Cotopaxi Volcano Press Release 076

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D.M. Quito, 21 of September 2015 19:40

COTOPAXI VOLCANO PRESS RELEASE 76 According to the Geophysics Institute, during the last 12 hours, the internal activity of the Cotopaxi remained moderate while the external activity was low. During the morning and afternoon clouds of vapor were registered reaching up to 1500 meters above the crater and heading northwest and west of the volcano. No rain has been registered over the sector. Actions Carried Out Residents of the central region continuously prepare to respond to an eventual increased in volcanic activity. In Cotopaxi This morning, 525 people (students, teachers, and staff) of the Abdón Calderón School of Latacunga performed an evacuation drill with the support of public institutions and the head of the parish. In addition, in the community of Palo Quemado of the canton of Sigchos masks and training sessions were given. In Salcedo the representatives of the Council of Emergency Operations of the Province held a meeting. In Rumiñahui This morning the campaign “Rumiñahui Seguro, Juntos por la Vida”, was launched. Its objective is to teach students and staff of 22 educational units on preventive measures. Today the Schools of Carlos Larco and Leopoldo Mercado were visited. Recommendations If you detect abundant ash falls avoid driving, particularly if it is accompanied by rain, because it could cause visibility and driving issues For more information visit, the official channels of the Ministry of Security Coordination (, @Seguridad_Ec,, and the Geophysics Institute

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