Cotopaxi Volcano Press Release 068

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D.M. Quito, 17 of September 2015 20:20

COTOPAXI VOLCANO PRESS RELEASE 68 The Geophysics Institute of the Polytechnic University informed that in the last 12 hours the Cotopaxi volcano maintained a moderate level of internal activity and a low level of external activity. The seismic activity remained similar to pasts days, however, internal movements were registered, which indicated the entrance of magma to the interior of the volcano, possibly generating an increase in emissions of gas and ash in the next few days or weeks. During the morning, an emission of gas and vapor was registered with a low ash content which reached up 1000 meters over the carter (The plume headed northwest of the volcano). Today no rain or ash falls were registered. Actions Carried Out Officials of the Ministry of Public Health provided trainings session to 60 residents of the parish of Angamarca (canton of Pujilí) on response measures against ash falls. They also visited the community of Jatunera (parish of Cochabamba) where they talked to 50 residents on preventive measures. Likewise, 30 workers of the floriculture “Nevado Rosa Finca Monterrey” were visited by officials of that Ministry and received talks on the importance of having a family emergency plan. In the health center of La Victoria of Pujilí a training session was provided on how to prepare an emergency kit and its importance, this information was disseminated to 75 people. In the interior of the International Cotopaxi Airport an evacuation drill was performed with the objective to evaluate response capacities of the people employed there, the response time was 30 minutes (This drill was solicited by the Direction of the airport and more than 150 people participated). We denote the solidarity of the producers of Carchi, which sent 300 bales of hay and silage (optional food provisions for cattle) to the parish of Pastocalle in the canton of Latacunga. Recommendations If you work with cattle you should take the following measures: keep them inside stables and feed the cattle green plantains, bran, and molasses. In addition, also cover the animals with a thick fabric and make sure the stables are clean. In regards to taking care of crops, make sure you keep them ash free and disperse sweetened water over leaves in order to strengthen the flow of food into the plant. The yellow alert continues to be in place. For more information visit, and the official channels of the Ministry of Security Coordination:, @Seguridad_Ec, and the Geophysics Institute

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