D.M. Quito, 4 of September 2015 20:00
COTOPAXI VOLCANO PRESS RELEASE 42 The Geophysics Institute of the Polytechnic University reports that the Cotopaxi volcano continues to present a high level of internal activity and a moderate level of external activity. Continuous emissions of steam and gas, accompanied with a slight load of ash, have been registered heading towards the Southwest and West side of the volcano with a reach of 2 kilometers above the crater. At the moment, the National Police reports ash falls over the parish of El Chaupi and in Machachi in the Province of Pichincha. On the other hand, throughout the day, experts of the Geophysics Institute were on site recovering ash samples and running other test to help evaluate the progress of the eruptive process. Actions Carried Out Today, in La Armenia in the canton of Quito, representatives of the Ministry of Security Coordination and of the Ministry of Coordination of Strategic Sectors conducted an onsite visit evaluating the works to mitigate risks that are being carried out in the stretch of the TransEcuadorian Pipeline System (SOTE) and the pipeline. Afterwards, in the facilities of the Electrical Substation of Mulaló, the Business Unit of CELECEP Transelectric reviewed the contingency plan, which contemplates the necessary measures to counter a potential threat and thus safeguard the generation and transmission of electricity. In Sangolquí in the canton of Rumiñahui, 1400 students of the High School Juan de Salinas conducted an evacuation drill that permitted to evaluate the response capacity and tested the efficacy of the contingency plans developed by the authorities of the educational institution. Meanwhile other government institutions have also performed actions in vulnerable zones: In the parishes of Aloasí, El Chaupi and Machachi in the canton of Mejia, the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Aquaculture and Fisheries, provided assistance, through five veterinary clinics, to 179 animals. In the canton of Latacunga, the Secretariat of Risk Management and the Ministry of Public Health provided protective masks to 280 residents of the neighborhood of Laigua Maldonado in the parish of Aláquez. In the parish of Mulaló, with the cooperation of the local Government of Cotopaxi and the Secretariat of Risk Management, an evacuation simulation with the participation of 3000 residents of 19 neighborhoods (Please the neighborhoods) was performed. For more information please visit www.volcancotopaxi.com (the official website of the volcano) and the official channels of the Ministry of Security Coordination: www.seguridad.gob.ec, @Seguridad_Ec and https://www.facebook.com/SeguridadEcuador.