September 2023 Classroom Dailies 3-5

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20 21 19 KEY 14 12 22 7 8 6 5 13 1 Monday 15 Exploreourinteractive activitycalendar! 26 27 28 Friday 18 Wednesday Thursday 3-5 11 CLASSROOMDAILIESFROMSEESAW 25 StartwithSeesaw RefreshingRoutines CommunityBuilders Tuesday FormativeAssessment September2023 4 StartwithSeesaw Audiobook: GoodTimesinthe Badlands StartwithSeesaw Audiobook: ALeifortheQueen StartwithSeesaw Podcast: IAmaProblem Solver CommunityBuilders Shout-Outs FormativeAssessment RecessPoll RefreshingRoutines Back-to-Back& Face-to-Face StartwithSeesaw Audiobook: MosquitoMary StartwithSeesaw Podcast: IAmAccountable CommunityBuilders IndexCard TowerChallenge FormativeAssessment Singularand PluralPronouns RefreshingRoutines MathSkillsName: MindReader StartwithSeesaw Audiobook: KindnessMatters, KindnessCounts StartwithSeesaw Video: WhatisFeedback? CommunityBuilders WouldYouRather? FormativeAssessment ExpandedForm RefreshingRoutines MathSkillsGame: It'sWar StartwithSeesaw SeesawSpotlight: JoyHarjo StartwithSeesaw Video: WhatisEmpathy? CommunityFeature CommunityBuilders BallToss NameGame 29 Readyforyourstudentstobegincompletingactivities ontheirown,butnotsurewheretostart? SeesawTools101canhelp! FormativeAssessment NarrativeWriting RefreshingRoutines Think-Pair-Share

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