D.M. Quito, 2 of October 2015 19:00
COTOPAXI VOLCANO PRESS RELEASE 98 The Geophysics Institute of the Polytechnic University informs that during the last 12 hours the Cotopaxi volcano continues to present a moderate level of internal activity and low level of external activity. In morning hours an emission of vapor which reached up to 500 meters above the crater was visualized. This emission headed westward and had a blue hue which indicated the release of sulfur. In the afternoon the volcano remained overcast, however, some small emissions of vapor could be observed. Heavy rain falls with electric storms were present in zones near the volcano. Monitors of the volcano reported a decent of muddy water, which were not lahars, through the Pita River and in various communities the smell of sulfur was perceived. The seismic activity remains similar to past days and signals of movement of magma and fluids in the interior of the volcano are still being registered. Educational Institutions in zones at risk due to possible affectation by lahars participated in drills. As a preventive measure against the eruptive process of the Cotopaxi volcano more than 29,000 students of public, private, and local government run educational institutions (located in risk zones, Zones 2 Pichincha y Napo and Zone 9 Pichincha) participated in simultaneous drills. Authorities of the Ministry of Security Coordination and the Ministry of Education participated in an evacuation drill carried out in the Educational Unit Geovanni Farina, located in the canton of Rumiñahui. This drill, which demonstrated it will take 20 minutes to reach a safe zone (located in the educational institution of Las Américas del Valle) counted with the participation of more than 1800 students, 200 professors and staff. Ministry of Economic and Social Inclusion trained shelter administrators in Mejía and Rumiñahui The Ministry trained 14 coordinators of child centers of “Buen Vivir”, which will be shelter administrators in the canton of Mejía and Rumiñahui. The training taught each civil servant to know what actions to carry out during the administration of a temporary shelter, rules to establish, conformation of commissions, distributions of humanitarian assistance kits, use of the space, among other actions. The objective of the training is to have prepared staff in case of an eventual alert change due to the activity of the Cotopaxi volcano.
The Ministry of Agriculture gives out food for cattle The Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Aquaculture and Fisheries gave out 14 tons of food provisions in the parishes of Mulal贸, Tanicuchi, and Once the Noviembre (canton of Latacunga). In addition, in the parishes of Pastocalle and Mula贸 their experts provided assistance to 34 animals (owned by 10 people). Recommendations Keep up-to-date through official sources in order to obtain reliable information. We also advise that during ash falls you should not consume food in exposed areas. For more information visit www.volcancotopaxi.com, the official channels of the Ministry of Security Coordination (www.seguridad.gob.ec, @Seguridad_Ec, https://www.facebook.com/SeguridadEcuador) and the Geophysics Institute http://www.igepn.edu.ec/.