Standards-aligned supplemental lessons for PreK-6, designed by curriculum experts and ready to assign on Seesaw.
Explore 8,000+* engaging, high-quality activities
New lessons added every quarter! that help educators save time and deliver joyful, personalized instruction across all subjects.
• Science
• Social Studies
• Computer Science
• Motor and Language Development
• Seesaw ELD (English Language Development)
• Math
• English Language Arts (ELA)
• Seesaw Early Literacy
• Character Building
• Summer Learning
• Daily Routines
Spanish Included!
*Total of all curriculum collections. Access to collections varies by subscription type.
The Seesaw Library Collections
Click on an icon to explore a sample lesson!
English Language Arts (ELA)
Literacy Land
Grades PK-TK
Fiction Books
Grades PK-5
Power Blocks: ELA
Grades K-2
What’s My Job?
Interactive Non-fiction
Grades 2-5
Non-Fiction Books
Grades 3-5
Story Pirates
Story Sparks
Grades 3-5
Word Detectives
Grades 3-5
Grades 3-5
Grammar Detectives
Grades 3-5
The Seesaw Library Collections
Exciting fiction and non-fiction story books introduce foundational literacy concepts using audio and visual supports as guides. Available in Spanish!
Students engage with digital fiction texts, experience the joy of reading, and bring reading to life. Each text includes an audio version so pre-readers are supported to follow along. Available in Spanish!
Accelerate mastery of foundational ELA standards with multimodal activities that get students speaking, moving, writing, problem solving, creating, and so much more. Available in Spanish!
Students immerse themselves in the story of a real person in an exciting 21st-century career and use multimodal tools to make connections to what they experience in the text right on the page.
Dive into affirming non-fictional texts to learn about influential people of the past and present using multimodal tools to deepen engagement and make connections. Available in Spanish!
Using clips from the hilarious Story Pirates Podcast, inspirational quotes, or short bios, the story sparks hook students into the writing process from brainstorming to publishing.
Immersed in tiered vocabulary, students learn and use new words in context in these interactive vocabulary investigations filled with unique, engaging passages.
Unlock your imagination with creative writing projects that allow students to complete a character’s story and determine how their adventure unfolds in these magical lessons.
Sharpen your investigative skills as you learn about different parts of speech and their usage in sentences.
Math Meadow
Grades PK-TK
Numbers in Space
Grade K
Power Blocks: Math
Grades K-2
Math Skills Games
Grades K-5
Visual Data Talks
Grades K-5
Students develop a strong number sense foundation through digital activities and hands-on opportunities to find shapes, numbers, and quantities all around them. Available in Spanish!
Promote number sense, flexible thinking, and confidence in math through identifying, counting, matching, and writing activities in a space-themed exploration. Available in Spanish!
Accelerate mastery of foundational math standards with multimodal activities that get students speaking, moving, writing, problem-solving, creating, and so much more. Available in Spanish!
Build math facts fluency and confidence by playing fun, hands-on games with dice, pencil and paper, and cards.
Follow Hops and friends as they help students interact with interesting data all around them. Students create different types of visual data and engage in short classroom discussions that develop data literacy
The Seesaw Library Collections The Seesaw Library Collections
Grades K-2
STEAM: Design
Grades 3-5
Tumble Science:
Cataloging the Universe
Grades 3-5
Spark curiosity with lessons that get students investigating realworld questions and applying their knowledge.
Students team up with an engineer to solve problems using the design thinking method, complete hands-on challenges, and explore informational texts that build vocabulary and background knowledge.
Blast off and make observations about the universe through inquiry-based science podcasts
Social Studies
History Today
Grades K-5
History Today: State Journals
Grades 3-5
Instructional Templates
Grades PK-5
Calendar Math
Grades K-2
Explore real questions about the world with exploratory and hands-on activities that build foundational ELA and Social Studies skills.
Students become historians as they customize their state journals and research the geography, economics, government, and history to create a state report for any US state.
Daily Feelings
Check In
Grades PK-5
Checks for Understanding
Grades K-5
Daily Routines
Students use creative tools to express their feelings in different ways, and teachers gain a window into students’ lives to provide the support they might need. Available in Spanish!
Students use creative tools to share their comprehension while giving teachers a deeper understanding of what students know allowing for responsive instruction to take place. Available in Spanish!
Daily Routines
Allow students to practice, apply and demonstrate their learning on any topic of choice with customizable instructional templates ready to use each day, across content areas. Available in Spanish!
Use elements of the calendar to practice different math skills like place value, collecting and analyzing data, solving word problems, and more. Available in Spanish!
Character Building
Feelings Every Day
Grades PK-2
Caring Community Songs
Grades PK-1
SEL Stories
Grades K-2
Mind Yeti
Grades K-2
Friends Making Friends
Grades 3-5
I Am a Learner
Grades 3-5
Stories help students learn about their emotions, reflect on their experiences, and practice strategies for managing their emotions throughout their days.
Bring music to the classroom and get students on their feet with catchy tunes that help students practice key social-emotional skills, relationship building, and more.
Students co-write Stories to learn and practice important character-building skills and navigate scenarios they may find in their everyday lives.
Teachers and students learn about mindfulness and practice exercises from Mind Yeti, an award-winning mindfulness program, to create calm, focused, and kind classrooms.
Invite students to build interpersonal relationship skills and learn how to foster healthy friendships with relatable scenarios and activities.
Learn how becoming a learner is much more than book smarts and classroom work. See how learning involves developing socialemotional skills so that each learner can be the best they can be.
The Seesaw Library Collections
Movement Mountain
Grades PK-TK
Motor Development
Students practice gross and fine motor skills in fun, hands-on ways with engaging modeling videos
Language Development
Language Lake
Grades PK-TK
English Language Explorers: Newcomers
Grades K-3
Students explore new vocabulary in developmentally appropriate ways. Built-in scaffolds support students to explore inputs, practice oral language production, and use vocabulary in complete sentences.
Support your English Language newcomers with engaging ways to build common vocabulary as they journey through communities in Seesaw.
The Seesaw Library Collections
Seesaw Essentials
A Sample of Seesaw
Grades PK-5
Seesaw Tools 101
Grades PK-5
Jump in to experience the power of Seesaw with a sample of easyto-present videos and activities that are ready to teach - all you have to do is press play!
Support students to learn how to use the Seesaw Learning Tools with opportunities for teacher modeling and practice activities to utilize new found skills! Available in Spanish! Available in Spanish!
Creating Classroom Culture
Grades PK-5
Grades PK-6
Seesaw Special Days
Grades PK-5
Formative Assessment Inspiration
Grades PK-5
Foster a positive classroom culture that values teamwork, understanding, and inclusivity in the first few weeks of school.
Bring the learning journey to life and deepen student reflections throughout the school year with interactive portfolios and journal pages! Available in Spanish!
Explore and celebrate some of the many holidays, traditions, and special events that happen around the world throughout the year.
Building to Kindergarten
Grades PK-TK
Summer Learning
Grades K-5
Explore ready-to-go formative assessment activities that give you quick student insights and allow for responsive instruction!
Summer Learning
Build school readiness skills through learning games and hands-on activities that integrate into everyday life while inviting families to be powerful partners in their child’s learning journey. Available in Spanish!
Students complete cross-curricular activities that support them to keep academic skills sharp while exploring interesting, playing family learning games, and forming positive attitudes. Available in Spanish!
The Seesaw Library Collections
La pradera de matemáticas
Grades PK-TK
Números en el espacio
Grades K
Bloques de poder: las matemáticas
Grades K-2
Calendario de matemáticas
Grades K-3
La tierra de la alfabetización
Grades PK-TK
Lessons In Spanish
¡Los estudiantes practican estos conceptos a través de oportunidades de práctica digital, así como oportunidades para encontrar e identificar figuras, números y cantidades en el mundo que les rodea!
El sentido numérico fomenta el pensamiento flexible y la confianza en las matemáticas.
Práctica los estándares matemáticos de poder y refuerza el sentido numérico. Cada lección proporciona a los estudiantes actividades que les permiten hacer conexiones significativas con su aprendizaje a través del conteo, el canto, el arte, la resolución de problemas, entre otras más
¡Calendario de matemáticas es una manera divertida e interactiva de practicar habilidades matemáticas fundamentales todos los días!
The Seesaw Library Collections Lessons In Spanish
5 Las sesiones de Mind Yeti
Grades K-2
Registro diario de sentimientos
Grades PK-5
Verificaciones de comprensión
Grades K-5
Preparándose para el kínder
Grades PK-K
Cree una clase tranquila, enfocada y amable a través de la conciencia plena.
Brinde apoyo a los estudiantes revisando su bienestar emocional diariamente.
¡Proporcione a los estudiantes formas flexibles de demostrar su comprensión todos los días!
Las habilidades de preparación escolar ayudan a los pequeños estudiantes a triunfar en el kínder.
Salta a la literatura emocionante y explora historias de ficción y no ficción en “La tierra de la alfabetización”.
Bloques de poder:
artes del lenguaje
Grades K-2
Libros de ficción
Grades K-2
Libros de no ficción
Grades PK-5
Domina los estándares de alfabetización de poder con el reparto peculiar de personajes de Seesaw.
Aprendizaje durante el verano
Evite el retraso que ocurre durante el verano con momentos de aprendizaje en la vida diaria.
Grades K-5
Herramientas de Seesaw 101
Grades PK-6
Creando una cultura escolar
Grades PK-5
Participa y aprende a utilizar el poder de las herramientas de aprendizaje de Seesaw.
Fomente una cultura positiva en clase que valore el trabajo en equipo, la comprensión y la inclusión en las primeras semanas de clase.
Sumérgete en el apasionante mundo de ficción con los libros de Seesaw.
Aprende acerca de personas, lugares, acontecimientos e historia con los libros de no ficción de Seesaw.
The Seesaw Library Collections
Digital Leadership
With Bean
Grades K-3
Computational Thinking Grades K-2
Code the World Grades K-2
Careers in CS Books Grades K-5
The Digital Leaders Grades 4-5
Computational Thinking Adventures
Grades 3-5
Mission Code
Grades 3-5
Students jump into Bean’s life and make real-world, hands-on choices that teach them what it takes to be safe, balance screen time, handle cyberbullying, and other critical digital citizenship skills
Applying problem-solving to the world around them, students learn the concepts of decomposition, abstraction, pattern recognition, and algorithmic thinking in a fun storybook format
Through fun narratives and real-world scenarios, students join the Code Crew to collaborate, problem solve, and create engaging projects through plugged and unplugged activities in Scratch and ScratchJr.
Discover different computer science careers through informational texts that invite students to uncover facts and build on their knowledge with text features like images, captions, timelines, and glossaries.
In a graphic novel experience, seven diverse superheroes bring students through real-world choices that build leadership skills and teach critical digital citizenship skills.
Students to explore the world with the Adventure Team to learn the four pillars of computational thinking – cognitive skills are the foundation for problem-solving and future learning in computer science.
Students become secret agents and digitally code, problem solve, and explain programming decisions to help robots save planets from impending doom and collect motivating badges along the way.
The Seesaw Library Collections
Literacy Land
Grades PreK-TK
Math Meadow
Grades PreK-TK
Movement Mountain
Grades PreK-TK
Feelings Every Day
Grades PreK-TK
Seesaw Tools 101
Grades PreK-TK
Instructional Templates
Grades PreK-TK
Daily Feelings
Check In
Grades PreK-TK
Checks for Understanding
Grades PreK-TK
Exciting fiction and non-fiction story books introduce foundational literacy concepts using audio and visual supports as guides. Available in Spanish!
Students develop a strong number sense foundation through digital activities and hands-on opportunities to find shapes, numbers, and quantities all around them. Available in Spanish!
Students practice gross and fine motor skills in fun, hands-on ways with engaging modeling videos.
Stories help students learn about their emotions, reflect on their experiences, and practice strategies for managing their emotions throughout their days.
Support students to learn how to use the Seesaw Learning Tools with opportunities for teacher modeling and practice activities to utilize new found skills! Available in Spanish!
Allow students to practice, apply, and demonstrate their learning on any topic of choice with customizable instructional templates that are ready to use each day, across content areas. Available in Spanish!
Students use creative tools to express their feelings in different ways, and teachers gain a window into students’ lives to provide the support they might need. Available in Spanish!
Students use creative tools to share their comprehension while giving teachers a deeper understanding of what they know allowing for responsive instruction to take place. Available in Spanish! Computer Science
Grades 3-5
Engage students in cross-curricular coding activities and capture their learning on Seesaw with fun computer science lessons.
*Included with Seesaw Instruction & Insights subscriptions
Language Lake
Grades PreK-TK
Fiction Books
Grades PreK-TK
Building to Kindergarten
Grades PreK-TK
Students explore new vocabulary in developmentally appropriate ways. Built-in scaffolds support students to explore inputs, practice oral language production, and use vocabulary in complete sentences.
Students engage with digital fiction texts, experience the joy of reading, and bring reading to life. Each text includes an audio version so pre-readers are supported to follow along. Available in Spanish!
Build school readiness skills through learning games and hands-on activities that integrate into everyday life while inviting families to be powerful partners in their child’s learning journey. Available in Spanish!
The Seesaw Library Collections
Alphabet Garden
Grades PK-TK
Fonemas fantásticos
Grades PK-K
Fonética fenomenal
Grades K-1
Fun Phonemes
Grades PK-K
Alphabet Treasures
Grade K
Phenomenal Phonics
Grades K-2
High Frequency
Words With Turtle
Grades K-2
Letter & Word Book
Grades K-1
Passages Playhouse
Grades K-2
Phonics Games
Grades K-2
Introduce early learners to letters through hands-on lessons that invite students to practice letter formation, phonemic awareness, and making connections to each letter in the real world.
¡Sigue a Loro Sonoro para practicar y jugar con los fonemas!
Los cuadernos de ejercicios son cosa del pasado. ¡Con Seesaw, las lecciones de fonética son fascinantes y divertidas!
Students build phonemic awareness with Teacher Barnes and Sound Hound by listening to, identifying, and matching sounds to build mastery of each phoneme. Available in Spanish!
Students complete activities on their alphabet journey to build rapid letter recognition and identification - hearing, identifying, and writing the letters of the alphabet in multimodal ways. Available in Spanish!
Dynamic phonics practices help students recognize soundspelling relationships by sorting, blending, segmenting, and making connections. Available in Spanish!
Engage students in dynamic activities that foster analysis, spelling, identification, writing, creativity, and practical application of over 100 high-frequency words, paving the way to build confident and fluent readers.
Embark on an enriching literacy journey and ignite a love for learning in early readers as they explore the alphabet, practice letter and digraph sounds, build foundational vocabulary, and master decoding skills!
Dive into the world of reading fluency and comprehension!
Invite students to experience reader’s theater, while engaging in word work and reading comprehension activities, fostering confident and skilled readers.
Build phonics fluency through hands-on, play-based practice games where students can master spelling patterns, develop early reading and writing skills in an interactive way.
The Seesaw Library Collections
English Language Development
Provide multilingual students with scaffolded opportunities to practice reading, writing, listening, and speaking English in the context of core subjects. Each content area has 10 base lessons with 3 levels of language acquisition per base lesson.
Grades K-5
Grades K-5
English Language
Arts (ELA)
Grades K-5
Social Studies
Grade K-5
Students build math fluency and confidence through engaging activities that provide opportunities to explain their understanding of foundational concepts, including numbers, counting, fractions, algebraic thinking, data, and more.
Exploring phenomena across topics in Physical Science, Life Science, Earth and Space Science, and Engineering, students investigate scientific questions, make observations, and construct scientific arguments using evidence.
Students engage with narrative and informational texts to practice and apply reading comprehension skills, such as asking and answering questions, making inferences, and comparing and contrasting.
Through inquiry-based activities, students explore culturally relevant topics in economics, geography, government, and history to make connections to real-world experiences and issues.
Seesaw ELD is available for Seesaw Instruction & Insights subscriptions
Entering & Beginning
3 Levels of Language Acquisition Per Lesson
Developing & Expanding
The Seesaw Library Collections
Character Building
Second Step
Computer Science
Seesaw Scope & Sequence
Amplify CKLA
Benchmark Advance Fundations
HMH Into Reading
Journeys ELA
Reading Horizons Discovery
ReadyGEN ELA (Savvas)
Wit & Wisdom
Bridges Math
EnVision Math (Savvas)
Eureka Math
Everyday Math
Go Math
Illustrative Math
HMH Into Math
Curriculum Alignments
Pre-K Frameworks
PreK on My Way (Scholastic)
Three Cheers for PreK (Savvas)
Frog Street Literacy
Frog Street Math
Amplify Science
Elevate Science (Savvas)
TCI Science
Twig! Science
Spanish Alignments
Education Level Conversion Chart
Seesaw strives to create joyful instruction for early learners. While educators inspire learning across the world, not all education levels’ alignment is the same. To help bring the full value of The Seesaw Library to your teachers and students, we have crafted a correlation chart to navigate our education levels so that you can find the supplemental activities best suited for the ages of your young learners.
The curriculum alignments provided by Seesaw detail the correlation between the standards addressed in the above mentioned curricula and the lessons in the Seesaw Library. Seesaw’s curriculum alignments are provided by Seesaw directly and are not affiliated with, sponsored by, reviewed, approved, or endorsed by any of the above mentioned curriculum publishers or any other third party. All other intellectual property rights (e.g., unregistered and registered trademarks and copyrights) are the property of their respective owners.