It takes in food
Distributes it in food Absorbs oxygen Eliminates water
Digestive Circulatory ORGANS
Respiratory Excretory
Collections of cells
The nervous system enables us to control What our body System does, perceives The outside world and Reacts to what we perceive
Nervous system
It is a group of organs that Extend throughout Our entire body. Their Control centre is in our skull
It’s any signal that the nervous System receives from inside or Outside our body
Voluntary Produce response Involuntary
The light enters our eyes We can recognize things. This is how we see: 1. Light enters the eyesball through an opening called the pupil and it crosses the lens. The iris regulates the amount of light that can enter the pupil. 2. the light reaches the retina which transmits information to the brain The eyes has cornea, that protect the eye. The eye are eyelids, eyelashes, eyebrows and tear glands. Ears: to detect sounds, transmitted it to the air, water‌etc. A group of very small bones in the middle ear transmit the Vibrations. They are hammer, anvil and stirrup. The cochlea, an a organ shaped like a spiral, receives the Vibrations and transmits them to the brain.
This senses enables us to recognize different Smells and taste. Smells enter through our nose, go to our nasal Cavities, and reach the olfatory epithelium.. Our taste recognize eat and drinks, our food comes Into contact with the taste buds, located on our Tongue and palate. The information go to the brain.
The skin is our organ of touch. To detect characteristics of objects.
The dermis contains cells that detect stimuli
Neurons 1. Are specialised cells, receive or transmit information. 2. Has projections around our body: dentrites 3. Has an specially long projection: axon. Information travel from neurons to another, thought the dentrites and the axon.
Nervous system It is a group of organs that receive information from all parts of the body, then responds with orders to control the body´s functions.
1. Coordination centre. Formed by the spinal cord and brain: central nervous system. 2. Nerves, which transmit information: peripheral nervous system 3. Exist a constant transmission of information and orders between central nervous system and peripheral nervous system.
Spinal Cord All of our nerves come together at the Spinal cord, through the spaces between The vertebrae in our back. It extends from The base of the skull to the talbone. It is a group of nerves located inside Our vertebrate.
Reflex movement
Reflex are abrupt muscular movement that Occur unintentionally. Our body receive a painful stimulus. We hurt a finger, for examples.
Reflexes occur in this way:
The information is transmitted through Different nerves. The spinal cord sends orders to the muscles Through other nerves.
The brain stem: is a continuation of a spinal cord. Control our body´s involuntary movement The cerebelum controls the body´s voluntary movement and its balance. The cerebrum is the largest part of the brain, it receive Information form the organs of sense and contains our memory.
Brain stucture
An adult brain weighs approximately 1.3 kg and contains about one hundred neurons. To being protected by bones, our brain is covered by some protective membranes called Meninges. The brain is shaped like a balloon and is divided Two parts: right hemisphere and left hemisphere. These are Connected by the corpus callosum.
The Organs of the Senses
Sight - eyes
Taste - tongue
Hearing - ear
Smell - nose
Touch - skin
The Spinal Cord
The Brain