My Library
Activity Creation Checklist

Activity Name
My activity is appropriate, culturally sensitive, and inclusive of all backgrounds and abilities. My activity is age-appropriate and inclusive of all learners.
Student Instructions
I have included clear, numbered, step-by-step, written student instructions. My activity includes icon shortcuts in the student instructions. My activity leverages Seesaw Creative Tools to capture student learning and comprehension.
Student Template
The template is correctly attached as a template and not as an example and includes clear directions for student engagement. All Formative Assessment boxes are unselected and clear of answers before saving the activity.
Voice Instructions

My activity includes voice instructions.
Multimedia Instructions or Example
I have created an example that supports students in completing the activity.
Additional Suggestions
I created this activity entirely on my own or with resources I have permission to share.
I have tested my activity using Preview as a Student and ensured all components work as intended. I have double-checked my activity for typos, broken links, or incorrect attachments.