DIGITAL DESIGN + FABRICATION SM1, 2015 M1 JOURNAL - Exploring section and profile concepts KEVIN SEK
638985 Michelle James Grp Mon 3.15-5.15pm
Measured Drawings
PLAN (scale 1:1) The object used was an Egg Slicer. First the outline was traced by placing object on top of paper. Then measurements were made using a ruler to fill in the outline as accurately as possible.
ELEVATION AND SECTION (scale 1:1) For the elevation and section measured drawings, images of the real object were taken along with a ruler for scale, reprinted and then traced over using tracing paper. Measurements were then made with a ruler.
54mm 118mm 83mm
Supporting base without hinges
Plan depicting alignment of cutting wire and base of Egg Slicer. Eggs can be placed horizontally or vertically.
The Egg Slicer is constructed of common industrial materials. The base is made of mouldable plastic allowing for commercial mass production while the “lid� and wires are made of metal for its edge and durability allowing it to easily slice through an egg. There is a raised central platform also made of plastic which consists of eliptical indents that allows an egg to be placed either vertically or horizontally. The central cutout is an example of negative volume in which volume is implied through the surrounding shapes. The base of the egg slicer can be seperated into 3 main components. The supporting base, the hinges and the central platform. The central platform can be furthur seperated into 9 discrete sections, but consist of essentially repeats of sections A - E. These are depicted in the diagrams to the right and the following pages. Central platform with eliptical indentations and sections A - E
Hinges x 2
Hinge mechanism which allows for free 180 degrees rotation
Digital Model
To create the model, first I inserted and aligned my measured drawings into the program using PictureFrame and scale command. Next, I traced the base using control points and the mirror command and then used railrevolve to create the 3D model. For the corner of the base, I extruded and then trimmed the result. To create the platform, I first traced the outline and extruded the corners. Then I drew the rails and used railrevolve to make the main platform. I then I used Cap planar holes command to create a Solid object. I then created two ellipsoids perpendicular to each other and aligned it in the middle of the platform and used booleandifference to create the indents. Using arraylinear on a rectangle, I made 8 identical rectangles and after adjusting its position, used booleandifference to cut out the individual sections. For the hinge section, I used the extrude command and railrevolve. For the metal bar, I traced the outline and then using curve from 2 view and pipe command to create the final product.
Sketch Model
The reconfigured object was created using concepts and ideas from the original Egg Cutter model. The aim was to utilize the idea of negative volume seen in the original object and recreate it using multiple horizontal cross-sections with wires intersecting them similar to the metal cutter part of the egg cutter. In this case the wires rather then cutting the egg, is used instead to hold an egg shaped object within. The sections when stacked on top of each other are spaced out and rotated a few degrees anticlockwise from the bottom to the top creating the criss-cross web of wires. Different colour string was used to represent the different layers which make up the whole object. Depending on the layer, different numbers of string were used. To create the object, woodcraft sticks, multicolours string and PVC glue was used. Sections were made out of gluing 4 sticks together and string was then tied on measuring 1cm apart. Process is repeated until final product is created.
Sketch Design #1 Coloured warning fan reflex array
Skin and Bone system that reflects what the wearer is feeling by using bright colours as a signal linked to the posture of the wearer.
Sketch Design #2 Sharable multilayered linked shell
Mesh-like shell that surrounds and protects one’s personal space. However it has a hinged door and opens to allow trusted individuals to approach.
Sketch Design #3
Always watching, observing
Allow wearer to always observe his/her personal space. Reflective panels aligned so that wearers can see in as many directions as possible