Cotopaxi Volcano Press Release 078

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D.M. Quito, 22 of September 2015 20:00

COTOPAXI VOLCANO PRESS RELEASE 78 The Geophysics Institute of the Polytechnic University informs that during the last 12 hours the internal activity of the Cotopaxi remains moderate while the external low. In the afternoon it was cloudy and it was not possible to make direct observations. No rain or ash falls were registered in the sector. Actions Carried Out More sectors are involved in the actions carried out to help prepare citizen in case of an eventual increase of activity. Cotopaxi: In the parish of Tanicuchí of Latacunga authorities performed a successful drill which lasted 20 minutes. Rumiñahui:

During Tuesday morning Street vendors that work in this canton participated in preventive talks. In addition, 130 light load carriers were trained on the management of evacuation routes and the implementation of the contingency plans. This was done by the municipality. In Aloasí and Machachi the Ministry of Agriculture gave out 21 metric tons of food provisions to 137 producers. These provisions will help feed 1235 cattle. Recommendations If you are not home during an eruption do not panic and remember what your learned during preventive talks and drills. For more information visit, the official channels of the Ministry of Security Coordination (, @Seguridad_Ec, and the Geophysics Institute

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