Cotopaxi Volcano Press Release 088

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D.M. Quito, 27 of September 2015 20:20

COTOPAXI VOLCANO PRESS RELEASE 88 The Geophysics Institute of the Polytechnic University informs that during the last 12 hours the internal activity of the Cotopaxi was moderate and a low level of external activity. Continuous emissions of vapor and gases were observed. These emissions were of low ash content and reached up to 500 meters over the crater heading westward. In the interior of the volcano the seismic activity remains. There was a movement of fluids (gases) and magma. No rain falls over the zones nearby have been registered. Activities Carried Out Pichincha: Experts of the Geophysics Institute and officials of the Ministry of Security Coordination carried out this Sunday a flyover the volcano, with the objective to measure the gases and to take thermal pictures in order to establish the current temperatures. On Sunday a simulation of the alert systems were also carried out at 5 a.m. in the towns located nearby the Cotopaxi. This allowed the evaluation of the time response of the responsible institutions. During this activity neighborhoods presidents and community leaders, which received equipment from the Integrated Security Service ECU 911, were present. There were satisfactory results as it was evident the active participation of the authorities of the risks zones. In the canton of Rumiñahui the dissemination of information continues. In Inchalillo, a neighborhood of Sangolquí, residents received talks about the importance of knowing the contingency and family plans, which enable you to put in practice norms, procedures and actions in case of an emergency. Food provisions for Cattle. Officials of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Aquaculture and Fisheries gave out food for cattle in the sectors of El Chaupi, San Manuel, Culalá Alto and Culalá Bajo. Recommendations In case of an increase activity it is necessary that your family executes a family emergency plan. This plan must include the identification of threats in the area of residents and the preparation of your emergency bag. Do not forget to acknowledge you pets (felines and canines). For more information visit, the official channels of the Ministry of Security Coordination (, @Seguridad_Ec, and the Geophysics Institute

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