2011/12 SEEDS Roster

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MEET THE STUDENTS SEEDS ACADEMY 2011-2012 ROSTER Prepared by Cheikh Sarr, SEEDS Academy Director Pictures by Assane Badji, Director of Operations Head Coach: Idrissa Cissoko

Alioune DIALLO

# 6. Sophomore Point Guard. 6’2 School He spent four years at Amadou Barro Ndieuguene Middle School prior to SEEDS Academy. Alioune is a 10th grade student. Basketball He is one of the best ball handlers at the Academy. He works very hard and is eager to learn. He plays the game smart, and can get in the paint effortlessly. He also can shoot it from long range. He is a former player of CNEPS along with his Twin brother Cheikh Bamba Diallo. He has been selected for the U16 regional team of Thiès in 2011; Personal Full name: Alioune DIALLO. He was born in Thiès, Senegal, on March 15, 1996. Alioune is the son of Lamine Diallo and Sokhna Mbacké Fall. He has 5 brothers and 2 sisters

Cheikh Bamba DIALLO #7. Sophomore. Guard. 6’2 Middle School Spent four years at Amadou Barro Ndieuguene Middle School. He graduated in 2011 and obtained his middle school diploma. He’s a very focused student. Khadim, as called by his peers is a 10th grader. He is entering his Sophomore year at Malick Sy High School. Basketball Started playing basketball at US Rail Club in Thiès prior to enrolling to the CNEPS program. He is one of the Academy’s Top all around players. Excellent ball handler, runs the offense effec[vely, high % 3 point shooter and loves to penetrate the paint. Personal Born March 15, 1996 Hometown, Thiès /Senegal. His parents are Lamine Diallo Sokhna Mbacké Fall. He has 5 brothers and 2 sister

Mactar SYLLA #13 Freshmen. Center. 6’10 School Currently a^ending Mame Seyni Seye Private Middle School He will begin a^ending SEEDS Academy as a Sophomore in 2012. Basketball Sylla is long, skinny, and has a wingspan of 7’3. Began playing basketball at HLM basketball courts in Rufisque. Has shown some upside in rebounding during tryouts and our summer camps. He has a lot of poten[al. Personal Full name: Mamadou Mactar SYLLA. Right handed, he was born in Bargny, Senegal, on September 23,1994. Has one brother and 4 sisters

Makhtar Sow

#14. Sophomore. Forward. 6’7 School He graduated from HLM Route de Mbour Middle School in 2011. He is entering his High School Sophomore year at Malick Sy High School as a 10th grade student Basketball He started playing basketball at CNEPS. Skilled player . Efficient shot around the perimeter. Moves well without the t the ball. Has solid post moves. Great footwork. A good rebounder and can really run the floor well Personal Full name: Serigne Makhtar SOW. Born January 5, 1994 Home town: Thiès. He is the son of El Hadji Amadou SOW and Ndella SECK. He has four brothers and 2 sisters

Boubacar TOURÉ

#15. Junior. Center. 6’9

School Before entering at SEEDS Academy, he spent a year at TOPO Private High School in Ziguinchor. Currently in the 11th grade at St Gabriel High School.

Basketball Great rebounder. He possesses a smooth mid-­‐ range jump shot -­‐ He is a natural shot blocker. Bouba has a great body which can only improve with con[nued training. Personal Full name: Boubacar TOURé; he was born on December 31, 1995 in Dakar. Parents are Lamine Touré and Fatoumata Sow.


#26. Center. Freshman. 6’10 School He spent three years in PERISAC Middle School of Ziguinchor prior to entering at SEEDS Academy in 2011. He is a 9th grader enrolled at Malick Sy Middle school Basketball A talented young big man. Consistently improving his game daily. Good shooter around the perimeter and he can handle the ball very well for a big. A good shot blocker and very athle[c. He was been selected to play for the U16 regional team in 2011 in Thiès Personal Full name: Tidiane BADIANE. Born January 1, 1995 Hometown: Ziguinchor, Senegal He is the son of Idrissa Badiane and Yaye Boye Diallo. He has two sisters and one brother

Fallilou NIANG

#6. Junior -­‐ Combo Guard – 6’4 School Went to Tété Diadhiou Middle School of Ziguinchor prior to being selected to a^end SEEDS Academy in 2011. Entering his 11th grade year at St Gabriel High School. Basketball He is a former player of NEMA (Ziguinchor) Basketball Club. As a junior, he is showing a lot of talent and is only improving on what he had shown in his sophomore year. He well developed, with a great body, he is a top defend and can run the floor. He is also proving to be a very capable three-­‐point shooter Personal Full name: El Hadji Fallilou Mbacké NIANG. He was born on Mach 23, 1994, In Ziguinchor, Senegal. He is the son of Mamadou NIANG and Adama Ndiaye . He has 3 sisters and 3 brothers.

Moustapha NIANG #8. Junior. Guard – 6’0

School Star[ng his third year at St Gabriel High School. He is showing some great leadership quali[es. He is the President of the Athle[cs Commission of St Gabriel High School Student Board. Tapha is currently in the 11th Grade. Basketball Co-­‐captain. Came to the Academy with the basics skills but he is one of the most improved players of the group. He can now effec[vely run the offense and he is able to hit a pull up jumper consistently. Must con[nue to develop the ability to see the en[re floor. Personal Full name: Mouhamadou Moustapha NIANG. He was born on January 9, 1994 in Dakar, Senegal. His parents are Ousseynou Niang and Awa DIENG . He has three sisters and two brothers. “Tape shin”, as friendly called by his peers spends most of his free [me reading English books.

Mohammed MBAYE #9. Senior -­‐ Guard – 6’2

School St Gabriel 12 grader student, Mohammed Mbaye is spending his fourth year in high school. Will graduate in JULY 2012. Basketball A pure product of US Rail basketball Club where he spent his first years of Learning basketball . Taking the co captain role this year, he is the kind of boy who knows where he is going. Loves to play at high speeds, great on the ball defender with a good ball handling ability, and very good three-­‐point shooter. Can easily run plays and dish assists to anybody on the floor. He combines quickness, agility and speed. He went to the Basketball Without Borders Africa held during the summer of 2009 in Johannesburg, SA. Personal Full name: Mohammed Abdallah Mbaye. He was born on September 14, 1991 in Thiès. He is the son of Gora MBAYE and Fatou GUEYE. Mo Mbaye has one sister, Soda.

Ismaila DIALLO

#11. Junior. Guard. 6’5 School Aner gradua[ng from Convergence Educa_ve Middle School of Rufisque, he spent his first year in 2010-­‐11 at SEEDS; Currently, he is an 11th grade student. He is spending his second year at ST Gabriel High School Basketball Started to play organized basketball at SEEDS. Great kid. Can guard anybody on the floor. He is able to play on the wing and has some good moves down low in the paint with his back to the basket. He uses both hands well. Good rebounder S[ll working on his jumper. He par[cipated in the Basketball Without Borders Africa held during the summer of 2011 in Johannesburg, South Africa. Personal Full name: Ismaila DIALLO; born January 22, 1993 in Dakar, Senegal. He is the son of Babacar DIALLO and Khady FAYE. He has 4 brothers and 2 sisters


#12. Freshmen. Guard. 6’5 School He spent three years in FAHU Middle School of Thiès before entering to Malick Sy public middle school for his current 9th grade year. Basketball Ibrahima is a product of US Rail where he started playing basketball in his early age. He has a great poten[al with a high poten[al. His long arms (wing span: 6’10 ) are one of his assets when gerng into the paint for a lay up or a dunk. S[ll working on his shoo[ng (intermediate skill level). He has two brothers who played professional basketball in the Maghreb. Personal Full name: Ibrahima SANGHARé. He was born on June 1, 1996 in Thiès. He is the son of Mamadou SANGHARé and Fatou GUEYE. Very polite and disciplined kid. Has 2 sisters and 5 brothers

Youssoupha KANE

#16. Junior Forward. 6’9 School Youssoupha Kane is enrolled at Malick Sy High School. He is in 11th grade. Prior entering at SEEDS, Youssou was at Cours BEDE Yacine Private Middle School. Basketball He has a great sense of rebounding with excellent athle[c ability. Good ball handler – can penetrate from the wing. He can shoot the jumper within 15 feet. He went to Basketball Without Borders Africa held during the summer of 2011 in Johannesburg, South Africa. He was selected to the All Star Game. Personal Full name: Youssoupha KANE; born on October 10, 1994 in Thiès, Senegal. He is the son of and . He has brothers and sisters. A very nice kid.

Pape Malick SARR

#17. Junior Center. 6’11 School Enrolled in Secondary School since last year, Pape Malick was previously a^ending Technological and Electricity class in ASAPEC of Dakar where he earned his second degree cer[ficate. He is a 11th grade student at Malick Sy High School Basketball Talented post player. Great rebounder and shot blocker. Hard worker. He runs the floor very well -­‐ Has a very efficient shot around the perimeter. Just need to develop muscles and strength. He was selected for the Basketball Without Borders Africa held during the summer of 2011 in Johannesburg, South Africa.

Personal Full name: Pape Malick SARR; born on October 31, 1993 in Dakar, Senegal.

Doudou GUEYE

#21. Junior Forward. 6’8 School Previously a^ending Blaise Diagne middle school in Dakar in 2009, Doudou is now an 11th grade student at St Gabriel High School.

Basketball Began playing basketball at the legendary ASCC Bopp Basketball Club team of Dakar Real talented player. Handles the ball well, can run an offense. Have efficient post player moves. He is able to play outside the arc and in the paint. Can guard big men as well. Great rebounder and shot blocker. Went to the 2009 Basketball Without Borders edi_on and made it to the All Stars. He is one of the co captain of SEEDS Academy. Personal His full name is Doudou GUEYE. He was born on January 31, 1992 in Dakar. He has brother and one sister, Fama Gueye, who plays basketball in Spain at “La Caha des Canarias”.


#7. Junior. Point Guard – 6’2 School He is a former AE D E C of Dakar where he spent a year prior enrolling at St Gabriel High school as a 11th grade student. Basketball Played at AS DOUANES Basketball Club before entering at SEEDS Academy. Very smart player. Good on the ball defender. Sees the floor extremely well. Steady ball handler. He possesses an excellent jump shot and great speed. Very good three point shooter. He recently won the U18 Regional Championship with AS Douane Basketball Club. Personal Full name: Abdou GUEYE; born on July 22, 1996 in Tivavouane, Senegal. He is the son of Mbaye GUEYE and Mague^e Mbaye. He has 1 brother and 4 sisters.

Djiby FALL

#24. Small Forward. 6’7 School Spent two year at the Voca_onal Center of Thiès from 2009-­‐10. Cheikh is now entering at middle school for only one year to get his middle school diploma on July 2012. He is currently in 9th grade. Basketball Great kid. Got efficient post moves. Can shoot efficiently around the perimeter. Can pass out of the post or while in mo[on very well. Efficient shot at the elbow and prolific three point shooter Personal Full name Cheikh Djiby Fall. Born on January 13, 1995 in NIAKHAR, Senegal. He is the son of Moussa FALL and Oumy NDOYE.


#18. Guard. Senior. 6’2 School David is 12th grade at St Gabriel High School. He one of He is our Top SEEDS Student-­‐Athlete. He is enrolling in a science classes. He averages 17 points out of 20 last year in 11th grade. Great leadership quality. Basketball He is a former player of CNEPS Club. He is great ball handler, strong defender. He can do everything on the floor . He is considered as one of the top overall players at SEEDS Academy. Personal Full name: David Marcel BOCANDé. Born on August 19, 1993 in Hanover, Germany. David is the son of and. He has brother and sister. Speak four languages: French, German, English, Wolof


# Sophomore. Forward. 6’6 School Spent his en[re middle school at Cardinal Yacinthe Thiandoum Catholic private High school of Dakar where he graduated and earned his middle school diploma. He is being enrolled at St Gabriel High School as a 10th grade student. Basketball He played at US Gorée Basketball Club. During the summer 2011, he par[cipated to the SEEDS Basketball Camp where he did a great job. S[ll working on gerng to the highest skill level but he has a huge upside to his overall game

Personal Ndéné was born on March 21, 1995 in Dakar, Senegal. He is the son of Mayé Gueye and Fatou Bintou THIAM. He has one brother and one sister

Malick Gaye

#20.Senior. Guard 6’4 School Spent all his high school years at St Gabriel High School. Malick is a 12th grader. Great student who is set to graduate in July 2012.

Basketball Former member of CNEPS Excellence Club, Malick is familiar of SEEDS’ environment, spending all his holidays playing basketball during SEEDS Basketball Camp Great shooter and very good ball handler, Malick understand the game of basketball very well. He is improving dras[cally and is close to being one of our highly skilled players. Personal Full name: El Hadji Malick Gaye. Born on October 10, 1994 in Ziguinchor, Senegal. He is the son of Seydi Ababacar Gaye and Anta Sarr.

Ousseynou Fall

# 21. Sophomore. Forward. 6’6

School Went to Cours Anne Marie Javouey Middle School of Dakar before entering at SEEDS Academy. He is a good student, star[ng his first year at St Gabriel Gabriel High School as a 10th grader. Basketball Went to AMD Basketball School of Sacred Heart in Dakar prior entering at SEEDS. He is working on his basics skill along with footwork and condi[oning. He has great poten[al. Personal Full name: Ousseynou FALL. He was born on November 22, 1995 in Dakar. He is the son of Mamadou Fall and Fatou Bintou LY. He has 2 brothers and one sister. Very gentle and smart kid.

Marcel FERNANDEZ #5. Point Guard. 5’1

School Marcel is an 8th grader. He is spending his 3rd year at Docteur René GUILLET French Private School. Great student, averaging 15.28 points out of 20 in 2010-­‐11 school year. Basketball He is a former player of CNEPS Club. He is a good ball handler, great speed and quickness. Personal Full name: Marcel FERNANDEZ. Born on October 15, 1997 in Marseille, France. He is the son Boubacar Fernandez and Dado Bathily. He has one brother and one sister. He spends a lot of [me playing video games.

Alioune NIANG

# 3. Senior. Small Forward. 6’4 School Spent all his high school years at the Private Catholic high school of St Gabriel; he is a 12th grade student at St Gabriel High School. He will be gradua[ng on July 2012. Basketball Started playing basketball at SEEDS as a beginner. Great poten[al. S[ll working hard to get to the highly skill level. He runs the floor well. Personal Full name: Alioune Aïdara NIANG. Born on January 4, 1995, in Tivavouane, Thiès, Senegal. He is he son of Fadel NIANG and Rokhaya. He has one brother and one sister.

Abdoulaye DIALLO #.5. Junior. Guard. 6’4 School He spent one year at Djignabo High School in Ziguinchor prior coming to St Gabriel High School. He is an 11th grade student. Basketball Abdoulaye Diallo is a former player of Aline Sitoe DIATTA Basketball Center of Ziguinchor, where he started learning the basics. He is a great ball handler, s[ll working on his jumper. Great speed and good footwork. Personal Full name: Abdoulaye Lamba Diallo. Born on January 11, 1995 in Bignona, Ziguinchor, Senegal He is the son of Abdourahamane and Fatoumata DIALLO. He has 5 brothers and 2 sisters

Youssoupha FALL

Junior. Center. 7’1

School He went to Madieye SALL High School of HLM 1 prior entering to SEEDS Academy. Currently, he is currently in the 11th grade at St Gabriel High school. Basketball Youssou has never been involved in organized basketball prior to SEEDS. He is very skilled around the paint but he needs to work on his 15 foot jumper. He is lacking quickness and speed. Has good work ethic with a Desire to learn. Personal Full name: Youssoupha Birima Fall. Born on January 12, 1995 in Dakar, Senegal. Youssou is the son of Mahanta Fall and Ernes[ne Elisabeth Ndiaye . He has one brother and two sisters.

Ibrahima SAMB

#27. Center. Not a student. 7’0 School Not enrolled in school. Works at a metal shop. Basketball Very athle[c player. Has a good defensive ability. Great rebounder and a tremendous shot blocker. Have great moves on the post. run the floor very well for a center. Proficient shooter at mid-­‐range. S[ll needs to work on his footwork when facing the basket. Personal Full name: Pape Ibrahima SAMB. He was born on December 12, 1992 in Thiès, Senegal. He is the son of Samb and

Habib KENGNE Point Guard. 5’1

School S[ll in middle school, Habib spent his three years at Docteur René Guillet French Private School of Thiès. He is a very good student. Basketball Started playing basketball at CNEPS Excellence basketball Club of Thiès. Habib is a very tough and strong kid. He already reached the intermediate skill level of basketball. Very young, he is on the right path to be a very good player. Personal Full name: Habib Gana Arnaud KENGNE Born on April 22, 1997 in Baffoussam, Cameroun. He is the son of Hilaire Mouafo KENGNE and Diasse SECK.

Ibrahima BADIANE Senior. Forward. 6’4

School He spent his middle school classes at Jules Sagna Middle School where he got his cer[ficate. Now, Ibrahima is a 12 grader at Malick Sy High School. Basketball Ibrahima started learning the basics in 2008 at US Rail Basketball Club. He reads the floor well, and is very talented. Moving from the intermediate skill level to the highest. S[ll working on his speed and quickness. Personal Full name: Pape Ibrahima Badiane. Born on January 4, 1995 in Tivavouane, Thiès, Senegal. He is the son of Ibra Badiane and Khady Diagne. He has 2 brothers and 2 sisters.

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