T he Voice of the Marion Indians
Check out p. 8-9 to learn about peer pressures teens face
The Vox
November 3, 2010
Volume: L XIII, Issue: 2
Beyond Bullying; WaTTers speaks ouT Ryan Watters, junior, tells what it’s like to be openly gay while in high school. By: Casey Burns [Feature Editor] & Kaitlyn Nathem [Staff Writer] On October 30, 2010, in New Brunswick, New Jersey, a college student killed himself after being harassed about being gay. Here at Marion, we have a student who has the courage to stand up for himself and not let people tear him down. Ryan Watters, junior, has had to face many tough obstacles. One of them is being openly gay. “(I’ve known) since forever. But I didn’t want to come to terms to it, so I denied if for a very long time, but then I finally decided that I should just come out because I stopped caring what people think,” Ryan explained. Ryan decided to tell people for many different reasons. “…I just wanted to let people know who I actually am and let them know that I’m comfortable being who I am and also I wanted people to stop guessing about whether I am gay or not,” he commented. As time progressed in Ryan’s life, he knew that he had to tell people eventually. It was going to take time, but as that time passed on, there came the right opportunity to tell certain people. “The first people I told were my mom and then I came out to my friend Avery… she’s my best friend since she’s been there for me for forever; and Caitlyn. And I was trying to think of the best way to mass come out and I decided to put it on Facebook,” Ryan exclaimed. It’s really hard to tell people about who you really are on such a touchy subject, but Ryan has stayed strong through it all. By telling his mom, his two best friends, and putting it on Facebook, most of his worries have gone away. But there are more people involved than just them. “My dad thinks it’s just a phase I’m going through, but it’s not; I can tell him that. It’s Ryan Watters, junior, stands his ground for who he is. not a choice; that’s the thing. I believe that you’re born with it because I’ve always known. America’s just so set in stone; like this is the way you need to be. I was just afraid that I was going to be treated differently. I feel a lot better, I feel a lot more free now,” Ryan said. Now that most people have heard the news, Ryan hasn’t had a lot of people talking to him about it other than his best friends. There hasn’t been a lot of talk about it and bullying hasn’t been an issue; Ryan is grateful for that. “Not to my face [bullied], but I know that people talk behind my back a lot. But everyone talks, so that doesn’t really bother me. I talk about people too,” he smiled with confidence. “[People haven’t treated me different] personally. It might be happening, but I haven’t heard anything. I like it that way,” he elaborated. Ryan hasn’t had to deal with all of the bullying and would like to keep it that way. He explained, “I don’t get bullied because I don’t care. I’m not going to see people from this school in a year and a half, so it doesn’t affect me.” Ryan has had a lot to live by, and he isn’t going to let people control who he is and isn’t going to let people tear him down. “Be yourself because life is not nearly long enough to live a lie. You need to get out there and put all your cards on the table. Allow yourself the opportunity to be happy because if you’re denying who you really are, then you’re never going to be truly happy because you’re living your life. So just be you.”
Check out p. 13 to find out what it is like to be a twin.
Pressure from peers Commentary Peer pressures. There are many different things that people can be pressured to do, but many teens are pressured into, drugs, sex, alcohol, and partying are a huge deal. It’s not just about being cool anymore; it’s also about wanting to get attention. There are MHS students that party without getting caught, but then there are also those who do get caught. What happens then, why do they do this? It may be for atten- By: Emily Palmer tion, or maybe it’s [Web Editor] because there are too many pressures to face. After a flustering day at school dealing with homework, tests and teachers, going home to nagging parents causes kids to want to get away from it all. So many hang out with friends, some who may think a party sounds like a great way to wind down. The point is doing illegal things only leads to more trouble. The adults in student’s lives need to realize that their actions can help keep them out of trouble. If people could start to realize the reasons why students are making these bad choices instead of just seeking to punish them then maybe we could start to see results instead of repeat offenses. It’s not feasible to imagine a teen waking up in the morning and saying to themselves, “Oh, I can’t wait to break the law and get in trouble today!” They are being pressured to do these things and while some may say that it’s their choice to do these things in some situations they really have no choice. They cannot see any other options or ways out of the stress they find themselves in everyday. Teens should come together and try to make a difference in the lives of those suffering. As a school we are like a family and the sooner we start acting like a family the sooner we can start to fix these issues.
Being involved keeps Putnam active in and out of the school and helps him accomplish more By: Tylar Jansen [Activites Editor] Cross practice. Choir lesson at twelve. Band lesson at two. He has a lot on his plate but he knows once he is done with all of his activities he can go home, relax, and finally get to his homework. Jake Putnam is a senior who is a very involved student and also the senior class president. “I stay so involved with the school because it keeps me busy, Jake Putnam, and I benefit from senior it,” said Jake. “I’d
be lazy because I wouldn’t have the moti- students here could do even better. “A lot of times, there are always students that vation to get up and do things.” Jake said that it’s good to stay involved do everything. Then there are students because it also helps out the school and who do nothing around here,” Jake commented. He keeps every stuwishes more dent’s spirt up. “I stay so involved with the kids would Jake himself is involved with school because it keeps me busy, get involved and said he sports, drama clubs and I benefit from it,” does try to and other clubs -Jake Putnam, senior get his fellow around the school. classmates He runs crossmore incountry to keep healthy. He’s in the musical, band, and volved with the school. “I tell them that choir. Jake is also involved in Creative it’s a lot of fun doing stuff for the school Ink and involved with many other clubs and ask them what else they would be doing with their time.” As the class presias well. He feels that our school does okay with dent, Jake feels like he should try to get staying involved as a whole, but feels that other people involved.
Index Opinion...............p. 2-3 Activities...........p. 4-5 Entertainment...p. 6-7
C enter Spread....p.8-9 Senior Interviews..p.10-11
World News.........p.12 Features.........p.13-15 Back Page...........p.16
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Jake has a lot of reasons for doing so much for the school. His advice for anyone wants to get involved, but are nervous or any other reason, “It’s worth it. They might regret looking back on everything they missed out in.” High school is the time people should do as much as they can because it’s a last chance. “High school is the only time some people will have a chance to be in a musical or play for a sport and actually compete,” Jake said. He feels strongly about being involved and hopes to start seeing more kids help around the school. Now, as Jake gets ready for the day, he knows he hasmusical practice at six and has a cross meet the next day. It’s a lot on his plate, but he stays in his clubs and activities to support MHS.
J ournalism has a web site! Check out dailypowwow.com to read about what’s going on at Marion High School!
Should teenS Save their money inStead of Spending it on unneceSSary itemS? find out in, “Spending all that cash...”
Spending all that cash instead of saving it in the bank Teen spending is getting ridiculous and there are many ways to prevent spending so much money. By: Hannah Miller [Design Editor] Whatever happened to saving money? Teenagers these days work hard for their money, but then they just end up throwing it all away. It’s ridiculous what some teenagers end up spending their money on and there are many things teenagers can go without. Many of the things teenagers spend all their money on is not worth it. Teenagers these days have many things they need to spend their money on. There are many things that working teenagers have to make payments on because their parents won’t do it anymore. Car payments, phone payment, and if they aren’t lucky to have parents that would pay for anything extra, they have that too. Teenagers tend to spend the most of the money they have on material things though. Material things are extra spending that teenagers tend to throw their money away on. Most of those are unnecessary things. There’s the unneeded technology, the new clothes and accessories, food, and all the fun things teenagers like to do. Teenagers go out to hang and end up spending a lot of money because everything they can do you have to spend money. Going to movies, getting food, going bowling and other sporting activities like high school sporting events all cost money. Teenagers spend a lot more money then they need to. There is of course a need to stay up with the 21st century and to have new things, but there
is a way to do it in moderation. Money is needed to do pretty much everything. People need it to get from day to day, but there are some things teenagers can do to watch how much they spend. They can do things that doesn’t cost money or costs little money like reading, watching movies at home that you already have, or even renting one, it is a lot cheaper then going to the movie theater. Just hanging out at someone’s house can even help to spend less money. Spending less money is just as helpful as saving it as teenagers should try it to keep more money into their pockets. Although teenagers like to spend their money after they get their paycheck or get some from their parents, it wouldn’t be a bad idea if they put some back bank account. If this is done, and no money is withdrawn overtime, money that they have saved up in their bank account could be used for something bigger, or used for more useful things in the future. They will have money to spend in the future and more money to buy things for college and for fun. Teenagers should be able to spend their money to have fun and buy things they want, but they should also try to save some of it. Everyone loves spending money. It is so easy to do these days, but if people especially teenagers save the little money they have, it will grow and grow to where they will have more money to spend. If teenagers want money in the future, they should save some and spend some.
Bullying; more dangerous than it seems By: Logan Tichy [Ads Editor] Bullying has been around since the first students were enrolled in school. Whether it’s hitting someone, to calling him or her derogatory names, bullying has become “normal” in today’s high school life. Some, if not all, schools have adopted an anti-bullying policy, which is not allowing bullying for any reason. Sometimes this is not enough, or not enforced. Just recently there have been a string of suicides throughout the country. One case involved a young college man who was engaging in sexual activity with another man. His roommate livestreamed the activity through a web cam to everyone on campus. After it went on the web he was dealing with public humiliation, and took matters into his own hands. He ended up committing suicide to forever stop the pain. Every fourteen minutes a LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) person hears an anti-gay slur. Every one hundred minutes another teenager commits suicide due to bullying. More and more celebrities are now trying
to put an end to bullying. Some of the celebs are Chris Colfer, Ellen DeGeneres, Neil Patrick Harris, Demi Lovato, Jewel, Jason DeRulo and Nicki Minaj. They all helped and donated to an organization called “Hey U.G.L.Y. (Unique, Gifted, Lovable, You) when your self can’t find your esteem.” This organization was founded in 2002 to help bullied teens think of ways to not harm them selves to escape the pain. Rather then taking a gun to school, or setting off a bomb. The justice system, the charges for someone who bullied a person are very severe. Anything regarding a person’s sexuality or anything against their gender is classified as sexual harassment. If the victim takes extreme measures to harm themselves permanently ending their life can be charged for manslaughter/murder. Before you call someone a name, yell a derogatory slur, kick or trip someone, or even spread a rumor, think about what they are going through with life, and if potentially pushing them over the edge is really worth calling someone a name.
“I don’t got any money to spend,” -Tristan Joyce, freshman
“I have lots of money! I spend it on cows!” -Vaughn Peyton, sophomore
“Clothes and my phone bill,” -Frankie Bunker, junior
Teen drinking is getting out of control Emily Palmer [Web Editor] Teen drinking, it’s not a new thing around high schools, but the number of people getting caught is certainly beginning to create more issues. The more times teens can drink and not get caught the more often they’re going to want to continue doing it. MHS doesn’t have nearly as many cases as some of the other schools, but there are more and more cases of these abuses popping up all over the school. When do teens drink in the first place? Is it to be cool or fit in, or is it just because they’re bored and have nothing else to do with their time? The reasons for the actions vary a great deal depending on the individual but the main point is the same for everyone, it needs to stop. Not only is this illegal it’s also detrimental to school performance and, sports teams. It also can hurt friends and family who really had high hopes for the student. No one knows another person’s life
or what goes on in their heads, and reprimanding students isn’t meant to make them feel like bad people, but it is to teach a lesson. There is no reason to play the blame game, use this and learn from the mistakes of the past. Yes, it may seem like fun at the time to party with friends, it may have nothing to do with friends at all. Maybe a student parties to get away from all the bad things they’re going through at home, or maybe it’s because they are not happy with themselves, for whatever the reason, things need to be changed, starting at school and working all the way to the root of the issue. Drinking under age can cause all sorts of problems for students now a days. From getting in legal trouble to just feeling unprepared for the next day. All in all, it doesn’t matter why people drunk, its just the simple fact that people do that needs to be changed.
2010-2011 Vox Staff
Mrs. Sarah Eicher, Journalism Adviser
Danielle Tiernan, Editor-in-Cheif
Logan Tichy, Ads Editor
Casey Burns, Feature Editor
Jordan Hansen, Opinion Editor
Tylar Jansen, Activities Editor
Hannah Miller, Design Editor
2010-2011 Editorial Policy
Emily Palmer, Web Editor
Alice Dixon, Staff Writer
Storm Bogs, Staff Writer
The Vox is a public forum student-run newspaper dedicated to informing and entertaining the students of Marion High School since 1934. It is published six times a year by Tri-Co Printing Company and is distributed during the final block of the school day by the journalism staff. The staff will report as accurately, fairly, and objectively as possible. All activities will be covered by the staff to the best of their abilities, without
showing favoritism to any group. Letters to the editor will be printed from anyone in the community. However, The Vox retains the right to edit articles without changing the writer’s intent. There is a limit of two hundred words per article and all letters must be signed in order for them to be published. The decision to include them rests solely on the staff and advisor. Turn letters into room 22 or to any staff member.
EvEry yEar hundrEds of pEoplE diE from drinking and driving. find out morE in, “Drinking and driving may be decreasing in the last decade....”
Bag rule disliked by many students, liked by teachers The new crackdown on bags is causing people to wonder why they aren’t allowed in class. By: Jordan Hansen [Opinion Editor]
others are very strict with their rules. Many students have bags, and aren’t exactly keen to part with them. The bag rule, everyone knows it, but it is no uniFor those of you who either don’t pay attention versally followed. Some teachers are more lenient and to rules, the bag rule basically says that you cannot bring a bag into class that can hold a textbook. This rule is enforced because it is a fire hazard, as during a fire someone could trip over a bag and not make it out of the school. Considering the likelihood of a fire, this is somewhat ridiculous. Also, many students put them under their desk, negating the chance that people could trip over them. Also, getting rid of bags could possibly make it so students are later to class. In fact, bags overall help teachers get started faster and get more into their classes for two reasons. First off, students don’t have to go to their locker between classes, making it easier to go straight to class. Second of all, students don’t have to waste their teachers or their own Sophomore Preston Speral sits with his bag in class, unfortunately with the time by having to go to their locker new rule he can no longer have his bag in class, he must keep it in his locker.
during class. Many teachers have embraced this rule, as they fault students for cluttering up there rooms with their bags. Usually students comply with there rules, but sometimes students bring them in anyway. Which leads us to the question of what to do with the students that do not follow this rule. Do you just tell them to take the bag to there locker, or do you give them a more drastic punishment? Another thing that has many students (mostly guys) angry is the fact that girls are aloud to have there “Purses.” Even though girls may need more stuff than guys, do they really need a humongous bag while guys can’t bring in a thing? I mean, are we all supposed to get fanny-packs or what? At the very least the rule should be fair if there going to seriously go ahead with this ill-planned rule. Overall, bags are more of a help than a hindrance. It is absolutely ridiculous that we are not allowed to have them. If people cannot keep them out of the way, teachers should be allowed to have them take them to their lockers put aside on the classroom. Students at Marion should be treated like adults, and some restrictions on what students can or cannot do should be relaxed, starting with the bag rule. Both students and teachers alike would be able to reap the benefits from allowing bags in class.
New look on the old Drinking and driving may be decreasing in the last decade, but deaths are still happening computers in the school By: Tylar Jansen [Activities Editor] Drinking and driving is obviously a very bad thing. In the last decade accidents and deaths have decreased, but the number is still high enough to be concerned. It has caused many accidents and has taken lives of many people. Counting the person who has alcohol in their system and even people who were just in the wrong place at the wrong time, being a passenger in the car or just a by passer on the street. It doesn’t make sense in why someone who can’t even see straight would get in a car and think it’s okay to drive. Drinking and driving is one of the highest caused teen deaths. It has taken many lives by kids who can’t pick up a phone and ask for a ride. Many parents say they would pick their kids up rather than think about them driving under the influence especially considering it can kill their child or another innocent person on the road. If someone can barely walk with alcohol in their system how is it even logical to get in a car with other lives around them? Drinking when your of age is one thing,
but shouldn’t ever be mixed in a car for adults and especially kids. According to centurycouncil.org “According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration 37,261 people died in traffic crashes in 2008 in the United States (latest figures available), including an estimated 11,773 people who were killed in drunk driving crashes involving a driver with an illegal BAC (.08 or greater).” This is a lot of lives that could’ve been saved by calling a taxi. Alcohol also can mess with your mind and forget to do simple tasks that can take one’s life According to sadd. org “Drivers are less likely to use seat belts when they have been drinking. In 2005, 64% of the young drivers of passenger vehicles involved in fatal crashes who had been drinking were unrestrained. Of the young drivers who had been drinking and were killed in crashes, 74% were unrestrained.” Drinking in general can impair ones thoughts, sight, and senses all together. Putting oneself behind the wheel of a car after they have been drinking has too many consequences and needs to be cut down on the number of deaths, it’s to dangerous to be happening..
“Jersey Shore” guidettes; no ladies on this shore at all “Jersey Shore”, a great show for entertainment, but not to show how girls should act. By: Hannah Miller [Design Editor] Remember how girls were suppose to be ladies? They acted with dignity, grace, poise, and they respected their bodies. Now-a-days girls like the girls on “Jersey Shore” don’t represent what ladies are in the slightest way. They act outrageous, crazy, and nasty. They don’t represent what it’s about to be a lady. The girls on “Jersey Shore” are an excellent example of how girls shouldn’t behave. They act ridiculous. They are always yelling cuss words and getting into fights with anyone. They also aren’t respecting their bodies and aren’t covering up. They leave nothing to the imagination, which doesn’t look very lady like at all. Behaving and respecting their bodies in such a way that the girls on “Jersey Shore” do, isn’t appealing at all and is very un lady like. Today’s law and way of life lets women express themselves better. It lets women have more rights, but just because women have more right doesn’t mean to throw all the values out the window. Women have
every right to be wild, dress sexy, and express their opinions and views, but there is a way to do it with class and dignity. Women can dress sexy without showing everything. Leave some things to the imagination, it’s more attractive. Also there is a way to express opinions and views without yelling and fighting with cuss words every other word. There is a fine line between being a lady and being… well you get the idea. Women now-a-days shouldn’t take all their rights for granted. At one time women couldn’t even go out of the house dressed how they wanted and acting like they wanted. Women today shouldn’t throw it all the new rights that women back then worked so hard to get by acting ridiculous and un lady like. The girls on “Jersey Shore” are a horrible example of what kind of ladies girls should be. It’s great for entertainment, but it’s horrible role models for young girls around the world. Girls should not act and look up to girls like the girls on “Jersey Shore”. There is no excuse for the way these girls act on this show and there is no excuse for girls to act that way in public.
Commentary It’s been going on for quite a while now. The internet works only half the time, and sometimes you only get a few letters in before that “multi-colored beach ball” pops up on the screen and you have to wait to continue typing. The computers that the students have to use on a daily basis are old, and need to be replaced. The keyboards are extremely dusty and some are turning a yellow color. The computers themselves seem to be at least three generations older than the newest ones the school owns. What happened to them? Thousands of students have been using these computers every single day from the day they were purchased, and because it’s been so long, they have started to give up. They don’t seem to run as well as they did when they were first purchased, and even since the seniors were freshman. These pieces of technology have begun to wither away and if they aren’t taken care of soon students may not By: Casey Burns [Features Editor] have computers to use. Most of the computers freeze, show a blank screen for long periods of time, won’t allow you to log in at start-up, and sometimes don’t allow you to save. These problems waste time for students and assignments can’t be finished all of the time. People would like to be able to finish their homework and other things at school, so they don’t have to do it at home, but that’s not likely to happen because of the old, and “rusty” computers that are owned. Granted, it’s really nice to have computers to use at school in case someone doesn’t have one at their house to use, but what’s the point in trying to use them if you have to restart them or wait for 20 minutes while they log you in? Looking in the computer lab, half the room has newer computers, while the other half still has the same ones as three generations ago. The media center has the older ones as well, so why can’t both rooms have newer computer, so they don’t freeze as often and students don’t have as much trouble. The school computers have aged over time and they are in major need of replacement. If that happens, there wouldn’t be as many problems and students wouldn’t be complaining as much and students would have no problem completing their assignments on time. Thankfully the school finally bought new, updated computers, that will hopefully run faster and have no problems with logging in.
Semler starts final basketball season Kasey Semler wraps up his high school basketball career with this year’s season By: Storm Bogs [Staff Writer] He sat at his house, watching a college basketball game. He knew instantly that when he was in high school, he would play ball. Basketball was his favorite sport then, and always will be. He loves everything about it and wants to be involved in it for the rest of his life. Kasey Semler, senior, has been playing basketball ever since he was a little kid. His first word was even “ball.” He has been on the high school team every year and is looking forward to the next season. “I’m really excited to get back into the basketball season and play with this group of guys,” he explained. Even though this is his last season here, he can’t wait for it to finally start. Even though he plans to go on to play basketball on the college level, he finds it strange having to say this is his last year. “It’s really weird after playing for so long, having to say it’s my last year. ,” he said. This year is his last year to play on the Marion High School court. It’s his last time to be able to look up into the stands and see all of his friends and family supporting him “Looking up and seeing the crowd, you get a feeling of victory. There’s nothin’ else like it,” he smiled. It’s very encouraging to see all the people in the stands cheering on the team. Practices for the team will start on November 15th. “We also have open gyms twice a week and team workouts,” he said. The team will be all ready for practice on the 15th. He walks to his open gym, ready to practice. He has so many thoughts running through his mind. He wonders how the team will improve and show off their skills on last time. He hopes the team will have a great time to- Kasey Semler, ‘11 passes the ball in a basketball game played during last year’s season. gether and come across many victories.
Bowling for the fourth year and Loesel is still striking out for the varsity team By: Tylar Jansen [Activities Editor]
hopes more people will join and recommends it to anyone. “I definitely She is out with her friends at the recommend joining the team to anylocal bowling alley just having some one because it’s a lot of fun and is a fun. She’s very good and expecting to good way to participate in school acbeat everyone. She steps up and rolls tivities,” she said. Stephanie also said the ball down the lane and waits for that bowling is a really laid back sport the pins to all fall down. and everyone on the team supports Stephanie Loesel is a senior on everyone. the bowling team She also “Hopefully it’ll be a here at the high shared that school. She is on success. With a lot of bowling is the varsity team a good way and has been since practice I know we will have to meet new her freshman year. a good season,” friends. “The “I got involved in best part -Stephanie Loesel, senior bowling because about the it always seemed sport is bowllike a fun sport to ing and hanging out with friends on be in,” she smiled. “My family and I the team everyday!” she added, “that used to go a lot so in a way they got everyone’s friends with everyone on me interested in bowling,” she conthe team.” Stephanie said that her tinued. Stephanie feels that bowling friends out side of bowling and heris a great activity for a family to do self often go to the bowling alley to together because everyone can combowl just for fun. pete but in a fun game to bring everyShe also shared that although one together. most of the time it’s a lot of fun, the Ta l k i n g worst part of bowling is the presabout this sure while everyone needs you to do c o m i n g well in order to win a player might up season feel sometimes. “My best score ever Stephanie was a 211 which I was really proud s a i d , of, but my worse score that I got was “ Hopeful ly a 103 which I was not happy about.” it’ll be a sucStephanie said that if a bowler bowls cess. With a a bad score than not to let it get to lot of pracyou because everyone is there to help Stephanie Loesel, tice I know each other and help everyone on their senior we will have a weaknesses. good season.” Stephanie steps up to her lane She said that she hopes it will be even ready to roll the ball down to hit the better than last year just so they can pins for a hopeful strike. She wants approve. to make her whole team and school Talking about the number of playproud and come home with a win. ers on the team Stephanie said she
K asey semler talKs about the upcoming basKetball season in, “Semler starts last basketball season.”
Fall sports wrapping up By: Logan Tichy [Ads Editor] Fall is quickly ending, and so are the fall sports. This year our sports have been very successful. Cross country, football, dance team, volleyball, competition cheer, and football cheer have had a great season this 2010 school year. Football finished their season with a 7-2 record. One of their losses was the district championship game against Union. The other game was against Maquoketa. Our volleyball team is on their way to state playoffs! Finishing their season with a 26-15. They played Center Point Urbana on Monday and came out with a Victory! They also played Solon on Thursday and came out with a loss. They lost the first two matches and came fighting the third and fourth match. But ended up losing any ways. Cross Country is having an awesome season.
Winning almost all of their cross meets. They end their season with a and also placed second at districts coming up short by 10 points to Central Dewitt. The dance team, Comp. Cheer and football cheer all have showed us that once again they love to perform during home games, and get the crowd fired up! These sports have come to a close for this school year. All of our fall sports have had a great sport seasons All is quickly ending, and so are the fall sports. This year our sports have been very successful. Cross country, football, dance team, volleyball, competition cheer, and football cheer have had a great season this 2010 school year.
Football: 7-2 Cross Country: 2nd place at districts. Running state on Saturday, Oct. 30th. Volleyball: 26-15 Made second round of regionals
Senior JoSh Jared talkS about hiS hopeS for Creative Writing thiS year in, “JAred’s writing is out of this world.”
Jared’s writing is out of this world Josh talks about Creative Ink and what his hopes are for everyone in the writing club. By: Tylar Jansen [Activities Editor]
He sits down at his desk. He has a paper due for English class in a week. He doesn’t know what to write about but he knows he has to get it done for class. Josh Jared, senior, is in Creative Ink here at Marion. “I joined Creative Ink because I had Ferg for an English class, and he recommended that I join the club,” said Josh. He said that he enjoys the class a lot because he enjoys writing stories and sharing what he writes to everyone else. Josh said he also enjoys reading and hearing other people’s stories. At the end of the year Mr. Ferguson puts together a Creative Ink book that includes everyone’s stories for the students to have. He feels that the best part about the club is the book at the end. “I really like to watch the book come together,” Josh added. “The hardest part is when you can’t think of a story idea.” He said sometimes stories just come easy and he can write them in a day, but sometimes they can take weeks to try and finish. Josh said he also enjoys most everyone in the club because everyone is nice and easy going, and they are creative and write stories that are fun to read. Josh said that his family is very supportive of his writing. “They all like my stories and support me whenever I am working on one,” Josh smiled. He said that some of his friends also like to read what he
Josh Jared, senior writes a story for Creative Ink. Josh writes many stories, especially ones about science-fiction.
writes. He said that when he gets older that he plans on doing something in writing for his future career. His hopes are to become a writer of movies. Josh explained that a lot of his stories he writes are science fiction; he hopes when he is older and that he can show them to many more people. He said that he likes to write about science fiction because it is something that interests him. He said that he finds it interesting because it’s something that is based off real life
Aiming for the right target By: Jordan Hansen [Opinion Editor]
There are five rounds, and after those five rounds, the person with the highThe twang of the bow fills his ears est score wins. Marion has always done as he lets another arrow go. The arrow well in these competitions, and accordsails forward and hits the center of the ing to Antonio, “People in archery club target. It’s a good shot, but he has an- have come pretty close [To winning].” other five rounds in the competition to Mrs. Dostal, started the Archery think about. Club, “because she already had the Antonio Verduzco, sophomore, has equipment.” Many of the people that are been in archery club since he was a in archery club also bow hunt. “Yeah, freshman last some of the people do [Bow hunt], I do, year. Archery some of the freshman I think do too,” club is not as well said Antonio. known as many of Archery club practices at Toddville the other clubs in Archery Range every Saturday morning this school, but it for an hour. They practice November has increased in through February and they have, “compopularity this petitions all year-around,” said Antonio. year to about 35 During the winter, the archery club members from practice in an indoor range. about fifteen last Antonio Verduzco, The competitions that they enter in year. sophomore only allow one type of bow, called the It’s a club, but Genesis. “I would encourage people to it’s also a compe- get their own bow, then they can get tition. “Competitions are pretty cool,” a feel for how it shoots.” Some archery proclaimed Antonio. The competitions club members practice out of season to are fairly simple. The organizers put all keep their skills intact for the competithe people into groups, and each per- tions, a reason some of them decide to son in that group shoots five arrows. bow hunt. “If you like hunting or enjoy archery, you should try it.” The Archery Club is growing in popularity, especially this year, as many more students decided to give it a shot. “It’s easy, anyone can be good at it…with enough practice.” As Antonio steps up to the line, now is his turn. He’s been practicing for months, waiting for this moment. He lifts the arrow and gets his arm in the right spot, Students from the 2009- 2010 archery club practice inthen fires his first shot. doors for their upcoming competitions.
and it could happen, but the writer can add their own twist to the story of real life. He feels that one thing he wishes for the club is that more people would join so the book could be that much bigger and better. Josh sits down at his desk again to write a story about aliens. He hopes that everyone will enjoy it and find it interesting. Josh writes for Creative Ink, himself and hopes for his future when he gets older.
Cheering for the competitive spirit By: Danielle Tiernan [Editor-In-Chief]
It’s her first day at practice. She’s nervous, and she doesn’t know what to expect. Will she mess up? Or drop someone? All her worries go away once they start practice. She’s ready for a new experience and she can’t wait until their first completion. Sophomore Ashtyn Miller joined competiSophomore Ashton Miller, pumps up the crowd during the tion cheer just this year. homecoming pep rally. Football season is when she gets “ [I joined because] a ready for the upcoming competition cheer season. lot of people said it was fun and I like cheering,” at the dancing,” she laughed. Ashtyn said. Ashtyn said she usually gets nervous “Competition cheer has three parts before performing, “Yeah, [I get nervous] to it, there’s a dance, then a cheer, then because there are a lot of people there.” another dance. There’s also a time When she’s competing there’s a couple limit and we compete against other things going through her head, “Don’t schools in our class,” she explained. drop anyone and don’t mess up,” she Ashtyn is also involved in cheer- said. leading and take charge. Between This year the completion cheer team competition cheer and cheerleading, has three performances, with their bigAshtyn said her favorite sport was gest performance being state in Des cheerleading, “Because there’s more Moines. Although, Ashtyn hasn’t been events than in competition cheer.” there yet, she is really excited to go to Ashtyn’s favorite part is the stunt- state in Des Moines, “There are a lot of ing, “I like all the stunting we do.” people and schools that compete.” Ashtyn is one of the girls that helps She’s excited now. She’s been practicbase the stunts “Usually, I base a lot of ing for weeks, the routine she has memostuff,” she said. rized. The music starts, so does she. All As for her favorite stunt, she said her worries are gone. She is just living it would have to be basing a diamond. in the moment and excited it’s her first Ashtyn’s least favorite part would have performance. to be the dancing. “I’m not very good
Top teams ranked in this weeks BCS Poll College football heats up the intensity as October comes to a close, but who will be number one? Jordan Hansen [Opinion Editor] Love it or hate it, decides who plays in what bowls and who gets a chance to play for the national championship. It has even been the talk of many college football fans and has even been threatened with anti-trust lawsuits. It’s the BCS (Bowl Championship Series), a complex combination of polls and ranking that decides what teams play for which college bowl games. Many times the standings do not reflect what polls say, and this week, it’s no different. In the BCS standings this week the top five are, in order, Auburn, Oregon, Boise State, TCU (Texas Christian University), and Michigan State. Rounding out the top ten are Missouri after a huge win over Oklahoma, Alabama, Utah, Oklahoma, and Wisconsin. These ranking, especially the top three, are very different from what some of the other polls say. For example, in the USA Today Coaches Poll, the top five were Oregon, Boise State, Auburn, TCU, and Michigan State. The reason that the computers have Auburn first is all because of strength of schedule. Boise State plays much weaker opponents than what Auburn does. Also, Auburn beat sixth ranked LSU, which propelled them upwards in the ranking. Even so, many people believe that Boise State, and some of the other teams from smaller conferences are being treated unfairly. In fact, Boise State has had four undefeated seasons in the past six years and is 2-0 when playing in a BCS bowl. However, they have never got a chance to play for the national championship. The reason that many of the smaller teams never get a chance to play in the big BCS bowls is something called strength of schedule. For example, Boise State plays in a conference called the WAC (Western Athletic
Conference). Many of the teams in the BCS Standings (as of 10/29) WAC are not very good teams. Boise 1. Auburn State is a good team, as it is ranked 2. Oregon third, but many people would consid3. Boise State er their wins over the other teams in TCU there conference to not mean as much 4. Michigan State as a win over a school in a big confer- 5. 6. Missouri ence like the Big Ten or Big Twelve. On the other side, teams such 7. Alabama as Auburn and Oregon have much 8. Utah tougher schedules, so to the comput- 9. Oklahoma ers and fans their wins mean more. So 10. Wisconsin for Boise State to play in the National 11. Ohio State Championship, other teams ahead of 12. LSU them would have to lose. 13. Stanford This year, no number one team is Nebraska safe. In fact, the first ranked team in 14. Arizona the nation has lost three weeks in a row. 15. Florida State First it was Alabama, who had been 16. ranked number one since December 17. Oklahoma State sixth of last year, then Ohio State, and 18. Iowa finally this week it was Oklahoma. 19. Arkansas Auburn plays Ole Miss this week, a 20. South Carolina match up they will most-likely win. 21. Mississippi State Even so, Auburn plays Alabama at the 22. Miami (FL) end of the year, which is a game either 23. Virginia Tech team has a good chance of winning. Nevada More locally however, Iowa lost 24. a very close came to Wisconsin 31- 25. Baylor 30, pushing Iowa back to eighteenth in this week’s BCS standings. Iowa still has a shot at winning the Big Ten Championship and going to the Rose Bowl. As the season winds down, it will become more and more apparent who will go to which bowls. But for right now, there is a lot of football to be played, and at the end, The Iowa Hawkeyes try to bounce back from two early there will finally be losses to attempt to go to a BCS bowl for the second year in a college football a row. champion.
Looking for a good book to read? check out one of our favorites in, “Stieg LarSSon takeS the worLd by Storm ”
Too young to write Many celebrities write books about their lives, which is understandable if they had an interesting life, or experience. But, when teenage celebrities write about their lives, it’s a little weird. When a person is 15 years old and they’re writing an autobiography, it’s kind of ridiculous. What could a 15 year old possibly have to write about? They pretty much started living their life. Honestly they haven’t even lived a fourth of their life yet. A couple of years ago, Miley Cyrus wrote an autobiography, Miles To Go, which I hate to admit but I did read it. There wasn’t anything in there I didn’t already know, because her life has been played out in the media. So it’s a little pointless to write a book about something people already know, plus she was 16 years Danielle Tiernan, old when it came [Editor-In-Chief] out. She has plenty of years left in the spotlight she probably could’ve waited 20 years, so she can grow up and have even more stories to share. I will admit that the book was written very well, but I just think she could’ve waited. Justin Bieber. Most high school students know who he is, and most girls are in love with him. In October, Justin came out with his first book Justin Bieber: First Step 2 Forever: My Story. Although his book is about his rise to stardom, it makes it a little better that he wrote a book, but he’s only 16 years old. He still has so much of his life to live. His story, like Miley’s could’ve waited. In 2011, Snooki, from Jersey Shore will be releasing her autobiography. Which I’m kind of excited to read. Although I’m not a Jersey Shore fan, I find Snooki very interesting. According to articles.chicagotribune.com, Snooki has only read two books in her life, they are Dear John and Twilight, hopefully she will be adding a third soon? Although, she’s really young, I feel like she has some interesting stories to share that will be very entertaining. At least she waited until she was over 20 years old to write a book.
Stieg Larsson takes the world by storm
New judges take on the new “American Idol”
By: Storm Bogs [Staff Writer]
By: Logan Tichy [Ads Editor]
he’s getting himself into. Henrik and Mikael come up with a contract statThe Girl with the Dragon Tattoo ing that Mikael will live with him in a takes place in Sweden. Dragan different part of Sweden for one year Armansky is the head of a big com- to discover the mystery of Harriet. pany called Milton Security. This Along with that, he is also company does security hired to write a biography for many large compaof Henrik and his family. nies and for individual The Girl with the clients seeking security. Dragon Tattoo is a fastLisbeth Salander is a paced book that starts girl in her mid-twenties out slow. The first chapwho works for Dragan, ter of the book explains and never seizes to how Mikael got tricked amaze him with her fanto write false information tastic work. about Wennerstrom, and Mikael Blomkvist is is very boring. The reader a journalist who is be- The girl with the shouldn’t let them stop lieved to have made up Dragon Tattoo is by reading the book though, a story about a company Stieg Larsson as it gets much better with about Wennerstrom and the second chapter. published it. As Mikael The girl with the Dragon Tattoo is the is trying to deal with this situation first in the series. This series is very and the consequences that he could popular all around the world and face, he gets a call from a man by the will soon be made into a movie. The name of Henrik Vanger. Henrik would next book in the series is The Girl like to hire Mikael to investigate who played with fire. This book is so the 36-year long case of his missing beautifully written and is definitely a granddaughter Harriet. Mikael ac- page-turner. This book gets five out cepts the job, without knowing what of five stars.
new CBS show The Talk “I’m loving it. It’s so much fun. Exactly what I thought it would be. “American Idol” is one of the most viewed I did it because I thought it would be fun and shows on television while it’s in season. Many I’d get to be in one place. It’s been great. I love people like to watch people make fun of them everybody.” selves on national T.V. When they strongly According to usmagazine.com “Simon believe that they can sing, even if they actual- Cowell Cant “Wait” to Leave American Idol” ly can’t. This upcoming season is going to be he stated “I am feeling a bit sad because I’ve very differhad a fantastic ent because “I am feeling a bit sad because I’ve had a time and the of who is sitshow changed fantastic time and the show changed my ting behind my life but I just life but I just kind of knew it was time to do kind of knew it the judge’s table. was time to do something different,” There something differ-Simon Cowell are three ent.” Simon will j u d g e s be launching an that are American vernot going sion of X-Factor, which will debut in 2011. to be returning to the 2011 season are. Even though Simon Cowell is not going to Kara DioGuardi, Simon Cowell, and Ellen be returning doesn’t mean there wont be the DeGeneres. exciting remarks about somebodies singing. The three judges will be replaced by Steven They believe that Jennifer will be taking the Tyler, and Jennifer Lopez. Randy Jackson will place and the roll as Simon, but not as up front be the only returning Idol judge. Both Kara, with it. fired, and Ellen DeGeneres, quit, with-in two “American Idol” will be airing on Fox in days of each other. Jennifer Lopez and Steven January of 2011 at 7 p.m. Central time. This Tyler both thought they would never be judg- will be the first time America will get to see ing “American Idol”. They are very excited the new judges in action and decide if they like to start a new season. Jennifer stated on the the new judges.
“Glee” is back with season two check out, “GlEE” is back bEttEr thEn EvEr...”
“Glee” is back better than ever; every Tuesday on FOX The second season of the hit show “Glee” premiered with great ratings, but are the celebrity guest stars taking away from the cast? By: Danielle Tiernan [Editor-in-Chief]
to guest star. Which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but sometimes too much star power can outshine on the importance of the main characters. On Tuesday October 26th, “Glee” premiered their “Rocky Horror Glee Show” episode, which featured some of the songs from the movie, but changed so it
was more like the “Glee” style of music. They sang songs like Time Warp and Sweet Transvestite, just to The second season of “Glee” premiered September name a few. Also according to broadwayworld.com, 21st on FOX. With the second season off to a great “Glee”, which holds the attention of 11.5 million viewstart, the premiere was watched by an estimated 12. ers, scored a 4.8 with adults 18-49, earning top televi3 million viewers. According to broadwayworld.com, sion ratings and rising 4% from the show’s previous “Glee” made its triumphant return to prime time with episode, which aired two weeks prior.” an astounding 12.3 million viewers A lot of the episodes so far have featuning in to the Season 2 premiere. The tured celebrity guest stars, and many anticipation and excitement for “Glee” more celebrities are set to guest star. music reached new heights with over In the first season of “Glee”, guest stars 250,000 new tracks downloaded in the included Neil Patrick Harris, Olivia first 48 hours available. This incredible Newton-John, Josh Groban, Kristen response yielded more record breaking Chenoweth, Molly Shannon, Eve, and moments for “Glee”; it’s the first time Idina Menzel. Which is a lot of guest all singles from any episode simultanestars, and some of them were on more ously appeared in the top 10 of iTunes than one episode. In season two so far, Top Songs chart.” Which makes “Glee” John Stamos has joined the cast playa one of the hottest shows to watch. ing Dr. Carl and a new love interest for Like the Madonna or Lady GaGa Emma, also Britney Spears made an aptribute episodes, in the first season, pearance as herself. Later in season two the second episode in the second seaGwynth Paltrow, Javier Bardem, who son was a Britney Spears episode, will play a Spanish rocker, and Susan which included Britney Spears herself. Boyle are all set to guest star. It’s almost The episode included classics like Hit too many celebrities; they need to start Me Baby One More Time, I’m a Slave focusing back on the original members, 4 U, and Toxic. Also the “Glee” cast and the Glee Club. Be sure to tune in to performed Me Against the Music and FOX every Tuesday at 7 PM to watch Stronger. It was a good episode, but The second season of Glee premiered September 21st with around 12.3 million viewers with “Glee”! Glee is definitely using its popularity the number continuously growing every week. New episodes of Glee on every Tuesday at 7 as an advantage to get famous people PM. Image obtained from official web site: fox.com/glee
Same names, different cast; sequels can make a disappointing impact By: Casey Burns [Features Editor]
Movies. They’re what make up a big part of entertainment around the world. Hundreds, even thousands of actors and actresses make different movies to excite, tear-up, or scare the audience. This is all fine and dandy, but what happens if the producers make a second, third, or even fourth film? Some use the same actors, while others have totally different actors to play the part. A lot of movies don’t have the same cast and bring in new characters, making them not as popular as the ones that have the same cast. Some of those include Grease, The Mummy, Iron Man, Cheaper by the Dozen, and Twilight.
It seems that most of the movies that have sequels, wind up having other actors play that same part. What’s the point? Viewers aren’t going to be interested in watching that same movie unless it has that same actor or actress in it. It defeats the purpose of calling it the same name and adding a 2 at the end to follow what the first movie had plotted. It’s not just in regular films that this is happening. It’s also going on in animated movies. Different people do the voice-over for that character. It’s doesn’t sound the same and it makes these kinds of movies not as enjoyable to watch, therefore, drawing people away from purchasing the movie or renting it. Most of the time, when people see different actors in the same sequel, they are less drawn to see it and
Hereafter; a surprising disappointment By; Alice Dixon [Staff Writer] If you’re ever looking for a science-fiction movie with the main point focusing on the afterlife, Hereafter, might be a good movie to see. Hereafter is directed by Clint Eastwood and stars Matt Damon, Cecile De France, and twins Frankie and George McLaren. Watching Hereafter is like watching three separate movies with one thing in common, the “afterlife”. Only until the ending does it fit together. The beginning of the movie quickly starts as Marie Lelay, played by Cecile De France, gets swept away by a tsunami. Marie has a near death experience and gets a glimpse at what the life after living builds up to be. Considering the
movie is supposed to be about an afterlife this part of the movie should be interesting, yet it was quite disappointing. As she’s “brought back to life” she’s astonished. She continues throughout the movie with writing a book on her experience. Matt Damon plays the part of George, a man who only wants to be normal and no longer wants to have a connection with the dead. Since George was a boy he remembers experiencing strange visions. He used to do psychic readings for people who wanted to reconnect, but recently he’d rather try to live a normal life as this connection effected his life along with his relationships. Markus and Jason,
played by Frankie and George McLauren, were definitely a favorite to the audience. After being chased by bullies Jason runs into the street where he gets hit by a truck and unfortunately dies. Their mother goes into rehab and Markus is left to live with a foster family. His new family strives to make him comfortable, but he’s constantly looking for answers and goes to see several psychics to try to connect with Jason and find out what really happens when you die. The buildup for this movie was not quite as expected. Although the actors did a good job, I expected a better film from a director such as Clint Eastwood. However, anyone interested in seeing a movie about afterlife, this is a good movie for you.
therefore, the producers, directors, and the entire business loses money. It brings a lot down when this happens and then people have to figure out where they will go from there. There are however, sequels that are really good, with the same cast, and that follow the same plot. These include Pirates of the Caribbean, Harry Potter, Toy Story, Lion King, Scream, and Lord of the Rings. With all of the movies and sequels that are out in the world, there are bound to be good, and bad ones. Not all of them are going to be great, and some may be the worst a person has ever seen. Movies that come out with a second, third, etc., should use the same cast, so people will be happier, and want to pay to see the movie and buy it when it comes out in stores.
Peer Pr Drinking • Tried alcohol at least once in their life: Eighth Graders: 39%, Tenth Graders: 58, Twelfth Graders: 72% • 11,773 people were killed in 2008 by drunk drivers • 90% of teens don’t think drinking is worth the consequences it can cause, but so many still do it • In Iowa in 2008 29.8% teenagers consumed alcohol www.centurycouncil.org/learn-the-facts/underage-drinking-stats
• The median age of first intercourse: 16.9 years for boys and 17.4 years for girls. • In 2003, 62 % of 12th graders have had sexual intercourse where only 33 % of 9th
graders have • 94% of teens from 15-17 who have never had sex said that they waited because they were concerned about pregnancy • In 2003, 66% of high school students were currently abstinent • 98% of teens 15-19 who have had sex said they use at least one method of birth control. Most common: condoms (94%) and birth control pills (61%). www.kff.org/youthhivstds/upload/U-S-Teen-Sexual-Activity-Fact-Sheet.pdf
Peer pressure pushes teenagers to the limit everyday By: Danielle Tiernan[Editor-in-Chief]
Bullying is defined as the act of intimidating a weaker person to make them do something. According to urbandojo.com, “It’s estimated that nearly 30% (of teens)... are involved in bullying, as victims, perpetrators, or both. Studies have found that 15 to 25% of students in the U.S. are bullied, and 15 to 20% bully others.” Also according to urbandojo.com violence in schools has decreased, bullying has increased 5%. Also, children who are obese, a, or who have disabilities have up to a 63% chance of being bullied, compared to other kids. Boys and girls tend to bully in different ways. Boys are more physical when bullying, and girls tend to spread rumors or socially exclude the other girl(s). People may think that when they make fun of someone, the person they make fun of knows it’s a joke, but sometimes they don’t. It’s not okay to make fun of someone, joke or no joke. Another problem teens face today is underage drinking. According to niaaa.nih.gov, “Each year, approximately 5,000 young people under the age of 21 die as a result of underage drinking; this includes about 1,900 deaths from motor vehicle crashes, 1,600 as a result of homicides, 300 from suicide, as well as hundreds from other injuries such as falls, burns, and drownings.” By the end of high school, 75% of students have tried alcohol. The consequences of drinking alcohol a lot can be lower grades in school, also, according to theanidrug. com “Children who start drinking before age 15 are 12 times more likely to be injured while under the influence of alcohol and 10 times more likely to be in a fight after drinking, compared with those who wait until they are 21 to drink.” The consequences of being caught
for drinking can be getting kicked out of a sport, or even having to sit out. They can lose a lot of peoples respect, including their friends, teachers, and family, if they’re over 18 there’s a possibility they could go to jail. Which brings up the question: is drinking worth the consequences? Teenage pregnancy has become somewhat of a normal thing to see now-a-days, but with schools constantly trying to teach students about prevention, why are so many girls still getting pregnant? Many feel pressure to have sex because they think everyone is doing it, when in reality now everyone actually is. According to washingtonpost.com from girls ages 15 to 19 in states, like Texas, Louisiana, and Tennessee pregnancy is on the rise. With those states being three of the ten states with the highest pregnancy rate. In states like Iowa, North Dakota, and Minnesota the numbers have declined in teenage pregnancy rates, with North Dakota and Minnesota being two of the top ten states with the least amount of teenage pregnancies. With shows like Teen Mom and Sixteen and pregnant, some people wonder if MTV is promoting having a baby in high school, because they get to be on TV, but in Sixteen and Pregnant, the viewers only see that girl for one episode, she still has her baby after that one episode, but the viewers don’t see that, and everyday she probably faces different struggles being in high school and trying to raise a baby. Although teens face many issues today, bullying, drinking, and unexpected pregnancies are three of the biggest problems high school students face. There are many ways to over come these problems or get help with them, talking to parents, teachers, or even a counselor. Suicide isn’t the option, don’t worry it will get better!
ressure Bullying
Drugs • 415 of students have consumed alcohol (more than just a few sips) by 8th grade. • 75% of students have consumed alcohol (more than just a few sips) by the end of high school. • Students in college from 18-22 enrolled full-time in college were more likely than their peers, who were not enrolled full time, to use alcohol in the past month. • Males vs. Females (12-20) in 2005: • Alcohol use: 28.9% vs. 27.5%, binge drinking: 21.3% vs. 16.1%, heavy drinking: 7.6% vs. 4.3% www.sadd.org/stats.htm
• 17% of students say they have been bullied over twice per month • 10% of students say they have bullied another student over twice per month • Over 40 states have some kind of law that makes bullying illegal • 16% of girls and boys said they have been bullied for about a year • 23% of girls and 30 % of boys said they had been bullied for several years • Stats for students on what they do when they see bullying: Never Noticed: Girls: 24 percent. Boys: 30 percent. Take part: Girls: 1 percent. Boys: 3 percent Don’t do anything and think is okay: Girls: 1 percent. Boys: 2 percent Just watch: Girls: 9 percent. Boys: 14 percent Don’t do anything, but think should: Girls: 30 percent. Boys: 22 percent Helped bullying: Girls: 35 percent. Boys: 29 percent. voices.washingtonpost.com/answer-sheet/ bullying/2010bullyvictimdata.html
What is the biggest pressure for teenagers? Drinking Drugs Bullying Sex Doing good in school
Senior interviewS Alee Doneson:
What are you going to miss most about Marion?: “I’m going to miss the awesome teachers & the student character Marion has.” Quote or piece of advice?: “Never give up, never give in, no matter how hard it is give it your all.” Plans for the future?: “Going to Kirkwood for two years. Then go to Iowa to finish up. Going to major in Surgical Nursing.”
Luba Dukina:
What are you going to miss most about Marion?: “Meeting my five best friends freshman year. Football & basketball games. Having random parties when my parents are out of town.” Quote or piece of advice?: “Today’s gonna be a good day,” -Trevor Chalstrom Plans for the future?: “Attend Kirkwood for two years, then go to University of Iowa to major in Pediatrics. Get married & live a happy life :).”
Brooke Eichelberger:
What are you going to miss most about Marion?: “Friends, but mostly tee peeing & writing on Nicole Matheny’s car with Haley Berry.” Quote or piece of advice?: “Live the life you want.” Plans for the future?: “Go to college for Criminal Justice & join the U.S. Air Force.”
Danielle Ellis:
What are you going to miss most about Marion?: “I’m going to miss everyone in choir specially the choir teacher, he’s funny & my teacher Mrs. Gerdemann.” Quote or piece of advice?: “Don’t be afraid to meet new people.” Plans for the future?: “I am going to Capri College for massage therapy.”
Randah Espy:
What are you going to miss most about Marion?: “I’ll miss my friends, dance team, football games & going out for random sports.” Quote or piece of advice?: “Don’t wait around from something that MIGHT happen.” Plans for the future?: “Go to Mount Mercy for Graphic Design.”
Alex Farmer:
What are you going to miss most about Marion?: “Hanging out with my friends.” Quote or piece of advice?: “Ain’t nothing but a peanut,” Ronnie Coleman Plans for the future?: “Kirkwood.”
Byron Fish:
What are you going to miss most about Marion?: “The people, broin’ out, basketball student sections, Gaff’s class, Starbucks, baseball, team din’s with Carter & Curran, tailgaten with the boys.” Quote or piece of advice?: “Go big or go home.” Plans for the future?: “Go to UNI & major in Education or Business.”
Tyler Fisher:
What are you going to miss most about Marion?: “All the great teachers and the good times I had at Marion High School.” Quote or piece of advice?: “Live life with no regrets.” Plans for the future?: “Attend a four year school & study medicine.”
Jeffrey Fitch:
What are you going to miss most about Marion?: “Lego Robotics, building trades & bonfires.” Quote or piece of advice?: “FYI: All lines are straight.” Plans for the future?: “I plan to enter the two-year pre-engineering program, then finish my degree at Iowa or Iowa State.”
Kirsten Fousek:
What are you going to miss most about Marion?: “All my loves & peeps & all the trouble & fun we’d get in.” Quote or piece of advice?: “You shouldn’t worry about your dating life now, you have years after to do so, so don’t let it get you down.” Plans for the future?: “Get an art degree at Kirkwood, attend a tattoo school in Michigan & become the awesomist tattoo artist :).”
Karly Gauthier:
What are you going to miss most about Marion?: “All the friends I’ve made & the people who were nice to me when I was new.” Quote or piece of advice?: “When you try anything, failure is a possibility, but when you try nothing it’s a guarantee.” Plans for the future?: “Capri at first, then probably Coe to pursue teaching.”
Kaleb Gehman:
What are you going to miss most about Marion?: “I’m going to miss the great atmospheres, the fun people, & the great teachers.” Quote or piece of advice?: “In whatever you do, do it to the best of your ability.” Plans for the future?: “Going to Kirkwood for two years then on to a university, hopefully major in Chemistry.”
Daniel Gosenberg:
What are you going to miss most about Marion?: “All the friends I’ve made with students & teachers, as well as the great sense of humor from Mr. Wake & Mrs. Herman. It was always a joy to be in their class.” Quote or piece of advice?: “Never give in & never give up, the road is long, but the reward is great.” Plans for the future?: “I plan to attend Kirkwood College & get my bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice so that I can be a police investigator or detective.”
Senior interviewS Emma Halfmann:
Hannah Hotchkiss:
Austin Hardman:
Tayler Houchin:
Jacob Hathcock:
Holly Isaac:
What are you going to miss most about Marion?: “I will miss seeing my friends every day.” Quote or piece of advice?: “Your future isn’t set in stone, it’s up to you.” Plans for the future?: “I plan to go to Iowa State for Architecture.”
What are you going to miss most about Marion?: “Football, friends & team dinner.” Quote or piece of advice?: “Don’t ever regret your past,” -unknown Plans for the future?: “Go to college & become a teacher & coach.”
What are you going to miss most about Marion?: “Nothing.” Quote or piece of advice?: “Do what you want, who cares what people say.” Plans for the future?: “Don’t know yet.”
Elizabeth Heck:
What are you going to miss most about Marion?: “Building the sets for the musical & play & the Speech kids.” Quote or piece of advice?: “Don’t procrastinate, because it’ll come back to bite you in the long run.” Plans for the future?: “Go to UNI to double major in teaching & library science.”
Jonathon Heitland:
What are you going to miss most about Marion?: “Football, friends not speaking Spanish in Spanish class & Lennie Rose.” Quote or piece of advice?: “A dab’ll do yuh gud.” Plans for the future?: “Go to college & such.”
What are you going to miss most about Marion?: “Inside jokes, Speech, VV Trips, the Florida trip, dances, random road trips, bonfires, working at Frightmare, meeting strangers, my besties, oh... & Ferg!” Quote or piece of advice?: “Life isn’t about finding yourself, it’s about creating yourself.” Plans for the future?: “Get my CD out soon & hopefully make it as a musician, but if that backfires I’ll probably join the Peace Corps or bar tend, or be a DJ...”
What are you going to miss most about Marion?: “School lunch & Coach Strain :) and my best friend, Brooke.” Quote or piece of advice?: “Learn to be happy, live well & embrace change.” Plans for the future?: “Attend a four year university.”
What are you going to miss most about Marion?: “I will miss the simplicity of Marion & of high school. Also, the care free planning. Everyone is close so you can just plan things right now instead of weeks early.” Quote or piece of advice?: “Back up, Pinky.” Plans for the future?: “I plan on going to Iowa or UNI & becoming an Art Therapist & teaching kids, mostly, how to use art & design in their everyday life.”
Jessica Jakoubek:
What are you going to miss most about Marion?: “Being with my friends everyday & seeing my favorite teachers.” Quote or piece of advice?: “Live every moment like it’s your last because we’re not promised our last breath.” Plans for the future?: “Going to Kirkwood & becoming an occupational therapist assistant.”
Tylar Jansen:
What are you going to miss most about Marion?: “Mrs. Paulsen’s math class. All of my friends & football games. I’m going to miss having sleepovers with random people with Cassidy McCoy. :)” Quote or piece of advice?: “Be true to you. Never give up & never give in.” Plans for the future?: “I’m going to the University of Iowa where I hope to study law & room with Debbie Classon :).”
Meghan Herren:
What are you going to miss most about Marion?: “I’m going to miss all my friends, mostly Sam & Liz & doing the “Kevin G. Rap” from Mean Girls.” Quote or piece of advice?: “Never let the fear of striking out, keep you from playing the game.” Plans for the future?: “Go to Central College & major in secondary education & English.”
Brandon Hill:
What are you going to miss most about Marion?: “Probably the people & all the friends that are lower classmen.” Quote or piece of advice?: “Never stop challenging yourself to do better.” Plans for the future?: “The Marine Corps.”
It’s time for your senior pictures to start being turned in to room 22 for the yearbook! -Due Date: January 21st -NO objects in picture -Picture should be in color -Picture should be head & shoulders
NHS leads a powerful project Mrs. Johnson shares her experiences with the Holiday Giving Project. By: Alice Dixon [Staff Writer] What has Marion done to contribute to the community lately? Whether it be road clean up, community service, or volunteering at a nursing home, everybody is a part of the community and we all need to get involved this year. Mrs. Johnson, math teacher at MHS, has been teaching for 16 years. Three of those years include being involved with National Honors Society. National Honors Society, or NHS, Mrs. Johnson, is an extra curricmath teacher ular club that does road clean up four times a year and a food drive. Not just anybody can be involved with NHS considering you have to have at least a GPA of 3.25, be very active in school and your community. She stated, “You have to show leadership roles in the community.” Every year NHS and Student Senate
team up and do a Holiday Giving Project. Most people have heard of the Holiday Giving Project, which occurs over the holidays. “We have a food drive and deliver foods and gifts to families,” exclaimed Mrs. Johnson. Students help load the cars for delivery and several staff members from the district deliver the food and gifts to the families around the community. This year, NHS has decided to do something a little different. They’re asking the mentoring groups to adopt families. She stated, “Mentoring groups will brainstorm what the family needs and prepare meals.” Mentoring groups are asked to adopt as many families as they can. Most people give for the joy it gives them and Mrs. Johnson agreed. “[My favorite part is] when it all comes together at the end it’s super exciting to see just how many families we’ve served and the amount of generosity given,” stated Mrs. Johnson. The tradition got handed down to Mrs. Johnson when she joined NHS and she said the number of families grow every year. For those people who don’t give, or can’t, Mrs. Johnson encourages you to strive to give something to your community. “I would encourage all students to give what they can. Be thoughtful about what you can do to help.” She also hopes to get more NHS students involved this year. As the cars packed full of food and gifts pulls out onto the street, the students of NHS have a good feeling. Finally after going out of their way to encourage students to contribute at least one item towards the Holiday Giving Project they met the goal of having enough to give to more families than last year.
Should the barS in iowa City only allow patronS 21 yearS and older? Find out in, “iowa City; should it be 19 or 21?”
Iowa City; should it be 19 or 21? By: Hannah Miller [Design Editor] Everyone knows about the new law in Iowa City where you have to be 21 to be in the bars. It used to be 19, but it was recently approved that anyone under 21 is allowed in these bars. This law was approved for attempting to keep people under the age of 21 from drinking. Iowa City has had a big problem with underage drinking and this is a way they are trying to fix it. There are many pros and cons to this new law. There are many pros about this law. The major one is less people going out and getting drunk with their friends, underage or of age. This law will help with the underage drinking problem, but it won’t stop it by a long shot. It will stop the 18, 19, and 20 year olds from walking into a bar and partying with 21 year olds and older. If people under the age of 21 are allowed in bars, there is no way to stop them from drinking. They will have other people buy drinking for them or will just take slips from friend’s drinks. This law will help with underage drinking in bars, but not in general. With this new law it will help stop the underage drinking by making it harder for people to do it, but it won’t stop it. People under 21 will still find other ways to drink underage if they really want to. The law in Iowa City even though it is helping the underage drinking problem, is also causing problems.
The people who are underage don’t like this new law. They can’t hang out with their friends who might be old enough to go into these bars. Some might be drinking underage and some might just want to be hanging with there friends, but no with these new law they can’t do either in the bars. It makes it harder This new law is causing problems for the bar owners. For the bars, they are losing business. They are losing customers that were buying their beer and food, illegally or legally. It makes them lose important business which in return makes them lose money. Money they don’t want to lose and it causes the bar owners to get angry. The new law in Iowa City about the age of people in bars helps, but has also causes some problems. It helps with the underage drinking problem, but it also is making many people mad. This law will stop underage drinking in bars, but not underage drinking outside of the bars. People won’t be able to stop people from drinking in other places, but this law will surely help. It won’t stop people from finding a way to do it if they really want to drink. It also causes problems for the bar owners because it makes them lose money. All and all, this new law will help cut down the underage drinking in the bars, but it won’t outside of it and will also cause problems along the way. It will take some time to see if this new law will help or just cause more problems for Iowa City.
Two years after the devastating flood; downtown Cedar Rapids finally starts to rebuild By: Storm Bogs [Staff Writer] According to www.nytimes.com, the city of Cedar Rapids was promised 3.1 billion dollars for rebuilding, but has only received $689 million so far. City officials have estimated that almost six billion dollars will be needed to completely rebuild. This money will go to a lot of different things including a new library, museum, and courthouse. Since the flood, the Cedar Rapids Public Library has been located in Westdale Mall. The plan is to tear down TrueNorth Companies downtown and rebuild the library there. TrueNorth will then fix up the space where the library was and have their new offices there. The National Czech and Slovak Museum plans to relocate as well. They plan to build a new museum about 150 feet away from their current location. Construction for the new museum is set to start sometime in 2011 and will be open again by
2012. Roughly $25 million dollars will be needed for this project alone. According to KCRG, “By May 6, 2012, a new federal courthouse will stand in downtown Cedar Rapids.” The new courthouse is said to be bigger and better than the previous one. This project will take roughly $182 million dollars. This cost includes $23.5 million dollars for flood insurance. It will require 300 on-site workers and 200 offsite workers. Off-site workers will mostly be local artists and one national artist to make art for inside the building. There were many different options for the rebuilding of the courthouse. One option was to rebuild it in Westdale Mall. Other options included fixing up the flooded building and to rebuild it out of town. Some people in Cedar Rapids feel as though their town has been forgotten about since the flood happened so long ago. If Cedar Rapids has been forgotten about, even in
Many homes and businesses in Cedar Rapids were destroyed in the flood and have to rebuild. the slightest, that causes the money flow for rebuilding to slow down. Slowly but surely, the struggling city of Cedar Rapids is starting to recover and rebuild from the flood of 2008.
Nick R ael talks about how he juggles beiNg iN spoRts, school, aNd haviNg a job. R ead about it iN, “Being so involved has its ups and downs...”
Sharing everything isn’t a choice when you’re a twin Leah and Aubrey Pedersen give insight on what life is really like while growing up as a twins. Not how you think it should be. By: Logan Tichy [Ads Editor]
Walking down the halls in Marion you might think you’ve seen the same person pass by you twice, but looking a little different. Don’t think your crazy. Marion has a lot of twins walking down our hall 4 times a day. Leah Pedersen and Aubrey are both twins at Marion.
They are among the large population of twins at our school. While they both love being twins, they have to share almost everything! “We shares clothes, make up, bathroom, and our car, pretty much everything besides our rooms.” Says Leah. Aubrey can contest to what her sister is saying. “We share everything!” Aubrey is one minute older then Leah. Leah would
Leah and Aubrey Pedersen, both sophomores, get in their car that their parents make them share. This is just one of the many things they have to compromise with because they are twins.
love if they were born on different days then each other. “I would have Aubrey born on May 18th at 11:59 PM and have me born on May 19th at 12:01 A.m.” while Aubrey would only change being independent. “This might sound kind of selfish but I would change having some things on my own. Because we do everything together like sports and things.” When it comes around to being punished they both get around the same punishments. “They treat us the same way and punish us the same way,” says Leah. “We mostly get treated the same way and have the same rules and everything,” Aubrey said. They both love being a twin! It’s what they have grown up with and are accustom to it and what they have to deal with. “I don’t really know anything other then being a twin because I don’t have any regular siblings, but being a twin is pretty cool.” Aubrey says. “I love being a twin! It’s fun to have a sister I can talk to about the same people and age group. And being able to have someone that is my age to relate to me,” Added Leah. Being a twin isn’t all that it’s cracked up to be. “When people ask what’s it’s like being a twin I can’tereally answer. I have not other siblings that are my age.” Added Leah. They go home in the same car that they share, go into the same house and put on comfy clothes that they both share. “I don’t know what a regular siblings act, but being a twin is still pretty cool,” Aubrey says.
Being so involved has its ups and downs; Rael is involved in a lot, but has no time for friends By: Storm Bogs [Staff Writer]
He got in his car and began to drive to soccer practice. He thought about every thing else that he has to attend to this week and if he will have any free time. It’s doubtful between all of his sports, activities, work and homework that he’ll have any free time. Nick Rael, senior, is involved in a lot of different things. The activities that he is in includes cross country, club soccer, AYSO soccer, NHS, SODA, student senate, and the character committee. Along with all of these activities, Nick works at HyVee and has school. Nick will begin his third year at HyVee soon. “It’s a pretty good place to
work. They’re flexible with hours too so if you need something off they’ll usually give it to you,” he explained. Since Nick is involved in so much, he rarely has any free time. In the free time that he does get, he likes to hang out with his friends. It’s hard to get free time while he has sports going on, but if he doesn’t have homework than he can do what he wants. Being involved in so much keeps him out of trouble and gives him something to do. Nick would like to set a good example to others to keep busy. “My parents had me in sports year round when I was little, so I feel bored if I don’t have anything going on. It’s my lifestyle,” he said. He often feels
bored if he doesn’t have anything to do. There are both pros and cons to being so busy. “It’ll help with my future goals, but sometimes I wish I had more time to spend with friends, I don’t really get to do that a lot,” Nick explained. These are just a couple of the pros and cons related to being so busy all of the time. Nick plans to go to college after high school and major in either human science or engineering. He has been thinking about attending UNI but “they don’t have men’s soccer,” which creates a toss up for Nick. Being so busy will help Nick get into college. Soccer and other sports will help with scholarships and all of the groups he
Hardman brothers come together under one school By: Tylar Jansen [Activities Editor]
He walks down the hallways not seeing any common faces. He sits in class, no idea what to expect just waiting for football practice, waiting to see how everything goes for his freshman year of high school. Brothers Trevor and Austin Hardman are both students at Marion. Trevor is a freshman and Austin is a senior. “I like having Austin here to help me get through classes and telling me how to get better in sports and school,” said Trevor. Both boys said that they like having Austin Hardman, each other here for different senior reasons. They both agreed that they are a like in the fact that they like sports and staying involved but Austin said, “We are two completely different people. Trevor is a lot more confident and I am more of the shy and quiet kid.” Trevor agreed that they are different but he said it Trevor Hardman, shows in the fact that Austin is freshman
very book smart and he himself is more common sense smart. Austin and Trevor, both are involved in football, basketball, track and baseball. They both love doing sports. “We do a lot of sports because we both like staying active and involved with the school. Our dad also is a big influence and helps keeps us motivated to keep going in our sports,” said Trevor. Austin has played all four of the sports all four years of high school and Trevor said he plans on doing the same thing. Outside of school Trevor shared that they get along most of the times but they argue just like brothers. “We get along but sometimes we fight, “said Trevor. Austin agreed and said, “Trevor is more outgoing than I am so sometimes our personality difference
is a part of will help with resumes and other applications. As he leaves the school, he heads off to work. After work, he has soccer practice. After that he will return home to work on homework. He tries to think of all the positives to being so busy. He wishes that he would have some time to himself tonight. In the long run, he won’t regret being so busy Nick Rael, as a teenager. senior
can make us fight.” Trevor walks down the same hallways his brother did his freshman year. He sees Austin walking to class and goes up and they talk about what to expect for that nights football practice.
M r. IMMerfall talks about block schedulIng and If Mhs should keep It In, “I mmerFall gIves InsIght...”
Immerfall gives insight on the current block scheduling dilemma
MHS students vote on how they feel about block scheduling.
With the upcoming decision on whether MHS will keep the block schedule, many people are voicing their opinion on how long & how many classes we will be having each day. By: Jordan Hansen [Opinion Editor]
Four block days are completely normal to the students and staff at Marion. But, for some staff at Marion, it has not always been a block schedule, in fact it used to be a period type schedule. Teachers and students alike are talking about the up-coming decision of whether or not we will go from our block schedule to a 7-class a day schedule. Many people are split on which side is truly better. Mr. Immerfall, social studies teacher, has taught under both systems and likes the block scheduling as opposed to a seven-class system. “It gives you more time to do activities and more out of book activities,” said Mr. Immerfall. W i t h the new schedule, the classes Mr. Immerfall, would be social studies teacher s h o r t e r ,
and there would be time for each student to get 14 classes a year, which would equal 56 classes over a four-year period. Also, it is possible that there would be yearround gym. “[It’s a] good idea to have P.E. everyday,” said Mr. Immerfall. Under the current system, students can take 64 classes being able to obtain 32 credits. Also, under the block schedule, it is possible to take a foreign language without having to take it all four years. Students are also allowed to double up on foreign language classes and take all the classes in two years. “There are some drawbacks about foreign languages,” said Mr. Immerfall, the drawbacks to the system are the fact that it is possible to not take another part of a class for a long period of time. This makes it so some students forget part of what they learned. Currently, in order to graduate, you must have 28 credits which equals about 56 classes. By comparison in 1998, according to the “Block Committee Presentation” by Dr. Thomas, it was required
Kimball couldn’t care less what other people think By: Alice Dixon [Staff Writer]
As she walks with her friends down the hallway, she hears people behind her whispering. Are they talking about me? What are they saying? As she continues walking she starts to realizes she could care less if they’re talking about her or not. She holds her head up high and is proud to be able to say she doesn’t care what people thinking about her. Katie Kimball, junior, may be unlike most kids in high school. She has something a lot of Katie Kimbelll, students lack; junior confidence. Katie is very creative and enjoys being her own person with a vibrant personality. A stereotype is a commonly held belief about a group, or individual. Stereotypes are very big in most high schools nowadays, but some students are starting to realize not to listen to what other people think. Katie has sort of a different style than others. She stated, “I’ve died my hair more than ten times. All colors of the rainbow plus pink, blonde, and black.” Currently Katie’s hair is died blue and even her car
to have 20 credits which is about 40 classes. Also according to that presentation, the graduation rate has increased since 1998, with last years graduation rate being 95.51%, while in 1998 it was only 94.12%. Some of the problems that some people have with block-type schedule, according to Jefflindsay.com, include difficulty when school is missed, retention (not remembering things learned year-to-year) and the fact that academic performance has not been proven to be better in a block schedule. Many students have been hard-pressed to finish all their make-up work if they miss a day of school. Also according to Jefflindsay.com, “Missing a week of school due to sickness under block scheduling can be like missing several weeks under traditional schooling.” A positive to the block, according to about.com, is “A teacher sees less students during the day, thereby giving them the ability to spend more time with each individual.” Also, more actual learning can be put into one day,
is green. Katie said she loves being unique with her own personality. Instead of trying to fit in, Katie would rather stand out and live on the edge. What fun is it being like everybody else? Although she isn’t involved in any sports or activities inside or outside of school, she keeps herself busy by hanging out with her friends. Katie loves listening to Rock music and going to concerts. “[My three favorite bands are] Seether, Slip Knot, and Bullet For My Valentine,” she exclaimed. Katie’s friends have the same interests and also believe being vivacious is important. Normally, when most people say something about another person behind their back, they become disturbed by the
“...You can’t go through life wondering about what other people think. Be yourself,” -Katie Kimball, junior thought. Not caring what people think about you is a good skill to have, especially when you’re in high school. “...you can’t go through life wondering about what other people think. Be yourself,” said Katie. She believes that she is just expressing herself in an unique way. Katie said she thinks she dresses normally, except for occasionally on the weekends. She walks into the store looking for a new exotic color to dye her hair. People walk by, and sure they might give her a glance or say something to the person next to them, but she doesn’t care. She grabs the most exotic color she can find, walks right by and continues on with her fun filled life.
12% of people against block schedule
12% Undecided
76% of people polled said they supported the block schedule.
as the 7-class a day schedule has much less time. A positive that many students enjoy is having more time to work on class work or projects, whereas in a traditional schedule, students have much less time to work on these things. A problem with the block schedule with many people, is that it does not increase overall academic performance of students. According to About.com, there have been no studies that have firmly said that the block is better, and in fact, several studies have concluded that it is, in fact, negatively affecting the students. After a long day school, the 7-period schedule is just as or more draining on him than the block. He goes home, having to grade many more papers than he would have to under the block type schedule.
Dalton, being the best he can be By: Jordan Hansen [Opinion Editor]
training he specialized in carpentry and masonry. He plans to Gas everywhere. One of the make a career out of the military, most intense and stressful ex- and wants to stay in for 15-20 periences that he has ever been years. involved in. Ordered to take his The U.S. Army Reserve is the mask off. Choking on the nauseous non-active duty component of the gas. Stumbling U.S. Army. They through the perform part-time “...My goal as a house to the duties, but they person is to make exit, getting can also be rotated out into the to full-time duty. myself better and be sunlight. They are approximore disciplined...,” S t e v e n mately 200,000 -Steven Dalton, Dalton, senior, soldiers in the U.S. is definitely inArmy Reserve and senior volved in somemany of them reenthing very diflist for active duty ferent from most high schoolers. after they serve there initial eight He volunteered to be in the United years in the Reserve. States Army Reserve “...I have alHis parents and friends both ways wanted to be a U.S. Soldier, are very supportive of him. “[My it means a lot to me...” friends] think it’s pretty cool.” His Many people at Marion would mom was debating joining, but she never even think of joining the decided against it at the last moArmy, but to Steven, it was by ment... “[My mom] regrets not nothing but duty to him...“When going through with it...” His greatI was really little, I saw the mili- grandfather also served in World tary, and it was a dream..” War Two. During After he gets out of the milithis sum- tary, he plans to attend Kansas mer he went University and become a meteot h r o u g h rologist... “My goal as a person is 1 0 - w e e k s to make myself better and be more of basic disciplined...” training at Finishing up a hard day of Fort Knox, training, he feels good, as he is doKentucky.... ing something that many people “One word, would never decide to do. In the c h a l l e n g - end, its all hard work, but he finds Steven Dalton, i n g . . . . ” it the best way to be all he can be. senior During his
Brenea Zapata deals with a tough high school situation in,“Pregnancy in school...”
Pregnancy in school comes with judging as well as choices Zapata talks about her pregnancy, how she is going to be giving her baby up for adoption, and how being pregnant in high school affects her. By: Hannah Miller [Design Editor] The doors open to another day of stares and whispers. She walks in holding her belly as she walks by all the students that have no idea what she is going through. She tries her hardest to ignore their stares and whispers because she knows it is the least of her worries. She knows she just has to get to March where she will be graduating early and be able to leave the disproving looks and whispers for good. Brenea Zapata, senior, is about 17 weeks pregnant. She is due in April and has decided to give her baby up for adoption. “Well I can’t really support it financially. I would be a single mother and my baby deserves better,” she said. Some teenagers like Brenea have to realize that in some cases it would be better to give the baby to a family that can take care of it and give it a good home. The adoption is going to be an open adoption so the baby will be able to know that Brenea is its mother when it is older. Brenea has already started looking into adoptive parents for her baby. She has made this hard decision for what is best for her baby. Sometimes when teenagers get pregnant at such a young age, they regret what they did, but Brenea doesn’t regret it at all. She doesn’t see this as a mistake in her life, just an obstacle. Getting pregnant has taught Brenea a lot, and it has changed her life. “I lost a lot of friends. I’m actually more of a positive person and less selfish. It made me
stop and think and grow up more,” she said thoughtfully. the adopting parents that are waiting to take the precious With being pregnant, Brenea has learned there is more child to its new and loving home. She knows this is what is important things in life to worry about then just normal best for her baby, but it doesn’t make it any easier. At least she knows that she will be in touch and be able to see her teenage issues. Being a teenager who is pregnant isn’t easy. People baby one day. She made this decision for her baby and she judge everyday, every moment they see them. Brenea’s life knows she has made the right one. is no different, but she has learned to ignore and not care. “I don’t care what people think or have to say. My biggest worry [will be] fitting in a desk or through the door,” she says with a laugh. Having this baby won’t be easy for Brenea, but she explains how it will be easier that she is graduating in March. She then won’t have to come back after the baby is born which she said would be one of the hardest parts. It’s April. Her due date. She is ready to have her baby and give it to Brenea’s ultra sound when she was eight weeks and five days pregnant is shown above.
With many languages under her belt, Saba continues to learn even more By: Alice Dixon [Staff Writer]
It’s the first day of the new term and your sitting in your French class nervously waiting for it to start. You’re not really sure what to expect; you’ve never taken a class about a different language. For some people, learning another language other than English is probably a little difficult. For Katy Katy Saba, Saba, freshmen, freshmen
she learned more than just an average student. Katy knows four different languages besides English and is quite good at using them to communicate. “[I know how to speak] Arabic, Czech, Spanish, and Greek,” she stated. Katy’s family is from the Czech Republic. She was never forced to learn any languages, but picked up on them from hearing them throughout her childhood. “Well my family just spoke them around me since I was born, so I just caught on. I learned English first,” stated Katy. Although she learned these languages verbally, she also took a class once to better learn Czech when
Vending machines take snacks By: Casey Burns [Features Editor]
She walks to the cafeteria to get some food from the vending machines. Her stomach grumbling, and feeling hungry, she thinks about what she wants to eat. She comes to a halt when she finds there is no snack machine anymore and only water, Gatorade, and Propel. S h e a Smalley, junior, disagrees with the fact Shea Smalley, that the snack junior machine has been taken out and only healthy drinks are in the other machines. She would like them to stay so students can have food before lunch and have something in their stomach for better learning. “Yes, because that food is really good and that’s extra snacks for us when we’re hungry, and that’s not fair,” she commented. When telling students
what they can and can’t have, it’s taking away choices that each student makes. Many people think that it should just stay in there, because it’s the student’s choice it they want to buy from it or not. “I just think it’s stupid and they should bring it back because it wasn’t a big deal in the first place,” Shea pronounced. “People are going to eat what they want anyways,” she continued. Although the snack machines are out, it brings question as to if students will stop eating unhealthy snacks, or if they will just eat this kind of food at home. There are many snacks that could be put in the vending machines, and there are certain items that Shea would like. “(I would like) Snickers and Butterfingers; just a bunch of candy,” she explained. Other things may be put in place, but for Shea, she is all about the candy. With money in her hand, and a friend on each side of her, Shea stands at the vending machine. She puts the cash in the slot, and chooses her beverage. All she has in her hand now is a drink. No snack.
she was about seven years old. Some people with this unique skill would be interested in traveling the world and getting to know more about the culture. Although Katy hasn’t visited any of these countries, she wants to go to Lebanon where her grandparents live. “My family talks about the culture a lot,” stated Katy. She doesn’t necessarily plan on doing anything after high school with any of the languages, but she still likes being in a family with such a unique historical background. Marion offers two foreign language classes, French and Spanish. Since Katy already knows Spanish, she wants
to eventually take French. Although she knows how to speak in all of these languages, she only knows how to write in Czech and she says the most interesting language to her is Czech. “…it’s easier to understand for me,” stated Katy. Being able to communicate in multiple ways is a unique talent to have. By the end of the term, you’re well educated in French and can’t wait until the next term to take another class. Although it will get harder you’re still interesting in learning about the culture of another country.
DeVault transitions from Linn-Mar to MHS By: Casey Burns [Features Editor] She sits at her desk with papers laying out, ready for her to grade. With a pen in her hand and herself situated, she gently scoots her chair to the edge of the desk and begins to look at the assignments that were just turned in by her previous class. Mrs. DeVault, a petite brunette, is one of the new teachers this year. She teaches Spanish. In the past, she has taught middle school at Linn-Mar. “This is my seventh year teaching,” she said. Teaching at Mrs. DeVault, a different school Spanish teacher and coming to another can be difficult, but with the years that DeVault has put in, it shouldn’t be a problem. With this being the first year teaching at Marion, it’s a lot different than other schools that she has taught at. “It’s smaller and very different because middle school is a different atmosphere then at Linn-Mar,” DeVault commented. Going from such a large school, to something more than half
the size, can be interesting. The first few days are always fun, because of the new students, being in a brand new school, and not knowing how any of the students will react. “The first days are always different. It’s more just teacher talking and a getting to know you activities that doesn’t always involve that subject,” she explained. “I think students here are more respectful to the teachers,” DeVault added. Having respectful students as well as getting to know the students helps the teacher out when they are new to the district. For different students, there is different ways of learning, but when it comes to the curriculum, there is an order in which a teacher should, for the most part, follow. “I get a lot of ideas from other teachers, conferences that I go to, from text books from my classes, and my experience as a high school student,” she expressed. With the help of other sources and her own ideas, DeVault has been able to come up with different learning activities. She reaches for the last paper, and a student walks in and asks for help. She looks up at him and replies with a gentle tone. She sets her pen down, and takes the time that the student needs for the extra learning.
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There were double winners for Person of CharaCTer for oCTober. r ead abouT how They showed resPonsibiliTy in, “Person of character.”
If You Really Knew Me
Age: 15
Lydia Rogers
Avery Ransier Age: 17
Clique: other Clique: I do what I want. What do you think your friends think of you? They think I’m the funny one.
What do you think your friends think of you? Reliable and I talk too much.
What do you think others think of you? I’m funny.
What do you think others think of you? I don’t care what others think.
What people don’t know, but should know about you? That I love making people laugh.
What people don’t know, but should know about you? I like ginger,s especially Tyler Ohl.
What makes you different from everyone else? I hate Panda Express.
Age: 15
What makes you different from everyone else? I can talk to almost anyone.
Russell Clayton
Age: 15
Hannah Morris
Clique: Jazzy
Clique: I don’t know?
What do you think your friends think of you? That I can be extra Asian and I’m awesome.
What do you think your friends think of you? That I’m nice, funny, loyal, and fun to be around.
What do you think others think of you? I have no idea.
What do you think others think of you? That I’m a nice, quiet, and a “goody- goody.”
What people don’t know, but should know about you? That I’m a complex person.
What people don’t know, but should know about you? I like to have fun, and once you get to know me I’m not quiet.
What makes you different from everyone else? Being who I am. What makes you different from everyone else? I have been dancing since I was three years old.
Person of Character
Scout Morehouse and Zach Burhite
Zach Burhite, senior
In October, there were double winners for the person of character. Seniors Zach Burhite and Scout Morehouse showed responsibility when they took one of the new students, who hadn’t planned on going to homecoming, to homecoming,
even though both guys already had dates. They took the student out and even paid for their dinner, then took them to the dance. Congratulations to Zach and Scout, and thanks for showing responsibility at MHS! Scout Morehouse, senior
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MHS Character Counts nominees Pete Messerli - Honesty Emily Logan- Respect & Determination Paige Satterly- Integrity Alicia Livingston- Respect Matt Englehardt- Integrity Debbie Classon- Integrity Tori Pratt- Integrity Sam Buck- Responsibility