D.M. Quito, 23 of September 2015 07:25
COTOPAXI VOLCANO PRESS RELEASE 79 The Geophysics Institute of the Polytechnic University informs that during the last 12 hours the internal activity of the Cotopaxi remains moderate while the external low. During the early morning hours a column of vapor was registered. This column had a low ash content which reached 2500 meters over the crater and headed northwest of the volcano. No rain or ash falls were produced near the volcano. Actions Carried Out: Authorities and institutions are actively working to effectively respond to an eventual increase in the volcanic activity. Cotopaxi: More than 800 residents of the neighborhood La Avelina, El Vergel, La Florida, Las Playas de Lasso, Aglomerados and Lasso (Latacunga) participated in a massive evacuation drill. The drill was coordinated by the Secretariat of Risk Management, the Armed Forces, the Ministry of Environment, the National Police and the Head of the Parish. The drill was performed in 30 minutes. Pichincha: The Minister of Inclusion, Betty Tola, toured eight shelters located in the canton of Rumiñahui, which can take in 2,866 persons. She visited: Educational Unit of Marqués de Selva Alegre, with the capacity to take in 193 people; el Instituto Superior Tecnológico Rumiñahui, with the capacity to take in 611 people; la Unidad Educativa Oswaldo Guayasamín, with the capacity to take in 401 people; la Unidad Educativa Franciscana La Inmaculada, with the capacity to take in 440 personas; among others. Recommendations If an emergency occurs during the morning hours you must follow the indications submitted by the competent entities. Remember that is important to be informed on how to proceed in case you are a work or studying. For more information visit www.volcancotopaxi.com, the official channels of the Ministry of Security Coordination (www.seguridad.gob.ec, @Seguridad_Ec, https://www.facebook.com/SeguridadEcuador) and the Geophysics Institute http://www.igepn.edu.ec.
Cotopaxi Volcano, camera of ECU 911 Quito, Teleférico