is in your possession. The difference between the person you are today and the person you dream of becoming tomorrow lies in the decision you make today. The decision to get started on your dream. Come on - Live your dream.

God's Nature ence can be traced back to your parents’ decision to marry and eventually deciding to have a baby – You. Now that you are born the onus is on you to make your own decisions. Like in the game of soccer, the player on the touch line has a greater potential to change the complexion of his team’s performance than the players on the pitch. When you are cleared to enter, it’s up to you to decide to enter the field of play or remain on the touch line. Why hold on to that potential that when utilized well will not only impress your funs but one that will change the way you have always thought about yourself and the way other people think about you? Why wait? Decide to play now. The so called well to do in our society were at the touch line at one time or the other in their lives not until they decided to get onto the field of play did they know what they were made of. Every player is different and unique but they have one mission in the game – to score and win. You know yourself well enough to make a decision without asking for a second or third opinion. You know your convictions. Many times we want to ask for advice even when we know what is expected of us. This is because we can’t trust our judgment or because we fear the unknown. Dare to fail.

The Bible does not teach that God is omnipresent at all times, like so impersonal force. Why these facts about God matter? One thing because God is a person (James 4: 8) For another, the truth about God protects us from false worship. The more we learn about God the more we live the way he intended us to live. As a result, we experience more joy in life, along with genuine satisfaction, inner peace, and contentment (Isaiah 48: 17, 18)

—Prof. Valerian Sequeira

JACK OF ALL STALL Reliable House for Religious Goods

Gloria Church Bldg., 263, Dr. Ambedkar Rd., Byculla, Mumbai - 400027 Tel.: 23725963, 23749358 Estd: 1951

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GROOMS MUMBAI : Karwari Goan Roman Catholic Bachelor, age 38 years, Ht. 5’ 5”, Wt. 54 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn.10th Std., working on Rigs as a Cruise Member. Contact Mob. 8879137735 (Regd. No. 5952) MUMBAI : Parents of Goan Roman Catholic Bachelor, DOB 1974, 5’ 9”, P.hD (U.S.A.), working in US, seeks alliance from R.C. spinster. Send details and recent full size photograph to : (Regd. No. 5950) MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Bachelor, age 39 years, Ht. 5’ 7”, Wt. 75 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. XII Std., Working as a Gen. Steward in Ship. Seeks a Goan girl below 32 years. Contact email : OR 26671289 / 9969488673 (Regd. No. 5949) BANGALORE : Mangalorean Catholic parents settled in Bangalore, seek alliance for son 31/5’8”, slim, B.E. Bangalore, double Masters USA, working in USA, from God fearing, good looking, slim, Mangalorean Catholic spinster, preferably working in USA, age below 29. Contact email : Or Mob.: 9845417838. (Regd. No. 5940) MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 36 years, Ht. 5’ 11”, Wt. 90 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. HSC, having own business. Seeks a tall, simple, homely good looking girl. Contact Email : OR 40263038 (Regd. No. 5874) GOA : Goan Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 41 years, Ht. 5’ 7”, Ht. 68 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. 1st Year B.Com., Having own Resort Well settled. Seeks a Girl willing to settle in Goa. (Regd. No. 5856 ) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 45 years, Ht. 5’ 11”, Healthy, Fair Complexion, Edn. MS Engineering, workaing as a Deputy Manager, Well settled Seeks a Mangalorean RC graduate working or non working girl. Contact Email: (Regd. No. 5855)


MATRIMONIALS MUMBAI : A loving caring, jovial Mangalorean Catholic Bachelor with sober habbits, aged 37 years, Ht. 5’ 7”, Wt. 62 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. Graduate, Working in MNC BPO as a Senior Executive, seeks a suitable match. Contact Email : OR 9820821961 / 9892569050 (Regd. NO. 5853) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 41 years, Ht. 5’ 6”, Wt. 79 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. HSC., Having own business of Catering. Seeks a suitable match. Working or Non working, simple, Godfearing girl. Contact Email : OR Mob.: 9987226243 (Regd. No. 5843) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 32 years, Ht. 6’ 2”, Wt. 87 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. MBA, Banker, well settled. Seeks a bride below 29 years, tall, prefereably Mangalorean. Contact Email: OR Mob.: 982086338. (Regd. No. 5842) MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 38 years, Ht. 5’ 2”, Wt. 59 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn.HSC, Dip. in Hospitality Management in Hotel Operation, Management & Catering Technology Goa. Working as a Supervisor in Dubai Seeks a suitable match age between 28 to 34 years. Contact Email: / OR 9323189989 / 00971508460630 (Regd. No. 5839) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 35 years, Ht. 175 cms, Wt. 75 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn.B.Com., M.B.A., working as a Man-

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ager Bank. Seeks a suitable match. Contact : OR Tel.: 28628102 (Regd. No. 5837) MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 32 years, Ht. 5’ 6”, Wt. 75 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. Masters in Engineering, worked for American and Canadian Company, currently working in Pune, he is coming from simple background, intelligent and hightly qualified person Seeks a well educated girl with simple living and high thinking to match him preferably Goan. Contact email : OR Mob.: 9820660048 (Regd. No. 5827) MUMBAI : RC Mangalorean Groom innocent Divorcee with Catholic Church annulment and Legally Dissolved, No. issues from previous marriage, age 37 years, Ht. 5’ 7”, Wt. 70 kgs, Fair Complexion, B.E. (const) working as a Senior Software Consultant in a MNC in Mumbai, well settled having own accommodation looking for a suitable match from Mumbai based RC girls only. Contact : ashlym OR Mob: 9930244302. (Regd. No. 5824) VADODARA : RC 29 years, Handsome Bachelor, 5’ 7”, B.E. (Computers), India, M.S. (Computer Science), USA, working in USA as Software Engineer seek alliances from Fair, Good Looking, Well Educated Spinsters having decent, Godfearing family. Contact : 9727718280 Email : (Regd. No. 5821) Address your replies to :

Regd. No. ROYAL CHRISTIAN FAMILY, 99, Perin Nariman Street, 1st Floor, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001.

To Place Your Matrimonial Advertisement Call: 2269 3578 OR 2265 4924 August 12, 2013

BRIDES MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Spinster, aged 26 years, Ht. 5’ 1”, Wt. 54 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. MA (Sociology), working as an Asst. Manager Recruitment. Good looking, smart. Seeks a suitable match. Contact email : / OR 9022929041 / 9167514382 (Regd. No. 5953) MUMBAI : Mangalorean + Keralite parents invites alliance for their daughter 33 years, 5’ 3”, MBA (Finance) working as a Junior Manager in a Bank, Marriage annulled from qualified and suitable groom age upto 38 yrs. Contact email: OR 09966843108 (Regd. No.5951) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Spinster aged 30 years, Ht. 5’ 2”, Wt. 50 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. B.Com., CAIIB., working as a Officer in Private Bank. Only Child. Contact : OR 9869316408 (Regd. No. 5930) MUMBAI : Maharashtrian Roman Catholic Spinster, aged 32 years, Ht. 5’ 1”, Wt. 65 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. B.Com., working as a Sr. Executive. Seeks a suitable match. Contact : email: OR 28682053 (Regd. No. 5900) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Divorcee, aged 43 years, Ht. 5’, Wt. 42 kgs, Wheatsih Complexion, Edn. B.Com., working as a Office Assistant. Seeks a suitable match. Contact : 25948048 (Regd. No. 5899) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Jacobite Syrian Catholic Spinster, aged 31 years, Ht. 5’ 4”, Wt. 62 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. B.Com., MBA (Fin) working as a Customers Service. Seeks a suitable match. Contact email : OR 28954976 (Regd. No. 5891) MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic

Royal Christian Family Helps In Choosing The Right Life-Partner

Serving Since 32 Years August 12, 2013

MATRIMONIALS Spinster, aged 26 years, Ht. 5’, Wt. 46 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.Com., working as a Customers Service. Seeks a suitable match. Contact : 9820251612 (Regd. No. 5890) MUMBAI : Keralite Divorcee (Marriage null & void) aged 30 years, Ht. 155 cms, slim, fair, good looking, Edn. M.S.W. working as a Sociel Worker. Seeks a suitable match. Contact Mob: 9819316338 (Regd. No. 5889) MUMBAI : Goan R. C. Spinster, 26 yrs., 5’ 2”, Wt. 55 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.Com., working as a EA to Director. Contact email : OR 28963423 (Regd. No. 5888) U.K : Goan R. C. Spinster, 30 yrs., 5’ 4”, Wt. 50 kgs, Fair and goodlooking, Edn. B.Sc., M.Sc., M.B.A., studied in U.K. and working as a IT Analasist. Contact email : / OR 9096690309 / 91-95-27261969 (Regd. No. 5887) MUMBAI : Goan R. C. Spinster, 25 yrs., 4’ 11”, Wt. 53 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.Com., LL.B., Advocate by profession. Contact email : OR 98205 07447 (Regd. No. 5886) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic parents staying at Vasai invite alliance for their spinster daughter, 26 yrs, 53 kg, 5’ 3” tall, simple, slim and good looking, holding a double post graduate degree in chemistry and working as a lecturer in an Engineering College. Alliance is sought from suitably qualified Mangalorean RC bachelors upto 30 yrs, with good family background kindly reply with details and a recent full size photograph to or Contact 9421428286 between 4 - 9 pm. (Regd. No. 5885) MUMBAI : Mangalorean R. C. Spinster, 33 yrs., 5’ 4”, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. HSC., working with MNC has an Executive Assistant to MD, Seeks a suitable well settled match. Contact :

Email : OR 9820661181 (Regd. No. 5884) NASIK : Goan R. C. Spinster, 25 yrs., 5’ 6”, Wt. 55 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. B.Com., MBA, working as a Marketing Executive. Contact email : OR 9860082311 (Regd. No. 5883) MUMBAI : Goan R. C. Spinster, 38 yrs., 5’, 3”, Wt. 55 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.Com., working as a Crew Logistic. Contact Email : OR 9820059399 (Regd. No. 5882) MUMBAI : Goan R. C. Spinster, 36 yrs., 5’, Wt. 53 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. HSC, working as a Crew Logistic Contact : email : OR 9819220429 (Regd. No. 5881) MUMBAI : Mangalorean R. C. Spinster, 36 yrs., 5’ 6”, Fair Complexion, Edn. Post Graduate, working for a Foreign Bank Seeks a suitable match. Contact Email : (Regd. No. 5879) MUMBAI : Mangalorean R. C. Spinster, 26 yrs., 5’ 4”, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. M.Sc., Micro, working as a Officer in Nationalised Bank. Seeks a suitable match. Contact Email : OR 9769485550 (Regd. No. 5878) VALSAD : Goan + Mangalorean RC Spinster, Godfearing, faithful and understanding, aged 29 years, Ht. 5’ 5”, Fair Complexion, Edn. D’Ed., BA, B.Ed., Teacher by profession. Seeks a suitable match Contact Mob.: 09377099024 (12 a.m. to 2 p.m. & 6 p.m. to 10 p.m.) (Regd. No. 5829) Address your replies to :

Regd. No. ROYAL CHRISTIAN FAMILY, 99, Perin Nariman Street, 1st Floor, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001.

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August 12, 2013

(Contd.. from p. 3) and leadership and myopic approach that too many “leaders” in the Church take. Not for them to investigate how comparable problems are handled by institutions away from the Church. In my experience, too many in clerical and religious life say, “We’ve always done it this way and I don’t want to be the one to set a precedent by looking outside the Church (or the congregation) for guidance”. Result: stagnation, inefficiency and failure. It’s living proof of one definition of insanity in which, after failing the first time, one attempts the same task using the same approach but expects a different result. Opening up to new approaches and to what Pope Francis says he’s not afraid of – making mistakes – has a much greater likelihood of bringing lasting change than just repeating a failed formula. But how is he going to do it? As the Dalai Lama or as the management consultants would? I can already hear the cries of dismay that come from Church people when there is even the mention of the use of management consultants. And those shrieking with dismay will invoke the criticism Pope Francis has made of a world grown inhuman by idolizing efficiency, speed and “results” as the only criteria to be used for assessing the appropriateness or otherwise of suggested approaches to fixing things. But Papa Bergoglio is a Jesuit and as I write this on the feast of St Ignatius, the founder of the Jesuits (July 31), it is well to remember something central to his spiritual legacy and the


They Prayed and Favours Granted

All your family problems, financial needs, purity, dangers, job, housing, happy death and other needs, pray to your favourite Saints from the bottom of your heart. Announce the favours granted.

Unfailing Prayer to St. Anthony O holy St. Anthony, gentlest of Saints, your love for God and Charity for his creatures, made you worthy, when on earth, to possess miraculous powers. Miracles waited on your word, which you were ever ready to speak for those in trouble or anxiety. Encouraged by this thought, I implore of you to obtain for me (request). The answer to my prayer may require a miracle, even so, you are the Saint of Miracles. O gentle and loving St. Anthony, whose heart was ever full of human sympathy, whisper my petition into the ears of the Sweet Infant Jesus, who loved to be folded in your arms; and the gratitude of my heart will ever be yours. —V. Thomas, Bangalore

August 12, 2013

school of spirituality dearest to the pope. For Ignatius and because of what we celebrate at Christmas – the Incarnation – the challenge is to find God in all things. There is no circumstance, resource or reach of human experience that is outside or beyond what God’s grace can encompass. Finding God in all things means to value secular expertise in itself and for the good it can be used to achieve for religious purposes. So this pope’s answer to whether he’s the Dalai Lama or a McKinsey’s executive is simple: his approach will encompass both. But as an actor on the world stage, as the leader of a multinational faith community, and as one leading a highly exposed and frequently reviewed life, he will also have to take into account the advice of a very seasoned political operator. It was the belief of Benjamin Disraeli, the legendary 19th century British prime minister, that the key to success in public life was not so much what you do first. It’s what you are going to do about the consequences of the consequences of what you do first that needs to be considered. Everyone can only wish Pope Francis well as he discerns the way forward for Vatican reform and the rejuvenation of the Church.

Michael Kelly SJ, Executive Director of

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Contact: Tel.: 22693578, 22654924 THE SECULAR CITIZEN, 99, Perin Nariman Street, Fort, Mumbai - 400001


... Jude- O Holy St. Jude, Apostle and Martyr, Great in virtue and rich in miracles, near kinsmen of Jesus Christ, faithful intercessor of all who invoke your special patronage in time of need, to you I have recourse from the depth of my heart and humbly beg to whom God has given such great power to come to my assistance. Help me in my present urgent petition, in return I promise to make your name known and cause you to be invoked.

Say three Our Fathers, three Hail Mary's and three Glory be's. St. Jude pray for us and all who invoke your aid. Amen.

—Benedicta V. Sequeira, Thane



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Printed and Published by Lawrence Coelho at The Secular Citizen, 99, Perin Nariman Street, 1st Floor, Harihar Nivas, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001. Tel.: 2269 3578, 2265 4924 August 12, 2013 Printers: The Secular Citizen, Fort, Mumbai 400001. Editor : Philip Myaboo


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