Executive summary
Integrated Corporate Report 2016 We strive for a healthier world
Much to care for
Message from the Chairman Page 03
Conversation between DKV’s Managing Director and the Chairman of DIRSE
About us Page 06
Our strategy and background Page 07
Our commitments
Our accolades
Page 13
Page 27
Page 04
This document is an executive summary of DKV’s Integrated Corporate Report 2016, providing information on the Group’s performance for the 2016 financial year. The financial data incorporates the whole of the DKV Group and is limited geographically to Spain, with the exception of accident statistics and social and environmental action which include activities undertaken in Andorra. The report contains information relating to the matters DKV has the capacity to add value to, and which, according to materiality analysis, are relevant to its stakeholders. KPMG have externally reviewed and verified all content. The full version is available at: http://dkvseguros.com/Informe-corporativo-2016
Contact us Company head office
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Contact telephone numbers
What do you think of this document? Evaluate it at:
Avda. María Zambrano, 31, 50018 Zaragoza
Communications department: (+34) 976 289 106 / (+34) 93 214 00 78 Customer service: (+34) 902 499 499 Corporate services: (+34) 93 214 00 16
Our websites
dkvseguros.com ergoseguros.com fundacionintegralia.org vivelasalud.dkvseguros.com
Coordination and editing
Department of Communications and Responsible Business at DKV Seguros with collaboration from CANVAS Sustainable Strategies.
DKV Seguros
Executive summary
Integrated Corporate Report 2016
Message from the Chairman This report is an exercise in transparency for our company, it is the result of internal reflection and the continuous dialogue we maintain with our stakeholders. The purpose of this report is to give a response to the matters that matter most to them, and to establish our commitments for the year and share our vision for the future. The year 2016 has been marked by the launch of our ‘Goodwill Plan - 2020 Strategy’. This ‘goodwill’, to change the world to make it healthier, is what has driven the development of this new strategic plan. In this healthier world, the company places its customers at the core of its strategy to cement a distinctive value proposition allowing DKV to become a benchmark in healthcare; offering the best customer experience in terms of personalisation, simplicity, and transparency, and positioning itself as the preferred company thanks to its responsible activities (Responsible company).
Javier Vega de Seoane Chairman of DKV Seguros
To successfully achieve this, DKV has a team with a commitment level of 92%: something which has been key to the Group’s strong profits in 2016. Proof of this is that for the eighth consecutive year we are Best Place to Work company, getting this year the third position in the ranking. In the first year of the ‘Goodwill Plan - Strategy 2020’ we have been given recognition in the form of awards such as the ‘Healthy Company prize from the Observatorio RH (Human Resources Observatory), the Best Healthcare Ideas 2016 from Diario Médico (Medical Journal) for the #DKVapptívate project, the Environmental prize from the Regional Government of Aragón, and the Estrella de ADECOSE prize for our work in mediation, among many others. We have also achieved another of our priority goals: to create better value for society. In 2016, €401.5 million were paid to healthcare providers, €94.8 million in employee salaries and benefits, €26.7 million in commissions to brokers and €14.5 million in Spanish corporation tax payments to the government. In the financial field we have achieved solid financial results for another year, stemming primarily from our health and burial products but also from accident rate monitoring plans, and as a result of sound management of financial investments. We achieved a total turnover of 749 million euros, of which 85.6% was for healthcare assistance, leading to 6% growth in premiums in health, exceeding market growth of 4.7% according to ICEA and placing us in fourth position in the health insurance rankings. Moreover, DKV Group’s net profit stood at 34.3 million euros, a 28% increase on the previous year. In the field of management, we have once again renewed both our EFQM 500+ Seal of Excellence, and our double quality certification in ISO 9001 and UNE 179001 for our DKV Healthcare Centres, which encompass criteria such as customer service and our commitment to continual improvement. Our Integrated Annual Report gives details of all of these achievements, under a corporate vision that brings together financial results, strategy, and responsible performance.
DKV Seguros
Executive summary
Integrated Corporate Report 2016
From Social Responsibility to Responsible Business
Conversation between DKV’s Managing Director and the Chairman of DIRSE The important thing is that companies can define why they are here. It’s a great opportunity to really absorb the approach to responsible business Toni Ballabriga
Josep Santacreu Managing Director of DKV Seguros
Toni Ballabriga Chairman of DIRSE and Director of Responsible Business at BBVA
What does Responsible Business mean to you? Doctor Josep Santacreu (JS): At DKV we see responsible business as the way we incorporate the role and importance of all those we interact with into the strategy and day-to-day running of the company. Toni Ballabriga (TB): At DIRSE we share this participatory vision, and define it as the way we manage company responsibility and the impact it has on the lives of people and society as a whole. This strategy runs alongside the 2011-2014 EU strategy for social responsibility: the idea that the business itself can have an impact on people’s lives, on society, and your company.
How do you think CSR has evolved into responsible business? JS: To make this transformation, first you need to know how you are earning money, and then you need to question all the staff you work with who are in day-to-day contact with stakeholders and see how they are working. TB: Moreover, what this umbrella of “responsible business” entails is a different framework of thought to influence the most important stakeholders: people, the management team, and the employees themselves.
Do you think organisations have reached a certain level of maturity in this new form of management? TB: I think there are companies who are positioning themselves that way, but it’s hard to get right into the hub of the activity and company strategy. The CEO, the head of the company is key; as is the leadership of the management team. There is the chance that organisations can get stuck on being guided by an aim, that the companies define why they are here. JS: In this sense, there are organisations who are making themselves stand out because the management team has the full support of the Board of Directors, but others who still have a large amount of variation in the levels of commitment of their governing bodies. Another challenge is bringing responsible business to the day-to-day experiences of all of the different business areas. TB: Another clear signal is the integration of stakeholder expectations in strategic thinking. For example, materiality is a tool with the potential to go from being added value to becoming essential. JS: On the other hand, the impact this form of management
DKV Seguros
Executive summary
Integrated Corporate Report 2016
has on stakeholders also affects the maturity of the responsible business. For example, it is becoming increasingly important for supervisors, regulators, investors, and investment analysts. TB: Yes, the major investors want to hear a story about responsible business, about how it can add value to shareholders in terms of growth, risk management, and efficiency, etc. JS: What hasn’t changed so much is the customer’s decision at the time of making a purchase, that's where everything is going more slowly. If the general public were more committed in their way of buying it would transform companies really quickly.
Do we need a particular culture to advance in responsible business? TB: At DIRSE we’ve dared ourselves to pose five big questions. The first is to do with this proposal to change. The second has to do with to how far an extent this approach of having an impact on the lives of people can be in the strategic lines a company outlines. The third is that it should be ingrained in the operational model, as opposed to being a parallel conversation. The fourth, a culture of guiding people, people-centric, and with an eye on the long term. The last is a question of leadership, of governance. The CSR team is responsible for the responsible business policy, for ensuring that others incorporate the Board’s guidelines into their plans.
At DKV we see responsible business as the way we incorporate the role and importance of all those we interact with into the strategy and day-to-day running of the company Josep Santacreu JS: In this vein, in 2016 at DKV we presented our new Goodwill Plan - Strategy 2020 in which we have set three key priority areas. One is the customer experience. Another field we have marked as relevant is the need to reinforce our position as a benchmark healthcare company. To be a reference for our customers on themes related to health and wellbeing. We even include the concept of prevention in this: how to look after yourself, how to improve your health whilst you still have it, and how to prevent illnesses, etc. And the third is that we want to do this from the standpoint of being a responsible business, we want to make that commitment. Our business proposition has evolved. Before
we would talk about “we strive to create a better world”. Now we say “we strive to create a healthier world”.
In your opinion, what part do employees play in responsible business? JS: If you asked me if there was one ratio I could use to measure the health of the company, I would talk about the level of employee commitment. I think it's the most significant indicator. And the last time we measured it at DKV we once again achieved a 92% commitment rating from our employees. If you have a committed group of employees you are more likely to be able to incorporate the vision of a responsible business, work to innovate, and make an extra-special effort to provide your customers with good service. To guide the company towards a model of responsible business is a great route towards getting commitment from staff. And this is the case in general, but even more so for the newer generations. In a way we have got ourselves into a virtuous circle, where types of concepts like responsible business help employees be more committed, and they feel more aligned with the company's project. And this, at the same time, results in the company functioning better. TB: Here, I would return to the issue of the proposition. This transcendence of what we do, how we can keep an eye on the impact our activities have on people’s lives. When this filters through, research tells us that companies innovate more and better, and work in a cross-cutting way, leading to significant change. Ultimately they are more profitable and get more engagement from employees - and from customers in the end. JS: The wellness of employees is management’s moral responsibility. And not only because a company where the employees are more committed is a company that performs better. It seems obvious: if a company has motivated and committed employees, with equality in leadership and management, it will obtain better results. In 2016 at DKV we were once again listed in the Best Place to Work, for the eighth consecutive year. Our company has stayed in the ranking the longest. We are the first insurance company in Spain to exceed the 600 limit in EFQM (European Seal of Excellence). It’s another way of looking at it, it’s part of a whole. These evaluations help us reaffirm our commitment to being a responsible business, to doing things well, keeping an eye on all our stakeholders, listening and co-creating. Not only looking at financial results but at how you work the different elements of your value chain. The challenge is how we can have the capacity to listen, interact, and co-evolve.
DKV Seguros
Executive summary
Integrated Corporate Report 2016
The company at a glance €744.6 M
volume of premiums purchased
Volume of premiums by type Life
€11.1 M
€50.6 M
1.5% of the business
6.8% of the business
€15.1 M
€4.8 M
2.0% of the business
0.6% of the business
Income protection
Healthcare assistance
€25.8 M
€637.1 M
3.5% of the business
85.6% of the business
€34.3 M
€234.3 M
net profit
net equity
business growth
healthcare assistance
Volume of insured parties by type
million customers
hours invested in R&D
Income protection
Healthcare Assitance (includes Marina Salud)
new products or improvements to existing products
healthcare professionals
brokers’ business network
share of the health market (includes healthcare assistance, income, and reimbursement)
medical centres set up M: million.
DKV Seguros
Executive summary
Integrated Corporate Report 2016
Creating shared value
Financial, social, and environmental impact. Value for customers
Overall customer satisfaction
Complaints resolved in time
Women on the workforce
Stability in permanent employment
Women in Senior Management
€26.7 M
Direct beneficiaries of social projects
€34.8 M
Pay to general service providers
Value for society
Direct Cumulative employment employment generated by the DKV Integralia Foundation in Spain
Green energy consumption
Videoconferences saving on transport
Tax contribution in Spain
Pay to general insurance providers
Pay to healthcare professionals
consultations avoided to public healthcare
Value for the environment
€14.5 M
Level of employee commitment
€15.4 M
€350 M
Commissions to brokers
Investment in training for employees
Value for our network of collaborators
Employees taking part in volunteer projects
refunded through compensation, medical assistance or reparations
Value for employees
€456.8 M
average time to resolve complaints and claims
€34.3 M Benefits
First green
€607,866 Investment in social projects
Aimed at health and prevention
9th consecutive year
Carbon neutral company
home insurance in the world: ERGO EcoHogar
Financial value
€587.8 M Investments
€94.8 M
Salaries and benefits to employees
€1.4 M
pay to equity providers M: million.
DKV Seguros
Executive summary
Integrated Corporate Report 2016
Goodwill Plan - Strategy 2020 To confront this challenge, in 2016 we put in place a new strategic plan for DKV for the coming years: the Goodwill Plan - Strategy 2020.
Current conditions in the competitive environment of the insurance sector combined with growing digitalisation and the implications of regulations such as Solvency II on the sector, mean insurance companies need to reinvent themselves. This means thinking not only about the business in the present, but in the future, and means companies must build the foundations of a different business model that goes beyond insurance and services.
Our dream: we strive for a healthier world
This plan is the result of a collaborative and participatory endeavour across the organisation as a whole.
Vision We want to be the reference option for everyone that wishes to take care of their health and their loved ones throughout thei lives
This plan is the fruit of the organisation's will to build the future� J. Vega de Seoane
We contribute to the improvement of health and wellbeing of people offering excellent insurance and solutions, in a responsible way.
Values Courage, Simplicity, Authenticity, Honesty, Warmth.
Goodwill Plan
Courage • Simplicity • Authenticity • Honesty • Warmth Differentiation as a competitive advantage
A benchmark in health
Unique customer experience
Responsible Business
“The best option for looking after your health”
“The best customer experience”
“The preferred company thanks to its responsible activities”
Elements to make it possible
“The key component of transformation”
“Simple, agile, and with the capacity to respond”
“Digital transformation as a pillar for added value”
“Searching for differentiation, customer-focused”
DKV Seguros
Executive summary
Integrated Corporate Report 2016
Responsible Business The Responsible Business Plan 2020 (NR) was launched in 2016, with the mission to ensure that stakeholders recognise DKV as a responsible company when interacting with them, and to bring distinctive value to the ethical, social, and environmental expectations most important to them, and in this way contribute to the sustainable growth of the business.
Responsibility initiatives are set up within different areas and form part of each one’s objectives. Moreover, in 2016 part of the management’s bonuses will be linked to responsible business objectives, as well as to the other two strategic priorities (a benchmark in health and customer experience)
To be the preferred company thanks to its responsible activities
Responsible management
Stakeholder involvement
Responsible innovation
Promote integrity and the perception of responsible management among internal and external stakeholders
Increase stakeholder involvement in DKV responsibility
Benchmark company in responsible development
expectations stakeholders
Offering: quality products/services/solutions/health/and safety/customer experience Integrity: ethical behaviour/responsible supply chain Work: fair salary/fair treatment Environment: no negative impact
Key concept Responsible business
Key concept Stakeholder involvement
Key concept Responsible innovation
Ethical behaviour in relationships with stakeholders through transparency, the responsible exercise of power, a culture of ethical behaviour, good governance, and proper management of reputational risk.
Collaborate with stakeholders on specific responsibility programmes allowing knowledge sharing, facilitating the co-creation of initiatives, and understanding our commitment to a healthier world.
Promote the development of open innovation as a cornerstone for disruption in 3 areas: responsible products, services and processes; startups working on health innovations with a social impact; and digitalisation.
Focus on the 3 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) with the biggest impact at DKV Each goal has specific targets we should reach in the next 15 years. To do so at DKV we have identified the objectives we can bring the most to, in terms of the type of activity they encompass and their relevance to stakeholders:
DKV Seguros
Executive summary
Integrated Corporate Report 2016
Innovation The incorporation of innovation into improvement and the business model is the key component for having a bigger and better profile in the marketplace, where connectivity and customer experience are taking on a new dimension.
The new focus implies managing innovation with a cross-cutting, bidirectional, and participatory model, incorporating new ways of working favouring agility, simplicity, and the use of new technologies
Plan to incentivise a culture of innovation Incorporating new values of entrepreneurship, empowerment, and courage.
Innovation working group New working body for cross-cutting development and decision-making
New innovation tools
Intrapreneurship: a new global view of the figure of the internal entrepreneur of a company, who is given an appropriate framework to develop new opportunities in benefit of the company, in an agile manner.
Innovation cells: cross-cutting teams organised on an ad-hoc basis to respond to particular challenges using agile methodologies.
Agile methodologies and Design Thinking: company training in these project management methodologies and a focus on the customer.
Collaboration and co-creation with other stakeholders(developing them an ideas platform, similar to Idealia; an online tool for employees) and creating innovation ecosystems.
Innovative solution DKV Salud & Company A personalised platform for companies that develop health diagnostics for their employees: •
Promote health, safety, and wellbeing in corporations
Help implement health strategies as a business strategy
Allow return on investment to be measured in health, productivity, and staff turnover
The platform is based on the Healthy Company Model, with certification awarded by the Spanish Association for Standardisation and Certification (Aenor).
DKV Seguros
Executive summary
Integrated Corporate Report 2016
Digitalisation Digitalisation at DKV is based on adopting digital media to improve the customer experience and innovate with products and services as well as in the business model. It focuses on 3 key concepts: • • •
Understanding the customer and personalisation Process automation and efficiency Creation of new business models: eHealth
DKV is embracing the digitalisation of health and promoting the use of mobile tools DKV has people on its teams who look after ease of use and the customer’s point of view in all processes
DKV’s digital ecosystem Mi salud al día (My health, up-to-date) A core tool in the digital health ecosystem which comprehensively brings together different digital solutions
Quiero Cuidarme (I want to look after myself) A healthcare app that offers a healthy living index, showing users how healthy they are and giving recommendations for improvement.
APP DKV A free mobile app created to manage customer processes, consult data, find branches and Health Centres, access promotions, save favourite medical details, request card duplicates or send complaints and claims, among other functionalities.
DKV-LAB Access to laboratory results in health records.
Digital Doctor An app with diagnostic guidance using a symptom checker and virtual consultation with a doctor.
Health4good An event to present new apps to a community of experts in digital health, where a call4ideas was announced for entrepreneurs who would like to get involved in the ecosystem. Puntos de salud inteligentes (Smart health points) Spaces for tele-medical tests and diagnostics to be carried out.
Carpeta de Salud (Personal health record) A space to store medical documents integrated with providers such as laboratories.
Entendiendo MSaD (Understanding my day-to-day health) Social network for employees interested in DKV’s developments in the field of digital health. Cita online (Online appointments) Allows customers to request doctor's appointments online. Piloto de contratación digital (Digital contracting pilot) For all personal health products and insurance products
To make sure all the company is aligned with these new ways of working, 2016 has seen the implementation of the DIGITALIA project, an e-learning initiative all employees are taking part in.
DKV Seguros
Executive summary
Integrated Corporate Report 2016
Commitment to transparency One of DKV’s commitments to stakeholders is transparency in management, values, and commitments. Our Integrated Corporate Report is just one example of how we are working towards this goal. It reports on the company’s business strategy, its financial results, the launch of new products; as well as its way of working with customers, employees, doctors, brokers, and suppliers. In 2016 DKV also joined the Transparency, Good Governance, and Integrity Cluster: a platform for companies coordinated
Procedures filed
by Forética in Spain. It aims to be a meeting point for businesses to engage in dialogue and exchange ideas about leadership and knowledge in the field. To become a part of the Cluster, DKV proved its compliance with requirements, from publishing its corporate report, good governance, and the existence of a system to prevent crime, to demonstrating it regularly publishes articles in the field of transparency and integrity.
Customer service on social networks
25% vs 2015
Documents revised for reasons of clarity and transparency
1.606 for 176 against
Information requests
Complaints and claims
success rate for claims of non-payment of premiums
Negative comments
unpaid premiums recovered
healthcare spend recovered
broker debts recovered
Every two years the content of the Corporate Report is submitted to Transparency International for assessment.
68 DGS enquiries and claims**.
Three main reasons: - Damages rejected due to policy conditions (21%) - Not covered due to pre-existing conditions (16%) - Disagreement in the claims procedure (15%)
100% Employees attended anti-corruption courses.
Instances of managing and processing private contracts 33,2% vs 2015
3% vs 2015
* Legal proceedings commenced in 2016 linked to non-payment of premiums and broker liquidations. ** Dirección General de Seguros.(Directorate-General for Insurance)
Instances of ARCO (access, rectification, cancellation or opposition of personal data) rights registered 78,4% vs 2015
DKV Seguros
Executive summary
Integrated Corporate Report 2016
Customer experience and quality DKV wants to “contribute to the improvement of its customers’ health and wellbeing, offering a unique and distinctive experience, and forging links with them throughout their lives based on excellence and responsibility. This unique customer experience is based on three foundations:
Material issues
Key indicators
Enrich the customer experience
8.4 in 2015
Brand: Make stakeholders aware of the company's values and unique identity to differentiate the brand
People: Value and involve people who are in direct contact with customers
Processes: Simple, agile, personalised. Making customers’ lives easier.
8.3 Overall satisfaction index
41.1% Net Promoter Score (NPS) 37.8% in 2015
Satisfaction index
Net Promoter Score (NPS)
71.4 48.4
38.2 27.2
Income protect.
Income protect.
* The NPS is an indicator calculated on the basis of questions about recommendations.
Customer Experience initiatives that stood out in 2016 were: •
Changing the call centre technology platform with a direct impact on service quality and process efficiency
Customer experience training for all call centre operators
Implementation of initiatives in the majority of DKV branches to generate a distinctive and unique customer experience
New, more agile questionnaire model allowing us to better understand customer perception after each interaction, come up with immediate solutions, or short/ medium term improvements, and give recognition to the employees most valued by customers
Improving the Welcome Process for new customers, making it easier for them to understand the product they have taken out (Usage guide for each product, aside from Dental, and an updated Welcome Pack)
Expanding the functionality of the customer area enabling us to manage it more quickly, simply, and as and when needed
DKV customer experience
Reputation among customers: up in 2016 compared with 2015
5% I use it
Medical professionals
Satisfaction health centres
Health centres (including dental)
Loyalty health centres
Overall customer satisfaction with our insurance
I manage
Effectiveness of the call centre
Average time to resolve complaints and claims
Resolved in time
And if I want, I get involved
Sporting events sponsored by DKV
Children taking part in “plant for the planet”
Episodes broadcast of the web series “Irse de madre”
http://dkvseguros.com/ informacion-corporativa/ patrocinio-deportivo
http://www.irsedemadre.com/ madrepedia
Users registered on “Un Millón de Sonrisas” (A Million Smiles)
https://unmillondesonrisas. dkvseguros.com/este-mes/
DKV Seguros
Executive summary
Integrated Corporate Report 2016
Employee responsibility 2016 was a year of reflection to develop the Goodwill Plan Strategy 2020. The aim is that all employees of DKV live the plan as though it’s their own, commit to the company’s new values, and work towards its dream of building a healthier world.
It is the responsibility of all employees to reflect on DKV’s values, and as such, the Performance Evaluation has one section on goals and another on values (not competencies)
Material issues
Key indicators
Create an attractive working environment
86% General satisfaction index
92% Commitment index
88% in 2015
91% in 2015
Encourage principles of equality and diversity
34% of employees with a disability (including DKV Integralia Foundation)
61.4% women on the workforce (22% women in senior management)
31% in 2015
60.7% in 2015
Ensure the health and wellbeing of employees
96.4% stability in work
2.6% absentee index*
95.6% in 2015
2.9% in 2015
Encourage professional development
43.1 hours of training and development per employee
€707,063 investment in training for employees
33.5 in 2015
€917.435 in 2015
* Not including maternity and paternity leave. The 2015 figure has been re-calculated according to these criteria.
Reconciliation and diversity
Corporate volunteering Men 39%
2016 Women 61%
1,024 employee
participations through 43 foundations Associations and NGOs such as Cáritas, Red Cross, AECC, Oxfam Intermon, International Cooperation, Spanish Federation of Food Banks, Codespa, Downs Syndrome, etc.
I can take time off work for personal matters
People want there to be a balance between
My work allows me to balance
when I need to
their professional and personal lives
my work and personal life
According to the Great Place to Work questionnaire
According to an internal mood questionnaire
According to the Great Place to Work questionnaire
DKV Seguros
Executive summary
Integrated Corporate Report 2016
Healthy company Initial diagnosis of the perception of the situation and level of health at DKV Group
Management Board
Legal representatives in prevention
Definition of the objectives and action plans for the Healthy Company Plan
Creation of the DKV Empresa Saludable (Healthy Company) portal as a tool to integrate: - Annual health questionnaire - Personalised report - Library of resources
Strategic implementation of the DKV Salud&Company tool as a first Comprehensive Prevention Tool. The first to benefit were employees themselves.
Development of cross-cutting activities for the Healthy Company Plan:
Encourage physical activity both inside and outside of the company • Health workshops at Torre DKV.
Encouraging healthy food
Employees health monitoring (personal and group)
Encouraging psychosocial health
cholesterol, and diabetes and
• Eye tests
• Motivation workshops.
• Heart checks
• Specialist module on Healthy
• Workshops on hypertension,
• Fruit Day programme.
(ECG and echocardiogram) • Musculoskeletal checks
Save a Life
Heart protection spaces • Installation of defibrillators and training for employees on how to use them.
ence Training, and others).
and physiotherapy. • Faecal occult blood
• First Aid Training for all Company employees.
business in Customer Experi-
Encouraging cardiovascular health
• Bone density tests
Encouraging musculoskeletal health
• Programmes on smoking
• Abdominal ultrasounds.
• Physiotherapy consultations.
test campaign.
• Specific training in VDU.
cessation, hypertension, cholesterol, and weight.
Comprehensive plan for healthy active ageing in employees
DKV Seguros
Executive summary
Integrated Corporate Report 2016
Healthcare professionals, proximity and communication DKV’s medical team is made up of over 28,000 service points, and we want to establish a long-term, trusting relationship, based on shared values and objectives that contribute towards customers’ health and wellbeing.
Material issues
Key indicators
Maintain a long-term relationship with healthcare professionals
Invoicing €349,937,784
DKV’s priority commitment to healthcare professionals is to have respectful, honest, sincere and transparent communication, sharing knowledge and facilitating dialogue
14 days average time for invoice payment through e-invoicing
4% on 2015
Equal to 2015
DKV’s medical team Healthcare professionals and walk-in centres
28,719 30,000
New for 2016 relating to healthcare professionals
III Edition of the DKV Medicine and Solidarity Awards
The Plan for Responsible Business at the Directorate-General for Health consists of looking at projects and decisions with an added perspective: taking into account the value added to the general public. The aim that everything the company does and offers - to both customers and healthcare professionals - is honest, coherent, and in line with the company’s responsibility objective.
The goal is to pay tribute to people and anonymous organisations in the healthcare sector who work to support solidarity projects and who are helping change the world. As well as giving recognition, DKV also provides financial and media support.
In 2016 the following projects and initiatives stood out in relation to healthcare professionals: • • • • •
Guarantees for care from a medical professional Consolidation of the DKV Health and Wellbeing Club Providers’ Network New functionalities on the Healthcare Provider Portal Continuation of the Collaborate Plan and Facilitate Plan III Edition of the DKV Medicine and Solidarity Awards
DKV Prize for Medicine and Solidarity
Career Prize Category
DKV Professional Prize Category
City of Barcelona Prize Category
DKV Seguros
Executive summary
Integrated Corporate Report 2016
Brokers, development, and responsible sales The relationship between DKV and its brokers is based on daily work, mutual support, profitability, and professional development. In this sense, the company continues to lead the Ethical Insurance Pact and the Strategic Brokerage Plan in collaboration with the General Council for Professional Brokers.
“At DKV we are a team of well-prepared and well-trained professionals, and we work enthusiastically. We share the values of our company and put them into practice” Simona Maggi, inspector from Málaga
Material issues
key indicators
Boost development in the brokerage business
€26,726,435 paid in commissions
64,416 consultations handled by the broker’s helpline
2% on 2015
3% on 2015
Brokers Brokers making up the commercial network (active and with a portfolio) 6,000
Value of brokered policies (excluding direct business) (eur) 35,765,997
Medialia Programme Theprogramme that shares business responsibility between brokers and agents is now five years old
Apply and share ecoefficiency best practice in brokers’ offices Take part in DKV Habra Claro (Speak Clearly) Workshops Make donations to developing countries through Oxfam Intermon Participations in solidarity events such as Trailwalker, Solidarity March, etc.
Key figures on the impact of the
brokers and advisors
Toy and food
taking part
More than
euros to NGOs chosen
subscriptions to the Salud, Voluntariado
by the brokers
or RSC (Health,
Volunteering and CSR)
We have developed a responsible sales manual for our brokers and agents
Una organización comercialmente responsable
Newsletters Cuídate mucho
DKV Seguros
Executive summary
Integrated Corporate Report 2016
General insurance providers, service quality
With the introduction of EcoHogar the company succeeded in differentiating itself through environmental innovation
In 2016 the foundations we have built our relationships with suppliers on have been the same that have kept our relationships going with them over the years: transparency, and mutual trust.
General insurance providers Total payments to suppliers in the general insurance area (Eur) 20,000,000
Claims recorded
Suppliers accreditation
Repair Companies Both Europ Assistance and Inter Partner together obtained an average assessment score of 7.3. Sosmatic, and IT support company for Hogar policy holders obtained an assessment score of 8.4. Expert evaluators •
At the close of 2016 there are 25 accredited expert evaluators, representing more than 80% of reports at DKV and more than 95% at ERGO Generales. In 2016, four new expert evaluators were enlisted in the Provinces of: Vigo, La Coruña/Lugo, Almería, and Santander. The accreditation of expert evaluators gained an average score of 8.6 for DKV and 8.6 for Ergo Generales.
Visit and assessment of 60 providers, 27 of these being initial visits.
Total providers evaluated to 2016: 266 funeral service providers representing 89.56% of total invoicing for 2016.
Average score for funeral service providers in 2016 stands at 8.05.
Participation in Funergal (Ourense), Simposium Funerario (Ávila) and other industry events related to the funeral sector.
DKV Seguros
Executive summary
Integrated Corporate Report 2016
General providers, contracting, and sustainability
DKV suppliers must adhere to its ethical and social principles, and be compliant with environmental, social, and occupational risk prevention legislation
In 2016 a great deal of work was carried out in supplier contracting. All provider contracts equal to or greater than €60,000 per year must go through a tender process, involving: •
Evaluation of the supplier, taking into account business responsibility, environmental management, occupational risk prevention, and regulatory compliance.
Confirming the supplier does not appear on any international financial sanctions list.
“Due diligence” assessment for providers invoicing more than €350,000 per year.
Material issues
key indicators
Evaluate and proactively manage suppliers
103 accredited suppliers signed up to DKV principles (Ethical commitment statute with our stakeholders)
77.5% of suppliers subscribed at the principles of DKV on the total invoicing of suppliers of the DKV Group
61 in 2015
90% in 2015
General providers Total invoicing (EUR)
Purchasing through special employment centres (EUR) 2,500,000
Preparation of a report, in collaboration with the University of San Jorge, consisting of the first study “Cradle to cradle” of an insurance policy (DKV Salud Integral).
All tenders held during 2016 required support for DKV's Responsible Business commitment
DKV Seguros
Executive summary
Integrated Corporate Report 2016
Commitment to society In 2016 our contribution to society strategy was revised, bringing it more in line with our new corporate strategy. It aims to align what society expects from a responsible business, bringing differential value to ethical, social, and
environmental expectations relevant to stakeholders, and in this way contributing to sustainable business development. With this new focus, and to be more efficient, social action is directed at 3 different areas:
Support for eating disorders and childhood obesity in particular
Social and labour inclusion for people with disabilities
Material issues
key indicators
Boost social action
€607,866 investment in donations
Active ageing
3% on 2015*
Relationship between environmental determinants and their effects on health
17,359 direct beneficiaries 88% on 2015*
Promote financial inclusion and access to insurance
Clear Language Certification
Encourage social entrepreneurship
5 health and technology start-ups with a social impact launched though the Ship2B Foundation
* Due to a delay in projects.
316 attendees to free workshops on safety and prevention 72% on 2015
Health4Good, a competition to attract innovation in health and technology
** Due to cancellation of the Thao project.
Over the 15+ years DKV Integralia Foundation has been operating it has created 1370 direct jobs with 2,146 beneficiaries across different countries.
Total donations 13% 9% 2%
67% 9%
Annual call for aid (since 2005) We have donated more than...
To a total of...
Benefiting more than...
Awareness-raising, education, social innovation etc. €82,300 Reducing the effects of climate change
Others €52,900 Humanitarian emergencies
DKV Seguros
Executive summary
Integrated Corporate Report 2016
For the reduction and prevention of childhood obesity and excessive weight in Spain Initiative
I Study on the current situation of childhood obesity and excessive weight in Spain
Present up-to-date information, learn about the magnitude of the problem, make a call to action and determine lines of action
Actions from DKV medical team’s paediatricians
Distribute the study among paediatricians who (in their position as an authority to parents) have a key role in preventing obesity
Equip fathers and mothers with educational tools to promote healthy behaviour in children and adolescents
DKV Chair for Health Education at the Universidad de Padres
Reach children and young people by using their language and media (a videogame) and involving popular youtubers
Educational game Runners4Health
Help schools to promote healthy habits in children between 8 and 12 years old
Healthy habits workshops in schools
Create a network of schools committed to combatting childhood obesity, promoting habits for an active and healthy lifestyle
Physical activity plan in schools
30+ recommendations in the political, healthcare, community, family, municipal, school, and academic fields
490 school children and 100 families (Ayuda en Acción/Action Aid and the Alicia Foundation) 5,496 school children and 28 schools (“Building a healthy life”)
2.000+ paediatricians in DKV’s medical team 25.000+ downloads 80,250 tips viewed 2,000,000 online interactions 80%+ of children know about good habits for a healthy life after playing Runners4Health
721 parents signed up (since 25 October 2016)
(as at November 2016)
8,793 school children 131 schools 511 classes/groups
DKV Seguros
Executive summary
Integrated Corporate Report 2016
Management of environmental impacts
Munich Re’s CSR strategy includes environmental management as one of its key areas and it is directly monitored by its Managing Director
DKV is a pioneering company in the insurance sector in the field of protecting the environment and reducing effects on the environment. An environmental policy is in place across the whole of DKV Group, which outlines establishing a management model aimed at minimising environmental effects and collaborating on projects to improve the environment.
Material issues
key indicators
Boost environmental management in the company and take action against climate change
Cero CO2 Certification for the company
EMAS, ISO 50001, and ISO 14001 Certification
Managing risks relating to sustainability and climate change in the development of products and services
Cero CO2 Certification for all products
Munich Re Risk Recommendations
Responsible Business revolves around caring for health and prevention, and within this overall objective the protection of the environment is essential, give that it has a direct impact on people’s health. With regard to the environment, the Responsible Business plan focuses on: •
Reducing our CO2 emissions: since 2004 we have reduced them by 80.8%.
Sustainability and the rational management of resources: reduction of paper, water consumption, travel and commuting, waste, and electricity consumption
Key stakeholder involvement DKV firmly believes that a company’s responsible activity goes beyond internal policies to save energy and paper costs: it should incorporate all collaborators, providers, and customers, as well as all other stakeholders.
CO2 emissions eq
Paper consumed by employee and day
1,181.4 in 2015
569 Tn
222.3 kg
Water consumed by employee and day
Videoconferences held
18.7 litres 22.1 in 2015
2,595 in 2015
Percentage green electric energy
Km travelled by employee
5,627.1 in 2015
64% in 2015
274.4 in 2015
Our accolades A benchmark in health EFQM 500+ European Seal of Excellence.
3rd most valued insurer and company number 33 out of 100 companies with the best corporate reputation in Spain. Merco Business Ranking and Leaders in Spain.
Prize to Hospital Marina Salud de Dénia as the public hospital with the best private management. Digital publication New Medical Economics.
Estrella Prize from ADECOSE for DKV’s outstanding work in mediation in the bronze category. ADECOSE (Spanish Association for Insurance Brokers).
Recognition from the ‘Clear language’ programme at DKV as one of the best initiatives for transparency and good governance 2015-2016. Business Commitment
Unique customer experience Most valued company by its customers. RepTrak Ranking.
Responsible Business Environment
Ethical management Accredited in ethical finance for the 7th consecutive year with the EthSi seal. Ethical Finance Observatory for the Catalan association, FETS (Finançament Étic i Solidari).
Certification in Ethical and Socially Responsible Management according to the SGE21 standard from Forética.
‘Aragón Environmental Prize 2016’ for protecting the environment with a strategic focus essential to its activities. Regional Government of Aragón.
ISO 21542 Certification (universal accessibility)
Co-responsible Prize for responsible communication in the written press. Fundación Corresponsables (Co-responsible Foundation)
ISO 14001 Certification (Environmental Management Systems).
EMAS Certification (Eco-management and eco-auditing).
LEED Gold Certification in the CI category (Commercial Interiors) for Torre DKV. Building Certification Institute.
Finalist for Good & Best Practices awards for best practice from IFMA Spain 2016 for the restoration of Torre DKV. IFMA – International Facility Management Association
ISO 21542
ISO 14001
Employees Third best company to work for in the category for organisations with between 500 and 1,000 employees. Great Place to Work®.
Certification as a Family-friendly Company (EFR) with grade B+.
Healthy Company Prize in the large company category. Observatorio RH and Psya Asistencia
Special mention for Marina Salud at the Human Resources Awards in the Integral Human Resources Policy category.
Finalist in the 1st edition of the Prevencionar Awards, in the ‘E-health Large Business’ category. Prevencionar Spain
Finalist in the 6th edition of the “Aragon committed to prevention” awards, in the category for businesses with more than 50 workers. Aragon Council for Occupational Health and Safety.
ISO 50001
ISO 50001 Certification (Energy Management Systems).
Social action, sponsorship, and patronage ‘The Year’s Best Ideas’ Prize for the #DKVapptívate project, in the Patronage and Solidarity category. Diario Médico.
JustMad Boosting Art Prize for the DKV programme Fresh Art JustMAD Emerging Art Fair
The Capital ARTE Patronage Prize for implementing the Arteria Programme in hospitals. Grupo Gestiona, editor of Capital Arte magazine/
Contact for Excellence Prize 2016 in the category “Best Social Responsibility Contribution” to DKV Integralia Foundation and Konecta. Association of Contact Centres of Peru (APECCO).
Leader (Dr. Josep Santacreu, Managing Director of DKV)
DKV Integralia Foundation, finalist in the Co-responsible Prize for Responsible Communications in the corporate video category for the documentary “I Choose to Work”. Fundación Corresponsables.
Creu de Sant Jordi 2016. Generalitat de Catalunya (Government of Catalonia). Prize for Social Entrepreneur within the Entrepreneur Awards for the year 2016. EY, building a better working world. Top 50 Merco Leaders, monitor of the most valued business leaders.
Media presence
impact 1,294 Press [DKV and DKV Integralia Foundation]
294% vs 2015
Participation in symposiums, talks, and events
Participations [DKV and DKV Integralia Foundation]
32% vs 2015
One of DKV’s commitments to
DKV Seguros has calculated and
FSC Spain has put into place its
We endorse Unespa’s Best Practice
society is its collaboration since 1998
offset its emissions of greenhouse
Responsible Forest Management
Guidelines. For more information see
with this organisation working in the
gas generated by its activities in the
project: the conservation of woods
our website.
developing world.
year 2016 and has committed to
and rural development, framed
continue to reduce them.
within its Empleaverde Programme 2007-2013 from the Fundación Biodiversidad.
This is printed on recycled paper.
Seventh position in the rankings
Healthy Company 2016 ORH
DKV Seguros works towards the
for the best companies to work for
Observatorio de Recursos Humanos.
conservation of the environment.
between 500 and 1,000 employees.
Excellent company
Sustainable Company
Healthy Company
Family-friendly Company