Seesaw and LETRS Crosswalk
Put LETRS Training Into Practice with the Seesaw Library
Unlock the power of Structured Literacy and watch your students flourish! This crosswalk puts LETRS units in Seesaw terms with recommended Seesaw content. Discover practical strategies, ready-to-use resources, and tips for leveraging Seesaw’s content and features to support effective reading instruction aligned with the Science of Reading. Learn how to create engaging activities, monitor student progress, and foster a love of reading, all while simplifying your workflow with Seesaw’s user-friendly interface. Then use the digital portfolio to capture and share student work demonstrating the application of Science of Reading concepts in practice!
Unit 1: The Challenge of Learning to Read
• Implement evidence-based reading instruction by applying the Science of Reading principles in your classroom daily.
• Use the Reading Rope model to systematically address all components of skilled reading in your lesson plans.
• Regularly assess and develop students’ phonological awareness as a foundational skill for reading success.
Unit 2: The Speech Sounds of English
• Teach students to identify and manipulate individual phonemes through explicit, systematic instruction.
• Incorporate activities that highlight allophonic variations to enhance students’ phonemic awareness and pronunciation skills.
• Adapt phonological instruction for English Learners, considering their native language sound systems.
Unit 3: Teaching Beginning Phonics, Word Recognition, and Spelling
• Implement a systematic, explicit phonics program that teaches phoneme-grapheme correspondences in a clear, sequential order.
• Utilize decodable texts that align with taught phonics patterns to reinforce students’ decoding skills.
• Employ consistent sound-blending routines to help students apply phonics knowledge in word reading.
Unit 4: Advanced Decoding, Spelling, and Word Recognition
• Teach morphology explicitly, focusing on common prefixes, suffixes, and root words to enhance word recognition and vocabulary.
• Instruct students in all six syllable types and their application in multisyllabic word reading.
• Implement daily fluency practice using techniques such as repeated readings and partner reading to improve reading speed and accuracy.
PK/TK Scope & Sequence
Kindergarten Scope & Sequence
1st Grade Scope & Sequence
2nd grade Scope & Sequence Teacher’s Guide
Seesaw Collection: Fun Phonemes (PK/K)
Seesaw Collection: Fonemas fantasticos
Seesaw Collection: Letter & Word Book Treehouse (PK-1)
Seesaw Collection: Alphabet Garden (PK/TK)
Seesaw Collection: Alphabet Treasures (K)
Seesaw Collection: Phenomenal Phonics (K-2)
Seesaw Collection: Passages Playhouse (K-2)
Seesaw Collection: Word Analysis Station (2)
Seesaw Collection: Willow’s Word Work (2)
Seesaw Collection: HFW With Turtle (K-1)
Seesaw Collection: Passages Playhouse (K-2)
Unit 5: The Mighty Word: Oral Language and Vocabulary
• Integrate explicit academic language instruction across all subject areas, teaching tier 2 and tier 3 vocabulary words in context.
• Apply the three-tier vocabulary model to select words for instruction and determine appropriate teaching strategies for each tier.
• Create a language-rich classroom environment by incorporating word walls, encouraging student discussions, and modeling sophisticated language use.
Unit 6: Digging for Meaning: Understanding Reading Comprehension
• Activate and build students’ background knowledge (schema) before reading to enhance comprehension.
• Teach students to create and revise mental models as they read, using strategies like visualization and summarization.
• Explicitly instruct students in recognizing and creating coherence within texts through the use of graphic organizers and text mapping.
Unit 7: Text-Driven Comprehension Instruction
• Teach text structure explicitly, using graphic organizers specific to each structure (e.g., story maps for narratives, cause-effect diagrams for expository texts).
• Implement close reading strategies by guiding students through multiple reads of complex texts, focusing on different aspects in each reading.
• Develop and use text-dependent questions that require students to cite evidence from the text to support their answers.
Supporting Material
Seesaw Collection: Instructional Templates Retell a Story | Illustrate a Story Share the Detail
Seesaw Collection: Daily Routines Vocabulary Focus Word Notice and Wonder | Explain Your Thinking Seesaw Collection: Reading Fluency Passages
Seesaw Collection: Creating Classroom Culture Collaborative Protocols
Seesaw Collection: A Sample of Seesaw Just Press Play books
Seesaw Collection: Checks for Understanding (K-5) KWL | Then and Now | Before and After See and Think | Notice and Wonder
Seesaw Collection: Instructional Templates Read Aloud and Summarize Read Aloud and Retell | Illustrate a Story Story Elements | Retell a Story | Share the Detail
Seesaw Collection: Passages Playhouse (K-2) Seesaw Collection: Power Blocks ELA
Seesaw Collection: Checks for Understanding (K-5) Vocabulary Focus Word
Sequence It | Story Recap
Compare and Contrast | Make a Connection Show What You Know About
Seesaw Collection: Instructional Templates Character Portrait | Make a Prediction
Share the Detail | Retell a Story | Story Elements
Book Reflections: Feelings Version 1
Book Reflection: Feelings Version 2
Character Compare and Contrast
Illustrate a Story | Book Chat
Book Review | Problem and Solution
Inference Detective: Book
Seesaw Collection: Passages Playhouse (K-2)
Seesaw Collection: Power Blocks ELA
Unit 8: The Reading-Writing Connection
• Integrate writing instruction with reading lessons, using mentor texts to model effective writing techniques.
• Teach the writing process explicitly, guiding students through planning, drafting, revising, and editing stages for various writing tasks.
• Provide direct instruction on sentence construction, teaching students to use a variety of sentence types and structures in their writing.
Seesaw Collection: Story Pirates
Seesaw Collection: Power Blocks ELA
Seesaw Collection: Instructional Template
Sentence Build and Draw
Sentence Build and Complete Preposition Fun | Publish It
Seesaw Collection: Seesaw Special Days (Nonfiction/Biography Lessons)