D.M. Quito, 1 of September of 2015 20:35
COTOPAXI VOLCANO PRESS RELEASE 036 Through its report No.105 the Geophysics Institute of the Polytechnic University informed that the internal activity of the Cotopaxi volcano remains high while its exterior activity remains moderate. Throughout the day tremors lasting several hours were recorded and in the afternoon emissions of steam with gas and ash that reached a height of 100 meters above the crater were registered. The Secretariat of Risk Management registered slight ash falls over Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas. Meanwhile, today the Geophysics Institute installed a new monitoring camera in the eastern flank of the Rumiñahui volcano, this measures increases the monitoring of the Cotopaxi. Actions Carried Out The Ministry of Security Coordination, the Secretariat of Risk Management and local authorities participated in a meeting of the Council of Emergency Operations of the canton of Rumiñahui where they revised the actions that have been carried out in light of an eventual eruption of the volcano. In addition, they oversaw a drill performed in the parish of Rumipamba and held an open dialogue with the residents of the neighborhoods of San Fernando and Selva Alegre. The Ministry of Security Coordination alongside the Secretariat of Communication, the local Government of Cotopaxi, and the Secretariat of Risk Management carried out a workshop on “"Information Management for Journalists of Cotopaxi and Tungurahua”. During this workshop, the reasoning behind the executive decree that established the State of Exception was explained as well as the various communications instruments that will be implemented to transmit official information. The Secretariat of Risk Management participated in training sessions in the parishes of Aláquez, La Matriz and Tanicuchí with the objective of informing residents about safe zones and risks maps detailing zones that can suffer possible affectations by lahars. In addition, they also begun planning future drills. On the other hand, in the canton of Latacunga, the Secretariat of Risk Management carried out training sessions on emergency plans and safety measures to 124 residents of the parish of Tanicuchi, while in San Buenaventura 60 masks were given out. Until yesterday, 31 of August, the Ministry of Agriculture provided 360 tons of cattle food to 2,086 beneficiaries residing in the cantons of Mejía and Rumiñahui, who own 15,449 animals. Here too, experts provided veterinary care to 829 animals through 07 mobile veterinary units. Currently, in the canton of Rumiñahui, certified shelters have been supplied with beds and humanitarian aid kits at the following locations: Education Unit of Marqués de Selva Alegre, Education Unit Manuela Cañizares, Rumiñahui Technological Institute, Levigobsky College and Education Unit Immaculate. This week we will continue with the implementation of the remaining shelters in this canton. Recommendations Please be aware of the following safety measures for people with mental disabilities: Explain carefully the current situation, give out clear and simple instructions, be patient and be attentive towards their necessities, helped them during an eventual evacuation, in an orderly manner, and do not leave them alone without previous notice. For more information please visit www.volcancotopaxi.com (the official website of the volcano) and the official channels of the Ministry of Security Coordination: www.seguridad.gob.ec, @Seguridad_Ec and https://www.facebook.com/SeguridadEcuador.