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Khaled Sedki


assortment of works 2006/10

tag/s. Khaled Sedki assortment of works 2006/10

Business Park ‘10 Symbiosis Designs Ltd. Faculty of Architecture and Design ’09 JUST EcoLogic Machines ‘06 Architectural Association School FcXLab.Honda ’08 JUST Interruptions Collective + Publication ‘07-’10

Khaled Sedki

6.11.1986 Damascus. Syria Academic BSc Architecture ‘10 J.U.S.T. Summerschool ‘06 Architectural Association Career Symbiosis Designs Ltd. Turath Consultants World Economic Forum ’09 Interruptions. sedki.tumblr.com interruptions.ning.com kh.sedki@gmail.com

These pages highlight notions exercised through projects selected from over four years of study and professional practice in architecture, design, media and writing. These notions were tagged within situational contexts of paradoxical tensions; a rapidly mutating region stressed out by opposing politics, strained economies, restrained progression and pre-convicted futures. A condition where all progressive initiations are rendered as extraneous threats to a subtle state of familiarity that is both preserved and destroyed at the same time. The dynamic devaluation of ‘all things’ is a distinctive social and cultural charectar that has for long manifested itself in a creative nihilist reproduction of its form, values, systems, culture, religions, idiologies, identities, literature and architectures . All projects tagged in this portfolio play the politics of these circumistances to varying extents,

gradually building a resonant maturity, knowledge, skill and understanding of all forces at play in any architectural, urban, cultural or social project. Due to the fact that all projects exercised, so far, were either academically assigned or client commissions, the margins by which these amalgamations were utilized were restricted and often negotiated in a way that balances both potentials and restrains – a negotiation that is an important element of design processes as well the evolutionary discourse of all creative productions. Thus, the tagged projectes in this portfolio aim to demonstrate the knowledge, skill, vision and strategic approach to architecture and design within an extensive totality of ‘things’; an attitude that is crucially imperative in a larger state of global disturbance, revisions and re identifications of design, architecture, urbanism, cities, societies, economies and cultures.

Business Park

tag/s. Symbiosis Designs Ltd. 2010 Amman. Jordan. Master Plan 2494 m2 Conceptual Design Phase Collaborative; team.

Architecture at stressed-contexts tends to become a literal emobidement of paradox. The sharp proximities of contrasting situations capture urban distinctions of disputed narratives. Therefore, cities at areas of tension are interestingly literal in the way they render social, economic, political and cultural conflicts. Symbiosis Designs were commissioned for the Business District project for which a team, assembled of lead designers, were to invistigate the evolutionary notions of Jordanian economy and render them in the light of broader social and cultural contexts to which architecture can give form as a physical situation rather than structure.

tag/s. Business Park. assortment of works 2006/10

tag/s. Business Park. assortment of works 2006/10

The Business District project was addressed through a phenomenological perspective; investigating the mutational extensions of the project not only as a location for business operations but as an opportunity to leak-in the city’s complex aggregates into a commonly exclusive environment, and leak-out the district’s unique relations, social patterns and creative production back into the city.

[above] buildings situated out of the district’s gated zone blur the district’s boundaries into vigorous zones of interactivity and inclusive extension of an, otherwise, exclusive environment. [left] the Hub is a situational building which acts as a physical catalyst for innovative-incubations. Designed as an extroverted enevelope, the Hub consists of modular frames which can be temporarily skinned with glass depending on needed work-area for technology-related business startups. [bottom left] dynamic structures were designed to be easily installed and transitioned on fixed rails as an instant solution to stimulate social fusion.

Faculty of Architecture and Design


2009 Jordan University of Science and Technology Graduation Project. Thesis. Conceptual Design. Detailed Design Individual work. Second Ranking / J.U.S.T. Honorary Award / Abdali Innovation Award (National) Shortlisted / CSBE Student Award for Excellence in Architectural Design (Arab) Presented at Arab Design-Projects Fair, Jordan. (Arab) Presented at CSBE Award’s selected-projects exhibition at AUB, Beirut. (Arab)

An exercise such as designing the new campus for the College of Architecture and Design could’ve been studied upon an endless number of valid approaches, but as an architecture student I was circumscribed by standardization of both processes and parameters by which architectural production was bounded. Therefore, the project suggests to neglect standard epistemologies and instead deconstruct the college facilities into spaces evaluated by their phenomenological potential to intrigue conscious-engaging patterns of interaction and production. The program was then assembled rhythmically in scenarios that bring together ‘conscious-space’ and ‘perceptive-space’ at various orders, which resulted in total redefinitions of institutional typology, studio forms and phenomenal dualities of introverts/extroverts, inclusivness/exclusivness, withdrawal/extension - etc.

Design processes deploy forms of mecahnical productions through all stages of creative formation of ideas, notions, shapes, buildings, etc in a way which appears to be a passive monotonous assemblage of literal forms. This conception is assisted by standardization of thought, methodologies and typologies by which creative production is validated. While modern tools and CAD technologies can only assist us in extending design capabilities beyond conventional margins, the disengagement of conscience surrenders design as a mere process of static form making.

Initial design concepts suggested notions of spaces where phenomenal distinctions between patterns stimulated by conscious-engaging spaces are experientially distinguished from those stimulated by perceptive-spaces. The physical transition between the two is a ‘process’ of withdrawing into the personable (the conscious) from the collective (the perceptive) or the opposite.

Suggesting a radical neglegance of standard epistemologies necessitates a reinvention of institutional typology, functional heirarchy, studio types, spatial qualities and even building material. This total liberation of standardization intiated an experimental stage where endless variations of forms and spaces were examined, discovered and, to some extent, tested by building small prototypes or through 3d visualization.

Studio prototypes were examined seperately for each of the the ecollege’s departments. A number of scenarios were presented to students of these departments to test the extents of attempting to build a dynamic and responsive environment that speaks to most common requirements shared by the students. The developed models were either manifested in experimental form, spatial organization, materials or skins.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer eleifend ipsum non neque pharetra fermentum. Ut ac nisl sit amet purus viverra dignissim. Nullam vulputate ullamcorper diam, non posuere dui eleifend vel. Vestibulum sit amet magna libero, blandit elementum augue. Sed tristique ultrices massa sit amet dapibus. Pellentesque aliquam congue consequat. Morbi malesuada eleifend nisl, quis ullamcorper arcu rutrum ac. Nullam condimentum consequat eleifend. Phasellus id ligula tellus. Nulla eu nisi dolor, vitae accumsan sem. Nam risus eros, porta nec aliquam non, viverra et turpis. Etiam justo sapien, lacinia sit amet sollicitudin eget, sollicitudin non felis. Ut sodales felis sit amet arcu moles-

Futured Ecologies_ Tropical London:

EcoLogic Machines


2006 Architectural Association School in London. Tutors: EcoLogic Studio; Claudia Pasquero, Eduardo Rico, Ivan Valdez and Marco Poletto. Summerschool: Recipes for a Fast-Forward Future. Climo_Appliances. eco-Machines. Research. Experimentation. Design. Collaborative; team work (4) AAIS-EES Competition: Shortlisted.

AA’s classic discontent with current situations progresses itself by the absent, thus more elastic, forms of the ‘future’. One which AA’s 2006 summerschool arguably questioned whether it is “destined to fall back on history’s twin fetishes of the future - an idealized state of perfection or apocalyptic dystopia - or new forward-looking visions were still possible.” Six different units were to investegate extents of these questions, one of which was FuturedEcologies unit led by founding members of EcoLogic Studio. The unit’s research and design-led project aimed to investigate potential architectures for London within future predicted scenarios of “urban heat island effect”.

Futured Ecologies course focused on “the exploration of how ecologic considerations can become a source of creative thinking and innovative producttion in the fields of urban design and architecture.� The applications were responses to Urban Heat Island effects as an environmental condition through creative investigation.

Daylight Diffracting Device D3 D3 diffracts and concentrates solar rays in order to capture both their lighting and thermal potential. The component has been conceived in order to adapt to different orientations. Its geometric variation follows a looping progression that allows for the proliferated structure to exhibit a gentle and continuous geometry. On site, it has been engaging with the canal exploiting its surfaces as a dynamic support and clustering around main buildings and other energy consumers. The resulting effect is perceived as a calm and elegant performative landscape. Various applications were suggested such as dynamic facade cladding, clustered prototypes and urban landscape elements along Regents canal.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer eleifend ipsum non neque pharetra fermentum. Ut ac nisl sit amet purus viverra dignissim. Nullam vulputate ullamcorper diam, non posuere dui eleifend vel. Vestibulum sit amet magna libero, blandit elementum augue. Sed tristique ultrices massa sit amet dapibus. Pellentesque aliquam congue consequat. Morbi malesuada eleifend nisl, quis ullamcorper arcu rutrum ac. Nullam condimentum consequat eleifend. Phasellus id ligula tellus. Nulla eu nisi dolor, vitae accumsan sem. Nam risus eros, porta nec aliquam non, viverra et turpis. Etiam justo sapien, lacinia sit amet sollicitudin eget, sollicitudin non felis. Ut sodales felis sit amet arcu molestie cursus vulputate velit lobortis. Fusce auctor tincidunt eros eu mattis. Maecenas eget lacinia enim.

Eco-Smart Architecture:


2006 Jordan University of Science and Technology Fouth-year project. Design-led Research. Conceptual Design. Individual work.

Honda FcX Lab project aims to deploy technological solutions through designed form to produce a sustainable system responding to environmental challenges in Jordan and takes on the innovative discourse of Honda as the leading producer of the first commercial and effective fuel-cell car engines. The tower is designed as a cluster of units that are each independant in the production and recycling of energy, water and air by embedding a variety of systems such as fuel-cells with extended circuits, photo-voltaics, green roof extensions and central solar units.



2007-2010 Amman, Jordan. (based) Publication + Experimental Research Platform. Founder and Editor. mail.interruptions@gmail.com interruptions.ning.com interruptionsblog.wordpress.com issuu.com/interruptions vimeo.com/interruptions

Interruptions is a non-profit experimental project with a rapidly growing network of architects, designers, artists, students, writers and activists aiming to break-away from standardization and extend local creative vibes. Interruptions has built a critical interruptive body encouraging creative responses to social and cultural issues with an operating platform and an impact reaching in-and-beyond the Levant.

Khaled Sedki


Interruptions Editions are materialized documentations of ideas, critique and experimental activity of Interruptions physical and virtual networks, partners, collaborators and contributors.

[standardization] repressive forces found in academic, social and cultural strata seek to standardize productions to avoid porgression into a state critical of the statusquo, and with that rigidify creative potential into a static form of passive reproduction of what already is. [rebelious tendancies] the interruptive capacity of students as well as young graduates is evidently discerned at polarized situations where tranquility triggers creative tensions that announce dismissal of institutional systems in favor of innovative extensions. [decentralization] interruptions platform facilities for decentralized activity as the publications and physical production densify creative fragments and remote contributions into compact reference. The virtual networks allow for work extensions unbounded by neither time, geography or necessary funds.

[activsim] locating itself at contextual coordinates, interruptions operates in proximity to existing conditions avoiding detachment and randomness as inert manners. Interruptions pioneered many initiatives such as Amman Centennial Forum which engaged the Mayor with over 600 young people to discuss politics of urban transformation and organized a number of sessions, talks and lectures. [experimentation] design is promoted as a critical mode of research and production adopting an experimental approach to tackle total-phenomena through projects such as Catatonia: a multi-disciplinary design workshop which constructed an urban model for ‘cat-citizens’ as a critique of recent strategies for Amman masterplan. [extensions] the pulsating spirit of interruptions allowed to maximze potentials beyond regional capacity as the project has been able to attract foriegn audiences and collaboration by leaking editions into libraries in art spaces such as Tate Modern, hosting Pecha Kucha in Amman, receiving contributions from Europe and the US and most recently featured at Rum46 art space in Denmark.

tag/s. khaled sedki Business Park ‘10 Symbiosis Designs Ltd.

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