Secular Citizen Vol.22 No.33 dated 19th August 2013

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19 August 2013


Janet D'Souza Appointed Martyr Darryl Castelino Vice President of State Minority Commission

MUMBAI: A chowk in Vakola is set to be named after late Wing Commander Darryl Castelino, who died in a helicopter crash during rescue operations in Uttarakhand in June.

Mrs. Janet Lawrence D’Souza Mumba, : Janet Lawrence D’Souza, president of Maharastra Women’s Congress Janet Lawrence D’Souza has now been appointed the vice-president of Maharastra State Minority Commission. She is the first woman from Maharastra to have ever been appointed to this post. Her appointment was officially announced by Prof Janardhan Chandurkar, president of Maharastra Pradesh Congress Committee (MPCC) on Tuesday August 6 here. Janet who hails from Kirem near Kinnigoly in Mangalore, is the daughter of senior Congress leader late Celine D’Silva who was the state finance minister in the cabinet of Vasant Dada Patil and later tourism and social welfare minister in Shivajirao Nilangekar’s ministry. Janet D’Souza has been active member of Congress for long and has headed various positions within the party. Chandurkar further said that MPCC is grateful to INC president Sonia Gandhi, vice-president Rahul Gandhi, General Secretary (Maharastra) Mohan Prakash and CM Prithviraj Chauhan for appointing Janet for this prestigious post. Janet also is the president of ‘Celine D’Silva Foundation’ and had contested the last Assembly elections from Ghatkoppar constituency.


A proposal made by Kalina corporator Brian Miranda to name the chowk after Castelino was passed in the ward committee meeting on July 23, and is currently pending approval by the works committee (suburbs) and will then be sent for approval to the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC). “I had put forward a proposal to name the chowk after Darryl Castelino since he is a martyr and died during rescue work,” said Miranda.“The proposal was approved by the prabhag (ward) committee and has been sent for approval to the suburban works committee after which it will be sent to the house (BMC). But this is only a formality and the proposal will be approved,” Miranda said. Miranda said the chowk next to the Vakola market will be officially named ‘Martyr Wing Commander Darryl Castelino Chowk’ within the next two or three months. A hoarding carrying the news has already been put up in the area. The late wing commander’s family rejoiced at the news. “We are all proud of Darryl and are honoured that his name is being glorified in this manner,” said Jyothi, Castelino’s wife. “I came to know about this when I saw the hoarding at the chowk a few days ago.” The Castelino family’s neighbours at the Diamond Park Housing Society in Vakola were also thrilled. “Castelino gave his life for the people of the country. He is truly deserving of such an honour,” said Milind Deshpande, secretary of the housing society.

19 August 2013

Advt. T ariff Tariff


Vol.22 No.33 August 19, 2013


99, Perin Nariman Street, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001. Tel: 2269 35 78 / 2265 49 24 Fax.: 2264 0996 E-mail :, Website: Editor-in-chief : LAWRENCE COELHO


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‘Thought for the week’

Enjoy each day as your last day and one day you will be right.


pg. 3 - China And The Church ... pg. 4 - All That Glitters pg. 6 - Social Justice – Essence Of Christianity pg. 7 - Reader's Views pg 8 - When POWER Speaks… pg 9 - The Virgin Mary’s Affirmations And Assumption pg 11 - New Yorkers Celebrate Feast Of Alphonsa Of India pg 14 - Cardinal Simon’s Guiding Hands pg 15 - When Marriage Laws of Church and State Clash pg 17 - Go, Show And Tell pg 18 - The Assumption Of The Blessed Virgin Mary pg 20 - Matrimonials pg 22 - Charles Paul – A Man Of/For The Church

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Cover : When Marriage Laws of

Church and State Clash (Article on pg.15)

19 August 2013

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China And The Church: A Tale Of Two Hierarchies

On March 14, 2013, both China and the Catholic Church announced their new leaders to the world — Xi Jinping in Beijing and Francis in the Vatican. In a different period, their accessions would have been described as coronations. But not in today's circumstances. Each has responsibility for about a fifth of humanity. China and the Catholic Church are similar in many ways. Both are ancient. Both are run by Mandarins. In the case of the Catholic Church, according to Toynbee, it was the clergy which inherited the legacy of the Roman Equestrian Order. Both China and the Church make moral claims to leadership. Each sees in the other a natural competitor. Neither Xi nor Francis was elected by the entire citizenry or congregation. In both China and the Catholic Church, the idea of direct election to the top leadership would have been thought absurd. However, for both polities, there is deep commitment to democratic centralism (a Leninist term which Catholics might object to in name, but should not in substance). In China, despite centralized bureaucratic governance, there is much regional and local diversity. Post-Mao China has seen considerable democratization. With urbanization and the social media, this process of democratization will evolve further. But many aspects of China's governance will have to remain centralized if the country is not to break up. The ideal of a united Chinese state is in the DNA. Within this unified framework, however, Chinese society is often fractious. Similarly, the Catholic Church is both highly centralized and decentralized. In matters of doctrine and Canon Law (derived from Roman Law), the Vatican holds very firm. Dogmas like Apostolic succession are not up for debate. Otherwise, the Church is largely devolved with a high degree of local initiative. A Jesuit father who pioneered US-style community colleges in India told me that the country's transgender community approached him to set up a college for them — so that they would not be trapped in prostitution. There are many such heartwarming examples. With the social media revolution, the hierarchical structure of leadership in China and the Catholic Church is under attack. Leaders once protected by ritual (Contd.. on p. 4)


All That Glitters The chances are that you have not heard of Datta Phuge of Pune. His claim to fame is that he struts around wearing 6.5 kgs of gold ornaments. Recently he got a shirt stitched for himself which is embellished with a further 3.5 kgs of gold. So with his shirt on his back he packs a punch, laden with 10 kgs of gold. Since the yellow metal currently costs about Rs 28,000/ - per 10 gms (a tola), it means that Phuge is strutting around wearing Rupees Twenty Eight Million, excluding incidental costs like that of his underwear and socks! Given us Indians penchant for

gold, we should elect Phuge as our President. At present his wife is only a lowly Municipal Corporator, but Phuge nurses ambitions of fighting the forthcoming Lok Sabha elections from the Shirur constituency on an NCP ticket. Is Datta Phuge an aberration, or a symbol of modern India? Many may call Phuge a fool for strutting around like that, considering how easily hapless women are divested of their necklaces and earrings; a phenomenon that has added a new word to the English lexicon – “chain snatchers”. Yet I would hazard a guess that half of India would long to be in Phuge’s shoes, I mean

China And The Church: A Tale Of Two Hierarchies

(Contd.. from p. 3)

and distance and sometimes also by hypocrisy and ignorance are now seen as quite human after all. Corruption and sexual misbehavior have been widely reported, not necessarily because they have become more common — but because they are harder to hide or cover up. Both President Xi and Pope Francis recognize the seriousness of the challenge. After assuming their respective posts, they have taken actions to set a new tone and in highly symbolic ways. By coming down hard on public extravagance, President Xi sent a strong signal to all China. When Pope Francis washed the feet of young prisoners on Maundy Thursday, he reminded all Catholics of the humility of Christ. By meeting and praying with refugees from Africa and the poor in Rio's favelas, he led by example. Whether the two men succeed or not will depend on their persistence in following through, but an important start has been made.


There are no perfect leaders and those who appear so are fakes. In today's circumstances, it is crucial to be authentic and close to ordinary people. For China and the Catholic Church, moral leadership is an inseparable part of all leadership. The world needs more of it. Society cannot be organized purely on the basis of law and the operation of the market. Without moral values, society breaks down. What these common moral values should be in the world we live in today, however, has to be discussed and debated. It is certainly not enough to be amoral. For both Chinese and Catholics, the cultivation of individual virtues and the sanctity of the family are fundamental. It is unfortunate that China and the Catholic Church are still estranged from each other. If the two are reconciled, the entire world will benefit. And it is not as if the differences are irreconcilable. Source; The Globalist

shirt! Why are we Indians so obsessed with gold? It baffles me. Even the Govt of India is worried, because gold imports, like that of oil, a major Chhotebhai is contributor to the country’s Current Account Deficit (CAD), which loosely translates into the excess of foreign exchange outgoings over inflows. The CAD has now climbed to a worrying 5.4% of our Gross Domestic Product (GDP), thereby affecting our economic rating, contributing to inflation, and a further economic slowdown. Two years ago the Govt put the squeeze on gold, raising Customs Duty from 2% to 4%, and now to 6%. It dare not go higher for fear of encouraging smuggling. But even this limited measure has had a salutary effect. Gold imports are down from 933 tonnes in 2011 to about 800 tonnes in 2012-13. Latest figures show that gold imports have crashed from 141 tonnes in April to just 31 tonnes in June this year. This augurs well for the economy. There are two other factors that have put the brakes on gold imports. One is Finance Minister P. Chidambaram’s directive to banks to not give loans for purchase of gold. The second is the Reserve Bank of India’s recent directive that 20% of imported gold must be exported back in the form of finished goods (gold ornaments). It thereby hopes to reduce annual gold imports to 500 tonnes, while at the same time exporting 100 tonnes of finished goods. These are wise measures that need to be acclaimed. It is interesting to here note that the World Gold Council has stated that for the first time since 2009, the demand for gold has actually come down from a peak of 4405 tonnes in 2012. On

19 August 2013

the face of it a “poor country” like India seems to be the biggest buyer of gold worldwide. Is this not a skewered priority that needs to be rectified? The Govt, yeah those despised “netas”, is doing its part. What of “we the people”? Is not the import and sale of gold driven by our own craze for the yellow stuff? Writing in the Hindustan Times, Gaurav Choudhury states that 50% of the gold sold in India is for wedding ornaments. And there are 15 million weddings a year. At current import levels and prices that translates into 400 tonnes, or an average of 27 gms per wedding, worth Rs 75,600/each. In higher income groups this figure will rise astronomically. Is this not a colossal waste, just chasing a yellow mirage? As I said earlier, the gold we wear in public is not safe. Nor is the wearer. What is the use of keeping gold ornaments in the safe anyway? Who is going to see it there, other than an insider who could be a potential thief? Do those sleeping on their gold get good sleep, or do they always have an eye open to protect their precious metal? Today artificial jewelry, and even diamonds, look as good as the original stuff. Together with wedding attire, jewelry is also available on hire. Ask any wedding planner. Who knows and who cares what you are wearing at your

Datta Phuge wedding, or any other day for that matter? What about all those social and civic activists on Twitter and Facebook (I am neither)? They are always brimming with self-righteous anger. Why don’t these socially conscious netizens of India launch an FB and TWT campaign against gold consumption and

Change yourself and change the world One, a thorn pricked a princess's sole. So, the kind told his minister to cover the land completely with leather to avoid the repetition of such incident. Naturally, the minister did not know how to arrange for so much leather to cover the entire land. However, an idea struck his mind. He offered a pair of beautiful leather sandals to the princess There are thorns in the world; but they do not rick those who wear shoes. So change yourself rather than trying to change the world.

19 August 2013

wedding ostentation? They would be rendering a singular service to the nation. In his article Choudhury states that earlier almost all countries, excluding the U.S., linked their currencies to the quantity of gold that they had in their coffers. It was called the Gold Standard. It was discarded after World War I, which is almost 100 years ago. If nations and their currencies could delink themselves from gold, wouldn’t it be wonderful if individuals could also dump the “gold standard”, and become standard bearers of a different value system altogether? I am practicing what I preach, because the only gold I possess is my slim wedding band with my wife’s name and our wedding date engraved on it. I was happy to see that the new Pope Francis has dispensed with the golden cross that his predecessors wore, as a sign of spiritual authority. It would indeed be wonderful if spiritual leaders, who wield great influence over their disciples/ devotees, were to appeal to them to eschew their passion for gold. There are two references to gold in the Bible that I find significant. The first is the well-known presentation of gold by the wise men from the East at the time of Jesus’ birth. Have we ever wondered how much gold it was? It must have been a mere token; otherwise Jesus would not have had to spend the next 30 years working as a carpenter. Even more poignant is the interaction of Peter and John with a lame man at the Temple, after the Resurrection. When beseeched for alms Peter said to the beggar, “Silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have I give to you: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk” (Acts 3:6). Would that we too could follow in the footsteps of the Carpenter of Nazareth and his devoted disciple Peter. Giving up the glitter may seem like swallowing a bitter pill. But that is good for health; in this case the health of the economy as also of society. So why fritter away one’s precious earnings on that “not so precious” glitter? Do twitter about it. * The writer is a Kanpur based social and civic activist.


Social Justice – Essence Of Christianity ... “ The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing ...

This week the Church and The Nation was a Staunch Christian , who read on August 15th celebrated the 67th Bible daily morning, and strove to bring Independence Day as well as the Sol- about social justice,He was the tallest emn Feast of the Assumption Of Christian Politian of Independent India, Blessed Virgin Mary, and this Sunday and his contribution of winning 41 our The Church celebrates Justice Sunof 42 states in day. St. Augustine said it Andhra Pradesh centuries back-“In the abhelped UPA Govsence of justice, what is ernment led by sovereignty but organized Sonia Gandhi win robbery?- “ Hence it is a second term in appropriate that Justice power. Hundreds Sunday should immediof Andhraites of all ately follow Independence religions commitday, because as the great ted suicide on Mahatma Gandhi, Martin hearing of acciby Steven Lawrence D’Souza Luther king, Nelson dental premature (Former IRS –RETD (VRS-2008)Mandela and other great death of this ChrisCustoms, Central Excise and Service freedom fighters advocate tian politician rultax, Officer, presently a corporate -, concurring with the ing over a premanagement and tax consultant . scholarly views of the great dominantly large On Advisory Panel of various state theologian St Augustine. non-Christian state and central govt. committees, promiSimilarly , the mission of , primarily because nent NGOs and deemed universities Christ and his Church can and senior high court/supreme court his social reforms be summarized aptly as legal counsel on tax, administrative measures initiated and finance matters .Besides, Visitone that strives to brings for the poor, the ing faculty business mgt., and course in Justice into the realm of marginalized, necoordinator for UPSC –IAS and other everyone in Society, by glected sectors competitive exams) striving to advance the like minorities, cause of the poor, the tribals, the rural marginalized, the persecuted, the suf- poor and especially women made him fering, by spreading the love of God a cult figure. YSR’s son has deviated through a humane compassionate ap- from his father’s legacy, yet manages proach. Love for one’s less fortunate to win elections- such is the regard that brethren, compassion and service to people in Andhra had for his father and the marginalized, and fighting for what his efforts to bring in social justice. His is just and right is not an appendage or son ignoring the Biblical mandate that a maxim of Christianity – it is the core of greed for money is the root of all evil is Christ’s mission and an eternal com- now in prison and this has no way mandment to all of us- his followers. reduced the Icon like status of former The path towards social justice is YSR.There are more statues of YSR in ardous, difficult and strewn with thorns“ Andhra than any other leader and both Be strong and of good courage; do not Congress and his son Jagan are claimbe afraid, nor be dismayed. For the ing to represent his legacy, brought Lord your God is with you “(Joshua 1:9, about by his relentless quest for social Old Testament, the Bible). This framed justice, brought about by his strong quotation adorns the drawing room of Biblical influence and subsequent eflate former Chief Minister Of Andhra fort to transform Christ’s zeal and conPradesh and stalwart of ruling Con- cern for the poor, the marginalized, the gress party, Y. Samuel Rajashekar suffering the persecuted and his misReddy’s Bungalow in Hyderabad. YSR sion to bring justice in an unequal soci-


ety into the national mainstream. Let”s take the most popular Christian in India-The greatest naturalized Indian Christian of all time, and the most loved selfless Icon of Christian love and service in modern India,Blessed Mother Teresa who still remains the most classic example of how much service to humanity to bring about social justice is the greatest attribute of Christianity. Our new Pope Francis is the other global figure who is a strong advocate of social justice, the pope of Hope as he is now addressed to, bonding with the poor, the marginalized, reaching out to the hither to despised prisoners, out casts, the scum of society including symbolic washing of a feet on Maundy Thursday, trying to live a Spartan simple life and striving to bring about justice in a lopsided unequal unjust society. The Pope sees the mission of social justice in 3 arenas indentifying with victims of an unjust system, empathizing with them and strive to reduce the injustice in society and finally taking proactive steps to bring about a just humane society through the power of Christ inspired love and service to humanity. No wonder on a recent visit to Brazil, a record 3.7 million people filled up every corner of a Brazilian city beach to hear the soothing message of Christ which the Pope preaches more in action than just sermonizing, and by reaching out to the poor , the marginalized, the persecuted everywhere, more specially in their slums, rehab centres etc. The rest of the clergy and we the laity should follow his example and help in fulfilling the cause of a just humane compassionate society, the core of the message of Christ our Saviour. The Church, its institutions, and umpteen social activists, NGOs, volunteers and human rights activists should use this occasion to renew Christ’s clarion call to continue the eternal quest for social justice advocated by our Sav(Contd.. on p. 7)

19 August 2013

Timely Article " Why I am opposed to Organ Donation" . Very timely, factual and highly informative, in the context of TOI making such a fuss(it is more a publicity stunt!) about this seemingly heroic act. Please congratulate the author on my behalf. —Fr Alfonso

What A Pity! It’s a pity that after every Independence Day and Republic Day celebrations, the country’s national flag is strewn on the roads and people keep stamping on them. Don’t we have respect for our country’s national flag and anthem? Even when the national anthem is played on radio or telecasted on television, people don't stand still and sing it. They are busy talking on their mobile phones or chatting with their friends. As Indians, we should respect our national flag and anthem.

— Jubel D'Cruz, Dombivili

Dark Patches – Any Solution ? There is an interesting comment by a film personality Shekhar Kapur in The Times of India dated 5.8.2013 – he says : “Cosmetic companies are trying to turn India into a nation of

(Contd.. from p. 6) iour, to help bring in the Kingdom of God in this unjust unequal oppressive society. Let us remember that “ Legal and ethical definitions of right are not the same. We must not t confuse power with goodness, and mistake law for justice.-( CHARLES T SPRADING)” . Let us remember the words of Albert Einstein-“ The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing . let us strive meaningfully to do something that each of us can do to further the cause of social justice, to fight injustice in whatever measure we can , both individually and as a community.maybe individually we can do little, but collectively we can do a lot, as the blind Noble Prize winning scientist Hellen Keller used to say in adverse circumstances. I end with an anonymous prayer To Almighty God our Father“God give us men! A time like this demands Strong minds, great hearts, true faith and ready hands; Men whom the lust of office doesn’t kill; Men whom the spoils of office cannot buy; Men who possess opinions and a will; Men who have honor; men who will not lie; Men who can stand before a demagogue And damn his treacherous flatteries without winking! Tall men, sun-crowned, who live above the fog In public duty, and in private thinking; For while the rabble, with their thumb-worn creeds Their large professions and their little deeds, Mingle in selfish strife, lo! Freedom weeps, Wrong rules the land and waiting justice sleeps.”

A meaningful justice Sunday to one and all.. Amen

19 August 2013

Albinos. No dark area of any part of the body. Except maybe our hearts. Got a cream for that ? Very rightly said Mr. Sekhar Kapur. Apparently, a lot of people may be getting carried away with this ‘Fairness’ campaign. Be that as it may, the important part of the comment is “Except maybe our hearts. Got a cream for that ?”. Year after year, during the period of Lent and Advent, we always talk about cleaning our hearts, but does anything seem to happen ? It may be true that perhaps people are more obsessed with their exterior appearance rather than cleaning oneself from the inside. And so, we will find people whitening those dark areas of their external self but keeping those ‘dark, black patches’ – hatred, jealousy, malice, vengeance,etc. etc., inside their hearts untouched ! Little do we seem to understand that no matter how much we try to clean up ourselves from the outside by using all sorts of ‘Fairness creams’ like Fair & Lovely, those dark patches from the inside will come to the fore. And yes of course, there is a solution – a cream, for those internal dark patches – let Jesus into our hearts, let Him take charge ! Only then shall we be ‘Fair & Lovely’ both from inside & from outside. —Melville X. D’Souza, Orlem

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When POWER Speaks…

ong ago when someone said, “Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely”, people of India ignored it or failed to comprehend the underlying significance of this theory. Indians were secure in the knowledge that the country’s future was in safe hands with honest stalwarts leading India towards becoming truly a Sovereign, Secular, Democratic Republic with assurance of Equality, Justice, Liberty and Fraternity to every Indian. The Constitution made provision for the people to elect honest, sincere, selfless and clean-spirited men and women to govern the country and if they did not deliver, others could be brought in to replace them! So, a poverty-stricken, caste-riddled nation had better things to do than to worry about absolute power, (another name for dictatorship) or corruption following in its wake. But now, after 65 years of Independence, the term ‘power’ has assumed a new meaning and poverty and caste are the new mantras to political success. A query such as, how did power become ‘absolute power’ in a Democracy, seems to be just rhetoric! This power is not the one that lights up our homes but brings darkness and misery to our families. It strikes from the personal empires of ill-gotten wealth to execute values such as honesty and rewards sycophancy. It neither puts it weight behind any endeavour to implement laws beneficial to the people nor ensures that the guilty get punished. On the contrary it creates chasms and builds walls between sections of people. This power is heady and when affected, in a state of inebriation the human loses other powers such as reasoning, analysis, judgement, reckoning and shows signs of the deadly disease called arrogance. It is a dangerous drug which when administered to those from poor and deprived class, reacts drastically turning them into pathological cases. Those under its influence, show a total transformation, from simple to scheming, calm to conceited, from rustic to ruth-

... after 65 years of Independence, the term ‘power’ has assumed a new meaning and poverty and caste are the new mantras to political success... less, good to greedy, steadfast to sinister and from decent to decadent. The victims also hallucinate that they are monarchs of all they survey, that their opinion is the voice of the people and those citizens contradicting them

Vera Alvares should be confined to the dungeons of anonymity. The outward symptom to look out for is the physical aggression with which the victim is seen clinging to his chair, which to him is his lifeline to absolute power and illegal wealth, a foundation to build family clout on and a passport to lawlessness! Recently many such cases have been highlighted by the media, the watchdogs at the kennels of a sane society. Hopes were raised that a meal could be obtained in this Ravanrajya for Rs. One, five or twelve and Durga’s shakti was squeezed through the red tape machinery with excuses for the punitive measures imposed on her. Appeasement reached new heights and vote bank politics was played out to the accompaniment of strident cries of ‘don’t politicize the issue’! News hours ended up as shock treatments to the aam Janta, the mango people who have done precious little to halt the country’s progress into a ba-

nana republic, drowning in the tide of hypocrisy and double standards. One of the most offensive remarks about urinating in dams addressed to a people thirsting for water, a basic need to be provided by the government will not be erased from public memory ever. One cannot imagine the intensity of disdain for another community whose value was weighed against that of baby dogs. Ridiculing the very people who protect us by risking their own lives in the line of duty and often lay down their lives doing it, is the height of arrogance. The new Mahabharata’s Bhim turned out to be the shaming shadow of the great Pandava warrior when he had a pathetic memory lapse, forgetting that he receives his salary from the taxpayers of this country who are funding his lavish lifestyle that flaunts such arrogance! The Netas will continue to appear on television imposing on us their views and fighting for time and space to vent their anger at the people’s audacity in questioning them. For them, punishing instead of encouraging the conscientious officials has become so essential if not for survival, then for affluence. Fortunately the citizens of India can see through their fury as a desperate attempt to protect their business interests, the golden geese they procured with absolute power! Pitched battles between the rulers and the ruled are also camouflaged as punishment of the student by the teacher. Our Gurukuls were once the crowning glories of this great country, the teachers were wise sages and rishis of enlightened thinking and behaviour. They were never the whipping and lashing centres, as interpreted by some ignorant politicians. But for those in power, trading the hills, soil, sand, minerals and resources of India for personal fortune has become a way of life and these are examples of how the juggernaut of absolute power relentlessly squashes any obstacle in the way! They seem to forget that punishing the honest and brave was the only (Contd.. on p. 9)


19 August 2013

The Virgin Mary’s Affirmations And Assumption We Catholics have come a long way in affirmations regarding Mary , Virgin Mother of God. The Roman Catholic Church is sensitive to what people say ,claim or hypothesize about her teachings. In the study of Catholic theology the exposition on the Virgin Mary and her eventual assumption is an enriching document, illuminating and always satisfying to the seeker of true faith. Devotion to the Blessed Virgin is the Church’s intrinsic gift to Christian worship.

“All generations will call me blessed”. “Mary’s role in the Church is inseparable from her union with Christ and flows directly from it. “This union of the mother with the Son in the work of salvation is made manifest from the time of Christ’s virginal conception up to his death”. (CCC. 964:502). Today, we have reached the zenith point in our trust, belief and faith. Trust in Jesus Christ, his love and mercy

Melvyn Brown ;belief in his death and resurrection, his ascension into heaven and full faith in the dogma of the assumption of the Virgin Mary, body and soul. The Catholic doctrine on Mary is always serious and responsible in all Marian literature. Mary was a true, faithful and obedient servant of God. Marian devotion is centered in Jesus Christ. She is our refuge and intercessor. The crowning moment in Marian teaching and devotion came in November 2, 1950 when Pope Pius XII declared the dogma of the Assumption of Mary. “The Immaculate Virgin, preserved free from all stain of original sin, when the course of her earthly life was

When POWER Speaks… (Contd.. from p. 8) escape route available to the dictators of the past who grabbed power at gunpoint. However, there isn’t anything scarier than a person of humble origin, voted to power by the people trusting in his integrity, gunning for the same people with both barrels blazing, especially when they are engrossed in mourning for the sons of the soil murdered in cold blood! Mother India is in wrong hands- is this portent of the bleak scenario of India’s future? At no point of time in India’s independent History has the country plummeted to the depths of such decay as at present. Food prices spun out of control, leaders speaking with forked tongues incoherent words, poverty seen as a ‘state of mind’ and

19 August 2013

conspicuous absence of that one man in charge of steering India to safety has had a collective impact on India’s masses. The fact that the government is alienated from the people is proven time and again by irresponsible angry statements given by those very people to whom we have entrusted the country’s future. Time they realised that they need to face the facts, scrutinise the lives of citizens, find the truth and learn to tackle it. Denial of truth will be the flood to wash them away, back into the swirling dark waters. Only when an inventory of existing conditions is made can plans be laid down to improve them and to craft a better future. But the power that speaks in public gives us the impression that the people of this country have been dumped long ago at the wayside because they do not matter!

finished, was taken up body and soul into heavenly glory, and exalted by the Lord as Queen over all things, so that she might be the more fully conformed to her Son, the Lord of lords and conqueror of sin and death “506.The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin is a singular partici-pation in her Son’s Resurrection….(CCC 491/966). A sermon I heard on Mary was based on Luke 1: 26-38). It summarized the Birth of Jesus which had been foretold. God’s favour was special to Mary and helped her to rise to the greatest potential as a woman. In the Catholic Church Christ is peripheral and Mary is central to all worshipers. She is a ‘vessel of grace’, and the eternal Virgin. Ope Pius, in the Apostolic Constitution, Munificentissimus Deus, declared the dogma of the Assumption of Mary : Wherefore, after We have unceasingly offered Our most fervent prayers to God who has lavished His special affection upon the Virgin Mary, for the honour of her Son, the immortal king of the Ages and Victor over sin and death, for the increase of the glory of that same august Mother, and for the joy and exultation of the entire Church ; by the authority of our Lord Jesus Christ, of the blessed Apostles Peter and Paul, and by Our own authority, We pronounce, declare, and define it to be a divinely revealed dogma: that the Immaculate Mother of God, the ever Virgin Mary, having completed the course of her earthly life, was assumed body and soul into heavenly glory.” Mary is honored by the Church as the Mother of God and of the redeemer. The entire Gospel expresses devotion to the Virgin in Marian prayers and the holy rosary. The liturgical feasts are dedicated to the Mother of God. Pope Paul VI once said, “ We believe that the Holy Mother of God, the new Eve, Mother of the Church, continues in heaven to exercise her maternal role on behalf of the members of Christ.” (CCC 975).


Congratulation This is the exclamatory greeting of our parish priest Fr.Peter D`cunha to the youth of our parish when he saw them making roses for their parents to give on parents day. He was happy not because of youth were making flowers but he was happy to see them sitting together and using only two tube lights and only two fans, which were sufficient for them to work, Which gave him positive impression that our youth are not only an acting youth but thinking use. This was not happing somehow, or they were not aware that wasting unnecessary light, water, food and destroying public property was a social sin. When Father Peter Dcunha congratulated them and he said that he was happy about their social awareness, the youth told him that they have decided to not to waste light, water, and food. Further they said that mil-

lions of people are under privilege to have these resources. Further they said that if every church, schools, and other public places if people learn to save this natural resources then surely we will make some difference in our county, many poor people will benefit from our holy act of saving. Our youth also have decided to mobilize this moral and social value of saving light, water, and decided to pass it to their friends and close ones, which will be our greatest contribution for the humanity and our government.Fr. Peter also appeals to them to be practical rather than only acting youth on the stage. Positive thinking will surly produce positive result through your writing or acting which could be a greatest contribution for your own future, for the church, and for the society a large From Prema Swqueira Lay Head

Punjab dy. CM meets new Jalandhar bishop Jalandhar: Punjab deputy chief minister Sukhbir Singh Badal has met newlyappointed Bishop Franco Mulakkal of Jalandhar. The meeting took place on Aug 6 at the Trinity College Church in the city. Badal’s visit assumes significance as the diocese has major influence among Christians in Punjab. Earlier, the prelate while favoring conferring of SC status to Dalit Christians, had said he would urge the chief minister to take up the case with the Centre. Sukhbir, who came to Jalandhar after administering oath to panchs and sarpanchs in Nawanshahr and Hoshiarpur, participated in a 'Sarv Dharam' prayer organized by the diocese. Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal and Akal Takht jathedar Giani Gurbachan Singh accompanied him. According to sources, after the prayer, Sukhbir met the Bishop, whose coronation had recently taken place. In the recent past, SAD has been trying to strengthen its hold over the


weaker sections of the society, which have traditionally voted for the Congress. Doaba region has the highest percentage of Dailt population in the country. With the emergence of the Bahujan Samaj Party, Congress' hold in the area has also waned, prompting all parties to increase their efforts at wooing the voters. Doaba has 23 Assembly and two Lok Sabha constituencies.

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Teeth said to tongue,"If I just press you little hard, you will get cut." Tongue replied,"If I missuse one word against someone, than all the 32 of you will come out at once" *** *My boss asked me to start the presentation with a joke. I attached payslip on the first slide. *** A man in hell asked devil: Can I make a call to my wife? Everyone in hell could hear him, getting a mouth full from his wife. After making call he sadly asked the devil, how much to pay? Devil: Nothing, hell to hell is free of cost.

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19 August 2013

New Yorkers Celebrate Feast Of Alphonsa Of India New York: The feast of Saint Alphonsa, the first woman saint of India, was celebrated in Our Lady of the Snows Roman Catholic Church, with traditional festivities helping New Yorkers know about the saint. Announcing the July 21 feast, parish priest Father Kevin McBrien said how he came to know about the saint after moving into the parish. “I must admit I did not know anything about Saint Alphonsa when I moved to this parish two years ago. However, I was to learn quickly and fully about this humble saint and the great devotion offered to her by the whole parish including those who are originally from Kerala India.� The feast began on July 12 with Novena, a nine-day prayer, to Saint Alphonsa. A portrait of the saint was placed in the gathering space of the church and people got a chance to write down their prayerful petitions seeking her intercession. The American parishioners had a number of questions. Some Indian Catholic leaders stood in the atrium of the church during these nine days explaining, answering questions

and helping the parishioners to know more about St. Alphonsa. Bishop Raymond Chapetto led the fest Mass with nine priests in English, while choir sang both in English and Malayalam. Father George Peter Naranath CMI in his homily briefly narrated the life of the saint. Parish priest reminded about the powerful intercession of the saint and introduced a parishioner, Daniel Toby, who experienced it. Toby's testimony explained how the saint interceded for him during his time of sickness. There were others also sharing

their blessing through St. Alphonsa. The feast mass was followed by a procession holding the lighted candles and praying to St. Alphonsa. The traditional drums, decorated festive umbrellas, singing in honor of St. Alphonsa all gave great Indian touch. When the procession returned to church, a congregation joined for Novena and veneration of the relic. Saint Alphonsa was canonized on October 12th 2008 in Rome. The feast was part of several program that Catholic here organize to help our fellowmen in America get to know Saint Alphonsa, said an organizer. "Her life filled with virtues of faith, hope and charity. We live in a world of great anguish pain sickness and hatred. We need saint Alphonsa and her ways now than in any other time," she said. by Betty Meenattoor (ucan)

Thanksgiving on the occasion of his 75 Birth anniversary VALERIAN SEQUEIRA & his family offer thanks to Almighty God for his blessings. 19 August 2013



19 August 2013

19 August 2013


Cardinal Simon’s Guiding Hands


consider myself privileged to have had the final touch of the hands that ordained me, only few days ago at the Clergy Home; before they could be buried with the mortal remains of Cardinal Simon. Before the Missa Coram Corpore at the Cathedral, while sitting on the second pew, as I gazed at those hands, I told my priest friends seated next to me about the greatness of those blessed hands. On my Ordination Day, at the time of embrace, seeing me bare feet at the altar, Cardinal whispered in my ears “hmm no shoes, good!”. I always had a special backing from him to organize the Eucharist during Deepawali in the Indian rite. Such a Eucharist was also celebrated once, with Bishop Thomas, the Auxiliary Bishop as the main celebrant at Sacred Heart Church in the year 1992. Though the Cardinal received letters before and after this from few parishioners who were not in favour, I was never called or cautioned. Indian rite mass was commonly celebrated for many years at the DPC for the cat-

Fr. Calistus Fernandes Shine of Our Lady of Fatima, Karjat echists and I also remember during our seminary formation, such Eucharistic Celebrations were always encouraged without any serious warning from Cardinal Simon, giving a salient support. At Roha, Mission station of the Archdiocese, a special altar for Indian rite mass was placed in the newly constructed church during Cardinal Simon’s tenure, which is replaced now .This was also true in the Churches at Talasari mission. The interiors and some places the external looks of the mission churches were done with Indian settings, all with the blessings of Cardinal Simon. Jeevan Darshan Kendra at Vasai; which is a centre interested in improving the quality of life through leader-


Late Cardinal Simon Pimenta ship and other personality development programmes was Cardinal Simon’s initiative and he had a special love for this centre. He supported all the activities pertaining to Marathi language. He encouraged Fr. Hillary, then the Director to perform the ‘Indian ballet’ on the life of Jesus Christ which was appreciated by millions. He preferred his priests getting involved with the struggle of the masses. The agitation of mid –nineties against the builders lobby and corrupt politicians under the banner of ‘Harit Vasai’ lead by Fr Francis is still fresh in the memory of

the people of Vasai. He was aware of the political mafia and their activities. Once while traveling to Uttan in the cardinal’s car as we were passing by the site where indiscriminate quarring was going on at the road side of Dongari village; he said to me “what are you doing with this, can’t this be stopped’. This gave me the impetus to organize people to tackle environmental issues. At this a number of complaints by the Politicians, seeking my transfer piled up at the Cardinal’s office. I was sent a copy and asked to reply each letter as a procedure, but was never asked to stop my work. Within a year of his retirement I was given my new transfer from Uttan Church in the year 1999. Cardinal Simon stood for his priest, fearlessly facing all the brunt of those with vested interest. During his sermon Cardinal Oswald rightly mentioned, Cardinal Simon was instrumental in bringing the Vatican II to fulfillment with a special remark on INCULTURATION. So much was spoken about his love for the local language. Deep down in my heart I feel the Church failed to give a fitting tribute by not celebrating the funeral Mass in Marathi. Long live his legacy ! Cardinal Simon, I will miss your encouragement and push and above all those guiding hands that ordained me.

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19 August 2013

When Mar e La ws of Marrr iag iage Law Chur ch and SStt at e Clash Churc ate The Catholic Church, Divorce, and Annulment An annulment is commonly and incorrectly called a "Catholic divorce." The differences between divorce and annulment can be confusing to Catholics and non-Catholics alike — especially when remarriage is a possibility. Divorce and annulment aren't the same thing; they differ in two ways:

Dr. Astrid Lobo Gajiwala Indian Christian Personal Law is once again in the news, thanks to a petition filed in the Supreme Court earlier this year seeking to have the Code of Canon Law recognized as the personal law of Indian Christians and the “decree of dissolution of marriage” granted by an ecclesiastical court made legally binding. The problems the petition addresses arise from the fact that Christian Personal Law accepts the validity of a marriage solemnized in a church, but not the decree of nullity granted by the Canonical Court. Thus, Catholics whose marriages have been annulled by a Church court but not a civil court, run the risk of being prosecuted for bigamy under the Indian Penal Code if they remarry in church. Without a civil annulment or divorce, the children from a second marriage would be considered as illegitimate and the spouse could face criminal charges. Further, the priest who solemnizes the second marriage runs the risk of being prosecuted for abetment. The petitioner Clarence Pais, a senior Catholic advocate from Mangalore, asks a pertinent question: If marriage under Canon Law is recognized by the Indian Christian Marriage Act, why is a decree of nullity under Canon Law not recognised by the law? Although the petition is well intentioned, its plea to declare the Code of Canon Law as the Personal Law of Indian Christians is flawed on many counts.

19 August 2013

1. First, divorce is a civil law decree from the state, whereas an annulment is a canon law decree from the Church. In other words: The state issues a marriage license; and the state issues a divorce decree. The Church celebrates the Sacrament of Matrimony; and only the Church can issue a Decree of Nullity (otherwise known as an annulment). The Church does not believe in divorce. 2. The second is the existence of the marriage after a divorce or annulment: A civil divorce basically says that what was once a marriage is no longer a marriage. The marriage took place but ended. A previously married couple no longer has the legal obligations of husband and wife. An annulment, on the other hand, basically says that the Sacrament of Matrimony never took place to begin with. Civil divorce ends a civil marriage; a Church annulment declares that the Sacrament of Matrimony didn’t occur from day one. Keep in mind that Church annulments are not a form of divorce and have no affect whatsoever on the legitimacy of children, because that’s a purely legal (civil) matter. Annulments don’t make the children born of that union illegitimate. Annulments declare that a marriage was never a valid sacrament in the first place even if both parties entered into it with good faith and intentions. At the very outset it fails to realize that the 1983 Code of Canon Law applies only to Latin Rite Catholics, and not to the many Christian denominations that Christian Personal Law covers. Even among Catholics, the code applies only to the Latin Rite, not the Oriental Syro Malabar and Syro Malankara rites who have their own code. Further, Canon Law is universally applicable to all Latin Rite Catholics across the globe, and cannot be considered the Personal Law of Indian Christians.

The scope of Canon Law is also completely different as it is meant to regulate and govern the Church's organization and mission. It deals with the sacramental aspect of marriage, and thus does not make provisions that address marriage as a legal contract. Catholic marriage by virtue of being a sacrament is considered to be indissoluble and hence the Catholic Church does not grant a “decree of dissolution of marriage” as stated in the petition. (Contd.. on p. 16)


When Marriage Laws of Church and State Clash (Contd.. from p. 15) Protestant Churches as well as the Orthodox Churches, however, accept grounds for divorce. The primary purpose of Church marriage law is to preserve the sacrament. Thus while it does have provisions that declare a marriage null and void, the issue is not whether a marriage has broken down but whether a sacrament existed or not. The focus of the Church court is on the need to prove that some essential element for a valid sacramental marriage was missing. Thus when the Church grants a decree of nullity it is not just saying the marriage never happened, but more importantly, that there was no sacrament. Consequently Canon Law makes no provisions for civil effects–maintenance, custody of children, right to marital home etc. All of these have to be addressed by civil courts. At another level what needs to be


realized is that recognition of a Church annulment would amount to recognizing a parallel court. This is untenable since only courts constituted under the Constitution can have legal authority. The only recourse therefore is an amendment to the existing law. Unfortunately working to change the law is easier said than done, for it requires the coordination of all Christian denominations, and the political will of the religious authorities who are the legal representatives of the over 24 million Indian Christians. In recent years changes in the law have come about through landmark judgments. Most notable among them was the ruling that struck down the gender discriminatory section of the Divorce Act and passed an interim order directing the government to act within six months on the recommendations made by the Law Commission for amending the Act. The result is the Indian Divorce

(Amendment) Act, 2001. What was remarkable was that although the religious authorities stated that they could not accept divorce, in the larger interests of the community they accepted the provisions of the Amended Act. With the writ petition the ball is once again in the court of law. It will be interesting to see how the game plays out. Dr Astrid Lobo Gajiwala is head of the Tissue Bank at Tata Memorial Hospital in Mumbai and a lay theologian and activist (ucanews)

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19 August 2013

Go, Show And Tell “


hrist has confirmed you and He entrusts His own mission to you. Go and make disciples. Be a missionary disciple. Go to the fringes of society, to all types of people."(Pope Francis) How are we carrying this out in our personal lives? Are our Small Christian Communities equipping us? Are we allowing Christ living in us to affect those around us in our normal spheres of life? "Return home, show and tell how much God has don for you. So the man went away and told all over town how much Jesus had done for him "(Luke 8, 38-39). God wants to use us, where we are, with what we have, right now. As followers of Jesus, we are called to be His "witnesses in Jerusalem (home and family). Judea (workplace), Samaria (neighbourhood) and to the ends of the earth (our social arenas). Letting Jesus live through us is not simply a Sunday or Churchrelated activity. It is walking through open doors of opportunity that the Lord swings open especially in our own spheres of influence using the gifts that the Lord has blessed us with. It is essential to spend time daily in prayer listening to God, making ourselves available to be led and used in others' lives. His Spirit gives us the desire to share His love with others and we want to act in loving ways. One Oswald Chambers has said:" Remember, wherever you are, you were put there by God and by the reaction of your life on the circumstances around you, you will fulfill God's purpose." Spend precious time daily in listening to and assimilating God's Word (Scripture). "My word-------will not return to me empty but will accomplish what I desire and will achieve the purpose for which I sent it (Isaiah)." Our responsibility is to plant, fertilize and continue to cultivate the Word of God. God brings the harvest in His time. However listening alone is not enough. We must be ready and willing to be used and take steps to reach out, to act.

19 August 2013

Tony Martyris It would be useful to have some training in Faith Formation (not information) including the Church's Social Doctrine and Apologetics. But St. Paul tells us that it is more important to be available to Him, to be used by Him, as He trains us on-the-job. "I can do all things in Christ who strengthens me." St. Francis of Assisi is said to have once remarked "Preach Jesus, and only if necessary, use words"." Let your light shine." We are God's ambassadors. Our goal has to be living close to

Jesus, to be consistent in our joy, peace, goodness and a positive calm attitude even in crises. It has been said that "your life is the only Bible that people will ever read."People will perceive that we are different, that we have something different and will ask why. They will observe that we have happy homes, that we are people of honesty and integrity at our workplace even in little things, that we do not gossip or complain or make rash judgements, that we are clear about our priorities and are relaxed even if busy. In to-day's frenzied world, it is important that we ruthlessly decide to oust even some good things in our lives so that we can have time to partake of the best things. If we remain too busy we will not see the people or the opportunities God places before us. We shall see people and situations as interruptions or inconveniences. Finally we must remind ourselves that we must serve people not just to help them - which is just humanistic philosophy - but in order to point them to Jesus. We have to be sure that people understand that Jesus is the reason that we do what we do and He gives us the strength to do this. "The secular becomes spiritual and integrated if done for the eternal." It would indeed be fruitful if we could share our prayer, faith and life experiences at our SCC meetings as we use creative ways to meet the needs of the people we come into contact with.

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The Assumption Of The Blessed Virgin Mary August 15

The feast of the Assumption, Reminds us that Mary is in heaven, Body and soul, She was 'full of grace', And could not be perfect, As God had foretold, Unless she remained incorruptible. (1cor 15:54-57) The Blessed Virgin Mary Conceived without detriment to her virginal modesty, Brought forth her Son without pain, Passed hence without decay, That she might be shown to be full, Not half-full of grace, Wrote Pope Alexander III, In 1568, Pope Pius V made the feast of the Assumption, A holy day for the entire church. The feast of Mary's Assumption, Celebrated on 15 August, Originated in the Byzantine Empire, Probably in the 5th century, It commemorated Mary's dormition, Or falling asleep. When this feast came into the Western Church, The term 'dormition' Was replaced by 'Assumption', Emphasis was thus laid, On the complete person of Mary, Both of her body and of her soul, Anticipating the state promised, To the rest of mankind. The assumption has been described, As our Lady's Easter, For on this day we celebrate, Not only her passing from this life, But also her resurrection and ascension, Into heavenly glory. Sin had no hold over Mary, She was always ready, To do God's will, As his handmaid, We pray Mary our Mother, Help us lead, A good and holy life. — Ella Almeida


Leadership Skill Intuition is vital for a leader When leading a team through uncharted waters, there is no roadmap on what to do. Everything is uncertain, and the higher the pressure. That is where your natural intuition has to kick in. Guiding your team through the process of your day-to-day tasks can be honed down to a science. But when something unexpected occurs, or you are thrown into a new scenario, your team will look to you for guidance. Drawing on past experience is a good reflex, as is reaching out to your mentors for support. Eventually though, the tough decisions will be up to you to decide and you will need to depend on your gut instinct for answers. Learning to trust yourself is as important as your team learning to trust you. As a leader, it's important to learn to think outside the box and to choose which of two choices the best option is.

Steps to cure Constipation 1. Drink 8-10 glasses of water daily. It is very important to keep the interestines working well. 2. Put a teaspoon of ghee in a glassful of warm milk. Drink it wnen going to bed. It is very helpful in relieving from constipation. 3. You can also take a warm lime water early in the morning. It prevents constipation and keeps the mind fresh. 4. Apples are very beneficial in treating constipation. Eat two apples every morning.

19 August 2013

Dealing With Business Partnerships Entering into a business partnership is no small commitment. A common mistake business partners make is jumping into business before really getting to know each other

Joint Ventures You are going to spend more time with them than anyone else while you set up and run the business. There can be several practical considerations for starting with or taking on a partner , including the complementary skills, additional capital and entirely separate network that someone else may bring into the business. O Be careful when partnering with close friends or family members. During tough times business part-

ners can go through a divorce stage. Be ready for the risk. Working with a spouse puts an added strain on a relationship, and couples can quickly discover there is a little too much toughterness. O Include who owns what percentage of the business, who is investing what, where the money is coming from, and how and when partners will be paid. O Establish clear roles, responsibilities and expectations for each partner. If you're going to share part of the responsibilities . Spell it out. O If you are moving into an industry you don't necessarily have much or any experience in joining forces with someone who can save a lot of hassle and hard work. O Business partners should talk-indepth about where you see the company going and your goals for

the next few months, year and future, even the exit plans should be discussed in detail. O Hire a solicitor who specialists in company and start-ups . They will be able to foresee issues you may overlook. O Establish routines for daily communication. For example, agree to talk twice a day at designated times and re-evaluate the desired goals on a regular basis. At least once a quarter, sit down and discuss how you envision the future of the business and what steps would you take in achieving the desired goals. O If the business partnership bring more people or if a particular partner is putting in more or less time, building some flexibility into the contract, can let you adjust the payments.


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MATRIMONIALS ing Mangalore Girl. Contact email : OR 9967873644 (Regd. No. 5922) MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 29 years, Ht. 5’ 9”, Wt. 75 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.Sc., working as a Manager. Contact email : OR 9850044561 (Regd. No. 5921) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 33 years, Ht. 6’, fair complexion, Edn. B.Com., working as a Sr. Officer. Seeks a good catholic family background girl. Contact Email : OR 9819420120 (Regd. No. 5920) MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Bachelor, aged 27 years. Ht. 5’ 10”, Wt. 55 kgs., Fair Complexion, Edn. T.Y. B.Com., Working as a Sr. Collection Advisor. Contact Email : OR 9821302840 (Regd. No. 5919) MUMBAI : Tamilian Roman Catholic Divorcee, aged 47 years. Ht. 5’ 4”, Wt. 66 kgs., Fair Complexion, Edn. B.Com., BBA., MBA (Finance), working as a Finance Manager. Seeks a suitable Match. Contact Email : OR 9819939479 / 9930559783 (Regd. No. 5914) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Bachelore aged 31 years. Ht. 5’ 10”, Wt. 64 kgs., Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B.Com., working as a Accounts Officer in MNC. Seeks a simple working graduate Mangalorean girl. Contact Email: OR 9892386686 / 9403644066 (Regd. No. 5913) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Bachelor aged 40 years. Ht.

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Regd. No. ROYAL CHRISTIAN FAMILY, 99, Perin Nariman Street, 1st Floor, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001.

To Place Your Matrimonial Advertisement Call: 2269 3578 OR 2265 4924 19 August 2013

BRIDES DUBAI : Roman Catholic 26 years, graduate working in UAE, Seeks alliance from Roman Catholic based in UAE. Email details to : (Regd. No. 5955) MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Spinster, aged 38 years, Ht. 5’ 7”, Wt. 55 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. 7th Std., working as a Tel. Operator. Seeks a suitable match. Contact email : OR 7738181127 (Regd. No. 5954) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Spinster aged 30 years, Ht. 5’ 2”, Wt. 50 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. B.Com., CAIIB., working as a Officer in Private Bank. Only Child. Contact : OR 9869316408 (Regd. No. 5930) MUMBAI : Mangalorean RC Spinster aged 31 years, Ht. 5’ 5”, Fair Complex, Edn. Doctor, working as an Asst. Manager in Pharmaceutical company. Only Child. Contact: email: OR 9930550318 (Regd. No. 5786) MUMBAI : RC Spinster, East Indian, Fair Complexion, Sincere, Homely, Edn. B.A., aged 46 years, Ht. 5’ 2”, working for a Mumbai Reputed MNC - mfg - household products. Hobbies/ Occupn/Profsn in Creative Art work. Seeks a suitable life Partner-Reliable, Sincere, Homely, Working, Sacrificing & Supportive. If interested Contact 830 p.m. to 10 p.m. Dial 25372060 (Regd. No. 5662) PANVEL: Mangalorean Roman Catholic Spinster, aged 27 years Ht. 5’ 3”, Wt. 50 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. Graduate, working for HSBC Bank, coming from a well establish business family. Seeks a boy with good family background, he should be a businessman or a service should earn good. A good person by nature. Contact : 9821594729 OR Email: (Regd.

Royal Christian Family Helps In Choosing The Right Life-Partner

Serving Since 32 Years 19 August 2013

MATRIMONIALS No. 5643) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Spinster, aged 26 years. Ht. 5’ 3”, Wt. 45 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. B.E. Computer, working as a I.T. Consultant. Seeks an educated Mangalorean boy from good family background. Contact : 8879179796 or Email : (Regd. No. 5621) MANGALORE : Mangalorean R.C. Spinster, aged 30 years, Ht. 5’ 5”, Wt. 58 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. MBBS, MD., Doctor by profession. Seeks a eduated well settled boy from Decent family. Email : lovely_lavender2012@ (Regd. No. 5619) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic parents of spinster daughter 1973 born, 5’ 4 1/2”, fair complexion, well educated and employed in a good position in Mumbai, invite matrimonial alliance of Mangalorean Catholic Bachelor, with graduate or post graduate qualification employed in Mumbai or abroad, with sober habits, good family values, age upto 45 years. Kindly reply with full details with recent photograph to email bellwether Or Call mobile No. 9892700617 (Regd. No. 5441) MUMBAI : Mangalorean R. C. Spinster, 30 yrs., 5’ 6”, within average build and fair complexioned, Edn. PG and MBA (HR) working as a Manager in an MNC in Mumbai, seeks a suitable match who is well educated, tall and a cheerful disposition. We are open to grooms from other denomination (East Indian, Goan, South Indian etc.,) Contact : 9892191359 / 65721172 and send details to (Regd. No. 5873) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Spinster, 26 years, Ht. 5’ 7”, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. March Environmental Architecture, Architect by profession. Seeks a well settled Mangalorean bachelor preferable from Mumbai. (Regd. No. 5872) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Spinster, 30 years, Ht. 5’ 4”,

Wt. 52 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn.B.E., (Computer Engg.,) working as a Senior Consultant. Contact : / (Regd. No. 5871) MUMBAI : Goan Roman Catholic Spinster, 23 years, Ht. 5’ 5”, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. B. Pharm., working as a Trainee, Seeks a suitable match. Contact Email : OR 8097033180 (Regd. No. 5870) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Spinster, 48 years, Ht. 5’ 3”, Wt. 42 kgs, Wheatish Complexion, Edn. HSC, employed as a Office Executive. Religion No Bar. Contact Email : OR 9870356752 / 9773466716 (Regd. 5868) MUMBAI : Mangalorean Roman Catholic Spinster, 27 years, Ht. 5’ 4”, Wt. 54 kgs, Fair Complexion, Edn. B.E., M.B.A., working as a Marketing Professioanl, Well settled, Seeks a suitable Mangalorean boy, below 30 years, Well qualified. Contact Email : OR 8452870455 (Regd. No. 5867) MUMBAI : Roman Catholic Spinster, 26 years, Ht. 5’ 6”, Fair Complexion, good looking, Edn. B.A., CPL., working as a Pilot, Seeks a well qualified preferably Doctors/Civil Services/ Businessman below 30 years. Contact Email: OR 9820092831 (Regd. No. 5866)

Address your replies to :

Regd. No. ROYAL CHRISTIAN FAMILY, 99, Perin Nariman Street, 1st Floor, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001.

To Place Your Matrimonial Advertisement Call: 2269 3578 OR 2265 4924 21

Charles Paul – A Man Of/For The Church by Dominic J. Azavedo

Charles Paul, 88 years, who left this world on 1st August in Mahim, Mumbai, is an example to show how a little help from the Church in time of need can win our people, body and soul, for the service of the Church and humanity. When Charles’ father, an army man, came from Burma where Charles was born and settled in Belgaum and died leaving Charles at 15 years to be the breadwinner for his mother, 2 brothers and 2 sisters, the Church came to his help at this crisis. This help, Charlie, as he was affectionately called, never forgot till his end giving himself to the service of the Church wherever he was, a little while in Pune and more in St. Paul’s, Parel, and major part in St. Michael’s, Mahim. No doubt, the late Msgr. Bento D’Souza offered Charlie a flat in Marinagar, Mahim because he endangered his life on one Christmas night when the Church crib in Mahim caught a big fire at the midnight Mass and Charlie went on putting it off with his Christmas suit coat till more people came with buckets of water, etc. Knowing what Charlie did for the Church in Mahim, Auxiliary Bishop Angelo Gracias of Mumbai, came to the house on 3rd August to bless the body and then lead (walking) the funeral procession of nearly 80 people, for about 2 miles from the house to St. Michael’s Church where Charlie’s body was slowly sent 6-feet deep while the recorded Jim Reeves song “Precious Lord” and “This World is not my home” were played in the background. I knew my cousin, Charlie, when he


came and stayed for a few days in our house in Bombay. Everybody in the area loved him especially we, the children, because of his lovable ways. He joined the Young Men’s Sodality in Parel and it is there that he met his life companion, Ms. Lydia Fernandes, who was in the Young Ladies’ Sodality. Under the Spanish Jesuit, Fr. Marta, who was my Principal, Charlie and his brother, Alphy, with the Young Men Sodality went on a fund raising campaign to provide a building for St. Paul’s school, which was then held in the Extension of the Church and a few brick classes. The building now stands at the far end of St. Paul’s. Charlie also served as a sacristan for a while giving Fr. Marta a chance to send on leave a lovable sacristan, Mr. John Monteiro. Charlie was also in the choir and was choir master for some time. The Sodality, with Charlie at its head, was instrumental in helping Fr. Marta have a big fete called: “9-Day Wonder” on the grounds of St. Xavier’s Football ground, Parel, as well as on every Sunday for months, Fr. Marta could show the much awaited English Sunday movies in the Extension of the Church whose doors were opened only on Sundays, festival days, when there was a big gathering for Church services and for the Primary Section classes of St. Paul School.

After his marriage, Charlie and Lydia shifted to Mahim where he was again, a big asset to St. Michael’s, Mahim and to the Connosa Convent, Mahim, and later when he shifted to Marinagar, he organised the Catholic colony becoming the President, Treasurer and Event Manager all rolled in one. He rose quickly in the Baba Atomic Research Centre (BARC) to be a “Purchase Officer”. This knowledge helped him to be of immense help to St. Michael’s and the Connosa Convent. After his retirement, every Wednesday at the Perpetual Succour novena, Charlie helped as an usher, in the security maintaining law and order, counting the cash collections and doing all types of related Sunday office works. His ushering job and the SVP, according to his grandson, Chris Paul, who spoke at the funeral Mass, were “life line to God” as he believed always that “Service to others is service to God”. At the Examiner stall, he started many relationships with all those who passed by, inviting them for cups of tea and somasa and often inviting them to his house to participate at table. The homeless around the Church too knew him well, perhaps, said Chris, he saw the face of Christ in them. Surely, as he reached heaven on 1st August, the angels must have sang his favourite song; “O, when the saints go marching in…”

19 August 2013

19 August 2013



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Published on every Monday & Posted on Monday & Tuesday of every week Posted at Mumbai Patrika Channel Sorting Office, Mumbai - 400001.

19 August 2013

Registered No. MH/MR/South-139/2012-14

Printed and Published by Lawrence Coelho at The Secular Citizen, 99, Perin Nariman Street, 1st Floor, Harihar Nivas, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001. Tel.: 2269 3578, 2265 4924 19 August 2013 Printers: The Secular Citizen, Fort, Mumbai 400001. Editor : Philip Myaboo


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