I Am a Learner
Teacher Implementation Guide
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I Am a Learner empowers students to build key character skill become strong and motivated learners. Students explore character-building themes through videos, podcasts, discussion scenarios, and journal prompts. Themes include empathy, accountability, gratitude, persistence, courage, and more. These scaffolded, multimodal activities help students develop healthy self-esteem and positive emotions to build strong relationships.
Best Practices
FlexibleActivities:Studentscancompleteeachactivityasawholeclass,withpartners,or independently.Utilizestudentworktofacilitaterichclassdiscussionsoneachtheme.
ReinforceSkills:Refertokeyvocabularyandskillsthroughouttheyeartohelpstudents applyeachthemetotheirlivesbeyondtheclassroom.
Cross-curricularActivities:Eachlessonprovidesopportunitiesforstudentstoproblem solve,read,write,andsomuchmore.
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