A Selecta one Publication
No. 10 2017
Fair Trade is here to stay! Innovation! Key factor for the Brazilian market By Olimar Nunes
New Cut flowers Catalogue 2017/2018 is here!
Around Asia
a flower world to discover
By Felipe Gomez
e to r e k h IBE c i l C R
FloralNEWS No. 10
Fair Trade! Adding value to your employees & products! Fairtrade is the most well-known certification system for sustainable production in the world.
Innovation! Key for brazilian market By Olimar Nunes Until 2007, the gypsophila market in Brazil was decreasing. A no change, stuck-in-time period, with was the main reason.
Vietnam, Malasya an Selecta one. By Felipe Gomez
Selecta chrysanthemum program is reaching more and more markets. During October of last year, we had the opportunity to visit Malaysia and Vietnam, here what we encounter!
On The Cover: Selecta one employee and Competence in Red Ponsettia. For more info visit www.selecta-one.com
Hot & Trendy Cut flowers New catalogue 2017/2018
Selecta News
Selecta one cut flowers publish its 2017/2018 catalogue, take a look at our novelties for Carnations, Gerberas, Solidago and Gypsophila.
Selecta Cut Flowers S. A.U. Phone: +34 93 750 66 56 Cutflowers@selecta-one.com
FloralNews www.selecta-one.com
• 2016 Siflor • 2016 Agriflor • 2016 WFF&SA • 2017 IPM
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We love to grow, and we love to share. When a new year is starts it is often a time to reflect. In these days, when it seems that more and more commonalities get lost in our world, it is indeed important to remind ourselves of the great privilege we enjoy working with products that often are used as a symbol for friendship, love and caring for each other. At the same time, we have the pleasure to work with a diversity of people, stemming from many countries around the globe in order to be able to breed, produce and finally bring flowers to the homes around the world. We consider this a valuable good from which we mutually benefit. In this issue we are introducing our co-operation with Fair Trade, which is one vehicle allowing a new way of mutually benefiting from our endeavors. We love to grow, and we love to share. Together. Expressing our passion for what we do, and – just as important – for whom we work: for the success of growers, retailers and plant lovers / end-users around the world to help create a greener world.
Best regards,
Nils Klemm
New Faces in Cut Flowers We are proud to introduce Cindy Cruz and Jordi Farrerons as new members to our Selecta one team! Thank you for choosing us; as the place where you can make a difference, learn, and grow. We’re glad that you’re here to contribute and share our success!
Cindy Cruz, is an Agronomist graduated from UDCA (University of Applied Sciences and environmental). She completed her professional internship at the Tropical Agronomic Research and Teaching Center (CATIE), Costa Rica. Her experience focuses on the commercial management of organic products in the floriculture sector. You can contact Cindy at c.cruz@selecta-one.com or at the mobile number +57 317 367 68 09
Jordi Farrerons, studied business administration and innovation management at Pompeu Fabra University. He started working in Selecta Cut Flowers on December 14th and I will support the administration department. Before joining Selecta Jordi worked for two years in the accounting department of Magneti Marelli Spain, an Italian multinational of the automotive sector. “I’m so glad to join the Selecta group and I’ll do my best to collaborate in its improvement.” You can contact him at j.farrerons@selecta-one.com www.selecta-one.com FloralNews
Fair Trade!
Adding value to your employees & products! Fairtrade is the most well-known certification system sustained production in the world. 80% of the German consumers are familiar with the fairtrade seal of approval. The market share of fairtrade roses in Germany is already 25%. The consumers’ demand for sustainably produced products is growing steadily - also when buying Poinsettia. It is definitely a growing practice, in today´s world. In addition to social standards, the fair trade system also qualifies farms with a controlled water management, reduced pesticide use and use of at least 20% peat substitutes.
What is Fair Trade? It is a social movement whose stated goal is to help producers in developing countries achieve better trading conditions and to promote sustainability. Members of the movement advocate the payment of higher prices to exporters, as well as improved social and environmental standards.
FloralNews www.selecta-one.com
International Fairtrade Standards The Fairtrade Standards are designed to tackle poverty and empower producers in the poorest countries in the world. The standards apply to both producers and traders. • No exploitative child labour • Paying a Fairtrade premium of 10% of the price paid by the importer to be used in a joint project • Regulated working hours and fixed social benefits for workers • Measures of health protection and work safety: limited use of agrochemicals and complete ban of highly toxic pesticides. • Support of environmental protection with sustainable economic frameworks
Selecta sets an example...
Fairtrade and Fair First!
For us at Selecta the people count. With the foundation of our Southern production sites in Kenya and Uganda we also took over a high social responsibility for the working staff in these countries. This also comprises the continuous improvement of the working and living conditions not only on the farms but also in their daily life. Of course Selecta is treating all people working on their farms according to applicable employment law and secures fair wages or salaries that are adapted to the inflation rate. The large number of programmes and activities offered to the staff shows the company’s responsibility: • free meals • farm clinics with qualified staff • baby care for women nursing their babies • free counseling about different topics like AIDS and health hygiene • personal loans to purchase for example a bicycle • donations in kind
Per Klemm, CEO of Selecta one, talks about our passion and how we love to grow®!
Take a look at our video!
“However, our ambition to produce responsibly is higher than delivering an economic and high-quality cutting to our customers. We also want to contribute to make development possible for our local employees as well as for our direct surroundings.” Per Klemm, CEO of Selecta one
Fairtrade Poinsettia... just a start Since 2016 we have also offered Fairtrade Poinsettia cuttings for our customers. Our poinsettia farm in Uganda received the internationally accepted certifications MPSA, MPS-GAP and MPS-SQ for horticultural products produced in a sustainable and socially responsible manner hence meets the requirements of Fairtrade and has been officially audited for this in spring 2016. All Poinsettia in the Selecta assortment are available as Fairtrade young plants. The farm employees benefit immediately and directly from the higher price. A joint project, on which the employees decide by their own, is going to be benefitted with 1 €cent from each cutting sold.
When you love to grow.... you give back ...it is good that the money generated by the FairTrade sales will go to the workers and they can fully decide where else they would like this money to be spent for other social projects... Of course we want to make profit, but we can only justify this by also making sure that Uganda and our employees also benefit from the success of Wagagai as well. Olav Boenders, CEO of Wagagai Ltd.
Wagagai Ltd... a sucessful example! Selecta one is producing Poinsettia and a proportion of the bedding and balcony plant assortment in Uganda at Wagagai Ltd at the shores of Lake Victoria. The joint venture between Selecta one and Wagagai started in 2006 with a trial at 500m² greenhouse space. Today, we have almost 20 hectares of greenhouses at Wagagai producing 180 million cuttings annually. Wagagai has lots of social programs running, like the Wagagai Health Center for local people which is wellknown in the area for its quality of service. Since it started it has now developed the Health Centre to the highest level: • • •
Anually treats approximately 40.000 people. Has nearly 50 full time staff working at the health centre Opens 24 hours on 7 days a week.
Now all our workers, their family and the local community around have access to very good healthcare at highly subsidised and affordable rates. As we have been partnering up also with the DEG on this we have been able to expand it also to the local community. At the clinic we also have a theatre for minor surgery where we mainly do caesareans. We also employ four midwifes and approximately 400 babies are born at our health centre every year.
For more info visit www.selecta-one.com or contact marketing@selecta-one.com
FloralNews www.selecta-one.com
Wagagai Ltd. in figures and pictures 275 HIV patients
The health centre offers free-of-
are cared for on-site
charge HIV counselling
Wagagai has an
in-house health centre
Every year over
40,000 patients
with professional staff
are treated in the health centre
50 medical employees
Malaria prophylaxis programmes
Running the health centre costs
are offered to everybody
per year without subsidies
work in the health centre
150,000 € 20,000 € are invested for
training and education
The baby
care costs 15,000-25,000 €
of the farm workers
per year
400 babies are born in the health centre every year Every employee gets free meals
The baby care centre looks after
60 babies Every week
40 babies get vaccinated
of the employees.
35,000 € annually are spend for the farm committee and social events
Nanyange Prosy „My name is Nanyange Prosy and I work as a harvester in the Selecta project. Before joining Selecta I was struggling with my life in my villages. My uncle told me about the farm and I came to the gate to apply for a job. Though trainings I have learned a lot about hygiene. We were also trained about work safety and first aid. My baby stays in the baby day care for free. And I get breakfast and lunch for free. One day when I was very sick the ambulance of the company picked me up from home and brought me to the farm clinic.” www.selecta-one.com
Innovation! Key factor for the Brazilian market
By: Olimar Nunes do Amaral
The importance of constant innovation and standard protocols… Until 2007, the gypsophila market in Brazil had been decreasing. A no change, stuck-in-time period, was the main reason. With only one variety and no awareness in growers about the importance on producing high quality products under standard procedures and strict protocols; and a common thought, of post harvest as an activity of little importance, made the perfect storm for an industry selling just over 300,000 plants per year. Around this same period of time Bio Plugs introduce to the market, Allegro, a new variety that in a short time was selling 800,000 plants a year. This new variety wasn’t the only key factor, the introduction and implementation of new practices, protocols, crop orientation techniques, management alignments and post harvest handling procedures, lead to the innovation of the market and the way crops were done, exposing the market to have today a potential of more than 1 million plants, for domestic use. Making, innovating techniques and standardized post harvest protocols, a key concept for the floral arrangement consumer with an annual growth of 15%
You can reach Olimar Nunes at gerencia@bioplugs.com.br or visit www.bioplugs.com.br
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‘Mudas técnicamente producidas’ Technically produced seedlings
Bio Plugs is a company specialized in vegetative propagation; with high technology nurseries facilities, constantly monitor with strict standards to guarantee the quality of our products fulfill our customer satisfaction. With technology and quality as key elements of our service we support our customers though out the whole chain, technically and commercially. We have representatives throughout the country, attentive always to uprising market trends working constantly hand I hand with the association of professional florist This 2017, we are celebrating 10 years of solid work, but besides our anniversary we have one more reason to be celebrating, since October 2016 we have sign a new partnership with Selecta one for the distribution and commercialization of the of Selecta bred long lasting Gypsophila Pearls® series (Pearls® Blossom, Pearls® Petite and Pearls® Gingaway) for the Brazilian market. For a start we will introduce Pearls® Blossom, a large brilliant white flower variety with a terrific vase life and display value, making it an excellent choice for floral arrangements; to our customers. Bringing confidence, support and with solid new products to the market.
Olimar, Jordi Caballeria and Oscar Cuartas from Selecta one at Bogota during an official visit.
About Bio Plugs! Our new agent in Brazil! Olimar from Bio Plugs and Jordi Caballeria from Selecta one
Pearls® Blossom Production at Bio Plugs
Interested in expanding the sales and marketing efforts of our added value Gypsophila Pearls® series, we have reached an agreement with Bio Plugs, in Brazil to distribute our cut flower varieties. Bio Plugs is a company dedicated to the production and marketing of flower seedlings. It began its activities, officially in 2007, specializing in the propagation and commercialization of its main product Gypsophila. Despite being a young company, it has had great results, bringing and offering innovate products to the country and market, looking for the best genetics and capability to adapt well to changing climatic conditions. It has a big portfolio, for cut flowers, pots and gardens material, always aiming to fulfill the wide range of needs our customers have.
¨We are delighted with this new variety and confident that Selecta products will provide us great innovation in the Brazilian market¨ Olimar Nunes do Amaral
Pearls® is Gypsophila redefined! Pearls® series features the newest generation of Gypsophila on the market. We are presenting varieties with more advantages and different habits to choose from. With outstanding performance from the field to the store, these long-lasting varieties are the perfect choice for bouquet or for any floral arrangement. All Pearls® varieties are specially selected for their superior quality and longevity. ® Pearls Blossom
Malasya, Vietnam
Selecta chrysanthemum program is reaching more and more markets. During October of last year, we had the opportunity to visit Malaysia and Vietnam. At our first visited country ¨Malasya¨ we arrived to Kualaumpur airport and drove during one hour and a half through the extraordinary landscape of Palm oil crop. After a hour and a half through a very small road, slowly, we were climbing the mountains of Malaysia. Surrounded by tropical vegetation full of big trees and plants it took us and other hour and a half to reach our destination, Cameron Highland. Cameron Highland, Malaysia is the place where Chrysanthemums are being grown among other horticulture products. Due to the altitude from the sea level (1200-1500) and optimal climate conditions for horticulture. We visited Notre Dame, Sunligh Flowers, Daido Hana – Taithong Flower Nursery – Universal Farm, Mou Guan Farm among others chrysanthemum growers, all producing high quality flowers to export to Japan, Thailand, China, Australia and New Zeland.
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The reception of our chrysanthemum program due to the speed cycle, low needs in artificial light, flower size and color of our varieties were very well received. Costumer’s order trials to be tested at the begging of this year. Looking to reach their customers’ requirements, our client’s were looking for small to medium size flower shape varieties. Selecta varieties, can help growers in Malaysia improve their productivity due to a short cycle, heavy stems quality and long vase life adding value to their operations. The most relevant varieties chosen by our costumers are: Asuka, Yamato, pink cushion (13-0054), red cushion (13-0340), bronze cushion (120620), white cushion (13-0311), and pink daisy (130224), purple and white daisy (13-0205).
13-0054 13-0205
The Journey continues… As if Malaysia wasn’t enough of a delight, we continued with the second part of our trip, Vietnam and from Kualumpur, flying to Ho Chi Minh (Saigon) in Vietnam. From Ho Chi Minh we took an internal flight to Dalat beautiful area with horticulture production from 1500 – 1000 meters from sea level of altitude. Dalta Has Farm, one of the biggest player in the floral business in Asia walked us through their impressive operation of chrysanthemums giving us the opportunity to present the Selecta chrysanthemum program, ideal for their program due to the characteristics of its genetics. We also visited, The PAN-Saladbowl and Greencom Japan who in Join venture, are ready to start a chrysanthemum program seeing opportunities in the Japanese market with Selecta varieties among other types of flowers like carnation (already growing). With eyes on opportunities the Chinese market has to offer, Langbiang Farm Co, is also going to try Selecta varieties. Solving needs with value added varieties and building in trust with our knowledge and genetics, Selecta cut flowers is reaching new markets and having positive results of our chrysanthemum program around the world step by step. Felipe Gomez is Product Manager at Selecta one Cut Flowers business. You can reach him at f.gomez@selecta-one.com www.selecta-one.com
NEW PRODUCTS By: Daniela Navarro
It’s been already 2 years since our last catalogue was published!
The new 2017/2018 Selecta one Cut flowers catalogues are available! It’s always a challenging project to work on a new assortment and catalogue! Selecta cut flowers releases its catalogue every 2 years. This new issue provides an updated overview of the nearly 260 product assortment for 2017/2018 for our different cut flowers product lines, Carnation, Gerbera, Gypsophila and Solidago.
Understanding the importance, responsibility and meeting the needs of today´s consumer, we bring to you upgraded varieties selected from the best through several years of comprehensive tests improving our genetics and always moving forward to more efficient and productive varieties. With a wide range of colors and production options Selecta one brings you promising new varieties and innovations that will upgrade your program.
“Bringing a new variety or a new product to market takes time and effort. And it is a great responsibility for breeder and producer alike.” Nils Klemm, CEO of Selecta one
You can find a PDF version here Carnations Gerbera Solidago & Gypsophila
If you have not yet received a paper copy, but would like one or more copies, send an e-mail to cutflowers@selecta-one.com or contact your sales representative.
FloralNews www.selecta-one.com
Take a look!
We are continuously working on new varieties that will increase your company’s bottom line, here some of our new highlights.
New Castl e
As Villa ton
... We love to grow with you!
Includes, to its assortment nine varieties of Dianthus, fast to produce and early to flower, in different colors with a perfect round shape. These voluminous flowers are excellent for mixed bouquets, modern flower arrangements or even as a standalone.
ds Lee
Barbatus: Fully ROUND, Fully GREEN! Easy. Fast. Modern. A growing success
IDEAL PINK TONE! Soft · Delicate · Light
Mini Bacarat
White Bunny
Bubble Gum
LOLLIPOP COLLECTION! long-lasting spray carnation which will add more excitement to your program.
Violet, Red & Pink LOLLIPOPS
FloralNews www.selecta-one.com
We Love a... BRIGHT & COLORFULL Gerbera world! MINI, STANDARD & SPIDER Liliana
Fuwa Fuwa
Petiful Blanc
Cotti Cream
Conan www.selecta-one.com
Selecta Around the World
Siflor 2016 Medellín Colombia Selecta one introduces Union and Yamato at Siflor 2016 At Siflor 2016, symposium and commercial trade show organized by Asocolflores, it was the ideal place to introduce Union and Yamato, our new spray chrysanthemums, already commercially available. We enjoyed each visit and of course all the great comments on our new rising stars! Union and Yamato! Selecta one has been working on a chrysanthemum breeding program for several years now. After many evaluations of cycles, productivity, vase life and lighting they have come to the conclusion that taking the time to introduce the programme at a commercial level was accurate. At the moment they are trialling the second generation with positive results in Colombia, Japan, Kenya and South Africa.
Agriflor Quito, Ecuador During this three-day event, that lasted until October 7 and took place at a new location, “Centro de Exposiciones Quito”, located right in the center of the capital, in Quito. With lots of visits we were able to make new relationships and respond to the interest that was placed in our genetics improved Pearls® Long lasting gypsophila and our white filler Estelle™ solidago, a novelty on it's own, ideal for this land and altitude!
See you next time!
FloralNews www.selecta-one.com
Union, red and yellow bicolor chrysanthemum is suitable for the fall season, with good quality and a large number of blooms. Yamato is a spray medium sized flower bicolor chrysanthemum. Its yellow and red petals create contrast with its green center. It has a fast cycle and lots of blooms.
Visit our Facebook gallery HERE,
for more pictures!
With more than 780 visitors, the Floral Distribution Conference, organized by the Wholesale Florist & Florist Supplier Association took place in Miami, October 21-23. The three-day event offered different conferences and the opportunity to display ornamental products of nearly 100 exhibitors, mainly from Colombia, Ecuador and California. This year, the event was held at a new location; the Miami Airport Convention Center (MACC), but the location wasn’t the only novelty, as a new catch they had the Breeders Showcase, a especial area for breeders to show their products and offered the attendees the opportunity to view the latest varieties. We had the opportunity to show our well-known carnations, bright and colorful gerberas, long lasting gypsophila Pearls® series and our innovative Estelle® white Solidago! But definitely the stars of the event were our Barbatus, Lady Ingreen, and our new commercial bicolor chrysanthemum Union, which stole all of the looks from our visitors. Definitely some uprising stars the market better keep and eye on! It was a great opportunity, to network and get to see costumers, wholesalers and new trends!
IPM 2017 Essen, Germany Take a look at our IPM 2017 exhibition! For the fisrt time we had the oportunity to show our cut flower assortment! Stars of the event; our long lasting gypsophila Pearls® series, Ginga-Way and Petite whole stole all of the looks from visitors, costumers and buyers!
FloralNews www.selecta-one.com