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EVENT REPORT: SCIENCE@MALAYSIA 2014 University of Oxford | United Kingdom | 22 Nov 2014
Wi t h o u t a d o u b t , science has been pivotal in engendering numerous positive changes in society. It has assisted humans to land on the moon, eradicate diseases, communicate with each other across the globe literally within a blink of an eye and achieve countless other magnificent feats. Even so, these scientific advancements along with economic growth could have never been achieved if it were not for the emphasis placed on science by nations. $is holds true for any nation, including our beloved Malaysia. As Malaysia is striving to become a high-income nation, technological and economic advancement through science is undoubtedly required. $us, as part of the e"ort to promote scienti!c advancement in Malaysia, the inaugural Science@Malaysia conference was recently organised by Scienti!c Malaysian and Oxford University Malaysia Club (OUMC) at the University of Oxford, United Kingdom.
Report by Azilleo Kristo Mozihim
Conference attendees were greeted with the opening speech by Professor Andrew Hamilton,ViceChancellor of the University of Oxford. In his lively speech, he mentioned several collaborations that have been made between Malaysia and the University; for example, the collaboration with UiTM (Malaysia Technology University) in the "eld of Mathematics, particularly in industrial applications. He also expressed his hopes in extending the collaboration to other academic institutions in Malaysia. Subsequently, the main issues surrounding the advancement of scienti"c research in Malaysia were highlighted in the Keynote Address by Professor Tan Sri Zakri Abdul Hamid, the Science Advisor to the Prime Minister of Malaysia. One of the issues raised was the emigration of local talent to other nations such as Singapore, which reduces the scienti"c talent pool of the nation leading to decreased economic productivity. He also suggested that the existence of insu%cient local scienti"c expertise was a primary factor for the lack of scienti"c progress in the country. Additionally, he stated that this factor has led to the inability of local companies to adapt to technological advances, resulting in Malaysia’s reduced global competitiveness. Academic collaboration was the main theme of the second keynote address presented by Professor Robin Grime, the UK & Foreign Commonwealth O%ce Chief Scienti"c Advisor. He informed the attendees about the various international collaborations between Malaysia and the UK such as the establishment of Malaysian-based campuses by several UK universities (e.g. Newcastle University and Nottingham University). He urged for the formation of a bilateral relationship in which ideas are exchanged between Malaysia and UK, along with innovation based on the ideas gained from the partner country.
The first speaker of this opening plenary panel session was Tan Sri Dr. Ahmad Tajuddin Ali who is the current President of the Academy of Science, Malaysia. He stressed the importance of the government in scienti"c education by striving to encourage more students to enter scientific careers. Additionally, he mentioned the role of the government in providing a proper infrastructure for scienti"c research. #e importance of international partnerships was emphasised by the second speaker of the session, Professor Nordin Hassan, the Director for the International Council of Science (ICSU). He used the example of ocean acidi"cation as an

example of a phenomenon that requires collaboration Governor, was the third speaker. He emphasised the from various national governments to study. #e need for UK and Malaysian academics to interact in third speaker, Datuk Dr. Mohd Yuso! Sulaiman, the scienti"c research. He stressed on the importance of President and Chief Executive O%cer of Malaysian hiring people based solely on merit and allowing them Industry-Government Group for High Technology to work without external interference. Dr. Chan Kok (MIGHT), presented the notion of innovation to Gan, a Senior Lecturer at the Institute of Biological address the main challenges facing our society such Science at Universiti Malaya (UM) and Research as those related to palm oil production. He also Coordinator at UM High Impact Research (HIR), mentioned the need for multi-disciplinary and interwas the "nal speaker. He described his experience of disciplinary research to achieve sustainable goals. #e returning to Malaysia after studying in the UK and "nal speaker of the session was Ms. Sherene Azura the di!erences in working conditions between the Ali, who leads the Malaysian Diaspora Outreach two countries. He vividly presented the di%culties team at TalentCorp. She introduced TalentCorp he faced when working in UM, such as long delays in relation to meeting the nation’s need for talent. in the delivery of materials and inadequate facilities. She stated that there are plenty of opportunities Additionally, he stressed the need for collaboration within Malaysia for overseas Malaysian graduates, and networking in expanding scienti"c research. particularly in the "eld of Biotechnology. PANEL SESSION 3: ‘ACCELERATING TECHNOLOGY PANEL SESSION 2: ‘RAISING THE STANDARDS OF TRANSFER IN MALAYSIA’ ACADEMIC RESEARCH IN MALAYSIA’ The last plenary panel The second plenary session was opened by Professor ȊLQVXɝFLHQWORFDO session star ted at approximately 3.20 Peter Mitchell, Professor in Psychology and Dean of Science VFLHQWLȴFH[SHUWLVHZDV pm. The first speaker, C h i e f E x e c u t i v e at the University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus. He commented a primary factor for Officer of Malaysian Technology Development that the postdoctoral culture in Malaysia is underdeveloped and WKHODFNRIVFLHQWLȴF Corporation (MTDC), Dato’ Norhalim Yunus, requires further improvement. Furthermore, he stated that the progress in the presented the idea of a triple helix involving current visa laws make it di%cult for foreign students and staff country” collaboration among three main parties: government, to enter Malaysian academic institutions. #e second speaker - Tan Sri Zakri Abdul industry and academia. He used oil palm and rubber as was Dr. Charis Quay Huei Li, a junior faculty member with tenure Hamid examples of commodities that have successfully been in Physics at the Universite Pariscommercialised due to this Sud. She emphasised that the political interference collaboration. He further suggested the need to apply in academia impedes free thought and academic technology transfer to allow scienti"c research to be freedom. Additionally, she mentioned that there are more e!ectively translated into business. Dr. Stuart administrative obstacles that prevent non-Malaysian Kewley, Chairman and co-founder of the Eurasia scientists from getting long-term contracts to conduct Consortium, was the second speaker and he mainly research in the country, reducing the available pool narrated his experience in operating the Eurasia of scienti"c talent. #e Head of the Department Consortium along with its associated problems. #e of Materials at Oxford University, Professor Chris third speaker was Dr. Rezal Ahmad who is the Chief

Executive O%cer of NanoMalaysia Bhd. He spoke about the strategies, objectives and applications of nanotechnology in Malaysia along with its prospects of generating income for the country. The final speaker was Professor Jose Furtado, a Professor of Zoology and the Coordinator of the Ecology Programme at University Malaya in the 1970s. In his speech, he emphasised the need for communication and collaboration between industry and universities. Additionally, he mentioned the untapped potential of biomass as biofuel and the feasibility of tapping into it for economic growth.
#e conference ended with a speech given by the founder of Scienti"c Malaysian, Dr. Andrew Chan, who expressed his sincerest gratitude to those involved in organising the conference and to the generous conference sponsors. He also urged the attendees to be proactive to enable positive changes in the scienti"c culture to be engendered. Finally, the prizes for the best poster presentations were handed out and the conference concluded with a networking session and dinner at Oriel College, Oxford. The conference represents an effort to address and discuss the problems currently being faced by Malaysia in its goal to advance scienti"cally. However, the discussion is all for naught if it is not followed by action. It is only through action that the problems addressed can be "xed, or at least alleviated. Not only must action be taken, it has to be taken e!ectively. For this to occur, there is a need for a radical change in the mindset of every segment of Malaysian society. #e scienti"c advancement of a country does not rest solely on the shoulders of a few people but on everyone; everyone – parents, students, educators, scientists, government o%cials, investors – has the responsibility to improve the scienti"c situation of Malaysia. It is only when the society as a whole shoulders the responsibility of scienti"c advancement and takes action can our country truly achieve long-lasting economic growth.
Presentation slides from the speakers and the video recordings of the conference are available at: