D.M. Quito, 5 of October 2015 07:35
COTOPAXI VOLCANO PRESS RELEASE 103 According to reports by the Geophysics Institute of the Polytechnic University in the last 12 hours the internal activity of the Cotopaxi was moderate while its external activity was low. During the night and early morning hours the volcano was overcast. For this reason, there are no reports on the external activity. The systems of monitors located nearby the volcano have also not reported any activity. The seismic activity remains similar to past days. Movements of fluids (gases) and magma have been registered in the interior of the volcano. There were also slight rain falls, which did not generate lahars. Recommendations Do not forget that every educational institution located in risk zones, due to a possible volcanic eruption or ash fall, must have their own Emergency Plan. The plans must include the assignation of tasks, procedures, determination of risk zones, safe zones, and evacuation routes. For more information visit www.volcancotopaxi.com, the official channels of the Ministry of Security Coordination (www.seguridad.gob.ec, @Seguridad_Ec, https://www.facebook.com/SeguridadEcuador) and the Geophysics http://www.igepn.edu.ec/.