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A National family WEEKLY

Vol.32 Issue No.18 May 1 - 7, 2023 Rs.10/99, Perin Nariman Street, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001. Mobile: +91 9820485389 / 9820473103


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Editor: LaWRENcE cOELhO

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(Contd.. from p. 1)

For friends who have not been seen or heard from for ages, it is a chance to take some time away from the grinds of their personal lives to come together and relive the past.

It is a time to remember and celebrate those glorious years in school where our teachers were our friends, philosophers and guides.

If Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan could request his students to observe his birthday on the 5th of September as Teachers Day, the significance behind the strong ties, as conceived then, that exist between the teacher and students cannot just be overlooked as just one of those emotional attachments associated in the period when childhood passes into adolescence and the child comes of age.

For those who consider the teacher essentially as a tutor guiding the students along with their schools curriculum; who then should take the responsibility for grooming their wards, tap their hidden potentials and turn them into upright citizens the nation can one day be proud of!

As Irish poet, dramatist, writer and politician, William Butler Yeats said, “Education should not be the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.”

Student mentorship is an expansive role of a teacher. Teachers are known to influence a whole generation through their thoughts and actions; the students merely reflect the persona of their teachers.

At such tender ages, when the whole world is like a classroom for them, the onus is on the teachers to mould their protégés and bring out the best in them.

In those formative years, for the children, their school is a home away from home, and the teachers, their guardians, their parents so to say.

A teacher inspiring awe and respect among the students is an accepted fact. But more than this gratuitous attitude, it is that special bond of love that exists between them that sets apart this unique relationship.

A student making it big in his life is the greatest wealth his teacher can treasure!

But how many of us have genuinely longed for those years gone by, those carefree, reckless years of school buffoonery!

Perhaps in passing, in fleeting moments of evocative sentimen- tality when one gives into bouts of nostalgia, the mind rewinds those wonderful years as though they happened just yesterday.

Even those years of adolescence, daring to call oneself mature, when one trudges the corridors of the college and university, the childish innocence of a youngster barely into his teens, indulging in tomfoolery in the school campus, can never be completely erased from one’s memory. The countless convent schools, various public schools and the aristocratic resident schools; all these are distinguished by the students and the teaching faculty there.

For some schools that stand out as stellar examples of academic excellence and for their brilliance in sports and other extra-curricular activities, these educational institutions across the country can claim an inheritance built purely on a legacy of all-round students who have done their teachers proud in the classrooms, as also on the play fields and other cultural stages.

Given these opportunities and circumstances, would a student passing out from the by Pachu Menon (Contd.. on p. 5) granted is the kind of push given by the Parish Priest who came through as a true Pastor to Mulund. The journey with Jesus that Merlyn initiated with his gracious support and encouragement in January 2023 cannot but have contributed immensely to the Parish’s Lenten preparation for Easter. Further, such a spiritually beneficial outburst of talent cannot but mollify its patron’s concern as regards bringing back human society to the discipline of the Church. May the ensuing Season of Easter trigger in the lives of all who either presented or witnessed What If God Was One of Us…., a fresh outpouring of the Spirit at Pentecost, filling all and sundry with the conviction that God not only is one of us but walks with us big time!

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