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Student Chapters Activities
1st Summer School in Oil and Gas
At the beginning of 2021, the 1st Summer School in Oil and Gas took place, organized by the SEG student chapters National Observatory Greenstone Belt Geophysical Society, Universidade Federal Fluminense Geophysical Society and State University of Rio De Janeiro Geophysical Society, with support from the Brazilian Geophysical Society (SBGf) and SPE Brazil Section, and sponsored by Halliburton.
The 50hr. free online course, created for geosciences and engineering undergraduate and graduate students and recent graduates, provided about 500 participants with a view of geosciences, covering all areas of the oil and gas industry.
Geophysical Project in Focus
Federal University of Ouro Preto SEG Student Chapter - Sociedade de Geofísica Aplicada (SGA)
In the midst of the coronavirus pandemic (COVID19), the Sociedade de Geofísica Aplicada (SGA) sought alternatives for the realization of new projects that fulfill the objective of arousing interest and disseminating knowledge related to geophysics. For this purpose, SGA developed the project “Geophysics in Focus”, which, through weekly posts on social media (Facebook and Instagram), we approach geophysics related topics remotely.
As a way to enhance the engagement with our followers, we use Instagram tools for interaction and feedback on published content. A question box is available for possible questions and, to measure and practice the knowledge passed by the publications, quizzes are held with the subject addressed during the week. The selected topics range from the explanation of what geophysics is, to geophysical methods and their applications.
Thus, the project presents Geophysics in a simple and dynamic way. As a result, we had great public acceptance, being a project recognized by the professionals who accompany us. We believe that in times of crisis, knowledge is always the answer!
“Geophysical quiz” posted on chapter’ s Instagram profile
Instagram post of "Geophysics in Focus" explaining what geophysics is
Virtual Field Trips
Due to the difficulties in organizing face-to-face field trips at the present time, at the end of 2020, the National Observatory chapter organized two virtual field trips.
The first was on the Serra do Rio do Rastro, located in the south of the state of Santa Catarina, in southern Brazil, and was presented by Dr. Edison Milani, PETROBRAS retired geologist and one of the recipients of the Brazilian Geology Society with the Orville Derby Gold Medal.
Famous for the White Column, first described by the American geologist Israel. C. White in 1908, it is possible to glimpse along the SC-438 highway that cuts through the Serra do Rio do Rastro one of the best world records of the entire Gondwanic sequence of the Paraná Basin, from the crystalline basement at the base to the basaltic spills at the top, in addition to the stunning panorama.
The second was about Machu Picchu, Peru, and was presented by Dr. Rualdo Menegat, professor at Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul whose research on the intentional construction of Machu Picchu on geological faults had significant international repercussions.
Considered one of the greatest architectural works, the ancient Inca sanctuary of Machu Picchu is built in a remote location, at the top of a narrow mountain range above a gorge. The location of the sanctuary has long intrigued researchers. Why did the Incas build their masterpiece in such an inaccessible place? Rualdo presented us with his findings on the subject.
Virtual Field Trip “Serra do Rio do Rastro” with Dr. Edison Milani Virtual Field Trip "Machu Picchu: Geology along the paths of the Incas" with Dr. Rualdo Menegat