Selwyn College Calendar 2020 - 2021

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Carol Armitage joins the Fellowship in October 2021, having been been a tutor since January and a Bye-Fellow in Engineering since 2019. Her first degree was in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Liverpool and she worked as a research assistant at the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST), where she was awarded a PhD for her work with Professor Brian Launder, in which she developed a novel modelling strategy for applying computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to double-diffusive flows. She came to Cambridge from UMIST and worked as a research associate in the Department of Engineering with Professor Dame Ann Dowling and later Professor Simone Hochgreb. She investigated thermoacoustic instabilities in gas turbines for Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and fuel injection in jet engines for Rolls Royce, as well as consulting for Shell on turbulent flame interaction with obstacles. In 2008 she moved to Cranfield University as a lecturer in Applied Mathematics and Computing and continued her work on gas turbines, winning funding from Siemens, as well as attracting projects from Tata Steel for manufacturing process and design optimisation. She developed and led modules on the Masters courses in Computational and Software Techniques in Engineering. In 2014 Carol left the university and began consultancy work but retained her links with Cranfield as an academic quality consultant and with the Department of Engineering in Cambridge as a research collaborator. She also returned to supervise Engineering undergraduates for Selwyn and has enjoyed contributing more to College life. In her spare time, she enjoys walking and cycling with her family, and likes to try to run, albeit rather slowly.

Joseph Bitney joins Selwyn in October 2021 as a Fellow and College Lecturer in English. He was previously a postdoctoral Humanities Teaching Fellow at the University of Chicago, where he completed his PhD in English in August 2020. His primary research and teaching interests include classical Hollywood cinema, film criticism and theory, and modern American literature, and he is currently working on a book on ‘melodrama’ as a crucial modality of modern fiction and thought. This project, provisionally titled Passionate Exchanges: Melodrama and the Commodity Form, develops a new way of thinking about melodrama as a mode in which emotions function more like commodities than like personal, interior ‘feelings’. More generally, the book also proposes that some of the best melodramas – the celebrated Hollywood films of Douglas Sirk, for instance – reflect on their own commodity-orientation in ways that have crucial


Selwyn College Calendar 2020–2021

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