ANNUAL GOLF OUTING Four Person Best Shot
What: SEIRPC is holding its annual golf ou ng as a fundraiser for the Great River Housing Trust Fund.
Great River Housing Trust Fund promotes affordable housing in Southeast Iowa through owner‐occupied rehabilita on and down payment assistance.
When: Wednesday, September 26, 2012 (Rain date: October 3) Registra on & Buffet Lunch: 11:00 AM Tee Off: 12:15 PM
Sponsorship Opportuni es
Flint Hills Municipal Golf Course Hole Sponsorship ……………………………………………….. $100 (Includes tee box sign and recogni on on web and in club house) 12841 102nd Ave Burlington, Iowa 52601 Pu ng Green Sponsorship ……………………………………$250 (Includes pu ng green sign and recogni on on web and in club house)
Cost: $50 per golfer Includes: Buffet Lunch 18 holes of golf & cart Awards for top teams Chance at silent auc on items
Cart Sponsorship …………………………………………………..$500 (Includes signage on all carts, 4‐person team and recogni on on web and in club house)
Tournament Sponsorship ……………………………………$1,000 (Includes entry signage to course, two 4‐person teams and recogni on on web and in clubhouse)
General Dona on …………………………………………………$any
(A dona on of any amount is greatly appreciated. All dona ons are tax deduc ble. Donors will be given a receipt upon request.)
Dona ons: If you are unable to make the event but would like to donate, please send a check payable to Great River Housing, Inc. All dona ons are tax deductable. Donor's will be given a receipt upon request.
ANNUAL GOLF OUTING Four Person Best Shot
Registra on Informa on
Company Name: Team Members: SEIRPC is holding its annual golf ou ng as a fundraiser for the Great
River Housing Trust Fund.
When: Wednesday, September 26, 2012 (Rain date: October 3) Registra on & Buffet Lunch: 11:00 AM Tee Off: 12:15 PM
Golf Registra on Total ………………………………. Qty: ____@ $50 Hole Sponsorship ………………………………………. Qty: ____@ $100 Pu ng Green Sponsorship ……………………….. Qty: ____@ $250 Cart Sponsorship ……………………………………….. Qty: ____ @ $500 Tournament Sponsorship ………………………….. Qty: ____ @ $1,000 General Dona on ……………………………………………..$___________
Address: Phone: E‐Mail:
Flint Hills Municipal Golf Course 12841 102nd Ave Burlington, Iowa 52601
If you are interested in dona ng auc on items or favors, please contact Debbie Laughlin using the informa on below to make the necessary arrangements.
Cost: $50 per golfer Includes: Buffet Lunch 18 holes of golf & cart Awards for top teams Chance at silent auc on items
(Please make checks made payable to Great River Housing, Inc. All payments are tax deduc ble. A receipt will be given upon request.)
Send completed form by September 14, 2012 to:
Mail: Southeast Iowa Regional Planning Commission 211 N. Gear Avenue Suite 100 West Burlington, Iowa 52655 Email: Fax: (319) 754‐4763
Please contact Debbie Laughlin at (319) 753‐4305 or with any ques ons.