D.M. Quito, 16 of September 2015 07:35
COTOPAXI VOLCANO PRESS RELEASE 65 In the last 12 hours the Geophysics Institute of the Polytechnic University reports that the Cotopaxi volcano remains in its state of eruption with a moderate level of internal activity and a low level of external activity. During the night the atmosphere surrounding the volcano remained cloudy, however, through satellite images emissions of vapor and gas with a low ash content (heading westward) could be observed. In the early morning hours an emission reaching up to 200 meters over the crater (heading westward) was registered. The seismic activity remains similar to past days. In this period and increase in tremors (vibration of the volcanic conduit due to the passing of fluids) have been registered. No rain has been registered over the sector. Actions Carrie Out The Council of Emergency Operations of the parish of Once de Noviembre (canton of Latacunga) provided training sessions on safety measures and gave out volcanic risks maps to 25 people of the community of Libertad Playa Inchapo. In the canton of PujilĂ the Political Directorship coordinated a drill in the communities by the bank of the river Cutuchi, Salache Barbabamba and Quilaialo (200 people participated). Recommendations Heads of the household: remember that each of the 89 educational institutions that are located in risks zones have a plan of evacuation to safe zones. The yellow alert continues to be in place. For more information visit: www.volcancotopaxi.com and the official channels of the Ministry of Security Coordination: www.seguridad.gob.ec, @Seguridad_Ec and https://www.facebook.com/SeguridadEcuador.
Cotopaxi Volcano, camera of ECU 911 Quito, Puente de El Chiche