Business woman A
N atu r a l
by Agata Grimaldi
Catherine Cervasio is a pioneer in the skin care industry. In 1994 she founded Aromababy, the first brand to use natural and organic ingredients for baby care products. She credits her Italian father for instilling in her a strong work ethic, the importance of family and a passion for natural ingredients. Agata Grimaldi spoke to Catherine about entrepreneurship and the development of Aromababy. What excites you about business? «The idea of owning and running my own business always brings with it a sense of “freedom” and that excites me. I have the freedom to be creative, to work differently and to think outside the box. I think entrepreneurship today is very different to say twenty years ago. Flexible working arrangements and creative thinking are now not only commonplace,
they are actually encouraged. » What is your advice to budding entrepreneurs? «I always advise people to do lots of research around their idea, about the market, the target audience, the geographic region, competitors, and barriers to entry. This might include engaging an Intellectual Property specialist to ensure your trademark(s) and domain names are available and
Segmento Issue XXIII • June-August 2021