D.M. Quito, 5 of October 2015 19:15
COTOPAXI VOLCANO PRESS RELEASE 104 The Geophysics Institute of the Polytechnic University informs that during the last 12 hours the Cotopaxi volcano maintained a moderate level of internal activity and a low level of external activity. During morning hours the volcano remained overcast, while in the afternoon, an emission of gas and vapor, with a low ash content, was observed. The emission reached up to 500 meters above the crater and headed westward. Slight rain falls, which did not generate secondary lahars, were registered in the zones of the volcano. The smell of sulfur was reported in the sectors of Rumipama, neighborhood of Tamipambar in the canton of Rumiñahui. The seismic activity decrease slightly, however, movements of magma and fluids continue to be present in the interior of the volcano. Actions Carried Out Pichincha: In Pucará de Romerillos, canton of Mejía, the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Aquaculture and Fisheries gave out 5 tons of food provisions (to feed 264 animals) to 17 producers. Cotopaxi: With a walk, which started from the Cathedral of Latacunga until the neighborhood of El Calvario, the authorities of the Provincial Council of Emergency Operations (Cotopaxi) began the Month of Solidarity and Risk Reduction. This contemplates various actions such as the community work “Sembrado Vida”, which seeks to contribute to protecting the environment and creating a culture of accountability towards the environment. Other actions also contemplate the cleaning up river banks and sewers and the cinema for Children about Risks “A Look through my World” (Here is the Complete Agenda). In the neighborhood of Tiombamba of Latacunga and with the participation of 120 people the Secretariat of Risk Management carried out an evacuation drill. Recommendations Find out about the plans of socialization on the operation of early warning alarms that have been installed in the risks sounds surrounding the Cotopaxi volcano. Especially in the Valle de los Chillos, Tumbaco, in the canton Quito and Rumiñahui. Spread this
information among members of the community and avoid confusion. Remember the yellow alert is still in place. Keep up with up-to-date information through official sources and in order to obtain reliable information.
For more information visit www.volcancotopaxi.com, the official channels of the Ministry of Security Coordination (www.seguridad.gob.ec, @Seguridad_Ec, https://www.facebook.com/SeguridadEcuador) and the Geophysics Institute http://www.igepn.edu.ec/.