Quito, 23 of August of 2015 19:00
The Institute of Geophysics of the Polytechnic University reported that the volcanic activity has remained similar to that of the last past days. The evaporative emissions have contained a high presence of ashes which have reached up to 2000 meters over the crater and has been directed towards the West and Southwest side of the volcano. Throughout the day volcano ash emissions continued to fall in the areas of Tanicuchi, Guaytacama, Chugchilán, Isinlivi, Mulaló, Lasso, Joseguango, Pastocalle and El Chasqui. Due to reports of ash fall over roads and highways the Ministry of Transport and Public Work has recommended the public to drive with caution and to not exceed a speed limit of 30 kilometers per hour.
Continuing with contingency plans, on Saturday night, the Secretary of Risk Management (SGR) coordinated an evacuation drill in the parish of Puerto Napo, district of Tena. While on Sunday, it trained 150 people from Barrio Centro, in the parish of Aláquez, district of Latacunga, and 129 people in the Libertad Bajo Joseguango parish. An evacuation drill was also conducted with 143 people in Quisinche Alto, the parish of Mulaló—Latacunga. Finally the authorities also gave out 1,280 clinical masks in Tanicuhí and 6,160 in Toacazo. In the district of Rumiñahui, outside of the San Luis Shopping Center, the autonomous local governments of Quito and Rumiñahui organized a citizen fair—“Looking at the Volcano"—where various institutions within the field of prevention provided information on shelters and safe meeting points in risk areas. As a protective measure from any ash fall we remind you to always carry with you a clinical masks, appropriate protective glasses, and a hat. In addition, we remind you can access volcano related and up-to-date information at www.volcancotopaxi.com