Quito, 21 of August of 2015 19h30
COTOPAXI VOLCANO PRESS RELEASE 014 The report #84 submitted by the Geophysics Institute indicated that throughout day there was evaporative emissions with moderate ash falls, which have affected the zones between the North-West and South-West side of the volcano. This type of activity is within the normal parameters of the eruption process. The zones affected by ash fall are: Tambillo, Machachi, Alóag, Aloasí, El Chaupi in the Province of Pichincha; the district of Sigchos and the parishes Pastocalle and Mulaló, in Latacunga. Meanwhile, preventive measures continue to be enforced by various authorities:
Nine evacuation practice drills, with the participation of a total of 939 people, took place in the Province of Cotopaxi; one in the Citizen Service Center, with the participation of 29 institutions and eight others in the communities of the district of Latacunga. Here the authorities also gave out 475 emergency/volcano preparedness kits.
The National Police continues to permanently inform the population, door to door, about the Family Emergency Plan—which comprises actions that seek to reduce risks in an eventual emergency.
As a measure to inform the population in the event of an alert change a test, which sent a text message ( SMS ) to users who are residing within risk zones—indicating that we are on a yellow alert, was performed with the National Telecommunications Corporation (CNT ) , OTECEL - Movistar and Telmex – Claro. These tests continue to improve this warning system.
In order to avoid rumors we continue to recommend the population to be attentive to the information that the Ministry of Security Coordination is disseminating.