Securly vs hardware

Page 1

1: 1Comput i ng

Aut hent i cat i on

21stCent ur yLear ni ng

Mgmt .&Cost

Compet i t i v eMa t r i x

secur l y: / /

Ha r d wa r e P l a y e r s

Cl oudBas ed


Scal abl e

Appl i ancef r eeADI nt egr at i on

Saf eSear ch

Yout ubeSaf et yMode

Yout ubef orSchool s

Saf eSoci al Medi a

PerPol i cy / School Bl ack&Whi t eLi s t s

Al l ow T eacher st oWhi t el i s tSi t es

K12Focus edCat egor i es

Whi t el i s t onl y( LockedDown)Mode

Si ngl eSi gnon

Googl eAppsI nt egr at i on

Chr omebookI nt egr at i on

Lapt ops ,T abl et s

Rel ax edT akehomePol i cy

1. 855. SECURL Y

www. s ecur l y . com

s al es @s ecur l y . com

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