9 minute read

SEG Council Note

Achieving the Council’s potential

By Gustavo Carstens SEG Council Chair


Not all of our members understand properly what the SEG Council is and why we have it. The SEG Bylaws describe the purpose of the Council in this way:

Article VII

The Council

Section 1. Purpose. The pur pose of the Council shall be: a. To approve the Annual Report, changes dues to rate structure or dues beyond cumulative inflation, and Bylaws revisions at the Annual Council Meeting or other Council Meeting called by the President. b. To provide the Board of Directors with suggestions and recommendations in the form of motions from the floor on any topic considered to be of interest to the membership of the Society. c. To serve in an advisory capacity to the Board of Directors on topics requested for review by the Board of Directors. d. To represent the members of the Society regarding Society matters; serve the needs of the Sections, Associated Societies, Technical Sections, and Districts; channel information between the Society and the Sections, Associated Societies, Technical Sections, and Districts; promote cooperation, and provide a forum for Members of the Society.

Since this purpose was established at the time of Society governance reform in 2012, the Council has spent most of its time serving mainly item a. Probably the main reason for this limited activity is that, historically, the Council was meeting only once a year during the Annual Meeting, when most of the members were present. Today, we have many more communication resources and can hold virtual Council meetings at any time we (or the Board of Directors) consider it necessary. As always in our profession, we need to apply technological advances in our favor.

At the Council is where SEG demonstrates that it is truly a global Society. Through the Sections and Associated Societies and the Districts, we have representation from all the countries in the world in which we have members.

The proposed objectives have not yet been achieved and we continue working to achieve it. It is time now to start working hard on items b, c, and d. We need to use this powerful tool to help SEG grow. Since SEG’s new governance system was established, the Chair of the Council has been a member of the Board of Directors. This is an unbeatable situation — direct communication between the two most important ruling bodies of SEG at any time.

SEG is a society of committees, and at the Council, we can benefit from some of them. We currently have the Global Advisory Committee and the Regional Advisory Committees that are a substantial part of the Society’s global-growth strategy. It should be natural for the Council to work with them to facilitate communication with members through out the world.

Probably the most problematic part of Council organization currently is related to the Districts. In some cases, the Districts are too large geographically. Some of them include a large number of countries with several different primary languages.

We have heard for a long time the complaints from District Representatives about how difficult it is for them to contact members in their Districts. The same applies for those members who often don’t know how to contact their District Representatives. To try to find a solution to the problem, I implemented the creation of a task force that is currently working hard as you read this column. They found some potential solutions to the problem stated and those tools are currently used.

All great organizations need great purposes or missions. SEG clearly has those and the associated programs — Geoscientists Without Borders®, EVOLVE, Honorary Lectures, and Distinguished Lectures, to name just a few — to help achieve them. So, perhaps we should also consider unleashing the knowledge, experience, contacts, and overall power of the Council to help achieve the great objectives of the Society. For example, if we wanted to rapidly expand a new and valuable program in a truly global way, who better than the Council to help achieve that goal? With our individuals throughout the world, our influential contacts, and our familiarity with the business and cultural environments in diverse locales, we are positioned perfectly to undertake this role.

Any new ideas are welcome and will be considered. The door is open, and the opportunity to collaborate is in front of you. Please contact your local Associated Society, your District Representative, or me directly with any suggestions you have on how we can better serve our membership.

Gustavo Carstens

Council Chair Gustavo, 2019, President's Page: Achieving the council's potential, SEG Leading Edge, vol. 38, No.12, p. 910. https:// doi.org/10.1190/tle38120910.1

All SEG members have a voice: how to be closer to the SEG Governance

By Ana Curcio, Chair of the SEG LARAC and SEG D6 Representative Based on John Duhault Report, District Representatives Report, May 2020

Have you ever felt that you have an outstanding proposal that improves the world of applied geophysics and integration of geoscientists, but you don’t have the tools to implement it? Have you ever felt that you have some concerns about geophysical activities and development in your province, country, and/or region, but you don’t know the proper way to express those concerns and who the proper contact person is?

In this short note, I would like to talk about the District Representatives, their roles in the SEG Council, and the tools that you can use to be closer to the SEG Governance. Note that the SEG is a global not-forprofit organization with a mission of connecting the world of applied geophysics, supporting more than 14,000 members from 114 countries.

1. The SEG Council:

The SEG Council represents the Sections, Associated Societies, and Technical Sections of SEG and serves as advisors to the SEG Board of Directors (https:// seg.org/About-SEG/Governance/SEG-Council).

The Council consists of representative from each Section, Associated Society, Technical Section, and Geographic District.

Members in good standing are represented on the Council by a geographic district representative and may also be represented on the Council by a representative from a Section, Associated Society, or Technical Section of which the Member is a member. However, each Active Member shall be represented by only one Section, Associated Society, or Technical Section as designated by the member.

World map with the 12 District boundaries. Stars on the map represent SEG sections or offices (Source: https://seg.org/About-SEG/Governance/SEG-Council/District-Boundaries).

2. District Representatives (DRs):

A District Representative shall represent all members in their District regardless of member type. Also, the DRs should promote and facilitate the global connectivity of the SEG on a District basis. The DRs shall communicate to the Council all issues that are important to the members of their districts. According to the SEG bylaws, the District Representatives (DRs) roles are:

“SEG Bylaws (VII.2a THE COUNCIL – Composition) The Council shall consist of Representatives from each Section, Associated Society,

Technical Section, and Geographic District.

Members in good standing shall be represented on the Council by a Geographic District

Representative, regardless of membership in

Sections, Associated Societies, or Technical


The two DRs in each District work as a mini-team in representing the Members in their District on the Council. They should agree on the division of labor in fulfilling their collective responsibilities. In November 2019, a small group of SEG Council members was selected by the Chair of the SEG Council, Gustavo Carstens, to be the District Representative committee members on an SEG Council Task Force. The task force was chaired by John Duhault, Vice-Chair of the SEG Council. The SEG Council District Representatives Task Force Members were: Jerry Beaudoin, Past DR; Sherif Hanafy, District 10; Uche Irene Aigbokhai, District 9; Ana Curcio, District 6.

They were tasked with addressing several issues concerning the Districts including redefining the roles and responsibilities of the SEG Council District Representatives. After discussion, the Task Force took the following actions that resulted in: 1. Recommending using the new SEG implemented email communication tools for all council members on the SEG website. 2. Recommending that the DRs use some of the SEG website tools available for the council and SEG members. 3. Recognize that communications was the biggest issue among the Districts followed by language concerns. 4. Recommending the creation of, or recognizing the existing, Regional Advisory Committees to have representation from all the countries in the District to address local area concerns.

The primary responsibility of the two DRs is to promote and facilitate the global connectivity of the SEG on a District basis. This is accomplished by facilitating effective and timely communication between and amongst the following stakeholders: 1. DR <> DR: DRs communicate with each other to help coordinate their efforts to effectively represent all Members within their District. 2. DRs <> District Members: The DRs will use the new communication tools in place, on the SEG website, to facilitate two-way communication. DRs will engage to promote and facilitate SEG membership, SEG events, and other local geoscience activities. 3. DRs <> SEG staff: The DRs communicate with the SEG staff to help coordinate/summarize the flow of information from/to Members in all Districts. This communication will allow for archival record-keeping of ongoing issues and aid future

DRs. 4. DRs <> SAS: (Technical Sections and Associated Societies): The DRs, when possible/practical, participate with the Technical Section, Student

and with the Regional Advisory Committee (RAC) representatives of their District to get an understanding of Members’ concerns and identify regional or technical gaps that may represent opportunities for the SEG. If it is determined that a member's need/concern reaches across districts, the DRs of all the districts should bring the messaging to the Council together as a single group. 5. DRs <> DRs in other Districts DRs look at ways to communicate to other DRs beyond the annual face-to-face meeting. DRs would benefit from shared best practices and common themes across District boundaries through DR-focused virtual meetings. 6. DRs <> Council DRs to pr ovide insights at the SEG Council by effectively communicating with their District and other SEG members as indicated in the responsibilities above.

This will raise the quality of advice provided to the SEG Board.

How can you contact your District Representative in your Region?

The SEG has implemented a mailing system that contacts both a staff member and DRs.

First, identify your region in the map on the previous pages. The corresponding district for Latin America is District number 6 (D6). Second, enter the Governance/ Council (https://seg.org/About-SEG/Governance/ SEG-Council). There you will find the Section and Associated Society Representatives list with their corresponding contact.

Finally, scroll down to the District Representatives section and you will find the District Representatives' names and contact. Through this system, you can send a message to their inbox with a copy to an SEG staff member .

With this system, you can easily reach out to the SEG Governance. Be active!

District Representatives for District 6 and its contacts.

District Representatives mailing system.

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