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God's name is a place of protection good people can run there and be safe. Proverbs 18:10, The Message Bible

The Lord of Hosts regard Him as holy and honor His holy name by regarding Him as your only hope of safety, and let Him be your fear and let Him be your dread lest you offend Him by your fear of man and distrust of Him. And He shall be for a sanctuary— a sacred and indestructible asylum to those who reverently fear and trust in Him... Isaiah 8:1 3-1 4 Amplified

2 Chronicles 16:9 King James // Hebrew: translated in KJV

For the eyes//eye: face, countenance, favour, fountain, presence of the Lord//self-Existent or Eternal, Jehovah: Jehovah, the Lord run to and fro throughout//push forth, travel: go about, go through, go to and fro, run to and fro

the whole earth//be firm, earth, land: country, earth, ground, nations, wilderness, world

to shew Himself strong//to fasten upon; hence to seize, be strong ([figuratively] courageous; [causatively] strengthen, cure, help, repair, fortify), obstinate [Webster—pertinaciously adhering to an opinion, purpose, or course]; to bind, restrain, conquer: aid, cleave, confirm, be constant, continue, encourage, help, (lay) hold (fast), maintain, play the man*, mend, become mighty, prevail, repair, retain, seize, strengthen, (shew, make, wax) strong, be sure, take (hold), behave self valiantly, withstand

in behalf of//with (i.e., in conjunction with), [specifically] equally with: accompanying, beside, for all, from (among, between, more than), to, unto, with

them whose heart//heart (as the most interior organ): bethink themselves, breast, comfortably, courage, heart, midst, mind, understanding

is perfect//[from shalam to be safe—same primary root shalom comes from] complete [literally or figuratively]: full, just, made ready, peaceable, perfect, quiet, whole

toward Him//towards, i.e., near, with, among, to: about, according to, after, against, among, as for, at, because, before, beside, both...and, by, concerning, for, from, in, into, near, of, out of, over, through, to, toward, under, unto, upon, whether, with, within

*perform the role of protector and provider—the husband's role in a covenant union

Psalm 46:10-11 King James / Hebrew: translated in KJV

Be still

[prim. root] to slacken: abate, cease, consume, draw (toward evening), fail, (be) faint, be (wax) feeble, forsake, idle, leave, let alone (go, down), (be) slack, stay, be still. [Webster] motionless; uttering no sound, quiet, muted; calm, tranquil; free from noise or turbulence, peaceful

and know

and know

[prim. root] to know (by seeing); observation, care, recognition; and (causative) instruction, designation: acknowledge, acquaintance (-ted, with), advise, answer, appoint, assuredly, be aware, awares, can, certainly, for a certainty, comprehend, consider, declare, be diligent, (can, cause to) discern, discover, endued with, familiar friend, feel, can have, instruct, kinsfolk, kinsman, (cause to, let, make to) know, (come to give, have, take) knowledge, (be, make, make to be, make self) known, +lie by man [intimacy], mark, perceive, privy to, regard, have respect, skillful, shew, can (man of) skill, be sure, of a surety, teach, (can) tell, understand, have (understanding), wist, wit, wot. [Webster]* to perceive directly, have direct cognition of; to have understanding of; to recognize the nature of, discern; to recognize as being the same as something previously known; to be acquainted or familiar with; to have experience of; to be aware of the truth or factuality of, be convinced or certain of; to have a practical understanding of; to have physical intimacy with [*from Latin to come to know, Old High German to recognize]

that I am God:

Eloheem—the supreme God

I will be exalted

to be high, (actively) to rise or raise: bring up, exalt (self), extol, give, go up, heave (up), (be, lift upon, make on, set upon, too) high (-er, one), hold up, levy, lift (-er) sumptuously, (be) promote (-ion), proud, set up, tall (-er), take (away, off, up)

among the heathen,

a foreign nation; hence a Gentile: Gentile, heathen, nation, people

I will be exalted in the earth.

to be firm; the earth: country, earth, field, ground, land, nations, way, wilderness, world.

The Lord of hosts is with us

masses of persons, armies, servants

the God of Jacob is

Covenant name!!!

our refuge.

cliff (or other lofty or inaccessible place), (figuratively) refuqe: defence, high fort (tower), refuge


suspension (of music), i.e., pause [from prim. root — to hang up, i.e., weigh: value] : Selah

GOD SAID, "NO WEAPON . . .� "No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is of Me,"

saith the Lord. Isaiah 54:17 King James



not, no:


something prepared, i.e., any apparatus (implement, utensil, vessel, weapon): [translated in KJV as] armor, artillery, instrument, stuff, thing, tool, vessel, ware, weapon, [and when used with other words as an idiom] whatsoever

that is formed

[comes from press, i.e., be narrow] (through squeezing into shape) to mold into a form, especially as a potter; (figuratively) to determine:

[translated in KJV as] neither, never, no, not

[translated in KJV as] fashion, form, frame, make, potter, purpose against you

above, over, upon, against

shall prosper;

[a primary root word] to push forward: [translated in KJV as] break out, come (mightily), go over, be profitable, (cause to, effect, make to, send) prosper (-ity, -ous, -ously)

and every tongue

all, any, every tongue (of man or animals), used literally (as an instrument of speech or

eating) and figuratively (speech, an ingot, a fork of flame, a cove of water): [translated in KJV as] [when used with other words as an idiom] babbler, bay, [and when used with other words as an idiom] evil speaker, language, talker, tongue, wedge

[Webster defines an ingot as: a mass of metal cast into a convenient shape for later processing] that shall rise against thee

[a primary root word] to rise: [translated in KJV as] raise (up), rear (up), rise (up, again, against), stand (up), stir up, strengthen

in judgment

[comes from a primary root word, to judge, i.e., pronounce sentence (for or against); (by implication) to punish; (extensively) to govern, (passively) to litigate: [translated in KJV as] condemn, execute (judgment), rule] {and as used in this verse) a verdict (favorable or unfavorable) pronounced judicially, especially a sentence or formal decree: [translated in KJV as] determination, judgment, sentence [Webster says litigate comes from the Latin for lawsuit + to drive, and the definition is: to carry on a legal contest by judicial process]

thou shalt condemn:

[a primary root word] to be (causatively do or declare) wrong; (by implication) to disturb, violate: [translated in KJV as] condemn, make trouble, vex [Webster's definition of violate is: break, interrupt]

This is the heritage

[from a primary root meaning to inherit (as a mode of descent), (generally) to occupy; (causatively) to bequeath; (generally) to distribute, instate: [translated in KJV as] divide, have (inheritance), take as an heritage, (cause to, give to, make to) inherit] {and as used in this verse} something inherited, i.e., (abstractly) occupancy, or (concretely) an heirloom; (generally) an estate, patrimony, or portion: [translated in KJV as] heritage, to inherit, inheritance, possession [Webster's definition of heirloom is: a piece of property that descends to the heir as an inseparable part of an inheritance; something of special value handed on from one generation to another] [Webster's definition of patrimony is: an estate inherited from one's father]

of the servants of the Lord,

[from a primary root meaning to work-, (by implication) to serve, worship] servant: [translated in KJV as] bondman, (bond-) servant, (man-) servant

and their righteousness

[a primary root meaning to be (make) right] (abstractly) rightness, (subjectively) rectitude, (objectively) justice, (morally) virtue, (figuratively) prosperity: [translated in KJV as] justice, right (-eous) (act, -1y, -ness) [Webster's definition of rectitude is: straightness, moral integrity, righteousness, correctness of judgment or procedure]

is of me," saith the Lord.

By combining all these meanings—and remember, God is talking—the verse reads: "No weapon, no preparation, no apparatus, no implement, no vessel, no armor, no artillery, no instrument, no stuff, no tool, no thing—nothing whatsoever that is pressed, narrowed, squeezed, molded, formed, framed, determined, or purposed above, over, upon, and against you shall push forward, break out, come mightily, be profitable, prosper—avail or succeed; and all, any, and every tongue or other instrument of speaking, instrument of eating, mass of metal cast and shaped for later use, fork of flame, cove of water, or wedge that raises up, rears up, rises up, stands up, stirs up, or strengthens against you to judge, to pronounce a sentence against, to punish, to govern, to drive a lawsuit against, to condemn, to rule, to pronounce a verdict or formal decree against you you shall disturb, break, interrupt, condemn, make trouble for, vex—declare wrong! We are to declare that "tongue" WRONG by superseding it with the Word of God—believed in our heart and spoken out of our mouth. This guaranteed-by-blood victory over all THINGS (weapons) and over all WORDS (tongues) is your Blood Covenant heritage—inherited by descent for you to occupy; bequeathed, distributed, and instated to you as the estate you have inherited from Me, your Father; and it is your portion, your possession, and an inseparable part of your inheritance as My child, handed down to you from one generation (Jesus, My FirstBegotten) to another (you). Your right to this overwhelming, decisive, and guaranteed victory is not because of anything you've done or could ever do, but your rightness—even your correctness of judgment and procedure to enforce this heirloom—is because of Me, My Covenant, and My love for you."

That's what the Lord says! It's not something to pray for or wait for! It IS our inheritance NOW— ours for the believing and walking in!

Psalm 31:19-20


Oh, how great is Your goodness which You have laid up for those who fear, revere, and worship You... goodness which You have wrought for those who trust and take refuge in You before the sons of men. In the secret of Your presence You hide them from the plots of men. You keep them secretly in Your pavilion from the strife of tongues.

I looked up each of the main words in the last verse in the King James... then looked in the Strong's Concordance for their complete meaning. This is how that verse reads with these meanings inserted... Thou shalt hide them by covering, keep them close, and conceal them in the secret, cover, hiding place, protection, and secret place of Thy presence, face, countenance, favour, and sight from the pride and snare... as of tied meshes of man. Thou shalt keep, hedge, guard, protect, and attend to them secretly, hiding by covering over, and protecting in a pavilion, tabernacle, tent, cottage, booth, covert... (taken from the word meaning to fence in, cover over, protect, defend, hedge in, join together, and shut in) from the strife, contest, chiding, contention, controversy, and striving of tongues, babblers, evil speakers, talkers, and wedges.

And blessed is she that believed for there shall be a performance of those things which were told her from the Lord... ...because she judged Him faithful Who had promised. Lk1:45, Heb.11:11

Thou shalt keep them secretly in a pavilion from the strife of tongues. Thus saith the Lord, Be not afraid of the words that thou hast heard, wherewith the servants of the king of Assyria have blasphemed Me. Behold, I will send a blast upon him, and he shall hear a rumour, and return to his own land; and I will cause him to fall by the sword in his own land. By thy servants has thou reproached the Lord...Because thy rage against Me, and thy tumult, is come up into Mine ears, therefore will I put My hook in thy nose, and My bridle in thy lips, and I will turn thee back by the way by which thou tamest. Isaiah 37:6-7,24,29 Blessed are ye, when men shall revile [defame, rail at, chide, taunt] you, and persecute [and pursue] you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely [utter untruth or attempt to deceive by falsehood], for My sake. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you. Matthew 5:11-12 And this shall be the plague wherewith the Lord will smite all the people that have fought against "Jerusalem;" Their flesh shall consume away while they stand upon their feet, and their eyes shall consume away in their holes, and their tongue shall consume away in their mouth. Zechariah 14:12 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron. 1 Timothy 4:1-2 And Hezekiah received the letter of the hand of the messengers, and read it: and Hezekiah went up into the house of the Lord, and spread it before the Lord... "Lord, bow down Thine ear, and hear: open, Lord, Thine eyes, and see: and hear the words...sent to reproach the Living God... Now therefore, O Lord our God, I beseech Thee, save Thou us out of his hand, that all the kingdoms of the earth may know that Thou art the Lord God, even Thou only." Thus saith the Lord God... "That which thou hast prayed to Me, I have heard. This is the word that the Lord hath spoken concerning him...who hath despised thee, and laughed thee to scorn...and hath shaken his head at thee. 'Whom has thou reproached and blasphemed? and against Whom hast thou exalted thy voice, and lifted up thine eyes on high? even against the Holy One of Israel.'" Therefore, thus saith the Lord concerning the king of Assyria, "He shall not come into this city, nor shoot an arrow there, nor come before it with shield, nor cast a bank against it. By the way that he came, by the same shall he return, and shall not come into this city," saith the Lord. "For I will defend this city, to save it, for Mine Own sake, and for My servant's sake." AND IT CAME TO PASS...THAT NIGHT...THAT THE ANGEL OF THE LORD WENT OUT AND SMOTE‌.2 Kings 19:14,16,19-22,32-35 Gamaliel said, "And now I say unto you, 'Refrain from these men, and let them alone: for if this counsel or this work be of men, it will come to nought: but if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it; lest haply ye be found even to fight against God." Acts 5:38-39 Hear my voice, O God, in my prayer. Preserve my life from fear of the enemy. Hide me from the secret counsel of the wicked, from the insurrection of the workers of iniquity, who whet their tongue like a sword, and bend their bows to shoot their arrows, even bitter words; that they may shoot in secret at the perfect. Suddenly do they shoot at him, and fear not. They encourage themselves in an evil matter; they commune of laying snares privily; they say, "Who shall see them?" They search out iniquities; they accomplish a diligent search. Both the inward thought of every one of them, and the heart, is deep. But God shall shoot at them with an arrow; suddenly shall they be wounded. So they shall make their own tongue to fall upon themselves. All that see them shall flee away; and all men shall fear and shall declare the work of God, for they shall wisely consider of His doing. The righteous shall be glad in the Lord and shall trust in Him, and all the upright in heart shall glory. Psalm 64:1-10 For I have heard the slander of many: fear was on every side. While they took counsel together against me, they devised to take away my life. But I trusted in Thee, O Lord. I said, "Thou art my God. My times are in Thy hand. Deliver me from the hand of mine enemies and from them that persecute me. Make Thy face to shine upon Thy servant. Save me for Thy mercies' sake. Let me not be ashamed, O Lord, for I have called upon Thee. Let the wicked be ashamed, and let them be silent in the grave. Let the lying lips be put to silence, which speak grievous things proudly and contemptuously against the righteous. Oh, how great is Thy goodness, which Thou hast laid up for them that fear Thee, which Thou hast wrought for them that trust in Thee before the sons of men! Thou shalt hide them in the secret of Thy presence from the pride of man. Thou shalt keep them secretly in a pavilion from the strife of tongues." Psalm 31:13-20

GOD'S SAFETY REPORT Draw the line where Jesus drew the line ---- right down the middle of John 10:10! Jesus said, "The thief cometh not, but for the steal., and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." If it's stealing, killing, or destroying, it's NOT from God; therefore, the believer has power over it in Jesus' name according to the Word of God. Jesus said, "Behold, I give you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over ALL [that means exceptions] the power of the enemy, and NOTHING [that means exceptions] shall by any means hurt you." Lk. 10:19 God has promised that SAFETY is one of the blessings of the covenant. "NO WEAPON that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is of Me, saith the Lord." Isa. 54:17 "Wherefore ye shall DO My statutes, and KEEP My judgments, and DO them; and ye shall dwell in the land in SAFETY'. And the land shall yield her fruit, and ye shall eat your fill, and dwell therein in SAFETY. * Lev.25:18-19 "The name of the Lord is a strong tower. The righteous runneth into it and is SAFE [literally, inaccessible]." Prov. 18:10 "The fear of man bringeth a snare, but whoso putteth his trust in the Lord shall be SAFE [literally, inaccessible]." Prov. 29:25 "In peace I will both lie down and sleep, for You, Lord, alone make me dwell in SAFETY* and confident trust." Psa. 4:8 Amplified "My son, let them [referring to sound wisdom and discretion] not depart from thine eyes, keep sound wisdom and discretion. So shall they be life unto thy soul [your inner self], and grace to thy neck [your outer self]. Then shalt thou walk in thy way SAFELY', and thy foot shall not stumble. When thou liest down, thou shalt not be afraid, yea, thou shalt lie down, and thy sleep shall be sweet." Prov. 3:21-25 "Now I know that the Lord saves His anointed. He will answer him from His holy heaven with the saving strength of His right hand. Some trust in and boast of chariots, and some of horses; but we will trust in and boast of the name of the Lord our God. They [who trusted in other things] are bowed down and fallen, but we are risen and stand upright! O Lord, give victory! Let the King answer us when we call." Psa. 20:6-9 Amplified "Call unto Me, and I will answer thee and show thee great and mighty things which thou knowest not." Jere. 33:3 "Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh. Is there anything too hard for Me? Ah, Lord God! Behold, Thou hast made the heaven and the earth by Thy great power and stretched out arm, and there is NOTHING too hard for Thee." Jere. 32:27, 17 "I sought the Lord, and He heard me, and delivered me from ALL my fears [literally, fright]. The Angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear [literally, reverence] Him, and DELIVERETH them." Psa. 34:4,7 Your angel is standing at attention,' ready to perform God's Word on your behalf, waiting for you to speak God's Word in faith. "Bless the Lord, ye His angels, that excel in strength, that do His commandments, hearkening unto the voice of His Word." Psa. 103:20; also see Eccl. 5:6 * Hebrew word for SAFETY in these verses means place of refuge; safety both in fact (security) and feeling (trust).

SAFETY, Page 2 Job said why the calamities came upon him, his family, and his possessions -- Job 3:25, "The thing which I greatly feared is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of is come unto me." FEAR is our response to reports contrary or opposite to God's Word. FAITH is our response to God's Word! FEAR activates the devil. FAITH activates God! "But now thus saith the Lord that created thee and He that formed thee, FEAR NOT, for 1 have redeemed thee. I have called thee by thy name, thou art Mine. When thou passest through the waters, I WILL BE WITH THEE; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee; when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned, neither shall the flame kindle upon thee. For I AM THE LORD THY GOD, the Holy One of Israel, THY SAVIOUR. FEAR THOU NOT, for I AM WITH THEE. Be not dismayed, for I AM THY GOD. I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of My righteousness. For I, THE LORD THY GOD, will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, FEAR NOT, I WILL HELP THEE." Isa. 43:1-3; 41:10,13 "Be strong and of a good courage. FEAR NOT, nor be afraid of them, for THE LORD, THY GOD, He it is that doth go with thee. He will not fail thee, nor forsake thee. And the Lord, He it is that doth go before thee. He will be with thee. He will not fail thee, neither forsake thee. FEAR NOT, neither be dismayed." Deut. 31:6,8 "I will never leave thee nor forsake thee." Heb. 13:5 Psalm 91 is our INSURANCE POLICY! In the first and second verses, God states the PREMIUM that is due...simply, dwelling in God's presence, and having our heart and our words fixed on Him and His Word, trusting...He calls it faith. Then, God lists the BENEFITS of the policy in the remaining verses. As it's written in the Bible, David is making his bold statement of faith in God's protection. But I like to read it using the "first person" and "present tense," because that's WHO needs it, and NOW is when I need it. Because I dwell in the secret place of the Most High, I shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, "You are my Refuge and my Fortress! My God! In You will I trust!" Surely You shall deliver me from the snare of the fowler and from the noisome pestilence. You shall cover me with Your feathers and under Your wings shall I trust. Your Truth shall be my Shield and Buckler. I shall not be afraid for the terror by night, nor for the arrow that flieth by day, Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness, nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday. A thousand shall fall at my side and ten thousand at my right hand...but it shall not come nigh me! Only with my eyes shall I behold and see the reward of the wicked. Because I have made the Lord, which is my Refuge, even the Most High, my Habitation,

There shall no evil befall me, neither shall any plague come nigh my dwelling! For You shall give Your angels charge over me, to keep me in all my ways. They shall bear me up in their hands, lest I dash my foot against a stone. I shall tread upon the lion and adder; the young lion and the dragon shall I trample under feet. And the Lord responds.... "Because you has set your love upon Me, therefore will I deliver you! I will set you on high, because you have known My Name! "You shall call upon Me, and I will answer you! I will be with you in trouble! I will deliver you, and honour you! "With long life will I satisfy you, and show you My salvation!" The Psalms are replete with metaphoric names for God that show His PROTECTION for us: SHIELD (28:7), DEFENDER (59:17), FORTRESS (144:2), HIDING PLACE (32:7), ROCK (31:3), STRONG TOWER (61:3), BUCKLER (18:2), SHEPHERD (23:1), HELPER (54:4), REDEEMER (19:14), STRENGTH (18:1), HABITATION (71:3), etc.

SAFETY, Page 3 Our DELIVERER has quite a history of victories! Here are a few of the many examples in the Bible of God's providing SAFETY and DELIVERANCE for those who believed Him and who didn't have "Plan B" simmering on the back burner -- for that isn't FAITH it's doubt. Remember, God knows what's really in your heart -- whether it's faith or fear. Faith comes from hearing the Word, and that's what this epistle is all about. These SAFETY REPORTS in the Bible encourage us and increase our confidence that

GOD IS ABLE AND HE WILL DO EXACTLY WHAT HE SAYS WHEN WE TRUST HIM (Rom. 15:4,13; Acts 10:34; Heb. 13:8) NOAH - Genesis 6:5 through 9:17. The PLAGUES that came in judgment on Egypt were stopped right at the border of Goshen, where God's people dwelt Exodus 8:22-23; 9:4-7, 26; 10:23. PASSOVER - Exodus 12. Notice especially Exo. 11:7; 12:13,23. The blood represented the covenant God had made with them (through their father Abraham) that He would be their protection! The blood covenant was the difference between the Israelites and the Egyptians, who had no covenant with God. When the Israelites called on Him in faith (Exo. 3:1-10), He was covenanted to come to their rescue…and He did it like He said it! PARTING OF THE RED SEA and DELIVERANCE FROM PHAROAH - Exodus 14. Notice verses 13-14: "And Moses said unto the people, 'FEAR YE NOT!" Now, wait just a minute! They saw plenty of things to make them afraid -- the Pharoah of Egypt and his entire army were closing in on them, and the Red Sea was in front of them! BUT Moses had heard God say He would deliver them, and Moses believed God. That's why Moses could say, "FEAR YE NOT! Stand still and see the salvation of the Lord, which He will show to you today; for the Egyptians whom you have seen today, you shall see them again no more forever. The Lord shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace"…and He did it like He said it! FALL OF JERICHO - Joshua 6. JEHOSHAPHAT - 2 Chronicles 20:1-25, especially verses 15-17. EZRA - read chapters 7 and 8 to get an understanding of what's at stake. God's people are captives in a heathen land (Persia, now Iran), but Ezra has found favor with the heathen king; and he gives Ezra almost everything he will need for the task. There's just one more thing Ezra and God's people need as they make the treacherous journey (with the gold and silver treasures of the temple) across the "bad lands" to Jerusalem—safety. (Read 8:21-22) Their covenantkeeping God answers in verse 31...delivering them from "the hand of the enemy, and of such as lay in wait by the way." That's parking-lot attacks on shoppers! would-be assassins! snipers! ambushments! anything that is stealth! DANIEL FROM LION'S DEN - Daniel 6. Look at what the king said in verse 27! SHAD, SHACK, and OBED FROM FIERY FURNACE - Daniel 3. Note of explanation regarding verse 18, lest it be misinterpreted, as some have done in the past: The king had said, "If you don't bow down and worship my image, you'll be thrown into the fire." Shad, Shack, and Obed answered, "If you do throw us in there, our God will deliver us. If you do not throw us in there, we still will not worship your image." There was no doubt in them. They did not think, "God

SAFETY, Page 4 may or He may never know what God's gonna do." That's doubt. They BELIEVED God would…….and He did it like He said it! If they had had any doubt, they would have FRIED in that FIRE! DAVID OVER GOLIATH - 1 Samuel 17, especially verse 37. David's reference to Goliath as "uncircumcised Philistine" is pointing out that Goliath had no covenant with God. (Circumcision was the outward sign of the covenant the Israelites had with God, as discussed earlier.) In verse 45, as David declares to Goliath what he (David) is about to do, David says, "You've taunted us; therefore, you've defied our Covenant Partner. I'm coming at you in His name and in His power! I'm gonna take your head clean off!" And he did! DELIVERANCE OF JONAH - Book of Jonah. Even though he was in disobedience, when he repented, God saved him and set him free from the mess his rebellion had caused! PROTECTION OF ELISHA and delivering the enemy into his hands - 2 Kings 6:8-23, especially verse 16. DISCIPLES IN STORM - Mark 4:35-41. Jesus had said, "Let us pass over unto the other side" -- not to the bottom! Don't say, "Yeah, but that was Jesus! I can't do that!" Jesus said you can and you're supposed to -- John 14:12! Did you notice that The Bible doesn't say David used karate when he faced Goliath? And Jesus didn't used marshal arts when the crowd was trying to throw Him down a cliff headlong? The same Father-that-dwelled-in-Him dwells in me, and He is able...for "...and the hand of our God was upon us, and He delivered us from the hand of the enemy, and of such as lay in wait by the way." (Ezra 8:31—read chapters 7-8 to get the full picture!)

ALL OF THESE LOOKED IMPOSSIBLE TO THE PEOPLE! BUT ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE TO GOD (MT. 19:26) AND ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE TO HIM THAT BELIEVETH (MK. 9:23) Those miraculous rescues happened long ago. What about today? Are any protection miracles happening now? Yes! I've heard of many, and I'm certain there are thousands upon thousands that I haven't heard! Here are a few. The founder of the KERR canning jar company had his glass factory in San Francisco -- wooden building, wooden roof, filled with glass and glass jars, surrounded by wooden fence. When the great San Francisco earthquake and fire happened in the early 1900's, Mr. Kerr was out of town. His staff called him to say they couldn't tell the extent of the damage yet, because the city was on fire. Mr. Kerr said he was certain his factory was protected because he was a tither, and the Bible says God will rebuke the devourer for the tither (Mal. 3:10-12). When the staff was able finally to get to the glass factory, they found all the buildings on all sides of the Kerr Company were in ashes; but the Kerr plant was untouched (fence, building, and roof not even scathed), and not a glass jar was broken! The earthquake and fire had no effect where there was FAITH! There are numerous testimonies of lone survivors of airplane crashes—how they believed and what they spoke! A believing preacher and his family in a torrential rain storm in the Dallas-Ft. Worth area began to hydroplane. He immediately said, "JESUS!" and he heard the Holy Spirit say, "Keep your foot off the brake!" He knew the voice and obeyed. The car skidded across several lanes of traffic, into the oncoming lanes, and finally came to rest on the far shoulder of the oncoming lanes, facing in the wrong direction. No one in the believer's car was hurt, nor his car, nor any other car on the road! There was a believing lady in California whose home was being threatened by a raging forest fire. She was gathering up her Bible and purse to flee, when she suddenly remembered she had POWER over the weapon that was

SAFETY, Page 5 being formed against her to steal, kill, and destroy. She boldly stood in FAITH and rebuked the fire. Instantly...immediately...suddenly, the wind shifted! Her home, possessions, and property were not touched by the fire that ravaged everything on all sides of her! How many times have you seen news reports that said a tornado leveled the entire mobile home park except for one trailer that it somehow skipped right over?! Or, only one house on that street is left, and it's unharmed?! Or, that tractor-trailer rig that was at the end of the section of freeway pancaked by the collapsed freeway above during the San Francisco earthquake a few years ago (the one that happened on the opening day of the World Series)?! That rig was untouched! I want to know about the driver -- either he was a real believer, or his wife/sister/mother was -- somebody had him covered by the blood! Why don't the news reporters interview them? If they would, I'm sure they'd learn they were full of FAITH and, therefore, God did what He said He'd do! On 4/16/98, I was in an all-glass building on West End Avenue, directly across the street from Centennial Park in Nashville, Tennessee, when the tornado uprooted many large old trees in the park, and then continued to downtown and east Nashville areas causing much destruction. No harm came to anyone in our building, not even a broken piece of glass. I don't know if there were any other believers in our building, but I know I was! What faith and peace rose up in me as I began to believe and speak promises of safety! I even softly sang, "When I See the Blood, I Will Pass Over You." The next day, my sister asked me if that was the first tornado I'd ever been in. Until she said that, I hadn't even thought of myself as having been in the tornado -- that's how shielded and protected I felt! In 2003, I was working 2 jobs and arrived home from my Walmart shift at 11:30 on Saturday evening. My usual parking place facing my apartment was taken, so I parked across the driveway facing some trees to the west. I noticed a 24ounce styrofoam cup and a sack that someone had left on the ground after eating their supper. I remember noticing that they were both standing upright. I went inside my home and quickly went to sleep. About 3:00 in the morning, I heard a storm coming, reach for my Bible, and began to read and believe Psalm 91. The electricity went out about 3:30. After it got light outside, I heard a tornado had come through and done much damage in the area. When I walked outside, I saw a tree down just 5 parking spaces away from my car, limbs down on the other side of my car, and the roof of the apartment complex behind me—gone . . . but the styrofoam cup and paper sack were still standing upright in front of my car . . . because Psalm 91:10 says, "There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling." That was (and is ) my Tornado Insurance Policy!

So, when the report (weather, x-ray, OR WHATEVER) we hear says FEAR, DEFEAT, DESTRUCTION, and NO WAY OUT, we have to choose: (1)

are we going to believe that EVIL report of stealing, killing, and destroying ... OR


are we going to believe what God says... THE WORD... the GOOD report... the report of life and that more abundantly?

WHOSE REPORT WILL YOU BELIEVE? We choose with our hearts and with our words. When we choose, we then speak what's in our hearts and we get exactly what we say. If we believe and speak the EVIL report, we get the results, just like Job did. BUT if we believe and speak God's Word, He will manifest His Word for us, just as He did for all those people who believed and wholly trusted Him in the Bible. (Here are the scriptures that birthed this paragraph:) "Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof" Prov. 18:21

SAFETY, Page 6 "Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh. For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned." Mt. 12:34, 37 "Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God. For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea, and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass, HE SHALL HAVE WHATSOEVER HE SAITH. Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them." Mk. 11:22-24 "But what saith it? The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth and in thy heart, that is, the word of faith, which we preach: that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God bath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believe-di unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation." Rom. 8:8-10 "That the communication of thy faith may become effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus." Philemon 6 God said, "I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore, choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live." Deut. 30:19 "God is not a man, that He should lie, neither the son of man, that He should repent. Hath He said, and shall He not do it? or bath He spoken, and shall He not make it good?" Num. 23:19 "Wherein God, willing more abundantly to show unto the heirs of promise the immutability of His counsel, confirmed it by an oath: that by two immutable things, in which it was impossible for God to lie, we might have a strong consolation, who have fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hope set before us, which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and stedfast..." Heb. 6:17-19 "And blessed is she [and he, too] that BELIEVED, for there shall be a performance of those things which were told her from the Lord." Lk. 1:45 SO BE IT.



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AND HE DID IT LIKE HE SAID IT The Lord told Noah, "Build an ark; make sure it's watertight, and I will make the rain to rain for forty days and nights; and ev'ry living thing will die that's not inside with you. Then I'll give you My covenant, signed with My rainbow's hue." And He did it like He said it -- ev'ry word, ev'ry line, minute late or early, but exactly right on time!

not a

The Lord told Moses what to do - "By faith lift up your rod, and I'll divide the sea by wind; you'll go across dry shod. But when ol' Pharoah tries to cross with horses and char' ots, too, they'll drown; and I'll be glorified as I take care of you." And He did it like He said it -- ev'ry word, ev'ry line, minute late or early, but exactly right on time!

-not a

Today, if you delight in Him and His words abide in you, what you desire, that IS His will, and He says, "You'll have it, too! Just trust Me by your child-like faith. I've heard your earnest cry. I'll do precisely what I've said, and you will testify..." My God did it like He said it -- ev'ry word, ev'ry line, not a minute late or early, but exactly right on time! Noah's Rainbow... ) Israel's Rescue... ) Isaiah 46:9-11; Romans 15:4 Jesus' Resurrection... )

Exodus 14:13-31

not a

And Jesus told His followers, "I will be crucified, but after three days rise again, just as was prophesied." They all forgot - no one believed! They said, "He's dead and gone." They came to finish bury'ng Him, not knowing Life had won! But He did it like He said it -- ev'ry word, ev'ry line, minute late or early, but exactly right on time!

Genesis 6:8 - 9:17

Luke 24:1-8 Psalm 16:10 Romans 3:3-4

Psalm 37:4 John 15:7 Hebrews 10:35-36

Isaiah 55:11 Joshua 21:45 Isaiah 66:9 Habakkuk 2:3

06/12/06 Written down by Carolyn Vardell 01/30/85. Scribe hereby gives her permission for it to be freely reproduced and used for the glory of God; because Jesus said, "Freely you have received, freely give." (Mt. 10:8) Amen.

SAFETY, Page 8 Put this on your dashboard, under your computer screen, inside your notebook, on the refrigerator...

GOD'S WEATHER REPORT... There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling. I will never leave thee nor forsake thee! No weapon formed against you shall prosper...

From God's Word, develop your own SAFETY REPORT, MEDICAL EXAM, FINANCIAL STATEMENT, etc.


I would like to explain about how this word-study came about...

Explanation of This Psalm 91 "Studified Compilation" After 9/11, the Spirit of Truth nudged me to do a word study of Psalm 91. I didn't know what I would find; but,

unlike the prospectors who went digging out West hoping to find gold, when the Holy Spirit nudges you to search, you know you are going to find gold treasures...and I surely did. I looked up the original Hebrew for every noun, verb, adjective, and adverb in Psalm 91. Then I looked up Webster's definition for the words in the KJV and all the other meanings that I found by looking it up in the original. I typed all of this in a document with 3 columns–King James, Hebrew, Webster. It took 23 pages! After that was completed, I read each phrase in the King James, read all the other meanings of that phrase in the Hebrew, and read all the definitions in the Webster column–then I compiled all of it into (what I call) a "studified compilation." Just like you read a verse in the KJV, and you read the same verse in the Amplified Bible or The Message Bible–that's what I did. That's what the Psalm 91 document is–a "studified compilation." One of the treasures I found was in verse 2 when I saw the full meaning of fortress from the Hebrew and Webster! One of the meanings from the Hebrew is fastness; and in Webster, one of the meanings of fastness is resistance of an organism to the action of an usually toxic substance. Think of that! That includes protection from chemical warfare...even air pollution and smog...from whatever weapon that could be formed against us...even cigarette smoke! You name it–God has got us covered, shielded, protected–He IS our fortress...our fastness! Shad, Shack, and Obed knew that—not only did the fire in the furnace have no power over them, neither did the smoke! Well, I got so excited! I could hardly wait to finish the word-study and find all the treasures that God had stored up for His all-encompassing insurance policy—Psalm 91!

Put your socks on...fasten your seatbelt

Blood Covenant Insurance — Psalm 91 He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, "He is my refuge and my fortress: my God: in Him will I trust." Surely He shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence. He shall cover thee with His feathers, and under His wings shalt thou trust: His truth shall be thy shield and buckler. Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day; nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday. A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee. Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked Because thou hast made the Lord, which is my refuge, even the Most High, thy habitation, there shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling. For He shall give His angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways. They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone. Thou shalt tread upon the lion and adder: the young lion and the dragon shalt thou trample under feet. Because he hath set his love upon Me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he hath known My name. He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honor him. With long life will I satisfy him, and chew him My salvation. Psalm 91:1-16 King James Version

A detailed word study from the Hebrew text and Webster's dictionary reveals that even though Psalm 91 was written down thousands of years ago, it is very applicable in the 21st century—even as all of God's Word is . . . the same yesterday, today, and forever. . King James Version He that dwelleth

Hebrew (Strong's Concordance)

Webster's Dictionary

to sit down; by implication to dwell, to remain; (causatively) to settle, to marry: [translated in KJV as] (make to) abide (-ing), continue, (cause to, make to) dwell (-ing), ease self, endure, establish, habitation, (make to) inhabit (-ant), make to keep [house], marry (-ing), (bring again to) place, remain, return, seat, set (-tie) (down), sit (down, still, -ting down, -ting [place], -uate), take, tarry

dwell - to live as a resident, reside marry - to unite in close and usually permanent relation; to join as husband and wife; to enter into a close or intimate union remain - to stay in the same place or with the same person settle - to place so as to stay; to establish a residence; to establish or secure permanently; to come to rest; to take up an ordered or stable life [marry and settle down]

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King James Version in the secret place

Hebrew (Strong's Concordance) [from word meaning to hide (by covering)] a cover: [translated in KJV as] covering, covert, hiding place, privily, protection, secret place

Webster's Dictionary cover - something that protects, shelters, or guards; something that is placed over or about another thing; something that conceals or obscures covert - hiding place, shelter; a masking or concealing device hide - to put out of sight; conceal for shelter or protection, shield hiding place - a place that puts out of sight, conceals privily - privately, secretly protection - covering or shielding from injury or destruction, to guard; (protection implies a keeping safe by any means; shield suggests the interposition of a cover or barrier against imminent or specific danger; guard implies protecting with vigilance and force against expected danger) secret - [from Latin apart + to sift, meaning to separate, distinguish] kept from knowledge or view, hidden; marked by the habit of discretion, closemouthed; working with hidden aims or methods, undercover; remote from human frequentation or notice, secluded; revealed only to the initiated, esoteric [designed for and understood by the specially initiated alone; relating to knowledge that is restricted to a small group]

of the Most High

the Supreme: [translated in KJV as] Most High

supreme - highest in rank or authority, degree, or quality; ultimate, final

shall abide

to stop (usually overnight); by implication to stay permanently: [translated in KJV as] abide (all night), continue, dwell, endure, lie all night, (cause to) lodge (all night, in), remain, tarry (all night)

abide - to remain stable or fixed in a state; to continue in a place, sojourn; (implies stable and constant existing especially as opposed to mutability; continuing in a residence)

under the shadow

[from word meaning hovering over, to shade as twilight or an opaque object] shade (literally or figuratively):

defense - capability of resisting attack, driving danger or attack away from, warding off what immediately

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King James Version

Hebrew (Strong's Concordance) [translated in KJV as] defense, shade (-ow)

Webster's Dictionary threatens or repelling what actually attacks hover - to move to and fro and remain suspended over an object obscure - to conceal or hide by covering or intervening shade - a secluded retreat; something that intercepts or shelters from light, sun, or heat shadow - shelter from danger or observation

of the Almighty.

[from primary root meaning powerful, (passively) impregnable] the Almighty: [translated in KJV as] Almighty

almighty - having absolute power over all; unlimited in power impregnable - incapable of being taken by assault, unconquerable, unassailable [not liable to doubt, attack, or question]

I will say

to say: [translated in KJV as] answer, appoint, avouch, boast self, call, charge, command, declare, demand, determine, name, promise, publish, report, require, say, speak, talk, tell, utter

appoint - to fix or set officially; to name officially avouch - to declare as a matter of fact or as a thing that can be proved, affirm; to acknowledge as one's own boast - to speak of or assert with excessive pride; to possess or display proudly declare - to make known formally or explicitly; to state emphatically; to make known publicly determine - to fix conclusively or authoritatively; to settle or decide by choice of alternatives or possibilities; (implies the cutting off of debate, doubt, or wavering; fixing something definitely or unalterably)

of the Lord,

the self-Existent or Eternal; Jehovah (Jewish national name of God)

Lord - a ruler by hereditary right or preeminence to whom service and obedience are due; God; Christ

"He is my refuge

a shelter (literally or figuratively): [translated in KJV as] hope, (place of) refuge, shelter, trust

refuge - shelter or protection from danger or distress; a means of resort for help in difficulty shelter - something that covers or affords protection trust - assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something; one in which confidence is placed

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King James Version and my fortress:

Hebrew (Strong's Concordance) [from word meaning net, fastness or (besieging) tower] a net; also a fastness: [translated in KJV as] castle, defense, fort (-ress), (strong) hold, strong place

Webster's Dictionary besieging - to surround with armed forces fastness - fixedness; resistance to the action of a usually toxic substance; a fortified or secured place; a remote and secluded place fortress - a fortified place, stronghold stronghold - a fortified place, fortress; a place dominated by a particular group

my God:

the supreme God

God - the Supreme Being; Jehovah, the eternal and infinite Spirit, the Creator, and the Sovereign of the universe [from Noah Webster's 1828 American Dictionary of the English Language]

in Him will I trust."

to hie for refuge; (figuratively) to trust, be confident or sure: [translated in KJV as] be bold (confident, secure, sure), careless, put confidence, (make to) hope, (put, make to) trust

confident - trustful, certain hie - go quickly, hasten trust - to place confidence, depend; to commit or place in one's care or keeping, entrust; to permit to stay or go or to do something without fear or misgiving; to rely on the truthfulness or accuracy of, believe

indicating causal relations of all kinds

surely - with assurance, without doubt

Surely He shall deliver thee

to snatch away: [translated in KJV as] defend, deliver, escape, part, pluck, preserve, recover, rescue, save, spoil, take (out)

deliver - to set free; to hand over, convey; to send to an intended destination; (implies release usually of a person from confinement, slavery, suffering, and temptation) pluck - to move or separate forcibly rescue - to free from confinement, danger, or evil, save, deliver; (implies freeing from imminent danger by prompt or vigorous action) snatch - to grasp abruptly or hastily

from the snare

[from word meaning to spread a net] a (metallic) sheet (as pounded thin); also a spring net (as spread out like a lamina):

gin - a snare or trap for game lamina - a thin plate or scale snare - something by which one is entangled, involved in

Blood Covenant Insurance - 5

King _James Version

Hebrew (Strong's Concordance) [translated in KN as] gin, (thin) plate, snare

Webster's Dictionary difficulties, or hindered

of the fowler,

[from primary root word meaning to ensnare] entangled, i.e., by implication a snare, or a snarer: [translated in KJV as] fowler, snare

ensnare - snare, entrap; (implies seizing by some device that holds the one caught at the mercy of his captor) entangle - to make tangled, complicated, or confused entrap - lure into a compromising statement or act fowler - one who seeks, catches, or kills wildfowl

and from the noisome

[from word meaning to breathe] (in the sense of eagerly coveting and rushing upon; by implication of falling); desire; also ruin: [translated in KJV as] calamity, iniquity, mischief, mischievous (thing), naughtiness, naughty, noisome, perverse thing, substance, very wickedness

calamity - a state of deep distress or misery caused by major misfortune or loss; an extraordinarily grave event marked by great loss and lasting distress and affliction noisome - noxious, unwholesome; offensive to the smell or other senses, disgusting; malodorous noxious - harmful, destructive; (applies to what is both offensive and injurious to the health of body or mind) perverse - turned away from what is right or good, corrupt; obstinate in opposing what is right, reasonable, or accepted; wrongheaded ruin - physical, moral, economic, or social collapse


[from word meaning subdue (in the sense of destroying)] a pestilence: [translated in KJV as] murrain, pestilence, plague

contagious - communicable by contact destroy - to ruin the structure, organic existence, or condition of, demolish; to put out of existence, kill devastating - laying waste, overpowering, overwhelming; (implies causing ruin and desolation over a wide area) epidemic - affecting many persons at once; a plant disease recurring sporadically and affecting large numbers of susceptible plants; a disease that affects many animals of one kind at the same time; excessively prevalent murrain - a pestilence or plague affecting domestic animals or plants

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King James Version

Hebrew (Strong's Concordance)

Webster's Dictionary pestilence - a contagious or infectious epidemic disease that is virulent and devastating plague - a disastrous evil or affliction, calamity; a destructive numerous influx; an epidemic disease causing a high rate of mortality; a virulent contagious fever disease that is caused by a bacteria and occurs in several forms subdue - to conquer and bring into subjection, vanquish virulent - marked by a rapid, severe, and malignant course; able to overcome bodily defensive mechanisms; extremely poisonous or venomous

He shall cover thee

to entwine as a screen; by implication to fence in, cover over, (figuratively) protect: [translated in KJV as] cover, defense, defend, hedge in, join together, set, shut up

cover - to guard from attack; to have within range of one's guns; to hold within range of an aimed firearm; to afford protection or security to; to maintain a check on especially by patrolling; to hide from sight or knowledge; conceal; envelop; overlay; to place or set a cover or covering over defend - to drive danger or attack away from; (implies warding off what immediately threatens or repelling what actually attacks) fence in - to provide a defense for; to provide protection for hedge in - to enclose or protect as if with a hedge, encircle; to hem in or obstruct with a barrier, hinder protect - to cover or shield from injury or destruction, guard; (implies a keeping safe by any means from injury or destruction)

with His feathers,

pinion: [translated in KJV as] feather, wing

feather - [non-bird definition] kind, nature; attire, dress pinion - wing, feather, quill

and under

bottom, below, underneath

under - below and in such a position as to be overhung, surmounted, covered, protected, or concealed by under one's wing - under one's protection; in one's care

His wings

[from word meaning to project laterally] an edge or

wings - a side or outlying region or district; a part usually

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King James Version

Hebrew (Strong's Concordance) extremity, (specifically of a bird or army) a wing; (of a garment) a flap, (of the earth) a quarter, (of a building) a pinnacle: [translated in KJV as] border, corner, end, feather, overspreading, skirt, uttermost part, wing

Webster's Dictionary projecting from and subordinate to the main or central part; one of the positions on either side of a center position

shalt thou trust:

[a primary root word] to flee for protection; (figuratively) to confide in: [translated in KJV as] have hope, make refuge, (put) trust

trust - to place confidence, depend; to commit or place in one's care or keeping, entrust; to permit to stay or go or to do something without fear or misgiving; to rely on the truthfulness or accuracy of, believe

His truth

[from word meaning to build up or support; (figuratively) to render (or be) firm or faithful] stability; (figuratively) certainty, truth, trustworthiness: [translated in KJV as] assured (-ly), establishment, faith, right, sure, true (-1y, -th), verity

truth - fidelity, constancy, truthfulness, honesty; the body of true statements and propositions [God's Word, His Blood Covenant]

[from word meaning to be prickly, a thorn, hence a cactushedge] a hook (as pointed); also a (large) shield (as if guarding by prickliness) [translated in KJV as] buckler, hook, shield, target

shield one that protects or defends; a fixture designed to protect persons from injury

shall be thy shield

and buckler.

[from word meaning tile (for laying borders with)] something surrounding the person, i.e., a shield: [translated in KJV as] buckler

buckler - one that shields and protects surround - to enclose on all side, encompass; to ring about, encircle Note: A cactus plant is surrounded on all sides by prickly thorns which make the inside (the plant itself) inaccessible to all intruders! When we believe, God's Word encompasses us and makes us inaccessible to all harm!

Thou shalt not be afraid

[a primary root word] to fear; (morally) to revere; afraid - filled with fear, apprehension, concern (causatively) to frighten: fear - strong emotion caused by anticipation or awareness [translated in KJV as] afright, be(make) afraid, dread (-fill), of danger; (implies anxiety and loss of courage) (put in) fear (-ful), (be had in) reverence (-end),

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King James Version

Hebrew (Strong's Concordance) terrible (act, -ness, thing)

Webster's Dictionary

for the terror

[from a primary root word meaning to be startled (by a sudden alarm)] a (sudden) alarm (properly the object feared, by implication the feeling): [translated in KJV as] dread (-ful), fear, (thing) great (fear, -ly, feared), terror

terror - state of intense fear; (the most extreme degree of fear

by night;

[from word meaning to fold back] (properly) a twist (away of the light), i.e., night; (figuratively) adversity: [translated in KJV as] (mid-) night (season)

adversity - a condition of suffering, destitution., or affliction; a calamitous or disastrous experience; (adversity cannot refer to an instance, but implies serious and continued misfortune) [Note: things you can't see]

nor for the arrow

[from word meaning to chop into, pierce or sever] a piercer, i.e., an arrow; by implication a wound; (figuratively) thunder-bolt: [translated in KJV as] arrow, dart, shaft, staff, wound

pierce - to enter or thrust into sharply or painfully; to force or make a way into or through

that flieth

[a primary root word] to cover (with wings or obscurity); hence to fly: [translated in KJV as] brandish, flee away, fly (away), shine forth

brandish - to shake or wave (as a weapon) menacingly; to exhibit in an ostentatious or aggressive manner; (implies threatening or menacing motion)

by day;

[from word meaning to be hot, a day] daily: [translated in KJV as] daily, (by, in the) day (-time)

[Note: things you can see]

nor for the pestilence

[from word meaning subdue (in the sense of destroying)] a pestilence: [translated in KJV as] murrain, pestilence, plague

contagious - communicable by contact destroy - to ruin the structure, organic existence, or condition of, demolish; to put out of existence, kill devastating - laying waste, overpowering, overwhelming; (implies causing ruin and desolation over a wide area) epidemic - affecting many persons at once; a plant disease

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King James Version

Hebrew (Strong's Concordance)

Webster's Dictionary recurring sporadically and affecting large numbers of susceptible plants; a disease that affects many animals of one kind at the same time; excessively prevalent murrain - a pestilence or plague affecting domestic animals or plants pestilence - a contagious or infectious epidemic disease that is virulent and devastating plague - a disastrous evil or affliction, calamity; a destructive numerous influx; an epidemic disease causing a high rate of mortality; a virulent contagious fever disease that is caused by a bacteria and occurs in several forms subdue - to conquer and bring into subjection, vanquish virulent - marked by a rapid, severe, and malignant course; able to overcome bodily defensive mechanisms; extremely poisonous or venomous walk - advance by steps; to carry out perfunctorily [mechanically or indifferently]

that walketh

[a primary root word] to walk: [translated in KJV as] come, continually, enter, forward, go (about, abroad, along, away, forward, on, out, up and down), be wont to haunt, lead, march, move, be at the point, run (along), spread, walk (abroad, on, to and fro, up and down, to places), wander, whirl

in darkness;

dusk: [translated in KJV as] darkness, obscurity, privily

darkness - absence of light obscurity - the state of being dark, dim, or indistinct

nor for the destruction

to cut off; ruin: [translated in KJV as] destroying, destruction

annihilate - to cause to be of no effect, nullify; to destroy the substance or force of; to cause to cease to exist; to destroy a considerable part of; to vanquish completely; (implies wipe out of existence) destroy - to ruin the structure, organic existence, or condition of, demolish; to put out of existence, kill; to subject to a crushing defeat, annihilate destruction - the action or process of destroying something

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King James Version that wasteth

Hebrew (Strong's Concordance) [a primary root word] to swell up, i.e., (figuratively by implication of insolence) to devastate: [translated in KJV as] waste

Webster's Dictionary devastate - overpower, overwhelm; (causing ruin and desolation over a wide area) insolence - insultingly contemptuous in speech or conduct, overbearing; a haughty attitude or insulting act waste - devastate; to cause to shrink in physical bulk or strength; emaciate, enfeeble; to wear away or diminish gradually, consume; (causing ruin and destruction by a slow process rather than sudden and violent attack)

at noonday.

[from a primary root word meaning to glisten] a light (i.e., window); dual double light, i.e., noon: [translated in KJV as] midday, noon (-day, -tide), window

noonday - midday window - an opening especially in the wall of building for the admission of light and air, and capable of being opened and shut; strips of foil dropped from airplanes to interfere with radar detection; an interval of time within which a rocket or spacecraft must be launched to accomplish a particular mission

A thousand


thousand a very large number

shall fall

[a primary root word] to fall: [translated in KJV as] cast (down, self, out), cease, die, (let) fail, (cause to, let, make, ready to) fall (away, down, -en, -ing), fell (-ing), lay (along), (cause to) lie down, be lost, overthrow, overwhelm, perish, (make to) rot, slay, smite out, throw down

fall - to leave an erect position suddenly and involuntarily; to drop down wounded or dead; to die in battle; to suffer military capture; to suffer ruin, defeat, or failure

at thy side,

a side: [translated in KJV as] (be-) side

side - the right side or left part of the trunk of the body; an outer portion of something held to face in a particular direction

and ten thousand

[from word meaning to cast together, i.e., increase] abundance (in number), i.e., (specifically) a myriad: [translated in KJV as] many, million, ten thousand

abundance - an ample or overflowing quantity; profusion myriad - innumerable; multitudinous

at thy right hand;

[from a primary root word meaning to be (physically) right

right hand - the hand on a person's right side; a reliable or

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King James Version

Hebrew (Strong's Concordance) (i.e., firm)] the right hand or side (leg, eye) of a person or other object (as the stronger and more dexterous); (locally) the south: [translated in KJV as] right (hand, side), south

Webster's Dictionary indispensable person; the right side

but it shall not

not, no; [translated in KJV as] neither, never, no, not

neither - not the one or the other of two or more never - not ever; at no time; not in any degree, way, or condition no - in no respect or degree; not any not - used as a function word to make negative a preceding or following group of words or a word

come nigh thee.

[a primary root word] to be or come (causatively bring) near (for any purpose); as an enemy, to attack: [translated in KJV as] (make to) approach (nigh), bring (forth, hither, near), (cause to) come (higher, near, nigh), give place, go hard (up), (be, draw, go) near (nigh), offer, overtake, present, put, stand

come - to move toward something, approach; to enter or assume a condition, relation, use, or position; to fall within a field of view or a range of application near - not far distant in time, place, or degree; close nigh - near in place, time, or relationship


leanness, i.e., (figuratively) limitation; merely: [translated in KJV as] at the least, only

merely - absolutely; undiminished; apart from anything else, bare; having no mixture, pure only - as a single fact or instance and nothing more or different; merely; exclusively; solely; at the very least; in the final outcome; with nevertheless the final result

with thine eyes

[a primary word] an eye (literally or figuratively); by analogy afountain (as the eye of the landscape): [translated in KJV as] affliction, outward appearance, color, conceit, countenance, eye (-brow, -sight), face, knowledge, look, presence, resemblance, sight, well

eye - an organ of sight; the faculty of seeing with eyes; the faculty of intellectual perception or appreciation, look, glance; an attentive look

shalt thou behold

[a primary root word] to scan, i.e., look intently at; by implication to regard with pleasure, favor, or care: [translated in KJV as] (cause to) behold, consider, look

behold - to perceive through sight or apprehension regard - consideration, heed, look, gaze scan - to examine intensively; to make a wide sweeping

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King James Version

Hebrew (Strong's Concordance) (down), regard, have respect, see

Webster's Dictionary search of to look over hastily

and see

[a primary root word] to see (literally or figuratively): [translated in KVJ as] advise self, appear, approve, behold, consider, discern, have experience, gaze, take heed, lo, look (on, out, upon), mark, perceive, regard, (have) respect, (fore-, cause to, let) see, (e) spy, stare, view

see - to perceive by the eye; to have experience of, undergo; to come to know, discover; to be aware of, recognize; examine, watch; to attend as a spectator

the reward

[from word meaning requittal] retribution: [translated in KJV as] reward

requittal - the act of making retaliation for, avenging; to make return to for an injury retribution - the dispensing or receiving of reward or punishment reward - something that is given in return for good or evil done or received

of the wicked.

[from word meaning to be wrong; by implication to disturb, violate] (morally) wrong; (concretely) an (actively) bad person: [translated in KJV as] guilty, ungodly, wicked (man), that did wrong

disturb - to interfere with, interrupt; to alter the position or arrangement of; to break up or damage; to destroy the tranquillity or composure of to throw into disorder; alarm; to put to inconvenience; (implies interference with one's mental processes caused by worry, perplexity, or interruption) ungodly - impious, irreligious; sinful, wicked; outrageous violate - break; disregard; to do harm to the person; profane, desecrate; interrupt; disturb wicked - morally bad, evil; fierce, vicious wrong - not right or proper according to a code, standard, or convention; not according to truth or facts


indicating causal relations of all kinds

because - for the reason that, since

thou hast made

[a primary root word] to put (used in a great variety of applications): [translated in KJV as] (e.g.) appoint, commit, consider, determine, hold, impute, make, ordain, order, purpose, set, take

appoint - to name officially; to determine the disposition of (an estate) to someone by virtue of a power of appointment make - to frame, form, and hold in the mind; to compute or estimate to be; appoint; enact; establish; set; name;

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King James Version the Lord,

Hebrew (Strong's Concordance)

Webster's Dictionary to regard as being; to count as

the self-Existent or Eternal; Jehovah (Jewish national name of God)

Lord - a ruler by hereditary right or preeminence to whom service and obedience are due; God; Christ

which is my refuge,

a shelter (literally or figuratively): [translated in KJV as] hope, (place of) refuge, shelter, trust

refuge - shelter or protection from danger or distress; a means of resort for help in difficulty shelter - something that covers or affords protection trust - assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something; one in which confidence is placed

even the Most High,

the Supreme: [translated in KJV as] Most High

supreme - highest in rank or authority, degree, or quality; ultimate, final

thy habitation;

[from word meaning to dwell together] an abode, of God (tabernacle), of men (their home), or animals (their lair); hence a retreat (asylum): [translated in KJV as] den, dwelling (-place), habitation

abode - residence, sojourn; the place where one abides, home asylum - an inviolable [secure from assault or trespass] place of refuge and protection giving shelter to criminals and debtors, a sanctuary; a place of retreat and security, a shelter; the protection or inviolability afforded by an asylum, a refuge habitation - a dwelling place, residence retreat - a place of privacy or safety, refuge

there shall no

not, no: [translated in KJV as] neither, never, no, not

never - not ever; at no time; not in any degree, way, or condition no - in no respect or degree; not any not - used as a function word to make negative a preceding or following group of words or a word


[from a primary root meaning spoil (literally by breaking to pieces); (figuratively) to make (or be) good for nothing] bad or (as noun) evil (naturally or morally): [translated in KJV as] adversity, affliction, calamity,

adversity - a condition of suffering, destitution, affliction, calamity, or disaster affliction - the cause of continued pain or distress calamity - a state of deep distress or misery caused by major misfortune or loss; an extraordinarily grave

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King James Version

Hebrew (Strong's Concordance) distress, evil, heavy, hurt (-ful), mischief, misery, noisome, sad, sore, sorrow, trouble, vex, wicked, worse, wretchedness, wrong

Webster's Dictionary event marked by great loss and lasting distress and affliction distress - anguish of body or mind, trouble; a state of danger or desperate need; (implies an external and usually temporary cause of great physical or mental strain and stress) evil - not good morally, wicked; arising from actual or imputed bad character or conduct; causing discomfort or repulsion, offensive, disagreeable; causing harm hurt - to cause pain or anguish to; to do substantial or material harm to; bodily injury or wound; mental distress or anguish misery - a state of suffering and want that is the result of poverty or affliction; a circumstance, thing, or place that causes suffering or discomfort wretchedness - the state of being deeply afflicted, dejected, or distressed, miserable; woeful, grievous; hatefully contemptible, despicable

befall thee,

[a primary root word] to approach; hence to meet in various senses: [translated in KJV as] befall, deliver, happen, seek a quarrel

approach - to draw closer to, near; to take preliminary steps toward befall - to happen to


not, no: [translated in KJV as] neither, never, no, not

neither - not the one or the other of two or more never - not ever; at no time; not in any degree, way, or condition no - in no respect or degree; not any not - used as a function word to make negative a preceding or following group of words or a word

shall any plague

[from a primary root meaning to touch, i.e., lay the hand upon (for any purpose)] a blow (figuratively infliction); also by implication a spot (concretely a leprous person or dress):

plague - a disastrous evil or affliction, calamity; a destructive numerous influx; an epidemic disease causing a high rate of mortality; a virulent contagious fever disease that is caused by a bacteria

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King James Version

Hebrew (Strong's Concordance) [translated in KJV as] plague, sore, stricken, stripe, stroke, wound

Webster's Dictionary

come nigh

[a primary root word] to approach (causatively bring near) for whatever purpose: [translated in KJV as] (cause to) approach, (cause to) bring (forth, near), (cause to) come (near, nigh), (cause to) draw near (nigh), go (near), be at hand, join, be near, offer, present, produce, make ready, stand, take

come - and to move toward something; occurs in several forms approach; to enter or assume a condition, relation, use, or position; to fall within a field of view or a range of application near - not far distant in time, place, or degree; close nigh - near in place, time, or relationship

thy dwelling.

[from primary root word meaning to be clear] a tent (as clearly conspicuous from a distance): [translated in KJV as] covering, dwelling (place), home, tabernacle, tent

dwelling - a building or other shelter in which people live; house

For He shall give [His angels] charge over thee

[a primary root word] to constitute, enjoin: [translated in KJV as] appoint, (for-) bid, (give a) charge, (give a, give in, send with) command (-er, -ment), send a messenger, put, (set) in order

appoint - to fix or set officially; to name officially, arrange; to determine the disposition of (an estate) to someone by virtue of a power of appointment; equip charge - to impose a task or responsibility on; to command, instruct, or exhort with right or authority; to give a charge to; (implies to give an order or direction authoritatively and urgently and often with admonition or solicitude with the implication of imposing as a duty or responsibility) command - to direct authoritatively, order; to exercise a dominating influence over; to have at one's immediate disposal; to overlook or dominate from a strategic position constitute - to appoint to an office, function, or dignity enjoin - to direct or impose by authoritative order

His angels

[from unused root word meaning to dispatch as a deputy; a messenger; specifically of God, i.e., an angel (also a prophet, priest, or teacher): [translated in KJV as] ambassador, angel, king, messenger

ambassador - an official envoy; an authorized representative or messenger angel - a spiritual being superior to man in power and intelligence; an attendant spirit or guardian;

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King James Version

Hebrew (Strong's Concordance)

Webster's Dictionary messenger, harbinger dispatch - to send off or away with promptness or speed especially on official business harbinger - a person sent before to provide lodgings messenger - one who bears a message or does an errand

to keep thee

[a primary root word] (properly) to hedge about (as with thorns), i.e., guard; (generally) to protect, attend to: [translated in KJV as] beware, be circumspect, take heed (to self), keep (-er, self), mark, look narrowly, observe, preserve, regard, reserve, save (self), sure, (that lay) wait (for), watch (-man)

attend - to look after or take charge of hedge - to enclose or protect with or as if with a hedge, encircle keep - to be faithful to; preserve, maintain; to watch over and defend; to take care of, tend; to maintain in a good, fitting, or orderly condition; to cause to remain in a given place, situation, or condition; to preserve in an unspoiled condition; to retain in one's possession or power protect - to cover or shield from injury or destruction, guard

in all

the whole; hence all, any, or every: [translated in KJV as] (in) all (manner), altogether, any (manner), enough, every (one, place, thing), howsoever, as many as, (no-) thing, ought, whatsoever, (the) whole, whoso (-ever)

all - the whole of; as much as possible; every member or individual component of the whole number or sum of every; any whatever

thy ways.

[from a primary root meaning to tread] a road (as trodden), (figuratively) a course of life or mode of action: [translated in KJV as] conversation, custom, journey, manner, passenger, (high-, path-) way (-side)

way - a thoroughfare for travel or transportation from place to place; an opening for passage; the course traveled from one place to another, route; a nonspatial course (as a series of actions or sequence of events) leading in a direction or toward an objective; a course of action; opportunity, capability, or fact of doing as one pleases

They shall bear thee up

[a primary root word] to lift [in a great variety literally, figuratively, absolutely, relatively]: [translated in KJV as] bear (-er, up), bring (forth), carry (away), exalt, fetch, help, hold up, lift (self) up, raise (up), set (up), take (away, up)

bear - to support and move, carry; lead; escort; to support the weight of, sustain; (implies the power to sustain without flinching or breaking)

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King James Version in their hands,

Hebrew (Strong's Concordance) [from a primary root meaning to curve] the hollow hand or palm, (figuratively) power: [translated in KJV as] hand (-fill), power

Webster's Dictionary hand - a part serving the function of or resembling a hand; a grasping organ; skill; ability in hand in one's possession or control power - possession of control, authority, or influence over others; ability to act or produce an effect; physical might; a source or means of supplying energy

[from a primary root meaning to turn] (properly) removal; used only (in the constructive) adverb as conjunction lest: [translated in KJV as] lest, peradventure, that. . .not

lest - for fear that; that [used after an expression denoting fear or apprehension]

thou dash

[a primary root word] to push, gore, defeat, stub (the toe), inflict (a disease): [translated in KJV as] beat, dash, hurt, plague, slay, smith (down), strike, stumble, put to the worse

dash - to knock, hurl, or thrust violently; to break by striking or knocking; splash, spatter; destroy, ruin stub - to strike (one's foot or toe) against an object

thy foot

[from a primary root meaning to walk along] afoot (as used in walking); by implication a step: [translated in KJV as] (broken-) foot (-ed, -stool), leg, time

foot - the terminal part of the vertebrate leg upon which an individual stands; an organ of locomotion or attachment

above, over, upon, or against

against - in the direction of and into contact with; in a direction opposite to the motion or course of

a stone.

[from a primary root meaning to build] to build; a stone: [translated in KJV as] (chalk-, hail-, head-, sling-) stone, (diverse) weight (-s)

build - to develop according to a systematic plan, by a definite process, or on a particular base stone - a concretion of earthy or mineral matter; a piece of rock for a specified function as a building block, a paving block, a precious stone, gravestone, grindstone, whetstone

Thou shalt tread

[a primary root word] to tread; by implication to walk: [translated in KJV as] come, go (over), guide, lead (forth), thresh, tread (down), walk

tread trample, crush, beat

above, over, upon, against (that is, downward)

upon - on




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King James Version the lion

Hebrew (Strong's Concordance) [from unused root probably meaning to roar] a lion (from his characteristic roar): [translated in KJV as] (fierce) lion

Webster's Dictionary lion - a large carnivorous chiefly nocturnal cat of open or rocky areas of Africa and formerly southern Asia; any of several large wildcats; a person felt to resemble a lion (as in courage and ferocity)

and adder:

[from unused root meaning to twist] an asp (from its contortions): [translated in KVJ as] adder

adder - venomous viper venomous - full of venom; poisonous; virulent; malignant; having a venom-producing gland and able to inflict a poisoned wound viper any of various Old World venomous snakes; a malignant or treacherous person

the young lion

[from word meaning cover] a village (as covered in by walls); also a young lion (perhaps as covered with a mane): [translated in KJV as] (young) lion, village

lion - a large carnivorous chiefly nocturnal cat of open or rocky areas of Africa and formerly southern Asia; any of several large wildcats; a person felt to resemble a lion (as in courage and ferocity)

and the dragon

[from word meaning to elongate; a monster, i.e., a seaserpent (or other huge marine animal); also a jackal (or other hideous land animal)] a marine or land monster, i.e., sea-serpent or jackal: [translated in KJV as] dragon, sea-monster, serpent, whale

dragon - a huge serpent; a violent, combative, or very strict person; a soldier carrying a short musket; an artillery tractor jackal - any of several Old World wild dogs smaller than the related wolves; a person who served or collaborates with another especially in the commission of base acts

shalt thou trample under feet.

[a primary root word] to tread upon (as a potter, in walking or abusively): [translated in KJV as] oppressor, stamp upon, trample (under feet), tread (down, upon)

abusively - physically injurious trample - to tread heavily so as to bruise, crush, or injure; to inflict injury or destruction tread trample, crush, beat


causal relations of all kinds, antecedent or consequent

because - for the reason that; since; the fact that; that

he hath set his love

[a primary root word] to cling, i.e., join; (figuratively) to love, delight in; (elliptically) to deliver: [translated in KJV as] have a delight, (have a) desire, fillet, long, set (in) love

love - man's adoration of God set - to apply oneself to some activity; to have a specified direction in motion

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King James Version upon Me,


Hebrew (Strong's concordance) upon - on


[no Hebrew word given]

therefore - for that reason, consequently, because of that, on that ground, to that end upon - on


Webster's Dictionary

will I deliver him:

[a primary root word] to slip out, i.e., escape; (causatively) to deliver: [translated in KJV as] carry away safe, deliver, (cause to) escape

deliver - to set free; to hand over, convey; to send to an intended destination; (implies release usually of a person from confinement, slavery, suffering, and temptation) escape - to get away (as by flight); to avoid a threatening evil; to get out of the way of

I will set him on high,

[a primary root word] to be (causatively make) lofty, especially inaccessible; by implication safe, strong; used literally and figuratively: [translated in KJV as] defend, exalt, be excellent, (be, set on) high, lofty, be safe, set up (on high)

inaccessible - not usable for access; not open to influence; not obtainable


causal relations of all kinds, antecedent or consequent

because - for the reason that; since; the fact that; that

he hath known

[a primary root] to know (properly to ascertain by seeing, including observation, care, recognition: [translated in KJV as] acknowledge, answer, appoint, assuredly, be aware, comprehend, discern, discover, kinsman, know, knowledge, + lie by man ["Adam knew Eve and she bare Cain"], perceive, have respect, shew, be sure, understand

know - to perceive directly; have direct cognition of; to have understanding of; to recognize the nature of, discern; to be aware of the truth or factuality of; be convinced or certain

My name.

[a primary word] an appellation, as a mark or memorial of individuality; by implication honor, authority, character; through the idea of definite and conspicuous position: [translated in KJV as] (in-) fame (-ous), name (-d), renown, report

appellation - the act of calling by a name; identifying title, designation authority - power to influence or command thought, opinion, or behavior character - one of the attributes or features that make up and distinguish the individual name - a word constituting the distinctive designation of a person

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King James Version He shall call upon Me,

Hebrew (Strong's Concordance) [a primary root, rather identified with word meaning to encounter through the idea of accosting a person met] to call out to (i.e., properly address by name, but used in a wide variety of applications): [translated in KJV as] that are bidden, call (for, forth, self, upon), cry (unto), (be) famous, guest, invite, mention, (give) name, preach, pronounce, (make) proclaim (-ation), publish, read, renowned, say

Webster's Dictionary accost - to approach and speak to; speak first to; address address - to direct the efforts or attention of (oneself); to communicate directly to, especially to deliver a formal speech to; to greet by a prescribed form call - to make a request or demand; to speak of or address by a specified name encounter - to come upon face to face; meet

and I will answer him:

[a primary root word] (properly) to eye or (generally) to heed, i.e., pay attention; by implication to respond; by extension to begin to speak; (specifically) to sing, shout, testify, announce: [translated in KJV as] give account, (cause to, give) answer, cry, hear, lift up, say, (give a) shout, sing, speak, testify, utter, (bear) witness

answer - to speak or write in reply to; to be sufficient for; to act in response to; to offer a solution for; (implies the satisfying of a question, demand, call, need) eye - to fix the eyes on; to watch sharply respond to say something in return; make an answer, to react in response; (implies reacting to any stimulus often spontaneously or without resistance or delay)

I will be with him

with: [translated in KJV as] (e.g.) accompanying, before, beside, for all

with - on the side of; for; used as a function word to indicate combination, accompaniment, presence, or addition

in trouble;

[comes from word meaning tight] tightness (i.e., figuratively trouble): [translated in KJV as] adversary, adversity, affliction, anguish, distress, tribulation, trouble

adversary - one that contends with, opposes, or resists; enemy; (implies an additional implication of active hostility) tight - difficult to get through or out of packed or compressed to the limit; (implies close constriction effecting immobility or impenetrability) trouble - an instance of distress, annoyance, or perturbation

I will deliver him,

[a primary root word] to pull off; hence (intensively) to strip, (reflexively) to depart; by implication to deliver, equip (for fight); present, strengthen: [translated in KJV as] arm (self), (go, ready) armed (soldier), deliver, draw out, make fat, loose, (ready) prepared, put off, take away, withdraw self

deliver - to set free; to hand over, convey; to send to an intended destination; (implies release usually of a person from confinement, slavery, suffering, and temptation) pull - remove; to use force in drawing, dragging, or tugging

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King James Version and honor him

Hebrew (Strong's Concordance) [a primary root word] to be heavy, numerous, rich, honorable: [translated in KJV as] abounding with, boast, glorify, be (make) glorious (things), glory, (very) great, (bring to, come to, do, get, be had in) honor (self), (be) honorable (man), make self many, nobles, prevail, promote (to honor), be rich

Webster's Dictionary glorify - to make glorious by bestowing glory upon; to shed radiance or splendor on honor - to regard or treat with respect; to live up to or fulfill the terms of (specifically) to accept and pay when due promote - to advance in station, rank, or honor; to contribute to the growth or prosperity of

With long

[from word meaning to be (make) long] length: [translated in KJV as] length, long

long - having greater length than usual; extending over a considerable time; prolonged beyond the usual time


[from an unused root word meaning to be hot] a day (as the warm hours): [translated in KJV as] (e.g.) age, continually, daily, (birth-, each, to-) day, (now a, two) days (agone), (for-) ever (-lasting, -more), life, as (so) long as (Jive), (even) now, season, space, (process of) time, (full) year (-ly)

life - the quality that distinguishes a vital and functional being from a dead body; the duration of an earthly existence

will I sate* him,

[a primary root word] to sate, i.e., fill to satisfaction (literally or figuratively): [translated in KJV as] have enough, fill (full, self, with), be (to the) full (of), have plenty of, be satiate, satisfy (with), suffice

fill - to occupy the whole of satiate - to satisfy fully satisfy - to carry out the terms of (as a contract); to gratify to the full; fulfill; to make true by fulfilling a condition; (implies full appeasement especially of a need or requirement)

and show him

[a primary root word] to see (literally or figuratively): [translated in KJV as] advise self, appear, approve, behold, consider, discern, (make to) enjoy, have experience, gaze, take heed, look (on, upon), mark, meet, perceive, present, provide, regard, (have) respect, (fore-, cause to, let) see, show (self), spy, stare, view, visions

show - to cause or permit to be seen; exhibit; to present as a public spectacle; perform; to display for the notice of others; to point out to someone; to set forth; declare; demonstrate; prove; to reveal by one's condition, nature, or behavior

My salvation.

[from a primary root word meaning to be open, wide, free, i.e., (by implication) to be safe; (causatively) to free or succor] something saved, i.e., (abstractly)

free - enjoying freedom from outside domination; exempt, relieved, or released especially from a burdensome, noxious, or deplorable condition or obligation; not

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King James Version

Hebrew (Strong's Concordance) deliverance; hence aid, victory, prosperity: [translated in KJV as] deliverance, health, help (-ing), salvation, saving (health), welfare

Webster's Dictionary bound, confined, or detained by force; not subject to the rule or control of another; (stresses the complete absence of external rule and the full right to make all of one's own decisions) health - the condition of being sound in body, mind, or soul; freedom from physical disease or pain relief - removal of something oppressive, painful, or distressing safe - freed from harm or risk; secure from threat of danger, harm, or loss; healthy, sound; (suggests present or immediate freedom from threatening harm) salvation - preservation from destruction or failure; deliverance from danger or difficulty sound - free from injury or disease, flaw, defect, or decay; solid, firm, stable; (emphasizes the absence of disease, weakness, or malfunction) succor - [comes from words meaning run to help} relief; aid; help; something that furnishes relief

He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High is our responsibility. Our words in verse 2—He is my refuge and my fortress! My God! In Him will I trust! — will not be something we have to try to do, but those words will be the spontaneous outflow of that intimacy of living, moving, and having our being in Him. Verse 9 confirms that it is our choice where we continually dwell—Because thou hast made the Lord, even the Most High, thy habitation . . . The remaining verses of Psalm 91 are God's responsibility, beginning with shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. If we are dwelling, then God guarantees we'll be residing within His protection. The secret place is not a place to try to get into on Sunday morning, but it is that spirit-to-spirit, face-to-face, ongoing communion in absolute Blood Covenant oneness where God shares with us the secrets of His Covenant. God says, "All I have is yours." We respond, "And all I have is Yours." The purpose of this detailed study of Psalm 91 is to make us aware of the all-encompassing coverage of this provision of our Blood Covenant with God. Sometimes it's easy to pigeonhole these promises to a shepherd's hillside encounter with a bear or lion thousands of years ago when David wrote it down; but this study through the magnifying glass of the concordance and dictionary suddenly brings this psalm right into our families, freeways, Farms, and foxholes—first person and present tense. For example: look again at the definitions of noisome and pestilence on page 5! On the following pages, we will spotlight some of these other definitions that are so clearly applicable to us in the 21 st century • . . (Words in fancy brackets { } are the author's comments.)

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He that chooses to stay united in close, permanent, and intimate union in the sheltered and secluded—yet accessible—presence of God Himself shall continue in a stable and constant existence within the defense of the unconquerable and unassailable all-powerful One Himself, Whose covering intercepts and shelters from danger or observation. He [that chooses this secluded retreat] will declare it publicly and emphatically—officially naming Him, saying, "The Lord is my protection from danger, my source for help in difficulty, the One I trust! He surrounds me with His angelic forces who resist the action of usually toxic substances! He is my God, and I am His. {We have a Blood Covenant that guarantees it—that’s why I entrust my keeping to Him, confident of His truthfulness and faithfulness. See Heb.8:10}" Without a doubt—don't give it another thought, you can count on it, rest assured, know of a certainty— He shall free you by prompt or vigorous action from the trap of those seeking to confuse, capture, or kill you; and from the noxious, contagious, or infectious epidemic disease that is marked by rapid, severe, and malignant course, and that is able to overcome bodily defensive mechanisms, and that lays waste, overpowers, and overwhelms, causing widespread ruin and desolation. He shall afford protection and security to you by hiding, encircling, and keeping you safe by any means from injury or destruction with Himself—His nature, being, and essence; and being overhung, protected, and concealed by His angelic army, you shall have confidence in Him, depend on His care without fear, and rely on His truthfulness. His Word shall be a cactus-hedge encircling you—guarding you as if by prickliness. {Even as the thorns of a cactus surround it and make the plant itself inaccessible to all intruders, when you believe that God is firm in adherence to His promises, His Word encompasses you and makes you inaccessible to all weapons formed against you—quenching all the fiery darts! } You shall not be full of fear about a disaster that could suddenly happen at night—when you can't see; not be full of dread about a weapon that could pierce into your space in a threatening or menacing motion—in broad open daylight when everything seems to be safe; not be concerned about a disastrous calamity that is carried out mechanically and indifferently, but is not clearly recognizable or understandable; not be apprehensive about being annihilated by means of a slow process in a set interval of time. A very large number will drop down wounded or dead beside you, and an innumerable multitude will suffer ruin and defeat at your right hand— but the devastation shall in no respect or degree even come close to you! At the very least, you'll scan the calamity, as a nonparticipant observer would, and recognize the punishment of the ungodly-

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those who are without Christ, strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without God in the world. {Paul's description of the ungodly in Eph. 2:12) Since you have determined and appointed the Lord God, as the One in Whom confidence is placed, even the Most High, your place of privacy and safety— There shall not any condition of suffering, destitution, affliction, calamity, or disaster take even preliminary steps toward you, and in no respect or degree shall any disastrous evil or affliction lay a hand upon you or fall within a field of view of your home, tent, building, or whatever your shelter is named! For He—the Most High, the Supreme One, the Lord God Almighty, and your Godshall give His authorized angelic messengers direct orders concerning you . . . to impose a responsibility on them to overlook and dominate your situation from a strategic position and be at His immediate disposal, to look after or take charge of you, to enclose or protect you as if with a hedge, to watch over and defend you, to preserve you in an unspoiled condition, to guard, cover, and shield you from injury or destruction in your every course of action, in all your travels from place to place, and during the whole sequence of events in your life. They have the power to sustain without flinching or breaking; and they will fetch, lead, escort, help, lift, and carry you in their power so that you will not so much as stub your toe against a rock. You shall trample upon not only carnivorous and venomous varmints, but also people resembling lions in courage and ferocity and persons as stealthy, malignant, and treacherous as vipers. You shall inflict injury and destruction upon villages covered in by walls; and upon violent, combative, or very strict persons who serve or collaborate with another especially in the commission of base acts, you shall tread heavily so as to bruise, crush, and beat.

Now the Lord, your God, speaks: "For the reason that he [the one that chooses this secluded retreat] delights in, clings to, desires, longs after, and sets his love on Me, because of that I will get him out of the way, cause him to escape, carry him away safe, and deliver him;

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I will make him safe, strong, not usable for access, not open to influence, and not obtainable because of the fact that he recognizes, discerns, and is convinced of My name, character, and authority. He shall approach Me and speak face to face to make his request; and I will pay attention to him and respond without resistance or delay, and I will be sufficient for and will satisfy the question, demand, call, or need that he makes known to Me. I will be right there with him and on his side when he's in trouble—the place of active hostility, difficult to get through or out of, packed or compressed to the limit thereby effecting immobility or impenetrability. I will strengthen, equip, draw out, remove, and deliver him; and I will treat him with respect and fulfill the terms of My Blood Covenant with him. With a life that is prolonged beyond the usual time will I carry out the terms of our Contract and gratify him to the full;. I will demonstrate, prove, and display for him and for the notice of others My salvation— preservation from destruction or failure deliverance from danger or difficulty help, aid, relief removal of something oppressive, painful, or distressing freedom from outside domination exempt, relieved, or released from a burdensome, noxious, or deplorable condition or obligation not bound, confined, or detained by force not subject to the rule or control of another (stresses the complete absence of external rule and the full right to make all of one's own decisions) freed from harm or risk secure from threat of danger, harm, or loss free from injury, disease, flaw, defect, or decay—absence of disease, weakness, or malfunction healthy—the condition of being sound in body, mind, or soul whole."

Psalm 91 is your own personal copy of— Noah's Flood Insurance Policy The Hebrew children's Plague Insurance Policy Moses' Tidal Wave Insurance Policy Ezra's Terrorist Insurance Policy David's Giant Insurance Policy Daniel's Wild Animal Insurance Policy Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego's Fire Insurance Policy Jesus and all believers' Health Insurance Policy Joseph and Peter's Unlawful Detainment Insurance Policy Paul and Silas' Earthquake Insurance Policy Paul's Viper Insurance Policy—and Everyone in the Bible who lived a long life and died a natural death, the nine who were raised from the dead, and all believers' Life Insurance Policy!

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A story coming out of World War I indicates that the 91st Infantry Brigade of the U. S. Expeditionary Army was preparing to enter combat in Europe. Most of the men were "green soldiers" who had never seen combat. Its commander, a devout Christian, called an assembly of his men where he gave each a little card on which was printed the 91st Psalm. They agreed to recite and believe The Soldiers' Psalm daily. The 91st Brigade was engaged in three of the bloodiest battles of World War I: Chateau Thierry, Belle Wood, and the Argonne. While other American units similarly engaged had up to ninety percent casualties, the 91st Brigade did not suffer a single combat-related casualty!* * From Pink, Michael and Brenda Pink. The Ultimate Shield: Psalm 91. (Iowa Falls, IA: World Bible Publishing, 1993).

The Message Bible says it this way . . . You who sit down in the High God's presence, spend the night in Shaddai's shadow. Say this: "God, You're my refuge. I trust in You and I'm safe!" That's right—He rescues you from hidden traps, shields you from deadly hazards. His huge outstretched arms protect you— under them you're perfectly safe; His arms fend off all harm. Fear nothing—not wild wolves in the night, not flying arrows in the day, not disease that prowls through the darkness, not disaster that erupts at high noon. Even though others succumb all around, drop like flies right and left, no harm will even graze you. You'll stand untouched, watch it all from a distance, watch the wicked turn into corpses. Yes, because God's your refuge, the High God your very own home, Evil can't get close to you, harm can't get through the door. He ordered His angels to guard you wherever you go. If you stumble, they'll catch you; their job is to keep you from falling. You'll walk unharmed among lions and snakes, and kick young lions and serpents from the path. "If you'll hold on to Me for dear life," says God, "I'll get you out of any trouble. I'll give you the best of care if you'll only get to know and trust Me. Call Me and I'll answer, be at your side in bad times; I'll rescue you, then throw you a party. I'll give you a long life, give you a long drink of salvation!"

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Psalm 91 is our Blood Covenant Insurance policy with our God — bought and paid for by the blood of Jesus, our Redeemer. It is ours for the believing!

Blood Covenant Insurance—Psalm 91 He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, "He is my refuge and my fortress: my God: in Him will I trust. " Surely He shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence. He shall cover thee with His feathers, and under His wings shalt thou trust: His truth shall be thy shield and buckler. Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day; nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday. A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand- but it shall not come nigh thee. Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked Because thou hast made the Lord, which is my refuge, even the Most High, thy habitation, there shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling. For He shall give His angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways. They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone. Thou shalt tread upon the lion and adder: the young lion and the dragon shalt thou trample under feet. Because he hath set his love upon Me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he hath known My name. He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honor him. With long life will I satisfy him, and shew him My salvation. Psalm 91:1-16 King James Version

He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High is our responsibility. Our words in verse 2—He is my refuge and my fortress! My God! In Him will I trust! — will not be something we have to try to do, but those words will be the spontaneous outflow of that intimacy of living, moving, and having our being in Him. Verse 9 confirms that it is our choice where we continually dwell—Because thou hast made the Lord, even the Most High, thy habitation . . . The remaining verses of Psalm 91 are God's responsibility, beginning with shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. If we are dwelling, then God guarantees we'll be residing within His protection. The secret place is not a place to try to get into on Sunday morning, but it is that spirit-to-spirit, face-toface, ongoing communion in absolute Blood Covenant oneness where God shares with us the secrets of His Covenant. God says, "All I have is yours." We respond, "And all I have is Yours." The purpose of this detailed study of Psalm 91 is to make us aware of the all-encompassing coverage of this provision of our Blood Covenant with God. Sometimes it's easy to pigeonhole these promises to a shepherd's hillside encounter with a bear or lion thousands of years ago when David wrote it down; but this study through the magnifying glass of the concordance and dictionary suddenly brings this psalm right into our families, freeways, farms, and foxholes—first person and present tense. On the following pages, we will spotlight some of these other definitions that are so clearly applapplicable to us in the 2l' century . . . (Words in braces { } are the author's comments.)

He that chooses to stay united in close, permanent, and intimate union in the sheltered and secluded—yet accessible—presence of God Himself shall continue in a stable and constant existence within the defense of the unconquerable and unassailable all-powerful One Himself, Whose covering intercepts and shelters from danger or observation. He {that chooses this secluded retreat} will declare it publicly and emphatically—officially naming Him, saying, "The Lord is my protection from danger, my source for help in difficulty, the One I trust! He surrounds me with His angelic forces who resist the action of usually toxic substances! He is my God, and I am His. {We have a Blood Covenant that guarantees it, and that's why I entrust my keeping to Him, confident of His truthfulness and faithfulness. See Heb.8: 1 0}" Without a doubt—don't give it another thought, you can count on it, rest assured, know of a certainty— He shall free you by prompt or vigorous action from the trap of those seeking to confuse, capture, or kill you; and from the noxious, contagious, or infectious epidemic disease that is marked by rapid, severe, and malignant course, and that is able to overcome bodily defensive mechanisms, and that lays waste, overpowers, and overwhelms, causing widespread ruin and desolation. He shall afford protection and security to you by hiding, encircling, and keeping you safe by any means from injury or destruction with Himself—His nature, being, and essence; and being overhung, protected, and concealed by His angelic army, you shall have confidence in Him, depend on His care without fear, and rely on His truthfulness. His Word shall be a cactus-hedge encircling you—guarding you as if by prickliness. {Even as the thorns of a cactus surround it and make the plant itself inaccessible to all intruders, when you believe that God is firm in adherence to His promises, His Word encompasses you and makes you inaccessible to all weapons formed against you—quenching all the fiery darts! } You shall not be full of fear about a disaster that could suddenly happen at night {when you can't see} ; not be full of dread about a weapon that could pierce into your space in a threatening or menacing motion {in broad open daylight when everything seems to be safe} ; not be concerned about a disastrous calamity that is carried out mechanically and indifferently, but is not clearly recognizable or understandable; not be apprehensive about being annihilated by means of a slow process in a set interval of time. A very large number will drop down wounded or dead beside you, and an innumerable multitude will suffer ruin and defeat at your right hand— but the devastation shall in no respect or degree even come close to you! At the very least, you'll scan the calamity, as a nonparticipant observer would, and recognize the punishment of the ungodly— {those who are without Christ, strangers from the covenants of promise,

having no hope, and without God in the world—Paul's description of the ungodly in Eph. 2:121.} Since you have determined and appointed the Lord God, as the One in Whom confidence is placed, even the Most High, your place of privacy and safety— There shall not any condition of suffering, destitution, affliction, calamity, or disaster take even preliminary steps toward you, and in no respect or degree shall any disastrous evil or affliction lay a hand upon you or fall within a field of view of your home, tent, building, or whatever your shelter is named! For He—the Most High, the Supreme One, the Lord God Almighty, and your God— shall give His authorized angelic messengers direct orders concerning you . . . to impose a responsibility on them to overlook and dominate your situation from a strategic position and be at His immediate disposal, to look after or take charge of you, to enclose or protect you as if with a hedge, to watch over and defend you, to preserve you in an unspoiled condition, to guard, cover, and shield you from injury or destruction in your every course of action, in all your travels from place to place, and during the whole sequence of events in your life. They have the power to sustain without flinching or breaking; and they will fetch, lead, escort, help, lift, and carry you in their power so that you will not so much as stub your toe against a rock. You shall trample upon not only carnivorous and venomous varmints, but also people resembling lions in courage and ferocity and persons as stealthy, malignant, and treacherous as vipers. You shall inflict injury and destruction upon villages covered in by walls; and upon violent, combative, or very strict persons who serve or collaborate with another especially in the commission of base acts, you shall tread heavily so as to bruise, crush, and beat. Now the Lord, your God, speaks: "For the reason that he {the one that chooses this secluded retreat} delights in, clings to, desires, longs after, and sets his love on Me, because of that I will get him out of the way, cause him to escape, carry him away safe, and deliver him; I will make him safe, strong, not usable for access, not open to influence, and not obtainable because of the fact that he recognizes, discerns, and is convinced of My name, character, and authority.

He shall approach Me and speak face to face to make his request; and I will pay attention to him and respond without resistance or delay, and I will be sufficient for and will satisfy the question, demand, call, or need that he makes known to Me. I will be right there with him and on his side when he's in trouble—the place of active hostility, difficult to get through or out of, packed or compressed to the limit thereby effecting immobility or impenetrability. I will strengthen, equip, draw out, remove, and deliver him; and I will treat him with respect and fulfill the terms of My Blood Covenant with him. With a life that is prolonged beyond the usual time will I carry out the terms of our Contract and gratify him to the full; I will demonstrate, prove, and display for him and for the notice of others My salvation— preservation from destruction or failure deliverance from danger or difficulty help, aid, relief removal of something oppressive, painful, or distressing freedom from outside domination exempt, relieved, or released from a burdensome, noxious, or deplorable condition or obligation not bound, confined, or detained by force not subject to the rule or control of another (stresses the complete absence of external rule and the full right to make all of one's own decisions) freed from harm or risk secure from threat of danger, harm, or loss free from injury, disease, flaw, defect, or decay—absence of disease, weakness, or malfunction healthy—the condition of being sound in body, mind, or soul wholeness." Psalm 91 is your own personal copy of— Noah's Flood Insurance Policy the Hebrew children's Plague Insurance Policy Moses' Tidal Wave Insurance Policy David's Giant Insurance Policy Daniel's Wild Animal Insurance Policy Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego's Fire Insurance Policy Jesus and all believers' Health Insurance Policy Joseph and Peter's Unlawful Detainment Insurance Policy Paul and Silas' Earthquake Insurance Policy Paul's Viper Insurance Policy—and everyone in the Bible who lived a long life and died a natural death, the nine who were raised from the dead, and all believers' Life Insurance Policy! A story coming out of World War I indicates that the 91st Infantry Brigade of the U. S. Expeditionary Army was preparing to enter combat in Europe. Most of the men were "green soldiers" who had never seen combat. Its commander, a devout Christian, called an assembly of his men where he gave each a little card on which was printed the 91st Psalm. They agreed to recite and believe The Soldiers' Psalm daily. The 91st Brigade was engaged in three of the bloodiest battles of World War I: Chateau Thierry, Belle Wood, and the Argonne. While other American units similarly engaged had up to ninety percent casualties, the 91st Brigade did not suffer a single combat-related casualty!*

* From Pink, Michael and Brenda Pink. The Ultimate Shield:• Psalm 91. (Iowa Falls, IA: World Bible Publishing, 1993).

The Message Bible says it this way . . . You who sit down in the High God's presence, spend the night in Shaddai's shadow. Say this: "God, You're my refuge. I trust in You and I'm safe!" That's right—He rescues you from hidden traps, shields you from deadly hazards. His huge outstretched arms protect you— under them you're perfectly safe; His arms fend off all harm. Fear nothing—not wild wolves in the night, not flying arrows in the day, not disease that prowls through the darkness, not disaster that erupts at high noon. Even though others succumb all around, drop like flies right and left, no harm will even graze you. You'll stand untouched, watch it all from a distance, watch the wicked turn into corpses. Yes, because God's your refuge, the High God your very own home, Evil can't get close to you, harm can't get through the door. He ordered His angels to guard you wherever you go. If you stumble, they'll catch you; their job is to keep you from falling. You'll walk unharmed among lions and snakes, and kick young lions and serpents from the path. "If you'll hold on to Me for dear life," says God, "I'll get you out of any trouble. I'll give you the best of care if you'll only get to know and trust Me. Call Me and I'll answer, be at your side in bad times; I'll rescue you, then throw you a party. I'll give you a long life, give you a long drink of salvation!"

Psalm 91 is our Blood Covenant Insurance policy with our God — bought and paid for by the blood of Jesus, our Redeemer. It is ours for the believing!

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