Character Building
PK-5 Registro diario de sentimientos
K-2 Las sesiones de Mind Yeti
Early Literacy & English Language Arts
PK-TK-K Fonemas fantásticos*
PK-TK La tierra de la alfabetización
K-1 Fonética fenomenal*
K-2 Bloques de poder: artes del lenguaje
English Language Arts
PK-5 Libros de ficción
3-5 Libros de no ficción
PK-TK La pradera de matemáticas
K Números en el espacio
K-2 Bloques de poder: las matemáticas
K-2 Calendario de matemáticas
The Seesaw Library Spanish Content
We know making grade-level content accessible in Spanish creates true access points for students and helps build meaningful school-home relationships so we provide Spanish lessons in the core content areas in the Seesaw Library.
Includes 500+ lessons and is expanding all the time!
Explore the lessons today!
Seesaw Essentials
PK-TK-5 Creando una cultura escolar
PK-TK-5 Herramientas de Seesaw 101
PK-TK-5 Verificaciones de comprensión
PK-TK-5 Plantillas de instrucción
Summer Learning
*Available with Seesaw Early Literacy Supplemental Curriculum Package
PK-TK Preparándose para el kínder
K-5 Aprendizaje durante el verano
Key Benefits of Spanish Lessons on Seesaw:
• Lessons are asset based to support emergent bilingual learners
• Every lesson is created with a transadaptive lens to include appropriate cultural, visual, audio and text elements
• Seesaw’s learning tools provide multimodal experiences that build deep connections and recall when learning in a new language
• Students master key skills through engaging, deliberate practice
• Lessons include many formative assessments and Seesaw’s portfolio feature allows students, teachers, and families to see and celebrate growth over time
• Families are able to support, celebrate and co-own their child’s learning journey
• Include all parts of the lesson in Spanish, including demos, videos, activities, and lesson plans