From Village to the City The Dynamics of Urbanization and Migration in Jammu And Kashmir

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FromVillagetotheCity:TheDynamicsofUrbanization andMigrationinJammuAndKashmir


In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Award of Degree of BACHELOROFARCHITECTURE

By SeeratAmin

17ARC18 Guide Ar.TahaMasoodi


Seerat Amin

FromVillagetotheCity:TheDynamicsofUrbanization andMigrationinJammuAndKashmir

Guide : Ar. Taha Masoodi

Bachelor of Architecture Dissertation: 2021-22

School of Architecture Kashmir, Jammu and Kashmir

Entry No.: 17ARC18

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It is hereby certified that this Dissertation entitled From Village totheCity : The Dynamics of Urbanization and Migration in Jammu And Kashmir, has been submitted by Seerat Amin, Entry No. 17ARC18 in the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of BachelorofArchitecture,Session2021-22.

Recommended By: Guide Name Ar. Taha Masoodi (Dissertation Guide) (Dissertation Coordinator)

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This Dissertation, entitled From Village to the City : The Dynamics of Urbanization and Migration in Jammu And Kashmir is being submitted as partial requirements of B. Arch. study during the eighth (8th) semester by me for evaluation. The contents in this Dissertation are either my own work or compilation of data/informationasgatheredfromcasestudies/surveyas indicated/referenceandpermittedasperrules.

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Seerat Amin

Entry No.: 17ARC18

B. Arch., Session: 2021-22

School of Architecture Kashmir

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Urbanization refers to the population shift from rural to urban areas, the corresponding decrease in the proportion of people living in rural areas, and the ways in which societies adapt to this change. One of the most important aspects of urbanization is migration. In fact, the processesofurbanizationandmigration are inextricably linked. This research aims to investigate and analyze the trend and pattern of urbanization in relation to migration, with a focus on Jammu and Kashmir. Future population and economic growth will most likely concentrate in and around the few major cities, particularly Srinagar and Jammu. With the growing level of urbanization, the challenge of upgradation of urban infrastructure and improvement of urban environment will pose a major challengeforJammu&Kashmir.Thereforethereisaneedtostart enhancingthe quality of life and financial well being ofindividuals,specificallythoselivingin the rural areas to reduce the migration from rural to urban areas. Today, the increasing urbanization and the change in global production networks have transformed the nature ofruralareas Ruraldevelopmentstillremainsthecoreof the overall development of the country. More than two-thirds of the country’s people are dependent on agriculture for their livelihood, and one third of rural India is still below the poverty line Therefore, it is important toprovideenough facilitiestoupgradetheirstandardofliving.

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All gratitude, obeisance andlaudaretoAlmightyAllah,thecreatorandguardian andtowhomIowemyexistence.Withouthisconsentnothingwaspossible.

IwouldliketoexpressthedeepestappreciationtomymentorandguideAr.Taha Masoodi,forhisconstantguidanceandencouragement.His cordial,rectitude, knowledgeandcarehavealwaysbeenaninspiration.Withouther guidanceand persistenthelpthisdissertationwouldnothavebeenpossible.

My deepest gratitude goes to my beloved parents and siblings for their unconditional love, prayers and encouragement.Specialthankstomyclassmates andfriendsfortheirhelp,care,supportandfriendship.



Date: 18/04/2022

Seerat Amin

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TABLEOFCONTENTS 1. Synopsis 1 2 1.1ProblemStatement 1.2Aim 1.3Objectives 1.4Scope 1.5Limitation 1.6Methodology 2. Chapter1 4 6 2.1Introduction 2.2Ruralkashmir 3. Chapter2
6-16 3 1TrendsinUrbanizationofJammuandKashmir 3 2Districtlevelanalysis 3.3 Migration 4. Conclusion

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1.1 ProblemStatement: Srinagar witnessed accelerated growth in its population in the last two decades. The main factor which could be attributed to accelerated population growth during these two decades have been migration from rural areas to urban areas. The increase in the growth rate of population has also brought in its old excessive concentration of economic activities which provided great impetusfor the growth of subsidiary urban activities. Presently the overcrowding has led people to shift to the outskirts of Srinagar which are mostly rural in nature. If these areas are left unattended it can lead to unplanned growth that can't be reversed. Therefore, there is a need to bridge the rural urban divide and make available the contemporary services and amenities in rural areas along with creating job opportunities and livelihoods for the rural population to address the issueofrural urbanmigrationhenceleadingtosustainabledevelopment

1.2 Aim: The aim of this study is to analyze the urbanization and migration patternsfromruraltourbanareasinJammuandKashmir.

1.3Objectives Tounderstandthenotionofvillageincontemporarytimes To analyze the trend and pattern of urbanization in Jammu & Kashmir 1981 2001 ToanalyzethetrendandpatternofmigrationinJammu&Kashmir1981-2001 1.4Scope: Theresearchwillmajorlycollectdatafromcensus2011,2001and1981to understandthechangingdynamicsofurbanizationandmigrationpatternsin JammuandKashmironly.

1.5Limitation: Thescopeoftheresearchislimited toJammuandKashmir onlywhichisthenorthernmoststateofIndia.

Seerat Amin (17ARC18) From Village to the City: The Dynamics of Urbanization and Migration in J&K



Differentmethodshavebeenusedtoanalyzethetrendandpatternof urbanizationandmigrationinjammuandkashmir

FirstlythedatahasbeencollectedfromthecensusbookofIndia,2011,2001 and1981andarrangedaspertheneedtoshowthetrendandpattern.

secondlythepercentageofurbanpopulationhasbeenworkedoutbythegiven formula: urbanpopulation%=(urbanpopulation/totalpopulation)x100

Toworkoutthechangeingrowthratebetweentwodecadesthepercentageof urbanpopulationofthecurrentdecadehasbeensubtractedwiththegiven previousdecadetoworkoutthechange.

Inmigration,thechangeinthepopulationhasbeenworkedoutbythegiven formula: Growthrate=P(t) P(o)/P(o)x100.Where, P(t)=populationofthecurrentyear.

P(o)=Populationofthebaseyear. Tofindoutthenetmigration,thegivenformulahasbeenused. Netmigration=Inmigrants-Outmigrants.

Besidesthis,varioustables&graphshavebeenmadetoshowthepattern& trendofurbanization&migrationinthestudyarea.

Furthermore, adesktopsurveyhasbeenconductedtounderstandandmakea comparisonbetweenruralKashmirinthepastandincontemporarytimes.

Seerat Amin (17ARC18)

From Village to the City: The Dynamics of Urbanization and Migration in J&K



Jammu & Kashmir, located in the extreme north of the country, is situated between 32°17' and 37°05' N latitudes and 72°31' and 80°20' E longitudes .It is bounded on the north by China, on the east by Tibet, on the south by Himachal PradeshandPunjabandonthewestbyPakistan

Urbanization is one of the most important indicators of development. The Process of urbanization in Kashmir valley dates back to the remote past The ancient city which is known as Pandrethan(Puranadisthan)wasfoundedbyking Ashoka as his capital (272 230 B.C). Since then a systematic record of the origin of towns has been established in the form of capitals. In the medieval period, a number of capital places originated but were confined within the compass of modern Srinagar and acted mainly as the socioeconomic and administrative centers. In the present period, a remarkableshiftfromruralareas to urban areas hastakenplace.OnthewholeSrinagarcityhasbeenthecapitalof Kashmir for more than 1300 years in the past which leads to a greater degreeof urbanizationbywayoffunctioningasaprimatecity.

Rural to urban migration is becoming one ofthemostcommonmetaphorsofthe modern globalizing process of population movement and also increasingly acts as a ‘transformation bridge’ between rural and urban areas. Changes in the capital flows, investments, commodities, and information have created new avenues for people to find economic engagement outside their villages. The development of information, communication and transportation infrastructure is becoming a determining element that facilitates and strengthens people’s movement,andalsoenhancestheirlinkwiththeruraloriginareas.

Seerat Amin (17ARC18)

From Village to the City: The Dynamics of Urbanization and Migration in J&K



The Indian Census uses two factors to define urban and rural areas: administrative principles and demographic and economic criteria As per first criteria, the state government grants municipal status- corporation, municipal council, notified area committee or Nagar Panchayats, etc. to a settlement. These towns are known as statutory towns or municipal towns If, on the other hand, a settlement does not meet the above administrative criteria but meets demographic and economic criteria, such as a population of 5000 people or more, a density of 400 people per square kilometer (1000 people per square mile), and at least 75% of the male workforce working in the non agricultural sector, Such areas are termed as urban and the remaining areas are termed as rural

Over the hundredyearsthisishow WalterLawrencedescribedruralarchitecture in his book The valley Of Kashmir .He describes the Kashmiri village rich in natural beauties, shaded by the trees of walnut, apple and apricot trees and are watered by a clear sparkling stream He describes a cultivator's cottage, with a crumbling thatched gable roof, peeking out through the lush vegetation. He mentions Every residence has a vegetable filled garden space, close to the cottage is a wooden granary, a structure that resembles a large sentry box and from which grain is stored and extracted through a hole in the bottom. He describesthevillageasanampleroom.Thereisnocrowdingofhouses,andeach cottage stands within its ring fence of earth, stones or wattling. The earth walls and the garden plots are built very simple. and ingenious manners. The earth is thrown into a mold that is formed by wooden planks, and on the top of the earthen slabs thorns are laid, over which more earth is placed He mentions the houses aremadeofunburntbrickssetinwoodenframes,thehouseshavesloping roofs to throw off snow, the balcony and the loft are festoonedwithropesofdry turnips, apples, maize cobs for seed, vegetable marrów and chillies, for winter

Seerat Amin (17ARC18)

From Village to the City: The Dynamics of Urbanization and Migration in J&K


use.Therefore in his book he describes the life in kashmir villages revolves aroundagriculturalactivities only. But if we compare the village in the past and the village in contemporarytimes we find out that the notion of village in kashmir is changing. Today's village in Kashmir is not just about agricultural activities. The village is in a transition mode The changes are reflected in every walk of life These changes havebeen brought by various agents. These include science, technology, and spread of education, advent of media in rural areas, industrialisation, urbanization and migration Hencethelifestyle,attitudeandthinkinghavechangedgreatlyinrural Kashmir .Over the last century, rural urban income parity has improved, farm population has declined, and rural economic diversification has beensignificant. Rural areas, which have seen a lot of change, are a source of untapped opportunity. Rural development is not simply about the merits of processes and projects themselves; the possibility for success profoundly weighs on awareness of context. Rural business is unique; it may not just be about making money for those that seek to make a living in rural spaces. Rural life can invoke a sense of community, of working together,andsocialchange.Theseeffortsexhibitholistic traits, such as sustaining local services, maintaining the local population, reducing negative climate impacts of long car journeys through providing local services and employment, and sustaining local community events, social capital andastrongsenseoflocalidentity.

It has been noted that rural places are undergoing transformation due to “globalization, economic downturn, public sector budgetary pressures, demographic aging, and climate and environmental change” Traditional rural jobs (mine, farming, and manufacturing)nowaccountforonlyasmallportionof total non-metropolitan employment. The major population of rural employment is in service type jobs similar to those found in cities (for example, health care, construction,transportationretail,andsoon)

Seerat Amin (17ARC18)

From Village to the City: The Dynamics of Urbanization and Migration in J&K


Chapter2:Urbanizationandmigration patternsofJammuandkashmir 3.1TrendsinUrbanizationofjammuandkashmir

Table 1.1: Jammu and Kashmir’s total population along with its rural and urban populationfromtheyear1901 2011(inlakhs).

Year 1971 1981 1991 2001 2011

Totalpopulation Inlakhs 46.16 59.87 77.18 101.43 125.41

Urban population Inlakhs 858 126 1839 2428 3433

Urban population % 18.59 21.05 23.83 24.88 27.37

Ruralpopulation Inlakhs 37.58 47.26 58.79 76.26 91.08

Ruralpercentage 81.41 78.94 76.17 75.18 72.63

Source: Census of India 1971 2011. The 1991 census was not held in J&K The population of India includes the projected population of J&K as on 1.3.1991 made by the Standing Committee of Experts on population projections (Oct.1989).

Table 1.1 shows theoverall trendof populationin Jammuand Kashmiralong with its rural and urban components fromtheyear1971 2011.Theruralpercent and the urban percent arecalculatedaspertheaboveinformationonthebasisof itsruralandurbanpopulation.ThetotalurbanpopulationofJammuandKashmir

Seerat Amin (17ARC18)

From Village to the City: The Dynamics of Urbanization and Migration in J&K


was 8.58 lakhs at the beginning of 1971, comprising 18.56 percent of the total population.

Within a span of 50 years, in 2011 the total urban population increased to 251 millionconstituting27.37percentofthetotalpopulation.

Figure1 and figure2: Distribution of urban population in the three regions of Jammu and Kashmir.

Seerat Amin (17ARC18)

From Village to the City: The Dynamics of Urbanization and Migration in J&K


Figure 3: The overall trend of population in Jammu and Kashmir along with its rural and urban components from the year 1971 2011



District %ofurban population 1980

%ofurban population 2001

%ofurban population 2011

Changein percentage% (growthrate from2001to 2011)

India 2781 31.16 335 Jandk 2109 2481 27.38 257 Srinagar 68.56 78.69 98.6 19.91 Kupwara 3.74 3.92 12.03 8.11 Baramulla 15.02 16.78 18.1 1.32

Seerat Amin (17ARC18)

From Village to the City: The Dynamics of Urbanization and Migration in J&K


Budgam 10.3 11.22 12.9 1.7

Pulwama 10.24 10.50 14.35 3.85 Anantnag 11.64 14.36 26.2 11.84

Bandipora 16.6 Kulgam 1899 Doda 607 689 79 101 Jammu 3959 4414 50 586

Udhampur 1524 1569 215 581 Poonch 554 644 81 166 Rajori 6.59 6.96 Kuthua 10.55 14.31 14.55 0.24 Kishtwar 6

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From Village to the City: The Dynamics of Urbanization and Migration in J&K


Figure 4: Growth rate in urban population from 1980 2011

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From Village to the City: The Dynamics of Urbanization and Migration in J&K


Figure 5 and 6 : Distribution of urban population in the districts of Jammu and Kashmir in 2001 and 2011

Figure 7 and Figure 8: The urban population and the total population in 22 districts of the state in 2001 and 2011 (in numbers)

Seerat Amin (17ARC18)

From Village to the City: The Dynamics of Urbanization and Migration in J&K


The analysis takes into account the census of 1981, 2001 and 2011. However, The census in 1990 was not conducted in J&K because the situation was not good there due to political instability. The urban population ofJ&Kin1981was 21.09%, In2001itroseto24.81%andin2011itroseto27.38.Therewasa2.57 % growth in urban populationofJammuandKashmir ThecensusofIndia2011 shows that the urban population in Srinagar is 98.6 % and in Jammu it is 50 %. There is a drastic change in the urban population of Srinagar by 19.91 % due to various pull factors However Jammu is also leading in urban population after srinagar. Since 50% of theJammupopulationis urbanizedasper2011censusof India . An interesting growth of urban population can be seen in Anantnag as well . The growth rate of urban population is 11.84% as per 2011 census of India . Baramulla, Budgam, Anantnag, Pulwama, Udhampur, Kupwara and Kathua have 18.1 %, 12.9 %, 26.2 %, 14.35 %, 21.5 % 12.03% and 14.55 % respectively. The other districts have an urban population below 10 % as per census2011.Thisshowsthatthehighestpercentageoftheurbanpopulationlives in Srinagar district(98.91 %) which is the clear indication of various pullfactors which attract people from every corner of Jammu and Kashmir to settle there. While in less connected and border areas, the process of urbanization is very slow asmoreandmorepeoplemoveoutfromtheseduetolackofaccesstobasic amenities and facilities.. There is a greatvariationintheurbanpopulationacross the districts of Jammu and Kashmir. This kind of Variationisaclearindication of uneven urban development in Jammu and Kashmir. If this kind of uneven development of urban areas continues then, the state will have to face various socio economic and cultural repercussions in general andecologicaldegradation inparticular.

Seerat Amin (17ARC18) From Village to the City: The Dynamics of Urbanization and Migration in J&K


3.3 Migration

One ofthemostessentialaspectsofpopulationchangeismigration.Thestudyof migration occupies an important place in population studies, because, in combination with fertility and mortality, it determines the size and the rate of population growth, as well as, its structure and characteristics. Migration is also essential in determining the distribution of a country's population and the growth of the working population in any given area. The measurement and analysis ofmigrationareusefulinpreparingregionalpopulationprojections.The study of migration is beneficial not only to demographers, but also to economists, sociologists, human geographers, political scientists, legal departments, policymakers, and planners.Inmostcountries,ithasbeenobserved that industrialization and economic development have been accompanied by large scale movements of people from farm areas to towns, from towns to another town, and from one country to another. For example, countries in Asia, Africa, and Latin America, which are at present undergoing technological changes, are experiencing some type of migration from rural to urbanareas,and these streams of migration have given rise to metropolitan cities.The streams of migration are found at national, regional and local level but with different kinds ofvariations.


Amin (17ARC18)

From Village to the City: The Dynamics of Urbanization and Migration in J&K



Streams of Migration in Jammu and Kashmir 1981-2001 Internal migration

1981 2001

Total female s

Males Total females Males Change in%in Total

Change in%in female

Change in%in males

R R 9,43,06 7 5,31,24 1 4,11,82 6 17,83,0 11 11,24,31 2 6,58,69 9 89.7 111.64 59.95

R-U 1,25,87 9 88,746 37133 2,65,83 4 1,23,800 1,42,03 4 111.18 60.05 233.40

U-R 1,01,24 0 31,081 70,159 56,611 35,874 20,737 -44.08 15.42 -70.44

U-U 1,30,24 2 47,852 82,390 1,56,44 4 84,019 72,425 20.12 75.58 -12.09

The analysis of migration streams in Jammu and Kashmir reveals interesting results. The internal migration from Rural to Rural at state levelshowsachange of 89.7 percent occurred from1981 2001,Wherethechangeishigherinfemales than males. Males in the Rural Rural stream have changed by 59.95 percent, whichisalarming.Thelargemalepopulationisshiftingfromruraltourbanareas in search of betterlifeandemploymentpossibilities,asshownbytherural urban stream. The Urban Rural stream, on the other hand,isexhibitingnegativetrends in population change and male migration. Female migration from urban to rural areas, on the other hand, has increased. The migration of females at the time of marriage is mostly responsible for this favorable trend The urban urban stream, on the otherhand,indicatesapositivechange,whichisgreaterinfemalesthanin males in the case of urban urban migration. is dominated by maleslookingfora betterwaytomakealivingandfindwork

Seerat Amin (17ARC18)

From Village to the City: The Dynamics of Urbanization and Migration in J&K



The current status of rural development is not entirely focused on agriculture; much attention has been placed on the increasingly interconnected connection that existsbetweenruralandurbanareas.Thelinkbetweennaturalamenitiesand rural development is still a significant opportunity that exists outside of agriculture and traditional land use patterns Rural towns have become more inventive in their approach todevelopment,makingbetteruseoftheirdistinctive senseofplaceandcreatinglivelyblendsoftheoldinhistoriclocations.

The study shows J&Kdisplaysalowerlevelofurbanizationwhichis2737%as compared to the national level of 31.16%. However the capitals citiesofJammu and Kashmir i.e Srinagar and Jammu reveal significant levels of urbanization. The study reflects the region wise and inter district distribution of urban population The level of urbanization in the state was 27.37 % in 2011 compared to 24.81 % in 2001and21.09%in1980. SrinagarandJammuarethe main centers of urbanization however Anantnag shows a positive urbanization pattern with 14.36 % population in 2011 and 26.2% in 2011 with a growth of 11.84%.

There are several features of rural communities that need to be developed. Education, job opportunities, agricultural and farming practices, administration and management, infrastructure, civic amenities, health care, and medical and environmental conditions are few of them. When changes are made in these areas, rural residents will be able to acquire better employment possibilities and the decentralization of the capital cities will reduce to a larger amount . Furthermore, when the government, organizations, and other agencies develop approaches and strategies, it is critical to raise awareness among rural residents and assist them in reaping the benefits of these measures and approaches in a timely manner. The interaction of physical, technological, economic, socio cultural, and institutional variables is the ultimate outcome of the development of rural communities. Approaches and techniques must be created

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From Village to the City: The Dynamics of Urbanization and Migration in J&K


to improve people's lives, particularly those in poor and socioeconomically backward areas of society. It is vital to represent a crossroads of agricultural, social, managerial, behavioral, and engineering disciplines in ordertoencourage thedevelopmentofruralcommunities.

Seerat Amin (17ARC18)

From Village to the City: The Dynamics of Urbanization and Migration in J&K



1. GovernmentofIndia.,

2 GovernmentofIndia Census book of India 1981

3. GovernmentofIndia. Census book of India 2001.

4. GovernmentOfIndia. Census book of India .2011.

5. GovernmentofIndia.“ReportoftheNationalCommissionon Urbanization”Accessed01March2022

6. Lawrence,WalterR. The Valley Of Kashmir.OxfordUniversityPress, 1895.Accessed07April2022.

7. Talie,GulzarAhmad.“TrendsandPatternsofUrbanizationandMigration inJammuandKashmir1981 2001.” International Research Journal of Commerce Arts and Science,vol 3,no 3,, www academia edu Accessed 22Feb2022

Seerat Amin (17ARC18)

From Village to the City: The Dynamics of Urbanization and Migration in J&K


Seerat Amin (17ARC18)

From Village to the City: The Dynamics of Urbanization and Migration in J&K


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