DECEMBER 31, 2022 AND 2021
SEEDS OF PEACE, INC. TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT 1 - 2 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Statements of financial position as of December 31, 2022 and 2021 3 Statements of activities for the years ended December 31, 2022 and 2021 4 Statement of expenses by function and natural classification for the year ended December 31, 2022 5 Statement of expenses by function and natural classification for the year ended December 31, 2021 6 Statements of cash flows for the years ended December 31, 2022 and 2021 7 Notes to financial statements 8 - 18
To: The Board of Directors of Seeds of Peace, Inc.
We have audited the financial statements of Seeds of Peace, Inc. (a nonprofit organization), which comprise the statements of financial position as of December 31, 2022 and 2021, and the related statements of activities, expenses by function and natural classification, and cash flows for the years then ended, and the related notes to the financial statements.
In our opinion, the accompanying financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Seeds of Peace, Inc. as of December 31, 2022 and 2021, and the changes in its net assets and its cash flows for the years then ended in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.
Basis for Opinion
We conducted our audits in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America (GAAS). Our responsibilities under those standards are further described in the Auditor’s Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Statements section of our report. We are required to be independent of Seeds of Peace, Inc. and to meet our other ethical responsibilities, in accordance with the relevant ethical requirements relating to our audits. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion.
Responsibilities of Management for the Financial Statements
Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America, and for the design, implementation, and maintenance of internal control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.
In preparing the financial statements, management is required to evaluate whether there are conditions or events, considered in the aggregate, that raise substantial doubt about Seeds of Peace, Inc.’s ability to continue as a going concern for one year after the date that the financial statements are issued.
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Auditor’s Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Statements
Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements as a whole are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditor’s report that includes our opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance but is not absolute assurance and therefore is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with GAAS will always detect a material misstatement when it exists. The risk of not detecting a material misstatement resulting from fraud is higher than for one resulting from error, as fraud may involve collusion, forgery, intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the override of internal control. Misstatements are considered material if there is a substantial likelihood that, individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence the judgment made by a reasonable user based on these financial statements.
In performing an audit in accordance with GAAS, we:
Exercise professional judgment and maintain professional skepticism throughout the audit.
Identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error, and design and perform audit procedures responsive to those risks. Such procedures include examining, on a test basis, evidence regarding the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements.
Obtain an understanding of internal control relevant to the audit in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of Seeds of Peace, Inc.’s internal control. Accordingly, no such opinion is expressed.
Evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of significant accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluate the overall presentation of the financial statements.
Conclude whether, in our judgment, there are conditions or events, considered in the aggregate, that raise substantial doubt about Seeds of Peace, Inc.’s ability to continue as a going concern for a reasonable period of time.
We are required to communicate with those charged with governance regarding, among other matters, the planned scope and timing of the audit, significant audit findings, and certain internal control–related matters that we identified during the audit.
Skody Scot & Company, CPAS, P.C.
New York, NY
March 6, 2024
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STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION DECEMBER 31, 2022 AND 2021 20222021 Cash and cash equivalents: Unrestricted1,067,303 $ 2,036,206 $ Restricted for compensating balance33,909 64,866 Investments92,385Contributions receivable, net 169,144 554,996 Grants receivable89,030 501,258 Other receivables2,521 38,248 Inventory14,865 14,865 Prepaid expenses193,756 285,659 Property and equipment, net401,249 128,841 Intangible assets, net54,554 59,383 Construction in progress- 239,271 Right-of-use asset - operating lease239,029Security deposits109 109 Endowment: Cash equivalents8,305 11,373 Investments350,988 408,375 Total assets 2,717,147 $ 4,343,450 $ Liabilities: Accounts payable and accrued expenses 574,786 $ 356,171 $ Line of credit 250,000Lease liability - operating lease 241,082Total liabilities 1,065,868 356,171 Commitments and contingencies (see notes) Net Assets: Without donor restrictions 781,627 2,308,780 With donor restrictions 869,652 1,678,499 Total net assets 1,651,279 3,987,279 Total liabilities and net assets 2,717,147 $ 4,343,450 $
accompanying notes to the financial statements. - 3 -
Without DonorWith Donor Without DonorWith Donor RestrictionsRestrictionsTotalRestrictionsRestrictionsTotal Support and Revenues: Contributions (non-event) 3,272,507 $ 100,396 $ 3,372,903 $ 4,201,722 $ 361,741 $ 4,563,463 $ Camp fees 795,308 - 795,308 386,886 - 386,886 Government grants 372,821 - 372,821 1,170,523 - 1,170,523 Investment and other income (104,929) (60,455) (165,384) 36,956 20,432 57,388 Special events: Event related revenue and support 1,113,058 - 1,113,058 20,193 - 20,193 Less: related costs (214,461) - (214,461) (15,267) - (15,267) Net special event income and support 898,597 - 898,597 4,926 - 4,926 Net assets released from restriction: Satisfaction of purpose restrictions 748,201 (748,201) - 553,255 (553,255)Expiration of time restrictions 100,587 (100,587) - 82,788 (82,788)Total support and revenues 6,083,092 (808,847) 5,274,245 6,437,056 (253,870) 6,183,186 Expenses: Program Expenses: Seeds of Peace Camp 1,599,040 - 1,599,040 1,117,879 - 1,117,879 Middle East 907,732 - 907,732 896,696 - 896,696 Multi-regional 1,160,439 - 1,160,439 716,369 - 716,369 US programs 826,302 - 826,302 362,223 - 362,223 South Asia (SA) 486,243 - 486,243 376,290 - 376,290 Program administration 683,275 - 683,275 679,160 - 679,160 Total program expenses 5,663,031 - 5,663,031 4,148,617 - 4,148,617 Supporting Services: Management and general 1,413,924 - 1,413,924 1,405,752 - 1,405,752 Fundraising 533,290 - 533,290 597,478 - 597,478 Total expenses 7,610,245 - 7,610,245 6,151,847 - 6,151,847 Increase/(Decrease) In Net Assets (1,527,153) (808,847) (2,336,000) 285,209 (253,870) 31,339 Net assets, beginning of year 2,308,780 1,678,499 3,987,279 2,023,571 1,932,369 3,955,940 Net assets, end of year 781,627 $ 869,652 $ 1,651,279 $ 2,308,780 $ 1,678,499 $ 3,987,279 $
accompanying notes to the financial statements. -
See accompanying notes to the financial statements.
Program Expenses Seeds of MiddleMulti-USSouthProgramManagementTotal Peace CampEastRegionalProgramsAsia (SA)Admin.Total& GeneralFundraisingExpenses Compensation and related expenses: Salaries510,718 $ 418,219 $ 301,652 $ 302,377 $ 56,827 $ 321,326 $ 1,911,119 $ 775,880 $ 294,010 $ 2,981,009 $ Payroll taxes39,353 25,718 22,407 23,671 4,353 22,418 137,920 55,719 22,285 215,924 Employee benefits & pension51,964 65,752 32,786 59,261 3,281 33,527 246,571 138,155 45,308 430,034 Total 602,035 509,689 356,845 385,309 64,461 377,271 2,295,610 969,754 361,603 3,626,967 Direct expenses: Awards- - 8,150 - 17,025 - 25,175 - - 25,175 Bad debt- - - - - - - 62,971 - 62,971 Camp apparel12,705 - - 711 - - 13,416 - - 13,416 Credit card fees933 6 9 3,461 - - 4,409 457 7,282 12,148 Currency translation costs- 3,479 55 36 476 - 4,046 - 2,420 6,466 Depreciation and amortization 54,037 1,156 13,114 - - - 68,307 29,304 233 97,844 Design fees - - 450 - - - 450 - - 450 Dues, books and subscriptions 1,346 - 3,684 - 2 4,818 9,850 2,984 2,777 15,611 Equipment and vehicle rentals 33,235 45 2,659 - 166 - 36,105 3,240 - 39,345 Field trips 11,189 - 182 - - - 11,371 - - 11,371 Insurance 110,377 1,572 8,231 1,968 125 37,705 159,978 92,219 403 252,600 Kitchen food and supplies 93,594 - - - - - 93,594 - 307 93,901 Laundry 14,065 - - - - - 14,065 - - 14,065 License, fees and permits19,834 1,141 4,532 1,307 4,457 370 31,641 14,859 1,399 47,899 Meals, entertainment and hospitality 558 17,575 37,736 40,894 6,906 56 103,725 533 6,329 110,587 Medical supplies and expenses781 74 1,087 4,679 963 187 7,771 601 - 8,372 Miscellaneous2,415 3,007 2,804 64 404 - 8,694 4,683 1,550 14,927 Office expenses6,253 4,356 16,499 786 639 50,772 79,305 68,621 24,047 171,973 Outside consultants58,536 118,941 374,502 39,131 236,254 84,444 911,808 34,259 53,429 999,496 Postage and delivery 2,392 36 4,079 489 8 241 7,245 1,015 3,474 11,734 Printing, photos & publications600 2,746 43,339 2,222 1,498 828 51,233 110 27,177 78,520 Professional services4,922 56,377 6,907 - 420 27,512 96,138 15,000 3,439 114,577 Promotion4,447 363 4,311 821 10,092 2,382 22,416 130 1,802 24,348 Property taxes32,260 - - - - - 32,260 221 - 32,481 Rent- 48,632 10,982 21,355 11,698 67,944 160,611 100,693 9,565 270,869 Repairs and maintenance - facilities65,490 - - - - - 65,490 - - 65,490 Repairs and maintenance - other 5,770 - 7 - - 8,894 14,671 573 2,520 17,764 Scholarships and education277,500 46,122 - 136,800 - - 460,422 - - 460,422 Security 42,235 3,998 5,277 - - - 51,510 - 1,568 53,078 Sports, games and other activities6,063 - - - - - 6,063 - - 6,063 Storage- - - - - 1,092 1,092 - - 1,092 Supplies16,509 2,778 9,215 1,666 5,162 1,046 36,376 1,000 842 38,218 Telephone & communications5,592 6,325 3,111 2,010 2,355 2,566 21,959 6,909 - 28,868 Travel, hotels and conferences77,023 79,006 220,915 182,593 108,319 8,647 676,503 3,788 21,124 701,415 Utilities and trash removal36,344 308 - - - 6,500 43,152 - - 43,152 Website- - 21,757 - 14,813 - 36,570 - - 36,570 Total direct expenses997,005 398,043 803,594 440,993 421,782 306,004 3,367,421 444,170 171,687 3,983,278 Total expenses1,599,040 $ 907,732 $ 1,160,439 $ 826,302 $ 486,243 $ 683,275 $ 5,663,031 $ 1,413,924 $ 533,290 $ 7,610,245 $ - 5Supporting Services
See accompanying notes to the financial statements.
STATEMENT OF EXPENSES BY FUNCTION AND NATURAL CLASSIFICATION YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2021 Program Expenses Supporting Services Seeds of MiddleMulti- US SouthProgram Management Total Peace CampEastRegionalProgramsAsia (SA)Admin.Total& GeneralFundraisingExpenses Compensation and related expenses: Salaries 429,979 $ 443,818 $ 348,925 $ 233,867 $ 31,489 $ 346,675 $ 1,834,753 $ 738,770 $ 344,277 $ 2,917,800 $ Payroll taxes 33,527 27,431 27,561 18,191 2,401 25,335 134,446 55,851 26,987 217,284 Employee benefits & pension 34,013 70,679 53,088 60,711 4,600 36,305 259,396 115,865 57,441 432,702 Total 497,519 541,928 429,574 312,769 38,490 408,315 2,228,595 910,486 428,705 3,567,786 Direct expenses: Awards - - - - 48,000 - 48,000 - - 48,000 Bad debt - - - - - - - 82,769 - 82,769 Camp apparel 15,387 994 - - 178 - 16,559 - - 16,559 Credit card fees 184 101 - 699 - 2 986 15 10,181 11,182 Currency translation costs - 7,956 38 - 80 - 8,074 - 452 8,526 Depreciation and amortization 25,240 1,393 10,933 2,869 - - 40,435 20,218 233 60,886 Dues, books and subscriptions 3,607 257 4,586 100 - 239 8,789 6,729 1,301 16,819 Equipment and vehicle rentals 23,763 - 306 - - - 24,069 5,117 - 29,186 Field trips 25,547 1,233 121 - - - 26,901 - - 26,901 Insurance 89,579 1,411 2,323 2,819 - 10,756 106,888 79,136 - 186,024 Kitchen food and supplies 73,122 - - - - - 73,122 - - 73,122 Laundry 19,308 - - - - - 19,308 - - 19,308 License, fees and permits5,265 603 698 338 5,090 2,740 14,734 14,232 1,276 30,242 Meals, entertainment and hospitality 886 19,100 10,895 263 422 - 31,566 - 106 31,672 Medical supplies and expenses4,418 17 488 - - 713 5,636 - - 5,636 Miscellaneous850 3,950 110 40 212 - 5,162 9,098 2,139 16,399 Office expenses7,281 2,009 8,639 10,374 4,749 22,603 55,655 76,813 22,653 155,121 Outside consultants14,064 135,211 153,283 5,000 246,330 84,574 638,462 6,244 60,939 705,645 Postage and delivery 1,360 11 1,546 232 - 686 3,835 1,186 6,502 11,523 Printing, photos & publications191 1,109 8,161 - - 511 9,972 - 22,486 32,458 Professional fees- 64,481 12,217 - 1,870 29,772 108,340 3,205 13,250 124,795 Promotion2,249 - 313 - 152 - 2,714 173 1,792 4,679 Property taxes33,335 - - - - - 33,335 - - 33,335 Rent- 44,240 28,538 11,269 7,692 113,256 204,995 182,874 15,352 403,221 Repairs and maintenance - facilities37,482 - - - - - 37,482 - - 37,482 Repairs and maintenance - other 18,301 606 34 434 - 639 20,014 181 2,440 22,635 Scholarships and education109,200 2,851 - 6,725 - - 118,776 - - 118,776 Security 36,638 3,035 - - 148 - 39,821 - - 39,821 Sports, games and other activities4,656 - - - - - 4,656 - - 4,656 Storage- - - - - 1,000 1,000 - - 1,000 Supplies8,053 4,248 2,356 1,105 3,905 59 19,726 241 549 20,516 Telephone & communications7,662 7,027 1,276 6,152 3,302 2,120 27,539 6,239 170 33,948 Travel, hotels and conferences23,498 52,294 19,653 1,035 15,657 1,175 113,312 796 6,952 121,060 Utilities and trash removal29,234 631 - - - - 29,865 - - 29,865 Website- - 20,281 - 13 - 20,294 - - 20,294 Total direct expenses620,360 354,768 286,795 49,454 337,800 270,845 1,920,022 495,266 168,773 2,584,061 Total expenses1,117,879 $ 896,696 $ 716,369 $ 362,223 $ 376,290 $ 679,160 $ 4,148,617 $ 1,405,752 $ 597,478 $ 6,151,847 $ SEEDS OF PEACE, INC.
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STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2022 AND 2021 20222021 Cash flows from operating activities: Increase/(decrease) in net assets(2,336,000) $ 31,339 $ Adjustments for non-cash items included in operating activities: Depreciation and amortization97,844 60,886 Loss/(gain) on investments224,903 4,948 Donation of investments(284,418) (138,428) Bad debt62,971 82,769 Amortization of pledge discount (49,660) (26,112) Discount on pledges - 3,788 Amortization of right-of-use asset 61,498Changes in assets and liabilities: Contributions receivable 372,541 81,471 Grants receivable 412,228 (479,269) Other receivables 35,727 (23,983) Inventory - 259 Prepaid expenses 91,903 (82,870) Security deposits - 616 Accounts payable & accrued expenses 218,615 88,438 Payment of operating lease (59,445)Net cash provided/(used) by operating activities (1,151,293) (396,148) Cash flows from investing activities: Sale of investments 34,913 129,247 Purchase of investments (10,396) (20,342) Purchase of property, equipment and intangibles (126,152) (245,159) Net cash provided/(used) by investing activities (101,635) (136,254) Cash flows from financing activities: Loan proceeds 250,000Net cash provided/(used) by financing activities 250,000Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (1,002,928) (532,402) Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year 2,112,445 2,644,847 Cash and cash equivalents at end of year 1,109,517 $ 2,112,445 $ Supplemental information: Recognition of right-of-use asset and lease liability 300,527 $ - $ Interest paid 1,887 -
accompanying notes
the financial statements. - 7SEEDS OF PEACE, INC.